
davidcalleChipaca, ping09:38
JOY062I want to learn English12:50
karniJOY062: You are in the right place!13:00
karniJOY062: And enjoy, you fooled me there for a second ;)13:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mwhudsonis there some way of seeing all the files in a large directory in the web interface?21:55
karnimwhudson: what do you mean by seeing all the files?21:56
karnimwhudson: once you view a directory, you should see all files in it listed in the web interafce21:57
mwhudsonah, i think i was looking in the wrong place21:57
karnimwhudson: ah okey then :)21:57
* karni disappears21:57

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