
jostenAfter installing all updates, how do I get rid of the old versions such as the kernel version 3.0.0-12, I now have 3.0.0-17, but grub still gives me the option to boot the old one.00:01
FireStormsAnyone have problem with LTS Firefox on Ubuntu 10.04, keeps saying Firefox is already running when it is not,00:03
xanguaFireStorms: kill the procces00:04
uglyoldbobhow do i get gcc3 for ubuntu 10.04? I'm compiling linux-2.4 for a really old computer00:05
bagelsWhy can't I find the assistive technologies settings anywhere? Using version 1200:05
sidneyxangua, http://paste.ubuntu.com/910861/00:05
FireStormskill process?00:06
sidneyFireStorms, alt + f2 issue command kill and the name00:07
FireStormsthank you, did work00:08
bagelslike, I can't find the onscreen keyboard, I can't zoom in on my screen, anything.00:10
TorbenBetabagels, for ubuntu 12. use #ubuntu+100:10
smg60231I am having a bit of an issue. Port scanners are saying that all ports on my network are closed, even though I have them forwarded and everything. Any suggestions?00:10
bagelsoh thanks00:10
bagelssorry :D00:10
uglyoldbobsmg60231: port scan from a computer inside your network?00:11
smg60231uglyoldbob: Not quite sure how to do that. I did use Linux to check and make sure it wasn't blocking anything, which it wasn't... and neither is windows.00:12
smg60231uglyoldbob: Just download a port scanning program or something?00:12
plut0why am i getting this error when copying certain files? Value too large for defined data type (75)00:12
sidneysmg60231, http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/00:13
smg60231sidney: Ran this scan, says all ports are closed00:13
uglyoldbobsmg60231: angry ip scanner will run on windows00:14
uglyoldbobthat will help determine if the router is forwarding correctly00:14
smg60231uglyoldbob: Thanks, downloading now.00:15
uglyoldbobor if you are scanning from linux, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-port-scanning/00:15
smg60231_back, restarted brwoser lol00:18
OvermindDL1So why might pulseaudio be randomly dying, it instantly restarts itself but anything using audio needs to be restarted to use the new pulseaudio process.  Using 11.1000:19
airstrikefor some reason, screen kills the current ssh connection when i do C-a c00:20
OvermindDL1It does this about once an hour while listening to something00:20
uglyoldbobE: Couldn't find package gcc-3.3. Anybody know how to install gcc4 and gcc3 on ubuntu-10.04?00:21
plut0why am i getting this error when copying files? Value too large for defined data type (75)00:21
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smg60231_The Angy IP Scanner found no open ports as well00:22
PseudoephedrineIm trying to run 'apt-get update' but keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/910874/00:22
uglyoldbobplut0: what is the file size and what filesystem are you copying to?00:22
uglyoldbobsmg60231: that means the ports on the computer are not open00:23
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plut0uglyoldbob: 158mb copying to xfs00:23
Yaaaaaaupgraded to 12.04, my sound still works but now alsa mixer says: cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument00:23
uglyoldbobsmg60231: you used the internal ip address (perhaps 192.168.bla.bla)?00:23
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Yes, I used the internal IP00:24
smg60231_uglyoldbob: It report [n/s] for ports00:25
uglyoldbobsmg60231: ok check configurations on the computer then (firewall + is server application running/working)00:25
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Firewall on windows is up now, but had no results with it down anyway.00:26
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Firewall on ubuntu is set to accept all00:26
uglyoldbobthe server is windows or linux?00:26
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Server is running00:26
PseudoephedrineIm trying to run 'apt-get update' but keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/910874/ im not sure if ive missed something but it keep happening00:26
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Linux00:26
chsadosso im wanting to try and install ubuntu for a 3rd time in about a year.... i keep running into not being able to get my usb wireless n dongle to work.  it is a model wnda3100 v2 and from what little documentation about similar problems online - it seems like its a bunch of tinkering and hacking.  wondering if anyone could help me out find a supe rsimple way of doing this00:26
uglyoldbobsmg60231: netstat -a | egrep 'Proto|LISTEN'00:27
Blue1chsados: what version of ubuntu?00:27
chsadosthe newest one00:28
Blue1chsados: have you tried...backport?00:28
mintmansmg60231_:  and Pseudoephedrine  getting same errors might be a repository change for security check out ubuntu or firewall issue??00:28
chsadosi have not blue1 im ubur linux noob im just used to clicking an icon to install drivers :S00:28
Blue1chsados: this may/may not help:  http://pkill-9.com/getting-wireless-connect-to-work-for-acer-aspire-on-ubuntu/00:29
Pseudoephedrinemintman: how would i go about doing that?00:29
mediaany one can help with ffmpeg?00:29
Blue1chsados: this is more a medium knowledge level - if you are a n00b may not be for you.00:29
smg60231_mintman: He has the same problems as me, eh? Ports are all closed it says? damn lol00:29
chsadoswhere can i get some noob help?00:29
drecutewhat's the safest way to install ubuntu-server on ubuntu-desktop?00:29
smg60231_uglyoldbob: http://pastebin.com/wb22xb0200:30
Blue1drecute: makes no sense.00:30
smg60231_uglyoldbob: sorry, not to sure how to interperate that lol00:30
uglyoldbobsmg60231: what services are you trying to run on the server?00:30
drecuteBlue1: how do you mean?00:30
smg60231_uglyoldbob: TeamSpeak 3 server Listening on UDP 998700:31
drecuteI want the server and desktop on the same machine00:31
Blue1drecute: they are incompatible.  that said I installed ubuntu desktop and whatever else I wanted - I created a lamp -- linux, apache, mysql, php, dns and ftp server00:31
drecuteexcept I will have to go ahead and install the server packages individually?00:31
plut0why am i getting this error when copying files? Value too large for defined data type (75)00:31
Blue1drecute: yeah00:32
* drecute hunger00:32
Blue1drecute: I could operate w/o x, but hey I am not doing my own webservice (apache) so eh...00:33
buttsciclesIs there any way to recover a file I deleted using the rm command?00:33
Quantum_Ion11 more days until they releasr 12.04 Ubuntu Linux LTS00:34
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Blue1Quantum_Ion: i will prolly  wait till then may 1, till they get some of the bugs ironed out.00:34
uglyoldbobsmg60231: the log suggests that the teamspeak server is not running on your server, can you get a log file for it?00:35
Quantum_IonBlue1, Good advice00:35
Blue1i have to do something, as 10.10 his end-of-life this month (no april fool)00:35
lol_no_uhow to dim screen when idle? i mean not blank, just dim it00:35
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Not quite sure how to do that, but I can prove that it is running lol.00:35
lol_no_usome gsettings magic?00:35
Quantum_IonBlue1, Still running 10.04 LTS lol00:36
Blue1Quantum_Ion: my folks are on 10.04 and my other box is on debian squeeze00:36
uglyoldbobsmg60231: the log is perhaps in ~/server.log00:36
smg60231_uglyoldbob: http://pastebin.com/ykqJryBM00:37
Quantum_IonBlue1, Are your folks your parents ?00:37
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Running over SSH with no GUI, so I am not quite sure how to actually pull up the log for you =\00:37
mintmanuglyoldbob: can the just connect directly to the ISP to make sure it is just a server issue and not a repository issue with ubuntu??00:38
uglyoldbobnano ~/server.log or cat ~/server.log | more or nano ~/server.log00:38
lol_no_unetcat it00:38
Blue1Quantum_Ion: yes they are in their 80's have been running Linux now for about 3 years.00:38
Quantum_IonBlue1, Wow00:38
Blue1Quantum_Ion: private message ok?00:38
rybnikHey fellas anyone care to give some feedback on http://radiant-fog-5434.herokuapp.com/# it's bare bone for now…. I would just love some comments on the concept.. It's a free online service that I'm currently developing … feedback is most appreciated :)00:39
Quantum_IonBlue1, sure00:39
uglyoldbobsmg60231: "tail ~/server.log" might also work well00:39
Yaaaaaaupgraded to 12.04, my sound still works but now alsa mixer says: cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument00:40
briankbhow do I add a program shortcut on the menubar if the program doesn't show up in unity search? I want to make a shortcut to /usr/local/bin/xbmc00:40
smg60231_uglyoldbob: I entered the command in the wrong directory and now it wont let me exit lol00:40
smg60231_I keep entering ^X00:40
smg60231_but it does nothing00:41
=== mintman is now known as JelloPop
JelloPoprybnik: What is this service for other then images... I thought that is what Google images is for ! 8)00:42
plut0why am i getting this error when copying files? Value too large for defined data type (75)00:42
hellyeahi am usingn ubuntu 12.0400:42
hellyeahdo i need to go ubuntu+100:42
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Mind enlightening me on how to exit this thing? xD00:42
hellyeahhey is there anyone who use irssi00:42
uglyoldbobsmg60231: which one did you use?00:42
smg60231_uglyoldbob: nano ~/server.log00:43
uglyoldbobsmg60231: ctrl + x00:43
JelloPopsmg60231_: ctrl + x or ctrl + q00:43
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Ah, thanks00:44
rybnikJelloPop: This is currently a front end… the main Idea is to build a Wordpress plugin and perhaps a MS/Open office plugin … so that when a user writes an article … a report a presentation… push a button and receive image suggestions based on his content, these suggestions should also allow a user to easily discover what license is associated with them…. and well it saves you the "lets try this search… nahh this other one… nah00:44
rybnikthis other one…" effort when looking for the right content for your text00:44
keittwhat is this exactly?00:45
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Entering that command in the correct directory brings up a blank screen00:45
rybnikkeitt: asking me ?00:45
keitti am confused00:45
smg60231_uglyoldbob: However, from what I showed you, the server is running.00:45
rybnikkeitt: about the service? I'm not sure you're talking to met lol xD00:46
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uglyoldbobhmm can you show me the server.ini?00:47
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Do the same thing I just did? As I said, I am using no GUI and am not sure how to bring such files up without one lol.00:47
smg60231_uglyoldbob: sorry for my newbiness lols00:48
keitt_any one here?00:48
tyler_dI am a meet popsicle00:48
tyler_dmeat 200:48
smg60231_keitt: Hi hi00:48
keitt_tyler? is it? but what is this website?00:48
JelloPoprybnik: Good Luck,  Srry I dont have much use for a app that tells me IMage is Licensed.. Of course I dont right for maginzines or newspaper or printed material or website developer... Good Idea just not much use to a average chap.. :)00:48
keitt_we can take pictures?00:48
keitt_hi smg00:49
keitt_can some one tell what is going on?00:49
keitt_i am lost00:50
keitt_ugh this just popped up00:50
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Using the command you gave me, nano (directory), nothing comes up with server.ini either.00:50
rybnikJelloPop: Thank you for your feedback! :) I'll give it a though about how the service targeting :)00:50
keitt_hey do any of you have a vivitar camera00:50
smg60231_uglyoldbob: no connections have been made to it yet, as no users can connect to it but me lol.00:50
hypn0are we all keitt - lost00:50
tyler_dI think the majority of this banter is really just !offtopic00:50
