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knomeis the release time set, or do we again have to wait until a randomly timed announcement? :)09:09
cjwatsonknome: we don't set release times09:09
cjwatsonthere are too many variables late in the process to make it sensible to commit to a time at higher granularity than a day09:10
cjwatsonand we're not going to foster nonsense journalist-has-nothing-better-to-write-about stories like "Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is one and a half hours late" either09:11
cjwatsonpitti: should we announce -proposed being open all the time now, do you think?09:11
pitticjwatson: it certainly sounds like a good time for it09:12
pittiwhile we don't have an ideal workflow yet, we at least have enough tools to not cause too much pain09:12
seb128cjwatson, pitti: is it open as a staging or for stacking SRUs?09:12
pittistaging for now, I'd say09:12
pittiwell, we can decide to leave any of the upload as an actual SRU, of course09:13
pittibut still a bit early for that IMHO09:13
pitticjwatson: do you want to send the announcement, or want me to?09:13
cjwatsonmm, my main concern is that if everyone starts using it for everything than our lack of tools for analysing whether a single source can be promoted will screw us horribly09:14
cjwatsonpitti: I'd like to, since I wrote the LP patch :)09:14
pittiI wouldn't encourage using it for all uploads, at least not at this point09:14
pittiat this point, stuff like eglibc, the unity stack, LibO, and glib09:15
pittiqt 4.8.1 is a good candidate, too09:15
cjwatsonAt least two of those are also great examples of why it's problematic.09:15
pittiin a perfect setup, we'd have an arbitrary number of -proposed like pockets, each one for stacking one atomic set of updates09:16
pittiwe could call them "bubbles"09:16
cjwatsonFSVO perfect ... ;-)09:16
pittii. e. one bubble for unity, one bubble for a new qt, etc.09:16
pittithey'd automatically migrate once everything is built and installable, and would avoid that problem with unintended building against newer libraries09:17
pittibut that's very far off still09:17
cjwatsonI also think that's overengineering TBH09:17
cjwatsonand would be impractically confusing to actually use09:17
seb128pitti, well, you can call those ppas09:17
seb128just need to be non virtual ones09:18
cjwatsonPPAs would be workable if it weren't for the rule about non-virtual PPAs being confined to Canonical employees only09:18
pittiseb128: whatever the implementation is, just concept-wise09:18
cjwatsonso in practice, we can't use them09:18
pittibut they are quite clumsy to use, too09:18
infinitypitti: There's no valid reason to send eglibc to -proposed, unless you think people will test it.09:18
cjwatsonor we at least can't recommend that the whole project uses them09:18
infinitypitti: Staging in proposed is great to make sure arch skew doesn't break the world, but eglibc has no such issues.09:18
pittiinfinity: true that; scratch that one from the list then09:19
infinityAnd, to be fair, arch skew issues are probably just one apt patch and one sbuild patch away from being mostly a non-issue.09:20
infinityGiven that we already have the archive holding onto old arch:all binaries.09:20
infinityThey just need to actually sanely get used in all cases.09:20
pittiinfinity: sbuild for proper depwaiting instead of failing, you mean?09:20
infinitypitti: Yeah.09:20
infinitypitti: I have the code for sbuild lying around, just needs cleanup after 5 years of dust.09:21
pittibut an apt patch isn't sufficient there09:21
pittiit needs to be in Launchpad09:21
infinitypitti: And the apt patch is for end users actually having installable systems during a skew.09:21
pittiapt will just help upgrades09:21
pittibut not installs / ISO builds09:21
cjwatsonI'd argue those are less of an issue anyway.09:21
infinitypitti: apt would fix ISO builds too.  Well, not alternates.09:21
pittii. e. if glib FTBFS on i386 and succeeds on amd64, or vice versa, you immediately render thousands of packages uninstallable09:21
pittiactually, glib is fine09:22
pittisay, gtk09:22
infinitypitti: Yeah, apt dealing properly with that is fixable.09:22
cjwatsonISO build breakages don't cause hundreds of users to get confused and accidentally remove unity or something.09:22
pittiyes, but they are still annoying09:22
pittisame for LibO09:22
cjwatsonSure; but they can also often be dealt with by timing.09:22
pittias the arm vs. x86 build times are so different09:22
cjwatsonIt's perfectly OK for us to fix a small number of things at a time. :-)09:23
infinityAnyhow.  It's all fixable, now that LP published arch:all packages that are still referenced.  (It's not perfect, in that it doesn't take the "i386 is the only thing that failed" case into account, but that's thankfully rare)09:23
infinityMaybe I'll spend some +1 cycles on at least fixing the sbuild dep-wait code.09:24
infinityBut looking into apt doing some semblance of "the right thing" for the above would be nice too.09:24
cjwatsonRight, as opposed to "I WANT THE NEWEST DAMNIT"09:24
infinityPerhaps as a switch that we can intentionally turn off on buildds, if we prefer skew causing dep-waits instead of installing old packages.09:24
mvowhat would apt have to do? if there is a new :all with a strict arch spefific dependency that can not be satisfied, just ignore that package for now - would that be good enough?09:24
* mvo hasn't really thought much about the problem yet09:25
