
ubottudlentz called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:31
oldspicehey when will i be unbanned its been like a month i need #ubuntu very bad04:53
bazhangoldspice, it's not been that long04:54
elkyoldspice, askubuntu.com04:54
elkyYou're welcome.04:54
oldspicei must have #ubuntu i have got 0 done since i been banned04:55
oldspicewhen will i get there04:55
elkyPerhaps when you're willing to accept the consequences of your actions.04:56
oldspicewell you see ive done nothing wrong but talk tech for shure why cant you see that?04:57
elkySee, that's not accepting the consequences.05:02
oldspice#ubuntu is the best channel on irc and i did nothing to be banned from #ubuntu for shure u need to give me an explination and i will talk to the courts about this05:02
elkyOddly, had you accepted from the start, rather than blaming the bogeyman, you'd have been let back in well before now.05:02
oldspicei take my irc serious ly05:03
oldspiceaccepted what exactly05:03
oldspicei should be #ubuntu op above all of you i can see that now for shure05:05
bazhangoldspice, your ban in #ubuntu will not be removed at this time05:05
oldspicewhen will it be05:05
bazhangoldspice, there's no fixed time period for that05:06
oldspiceim worthless until then and i assure you i will not stop till u see i was cheated u have no idea the extreme i will go to to prove my bieng cheated05:07
oldspiceu wont get away with this05:07
bazhangoldspice, well, first step would not to blame others, or talk about going to the courts, but to accept that you were banned for specific reasons05:07
oldspiceu wont even tell me why05:08
elkyYou know why, orionofneptune.05:08
bazhangoldspice, let me check the logs. this is orion, correct?05:08
oldspiceno its not me and dont make me explian why unless you involved in this mess05:09
bazhangoldspice, what was your previous nickname or nicknames05:09
oldspicethats all i can think of but thier are more05:10
bazhangoldspice, if you wont enter into a serious discussion here, you cannot be trusted to act seriously in #ubuntu05:10
oldspicethis is serious i will take you all to the courthouse over this seemingly trivial issue05:11
oldspice\its my id05:11
oldspicei am victum05:12
oldspiceand u will see that05:12
bazhangso it's orion05:12
oldspicenomatter how long it takes05:12
oldspicei am not that person05:12
bazhangoldspice, ok, well that person is how you got banned.05:13
oldspicei know and they use this ip05:13
elkyamazing how many people use the same internet connection who don't know each other, but talk and act exactly the same, and make exactly the same kinds of threats.05:13
oldspiceohh so you think a id thief cant mimic you deminer huh05:14
elkybazhang, yep, definitely orion.05:14
bazhangelky, thought so. also "wasteoftime"05:15
oldspicekeep it up u will be in court with the others im in court with now05:15
oldspiceover id theft05:15
bazhangoldspice, orion, wasteoftime, there's nothing further to discuss here05:15
oldspiceoh yes thier is05:15
elkyoldspice, so, you're the one who stole orion's id? Well feel free to tell the court that. I'll get the popcorn.05:16
oldspiceu will hear from me everyday for the rest of your life till i die or u see ive been cheated i will assure u05:16
oldspiceno food allowed in court son05:17
bazhangoldspice, until that day, please use askubuntu.com05:17
oldspiceu asked for it remember that05:17
elkyWell, I'll make sure to bring these logs of you threatening us to the hearing.05:18
oldspiceso will i05:18
oldspiceu are playing a grown up game now05:18
elkyYep, i'm a widdle kiddy. I have no mens rea and hence cannot be convicted.05:18
oldspicejustice will be served05:19
bazhangoldspice, please exit the channel now05:19
oldspiceno way u need to learn how to be op for shure05:20
elkyI especially like the bit where he threatens to harass us in a logged channel where freenode staff can see to add to his dossier.05:21
bazhangnot particularly well thought out05:24
bazhang@mark #ubuntu ubuxubu giving nonsense advice05:44
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:44
bazhangnow he's claiming in PM that Dell support told him that05:54
bazhangoh lovely, this is balsaq . some history in the BT, I see05:56
hiexpohola ikonia you up ?08:01
bodipangolin, why did you ban me for telling a newb to use google and than give him the link to a ubuntu support thread > that was not fair08:14
bodiping ikonia & pangolin08:26
hiexpoping ikonia & pangolin08:33
hiexpook I have try'd to resolve this and cannot get support > I was banned yet again for telling one to google but than gave hime a link to ubuntu thread is that so wrong ?08:39
hiexpoI sell 2 or 3 laptops a month with ubuntu that I installed on it > if I can not get support I am forced to use mint08:40