uglyoldbobsmg60231: server.ini should be in the same folder as the executable is00:51
keitt_i g2g i don't wanna be in this convo00:51
keitt_and this is confusing00:51
keitt_bye :)00:51
smg60231_uglyoldbob: I cd'd into that directory and gave the command that you told me to enter... the screen that comes up is blank.00:52
uglyoldbobsmg60231: ls00:52
YaaaaaaI am on 12.04 ( I know someone said go to ubuntu+1 but no one is there) any ideas why my sound works ( and everything shows up in pavucontrol) but alsamixer does not work says. cannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument, just need a point in the right direction...00:52
JelloPoprybnik: Selling point is there! Just finding the audience is the question to use the app.. Might pose the idea to Ubuntu forums..00:52
smg60231_uglyoldbob: http://pastebin.com/V7pQavDt00:53
JelloPoprybnik: combining ur idea with a imagining app might make it a more functional idea!00:54
rybnikJelloPop: I'll try yo make the service and the API stable then I'll try yo kickstart some Libre Office plugin :) and se if the community cares to help :)00:54
rybnikJelloPop: imagining app…? Care to develop further your idea?00:54
sab0I am new ubuntu user;I have several ubunutu in my grub loader along with windows 7,I want to know which is my latest updated ubuntu among all the listed os;I want to keep the most updated one and delet all other ubuntu from the list,can any one please help me  how can i do that?00:56
JelloPoprybnik: srry hit to many buttons killed my irssi session00:56
marcoshey is thre new compiz effects coming out00:56
uglyoldbobsm60231: ls logs00:57
sab0I am new ubuntu user;I have several ubunutu in my grub loader along with windows 7,I want to know which is my latest updated ubuntu among all the listed os;I want to keep the most updated one and delet all other ubuntu from the list,can any one please help me  how can i do that?00:57
adrien2any one know how to set refresh rate in ubuntu 11.10 with unity?00:57
adrien2part of my screen is off and there's no way to set it00:58
jlb181sab0: I use the Janitor in Ubuntu Tweak, it works.00:58
JelloPoprybnik: I was figuring adding it to like GIMP letting user know he is editing a graphics that has copyright!00:58
smg60231_uglyoldbob: http://pastebin.com/uxZkbcah00:58
FernandoCuevawhat is the command to eject a pccard that is to disable its power so I can remove it safely00:58
adrien2i mean, part of the screen is off the screen00:58
adrien2in other window managers changing the refresh fixes it.00:58
jlb181sab0:  http://ubuntu-tweak.com/00:59
sab0jlb181, i will try now00:59
jenesaispashello there01:00
uglyoldbobsmg60231: cat logs/ts3server_2012-04-01__22_23_43.614560.log01:00
quuxmanthis is bizarre: If I run "mplayer song.mp3" on VT1, it plays fine (using ALSA), but if I do  exactly the same in a terminal in X, it fails01:00
rybnikJelloPop: Hmmm i think that is farfetched for the scope I'm aiming…. I mean, you wan't to have suited images given a text. Editing them.. hmmm I'm having trouble picturing it. But perhaps It's just my crappy coffee wearing out… I'll think about what you propose!01:00
quuxmanprints a bunch of alsa errors, starting with: [AO_ALSA] alsa-lib: confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'01:00
jenesaispasI'm testing ubuntu 12.04 beta 2. Altought it worked at first, language support doesn't do anything anymore. Whatever language I put first or install, english is kept... doesn't appear to do anything... why?01:01
quuxman(when running from X11). Note that I'm not actually quitting X, just switching to VT1, and it works01:01
smg60231_uglyoldbob: http://pastebin.com/FtuedMeN01:01
quuxmanthere must be some environment variable that's confusing the alsa audio out plugin01:02
JelloPoprybnik: NO I was not referring just to scope of defining text usage, but on the user side of editing images never seen any image editing program detail that u are using copyrighted material.. I think maybe ur scope is narrowed to image use in Office... Instead of just using images in general...01:03
quuxmanexcept env doesn't show anything related to alsa. Has anybody else run in to something like this?01:03
uglyoldbobsmg60231: what linux distro is installed?01:04
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Linux Ubuntu 11.10 server01:05
drecutewhich is most popular method of joining ubuntu to AD?01:06
JelloPoprybnik: Ur assuming the user doesn't use GIMP before placing the image in his/her document for pixels, resolution,turn image back and white.. There could be lots of effects added to image before putting it in the document!01:06
rybnikJelloPop: ahhhh now I see it!01:07
rybnikJelloPop: thank you! :)01:07
JelloPoprybnik: Good Luck! Lick the idea! :) Hopefully we see it soon ;)01:07
JelloPoplick =like01:08
rybnikJelloPop: jajajaj XD I'll give it a try I'll let you people know XD Thank you for you time and effort!01:08
sab0jlb181, i was trying to install it from terminal but its giving me this error "E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-tweak_0.6.2-1~oneiric1_all.deb"01:08
drecutewhich is most popular method of joining ubuntu to AD?01:08
jlb181sab0:  Yeah, download it from the website, it'll work.  I don't think it is in the repos.01:09
sab0jlb181, i downloaded it and then tried to install01:09
naryfadoes anybody know how to install cinnamon in 12.04?01:10
jlb181sab0 did you click the deb package in the downloads folder?01:10
sab0jlb181, yes,its there01:10
uglyoldbobsmg60231: try three commands: "sudo ufw allow 30033" "sudo ufw allow 9987" "sudo ufw allow 10011"01:10
jlb181sab0:  downle click the package.  That should open USC and from there click install.01:11
smg60231_uglyoldbob: I disabled ufw, however when I tried allow 9987 via ufw it didn't work. I can try again, however.01:11
smg60231_uglyoldbob: 'Skipping adding existing rule'01:12
uglyoldbobsmg60231: "sudo ufw status"01:13
smg60231_uglyoldbob: 'status: inactive'01:13
sab0jlb181, i tried to install it by clicking on it and usind the gdebi package installaer but still its giving this error "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-aptdaemon.gtk3widgets"01:14
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sysRPLunity flipping suuuuckkkks asssss01:15
sysRPLdoes anyone know where the unity evlopers lve? i want to strangle one of them RIGHT NOW01:15
jlb181Does anybody know what that means?  Error Dependency is not satisfiable: python-aptdaemon.gtk3widgets01:16
jlb181sab0, I would assume you need to install that dependancy first.01:16
uglyoldbobsysRPL: try kubuntu that has kde?01:18
jlb181sab0: you can install that from the Ubunut software Center01:19
sab0jlb181, ok01:19
sysRPLwell i want to strangle a developer who made the pos which is unity01:20
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sysRPLbeen using t for about 3 hours ...  i have all updates ... so far it lost my pinned icons, showed firefox pinned twice, i opneed chrome tabbed away them it shows it's not running ... that happened four times01:21
sysRPLthen i can open another nautilus window01:21
jlb181sab0, after you get the install try the Ubuntu-Tweak deb package again.01:21
sysRPLthe freaking menu up top is screwed up in my IDE .. when i am workng in the code window i can't access the project menu01:22
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Any other suggestions? Or is that all we can do? =\ appreciate the help01:22
uglyoldbobsmg60231: im looking right now01:22
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Ah, thank you so much.01:23
uglyoldbobsmg60231: "netstat -lp"01:23
smg60231_uglyoldbob: http://pastebin.com/T1jBAec501:24
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uglyoldbobsmg60231: so I now see the server has the appropriate ports open. what is the network configuration for the server?01:30
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Sorry? What do you mean?01:31
jiggawookiewhy can only root run alsamixer ? my user is part of the 'audio' group.....01:31
smg60231_uglyoldbob: I have the server ran through a router into a modem, I can give you it's IP's and what not but what do you mean it's network config aside from that?01:31
uglyoldbobdoes it have a dynamic or static ip address?01:32
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Oh oh, sorry about that. LAN = Static, WAN = Dynamic.01:32
uglyoldbobok good01:32
uglyoldbobwhat router?01:32
smg60231_uglyoldbob: WNR200001:32
smg60231_uglyoldbob: By the way, I have a DUC that reflects the IP as a hostname and updates it, if that is relevent at all.01:33
uglyoldbobim not familiar with DUC01:33
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Dynamic Updating Client, updates a hostname to reflect a dynamic IP. Basically everytime my IP changes the DUC updates the hostname accordingly.01:34
uglyoldbobsmg60231: so you are forwarding tcp ports 10011, 30033, and udp port 9987?01:34
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Yes01:34
uglyoldbobare you on a computer that is in the LAN?01:36
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Yes01:37
uglyoldbobcan you connect using the static LAN IP (teamspeak client) ?01:38
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Yes I can, always have been able to yet WAN connections don't go through01:39
uglyoldbobsmg60231: i should have the teamspeak client in 5 mins01:40
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Oh, thanks owo, thanks so much xD01:40
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lucasflIs there a way to choose which Apps use the dark variant of Adwaita in Gnome 3?01:42
FernandoCuevaI don't want to use fuser I want to safely remove the device from terminal what is the command01:44
FernandoCuevaa usb drive01:44
balactusbash autocomplete not working right for me in konsole, it work some of the time but not other times01:46
balactusif i type mount /mnt/f01:46
balactusit will autocomplete, but if i type sudo mount /mnt/f it will not01:46
balactusand if i su to root directly, it will work, so i know root recognizes the path01:46
balactusits just not consistant behavior, it will work some other time but not others, it dont seem to be working right01:47
uglyoldbobsmg60231: what is the address for the teamspeak client?01:49
sacarlsonbalactus: maybe that user isn't in sudoers list?01:49
smg60231_uglyoldbob: reignmari.no-ip.org01:50
balactusthatsx not the problem sacarlson01:51
sacarlsonbalactus: try sudo whoami ;01:51
balactusthe problem is that bash autocomplete 'halfway works'01:51
balactusit works half of the time01:51
sacarlsonbalactus: oh ok got ya tab to autocomplete the line01:51
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FerchoLPHi. I leave my notebook for a few minutes and when I came back it was frozen. Black screen and nor ctrl-alt-f1, ctrl-alt-f2, either ctrl alt del did anything. I had to force it off with power button. THe question is, which log file can I read to try to figure out hat happened? I tried with dmesg logs and syslogs files but I've found anything. Any ideas where else can I look for?01:55
i7cFerchoLP: suspend / hibernate? sometimes doesn't go quite well01:57
uglyoldbobsmg60231: well the only thing left to check is port forwarding rules on the router01:57
FerchoLPnono, it shouldn't go to suspend or hibernate. It should just start the screensaver01:57
balactusthis was my exact problem, i found it sacarlson01:58
balactusissue is with bash-completion package01:58
balactusi guess it has different explicit rules set for certain commands like sudo01:58
FerchoLPI left it with the lid open and I haven't set it up to go to suspension nor hibernate :/01:58
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Hm, I forwarded the ports on the router... not quite sure what else to check on there unless I am missing something? Sorry, bit of a newb I am lol.01:58
balactusgeneric stuff like path completion that should alwayts work has some explicit rules messing with it there01:59
