
magespawnMorning all05:50
superflymorning Maaz06:40
superflyerm, morning magespawn06:40
KilosXhi superfly magespawn inetpro and others08:08
superflyhi KilosX08:08
KilosXmore nuvolari 08:17
inetprogood mornings08:24
Symmetrialol, you know, after 17 years on irc, I realize that it never really changes, same old stupid crap, its hilarious08:47
Symmetriaoops 16 years08:47
SymmetriaI also realized that by next year I'll have been on irc half my life 08:49
SquirmI started in... '05 I think08:50
Symmetriaheh, Ive been on irc pretty much since 94 08:50
Symmetrialol we were having oper/admin wars on efnet last night (again)08:51
SquirmSymmetria: realised the other day that we're actually going through TENET08:56
Squirmthrough the e-schools network08:56
Symmetriaheh oh yeah been like that for ages08:57
Squirmhelps to work at a school08:57
Squirmbetter speeds from the TENET mirror ^^08:58
Symmetriaheh I flatline my mweb dsl from the tenet mirror anyway09:01
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
Symmetriatenet mirror has enough capacity to serve pretty much anywhere in the country at line rate without blinking other than saix09:01
Squirmthen what do you always download from the tenet mirror?09:03
Squirmor just the speeds you get09:04
KerberoSymmetria, can i iperf mirror.ac.za?09:05
Kerberowant to test the "new awesome firewall" of stellenbosch09:06
SymmetriaKerbero I'd have to run an iperf instance on it09:08
Kerberopleas :)09:08
Symmetriaif you can do udp though, it would be better to do a tsunami test09:09
Kerberoi don't know tsunami09:09
Symmetrialemme run iperf real quick09:09
SymmetriaServer listening on TCP port 500109:10
SymmetriaBinding to local address
SymmetriaTCP window size: 15.6 MByte (WARNING: requested 7.81 MByte)09:10
Symmetrialemme know once you done please cant leave that running, and make sure you turn up the window sizes if you wanna push it to real max speeds09:10
Kerberoconnection refused09:10
Symmetriaon port 5001 on 191.209?09:11
Symmetriaooops 208?09:11
Symmetriadont run to mirror.ac.za run to
Symmetriamirror.ac.za = .20009:11
Kerberoit's going09:11
Symmetria[  4]  0.0-10.2 sec    112 MBytes  92.2 Mbits/sec09:11
Kerbero$ iperf -c
KerberoClient connecting to, TCP port 500109:11
KerberoTCP window size: 23.5 KByte (default)09:11
Kerbero[  3] local port 38509 connected with port 500109:11
Symmetrialeave it running for longer than 10 seconds 09:11
Kerbero[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth09:12
Symmetriaand turn up your window size 09:12
Kerbero[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   112 MBytes  94.2 Mbits/sec09:12
Kerberojip that's my max09:12
Kerberogoing to check on gigabit now09:12
Symmetria-w 2048000 09:12
Symmetriaand -t 90 09:12
Symmetria10 second isnt a valid test09:12
SquirmSymmetria: can I give it a shot after this?09:12
SymmetriaI dont mind :)09:12
Squirmeh, nevermind, kinda pointless09:13
Symmetriayou running a 90 second test now kerbero?09:13
Kerberoit is running i hope09:13
Symmetriayeah its running, I saw it connect09:13
Symmetrianext time you might wanna add -i 10 as well to it to make it report in 10 second increments until it hits the timer, but its fine, let it finish this09:14
Kerberocrap speed09:14
Symmetriawhat window size did you use?09:14
KerberoTCP window size:   256 KByte (WARNING: requested 1.95 MByte)09:14
Symmetriaoh, what kernel is that09:15
Kerberoold one09:15
Squirmcan I give it a shot quick?09:15
Symmetriaits limiting it because of your kernel settings09:15
Symmetriasquirm go for it09:15
Symmetriakerbero hold, will give you some sysctl's09:15
Kerberook :)09:15
Symmetrianet.core.rmem_max = 1677721609:15
Squirmcrap speed09:16
Squirmbut it's better than 38409:16
Symmetrianet.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87830 838860809:16
Symmetriaand then set .wmem on both of those the same as well09:16
Symmetriaand then try a 2meg window size test again09:16
Kerberosysctl -w ....09:16
Symmetriasysctl -w net.core.rmem_max = 1677721609:16
Squirm[  3]  0.0-98.7 sec  2.38 MBytes   202 Kbits/sec09:17
Symmetriasysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 87830 8388608"09:17
