
asacchrisccoulson: ffox restart worked :)11:59
asacwell done11:59
asacwhich file shall i touch to try a more stress way (try many times)11:59
=== BufferOverflow is now known as Unit193
cousin_luigiTell me, will Chromium be able to rely on the PPAPI implementation of the flash player?15:51
micahgcousin_luigi: that's what Adobe has committed to for the future, Ubuntu will be staying with 11.2 though for its life15:56
cousin_luigimicahg: I mean Chromium instead of Chrome.15:58
micahgcousin_luigi: I would think so15:59
cousin_luigimicahg: Someone on irc.mozilla.org/#firefox said that it might not be that obvious.16:00
micahgunless it uses the native client in some way which we haven't reenabled for chromium yet16:01
cousin_luigimicahg: I can't find the link now, but it was something about the plugin being distributed only with Chrome.16:01
kbrosnanthe only thing is that adobe said that they don't plan on distributing flash as a download16:01
micahgcousin_luigi: yes, but we don't distribute flash with chromium now16:02
micahgoh, right, they're not distributing binaries anymore :)16:02
micahgwell, for 11.3+16:02
cousin_luigimicahg: Does google?16:02
micahgyeah, with Chrome, so I guess your point is valid16:02
* micahg digs up the article16:02
cousin_luigiSo, basically Chromium will have the API but not the binary blob to interface to?16:03
cousin_luigiDo you think it would be viable (both legally and technically) extracting it from the Chrome installer?16:04
cousin_luigiWhat about Lightspark and Shumway then?16:06
micahgcousin_luigi: they'll continue to reverse engineer and try to keep up16:09
micahgbut those projects (gnash as well) need distro and upstream people interested in driving development and rollout of these products16:10
chrisccoulsonwhat we need is for flash to get hit by a bus and die entirely16:11
cousin_luigiMy very personal hunch is that pay-per-view streaming sites will keep it alive, porn ones especially.16:12
cousin_luigiOh yes, and dumb games.:)16:12
chrisccoulson"google chrome - for people who watch porn" :-)16:13
chrisccoulsonif i were a conspiracy theorist, i would think that google would like to become the sole distributor of flash whilst it's still relevant, to give themselves a very big lever for the web, so that they can make everyone use chrome16:15
chrisccoulsonbut, i don't believe in conspiracy theories really ;)16:15
chrisccoulsonof course, google aren't evil like that16:16
chrisccoulsonso they say16:16
cousin_luigiWell, they would only have a lever on linux (2% of the desktop market) and Android.16:16
cousin_luigiI suspect Adobe wanted to get rid of the burden.16:16
chrisccoulsoni mean, they did get rid of h.264 from chrome, like they said they would16:16
chrisccoulsonoh, wait...16:16
chrisccoulsoncousin_luigi, i'm pretty sure that adobe dropping linux is just the start ;)16:17
* cousin_luigi goes fetch a tinfoil roll and passes around16:17
chrisccoulsoni think it would be naive to think that they won't drop other platforms in the future16:17
chrisccoulsonyeah, i should put on my tinfoil hat really16:18
cousin_luigiWhy would they? They're even planning to make more money from it.16:18
cousin_luigiThe 9% tax or whatever is the official denomination.16:18
chrisccoulsoncousin_luigi, well, i'm not sure what adobe's plans for flash are. but, they already killed mobile development, and now they've dropped linux16:19
cousin_luigiWell, flash mobile=android pretty much.16:21
cousin_luigiAnd we're back at Google.:|16:21
* cousin_luigi wonders what's the legal status of https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=5724916:31
chrisccoulsonnot sure. it seems that they do the same with the pdf plugin too16:34
cousin_luigichrisccoulson: Do you think a PPA based on that would be a problem?16:37
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure16:38
micahgcousin_luigi: you have to check the licensing, if it's not distributable, then yes, it's a problem16:39
cousin_luigimicahg: Even if it's the user itself downloading and extracting it?16:40
micahgcousin_luigi: https://help.launchpad.net/PPATermsofUse16:41
chrisccoulsonsomeone had their PPA disabled recently for hosting the sun java packages ;)16:42
cousin_luigimicahg: I believe the script itself is GPL'd16:43
cousin_luigimicahg: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ch/chromium-pepper-flash/PKGBUILD16:43
cousin_luigichrisccoulson: I hope it's not the webupd8 one for the oracle jdk7:/16:43
micahgcousin_luigi: IANAL and refuse to comment further :)16:44
cousin_luigimicahg: Ok:)16:44
cousin_luigimicahg: Who do you think I should ask?16:44
micahgcousin_luigi: if there's a question of licensing in PPAs, #launchpad16:45
cousin_luigimicahg: ok, thanks16:45
micahgcousin_luigi: or file a requestnchpad at answers.launchpad.net/lau16:45
cousin_luigiYou know what? I'll petition the webupd8 team and have them risk their $NETHER_REGIONS. :)16:51
chrisccoulsoni think that the oracle downloader one is probably ok. if it wasn't, then it's likely that it would have disappeared already ;)16:55
chrisccoulsonof course, IANAL either. perhaps nobody spotted that PPA before :)16:57
chrisccoulsonwoah, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-1758929817:43
chrisccoulsoni bet that guy needed some new underwear after that17:44
cousin_luigiHow come he had a camera following him?17:50

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