
tumbleweedybrjkfc: how can I help?06:15
kbmonkeymornin tumbleweed 06:34
Kilosmorning kbmonkey and all others07:57
Kerberohappy 1 april Symmetria 09:03
kbmonkeyhello o/13:54
bakuman\\o hello13:55
dLimitDamn wirelees14:25
kbmonkeykeeps dropping you dLimit?14:29
kbmonkeysame issue here :p14:30
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
ybrjkfc<tumbleweed>Hello! Russian users of ubuntu, I'd like to ask a few questions for ubuntu developers. You can help with this?15:21
Banlamhi ybrjkfc, this is a south african ubuntu group15:25
* Banlam is not paying attention15:26
ybrjkfc<Banlam> ok :)15:26
Kiloshiya superfly and others16:20
Kilosyo Kerbero[afk]  whats the afk about16:21
bakumanSy Internetz is brokened16:23
Kilosai dankie bakuman 16:24
ybrjkfcHere are the members ubuntu LUG ?16:28
bakumanybrjkfc, sjoe, strange naam, en ek weet nie wat jy se nie O_O16:29
Kilosmost of them i think ybrjkfc others on #glug-za 0r .za16:30
Kiloshy is in russland bakuman 16:30
bakumanahh ok16:30
Kiloswow ybrjkfc its nearly midnight there16:31
ybrjkfc<bakuman> Ek het die deelnemers gevra of daar Ubuntu Linux groepe .understand?16:31
bakumanah ok, thanks16:31
KilosMaaz, time in Novosibirsk russia16:31
MaazKilos: It is 2012-04-01 23:31:51 NOVT16:31
Kiloswow ybrjkfc you learned afrikaans in one day16:32
bakumanlol +1 for google translate16:33
ybrjkfc<Kilos>   #glug-za no active users16:33
Kilosits #glug.za i see16:34
Kilosthere are other lug's in sa as well16:34
ybrjkfc<bakuman>google translate - the best option for exotic languages16:35
Kiloshi nlsthzn meet ybrjkfc in russia16:35
ybrjkfc<Kilos>I understand you badly. Try to write another16:36
Kilosybrjkfc, there are other linux user groups in south africa as well16:37
Kilosbakuman, whats the one in the cape?16:38
Kilosnope we will have to wait for someone to enlighten us16:40
bakumanno idea16:41
ybrjkfcI understand. You can tell them the address? #clug-za - 0 user 16:43
KilosMaaz, google linux user groups in south africa16:43
MaazKilos: "Cape Town Linux User Group - CLUG Wiki" http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/Main_Page :: "Linux.org.za | Linux is everywhere, even South Africa" http://www.linux.org.za/ :: "Pretoria Linux Users Group" http://pretlug.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/preformat.cgi?home.html :: "Where to find support for Linux in South Africa : Tectonic - The ..." http://tectonic.co.za/?p=4416 :: "South African User Groups - All Items" http://www.letscollaborate.co.z16:43
Kiloshi psydroid did you have a good weekend16:49
psydroidhi Kilos, I had a good one, yes16:50
psydroidKilos, how was yours?16:50
Kilosvery quiet but good ty16:50
ybrjkfcMaaz Thank you very much :) I will learn it is very difficult to find information16:52
Maazybrjkfc: One learns a new thing every day16:52
KilosMaaz, is our ibid bot ybrjkfc 16:53
MaazKilos: Sorry...16:53
ybrjkfc<Kilos>  I understand that he - not a man :)16:53
psydroidybrjkfc is a clever bot16:53
psydroidMaaz is a clever bot16:54
ybrjkfcI understand16:54
ybrjkfcI have seen much of this information.I thought that at home ubuntu is much more popular.16:55
psydroidI wonder if humans would be able to develop feelings for bots, now that would be awesome16:55
ybrjkfcin Russia ubuntu is used by hundreds of thousands of people16:55
Kilosnot very intimate feelings psydroid 16:55
psydroidI talked to cleverbot before, it has an answer to every input16:55
psydroidI could really see this develop into something more extreme16:56
ybrjkfc<psydroid> At the Institute I take artificial intelligence, I'm used to talking with robots :)16:57
KilosMaaz, i love you16:57
MaazKilos Don't embarrass youself. You aren't a cyber chick16:57
Kiloshe only likes cyber chicks looks like16:57
ybrjkfcand in South Africa is very slow and expensive Internet?16:57
Kilosnot everywhere16:58