sacarlsonFerchoLP: might be in screen saver try disable or increase the time see if the problem goes away,  if it changes then might be some part of that01:59
balactusill have to look at that01:59
smg60231_uglyoldbob: And interesting bit of info... when my windows firwall is on, "canyouseeme" reports "Timed Out"01:59
smg60231_uglyoldbob: But when it is off, "canyouseeme" reports "Connection Rejected"01:59
uglyoldbobsmg60231: http://tinygrab.com/ get a screenshot of the port forwarding config01:59
FerchoLPyes, I have had problems with the screensavers before (in other laptop). I don't remember if they froze the pc, but probably that was the problem this time. the only other user program that was running was gchrome.02:01
FerchoLPI'll try disabling them02:01
smg60231_uglyoldbob: checking for updates, xD02:02
rgravenerso 32 bit is only certified on devices?  how bout 64-bit?02:03
fishcookerhello fellas..02:06
fishcookeris there any different performance on sata/ide when we are install the brand new ubuntu on single partition rather than multiple partition?02:06
fishcooker[i dont talk about installation on Virtual Machine stuff]02:06
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fishcookerany one with that experience?02:06
smg60231_uglyoldbob: http://grab.by/cT3e02:09
cookieHey guys. I am wanting to get an antenna for wireless signals (i live in the mountains, need the longest range possible)02:09
mister2hey, is there any ubuntu one-alike for mediafire?02:09
cookiehowever I know that not all antennas are supported02:10
cookieso whats the longest range antenna that is supported by ubuntu?02:10
i7cfishcooker: you ask if ide and sata have different performances?02:10
Nullifi3dcookie: ubuntu is not the limiting factor02:10
uglyoldbobfishcooker: only of the hard drive is faster than ide i believe02:10
fishcookerno no i7c02:10
cookieNullifi3d: then what is the longest range antenna that I can get? google isn't helping02:10
fishcookersingle /multiple partition02:11
Nullifi3dcookie: antennas arent really the problem02:11
fishcookerof course ide slower than sata02:11
Nullifi3dthey are partly the solution, but the main factor is the strength of your wireless adapter02:11
Nullifi3dcookie: http://www.amazon.com/Alfa-AWUSO36NH-Wireless-Long-Rang-Network/dp/B0035APGP602:11
fishcookeruglyoldbob: LoL02:11
mister2Nullifi3d: can't you have an externally powered antennae?02:11
cookieNullifi3d: so what do I need to do to yield the longest range for my laptop?02:12
Nullifi3dthe problem is signal strength02:12
Nullifi3dyou need a powerful enough transmitter/receiver... or repeater... to get a signal02:12
Nullifi3dor amp. or whathaveyou02:12
mister2and is there a mediafire client? a la ubuntu one, preferably02:12
cookieNullifi3d: I dont know much about this stuff... what is a repeater?02:13
i7ccookie: range extender02:13
Nullifi3dits a dumb device that reads a signal and repeats it much stronger02:13
Nullifi3dthats what most cell phone towers are02:13
uglyoldbobfishcooker: sure sata is faster than ide. can a go-cart go 70 mph just because i put it on the interstate?02:14
Nullifi3dcookie: http://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-NT-TL-ANT2424B-2-4G-24dBi/dp/B003CFATOW02:14
Nullifi3dthat is a high gain directional antenna02:14
fishcookerssd or even RAM would be the best choices uglyoldbob02:14
Nullifi3dcookie: because water's resonating frequency happens to be 2.4ghz, depending on how humid it is your effective range will change02:15
Nullifi3dbut on a nice sunny, dry day, between that antenna and the adapter i linked, you could get a signal from up to 1.5-2 miles away02:15
uglyoldbobsmg60231: so the lan ip address of the server is ? try "ifconfig" on the server02:15
cookieNullifi3d: at the bottom is shows everything that is bought together...is that everything I need you think?02:15
Nullifi3dif you want to pursue this option, cookie, you will need the wireless adapter, the antenna, and something like this http://www.amazon.com/TRENDnet-Reverse-Weatherproof-Connector-TEW-L202/dp/B000EREM6C/ref=pd_rhf_dp_shvl602:17
Nullifi3dthats it02:17
Nullifi3dand perhaps a pole to mount the antenna on if you want02:17
smg60231_uglyoldbob: http://pastebin.com/iqn8yNfr02:17
cookieNullifi3d: thanks so much02:17
cookieNullifi3d: this is the adapter? http://www.amazon.com/TRENDnet-RP-TNC-RP-SMA-Adapter-TEW-AMBA/dp/B000NZNTVE/ref=pd_bxgy_e_img_c02:18
CellTechI'm about to ditch linux forever if it doesn't stop using up all my ram within a couple min... Nothing has changed. Same system as forever. But the ram useage is getting bad. What can I do to fix it?02:19
Nullifi3dcookie: yes but you will also need a cable that connects that adapter to the wireless adapter02:19
i7cCellTech: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/02:20
Nullifi3dcookie: http://www.amazon.com/TRENDnet-Reverse-Weatherproof-Connector-TEW-L208/dp/B000FICJ8S/ref=pd_bxgy_e_img_b includes both the adapter and the cable02:20
uglyoldbobsmg60231: ok goto whatismyip.com and compare that to what the router says its public ip address is02:21
i7cCellTech: install htop and check ram, it shows free ram without disk caching memory.02:21
uglyoldbobsmg60231: tell me if the match or don't match02:21
cookieSo these 4 things (i think its actually 5) but 4 things to buy and I should be good to go right?02:21
cookieNullifi3d: ^02:21
CellTechWell how do I make it just stop using it up? Windows never gave me these problems. I switched because i was sick of the crashing. Other then that Windows is the best with ram02:22
Nullifi3don ubuntu you might run into driver issues02:22
Nullifi3dbut nothing that shouldnt be hard to handle02:22
Nullifi3die. simply compiling drivers should do the trick02:22
cookieNullifi3d: thanks again so much02:22
i7cCellTech: it is not necessary to change anything since that ram is available.02:22
Nullifi3di have a similar setup i used to mess with on my laptop02:23
CellTechWhat I'm sayingi j bnhvbv02:23
i7cCellTech: you have htop installed?02:23
CellTechWhat I'm saying is. I can be on the computer for like 10min. Fast and perfect. Then like 10min later. It's slower than hell and it's annoying02:23
i7cCellTech: check processes, check what needs a lot of CPU and RAM02:24
anthroposCellTech, using all your ram is a feature, not a bug. unused ram is wasted ram.02:25
sacarlsonCellTech: you will need to isolate what is using the ram,  run top to find out02:25
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Uhm, are you speaking in terms of the server? If I log onto the router from the server it will give me the server WAN IP but... I don't have a GUI and can't.02:25
anthroposCellTech, linux uses the extra ram you have to do useful things like disk caching02:25
smg60231_uglyoldbob: I am on the router via my windows system, and have it's WAN IP02:25
CellTechWell it's annoying and I'm about to just go back to windows02:25
anthroposCellTech, it's not the reason your computer is becoming slow (the kernel 'using up' all your ram)02:25
anthroposit's probably attributable to some application you are running or a driver issue02:25
anthroposagain, unused ram is wasted ram.02:26
CellTechThan god for open source right? How can I rewrite it to not do anything like that02:26
balactusring3 apps like web browser (firefox) arent supposed to make x11/kernel freeze either02:26
balactusbut thery do02:26
CellTechLinux is supposed to be fast and reliable on older systems.02:26
uglyoldbobsmg60231: you can log into the router from any computer02:26
anthroposCellTech, did you check the cpu/memory usage of the applications? which application is being a hog?02:26
balactusthe real world is quite different form 'supposed to'02:26
anthroposCellTech, linux is. again, this has nothing to do with the linux kernel02:26
CellTechRight now. It's more of a boat anchor02:26
uglyoldbobsmg60231: does it match the ip from "whatismyip.com"02:26
JelloPopCellTech: May not be using the right version for older computer02:27
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Sure, but I am not sure how to log onto my router from a server with no GUI. I don't know a command I can enter to log onto my router owo02:27
anthroposCellTech, type top, and figure out which process is slowing things down02:27
CellTechTop where?02:27
i7cCellTech: well try to use the advice you are given here and check what needs ram/cpu with top or htop. if you dont want to, go back to windows. #windows is your friend then.02:27
anthroposCellTech, in the terminal.02:27
anthroposCellTech, it will list all the processes, sorted by cpu use. you should also look at memory use02:27
anthroposwhich top will also report02:27
CellTechK. What am I looking for?02:27
sacarlsonCellTech: you can also clear cache if needed like when you run virtualbox;  sudo echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches02:27
anthroposthe columns labeled cpu and memory02:28
JelloPopCellTech: Going way to fast...Ur under standing of linux is off.. Mostly because ur using one distro02:28
anthroposor something to that effect02:28
uglyoldbobsmg60231: as long as you are on a computer on the same LAN as the server, you will get the correct results02:28
anthropos%CPU %MEM02:28
anthroposCellTech, how much cpu & mem is it using02:28
reachwhat does "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:28
reachE: _cache->open() failed, please report." means02:28
CellTech1.2 and 2.002:28
anthroposCellTech, 1.2 % and 2 % is very reasonable02:28
anthroposit is not the problem, right now. is your computer acting slow?02:29
hauxWhat is the proper syntax for chmod to give write permissions to a directory and every file within it?02:29
JelloPopCellTech: how old is this computer?02:29
anthroposwell, nothing is using up all the cpu or memory. so that isn't the problem.02:29
CellTechBuilt for xp pro02:29
i7cCellTech: type free -m in the terminal and write what -/+ buffers/cache line says02:29
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Oh, alright then. Well, |
smg60231_uglyoldbob: IP's match02:29
anthroposCellTech, you could tyr installing iotop and see if anything is makign al ot of disk access02:29
anthroposbut running out of memory is not the issue, evidently.02:30
CellTechI switched back to chromium because FF was slower than ever. It was the worse for ram02:30
JelloPopsmg60231_: I figured by now u got this problem fixed with this router??02:30
smg60231_JelloPop: Nope =\02:30
anthropospresently, nothing is using more than 2 % of your ram, CellTech02:30
anthroposprovided Xorg is the max02:30
CellTechChromium bounces up to 1402:30
smg60231_JelloPop: Port scans say all of the ports on my network are closed... and I still can't open them. Can't accept any WAN connections coming into my server.02:31
JelloPopCellTech: Try xubuntu, might be the graphics in just this new Ubuntu interface02:31
CellTechThat's what I'm actually on02:31
CellTechand it's pathetic02:31
anthroposchromium using 14 % of your ram should not result in a noticable slowdown, regardless.02:31
reachhow can i make my computer run alot faster02:31
anthroposCellTech, try running gnome-system-monitor02:31
hauxWhat is the proper syntax for chmod to give write permissions to a directory and every file within it?02:31
JelloPopsmg60231_: Why are u using server in the first place????02:31
CellTechWell there's like 7 chromium-browse in the list02:31
yeatsreach: seen this?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/22636102:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346386 in apt (Ubuntu Natty) "duplicate for #226361 [MASTER] Update fails with invalid package files with "Encountered a section with no Package: header"" [High,Fix released]02:31
anthroposhaux, write permissions to whom?02:31
uglyoldbobsmg60231: what modem is the router connected to?02:31
smg60231_JelloPop: Because I am running a server o.o02:31