Symmetriathen sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16777216 09:17
Symmetriaand 09:17
Symmetriasysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 87830 8388608"09:17
Symmetrialol squirm09:17
Symmetria:P lemme show you what it should look like09:18
Kerberoit is so lekker to just copy paste09:18
Squirmyou're gonna make me jealous09:18
Kerberogot all 4 now09:18
Kerberoneed to check if this is really gigabit or not09:19
Symmetriaheh just pulling a file to test with09:20
Kerberoyeah, looks like someone stole my gigabit09:20
Kerberowell test completed09:22
Kerberoand that is link speed09:22
Kerberoo wait09:22
Kerberoi forgot09:22
Kerberoi have a server in the data center09:22
Symmetriatesting something real quick09:24
Kerberoahh this is better09:24
KerberoSymmetria, ok test completed09:25
Kerberoshould i run it again after you "tested something quick"?09:26
Symmetriayeah gimme a sec09:26
Symmetriathis is from london -> south africa09:27
Symmetriasingle file stream09:27
SymmetriaThroughput            : 1439.24 Mbps09:27
SymmetriaGoodput w/ restarts   : 1439.24 Mbps09:27
SymmetriaFinal file rate       : 1439.24 Mbps09:27
SymmetriaTransfer mode         : lossless09:27
SymmetriaTransfer duration     : 26.21 seconds09:27
Symmetriaheh 4.6gig file09:27
Kerberonot bad09:27
Symmetriafrom london09:27
Symmetriain 26 seconds09:27
Kerberoso shall i iperf again?09:27
Symmetrialol kerbero disk and other shit starts to top out if I go higher than that09:27
Symmetriayeah go for it09:27
Symmetria[  4]  0.0-90.0 sec  7.14 GBytes    682 Mbits/sec09:28
Symmetriathat was your previous one09:28
Symmetria7.1gig of data in 90 seconds09:28
Symmetriahow are they handling the billing with the new firewall? lol09:28
Kerberono idea09:29
Kerberobut it will likely fail09:29
Kerberook done09:29
Kerberoabout the same specs09:29
Kerberoand that is from sun's backbone09:29
Symmetriathats not bad for a gigabit connected server09:29
Kerberothat is a VM09:30
Kerberoso no idea what it actually has09:30
Symmetriayeah thats not bad09:30
Symmetriathats 85 megabytes/second 09:30
Kerberowell i think that's about it09:30
Kerberoit is awwesome09:30
Symmetrialol now they just need to get rid of the billing09:30
KerberoTCP window size: 3.91 MByte (WARNING: requested 1.95 MByte)09:30
Symmetriarumour has it that even UP is getting rid of theirs09:30
Kerberoi'm not billed for 155.232.191/24 luckily09:31
Squirm.:Symmetria:. Transfer duration     : 26.21 seconds Symmetria: Where did you transfer that to, an TENET server?09:36
Symmetriasquirm from london -> mirror.ac.za09:37
Symmetriafrom the ubuntunet alliance test server 09:37
Symmetriaheh ive pushed that UA test server to 7 gigabit on single file downloads before actually, though to actually hit 7 gigabit requires severe tweaking and dumping to memory and all sorts of crap to get around server limitations that drop that speed down09:38
Kerberohaha wow09:39
KerberoSymmetria, iperf still running?09:40
Symmetriabrb smoke09:41
Kerberowell the last test's speed was worse09:55
Kerberobut ok09:55
Kerberoi'm done09:55
Kerberohave to do some work09:55
Banlamodd, i'm downloading something from sourcegorge10:13
Banlambut it's not using the tenet mirror10:13
Banlamit's using a .br mirror10:13
ybrjkfchi ;)10:24
Kiloshi kbmonkey and others12:48
* Kilos sukkel12:48
Banlamwaarmee sukkel kilos?12:49
Kilosdecided to take the plunge and upgrade maverick to natty but nowhere do i get the choice to upgrade from the natty alternate12:49
Kiloshi Banlam 12:50
* Banlam doesn't bother with upgrades12:50
Banlamit's format or nothing12:50
Kilosi was the same but now have to do it via alternate12:51
Kilosim sure they used to give the option12:51
Kilosmaybe im doing something wrong12:51
* Banlam knows not12:52
Kilosthe fly will know he always upgrades12:52
Kilossuperfly, any idea what im doing wrong?12:52
Kilosit might even be something i have unticked somewhere12:53
Kilosso weird. if i put in natty ubuntu cd while on natty xubuntu then it asks if i want to upgrade12:54
superflyKilos: I never got a dialog or anything popping up, I had to do it manually12:54
Kilosoh my12:55
superflyit's not difficult12:55