Myrttiif #ubuntu has been your only source of support, you're in deep waters08:41
MyrttiI'll have a look at the situation, brb08:42
hiexpoMyrtti, thanks it was cause i told a newb to google it08:42
Myrttilooking at the bantracker doesn't make me happy enough to remove the ban08:48
hiexpoMyrtti, so what did i do that was not right?08:48
hiexpoMyrtti, so what is the issue > I don't understand other than idleone saying i should know better than telling people to google it08:52
hiexpook never mind  will use another distro08:54
Myrttiok, take care and good luck08:55
Myrttiif you don't have patience enough to wait for me to find the most suitable and fitting ways to express the problem in a way that is understandable, then I can't really help you. If you see no problem in telling people to google it, then I can't help you either.08:56
Myrttiif someone else feels more inclined to have a look at this issue, feel free.08:57
hiexpoMyrtti, i tell them to google it because it has already been resolved09:03
hiexpoand point them tothe thread09:03
hiexpoand the thread is always a ubuntu one09:06
Tm_Thiexpo: people don't come to our support channels to be told "google it", but get help09:06
Tm_T"figure it out yourself" (telling to google it is that) isn't help09:07
hiexpoTm_T, i agree thats why i point the thread link09:07
hiexpogoogle alone is not help09:08
Tm_Tthen why you insist with telling people to google? no, this is not debatable, it's not what you do in our channels09:08
Tm_Tand if you don't accept it, there's no point continue the conversation09:08
Myrtti"have you noticed that the problem seems to have been solved in this thread? I found it in google"09:09
elkyhiexpo, askubuntu.com is available to you still09:10
hiexpoTm_T, i accept that telling people to google is wrong09:10
elkydo you understand why it's wrong, hiexpo?09:11
hiexpoyes cause it is still looking not answering the problem09:12
elkyWould you agree that it's also rude?09:12
hiexpogoogle is just a search engine09:12
hiexpook yes09:12
hiexpook I will never reference to google again09:14
Tm_Tthat's not what we ask, though09:14
hiexpobut is it ok forme to ref to ubuntu threads09:14
hiexpowell i agree to send a person to google that is telling them go some where else09:16
hiexposo now i better understand > andi amsorry never meant it that way > just meant it in a way as look09:17
hiexpobut now i know many are blind09:18
hiexpoand can'tlook09:19
elkyI don't even...09:20
hiexpoi see read the guide09:20
hiexpoi don't mind following the rules > sorry09:21
hiexpoelky, what youmean ?09:23
elky"many are blind and can't look"09:26
elkya. they can "look" with screenreaders. b. not everyone is good at googling, that's why "just google it" is rude.09:27
hiexpo ok anyways I  am sorry for acting inappropriate andtelling people togoogle09:31
hiexpospacebarbites here09:31
hiexpo:(   :)09:31
hiexpook so anyways > I see I am not gonna be allowed back in ubuntu so bye ubuntu  > hello Mint I guess10:02
hiexpoi understand that but answer me if no > means no thats fine10:16
LjLMyrtti: err, philinux gave useful information and links as far as i can see, he just said to google a relevant thing when he was out of information to give...?10:45
Myrttigreat, then you both can have cookies10:45
LjLoh seriously10:46
LjLthe atmosphere here has gotten ridiculous10:46
Myrttilet me wade through my backlog10:47
Myrttiand you were right, thanks for pointing that out, did you enjoy your cookie, I have more?10:48
LjLsarcasm cookies are sour10:49
Myrttioops, must have put too much buttermilk in them then10:50
pangolinhiexpo, you got banned for calling the person you told to google it a dorknob, this was after you were asking them cryptic questions about what graphics card they have, when you could tell they didn't know how to provide that information you didn't give them the command, you instead asked them to read your question and ask them who made the card.11:07
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (zarex appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)11:07
pangolinso. NO you will not be unbanned and good luck with Mint.11:07
pangolinNow please leave this channel.11:07
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pangolinhiexpo, anything else I can clarify for you?11:19
hiexpolook pangolin i was not trying to be rude11:20
hiexpoi was trying to point him in the right direction11:20
pangolinyou may not have been trying to be rude but you were rude, unhelpful, and generally acting like an ass. This behaviour has been going on and off since 2010. We have had enough.11:20
pangolintake a six month break. see you then11:21
