
jasoncwarner_morning AU/NZ folks00:00
RAOFAha!  *That's* why nothing was showing up :)00:06
RAOFMornin' all.00:07
desrtgood "morning"00:24
=== mbiebl_ is now known as mbiebl
pikkachuhi, what do you do when you need to change a patch between package versions?02:53
pikkachuI just overwrote the patch in debian/patches, instead of adding a new patch so that quilt pop can be applied to revert the package to the same state as previous version02:54
pikkachuI also felt the need to change the patch names, and so I did02:54
=== pikkachu is now known as pikkachuAway
=== pikkachuAway is now known as pikkachu
pittiGood morning05:29
RAOFWhat, it's pitti-morning already?  Damn you, daylight saving!05:48
pittiI actually got up comparatively late :)05:54
didrocksgood morning05:56
pittibonjour didrocks05:56
didrocksguten morgen pitti, how are you?05:56
pittididrocks: quite fine, thanks! we had a quiet wekend; how are you?05:57
didrockspitti: quiet week-end here as well. Everything's well :)05:57
pikkachuhi all05:59
pikkachuwhat do you do when a patch needs to be changed between package versions?05:59
micahgpikkachu: perhaps if you rephrase the question, you've asked this several times over the weekend and I"m not sure what you mean06:01
pikkachumicahg: can't you imagine yourself changing a patch?06:03
pikkachumicahg: imagine you maintain a local patch06:04
pikkachumicahg: for whatever reasons, you want to change the patch06:04
micahgpikkachu: the simple answer to your question is change it, but I"m guessing you're asking more06:04
pikkachumicahg: just like you change a branch, that simple06:04
pikkachumicahg: I'm simply changing the patch as needed, yes, just like we do with branches06:05
micahgand unless this is a desktop package maintained in the desktop team branches, this is OT for this channel, #ubuntu-packaging would be better06:05
pikkachumicahg: I was just confused if that's the usual way to go06:05
pikkachumicahg: for example, 01_fix_bug_xyz.patch, then you work to improve the patch and you just replace the file instead of adding 02_improvements_to_bug_xyz_fix.patch06:06
micahgpikkachu: let's move to #ubuntu-packaging unless you're working on a desktop branch for archive upload06:07
pikkachudespite in the latter case being possible to revert to prior states with quilt pop06:07
pikkachuah sorry06:07
didrockspitti: did you try the new compiz btw? (both in ubuntu-desktop and the unity-team/ppa)07:08
pittididrocks: oh, I didn't; upgrading now07:10
pittihey Sweetshark07:10
Sweetsharkpitti: any objections against the analysis in bug 969707 or the conclusion that we need pre-depends?07:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 969707 in libreoffice "package python-uno 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo novo script pre-installation retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96970707:15
pittiSweetshark: why does the preinst need to call sync_extensions in the first place? that seems very unreliable to me07:27
pittipreinsts should do as little as possible, the only real reliability you can get is in postinsts07:27
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:28
pittihey chrisccoulson07:29
pittiSweetshark: but yes, in general you need to pre-depend on anything you use in a preinst, except for essential packages07:29
pittiSweetshark: but more importantly, preinst scripts which use non-essential commands are strongly, I mean STRONGLY discouraged07:29
pittiSweetshark: in Debian you are required to discuss adding pre-depends: publically and get consensus07:30
pittibecause they really really hurt the upgrade progess07:30
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?07:30
pittichrisccoulson: very well, thanks! had a nice weekend?07:31
pittididrocks: restarting now to get new compiz07:31
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, it wasn't too bad thank. we cleared a lot of junk from our house and got my daughters new room painted07:31
didrockspitti: waiting anxiously ;)07:32
didrockshey chrisccoulson!07:32
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks07:33
chrisccoulsonright, now to break everyones firefox menus :)07:33
pittididrocks: back07:35
pittididrocks: so, when I press win+up for maximizing, I don't get the sticky launcher/help any more; the launcher still appears, though07:36
pittididrocks: otherwise the first few seconds seem just fine :)07:36
didrockspitti: the sticky shouldn't appear in that case in fact, but TBH, it can still appear in other cases ;)07:37
didrocksyou just got lucky07:37
didrockspitti: and I'm moving the shortcuts for ctrl + Super in a few minutes07:37
didrocksso ctrl + super + Up/Down/Right/Left07:37
didrocksjibel: as you are the master of findings bugs in a few milliseconds (even sometimes before the update is installed), can you give a try to the new compiz? (in the ubuntu-desktop ppa?) :)07:39
chrisccoulsonhi seb12807:51
pittibonjour seb128, ca va?07:51
seb128hey pitti, chrisccoulson, how are you?07:51
seb128pitti, ca va bien merci !07:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. and you?07:51
pittiseb128: tres bien, merci!07:51
seb128good thanks ;-)07:51
seb128did you guys have a good w.e?07:51
pittiseb128: can I annoy you with udisks again? I sent a proposed patch to bug 899757, but I need you to verify it07:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 899757 in udisks "udisks-daemon assertion error: HACK: Wanting to register object at path `%s' but there is already an object there." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89975707:52
seb128short week this week! do you guys have friday off as well?07:52
pittiseb128: it was rather quiet, but nice indeed07:52
pittiseb128: we have Friday and Monday as national holidays, and I took Thursday off07:52
seb128pitti, ok, I finish dealing with w.e backlog and give that a try07:52
pittiwe'll go to Dresden again on Wednesday afternoon, so I'll work offline in the train07:52
pittinice long weekend back home07:52
seb128pitti, ok, France as Monday, I collect Friday because I'm half german :p07:52
pittiseb128: you should have said "I'm 'alf German"07:53
* pitti hugs seb12807:53
* seb128 hugs pitti back07:53
pittiseb128: so, I tried for another two hours over the weekend, but scsi_debug is not good enough to reproduce this :/07:53
Sweetsharkpitti: right, I saw that in the debian policy. however that change by rene for debian bug 658646 works and its a little late to look and test alternatives.07:54
ubot2Debian bug 658646 in libreoffice-pdfimport "libreoffice-pdfimport: Extension does not work at all" [Grave,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/65864607:54
didrockssalut seb128, bon week-end?07:55
seb128didrocks, lut, nickel, et toi ?07:56
didrocksseb128: ça va bien, même si j'ai une vrai semaine, MOI! :)07:56
seb128pitti, oh, so we tie again at 30607:57
seb128pitti, well done to get over the 300 mark as well ;-)07:57
pittiseb128: we need to coordinate at the end of the cycle if we are close, perhaps we can walk over the finish line together :)07:57
pittiseb128: cheers :)07:57
seb128that would be good indeed ;-)07:58
pittiif you are more than 5 ahead, you are the well deserved winner, of course07:58
JamesTaitGoooooood mooooornin' intarwebz!08:02
* didrocks has the feeling he will feel alone on Friday :)08:07
didrocksand maybe on Monday too if I swap it for later (for having the maximum time right now for next unity release)08:07
jibeldidrocks, salut08:13
jibeldidrocks, 1:  ?08:13
didrocksjibel: hello ;) oui08:13