i7cCellTech: that's normal02:31
hauxanthropos, myself. After a reinstall, there's a directory that is only writeable by root.02:32
JelloPopsmg60231_: Do u have like 10 computers hooked upto some lane???02:32
CellTechWell what can we do that'll 'flush' the RAM when it's not in use. Like it's supposed to be. Random Access... Not fill it up and force a restart02:32
smg60231_uglyoldbob: Eh, couldn't give you a model # atm. I'll have to go look if you like, it's a Cisco, I go through Earthlink (Time Warner Cable)02:32
anthroposhaux, what d irectory02:32
anthroposCellTech, this does not appear to be a ram issue. i don't know why you are convinced it is02:32
i7cCellTech: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/02:32
i7cCellTech: pls read it. it will light you up.02:33
smg60231_JelloPop: Eh? No, I simply rather use no GUI for simple things like a server, when it works correctly. I figured it made sense that I host a server on a server OS o.o02:33
JelloPopCellTech: I think system needs lighter distro02:33
i7cJelloPop: he just went back to windows.02:33
smg60231_JelloPop: Also, I am still not quite sure this is a problem with Ubuntu, but a problem with my router/network.02:33
hauxanthropos, a directory a created prior to the reinstall. I just need to know how to use chmod properly... I must not be understanding something. sudo chmod +w -R dirname   isn't doing anything02:33
balactuswhat is a 'server os'02:33
hauxOh crap02:34
anthroposhaux, to do it recursively just for oyur user: chmod -R u+w directory02:34
hauxI need to use chown don't I...02:34
anthroposbut yes02:34
anthroposyou probably want to chown it02:34
JelloPopi7c: virus scan that computer...02:34
smg60231_balactus: Windows Server, Ubuntu Server, an Operating System designed to run as, or host a server.02:34
balactusi dont understand02:34
anthroposchown -R user:group <directory>02:34
i7cJelloPop: huh?02:34
anthroposchange the group as well as the user02:34
balactusare you saying a 'non server os' is not as efficient at handling computing/io resources02:34
balactusi dont see the point of a 'server os'02:34
balactusunless its bells and whistles02:34
balactusare you claiming there is some architectual difference02:35
anthroposare you referring to ubuntu server, balactus02:35
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JelloPopsmg60231_: what are u hosting??? a webpage?? what??02:35
balactusanthalamus, im referring to anything you're calling a 'server os'02:35
anthroposit is just a distribution of linux tailored toward servers. there is nothing inherently different baout it02:35
hauxanthropos, yeah. I got it, thanks. chown -R haux:haux UBUNTU_HOME. I don't know what I was thinking02:35
anthroposi don't think there is any such thing as a pure "Server OS" and i would never use such a term02:35
balactusok thats what i wanted to know02:35
anthroposbut there are distributions of linux that are intended to be used on servers02:35
balactusi mean im not using windows desktop for a server02:35
smg60231_JelloPop: VoIP. Windows is laggy as hell, and any GUI on the system is laggy as hell, so I run Ubuntu Server with no GUI.02:35
balactusbut the os should be the same efficiency at handling hw resources02:36
balactusthats what i was getting at02:36
anthroposlinux is linux02:36
anthroposubuntu desktop and server both run on the linux kernel02:36
chris_Anyone familiar with applying the mac os theme for ubuntu 11.10?  I tried to do it but can't seem to get it right02:36
anthroposit's just a different installer, different default configuration, differne't set of applications installed by default, etc.02:36
JelloPopsmg60231_: good luck! Dont see were ur going with this? I wish u the best! :)02:37
i7cchris_: why? :(02:37
smg60231_JelloPop: I am confused as to where you are going with this o.o . I've run the server on Ubuntu Server for two years, and am just now having a problem. Standard Linux Ubuntu comes with a hefty GUI that lags my system.02:37
smg60231_JelloPop: Linux Ubuntu Server does not... makes sense, no?02:38
balactusyou can always remove x02:38
balactusdo a minimal install02:38
balactusand build what u need from there02:38
smg60231_balactus: Last time I did minimal the system refused to boot02:38
reachsmg60231: huh, could you elaborate?02:38
smg60231_balactus: Also, why do that if I don't have to.02:39
smg60231_reach: As in, it began to load and then froze up. Every time.02:39
JelloPopsmg60231_: No, I would use slakcware or Arch Linux, but thats me! If u want the best desktop then u use the best desktop.. Not a server for a desktop.. Puzzled to ur concept...02:39
balactusi dont see how x itself is lagging your system02:39
balactusyou coudl try installing a more minimilist desktop environment02:39
balactuslike fluxbox02:39
balactusinstead of the gnome/kde crap02:39
balactusif that isnt running that should make things leaner02:39
balactusu can still use kdm/gdm02:40
smg60231_JelloPop: I am not using a server for a desktop, I am using a server for a server. I think you are misunderstanding me. I am here on my desktop with Windows seven talking to you. This is the computer I actually use.02:40
uglyoldbobsmg60231: can you get the model number of the modem?02:40
balactusor whatever login manager u prefer02:40
smg60231_JelloPop: Meanwhile, my server is in another room, and I am connected to it over SSH.02:40
smg60231_JelloPop: Not being used as a desktop o.o02:40
smg60231_JelloPop: If it was, I would have a GUI... but it isn't, and it lags with one, so I don't o.o02:40
JelloPopsmg60231_: Well I would not use Ubuntu server, Slackware, Debian make more sense..02:41
chris_i7c_:  I don't know I followed the steps, but am not getting the right results02:42
JelloPopsmg60231_: That is my personel choice and not to say Ubuntu server wont work just as well..02:42
smg60231_JelloPop: I would ask you why, but I wouldn't understand. Look, I'm a newb to all of this lol. I simply know how to start up my DUC and server, and a few basic commands. Other than that, I am mostly Windows. I have used Ubuntu previously, and it has worked for 2 years... so I continue to use it. Sorry, I don't know much about anything else lol.02:42
anthroposthis is #ubuntu so I don't understand why people are being told not to use ubuntu server...02:43
smg60231_JelloPop: I have never used anything else but Ubuntu. I am confused enough as it is, and know the pure basics... I'd rather grasp this before going on to something else lol.02:43
smg60231_anthropos: Was sorta thinking that but... didn't want to say anything. And also... I don't want to argue o.o I am confused as is. uglyoldbob was being so kind as to assist me in some network troubles I am having...02:44
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balactusuglyoldbob, is that what you call ollydbg :P02:45
JelloPopsmg60231_: U need help suggest looking at LInuxquestions.org have lots of material and may take a day or two but someone will answer ur question...02:45
JelloPopsmg60231_: go to linuxquestion.org furoms post there are 100's of users using servers there..02:46
chris_Would anyone mind helping me figure out my theming issues on ubuntu 11.10?02:46
RoeyHey all, I'm using OpenVPN to pipe traffic from my laptop in Starbucks through my server at my apartment.  The VPN connection only works when I disable the fw on the server, so it's definitely something in the firewall.  Can you look it over for me please?  Here are the rules in iptables-restore format:   http://pastebin.com/LngiW03F ; and here are some extra rules I execute after loading with iptables-restore:  http://past02:46
smg60231_JelloPop: Possibly I will, however... this IRC is here for Linux help and discussion, right? So there is no problem with me being here either, I don't think >.>02:47
JelloPopsmg60231_: Good Luck! Wish u the best :)02:47
anthroposRoey, did you check the firewall logs to see what is being rejected?02:47
anthroposRoey, if you use ufw, there should be a ufw log in /var/log02:48
smg60231_JelloPop: Thanks :)02:48
Roeyanthropos:  just iptables/netfilter02:49
chris_Anyone familiar with theming ubuntu 11.10?  I'm using gnome tweak and have somewhat the same result as online, but for some reason its not right02:49
LaterManChaka Khan02:49
Roeyanthropos:  oh, I do have a /var/log/ufw.log, and it's empty02:49
anthroposRoey, k. you can try to log the packets you drop/reject and then turn the rules on piecewise02:50
anthroposi don't know offhand what openvpn requires you to open, but that method should work quite generally02:50
Roeyhow can I enable/disable logging?02:50
anthroposthere is a log target02:50
Roeywellll I opened ports 1994 tcp and udp02:50
anthroposwhich you can substitute for reject/deny02:50
anthroposer, reject/drop02:50
Roeyoh, true.02:50
anthroposhonestly, if you turn the rules on one at a time, you prob. don't even need to log.02:50
anthroposbut if you're impatient jsut put them all to log and then turn it on02:51
crshbndcthey chaps02:51
LaterManhow about a nice link on why upgrading to 12.04 fails on a freshy ubuntustudio 11.10 install :D02:51
balactusi dunno, what exactly fails02:51
anthroposlogging is useful too for the case where the default policy (e.g. drop) or a very general rule is blocking access02:51
balactusis the problem during reboot02:51
balactuswhat do you mean by' fails'02:51
Roeyanthropos:  well logically it would appear that it is MISSING a rule to allow something OUT02:51
Roeybecause I have a big rule at the top rejecting all packets02:52
LaterManuna momento it will only take a moment to get the error, i failed at being prepared.02:52
Roey(and subsequent rules selectively allow different packet types)02:52
balactusi still have problems with my rules, even after allowing proper loopback on in and out chains02:52
Roeyanthropos:  ah.. ok, how do I log for that default drop policy?02:52
balactussometimes conntrack seems to stall or lag for a while02:52
anthroposRoey, it would be easier to debug if the rules to allow packets in preceded the rule to drop everything (or you didn't even have such a rule, and instead used a default policy)02:52
balactusand new connections will stall02:52
balactusbut old ones are fine02:53
anthroposthen you just put a target as the final rule to log everything that gets that far02:53
anthroposwhich will be dropped anyways if that's the default policy02:53
LaterMandammit brb dinner02:53
balactusmight wanna put in a REJECT before the default drop too on the outgoing at least02:53
Roeyanthropos:  ok02:53
LaterManThis is the error i get when i try to upgrade to 12.0402:54
LaterManError during commit02:54
LaterMan'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libtinfo5 for libncurses5, probably a dependency cycle.'02:54
LaterManRestoring original system state02:54
FloodBot1LaterMan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:54
Roeyanthropos:  ah, it's the FORWARD bit:  *filter02:56
Roey# :FORWARD DROP [0:0]02:56
Roey:FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0]02:56
FloodBot1Roey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:56
Roeyanthropos:  traffic works like that02:57
ntr0pyGreat! Now every Flash video is BLUE02:57
ntr0pyhow can i get flash 11.1 again?02:57
Roeyoh good.02:57
Roeyanthropos:  so I would like to enable logging on that chain02:57
Roeyhow do I do that?02:57
anthroposRoey, just add a log target right before wherever the packetrs would be dropped. if they are dropped by a defauly policy, that would be at the end of a chain02:58
ntr0pyIs this an april 1st joke from the developers ?02:58
RoeyI don't know enough netfilter syntax to do that02:58
Roeycould you help me out?02:58
Roeyanthropos:  see above02:58
anthropossomething like this should work: iptables -A <chain> -j LOG02:59
Roeyanthropos:  so iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG02:59
Roeyiptables -A FORWARD -j /path/to/logfile ?03:00