pangolinYou know about the no idle policy we have for this channel. Please part now.11:23
hiexpowhy are you so hard on me all i try todo is help in that channel and I know what I am doing > and I apologize > I will no longer suggest google11:24
hiexpoand I apoligize to youfir being an ass11:25
pangolinhiexpo, I am hard on you because I know how good you are at helping and I also know how much you are able to help in #ubuntu. it upsets me to see you act like a jerk towards new users. You know the guidelines well and you know better than to not follow them.11:25
pangolinNow you are banned for 6 months.11:26
pangolinbtw every time we catch you ban evading I will add 2 months.11:26
pangolinso I really think you just need to take a break and go help out some other project in the mean time11:27
hiexpo> ok so give me 1 more break if I screw up ban me for 2 years11:27
pangolinno. we tried that already.11:27
pangolinmy decision is final. I am not changing my mind now.11:27
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.11:27
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LjL@mark #ubuntu berni Spams a site he wants people to "vote" on16:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:18
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uncle111_dear respected ikonia sir ... i was just telling my problem there and sorry for my poor english ! i ll try to improve that . please allow me !19:10
ikoniauncle111_: hi19:10
uncle111_yeah .. hiii :)19:10
ikoniauncle111_: #ubuntu does not support backtrack linux, that is why #backtrack-linux is a support channel19:10
uncle111_okay ! and m trying to add user ! :-|19:11
ikoniauncle111_: backtrack-linux expects a certain level of linux experience, it's an advanced linux users tool19:11
ikoniauncle111_: if you can't do basics like add a linux user, so you can get access to the backtrack-linux support channel, then backtrack-linux is probably too advanced for you19:11
ikoniauncle111_: that said #ubuntu does still not support backtrack-linux, so I suggest you either a.) go and learn about backtrack-linux or b.) choose another distro19:12
uncle111_yeah .. i shd believe that .. but i want to learn things .. i dont know where to start ..19:12
uncle111_i have been a minig engg student for 4 years19:12
ikoniauncle111_: then backtrack-linux is too advanced for you19:12
uncle111_finally i left mining .. it screws me !19:12
ikoniauncle111_: ok, well now that you've had that explained to you I wish you good luck,19:13
uncle111_i can spend time in front of comp .. but cant do mining !19:13
ikoniagoob bye19:13
uncle111_thanks !19:13
uncle111_and m not into this by force  .. it a prolonged choice ...! that resisted mining for continuously for 4 years .. :P19:14
ikoniauncle111_: we are not a chat channel or a support channel.19:15
ikoniaI've explained what #ubuntu is for and that it is not for backtrack linux help, so please leave this channel now, and good luck with backtrack19:15
uncle111_okay thanks for everything on mah first day on irc !19:15
ikoniano problem19:16
uncle111_backtrack gnome is built on ubuntu .. what does it mean ? if my ques is genuine .. i expect an answer !19:16
ikoniaI've just told you, you will not get an answer19:16
mcloyikonia,  doesnot deserves to be an op19:46
ikoniamcloy: you've been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops and banned from the channels you where cross-posting in19:46
ikoniamcloy: did I or did I not warn you approx 5 minutes ago not to cross-post and explain what cross-posting was ?19:46
mcloyi was done with  you. and i can move to another channel19:47
mcloyand crossposting is not disallowed by freenode19:47
ikoniamcloy: did I or did I not ask you not to cross-post and explain what cross-posting was ?19:47
ikoniamcloy: it is by ubuntu19:47
mcloyand crossposting is not disallowed by freenode19:47
ikoniaas I explained to you19:47
ikoniayes, but you are using Ubuntu's channels and it is the ubuntu rules19:47
mcloyi didnt corssposted in ubuntu channel19:47
ikoniamcloy: really, so you didn't post #ubuntu #ubuntu-server and #kubuntu ?19:48
mcloyi dont have to talk to you.19:48
ikoniamcloy: you do if you wish to get your ban removed and resolved19:48
mcloyban me there too19:48
ikoniayou are banned19:48
mcloythats the max power you have19:48
ikoniamcloy but I dont' want it to stay that way19:48
ikoniamcloy: do you wish to resolve this yes/no ?19:48
ikoniaok, then please leave the channel19:48
mcloyill stay in trouble for the next week19:48
mcloyill be more happy19:49
ikoniait won't just "go away" after a week19:49
mcloyban me. iam not leaving19:49
ikoniait will stay until you decide to resolve the ban with us19:49
mcloya month19:49
mcloya year19:49

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