jibeldidrocks, is it enough to kill compiz to load the new version or I must logout/in ?08:20
didrocksjibel: it's enough to kill it. However, one on the interesting fix was the hang out on startup :)08:20
jibeldidrocks, ok08:20
jibeldidrocks, how do I disable the kb shortcuts help screen ?08:24
pittibonjour jibel, ca va?08:25
didrocksjibel: there is nothing to disable it AFAIK08:26
jibelhey pitti , I nearly died electrocuted half an hour ago, but seems to be ok, more white hairs :)08:26
didrocksjibel: oh? what happened?08:26
htorquesmspillaz: hi! about bug 940603 - compiz won't start with that plugin enabled :-(08:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 940603 in unity "white box randomly shows up at top left corner blocking applications from using stuff under it" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94060308:26
smspillazhtorque: is it last in the plugin list ?08:27
jibeldidrocks, I was playing with cables08:27
htorquesmspillaz: let me check08:27
smspillazto to ccsm, advanced settings, disable auto plugin sorting and then put it after unityshell08:27
htorquesmspillaz: yes08:27
smspillazmaybe I should put that in the load rules08:27
smspillazdoes it crash or somethign then ?08:27
htorquesmspillaz: no, i just don't see anything but the desktop08:27
ivankahi seb128, good morning!08:28
seb128ivanka, hey! how are you?08:28
htorquesmspillaz: let me try a session restart08:28
ivankaseb128:  Very well and back in the UK. Now that I have network I just upgraded to 12.04, which is why I am here :-)08:29
seb128ivanka, oh ...  ok! tell what is wrong ;-)08:29
htorquesmspillaz: yes, that did it. though i'm getting lots of flickering on the unity elements.08:30
ivankaseb128: it tells me "The package system is broken"08:30
smspillazhtorque: post your .xsession-errors ?08:30
htorquesmspillaz: yeah, will try to reproduce the white window and add it to the report08:30
seb128ivanka, seems like your upgrade did it an issue? can you go on a command line and sudo apt-get -f install?08:31
ivankaseb128: that seems to have made python-uno all happy again. The package system is no longer broken. Thank you :-)08:34
seb128ivanka, you're welcome ;-)08:34
htorque__smspillaz: does this plugin has the potential to make the bug not happen?08:47
htorque__ok, then i just need to try harder. thanks.08:48
smspillazcan't see it ?08:48
htorque__ha, got it08:48
smspillazhtorque__: I got a white window just now08:50
smspillazbut you know08:50
smspillazafter I disable my debugging plugin08:50
smspillazme sad08:50
smspillazuhhh what08:51
smspillazI wonder why I can't select it using this thing08:51
smspillazthats ba08:51
htorque__smspillaz: ditto :-(08:53
smspillazI wonder if its something else then08:53
smspillazcould be a frame window08:53
smspillazI'll change the things08:53
smspillazto pick frame window geoemtry08:53
htorque__smspillaz: does that help anyhow? → compiz (stackdebugger) - Warn: 0x1c00007 requested invalid layer 0x7ffffff09:04
htorque__that window is the panel09:04
smspillazhow on earth are they still happening !?!?09:04
pittiseb128: yay more syncs09:04
seb128pitti, ;-)09:05
htorque__smspillaz: though that might be from a different bug (bug 944701), i have no idea if that's really a dupe.09:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 944701 in unity "Sometimes a single white pixel shows in the top-left corner (dup-of: 940603)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94470109:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 940603 in unity "white box randomly shows up at top left corner blocking applications from using stuff under it" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94060309:06
pittiseb128: btw, new glib landed in unstable, I uploaded pygobject, gtk 3.4 will follow soon, then the rest of gnome 3.4; so we might be able to merge/sync more09:07
smspillazwhelp my connection died09:07
seb128pitti, there are quite some 3.09:07
thumperdumb skype09:07
seb128pitti, there are quite some 3.4 component landing in experimental, unstable already09:07
thumperseb128: who looks after skype?09:08
seb128thumper, microsoft09:08
* thumper snorts09:08
thumperseb128: who looks after skype in ubuntu?09:08
pittiit's in the partner repository09:08
seb128thumper, microsoft? dunno it's a partner thing09:08
thumperit blows09:08
pittilast uploaders were mvo and Brian Thomasson09:08
thumperI can't get it to use pulse09:08
thumperand it tries to output to my speakers09:09
thumpermakes it unusable09:09
Riddell10:00 < debfx> Qt 4.8.1 needs testing. It's available from kubuntu-ppa/experimental09:09
seb128thumper, did that start recently?09:09
pittithumper: right, I haven't been able to use it with my BT headset09:09
thumperseb128: a while ago, but I was still using the oneiric one09:09
thumperjust changed to precies09:09
thumperbut same issue09:09
Riddellanyone from unity or ubuntu one to test Qt 4.8.1?09:09
seb128Riddell, ask on #ubuntu-unity for unity2d maybe09:10
pittiRiddell: I can give unity-2d a quick test with it if that helps09:10
Riddellseb128: please go ahead, it's your flavour09:10
Riddellpitti: please09:10
pittiError: 'kubuntu-ppa/experimental' invalid09:10
seb128Riddell, it's not my flavor, I use unity-3d :p09:11
pittiError: 'kubuntu/experimental' invalid09:11
pittiError: 'kubuntu/ppa' invalid09:11
Riddellseb128: ubuntu desktop uses unity-"2d"09:11
pittiRiddell: ^ so what's the actual PPA?09:11
Riddellpitti: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental09:11
seb128Riddell, right, well whoever update something should be responsible to make sure the update does't break and give it some testing09:11
seb128well anyway pitti is testing it, so good ;-)09:12
seb128but it could be worth notifying the unity-2d guys09:12
Riddellyes, it would09:12
pittiRiddell: argh, silly me; forgot the ppa: prefix, thanks09:12
seb128htorque, smspillaz: there was an interesting comment on a duplicate of the white rectangle bug which claims it's triggered by chromium 18 notifications09:16
seb128"it has to do with Chrom{e,ium} 18.x and notifications.  The09:16
seb128white box appears when I have a gmail notifications specifically."09:16
seb128downgrading to chromium 17 and it doesn't happen09:16
seb128htorque: do you use chromium?09:16
htorque__seb128: yes09:19
htorque__the trigger seems to be flash content for me, though.09:19
=== htorque__ is now known as htorque
chrisccoulsonstop using chromium? sounds like a good fix to me!09:22
seb128chrisccoulson, ;-)09:23
seb128chrisccoulson, btw how are the hud issues with the new dbusmenu and firefox uploads?09:23
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it seems much better. i fixed quite a few things on the firefox side last week too :)09:25
chrisccoulson(which is what i've just uploaded)09:25
seb128chrisccoulson, right, I read the changelog, well done!09:26
didrocks3 kernel panic in a morning, not happy morning :/09:26
seb128didrocks, stop doing ios! ;-)09:27
didrocksseb128: can do if I stop working :p09:27
seb128pitti, udisks patch is not good09:32
pittiseb128: what do you see?09:33
seb128pitti, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/911256/09:34
seb128pitti, wait, maybe I screwed the packaging09:35
seb128debuild binary didn't do what I wanted09:35
seb128i.e seems it didn't do the make install again09:35
rickspencer3where am I supposed to find the new privacy settings?09:36
seb128rickspencer3, system settings -> privacy09:36
rickspencer3seb128, hmm, I guess it didn't get installed09:36
seb128rickspencer3, it's on the bottom line09:36