infinitymvo: Basically, yeah.09:25
infinitymvo: Or, in the more general sense, if you have more than one version of an arch:all package, try to satisfy upgrades with the highest, and if that causes removals/failures, try downgrading and resolving again.09:26
infinitymvo: Your path might be shorter, though.09:26
infinitymvo: Oh and yeah, your path implies just ignoring entirely, when what we really need is "pick the right version".09:27
infinitymvo: So, if your "ignore" was changed instead to "try the next one down", etc.09:28
infinity(Think when someone uploads the same all/any split source package 5 times over 3 days, and it's always in skew for a week, we still want people to get the "latest", whatever that is on their arch)09:28
cjwatsonpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/911251/ ?09:31
cjwatson(and others)09:31
mvoinfinity: right09:31
cjwatsonoh, I'm missing footnotes, those are to be pending-sru and precise-proposed_probs09:31
infinityI was just about to ask.09:32
pitticjwatson: I suggest giving some example packages where this is encouraged, like the unity stack or LibO09:33
infinityI'm wary of declating the any/all thing as The Use Case for Proposed, cause if I fix dep-waits in sbuild, it could take years to untrain that behaviour. :P09:33
infinitydeclaring, too.09:34
cjwatsonI could trim that back to just "if bad things will happen if your builds are out of sync"09:34
cjwatsonor something09:34
infinityMaybe if you mention that this is working around implementation shortcomings in lp-buildd and apt, and won't always be required.  I dunno.09:34
infinityI kinda liked the desktop team's "stage GNOME 3.4 in proposed" use case.09:35
LaneyProbably mention how to get stuff migrated09:35
infinityThough that could have gotten painful in a hurry with other people also uploading.09:35
cjwatsonThat was specifically a freeze thing09:35
infinityWith no britney to save us.09:35
cjwatsonLaney: if developers have to ask we're doing it wrong09:35
infinityLaney: Migration will Just Happen when AAs scan pending.09:36
LaneyWell, mention that.09:36
infinityThough, I'm still scared of this whole thing without a britney-alike to save us.09:36
LaneyI don't think that's obvious09:36
cjwatsonI will do09:36
cjwatsoninfinity: Ye09:36
infinityOf course, if there are never build failures in proposed, and we migrate 100% of the packages, we're fine. :P09:37
cjwatsonI'm hoping to have a look at that over the next few weeks, but I have some other things to fix first09:37
infinityMaybe the general announcement is premature, then?09:37
cjwatsonI think we can probably cope with the volume from here to release09:37
infinityLet people "in the know" test the waters, wait for general announcement until we're sure we can sanely migrate massive messes?09:37
cjwatsonGNOME 3.4 - that was a freeze special case though09:37
infinitySure, GNOME was freeze special, my concern is people starting to do large dep chains like that, though.09:38
infinityAnd all it takes is one 3rd-party dep in proposed to make that a nightmare.09:38
cjwatsoninfinity: we could, but I'm a bit worried that not saying anything will result in people making things up09:38
pittiinfinity: it worked quite well for unity, too09:38
pittiespecially during the freeze09:38
cjwatsonwhich is worse than "this is an experimental process, please come and talk to us if you want to do anything weird"09:39
pittiuploading a new unity stack during the freeze directly to precise would have been a big No-go09:39
infinitycjwatson: True.  Okay, maybe it just needs more blink tags. :)09:39
* cjwatson rearranges, and rewords to avoid mention of "pocket" jargon as well09:45
cjwatsonHow about http://paste.ubuntu.com/911266/ ?09:46
infinitycjwatson: +109:49
infinityA++, would read again.09:49
infinityNow, I should get some sleep so I don't miss my flight.09:51
infinitypitti: If I don't manage to find time in the morning, I'll catch up with you tonight (ie: your tomorrow morning) instead.09:51
pitticjwatson: sounds great to me, thanks!10:01
cjwatsonexcellent, sent10:01
Laneyperhaps we should teach ben about this10:06
scott-worki just subscribed ubuntu-release for bug #97115912:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 971159 in ubiquity "[UIFe] new wallpaper for ubiquity on ubuntu studio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97115912:19
scott-workwould it be possible to get an exception on it, por favor?12:19
scott-worksince this is the background image for the isntallation i do not think translations or documentation needs to be addressed12:20
didrockscjwatson: thanks for the email. FYI. I had commitment from the compiz guys to not have any more ABI break on compiz (so a huge part of the dep chain list off). However, Nux still have an ABI break, so I'll probably want to use -proposed for 5.10 (next week) for nux/unity/unity-2d12:36
cjwatsonright, just an example :)12:36
didrockscjwatson: well, I guess it's the one making most of the pain, especially when compiz is involved as well (last time, the time that everything build in time took 7 hours of instability, so clearly worth -proposed ;))12:38
didrockseven if I always pushed when having everything ready to not block on me12:38
dokocjwatson, currently writing an email to u-d-a, but maybe you want to point it out to the +1 team: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20120328-precise.html13:26