anthroposif the packets are being dropped at the end of the forward chain (e.g. by a default policy of drop), then iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG03:00
anthroposjust LOG, not the logfile03:00
tallboy_2Is there a way to "force" unity to work with my graphics card, even if it's not supported?  My intel card should support 3D and it did up through 10.10.  Ubuntu 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04 doesn't allow it. Help!03:00
anthroposit will go to syslogd which will decide where to log them03:00
Roeyanthropos:  got it03:00
anthropostallboy_2, is the module for your video card blacklisted?03:00
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ntr0pyanyone got flash 11.2 working with nvidia vdpau on x64? Updates broke my working system now all videos are blue!! Damn i never should trust updates on April 1st again!!!03:02
tallboy_2lspci -k shows this:  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)03:02
tallboy_2Subsystem: Dell Device 016003:02
tallboy_2Kernel driver in use: i91503:02
tallboy_2Kernel modules: intelfb, i91503:02
Roeyanthropos:  how do I turn off logging?03:03
ntr0pyhow do u revert from an broken update?03:04
balactusmount /dev/null /var03:04
balactusi wonder if that would even work heh03:04
anthroposRoey, remove the iptables target03:05
anthroposreplace -A with -D03:05
RoeyAnd what kind of messages am I looking for in syslog now?03:05
CellTech'/etc/sysctl.conf' permission denied?03:05
sacarlsonbalactus: I think the device needs to be formated before it can be mounted so I don't think that would work03:05
Roeyanthropos:  no forwarded packets appeared rejected03:05
anthroposthen they are dying elsewhere, or the fw is not the problem03:06
tallboy_2anthropos:  where is the blacklist for the video module?03:06
Roeyanthropos:  thanks03:06
RoeyI'll ping you tomorrow03:06
Roeyif I still have issues03:06
anthropostallboy_2, there are lists of blacklisted modules in /etc/modprobe.d03:07
anthroposif your module is loaded and you can see it via lsmod, it is not blacklisted03:07
drgnuhello world!03:09
drgnuIs anyone else using Ubuntu 11.04 and having issues with FireFox and Thunderbird menu's suddenly lagging?03:09
tallboy_2anthropos:  Any idea on a workaround?  I'm running 11.04 at the moment and need desktop zoom to work again.03:09
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anthropostallboy_2, no, nt unless you conclude your card is blacklisted. the best thing would be to search for people with the same card and the same problem03:10
ntr0pywhich gpu is best to buy/best supported on ubuntu linux?03:10
anthroposntr0py, nvidia03:10
drgnuInteresting... I installed the compiz configurator to have a good desktop zoom for screencasting.... not sure if that messed up thunderbird and firefox or not, nothing else is messed up though03:10
anthroposthe ati drivers are inferior to the nvidia drivers in linux03:11
Roeyanthropos:  ok... I found pieces like this that I know were rejected (I tried to ping from the client laptop):  Apr  1 23:10:26 gear kernel: [132468.108419] IN=eth0 OUT=tun0 MAC=00:1d:7d:d0:1f:3e:68:7f:74:64:8c:97:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=84 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=55 ID=56238 PROTO=ICMP TYPE=0 CODE=0 ID=25350 SEQ=2203:11
ntr0pyanthropos: ok but with my GT-240 modesetting wont work with nouveau and now with nvidia binary drivers flash videos got color swapped?!03:12
anthroposk, the other packets could have been rejected elsewhere, though03:12
Roeyanthropos:  I mean that was a rejected packet03:12
anthroposntr0py, i have never had the latter problem. in some cases the nvidia drivers have problems--the yare not great--but they are lot better than the ati drivers on average03:12
Roeysorry, I realized that the firewall was still accepting forwarded packets.  So I reverted back to what I had before, and logged the packets that are now being rejected.03:12
anthroposRoey, k. but a rejected ping should not mess up your openvpn03:13
Roeythe ping goes out but I don't get anything back.03:13
ntr0pyanthropos: are you using nvidia or nouveau?03:13
anthroposntr0py, nvidia03:13
Roeyanthropos: yet it appears every second in the server log.03:13
ntr0pyanthropos: with GPU do you use?03:13
Roeyanthropos:  I believe it is getting blocked on the way back from the internet hose03:13
droid-085410.04 firefox update known bugs site location?  Please03:13
anthroposRoey, ignoring icmp echo requests (pings) is not unusual. so just because your cojputer doesn't respond to pings doesn't mean the vpn isn't working03:13
Roeywell with the FORWARD ACCEPT the ping completes though03:14
anthroposntr0py, this computer has a gtx 460 i think03:14
RoeyI am pinging an Internet host through the VPN03:14
hauxIs there a guide available on how to recompile the kernel in xubuntu?03:14
anthroposit would be odd for a icmp echo reply to get blocked, but it's possible, e.g. if the firewall is just dropping all icmp packets or something like that03:15
Roeyanthropos:  the client laptop is connected to the VPN server; the client laptop is trying to ping a host out on the Internet, using the server's VPN connection.03:15
JelloPopsmg60231_: Sure u didn't have a powersurge and need to restart router?03:15
anthroposRoey, try something other than a ping. something using tcp03:15
Roeyanthropos:  the ping goes through fine when I have FORWARD ACCEPT03:15
ntr0pyanthropos: ah then you already have fermi architecture, mine is one generation before :-/03:15
Roeyanthropos:  ok, one moment03:15
smg60231_JelloPop: Yes, and even at that, I've done it many times, trust me :)03:15
Roeyanthropos:  and I get packets like..03:16
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Roeyanthropos:  that was the result of trying to load a web page from the client laptop03:17
Roeya web page of a host on the intenret03:17
JelloPopsmg60231_: just odd was reading uglyoldbob notes seeing if anything came to mind...03:17
droid-0854Im running firefox w/o no script.  It remembers no history and as of late the back button got sluggish.  10.0403:17
anthroposis your firewall accepting packets in all chains that have state related or established, Roey03:18
Roeynot in the FORWARD chain...03:18
anthroposit probably should be unless you know otherwise03:18
smg60231_JelloPop: Hm, yeah... well, this has never happened to me before and quite honestly, I haven't a damned clue as to what is wrong lol.03:18
Roeyanthropos:  so I should add something like... -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT03:19
anthroposyes something like that03:19
anthroposyou may need to tinker with the location of that rule but -A is prob find03:19
ntr0pyanthropos: do you know how i can swap colors in flash video?03:20
anthroposntr0py, haha, no.03:21
Roeyanthropos:  here's my table now, and yes it works:  http://pastebin.com/RGZVTNas03:21
anthropossee if anyone else has your issue, if you have not already03:21
damiankunity+compiz = very ugly crashes on my system :(03:21
anthroposRoey, nice03:22
Roey!! :)03:22
Roeynow how could someone hack this...03:22
anthroposthe overall securit yis probably dictated by factors other than your firewall config03:22
ntr0pyanthropos: if thats an april 1st joke from adobe/cannonical i fail to see the funny aspect of it03:22
nickiecan someone please help me troubleshoot why my usb microphone isn't working?03:23
Roeyanthropos:  here's a blurb about this, now that I know what we were looking for:  http://serverfault.com/questions/39307/linux-ip-forwarding-for-openvpn-correct-firewall-setup03:23
nickiethe cam that its attached to works fine.03:23
nickieand a regular line-in mic works too.03:23
Guest6565can you hear me?03:23
Roeyanthropos:  and here:  https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/iptables-is-blocking-my-openvpn-internet-access-521722/03:23
Roeythat is even more clear (look at the final message)03:24
Guest6565well i am resting mango lite on iphone03:25
Guest6565not sure if anybody can hear me03:25
Roeyanthropos:  hell yeah! thanks so much!03:26
anthroposyes we can see what you are typing Guest656503:26
anthroposnp Roey03:26
Guest6565hank you so much03:26
CellTechOk. How come I can't get into '/etc/sysctl.conf'?03:26
Guest6565mango irc client is pe03:26
Guest6565retty good03:26
anthroposCellTech, you need to edit it with sudo or something that gives you root privileges03:27
CellTechI did sudo and I get an error message03:27
anthroposwell, what is the error message...03:27
CellTech"Command not found"03:27
anthroposwhat did you type03:27
JelloPopsmg60231_: found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/91543/apt-get-update-fails-to-fetch-files-temporary-failure-resolving-error  they seem to using repostories that run backports...03:27
CellTechAny other things I can do? I'm 'admin' on all things in the users menu03:29
smg60231_JelloPop: Thank you, I believe the issue is resolved now, thanks to uglyoldbob . DUC wasn't updating correctly it seems o.o . But none the less, checkers say all of my ports are closed. Still don't know what that is all about.03:30
ntr0pyFlash is just pure junk: i have to reload youtube 3 times to get an video surface, then video is color swapped and i cannot disable hw acceleration because context menu is unclickable: GREAT !03:30
rinzlerok, so as a RAID noob, is it ok to shutdown my machine while the array is "resyncing"?03:31
ntr0pyAnd hey 11.2 is latest version linux will ever see, so its great to be left stuck with those bugs. Why doesnt google remove flash from their sites completely???03:31
anthroposntr0py, are you using youtube's html5 experiment?03:32
anthroposmost youtube videos can be viewed via html503:32
ntr0pyanthropos: i would like to use it, but every video with adds (a lot!) wont play without flash :-/03:33
sparky-rinzler: not nice but assuming no further drives will die, should be alright03:33
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ntr0pyDoes someone know the url of the ubuntu partner repo?03:41
richarxheyyy ....  somebody work with Websphere MQ on ubuntu ??03:42
uglyoldbobis there a trick to compiling gcc-2.95.3 on ubuntu-10.04?03:42
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richarxnobody ???03:43
matt_uglyoldbob, gcc 2??03:43
uglyoldbobits for linux-2.403:43
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GrivvelDoes anyone know how I'd flush a named pipe via the command line? I tried doing "cat pipename > /dev/null", but that doesn't exit once the pipe is flushed.03:44
matt_uglyoldbob, well, you probably have to look through some archives03:44
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ntr0pywhere can i get the old versions of http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/              ?03:45
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nimbioticsHello evry1. I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and in the past couple of week it is not shutting down or hibernating. Can someone tell me how to fix this issue? TIA!03:49
nimbioticsoops, sry, wring channel03:50
nimbioticsnope, this is the right one03:50
CellTechAnyone yet? Know why I'm being denied access to changing my sawppiness?03:50
zykotick9CellTech: that's certainly something requiring root permission, are you using sudo?03:51
familyHi, does anybody know how to configure the boot screen so I don't have to select the OS to boot into?03:51
familyI want it to automatically go into linux03:52
CellTechLet me get you the actual error03:53
zykotick9!grub2 | family i'd guess it would be covered in this link most likely.03:53
ubottufamily i'd guess it would be covered in this link most likely.: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:53
CellTechCommand not found when I type in 'sudo /etc/sysctl.conf'03:54
zykotick9CellTech: /etc/sysct.conf is a file, not a program03:55
CellTechI want to change the swappiness03:55
ntr0pyCellTech sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf03:55