seb128rickspencer3, install activity-log-manager-control-center09:37
rickspencer3seb, is it not part of the default?09:37
pittiseb128: ok, waiting for your next round then09:37
seb128rickspencer3, it is09:37
rickspencer3I would have thought I would have gotten it in a dist-upgrade09:37
seb128pitti, I've something weird, I cped the binary and retried, now udisks exit without error09:38
pittiseb128: btw, no reason to cp; you can just sudo src/udisks-daemon -r09:38
seb128rickspencer3, maybe you used "upgrade" rather than "dist-upgrade" on some days?09:38
seb128pitti, ok, well, now I get udisks to exit without error :-(09:38
pittiseb128: what's the last three or so lines of output?09:39
seb128pitti, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/911261/09:40
seb128pitti, ok, let me do a clean get a new source, reapply the patch round09:40
seb128rickspencer3, using "upgrade" avoid having things uninstalled but make you miss new recommends as well09:41
rickspencer3seb128, right, but i never upgrade, I always dist-upgrade09:41
rickspencer3anyway, it's installed now09:41
seb128rickspencer3, well maybe you did catch dist-upgrade at a time the new binary was not available09:42
rickspencer3seb128, right, it's probably just one of those things09:42
seb128rickspencer3, since that's only a recommends apt is happy to ignore those when that happens09:42
rickspencer3I'm not worried09:42
seb128pitti, oh09:44
seb128pitti, ok, got it09:45
seb128     g_warning ("Ignoring device with nonexisting native path: %s", device->priv->native_path);09:45
seb128(gdb) p device09:45
seb128$1 = (Device *) 0x009:45
seb128pitti, no cookie for you09:45
seb128-> SEGV09:45
seb128pitti, out of that new bug the patch works fine, i.e I dropped the %s from the g_warning and got the buggy case -> udisks keeps running09:48
pittiseb128: erk, indeed; should be device->priv->native_path -> native_path10:01
pittiseb128: did you test with this/10:01
pittiseb128: as I said, I have no way of actually triggering this condition :/10:01
seb128pitti, I tested dropping the %s as said10:01
pittior that10:02
seb128pitti, that works, udisks2 seems solid as well10:02
pitti-      g_warning ("Ignoring device with nonexisting native path: %s", device->priv->native_path);10:02
pitti+      g_warning ("Ignoring device with nonexisting native path: %s", native_path);10:02
pittiseb128: ^10:02
seb128pitti, ok, I had just dropped the argument for testing, works fine10:02
pittiseb128: ok, many thanks for testing! good to hear that udisks2 is unaffected10:02
seb128pitti, yw10:02
pittiseb128: udisks1 still has a lot of hacks and workarounds for earlier kernels10:02
pittithis is one of them10:02
* pitti sends upstream and will upload this week10:03
didrocksseb128: thanks for the libindicator revert :)10:16
seb128didrocks, yw10:17
didrocksseb128: was spamming us with crashes :)10:17
seb128g_variant is hard, people keep screwing up using it ;-)10:17
thumperC++ is so much easier...10:17
* thumper trolls10:17
glatzormvo, hello. Have you time to look at the bug fix merge proposals for session-installer and aptdaemon?10:23
mvoglatzor: yes, sorry that it took so long10:28
mvoseb128: do you have a idea why there is no underline in the label in this example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/955030/+attachment/2988350/+files/lala.py10:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 955030 in software-center ""Show N technical items" doesnt look clickable" [High,Triaged]10:32
seb128mvo, hey10:39
mvoseb128: this is a bit puzzling, almost like there is some special behavior triggered for a bottom hbox that is expand=False10:41
mvoseb128: this makes the underline appear:10:42
mvo-box.pack_start(hbox, False, True, 5)10:42
mvo+box.pack_start(hbox, True, True, 5)10:42
seb128mvo, puzzling10:46
mvoseb128: yeah, works fine in 11.10 fwiw10:48
mvoseb128: I played around with various stuff, putting the bottom hbox in a alignment etc but can't make it display the underscore, funny enough bold color etc all work10:48
seb128mvo, did you try in C to see if that's python specific?10:51
seb128mvo, I tried ld preloading some gtk version back, i.e 3.3.10, still the same bug...10:52
seb128mvo, do you know when that issue started?10:52
mvoseb128: unfortunately not, I can start working on a workaround for this though10:52
seb128mvo, I'm about to go for lunch but I will keep looking for a bit and try the C equivalent then10:53
mvoseb128: ok, lets talk in a bit10:55
didrocksseb128: so, if we want the HUD key being editable, we need to touch GTK_TYPE_CELL_RENDERER_ACCEL I guess in Gtk11:28
didrocksseb128: not sure we want that though11:28
seb128didrocks, you mean editable in the ui?11:29
didrocksseb128: right, for accepting key modifiers like "Alt"11:29
didrocks(without any keybinding11:29
* didrocks looks at other masks11:29
seb128didrocks, I don't like the sound of it ;-)11:29
didrocksseb128: I'm not surprised :p me neither for the record11:30
seb128didrocks, can we bind a special ui in the appearance behaviour tab rather?11:30
didrocksJohnLea: ^11:30
* didrocks looks at Gtk meanwhile11:31
didrocksseb128: in addition to the Gtk change, there is some changes needed for g-c-c to not reject Alt afterwards anyway :)11:31
seb128didrocks, the HUD on Alt is madness it's about time they change it to alt-space or something ;-)11:32
seb128JohnLea, ^11:32
* didrocks *sighs* and agrees11:32
seb128didrocks, joke aside we are not going to patch gtk to allow a "alt" tapping in the renderer, it's a crazy usecase and not something to change in the toolkit, using alt is special enough that they should come with a custom ui like a 2 choices selection,11:33
seb128* use alt11:33
seb128* use a custom keybinding11:33
seb128then the custom keybindings would let you enter a normal keybinding use the gtk widget11:34
didrocksseb128: agreed, I can imagine tons of side-effects in various apps11:34
didrocksnot quite sure how that can be shown, but yeah11:34
didrockslet me look if another value can work though11:34
seb128didrocks, well it can't in the keybindings section, that would need to go to the behaviour appearance tab imho11:36
didrocksI had some hope in "accel-key" mode that the filtering wasn't here11:37
didrocksbut it's not the case11:37
didrocksfor accel-mode, the Gtk doc is quite clear:11:37
didrocks"Determines if the edited accelerators are GTK+ accelerators. If they are, consumed modifiers are suppressed, only accelerators accepted by GTK+ are allowed, and the accelerators are rendered in the same way as they are in menus."11:37
didrocksanyway, it doesn't seem reasonable a week from the finale freeze11:39
didrocksrickspencer3: FYI, as you were asking me this morning ^11:39
seb128didrocks, rickspencer3, JohnLea: it's crazy that months after ff we are still looking at adding options, we should move the hud to alt-space and get some unity bugs fixed indeed, we already spent way too much time on trying to fix that alt tapping11:47
didrockswell, I fully agree with this sentence and Tim did as well (tapping alt for getting the HUD costed a lot and it's still not fully fixed…)11:48
didrocksI think as well any game using alt will be screwed as well (try reset ccsm with pressing "alt")11:49
tjaaltondidrocks: is it a known bug that fullscreen apps (games) aren't really fullscreen, the unity panel/launcher is always visible? easy to repro by running phoronix-test-suite with some test, possibly a regression in the current unity release11:51