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cjwatsondoko: you can point it out directly, don't need to go through me :)13:33
cjwatsonshudder, that's a lot of failures in main13:33
dokoright ...13:33
cjwatsonI wonder how much of this is http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65948213:42
ubot2Debian bug 659482 in automake "aclocal fails if /usr/share/aclocal does not exist" [Serious,Open]13:42
cjwatsonpossibly I was just unlucky that that was the first one I hit, but I'll go and fix that anyway13:44
dokocjwatson, let me know, then I'll give back the builds to clear the list13:46
* cjwatson does a quick screenscrape to find out13:50
cjwatsonPASS: aclocal9.test13:54
cjwatsonPASS: acloca10.test13:54
* cjwatson spots an alignment obsessive13:54
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cjwatsondoko: ok, the only victim of that automake change I could find was make-dfsg14:18
cjwatsonI'll upload automake1.11 once the local test-build has finished14:18
seb128cjwatson, doko: the gnome-keyring build failure might go away on a retry, there is an issue with the testsuite, it does hang every n builds, the test rebuild seems to have ran into that bug, it did timeout on a test14:22
skaetscott-work,  UIFe is approved, but please send note to the docs & translators to let the know its coming down.   They shouldn't be affected, but letting them know is appropriate.14:45
stgraberskaet, scott-work: I just pushed that change in ubiquity (revision 5349) so it'll be there in the next release.14:55
skaetthanks stgraber14:55
scott-workthank you both skaet and stgraber  :)14:58
tsdgeoshi, i have just created a UIFe for Unity-2d at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/97160315:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 971603 in unity-2d "[unity-2d] UI Freeze exception for HUD redesign to Unity2d" [Undecided,New]15:03
tsdgeoshope did it right, it's my very first time :-)15:03
dokoseb128, given back15:04
seb128doko, thanks15:10
jbichalooks like we'll get a "new" 12.04 default wallpaper after all :) bug 96839915:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 968399 in ubuntu-wallpapers "Incremental tweaks to default wallpaper for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96839915:20
skaettsdgeos, can this land by April 5th?15:32
skaet(in Ubuntu archive as part of next drop)15:33
tsdgeosskaet: this can land now if you want15:33
tsdgeoslet me rephrase15:33
tsdgeosthe code is ready, design approves, and there is a new release plannned for friday i think, so yes it'll be there on the 5th15:33
tsdgeosjust need to change the settings in the MR and it'll be all done15:34
skaettsdgeos,  friday is the 6th.... hmm...15:34
tsdgeosmaybe i'm wrong about the friday thing15:35
skaetdidrocks,  when is the next version of unity-2d planned to be included?15:35
tsdgeosskaet: he's not here, is he?15:36
skaettsdgeos,  you're right,  hadn't noticed that quit.  :/15:36
skaettsdgeos,  anyhow,  its approved as long as we can get it with next drop.  which sounds likely.15:37
tsdgeosskaet: so what's the procedure, i confirm with didrocks, come back and you comment in the bug?15:37
skaettsdgeos, I'll work the timings, etc. with didrocks.15:37
tsdgeosskaet: great :-)15:38
skaetjust get it uploaded now.15:38
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micahgpitti: could you please copy 18.0.1025.142~r129054 from ubuntu-security-proposed to lucid and maverick proposed?16:24
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phillwskaet: ping18:46
skaethiya phillw,  ?18:46
phillwhi skaet, kanilot from lubuntu will eb covering for me at the QA meetings for lubuntu, is it in order for him to join this channel?18:47
skaetphillw,  definitely,  he's most welcome.18:48
skaethe should also joing the #ubuntu-testing too.  :)18:48
phillwthanks, it's always more polite. Getting him on there is easy. But I'm still a n00b on this channel, so prefer to check :)18:49
skaetthanks for letting me know.   I'll look for kamilot now too, if I can't spot you and have a question.18:49
phillwhi kanliot, welcome to -release. Do not worry if you do not understand some of the things they chat about - I don't :) They are a nice collection of people who push all the Daily and milestone releases out, including that mammoth session on Ubiquity bug solving prior to beta 218:57
skaethi kanliot and welcome.  :)19:19
kanliotty skaet19:20
* skaet goes to finish off the moving of the beta2 milestoned bugs and finds them dealt with. 19:26
stgraberskaet: yeah pitti ran a script :)19:29
skaetthanks stgraber, pitti. :)19:29
stgraberskaet: move-milestoned-bugs.py in ~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk/19:29
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phillwhi, is their a brain box around who could clear up a bit of confusion? Lubuntu and xubuntu have gone back to non-pae kernels, does this mean 12.04 will run on the likes of Pentium 3's or are they still only able to use 10.04 kernel release? Thanks21:15
cjwatson12.04 will run on older CPUs provided that it's installed with Lubuntu or Xubuntu, or that the -generic kernel is otherwise installed / kept installed by hand somehow (e.g. on upgrades)21:16
cjwatsonI don't happen to remember the full CPU list off the top of my head, but Pentium 3 sounds comfortably within range for -generic21:16
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ScottK(that was me - it's not April 1 anymore)22:18
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