Kilosok im listening12:55
Kiloswill write it down12:55
superflyonce the CD is mounted, go to the CD in your terminal12:55
superflyso if your CD was mounted on /media/cdrom, "cd /media/cdrom"12:56
superflythen "ls" to see the files... there should be some "cdromupgrade" file (or something similarly named)12:56
superflythen you run "sudo /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"12:56
superflyand it should take it from there12:57
Kilosah ty superfly that cdromupgrade function is what isnt working when the cd opens12:58
kbmonkeyhi kilos superfly bn13:22
kbmonkeyBanlam, 13:22
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
Kiloscan only cd /media and ls there13:26
Kiloscant cd into cdrom13:26
Kilosmurphy back again13:26
Kilosdoing ls in media shows Ubuntu 11.04 i38613:28
Kiloscany cd into that either13:28
confluencyOh, yeah, tumbleweed, some Russians want to know how big Ubuntu is in SA.13:29
confluencyLike ybrjkfc. :)13:29
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos cd Ubu<tab>13:52
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode13:52
ybrjkfc<confluency>  hi ;)13:59
confluencyybrjkfc: hello :)13:59
ybrjkfc<confluency> you use instant XMPP messenger ?14:01
ybrjkfcI could call you in the Russian user conference ubuntu14:02
confluencyybrjkfc: only Google Talk.14:02
ybrjkfc<confluency>  Google Talk this is great :)14:03
ybrjkfc<confluency> linux@conference.sibnsk.net  is the address of the conference14:05
confluencyCan Google Talk conenct to chatrooms?14:06
confluencyAs far as I know, it doesn't interoperate with normal XMPP chatrooms. :/14:06
ybrjkfc<confluency> Yes. Japanese users are checked :)14:07
ybrjkfci<confluency> n this conference is Japanese, which uses  Google Talk14:07
tumbleweedconfluency, ybrjkfc: I have no idea how big Ubuntu is in ZA :)14:08
ybrjkfc<tumbleweed> I believe. you're a developer and Debian is ubuntu?14:09
tumbleweedybrjkfc: I'm a Debian Developer, and an Ubuntu Developer14:10
ybrjkfc<tumbleweed> it's fine :)14:13
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
ybrjkfc<tumbleweed> Hundreds of thousands of people in Russia, and Debian is using ubuntu.14:14
kbmonkeylo /o17:23
Kiloshaha ty superfly this has been driving me nuts18:09
Kilosnear gave up18:09
superflyKilos: did you come right though?18:10
Kilosgonna see now. had a head that needed to take a break18:10
Kilosnope it bloeps at me when i try tab it18:12
Kilosdont know why i cant cd to the cdrom18:13
Kilosevening all18:13
Kilosdo i have to tell /etc/fstab that their is a cdrom superfly 18:14
Kilosthat whole modprobe thing18:14
Kilosi can cd /dev then do ls and there is a cdrom shown but when i cd to /cdrom ls shows nothing18:15
superflyKilos: you need to mount the cdrom as you normally do, in nautilus18:17
Kilosyes it shows on desktop superfly 18:18
superflyKilos: double-click on it18:18
Kilosit opens another windows with all the folders in it18:19
Kilosit opens one automatically when it shows on desktop superfly 18:20
superflyOK, and if you edit the location, does it show you a proper path?18:20
* superfly doesn't know how nautilus works18:21
Kilosno sure what you mean but if i click next to ubuntu 11.04 it shows media ubuntu 11.0418:22
superflyas in /media/ubuntu 11.04 ?18:22
Kilosfirst a drive pic then media ubuntu 11.0418:23
Kilosnot with /18:23
Kiloswords in buttons whereby you can go back or forward by ticking them18:24
Kilosits a graphical thing18:24
Kilosbash: cd: /media/cdromupgrade: No such file or directory18:27
Kilosthats what i get via cli superfly 18:27
superflyKilos: of course, because that is not a valid path18:27
Kilosbut i can see it is there18:27
superflyKilos: what's in /media ?18:27
superflycd /media && ls18:28
Kilossuperfly, Ubuntu 11.04 i38618:28
superflyKilos: pastebin it for me18:29
Kilosthats all there is 18:29
Kilosone line18:29
superflyKilos: ls -al18:30
Kilossuperfly,  http://slexy.org/view/s2WnfGY0wo18:32
superflyKilos: you're not in media18:32
superflycd /media18:32
superflyls -al18:32
Kiloseish skuus man18:33
Kilossuperfly,  http://slexy.org/view/s203PnsXG818:34