didrockstjaalton: hum, I didn't notice a bug about it yet, maybe there is one, please poke upstream on their channel directly ;)11:52
didrockstjaalton: jay and duflu in particular11:52
tjaaltondidrocks: which one was that?11:52
tjaaltonthe channel11:52
didrockstjaalton: #ubuntu-unity11:53
tjaaltondidrocks: ah, of course.. thanks11:54
didrocksyw ;)11:54
asacUPDATE: i am on latest unity proper, i didnt see any .crash file for a day, by bluetooth headset needs less pairing (e.g. auto re-connects after loosing connectionm and also after suspend/resume) => i believe you guys are on right track. rock on!12:02
asacseb128: hud on alt-space? that currently pops up the window menu for me :)12:03
seb128asac, hey, good to read such comments, thanks ;-)12:03
asacwhats the hud?12:03
seb128asac, control menus from the keyboard, what you get in unity if you tap alt12:03
asacthat one stick around now if you do something more common, right?12:04
asaci remember this getting in my way  a bit12:04
asacdont know which use case that was though12:04
didrocksseb128: translated to "tête haute" in French if you didn't notice :)12:04
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128asac, it used to popup on alt based keybinding, like alt-f2 or ws changes12:04
seb128didrocks, ;-)12:04
asacbtw, i still have the problem that i bought a new cherry keyboard and it has NO WINDOWS KEY12:04
seb128didrocks, I didn't, weird translation :p12:05
asacwhat feature am i missing now?12:05
asacseb128: oh yeah ... i cannot maximize windows with alt-f10 anymore12:05
asacthat was one12:05
seb128asac, most of the nice stuff, like opening the dash or keyboard shortcuts to use the launcher12:05
didrocksseb128: I just noted it because of the shortcut keybinding: "Raccourci pour faire apparaitre l'affichage tête haute" :)12:05
seb128i.e super 1 launching,focussing your first launcher icon12:05
didrocksthe first who can understand wins a price12:05
asacoh if you tab alt i also start seeing the menu12:06
didrocksasac: maximizing is Super + Up arrow12:06
didrocksasac: tomorrow, it will normally be Control + Super + Up arrow12:06
asacdidrocks: heh. ok. so i dont have that feature anymore12:06
asacwhy do we need to take this alt- stuff away again?12:07
didrocksasac: tapping alt for triggering an action isn't really supported anywhere12:07
didrocksasac: so you end with the HUD showing in front of a lot of application when you wanted to do alt + <something>12:08
didrocksthere are a lot of tricks and workarounds in compiz for that, but it's not fully working and there are still some edge cases12:08
asacif i press on the ubutu button in the launcher, is that the HUD?12:09
seb128no, that's the dash12:09
seb128if you tap alt it's the hud12:10
asac"Type  your Command" ?12:10
asacah the "smart command console"12:10
seb128that's basically doing matching on the menus of the focussed app12:10
seb128the app and the indicators12:10
asacindeed :)12:11
seb128well at the moment, it will be improved over cycles to be smarter than using only menus, but for this cycle the "commands" source are the menus12:11
asacis there any less type intensive HUD future? like something innovative that would allow you to reach all avaialable/focussed action through mouse navigation?12:12
asacor is this a general keyboard centric UI?12:12
seb128asac, keyboard for now, voice over time12:12
seb128asac, not sure about other input methods12:12
asacso a freeform interaction thing12:13
seb128asac, but I assume you rather want gestures for mouse and you don't need the hud ui to use gestures12:13
asaclets see if an how i can work that into my daily use12:13
asacnot sure about that12:13
asaci rarely hit menus anyway12:13
asaci guess the case with most mouse usage is really selecting text12:13
seb128asac, well it's handy that it controls indicators12:13
didrocksasac: people reports good thing in application with complex menus, like drawing software, gimp, inkscape…12:13
asacseb128: how often do you hit indicators?12:14
asacmine are usually sitting happily in the bar :)12:14
asacbut yeah12:14
asaci often try to find the sound thing12:14
asacto poke around12:14
asacbut that is mostly bug induced imo12:14
seb128asac, the messaging one, if you talk to me I can alt- asac - enter and type my reply to your without using the mouse for example...12:15
seb128well that's for im12:15
asacoh... ok. i think my messaging isnt properly integrated there12:15
asaci see wifi connecting is also potentially nice12:15
seb128on IRC I would type desktop or #ubu or something12:15
seb128asac, emails as well, you receive a message in your linaro box in tb you can alt-lin-enter12:16
asacseb128: yep. i dont use mail anymore12:18
asacthat was declared ancient technology :)12:18
asacin my unit12:18
seb128asac, how do you guys communicate nowadays? google hangouts?12:19
didrocksasac: you sent your orders by g+? ;)12:19
asacyeah hangouts are slowly taking over12:19
asacmumble is still kicking though and IRC is the river that continues to flow12:19
asacdidrocks: good idea ... at least they would read it there :)12:19
asaci actually try to move back to super-ancient... hence tried to chop some cycles to fix/improve mutt for gmail http://code.google.com/p/mutt-gmail/12:20
asaclater i noticed how much spaghetti code mutt is so I believe this will take a couple of more weeks to change the user experience paradigm to match that12:21
asacof gmail12:21
asacok have to work hard now12:22
asacsorry :)12:22
seb128asac, have "fun" ;-)12:25
* desrt yawn12:27
desrthappy monday12:27
seb128desrt, hey, how are you? had a good w.e?12:28
desrtseb128: pretty good.  hud-service is faster now :)12:28
seb128desrt, ;-)12:28
seb128desrt, we got some users for get hud-service using 1G ram, there might be a leak somewhere, is that on your list of issues to watch?12:29
seb128users who*12:29
desrtseb128: i pushed a relatively large leakfix as part of my performance work12:30
desrtwhen i added the icon support, each HudItem got a copy of the icon12:30
seb128desrt, ok, when do you hope to land that work?12:30
desrtand didn't free it12:30
desrtso you would leak one icon-name-sized string per-menuitem-per-window that ever existed12:30
desrtseb128: i'd appreciate a test build right now, actually12:30
desrtout of my hud-performance branch12:31
desrti now have a performance testcase in there that we can use to make informed optimisations if more are needed12:31
desrtcurrently runs in 0:33.  i don't know how long the old code takes to run it -- i left it running when i went out and it was still on when i came back12:32
mvoseb128: any ideas about my test-case for the underscore stuff?12:32
seb128mvo, no :-( maybe ask on #gtk+?12:32
seb128mvo, it's still on my list but I don't see anything obviously wrong ... let me finish what I'm doing and test with the C api12:33
mvook, I can convert to C too if that helps12:33
seb128mvo, I can do it that's ok12:34
seb128desrt, I guess I want to backport r200 to fix the leak?12:35
seb128desrt, I will do that and get a build from your hud-performance locally and then to the desktop team ppa if it works fine for me12:36
desrti tweaked the algorithms a lot too12:36
desrt(ie: not just faster -- they will be returning different results now)12:36
desrtso local french-testing is highly appreicated :)12:37
seb128desrt, I think #system does tarballs on wednesday so 2 days ppa testing and precise on wednesday seems good12:37
desrtthe biggest change is that search terms are now order-sensitive12:37
seb128desrt, yeah, I will give it some of my preferred testcases including stuff like préférences with and without accents ;-)12:37
