
benonsoftwareDid anyone just get a strange email from postmaster @ ubuntu.com?05:11
head_victimI get lots of strange emails from that place. The dangers of moderating mailing lists :/07:31
jbichamdke: hi, thanks for working on the ubuntu-docs upload13:40
jbichaI do have a couple more screenshots to take, one involves ubuntu.com which had this April Fools thing going yesterday13:41
jbichaand then I guess the rest are at least affected by bug 96432513:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 964325 in unity-lens-applications "Regression: Installed apps not sorted alphabetically" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96432513:41
jbichaI guess we don't actually need that fixed though13:43
skaetjbicha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/97160315:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 971603 in unity-2d "[unity-2d] UI Freeze exception for HUD redesign to Unity2d" [Undecided,New]15:21
skaetjust showed up on the radar,   any concerns/impact to the work done so far?15:21
jbichaskaet: I believe that change was already done for Unity 3D, as our docs target Unity 3D, any changes to make 2D more like 3D are wonderful15:25
jbichaI added my +1 to the bug report15:25
skaetjbicha,  coolio.   Thanks.15:25
mdkejbicha: thanks. dpm mentioned that unity-overview.png looked out of date19:36
mdkeanyway I've uploaded the package, you're right that it's better to have things up to date and we can always do more19:37
jbichamdke: cool thanks, the new version looks good, except that we need to do something about yelp not being wide enough by default20:16
MrChrisDruifHow is internationalisation handled on [wiki/help].ubuntu.com?20:18
jbichaMrChrisDruif: it's not :( the theory was that loco's could have the translated Ubuntu help on their own websites20:19
MrChrisDruifjbicha; might this be an idea? wiki.ubuntu.com/es <- for Spanish and other codes for other languages ofc. And for the rest the same structure as the normal pages20:21
MrChrisDruifSorry, internet just died again, ugh -_-20:41
MrChrisDruifBut was I'm talking nonsense jbicha ?20:41
jbichano, adding more organization to the wiki is great, and that sounds like an easy way to add other languages to the wiki20:48
MrChrisDruifShould I propose it on the mailing-list?20:51
MrChrisDruifIf the "rest" agrees maybe invite the loco's to move their locally based wiki's to move to wiki.ubuntu.com?20:52
jbichaMrChrisDruif: oh you were talking about the wiki side of help.ubuntu.com? I was thinking the HTML copy of the ubuntu-docs system documentation20:56
MrChrisDruifGhehe, yeah I was talking about the wiki ^_^20:56
jbichaif other locos already have wikis, I don't think they need to move them20:57
peppe84MrChrisDruif, I like this idea for h.u.c. But our wiki is much big. Is impossible for us migrate all guide and all team's and project page :-)20:57
jbichamoinmoin is a pain & their wikis might even be more reliable than the official one20:57
jbichaalso, it'd probably be easier for searching if they kept their own wiki and didn't have to worry about the overwhelming number of English results20:57
* jbicha has to log out for a few minutes20:58
MrChrisDruifBut my idea is universally usable for the html copy of ubuntu-docs system ^_^20:58
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