Kiloswith an upgrade will i keep my original desktop or will it try go unity first then go gnome classic18:38
superflyKilos: now type in "cd Ubu" and press tab18:38
LangjanHi kilos, long time. How are you?18:39
Kiloshi Langjan 18:39
Kilosgood ty and you18:39
Kilossuperfly, bloep18:39
Langjangood thanks, just back from a trip to Cahora Bassa18:39
superflyKilos: are you typing it with a capital U?18:39
Kilosoh no18:40
superflynot "cd ubu" but "cd Ubu"18:40
Kilosthats it superfly ty i will try go further18:41
* Kilos must read more carefully18:41
superflyKilos: when you use the directory, use tab to complete it, because it makes sure that things like the spaces are handled correctly18:41
superflyKilos: also, when you're in nautilus, press Ctrl+L and you will see the real path18:42
Kilosah ty superfly such a stupid mistake18:42
LangjanKilos I have a weird problem with thunderbird18:43
Kiloswow that works great  /media/Ubuntu 11.04 i38618:43
Kiloswhats it doing Langjan i still use evolution18:43
Langjanupgraded to 11.10 and tbird seems to have picked up a bug, it shows a message in the reply to space, when you scroll over it it shows my email address18:44
Kilosoh my. maybe there is a thunderbird user here that knows where to look18:46
Langjanwas thinking perhaps I should delete email account and redo it, but its a hassle18:46
Kiloshasnt it changed something in you preferences18:46
Langjanwell I pasted my whole profile into the folder and this comes up. Tried to redo it, lost some mails in the process but the problem remains.  18:47
Kilostry a sudo aptitude reinstall thunderbird18:48
Kilossometimes when pasting on gets things a bit wrong. maybe it adds a space where it shouldnt or something18:49
Langjanok lets try that will get back to you, silly of me not to try that first18:50
Kiloswho knows18:50
superflyKilos: so did you run "sudo /media/Ubuntu 11.04 i386/cdromupgrade" ?18:51
Kilossuperfly, will this tell me how much it is going to want to download first18:51
Kiloscan i do it offline rather18:51
superflyKilos: if you're not connected, it won't download anything18:51
Kilosmaybe thats safest18:52
Kilossuperfly, will you help langjan if i am off please18:52
Langjanthanks kilos, the reinstall did not make any difference 18:53
Kilosmust be something in settings Langjan 18:54
Langjanbeen there, don't see anything 18:54
superflyLangjan: what do you mean by "when you scroll over it"? Are you using your mouse or your keyboard?18:55
Langjanhi superfly18:55
Kilosjust gonna run upgrade. bbnn18:56
superflyLangjan: so when you mouse over, it shows your e-mail address in the "reply to" field?18:57
Langjanthat's right, but then when the cursor is gone, it shows what looks like the text from an e-mail.i18:58
LangjanIt's like hovering over a live link  18:59
superflyLangjan: oh, that just sounds like a visual bug19:00
Langjanmeaning what superfly? 19:01
superflyLangjan: meaning that it doesn't sound like anything is really wrong19:01
superflyit's just an irritating thing to see19:02
Langjanmakes sense but as you say it looks weird19:02
Langjanwill it help to delete and reinstall my e-mail account?19:03
superflyLangjan: no19:03
Langjanso I live with it?19:04
superflywhat you can possibly do is save your e-mails themselves, and remove your Thunderbird profile, but that's a slightly tricky exercise with potentially disastrous consequences if you get it wrong19:04
LangjanI did remove and reinstall my profile, lost some e-mails but the problem persisted19:05
superflythen it likely won't go away any time soon19:05
Kilos-Langjan, send all your maisl to another mail account19:06
Langjanok thanks, hope you're right. Keep well superfly.19:06
superflyYeah, just busy, thanks19:06
Kilos-Langjan, you there19:06
LangjanYes, Kilos you must be joking19:07
Kilos-lol no man liten to my reasoning19:07
Langjanok trying to19:07
Kilos-send those you want to save19:07
Kilos-but they should all be online arent they19:08
Kilos-then we can try purge thunderbird and then install from scratch19:08
Langjanonly inbox for 40 days, I have about 2 gigs of mails 19:08
Kilos-purge removes configuration files as well19:08
kbmonkeynaand geeks19:09
Kilos-you are too popular19:09