desrtso "preferences edit" is not a great way to find "Edit > Preferences"12:37
desrtin trade for that, though, we now have penalising of missing end terms (but not start terms)12:38
seb128works for me12:38
desrtso "save" matches equally "File > Save" and "Some > Weird > Menu > Save"12:38
seb128well I mean I'm fine with the ordering12:38
desrtbut less good for "File > Save As"12:38
desrtwe have a bug about that..12:39
didrockshey desrt ;)12:39
desrtdidrocks: g'morning12:39
didrocksdesrt: ah, I had a question for you!12:41
desrttime for a nap!12:41
didrocksdesrt: imagine that we have a funny story, like tapping alt would do something on your system12:41
didrocksnow, imagine that you want the user to configure that shortcut12:41
didrockslike, on g-c-c12:41
desrtyou'd wire up alt as a hotkey?12:41
desrtthat's pretty fucking stupid imho12:41
desrtbut i assume it's only a silly example, so please continue12:42
didrocksyeah, let's keep on the theorical side :p12:42
didrocksthen, this one would appear to be using accel-mode for it's GtkCellRenderer and so discare assigning "alt" to anything12:42
didrocksas in this case, it wouldn't send the "accel_edited" callback12:43
didrocksand even would filter the alt key in the cell render to show "disabled"12:43
didrocksso, in this hypothetical world12:43
didrockswould you think of a hack to avoid any more pain and still achieve this?12:43
didrocks(oh, and assume than someone else, rightly so, doesn't want us to patch Gtk :p)12:44
desrti'm confused.12:44
seb128you can assume than the someone else is french12:44
desrtalt is used by a system shortcut12:44
desrtand that's causing problems with the toolkit?12:44
didrocksof course, we are at the beginning of a cycle and we have the full time to consider any options :)12:44
didrocksseb128: ;)12:45
didrocksdesrt: basically, the g-c-c shortcut dialog is using a gtk treeview to assign shortcuts12:45
seb128desrt, the toolkit is what provides the gcc widget used to change shortcuts12:45
didrocksthis is where you can't set "Alt" to it12:45
desrtthat's very bad.12:45
seb128desrt, but the toolkit guys didn't consider that you might want to use "alt" as a shortcut12:45
desrtsounds like the way in which alt is being grabbed is broken12:46
didrocksThe "accel-mode" property12:46
didrocks"Determines if the edited accelerators are GTK+ accelerators. If they are, consumed modifiers are suppressed, only accelerators accepted by GTK+ are allowed, and the accelerators are rendered in the same way as they are in menus."12:46
didrocksfrom devhelp12:46
desrtwhat happens for tapping other modifiers?12:46
desrtctrl, say?12:46
desrtso interesting...12:47
didrocksdesrt: same, you don't have the edit signal12:47
didrocksdesrt: but Ctrl+alt does12:47
desrtthe windows key comes to mind as the obvious example of a modifier that could possibly cause an action to occur on another desktop environment...12:48
desrtand it gets ignored as well12:48
desrtand if you look in the settings, you see that alt+f1 is assigned for this purpose12:48
didrocksthen, you have a filtering g-c-c side as well12:48
didrocksbut this one would be easy to bypass12:48
desrti assume the changing of the accel occurs by taking a keyboard grab12:48
desrtso that no existing system-level grabs have an effect12:49
desrtie: toolkit is entirely in charge here12:49
didrocksdesrt: how would Ctrl + Alt takes a keyboard grab then?12:49
desrtfor me it doesn't12:49
didrocksok, you're right12:50
didrocksI should have touched another key while trying12:50
desrtso it's complicated12:50
desrtbecause those are modifiers12:50
desrtthey are not supposed to be perceived as input12:50
desrt(windows key aside), the idea of tying one to an accel is a bit... odd12:51
didrocksdesrt: remember, it's still hypothetical :p12:51
desrt(and i only put the windows key aside because the real oddity there is that the windows key is considered a modifier)12:51
desrtso i'm sure the code explicitly ignores modifiers right now so that when you go to press alt+x, it doesn't assume that you wanted 'alt'12:52
desrtand therefore i assume that what you're proposing is to have the key sequence <press alt><release alt> to come up with alt as the accel12:53
didrocksyeah, and detecting tapping would be a little bit hackish, risky, and won't make seb128 happy? ;)12:53
didrocksexactly :p12:53
seb128<- not happy12:53
desrt<seb128> <- never happy12:53
seb128desrt, !!!12:54
didrocksI'm not sure why g-c-c has a filter on its side as well for modifiers only shortcut btw, seems a double checking (but easy to workaround) :)12:54
desrtthe other concern: this only makes sense at all if the toolkit is able to see 'alt' as an accel12:55
desrtand i have some doubts about that12:55
desrti've heard that treating the process of tapping alt to be a shortcut is quite... hard12:55
didrocksdesrt: just wanted to know your feeling about it12:56
desrtmy feeling are that you are in a world of pain :)12:56
didrockswe pinged JohnLea about the technical limitation, let's see his answer12:56
didrocksdesrt: may I quote you? ;-)12:56
didrocksso not so-easy-hack-without-any-regression on top of your head for that matter?12:57
desrti don't think it's a case of 'filtering' as you suggest12:58
desrti think it's rather a case of the toolkit treating modifier keys as modifier keys12:58
desrtpressing alt on its own is not supposed to have an effect...12:58
didrocksyeah, so the wanted event isn't even triggered on pressing alt and we would have to hack around it in a very bad way12:58
* desrt is looking at the code now12:58
desrti'm sure that there's a keyboard grab setup and a function that gets *all* keystrokes at that time12:59
desrtignoring modifiers12:59
desrtmaybe not...13:01
desrtlooks like that function is not even told of modifiers13:02
desrtit takes the first keypress it sees at all...13:02
didrocksthe callback though have the GdkModifierType13:03
didrocksso this is factored in a higher level?13:03
desrtya. but gtk tells it what that is13:03
didrocks"fun" :)13:03
desrtit would seem that if you press alt+s then you see only one keypress13:03
desrtwhich is "s" with modifier mask set for alt13:03
desrtthis is really cool13:04
desrtso gdk reports the event as a normal keypress13:06
* desrt continues to dig13:06
bcurtiswxgood morning13:07
didrocksdesrt: "the event", you mean, an "alt tapping"?13:07
didrockshey bcurtiswx13:07
didrockswell, an alt press13:07
desrti mean an alt press13:07
desrtdoing some tests...13:09
desrtthis may not be _that_ hard....13:09
desrtit may have to be opt-in13:09
desrtlike with GTK_CELL_RENDER_ACCEL_MODE_BARE_MODIFIERS or something13:10
bcurtiswxis kenvandine out today?13:11
didrocksdesrt: opt in would be great, yeah. People will stil be able to assign "alt" to some other stuff that Gtk wouldn't be able to handle, or maybe I can prevent that g-c-c side13:12
didrockslike "only enable alt only on this key"13:12
desrtdidrocks: doesn't work like that13:12
desrtkeep in mind that this is a cellrenderer and only one copy of the cell renderer exists :)13:13
desrtalthough, strictly speaking, i guess you could probably put a key in the treemodel to enable/disable this behaviour and bind that to a property...13:13
didrocksdesrt: I meant, filtering that back on the callback13:14
didrocksand then eventually rejecting the change13:14
desrtoh.  interesting.13:14
desrtquite possible, i suppose13:15
didrocksyeah, g-c-c structure is well done for that, there are already some cases13:15
