
snailmōrena koutou19:38
ibeardsleehmm, must remember to remove the phone from the USB before rebooting20:10
snailyour phone is a book disk?20:12
ibeardsleesnail: no it's not a boot disk .. but it must have been seeing something that was halting the boot process20:24
snaili hope this wasn't a remote boot?20:24
ibeardsleenah local disk boot20:24
ibeardsleeone of the guys here had some interesting problems after upgrading with his phone charging on USB20:25
ajmitchibeardslee: I frequently had problems if I left my external hard drive plugged in20:28
ajmitchseems that the device numbering is indeterminate, so I'd get grub trying to load a kernel off an ntfs filesystem20:29
ibeardsleethat's what the uuid rather the sda1 numbering was supposed to fix right?20:32
snailibeardslee: that was the theory20:32
ajmitchibeardslee: right, I was using grub 1.x still20:33
ajmitchso it had root=(hd1,0), and that sort of thing still in the grub configuration20:34
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
chiltsmorning :)21:56
kcjStupid daylight saving. I'm hungry for lunch now.22:44
ibeardsleedamn it .. I was doing well until then!22:44
kcjI wish we didn't have daylight savings.22:46
kcjIt doesn't save anything.22:46
kcjIt's more trouble than it's worth.22:47
snailinteresting to see this in the mass press http://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/6677304/Why-have-just-one-operating-system23:12
mwhudsonooh, i can use my laptop display and an external monitor in precise!23:48
ibeardsleeyou couldn't get it to happen with the earlier versions?23:49
mwhudsonnot sensibly23:53
mwhudsoni may not have tried with oneiric23:53

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