Kilos-naand kbmonkey 19:09
superflyhi kbmonkey19:09
kbmonkeyyou have a tail kbmonkey19:09
kbmonkeyi mean Kilos- 19:09
kbmonkeylol, tab complete fail19:09
Kilos-oh sorry went off to upgrade but it didnt work19:09
* kbmonkey has a tail too19:10
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
kbmonkeyhi superfly Langjan 19:10
kbmonkeyawe your alternate Cd does not work? :(19:10
Langjanhi kbmonkey19:10
kbmonkeydoes it not have an upgrade option whenyou boot from the CD19:10
Kilosnope. now im trying it via command line19:10
superflykbmonkey: it does, oom Kilos was just being a little light-headed19:10
superfly(and you can't upgrade when booting from the CD, AFAIK)19:11
Kilossuperfly, from where must i run that "sudo /media/Ubuntu 11.04 i386/cdromupgrade"19:11
Kilosmiles@P4:/media/Ubuntu 11.04 i386$ sudo /media/Ubuntu 11.04 i386/cdromupgrade19:12
superflyKilos: anywhere19:12
Kilossudo: /media/Ubuntu: command not found19:12
superflyja oom, but I told you to tab-complete the directory name19:12
superflyotherwise you'll get it wrong19:12
Kilosmustnt it have apt-get or aptitude in there19:12
superflytype in "sudo /media/Ubu<tab>"19:13
superflyand then the rest19:13
Kilosit bloeps again by tab19:14
Kiloswith the capital U19:14
superflyKilos: OK, then type this, as you see it (with the quotes and everything): sudo "/media/Ubuntu 11.04 i386/cdromupgrade"19:15
jan_superfly, the problems seems to be with 11.10 which uses thunderbird as default, I loaded the same profile onto my trusty 11.04 and it is fine.19:23
superflyjan_: the profile contains themes and addons and stuff. Profiles do not generally work across major upgrades19:24
superflythat is likely the problem you are seeing19:24
jan_eish, and I just only learnt how to transfer profiles. How do you transfer the mails and adresses etc when upgrading?19:25
superflyI don't know how to transfer addresses... mails are just files at the end of the day, so you can just copy those across... these days Thunderbird has an importer to import just the mails from a directory on disk.19:27
Kiloseish first thing it wanted was to check online so i pulled modem19:28
Kilosthats the result19:28
Kilosi give up for now superfly maybe better to save the data and stay on maverick a bit longer19:31
superflyKilos: hrm, that's a weird error19:32
superflydid the GUI tell you that?19:32
Kilosit might be because it doesnt see medibuntu on the cdrom?19:33
Kilosi go look in there terminal if i can find out more19:33
superflyhrm, maybe... you can try disabling medibuntu19:34
Kilosi will paste what the terminal said19:34
Kilosit didnt show any more in the terminal19:38
Kiloswe leave it for now superfly got a thumper here. need to lie down. ty for the help19:40
Kiloskbmonkey, why dont you learn networking19:40
Kilosyou can sit on the beach and make money19:41
superflyKilos: none of those messages are errors19:41
kbmonkeysjoe Kilos that sure is some error!19:42
Kiloswhen it starts it asks to go online19:42
superflyKilos: and usually you can tell it not to19:43
Kilosi pulled modem and ticked no and it ran long time trying to setup software centre and never got past that19:43
superflyit says, "do you want to go online" and you just say no19:43
Kilosyes i did19:43
kbmonkeyjust let it run over night if it seems to take a while19:43
Kilosi will try again tomorrow19:44
Kilossleep tight all of you19:44
kbmonkeyokay Kilos 19:44
kbmonkeysee you tomorrow19:44
kbmonkeyit seems like a bug in the update process superfly, letting it go online will resolve it -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/38703/an-unresolvable-problem-occurred-while-calculating-the-upgrade-how-to-solve-it19:49
superflykbmonkey: ah19:49
kbmonkeyoh well now we know :p19:50
superflymy last few upgrades were online, I haven't done a CD upgrade in 2 or 3 years19:50
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
Kerberowho have ever heard of an isp that blocks all UDP?20:34
superflynope, not me20:40
Kerberoyes it is really a joke20:41
Kerberonever send you kids to the university of stellenbosch20:42
Kerberothe IT infrastructure is run by idiots20:42

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