didrockslike you can't bind "a" shorcut :)13:15
desrtso i feel quite dumb now13:15
desrti see what you were trying to tell me about the 'filter'13:15
desrtthe if statement right at the top :p13:15
desrtokay.  this is doable13:16
desrtbut it won't be pretty13:16
desrthow about multi-modifier taps, btw?13:16
desrtis ctrl+alt a shortcut?13:16
desrtalso.. what do i do in the case that i see this sequence:13:17
desrt<ctrl down> <alt down> <alt up> <shift down> <shift up> <ctrl up>13:17
desrtor even13:17
didrocksdesrt: TBH, this is only only for one key… so I would assume let's be crazy (like, not consider edge case) on setting that one.  I think people who wants to redefine alt to something else would use something like alt + Space or less crazy13:17
desrt<alt down> <ctrl down> <ctrl up> <'x' down> <'x' up> <alt up>13:17
desrtso only single-modifier tapping supported13:17
didrocksI wouls assume, just <modifier down><modifier up>13:18
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
didrockspatching gtk just for one use case isn't nice though, do you think it's possible to put as much possible this divergence in the code back in g-c-c (like getting the widget here)?13:24
didrocksthat's something that seb128 won't oppose I guess ;)13:24
seb128desrt, I blame you for suggesting adding another distro patch to gtk we will never get ride of :p13:25
desrtseb128: UPSTREAM!13:25
desrtseb128: you may only apply this patch as a cherry-pick from git13:25
desrtotherwise blame lies with only you :)13:26
didrocksdesrt: you are willing to push that upstream directly? Awesome :)13:26
desrtwhy not?13:26
desrtwe could use it to set the windows key for the shell :)13:26
seb128desrt, ok ;-)13:26
smspillazdesrt: very very random question13:27
smspillazdesrt: do you know if gtk releases grabs13:27
smspillazif the grabbed window intentionally loses focus13:27
smspillazpops up a modal dialog13:27
smspillazor does it wait on some condition from the window manager13:27
didrocksdesrt: you're right, there is this why-is-this-a-modifier super annoying key :)13:27
desrtsmspillaz: no idea13:28
* desrt is not a toolkit guy :)13:28
smspillaztime for me to go digging into gtk13:28
smspillazdesrt: but I see your name in the copyright :P !13:28
smspillazor do you have some13:28
desrtdoppelganger theory sounds good to me13:28
desrtgotta run!13:28
kenvandineBigWhale, kazam sponsored13:30
BigWhalekenvandine, +1 beer13:31
desrtdidrocks: you have a fun new problem13:33
desrtdidrocks: my chnages are working perfectly13:33
desrtdidrocks: but of course you know about how Alt-L and Alt-R are really two different keys...13:34
didrocksdesrt: indeed :)13:34
desrtgot a plan? :)13:35
seb128desrt, why is that an issue? it means you can map the hud to r-alt which is good13:35
seb128that means less conflicts?13:35
didrocksdesrt: I don't get the issue? the keycode are differents?13:35
desrti dunno.  is that how it works?13:35
seb128desrt, well current only lalt works by default13:35
desrtoh.  interesting.13:36
didrocksit's not the same key in the french keyboard and it doesn't modify the keys the same way13:36
seb128but I would like to remap to ralt now that you mention it13:36
desrtso for alt maybe that makes sense -- particularly for non-US keyboards13:36
didrocksso, left alt seems ok to me :)13:36
desrtbut same happens for ctrl and shift13:36
didrocksdesrt: I guess it makes sense that if you want to assign a physical key for something, you just assign one13:36
desrtit's quite rare to think that the left shift key is different from the right one13:36
desrtvery well *shrug*13:37
didrocksnot sure, just how I would understand it without trying13:37
desrtbtw: i managed to make multiple-modifier chords word13:37
desrtso you can do ctrl down alt down alt up ctrl up13:38
desrtand then you get Ctrl + Alt L13:38
didrocksdesrt: oh, in addition to that? :) awesome!13:38
desrtjust adding the conditional support now...13:38
didrocksnot sure if some people are mad enough for that, but nice ;)13:38
jbichadidrocks: howdy, when's Unity 5.10 scheduled for?13:42
didrocksjbicha: hey ;) will be next week, it will hopefully be the finale release :)13:42
didrocksthis week is all about the preparation and last bug fixes for it13:43
jbichaah, I was hoping for a quick fix for bug 96432513:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 964325 in unity-lens-applications "Regression: Installed apps not sorted alphabetically" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96432513:43
didrocksjbicha: is that impact you a lot? doesn't seem to make a difference for screenshots?13:43
didrocksjbicha: if we start backporting every commit, we will never end ;) (and some commits in trunk regressed some test cases already)13:44
jbichaI wouldn't say it's a big impact, but we do use it for the big screenshot at https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-help/unity-introduction.html13:45
jbichait's not a big deal at this point13:46
desrtseb128: i didn't mark that patch as fixing that leak because i'm not sure that it does13:46
seb128desrt, yeah, I will reopen I think, launchpad lack a "fix part of lp: #nnn" which would reference without closing13:46
desrtmore like maybe-fixes :)13:47
seb128desrt, I like having the cross referencing13:47
desrti did a valgrind and it's the only thing that popped out13:47
seb128desrt, so I listed anyway13:47
desrtdoesn't mean there won't be others13:47
desrtseems a bit odd to have a few leaking icon names take up 1gig13:47
seb128desrt, ok, I will comment asking "if you still see a leak please reopen"13:47
desrtsounds good13:47
* desrt thinks a bit13:48
seb128desrt, is that a few? or is one for each menu item?13:48
desrtassume icon name plus malloc overhead is like 100 bytes13:48
desrtassume each window has like 200 menu items, tops13:48
didrocksjbicha: do not hesitate to tell me if you have big changes that you need to have backported13:48
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
didrocksjbicha: you can still use the unity-team/staging ppa for screenshots13:48
desrtso like 20k leaked per window open/close13:48
desrtah... one thing, though -- network manager is changing its menus all the time13:48
didrocksjbicha: stability not garanteed, but good enough on a spare machine to take those (it's always latest upstream trunks)13:48
desrtwhen new networks come and go13:48
desrtand signal strength is changing13:48
desrtso that would be more memory leaked every 10 seconds13:48
desrtthat could add up....13:49
jbichadidrocks: ok I'll try the PPA, thanks!13:49
didrocksjbicha: yw ;)13:49
seb128desrt, one of the guy had a 4 days uptime, so yeah, every 10 seconds on 4 days ...13:49
desrtit's in the realm of possibility13:49
desrti'd have loved to see the bug get to a point where after a few people reporting the same we notice "this bug only seems to happen on laptops...."13:50
desrtwould be fun :)13:50
seb128desrt, sort of "wouldn't print on tuesday" bug? ;-)13:50
desrtdidrocks: patching control-centre now to use my new API (to test if it works)13:51
didrocksdesrt: ok, in that case, you need to look at the keyval_is_forbidden() function (just return False if you want for now) to see if it works :)13:52
desrtis that the one that prevents me from binding the lowercase 'x'?13:52
didrocksdesrt: no, that's accel_edited_callback ()13:53
didrockslook for /* Check for unmodified keys */13:53
didrocks(the check for keyval_is_forbidden () is part of this if)13:53
didrocksas well as other check for standalone key13:54
