
khooverazend, mimcpher, you mean the -r flag in rdesktop wouldn't work?02:14
mimcpherkhoover: well, that's a specific, small set of devices02:16
mimcpherkhoover: vista/later allows arbitrary USB devices, and I mean rdesktop doesn't do that02:17
khoovermimcpher, you mean i couldn't forward an iPod using the comport option?02:23
mimcphercomport is for serial ports02:24
mimcpherwhich are not USB ports02:25
khoover...then what the hell is the serial in USB for?02:25
khooverrhetorical question02:25
mimcphercomport means RS232-type serial02:25
mimcpherUSB is serial :P02:25
mimcpherJust too serial.02:26
azendThe USB protocol is a bit intense :)03:24
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