Kilosnlsthzn, wb16:58
nlsthznthanks uncle Kilos 16:58
psydroidybrjkfc, cool :)17:01
psydroidhi nlsthzn17:01
ybrjkfc<Kilos>you can tell your internet speed and value in $?17:02
nlsthznpsydroid, alo :)17:02
ybrjkfcmy internet 25 megabits worth $ 1917:03
Kilosspeed with a 3g usb modem max at 350kB/s but normally around 50 - 100kB/s17:03
Kilosforget the costs17:04
Kilos500meg for about $2617:05
Kilosother adsl connections are cheaper17:05
Kilosyo magespawn 17:06
magespawnhowdy Kilos17:07
magespawnEvening all17:07
ybrjkfc<Kilos> 500 megabits is the external network or across the country? I am using 3G, 3 for $ 64 kilobits17:11
Kilos500m is the amount of mobile broadband data you get for that price17:11
Kilos500 megabytes for around $2617:12
Kilosmaybe $21 i forget17:13
ybrjkfc<Kilos> For locals, it's expensive?17:13
Kilosbigger data bundles work out cheaper per meg17:14
ybrjkfc<Kilos> In Russia these conditions are common. I live in a big city for the locals my internet - are not expensive.17:15
ybrjkfc<Kilos> you now how much time?17:18
superflynaandsĂȘ oom Kilos17:19
Kilosybrjkfc, ?17:21
Kilostime here?17:21
ybrjkfcKilos>  yes17:22
Kilos5 hours behind you17:23
Kilosyou good superfly 17:23
superflyja, net moeg17:23
Kilosrus vroeg dan anders dra jy dit saam hele week17:24
ybrjkfc<Kilos> Very good, I had the night :) And you can show your desktop?17:29
Kilosybrjkfc, ?17:29
ybrjkfc<Kilos> do not you understand?17:30
Kilosdo you want to see my desktop?17:31
Kiloslol its a mess17:31
ybrjkfc<Kilos> I also have a mess :) And a mess of tens of thousands of kilometers away from you, interesting :)17:33
Kiloslol i will try get it to image something17:33
Kilossorry superfly where do i post an image again please17:38
Kilosor anyone else17:38
ybrjkfc<Kilos> http://pix.academ.org/ a service that is at my ISP. I think it does not require translation to use17:40
ybrjkfc<Kilos> http://pix.academ.org/img/2012/04/02/a08154bf7b53668ae6a60b0876b56a94.png  my desktop17:42
Kiloslol i dont read russian17:45
Kilosouch windows blue17:46
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
Kilosyo Kerbero 17:49
ybrjkfc<Kilos> ubuntu 10.04 ?17:49
ybrjkfcI always thought that the opera is popular in Russia17:50
ybrjkfc<Kilos> Why such an old version?17:50
magespawnPeople here use it a bit, ships on a lot of phones.17:51
Kilosmy pc cant do unity, it needs ahardware upgrade first17:51
Kilosand i really like maverick. everything works17:51
Kerberothe meerkat is awesome17:52
Kerberohi kilos and yes my internet was broken @ afk17:52
ybrjkfc<Kilos> lubuntu can use?17:52
Kiloseish Kerbero is it fixed now17:52
Kilosybrjkfc, i have xubuntu 11.04 0n another drive and will try get lubuntu 12.0417:53
KerberoKilos: the university of stellenbosch's internet will always be fucked17:55
Kerberosorry for my language17:55
ybrjkfc<Kilos> I'm using ubuntu 10.04 on a laptop because of technical problems workmanship laptop17:55
Kiloseish thats not nice17:56
Kilos10.10 is better than 10.04 in my opinion apart from not being lts17:56
magespawnMy old laptop on 9.0417:56
ybrjkfc<Kilos> I agree17:58
Kilosi had probs with 9.04 and 9.10 such as sound in pidgin etc but 10.10 all good17:58
ybrjkfc<Kilos> have a problem with the screen resolution, on any version after 10.0418:00
Kilosdoes it complain while installing18:01
ybrjkfc<Kilos>  I go to bed before the meeting!18:08
Kilosybrjkfc, ?18:09
magespawnBbl later putting fish 2 to bed.18:10
Kiloslol ok magespawn 18:10
ybrjkfc<Kilos>I go sleep :)18:11
Kilosoh ok then ybrjkfc  sleep tight18:11
Kilosnight guys sleep tight18:20
magespawnKilos was off to bed early tonight.18:30
psydroidhi magespawn18:33
tumbleweedybrjkfc: sure, I'm a south african Ubuntu developer. There are one of two others, too.19:38
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]

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