desrtseems to be working without additional changes13:55
didrocksoh? keyval_is_forbidden () has some forbidden_keyvals checks which GDK_KEY_Mode_switch13:55
didrocksI would have assume this one would cause issues13:55
desrtdidrocks: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67336014:00
ubot2Gnome bug 673360 in general "accel cell renderer: support modifier 'tapping'" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:00
desrtseems to work good in gtk and also working well with a small modification in the control centre (ie: changing the 'mode')14:01
desrtup to you to figure out how to implement it in unity :)14:01
* desrt makes coffee14:02
didrocksdesrt: the patch looks nice and not intrusive. Also I like the new feature. Thinking about it, I guess I even have an hypothetical use case for it! :-)14:03
seb128cyphermox, hey14:07
seb128cyphermox, how are you? had a good w.e?14:08
cyphermoxyeah pretty good14:08
cyphermoxand you?14:08
seb128cyphermox, I'm good thanks14:09
seb128cyphermox, we just had an archive rebuild test, http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20120328-precise.html14:10
cyphermoxcool, will look into it :)14:10
seb128cyphermox, evolution-exchange and evolution-indicator show are ftbfsing (not finding some eds libs when linking it seems)14:10
seb128cyphermox, do you think you could look at those 2?14:10
cyphermoxstory of the same think as is happening every release, probably14:10
seb128cyphermox, oh, evolution is on there as well, libpst14:10
cyphermoxyes, should not take much time14:10
seb128cyphermox, thanks14:10
cyphermoxI'll tackle all the ones I can figure out14:11
cyphermoxalso -couchdb, -mapi, -rss, urgh14:11
mdeslaurcyphermox: thanks for fixing NM adhoc WPA14:12
cyphermoxah, why is heartbeat and this apache module under ubuntu-desktop?14:12
cyphermoxmdeslaur: "fixing" :)14:12
mdeslaurcyphermox: well, hiding it :)14:12
chrisccoulsonhmmm, so, i made firefox crash!14:17
tkamppeterpitti, hi14:26
pittihello tkamppeter14:27
tkamppeterpitti, I have subscribed you to several "CUPS does not restart after update" bugs, on bug 968956 there is already an answer, seems to be AppArmor.14:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 968956 in cups "package cups 1.5.2-8bzr2 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96895614:28
pittitkamppeter: I noticed, tahnks14:28
pittitkamppeter: reassigned to apparmor14:29
Sweetsharkpitti: _rene_ only wants conflicts, not pre-depends ...14:56
Sweetsharkpitti: I guess that will work too, although it is not really "correct" ....14:57
pittiSweetshark: conflicts to what?14:57
pittiyou need to pre-depend on the package that provides the command your preinst calls14:58
Sweetsharkpitti: conflicts to libreoffice-common/-core <3.515:00
pgranerdidrocks, are you hearing of unity segfaults after todays updates?15:01
didrockspgraner: panel service or unity itself?15:02
didrockspgraner: there has been no unity update for a week15:02
Sweetsharkpitti: well, the sync_extensions call uses unopkg.bin (from -core), but is does nothing if that is not there, so with a conflicts:-line we should either get a working 3.5 unopkg.bin or a missing one resulting in a noop15:02
pittiSweetshark: does the preinst DTRT if sync_extensions does not exist?15:03
pgranerdidrocks, unity --reset gives me: Segmentation fault (core dumped)15:07
pgranerdidrocks, just got the crash its uploading to LP15:08
didrockspgraner: so you meant, it's a crash on --reset, right?15:08
pittiSweetshark: "does the right thing"15:08
pittiSweetshark: i. e. succeeds15:08
didrockspgraner: keep me posted with the bug #15:08
pgranerdidrocks, yep, after I updated I rebooted and I got a desktop with no panel, launcher etc...15:08
pgranerdidrocks, so ctl-alt-f1 unity --reset give a segfault15:09
bcurtiswxkenvandine, on first login to my desktop I loaded empathy and used the messaging menu to switch my status to away. All accounts switched except for AIM (telepathy-haze). Once I used empathy to switch to away all accounts switched and upon using the messaging menu after that all accounts switched to the correct status15:10
pittiSweetshark: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commitdiff;h=f34451f9ef4a7508904704c9abd5c1767b247055 does not have any || true after the sync_extensions15:10
Sweetsharkpitti: but http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=blob;f=shell-lib-extensions.sh;h=21dafe32323e261d0943bcb99cb2429b9aab0602;hb=ubuntu-precise-3.5 check for unopkg.bin being there.15:11
bcurtiswxkenvandine, i searched for bugs in haze or messaging menu or empathy and found none.15:11
didrockspgraner: give me the bug # once retraced15:11
pgranerdidrocks, looks like it nux https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nux/+bug/97161715:11
ubot2pgraner: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa91202c> bug 971617 not found15:11
pgranerdidrocks, not retraced yet15:12
pittiSweetshark: but that function/script itself is in l-common15:12
didrockspgraner: we got one last week on --reset, but it's suppossed to be fixed, one sec15:12
pittiSweetshark: so what if l-common is too old, or not installed?15:12
didrockspgraner: ok, I keep the tab open until it's retraced and the bot subscribed me15:12
pittiSweetshark: in general, it's so much easier to do such complex stuff in postinst only15:12
pgranerdidrocks, looks like its dumping in the nvidia binary driver15:13
didrockspgraner: ah, tseliot ^ maybe?15:13
pgranerdidrocks, possibly15:14
pgranerdidrocks, I subscribed you so you can see the stack trace15:14
Sweetsharkpitti: right.15:15
kenvandinebcurtiswx, is that consistently reproducable?15:15
kenvandinelike always aim that fails the first time?15:16
didrockspgraner: hum, I would be surprised that the crash is because of an invalid unity::ui::IconRenderer::RenderElement reference (as this code is called a lot and didn't change for the past months). So maybe nvidia race? Let's see once it will be retraced15:16
pgranerdidrocks, ack, I'll be here :)15:16
bcurtiswxkenvandine, i will test brb15:17
Sweetsharkpitti: I think the sync_extensions in preinst in superfluous as we do trigger that (via trigger in core) anyway ....15:17
bcurtiswxkenvandine, using menu Chat->quit then starting empathy again can reproduce the issue15:18
bcurtiswxkenvandine, my dist is from an upgrade from 11.10 so IDK if there are any residual configs15:19
Sweetsharkpitti: also: shell-lib-extension.sh is not used from an installed package, but added to each maintainer script (see debian/rules:1863), so it is not used from -common, but in fact part of the maintscript itself.15:22
pittiSweetshark: oh, it gets put into the .preinst during build time?15:23
Sweetsharkpitti: thats what I assumed, I will recheck.15:23
* didrocks needs to go for the co-owner meeting for his building, ttyl guys! (will probably either reconnect, either work offline)15:28
didrocks(not sure about the co-owner translation, but it's the closer I can think of :p)15:28
chrisccoulsonheh, pitti - http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.apps.firefox/browse_thread/thread/93b7f392176df62a#. it seems they started to notice that their downloads are getting bigger ;)15:28
pittichrisccoulson: hah, at last :)15:29
pittigood night everyone!15:48
seb128'night pitti15:49
pittiseb128: btw, any luck with bug 899858?15:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 899858 in oem-priority/precise "regression in gvfs to connect/browse using obex" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89985815:50