CellTechSo I have to open it03:55
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CellTechzykotick9: I want to open the file and change the swappiness value is what I"m attempting to do03:56
zykotick9CellTech: sorry, I've never messed with swappiness before, i don't know how it's done (or why it would be necessary)03:57
anthroposCellTech, vm.swappiness = whatever03:58
anthroposin /etc/sysctl.conf03:58
anthroposthe default is 60, most people want to lower it.03:58
CellTechI can't get the file open to change it. Many sites say to lower it from 60 down to 1503:58
anthroposdo what ntr0py told you to do03:59
anthropossudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf03:59
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anthroposadd the line I said with whatever value you want03:59
CellTechTried the nano thing. and it' just took me to a bunch of stuff in the terminal04:00
ntr0pyCellTech: then try sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf04:00
anthroposit's working, that "bunch of stuff" is the content of the sysctl.conf file...04:00
zykotick9!gksudo | ntr0py CellTech04:00
CellTechcommand not found again04:00
ubottuntr0py CellTech: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:00
CellTechAll say no command found04:02
GrivvelDoes anyone know if there's any way to check if a named pipe has a reader currently from the command line? I'd like to run a certain command only if nothing is currently reading from a named pipe.04:02
anthroposnano was working.04:02
uglyoldbobs/-ass / ass-/ ?04:03
CellTechI'm just gonna give up on linux.. especially xubuntu. I hate this distro...04:03
CellTechThanks anyways04:03
ntr0pyCellTech: if you have Gnome/lokal X-Server try "gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf" or stay in the terminal and use nano with "sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf" and use [Ctrl] + [O] to save it and [Ctrl] + [X] to close04:04
zykotick9ntr0py: CellTech left04:04
enyawixhow do you disable pulseaudio? is conflicts with the hardware mixing on my sound card it would be a real pain to recompile many apps to force it off the system.04:04
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zykotick9enyawix: i don't have pulse on my system so can't check easily, but there is a pasuspend or similar command you should check out.04:06
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familythank you ubottu, but that link is to repair the grub, I need to set automatic boot. This isn't my computer and the client will not like having to select the right one every time.04:08
xiewanchenExcuse  me , I want to find a net friend .who would like to be my friend ?04:08
=== Logan_ is now known as Shaniqua_Kwon
zykotick9family: it's the grub2 page you should have a look at.  you need to set default=0 and a timeout of some sort to the grub config file, then run "sudo update-grub" to apply the changes.  good luck.04:09
ntr0pyfamily: ubottu is a bot04:09
Shaniqua_Kwon!ot | xiewanchen04:10
ubottuxiewanchen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:10
VGoffI have a problem I have been working on for like 20 hours.  No matter what I do, I cannot install php5 on 10.04.  Adding ppa's do not help.04:10
ntr0pyfamily maybe take a look into /etc/default/grub04:11
VGoffPackage php5 is not available, but is referred to by another package. is the most helpful message I haev received so far.04:11
Shaniqua_KwonVGoff: Isn't it in the official repository?04:11
VGoffExactly part of my confusion. :)04:12
=== Shaniqua_Kwon is now known as Logan_
Logan_VGoff: Have you tried sudo apt-get update?04:12
VGoffyes, indeed.04:12
VGoffI even added a ppa to make sure that it was operating as expected.04:12
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ntr0pydoes anyone know if its possible with btrfs to make an auto snapshot before any packages get updated/upgraded automatically?04:15
Logan_VGoff: Weird. Is your sources.list normal?04:16
VGoffIt was... until I added that one additional Logan_04:17
familyok that is what I was looking for but I have no ideal what to change. ntr0py04:17
zykotick9!info php5 lucid | Logan_ VGoff04:18
ubottuLogan_ VGoff: php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB04:18
ntr0pyfamily: what is the current state and what u want to change it to ?04:18
Logan_zykotick9: And?04:18
Logan_I know it's in the repository.04:18
zykotick9Logan_: i'm saying you're right, it's in the default repo.04:18
VGoffLogan_, yes it is, and from the command line aptitude it lists.04:19
familyhere is what I did. I had ubuntu 12 on here but I hated it. so I installed xubuntu over it (option to update it to keep files). Then when booted it wouldn't connect to the internet. so....04:19
gizmohas anyone used ubuntu on a mac with parallels?04:19
Logan_VGoff: Try running sudo apt-get install -f04:19
familyI booted to the old or previous Linux which is the same thing and the internet worked. so now I want to automatically boot to that one without having to set it each time.04:19
familyif I just let the computer boot to the default, the internet will not work.04:20
KurtKrautntr0py, I don't know if you can make a command be triggered by apt-get or aptitude to produce  the outcome you want, but you can make a shell script that does tree -filhD /usr/bin/, stores the output in a file and save de md5sum of this file04:21
familyhere are the options in grub if you can help, please.04:21
familyGRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`04:21
FloodBot1family: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
VGoffLogan_, maybe getting closer... now getting: dpkg: warning: files list file for package `php5-common' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.04:22
KurtKrautntr0py, Then you check the md5sum every hour (or daily). If the md5sum changed, you may presume that an update/upgrade happened and trigger the snapshot04:22
zykotick9family: you need to set the GRUB_DEFAULT=X to the correct number, that corresponds to what you want to boot in /etc/default/grub then run that sudo update-grub to apply the changes (you might have to test a few numbers to find the right now)04:22
galaxyace123what is ubuntu????????????????????04:22
Logan_!ubuntu | galaxyace12304:22
zykotick9!ubuntu | galaxyace12304:22
ubottugalaxyace123: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:22
familythank you04:22
ntr0pyfamily https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#A.2BAC8-etc.2BAC8-default.2BAC8-grub_.28file.29   the GRUB_DEFAULT is what you are looking for. change it and run sudo update-grub then reboot04:23
Logan_VGoff: Anything other than that?04:23
galaxyace123thankyou, ubuntu is awesome04:23
VGoffLogan_, https://gist.github.com/228071504:24
KurtKrautntr0py, did you see my answer about your snapshot question?04:25
Logan_VGoff: sudo apt-get install phpapi-2009062604:26
Logan_VGoff: then try sudo apt-get install -f again04:26
Logan_VGoff: actually, no04:26
Logan_VGoff: looks like a bug with libapache2-mod-php5filter04:27
* Logan_ checks the bugs04:27
rinzleranyone have any experience with iTunes under wine? I'm looking for recommendations before switching to it...04:29
Logan_VGoff: hmm, not sure, honestly... try removing all PPAs from your sources and then trying again04:29
VGoffSo my sources.list should be empty?04:29
Logan_No... it should only have the Ubuntu repositories.04:30
ntr0pyKurtKraut: yes but unfortunately im on ext4 right now and an update crashed my working sys so i was thinking about if btrfs could prevent that trouble on a future 12.04 by triggering a snapshot before any packages get changed04:30
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ntr0pyKurtKraut: maybe i will try using sth like http://askubuntu.com/questions/29891/how-does-apt-btrfs-snapshot-work04:34
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ArovijHi I want to install dummynet on ubuntu. Homepage is not very helpful http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/dummynet/04:46
VGoffLogan_, can you look at the aptitude terminal run, found something interesting.... https://gist.github.com/228071504:48
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Logan_VGoff: Not sure how to interpret that; sorry. :-P04:49
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VGoffHave you ever ran the terminal version of aptitude?  I will see if there is a way to get the same information from apt- tools.04:52
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ChogyDanVGoff: it is a dependency error04:55
VGoffWhen I try to install libmodapache2 however the following packages replace it:04:56
VGoff  php5-ldap04:56
VGoffyeah, getting that.  how in the world do I fix / find that?04:56
Logan_Not sure. :-(04:57
VGofflol, me either.  You take that paddle, I will grab this one, cause we are in the same boat thre.04:57
ChogyDanVGoff: do you need filter-module support?04:57
ChogyDannot that I know what that is, but it is related to your error04:57
VGoffIt will be running moodle and wordpress... trying to get past moodle 1.9 for security and support reasons.04:58
ChogyDanVGoff: do you just want the lamp stack?04:58
VGoffChogyDan, unfortunately the lamp stack has existed since 2005 or earlier... so dealing with an inheritance problem (mine).04:58
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ChogyDanVGoff: I missed the beginning, are you just trying to update?04:59
VGoffChogyDan, there was a recursive dependency problem, and fixed that today, regarding php5.  But now that everything (apparently not quite everything) was cleared out, that issue seems to be (mostly) gone, because prior they could not even install unassocated things, now I can at least do updates.05:00
VGoffTrying to install php505:00
VGoffspecifically php5.305:00
ChogyDanVGoff: in oneiric?05:00
VGoffmore specifically php5.3.2 if I can, on Lucid.05:00
ChogyDanVGoff: have you tried either installing libapache2-mod-php5     (ie, no filterwhatever support), or `sudo apt-get install lamp-server`?05:02
ChogyDan`sudo apt-get install lamp-server^`05:03
VGoffHowever the following packages replace it:05:04
VGoff  php5-ldap05:04
VGoffE: Package libapache2-mod-php5 has no installation candidate05:04
VGoffIt was what you had started picking up on, actually.05:04
ChogyDandid you already pastebin those errors?05:04
VGoffAnd as far as installing lamp... not sure I want to do that with the existing mysql and apache already installed.  Just trying to get php back up and running.05:04
VGoffhttps://gist.github.com/2280715 ChogyDan05:05
ChogyDango ahead and do the lamp command, you will have a chance to confirm05:05
VGofflamp-server is not available05:06
VGoffeven on my laptop running 10.0405:06
ChogyDanalso, can you include the commands run05:07
ChogyDannote: it is lamp-server^05:07
ChogyDanalso, you could check apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-php505:08
VGoffChogyDan, sent the link above tagged with your nick.  Will check lamp-server^ again05:09
ChogyDanthe link doesnt show the command you ran, does it?05:11
VGoffChogyDan, lamp-server^ reports that everything is already the latest version, but does not mention php.05:11
VGoffAnd no, the command ran was aptitude for the one file with the title of aptitude console or whatever.05:12
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VGoffThe others are simply what is reflected there... mentioned when I pasted... but nothing more complex than apt-get install php5 or whatever file package is reflected05:12
ChogyDanwell I can't help further unless you are willing to pastebin05:12
VGoffwhat would you like me to pastebin?05:12
VGoffYou haven't asked me yet, I don't think... or I missed it.05:13
VGoffI thought you just asked if I pastebinned.05:13
ChogyDanthe output of the commands, ie, lamp-server^   also, what is the command for the first pastebin05:13
macbuntuubuntu newb trying to get ubuntu working on my macbook05:13
