
=== gridcube_ is now known as GridCube
ScottKFYI, all the KDE telepathy/ktp demotions in component mismatches are legit.00:51
infinityScottK: Really?  You're dropping all things tp-qt4?01:10
infinityScottK: Ahh, kopete/kde-tp flip-flopping, I see.  Kay.01:34
ScottKinfinity: Yes.  We concluded to stay with the legacy program (Kopete) for one more cycle.01:34
infinityYeah, had to check the seeds for the rationale. ;)01:34
ScottKIt was worth a shot, but it's not mature enough yet.01:34
* infinity nods.01:34
infinityI still use pidgin on GTK desktops, so I can relate.01:34
infinity(Though empathy is certainly a lot less crap than it used to be... Some day, they'll win me over)01:35
infinityAnyhow, I'll poke those demotions in a bit, thanks for the heads-up.01:35
infinitycjwatson: Do you know off-hand why buildlive in production calls "ssh -t" instead of the "ssh -n" found in bzr?04:12
infinitycjwatson: Given that "ssh -t" to any of the livefs builders spews "PTY allocation request failed on channel 0", I'm not entirely sure it's doing any good. :P04:13
infinitycjwatson: (Production's been carrying that diff for ages, not sure if you're the one responsible, but I only just now checked to see what it did or didn't do)04:14
slangasekinfinity: that was me, I was attempting to get remote job control for killing runaway live builds04:27
slangasek(it didn't work)04:27
infinityFine with it being reverted, then?04:27
slangasekI imagine so04:27
infinityI just happen to need to touch that line, so I wanted to get production and bzr to agree first. :P04:28
infinityI'm so tempted to just reject that without even reviewing it.06:53
micahginfinity: did you check the date (unless you're on the west coast)06:54
infinityOh, fair point.06:54
micahginfinity: he is on the west coast, so maybe reject for being too early :)06:56
knomebtw, for information to the release team as well: http://open.knome.fi/2012/04/01/xubuntu-rebasing-on-debian/07:20
infinityAnd it already has serious comments.07:24
* infinity shakes his head.07:24
=== Pici is now known as ZarroBoogs
coolbhavihi release team I wanted your comments on  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-extensions/+bug/970525 which seemed fine to me since its an update containing only translations from the previous version of the package in ubuntu14:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 970525 in epiphany-extensions "Sync epiphany-extensions 3.4.0-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New]14:33
coolbhavijbicha, hi I was taking a look at your sync request :-)14:34
jbichacoolbhavi: hi14:34
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=== jbicha is now known as Guest20909
=== Guest20909 is now known as jbicha_
phillwinfinity: lol @ http://open.knome.fi/2012/04/01/xubuntu-rebasing-on-debian/18:02

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