seb128pitti, it's the remaining item on my todo for today ;-)15:50
pittiI'll be back for TB meeting tonight15:50
seb128pitti, I just got finished with the other stuff I was doing15:50
seb128pitti, see you later!15:50
pittienjoy the evening!15:50
zygaI'd like to report a bug on thunderbird theming, I'm not 100% sure how to report it, also, I'd like someone to confirm they see this on their end and that it is not too monitor specific15:51
zygathe bug is: unselected item background color is very hard to differentiate from background (white)15:51
zygaon my monitor it is virtually the same, there is a very subtle tint but I can barely see it15:52
zygathe problem is also magnified by message listing that (at least for me) cycles even/odd colors for each row15:53
zygaanyone? ^^15:57
seb128zyga, try pinging Cimi on #ubuntu-unity, I mentioned it to him already, he said that's a tb bug they do custom theming stuff15:58
zygaseb128, thanks15:58
seb128not sure know if he said he would fix it, he said he was not interested to look at the tb code but that he could maybe workaround it in the theme15:58
zygaseb128, I'm sure the bug is in the theme, installing an alternate theme allows me to "fix" this15:59
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seb128or the other theme you use has a workaround for tb15:59
G__81hi jono16:26
jonohey G__8116:31
G__81hey jono i had sent my feedback to Daniel after going through the getting started with Ubuntu Devel. I am not sure whether he received it or whether he had a chance to look @ it. I hope i have sent it to the right email id :o16:32
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jonoG__81, which email address did you send it to?16:41
G__81jono: the one mentioned in the blog which talks about this ubuntu development16:42
jonoG__81, then probably just hasnt replied to it yet16:46
ritzheya, do we have a lp bzr tree for qt ?16:46
ritzhttps://code.launchpad.net/qt lists a few different tree16:46
G__81jono: oh ok just wanted to know whether he received it16:46
jonoG__81, np16:46
jonoyou should ask him, I am not sure which email he has or has not recieved16:46
G__81yeah i tried to see if i could catch him but i dont find him here :)16:48
jonoG__81, he is in #ubuntu-community-team in European hours16:50
jbichadesktoppers, what do you think of bug 969235 ?16:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 969235 in metacity "Keyboard shortcuts - Update some window management shortcuts to use "Ctrl + Super" instead of just "Super" " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96923516:52
chrisccoulsonlol @ https://twitter.com/#!/bwinton/status/18686397174631628917:14
mvoseb128: any luck with my label underline issue?17:14
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mvo(sorry for nagging)17:14
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seb128mvo, the C testcase has the same issue so for once it's not the bindings ;-)17:16
mvoheh :) and it should be reasonable clear for a bugreport17:16
seb128mvo, indeed17:16
mvook, that puts my mind at ease for now and I ahve dinner17:16
seb128mvo, ld preloading gtk from oneiric has the same issue17:17
seb128mvo, so I wonder if it could be pango or something17:17
seb128mvo, still investigating17:17
seb128mvo, I will let you know tomorrow17:17
seb128mvo, enjoy dinner17:17
mvota! could be pango too, running it in my oneiric VM worked17:18
mvoI think at least :)17:18
seb128mvo, no luck downgrading pango, a bit puzzling...17:20
davmor2seb128: do you happen to have a camera?18:25
davmor2seb128: if so could you try plugging it in to your precise box, for me I get the "What do you want to do box" it correctly gives me shotwell as the only app option but fails to open it18:28
davmor2seb128: nevermind missing dep18:33
dobeybcurtiswx: around?18:50
bcurtiswxdobey, yes18:51
dobeybcurtiswx: can you test a fix for bug #969262 ?18:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 969262 in libubuntuone/trunk "Error while getting credentials: The '/org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login/24' object does not exist" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96926218:51
bcurtiswxdobey, sure18:52
dobeybcurtiswx: if you install the libubuntuoneui-3.0-1 package from the ubuntuone nightlies ppa (ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies), quit rhythmbox, and then search for a song in the music lens for purchase, and click on it, it should open correctly to the page instead of giving that weird error, now18:53
bcurtiswxdobey, im trying to reproduce the issue so I can confirm it's squashed, but now everytime i try to load rhythmbox with ubuntuone using the lens it keeps asking me to signup for ubuntu one although i already have an account :-\19:00
bcurtiswxso once i can get that bug reproduced I will install that build19:00
dobeybcurtiswx: quit rhythmbox and run u2sdtool -d && u1sdtool -c in a terminal19:01
dobeybut i think that is another incantation of the same problem :(19:01
dobeywhich means i keep chasing symptoms because i can't find the actual problem. yay memory corruption from race conditions :(19:02
bcurtiswxdobey, i'm assuming you meant u1sdtool for both ?19:02
dobeyoh yes19:02
dobeythere is no ubuntu two :)19:03
bcurtiswxi figured out how to reproduce the bug, lol but the tool didn't help it19:04
dobeyah, no, the u1sdtool bit was just to help you get back logged in19:05
dobeysince the music store widget deleted your token :(19:05
bcurtiswxah i c19:05
dobeywhich is what the original error was about. the token got deleted from the keyring while it was being used, so the client (music store widget) had a reference to a keyring object on dbus that no longer existed :(19:06
dobeybut this definitely seems to be memory corruption induced by io bound operations :(19:06
bcurtiswxdobey, ok i've installed 3.1+r149-31~precise1 and i'm going to try to reproduce19:11
bcurtiswxdobey, still error :(19:12
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dobeysigh :(19:13
dobeybcurtiswx: thanks, i'll try to see if i can't find something else that will cause it.19:16
bcurtiswxI open rhythmbox by itself (no lens), click the ubuntu music store in there, let it load, close rhythmbox.  Using the music lens type in 'adele' and click on her album '21' and it will cause error19:16
bcurtiswxif i keep reproducing the error, the number at the end increases19:18
dobeybecause the id for the entry in the keyring has changed19:18
dobeyor it keeps trying to get the next wrong one, or something19:19
dobeyi'm not sure, but that's just a symptom and not the problem itself19:19
dobeyalbeit that error message is kind of useless19:19
bcurtiswxdobey, OK. Good luck, and I'm more than happy to test whenever you think of another potential fix. I am heading home though and will be available tomorrow starting at 9AM ET19:20
dobeyand it's a very io-bound problem. if i increase startup io load for rbox enough to get it on my workstation, then fix it, it still breaks on slower machines it seems19:20
dobeyok, thanks bcurtiswx19:21
bcurtiswxsee everyone tomorrow19:21
chrisccoulsoncan anyone else trigger bug 971800?20:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 971800 in firefox "Firefox crashes while trying to delete a bookmark" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97180020:25
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Sweetsha1koh, mayhem in oakland and its not even UDS.23:01
jbichaSweetsha1k: what's with the IRC nick?23:02

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