VGoff" also, you could check apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-php5" totally missed that line.05:14
macbuntuAnyone want to help me get wifi working on mymacbook05:14
VGoffok... let me see...05:14
VGofffirst command was apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5filter05:14
VGofflet me do the apt-cache policy.05:14
macbuntuno one05:16
VGoffChogyDan, https://gist.github.com/228071505:16
ChogyDancan you pastebin the output of the lamp-server^ command?  Im suprised it didn't mention php05:17
VGoffI am working on that as we speak05:17
ArovijAre kernal modifications necessary for installing Dummynet on ubuntu? Thanks.05:17
VGoffok, ChogyDan it is there.05:18
VGoffChogyDan, not a single php reference even coincidentally.05:18
ChogyDanyeah, weird.  I dunno about that.  have you tried installing libapache2-mod-php5?    ie without filter support?05:19
macbuntuwhere can i find more info about fixing my wifi on my macbook05:21
macbuntugoogling like crazy right now05:21
VGoffapt-cache policy is a little bit interesting... ChogyDan just updated the gist.05:22
ChogyDanmacbuntu: are you googling with the hardware ids, like from lspci etc?05:23
macbuntui havent found anything useful05:24
arizonais there linux based courses?05:24
VGoffChogyDan, how do you do that without fliter support?05:24
ChogyDanVGoff: yeah, that is interesting.  It looks like you have some pinning going on.  I don't know about that05:24
ChogyDanjust install that package, it is a different name05:25
VGoffI noticed the pinning too, and that is interesting... I am going to research how to unpin it (I think there was something in aptitude (terminal) that I could do.05:25
ChogyDanlibapache2-mod-php5filter has the filter support05:25
ChogyDan!pinning | VGoff05:25
ubottuVGoff: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto05:25
VGoff!remove pinning | VGoff05:25
VGoffno help. lol05:26
VGoffchecking out web page, thanks ubottu via ChogyDan05:26
ChogyDanVGoff: in the info, it says to only install that package if you need filter support, otherwise install libapache2-mod-php505:26
macbuntutrying to get wifi working for the broadcom antennae05:26
VGoffyeah, not sure when I started usign the one with filter, but no difference, same messages.05:27
ChogyDanVGoff: maybe try reinstalling php5-common05:27
ChogyDananyway, gotta sleep, g'night and gl05:28
VGofflol, if I could install php5-common I would not be having this issue.  just lol'ing in frustration.  Pinning suggestion, none of the 3 files mentioned is modified to enable pinning.05:30
fbdystangHi, I have a ubuntu server on a local 192.168.1.??? and I have an open guest access on another connected router with local 192.168.2.???, My question is how can I prevent guest users on the open guest router from accessing my ubuntu server? Masks?05:32
LeroyJanyone have any good pointers on motd in ubuntu?05:41
LeroyJi'm familure with it from other distros, but not understanding why i can't save to it in this one05:42
hateballLeroyJ: you mean editing /etc/motd ?05:42
ActionParsnipLeroyJ: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ssh-welcome-banner-on-ubuntu/05:42
LeroyJhateball: yes05:42
LeroyJActionParsnip: ty. i'll check it out05:42
hateballLeroyJ: There are scripts that run as cronjobs that set it regularly, if your problem is that it gets overwritten05:43
ActionParsnipLeroyJ: you'll need gk/sudo to get write access.05:43
LeroyJok, that is helpful also hateball. ty05:43
LeroyJty ActionParsnip05:43
hateballLeroyJ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateMotd05:44
* ActionParsnip has a clear command at the bottom of bashrc to wipe that stuff off :-)05:45
LeroyJn1 ActionParsnip :)05:45
LeroyJhaven't been here in a little while. what is the other channel used for chatting ubuntu if it goes a little off subject?05:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:46
LeroyJthanks again ActionParsnip05:47
ActionParsnipNp duder05:47
ActionParsnipLeroyJ: also ##club-ubuntu05:47
system5does anybody have any idea how often is Ubuntu 11.10 supposed to clear out the /var/log/wtmp file?05:49
system5the /var/log/wtmp file which determines the output you get for running the "last" command05:50
system5is it on the first of the month that logs rotate and the /var/log/wtmp file gets cleared out?05:50
WingedeAnyone using empathy as default irc client?05:51
system5no I use irssi05:51
Marzatahere XChat05:51
system5Wingede: what output do you see for ls -l for your /var/log/wtmp file or for output of your "last" command ?05:51
obelusKVIrc here.05:51
Wingedethis bubble like stuff is doing my head in :(05:51
system5I ran the "last" command and it doesn't show any of the logins from before today, and ls -l /var/log/wtmp shows this:05:52
system5-rw-rw-r-- 1 root utmp 1536 2012-04-01 22:34 /var/log/wtmp05:52
system5I'm trying to figure out if this is normal behavior in Ubuntu that the /var/log/wtmp file gets reset on the 1st of the month or if it means somebody has been messing with the system05:53
LeroyJthat is normal system505:53
Marzatasystem5: mine is empty05:53
system5ok cool, so the logrotate doesn't archive the old wtmp files for historical purposes? just blanks it out on the 1st of every month?05:53
Wingedelast is ok at my end, I only installed this vm this afternoon - but everything appears ok so far05:54
chilicuilhi there, does anyone remember how can I enable one second wifi card to share internet?, does networkmanager support it?05:54
system5it's hard to know what "abnormal" behavior is, if you don't know what the "normal" behavior is, LOL05:54
LeroyJsystem5: in some other distros it goes back until first boot05:55
LeroyJthere is probably a way to set that way in ubuntu05:56
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
pikkachuI have a problem with gpg keys05:58
pikkachuin the gui, the tool tells me it's already signed05:58
pikkachubut when I verify a key with gpg it warns me the authenticity of the key cannot be verified05:58
system5LeroyJ: yeah, I'm used to the output of the "last" command going back to the first boot, I just wanted to make sure that the fact that the /var/log/wtmp was recreated on the first of the month didn't mean that my system had been exploited or tampered with06:02
LeroyJwell lets hope it's not system506:04
LeroyJsystem5: now i want to change mine to go all the way back, but working on another project06:04
mi3how can I remove the server tabs on this xchat? they were not there on linux mint, but they are on ubuntu!06:05
mi3any suggestions?06:05
mi3yeah! it worked!06:05
plainjanehi guys n gals06:06
plainjaneany nokia n900 maemo owners in?06:07
jonathonHow do I fix GRUB?06:09
jonathonI installed a second linux on a different partition, and I'm gonna remove it, But I need to restore the GRUB from my first linux, so that it loads up at start instead06:10
=== nanobolic is now known as sm0ked_c00led
aricei am new here06:11
pikkachuhmm sorry for my question06:11
pikkachuI was using --homedir06:12
plainjanejonathon, need to edit your grub config06:12
Jordan_Ujonathon: Is the first Linux install Ubuntu?06:13
jonathonJordan_U Yea06:13
mi3hey guys, just needed a suggestion, do mirc themes work on xchat?06:15
Jordan_Ujonathon: If the drive that your BIOS is booting from is /dev/sda, then boot into Ubuntu and run "sudo grub-install /dev/sda".06:15
jonathonJordan_U, Alright thanks, I'm reboot, see if that worked06:16
plainjanefingers rossed06:16
=== Jaddie is now known as jaddie
jonathonJordan_U, Alright that fixed it, Thanks06:18
Jordan_Ujonathon: You're welcome.06:18
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pikkachuwhy do I have two subkeys in my GPG key details?06:21
inserthi guys. I cannot set correct resolution on my Ubuntu. I have nvidia card, I installed proprietary drivers because I thought they're better, Jockey command shows this driver is in use, i made nvdia-xconfig, rebooted, but I cannot pick resolution higher than 800x600. In Xorg.log it says "unable to read edid for display device". What does it mean? Can I go back to nouveau, because previously I added used command to set a new resolution06:25
insertsorry, used xrandr command06:25
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insertI think I should do something like this https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&client=firefox-a&hl=en&q=cache:57vIfrb0l0YJ:http://analogbit.com/fix_nvidia_edid+nvidia+edid+fix&ct=clnk06:31
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testGood morning06:45
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testHow doesit work to ask for support in this chat?06:45
testI would have a technical question06:45
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newhaskellerhey.. i installed ubuntu 11.10 on an old mac... the problem is that sometimes the screen dims and I can't use the physical buttons to make it bright again. This happens on opening certain applications06:46
almoxarifeits a sophisticated system, you ask!06:46
testI ask.06:46
SteevcaI have just upgraded ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04,and i can't get network to work.I have a DSL Modem.I also have two network cards,but i only use one because the second isn't working,can the other one cause problems?06:46
almoxarifeyes, the question,06:46
testSince last ubuntu upate, youtube as well as all video players are not working anymore- on youtube, I don't even get the buttons06:47
testIs anyne aware of that? Thanks06:47
testYesterday I reinstalled youtube, but no luck06:47
SteevcaReinstalled youtube?06:48
obelus... how did you reinstall youtube?06:48
almoxarifere-installed youtube?06:48
almoxarifethat must have taken a bit of time06:48
testI reinstalled ubuntu06:48
testyou are right, sorry06:48
newhaskellerhow do I fix this screen dimming issue... I cannot get any work done06:49
SteevcaCan ayone help me with my issue?06:49
almoxarifetest: short answer, get rid of what ever browser you have and install 'chromium-browser' , bet you can see your youtubes then06:49
testMany thanks almoxarife06:49
obelusnewhaskeller: I'm not sure where the settings are in Gnome/Unity, but if you change power settings so that it doesn't dim the screen after inactivity06:50
obelusIn Gnome3/Unity, you can probably type 'power' into the dashboard to find it.06:50
almoxarifenewhaskeller: dimming is a function on your 'power-settings/saver/saving' , make it stop dimming there06:50
newhaskellerobelus: i already unchecked the dim on idle options from the settings06:50
newhaskellerhowever, it should not dim each time I open firefox06:51
almoxarifenewhaskeller: no, it should not06:51
obelusnewhaskeller: You're right on that one - I'm  not sure why it would be doing that - bad video drivers maybe?06:51
newhaskellerobelus: i am guessing so... but I cannot find what appropriate drivers I must install06:52
newhaskellerHow does one determine the hardware for which drivers are needed?06:55
newhaskelleri.e, the model number, etc06:55
obelusnewhaskeller: For the model number, it'd probably be in the output of 'sudo lspci', but I'm not sure exactly what you'd install for Macs.06:56
=== Manu is now known as Guest76070
newhaskellerhas anyone seen damo22 around these days?07:02
newhaskellerhe has a similar system07:03
obelusNot sure, sorry. I've got to go for a while though. Good luck with your dimming problem07:03
mobilehow do i change my nickname07:04
obelusmobile: type /nick <newnickhere>07:05
obelusThat being said, I really need to go, so have fun guys.07:05
newhaskellerobelus: see you later07:05
=== mobile is now known as samorai
Syria_Hello, Please tell me how can I update my current version of Gnome 3 to Gnome 3.4? ubuntu 11.1007:06
samoraicool obelus07:06
anthroposdoes seahorse remember the password for anyone's locally-stored private ssh key?07:06
anthroposit doesn't seem to remember mine07:06
newhaskellerhow do i search through recent logs of #ubuntu07:07
auronandace!logs | newhaskeller07:07
ubottunewhaskeller: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:07
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:09
=== Matrixiumn is now known as Matrixacat
xi_2irc is boring  !07:11
xi_2this channel is more !07:12
newhaskellerauronandace:  thanks!07:15
newhaskellerIll be off now... just wanna say thank you for Gnome3... its the best UI I have ever used. its simply beautiful.07:16
newhaskellerdont knwo why it gets so much crap07:16
Jason1Hi. The "focus" animation - Dodge in compiz doesn't work the way it should.  When I click another window, it first comes forward and then bounces up and down - instead of the windows dodging each other. Any help?07:16
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SyriaHow can I update to Gnome 3.4 please?07:27
multiHYPhi all07:33
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NameLess-exehello, it seems that my laptops backlight isn't working in ubuntu 11.10 64bit07:38
Kristof_Dafter the last updates, flash suddenly doesn't work in firefox. I have tried installing the flash-aid plugin and also manually tried to reinstall flash in different ways. According to firefox there is a flash-plugin installed and working, but all I see is a black rectangle.07:38
railsraiderdoes turning swap off affects in any way a mysql server (downtime)?07:40
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bivoif I use Flash-Aid to manage Flash in Firefox how do I remove Flash completely?07:41
fidelusually you shouldnt care about that in case you use flash-aid07:42
fidelas the flash-aid assistant-mode handles it already via a script07:42
bivofidel well if flash is dead I don't want it being a security hole anymore since I rarely ever used it anyways07:43
Kristof_Dmy flash is dead too, but I want it back =(07:43
fidelbivo: oh then i misunderstood you07:44
fideli expected you want it to work again07:44
bivoKristof_D keep after sites to move to HTML507:44
Kristof_DI will ^^07:44
fidelbivo: in case you really want to get rid of it - just use apt or your favorite package-manager-gui as i.e. synaptic and remove it07:44
Oxygen02Hello everyone. Installed gnome-shell on ubuntu 11.10 The top bar seems to be glitching. Any solution to this?07:46
curiousxOxygen02: do you have an ATI graphic card?07:47
fidelOxygen02: can you describe 'glitching' a bit more detailed? examples?07:47
dr_williswhats your video card07:47
Oxygen02curiousx: yes07:47
Oxygen02fidel: the letters aren't rendering well..07:47
curiousxyo should install lastest driver 12.3 or 12.2 to solve that issue07:48
dr_willisfglrx and gnome shell has known issues.07:48
Oxygen02on the topbar. It has another color. Nothing works well.07:48
Oxygen02curiousx: latest drivers? how?07:48
curiousxwhat is the ati version?07:48
Oxygen0201:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV730 PRO [Radeon HD 4650]07:49
sasori_what command to execute in order to rename all the .txt files into .dat in just one blow ?07:49
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dharmaIs there any "howto" for newbies aout there?07:49
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dr_willissasori_: i think   rename   can do that07:49
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:50
bivofidel ah, I figured it'd be installed somewhere funky or at least not listed in apt07:50
curiousxOxygen02: i am searching for 12.3 i have 12.2 give me a second07:51
Oxygen02sasori_: for f in *.txt ; do mv $f.dat; done;07:51
Oxygen02curiousx: thanks!. I'll wait07:51
curiousxOxygen02: wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run07:52
curiousxchmod +x amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run07:52
curiousxok, when you downloaded it write me07:53
sasori_Oxygen02: is that a bash script?07:53
sneumannHi, when upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04, I was asked by evolution to migrate from maildir from mbox format. I couldn't complete this, so I'd like to trigger the migration manually now. How to do that ?07:55
Oxygen02curiousx: there I'm again. Lost the terminal :)07:56
curiousxdo you have the driver?07:57
Oxygen02they are installed07:57
curiousxOxygen02: i mean propietary "catalyst" 12.3 ?07:57
icerootOxygen02: that will rename foo.txt to foo.txt.dat07:57
curiousxOxygen02: wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run07:58
Oxygen02curiousx: got 2 options08:00
Oxygen02Install Driver 8.951 on X.org 6.9 or later 64-bit08:01
Oxygen02Generate distribution Specific Driver Package08:01
curiousxwait a second, canel it and we will do it manualy not by runing the .run08:03
curiousxif you want08:03
curiousxor as you like, but i have installed manually and everything goes good08:04
Oxygen02I removed the previous driver08:05
curiousxOxygen02: what version do you have? Oneric?08:06
progre55hi guys. I have my /home partition encrypted, and I've recently started having problems with logon. It doesnt mount the home partition automatically, and I have to mount it manually from the tty. Any suggestions or anyone else having these issues, please?08:10
paulus68what is a good way to block msn yahoo chat and also the gmail and facebook messengers in squid?08:13
marasyhi, what determines the letter for device?  ie /dev/sda08:14
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muellimarasy: well. I think udev handles that. And IIRC it is common that they are sequential.08:21
kaushalAny recommended DNS Hosting services ?08:28
kaushalI mean the best in the world08:28
qawsedrfwhat does this mean - http://pastie.org/3713295 ?08:30
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CrazydanSo ya...i have Ubuntu on mah fone08:40
CrazydanNow what?08:40
foobArrrI want to put a "move all windows to workspace one" in a shell script. possible?08:40
CrazydanDo you know if there's any way to get a gui?08:40
CrazydanAnd it would be funny as f*** to be able to run wine on an android phone08:41
JelloPopCrazydan: lol08:41
JelloPopCrazydan: Give it a couple more yrs its close...lol08:42
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foobArrrdoes wine work on not-x86 systems?08:43
CrazydanWell i just installed jaunty on my phone08:43
CrazydanAnd was able to apt-get08:43
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CrazydanNow I'm wondering what packages to install08:44
JelloPopCrazydan: most people use it for irc channels.. and feeds...08:44
CrazydanWow I want to use it for pentesting08:45
CrazydanApt-get install nmap08:45
JelloPopCrazydan: what?? are u trying to hack a network :(08:45
CrazydanNmap works08:46
JelloPopCrazydan: I dont want here u can hack a wap or wep ...lol08:46
CrazydanWell i am homeless and open wifi is hard to find08:47
=== fublisher is now known as fublisher|away
CrazydanDon't know how to hack wap08:47
CrazydanBut wep is easy with linux08:48
JelloPopCrazydan: Not so hard was once homeless in DC... Just have to get online and look for hot spot maps that tell u were all the unsecure networks are ..08:48
CrazydanWonder if i can run a css server on my phone08:49
ikonianothing to do with ubuntu08:49
CrazydanIm in a more rural area08:49
ikoniaplease stop discussion08:49
CrazydanBack to ubuntu08:50
JelloPopCrazydan: Good luck... Srry to hear ur without a home :(08:50
=== fublisher|away is now known as fublisher
CrazydanSo i did apt-get update and it had an error on the last 3 addresses08:50
CrazydanI just installed jaunty on my phone so i don't know if it was a server issue or my phone08:51
ikoniaCrazydan: you've installed jaunty on your phone.....really08:52
ikoniaCrazydan: what phone have you installed it on ?08:52
CrazydanHtc hero08:52
fidelCrazydan: how battery usage?08:52
ikoniaCrazydan: are you running on that phone now (are you irc'ing from it?)08:53
fideli assume its pretty bad - but thats just a feeling08:53
CrazydanNot sure yet so far I've had it only plugged in08:53
CrazydanYes im on the phone now08:53
ikoniaCrazydan: really, shows you as running android08:53
ikoniarather than ubuntu08:54
CrazydanSo far all ive been able to use was command line08:54
CrazydanYa i know08:54
ikoniaCrazydan: odd that an "ubuntu" install would show it's self as "android" almost as if you are not telling the truth08:54
CrazydanIts being virtualized over android08:54
ikoniaoooh it's been virtualised now....what virtualisation tehcnology are you using08:55
ikoniaCrazydan: what virtualisation are you using ?08:55
CrazydanGoogle install ubuntu on android then come back before you mock08:55
ikoniaCrazydan: I'm not mocking08:55
ikoniaCrazydan: I'm asking what virtualisation you are using08:55
ikoniaCrazydan: I've never heard of google putting android on old HTC phones08:56
CrazydanI think08:56
ikoniayou think ?08:56
ikoniayou did it,08:56
ikoniaare you sure you're not making this up...in which case, please stop messing around/wasting time08:56
CrazydanYa it was mostly an app that did it08:56
ikoniaCrazydan: an app did it now.08:56
ikoniaCrazydan: so it's gone from "ubuntu on a phone" to "virtualalised" to "chroot - an app did it"08:57
CrazydanQuit trying to troll08:57
OlfwayJesus, and I thought #freenode had a lot of nicks08:57
ikoniaCrazydan: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android sure your not just reading that08:57
CrazydanBrb screenshot...08:58
CrazydanWhat package do you want me to install for the pic?08:58
ikoniaI'm not really bothered.08:58
CrazydanI was trying to get real help08:59
CrazydanFor ubuntu08:59
ikoniaCrazydan: ok, so what do you need help with ?08:59
ikoniahow can we help08:59
CrazydanIm kinda a linux noob :/08:59
ikoniaCrazydan: ok - what help do you need08:59
CrazydanI was wondering if i can get a gui somehow08:59
ikoniaCrazydan: you've not got a gui running09:00
CrazydanIs There a package I need to install or something09:00
ikoniaCrazydan: how did you install this ubuntu on your android phone09:00
JelloPopCrazydan: try veetle.com yet watched Hunger Games on this site need a fast interent connection...09:00
CrazydanAn app on the android market09:00
ikoniaCrazydan: what is the app called09:00
CrazydanLinux installer...09:01
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JelloPopikonia: sure there is a youtube video on installing ubuntu on phone09:01
OlfwayWhy did you do that? Andriod is already linux based...09:01
ikoniaJelloPop: I'm not saying there isn't, I'm trying to understand what he's actually got running09:01
CrazydanIt's missing most linux commands09:02
ikoniaCrazydan: I suggest you take that up with the android application owner09:02
CrazydanSo far I can only run things in terminal09:02
ikoniaCrazydan: that won't be a proper ubuntu install09:02
ikoniaCrazydan: the android application creator will need to support that09:02
CrazydanBut no the app did all the work already now I have lenox installed and basically whatever you been f***** do 1 computer I can do my phone I'm tryna figure out how to do it though09:02
ikoniaCrazydan: stop with the language09:02
Crazydan*** is bad toi?09:03
ikoniaCrazydan: if it's missing commmands and running in a chroot, and installed by an android app - contact the person who made the android installer09:03
ikoniaCrazydan: yes, it is09:03
CrazydanI was talking to the other dude when I said android is missing linix command but now that I have lenox installed there are all the commands at my fingertips09:03
ikoniaCrazydan: whact exactly do you want to know ?09:04
JelloPopCrazydan: question is can it run fluxbox or some low res.. windows manager..09:04
ikoniaCrazydan: I'm still waiting for an ubuntu support question from you09:04
mister2can someone fix this for me? DISPLAY=:0 gnome-screensaver-command -l09:07
mister2oooohhh wait, forgot the equals, nvm09:07
zvacetCrazydan: If you want to install ubuntu why don't you try https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appbuilder.u14410p30729&feature=also_installed#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwNCwiY29tLmFwcGJ1aWxkZXIudTE0NDEwcDMwNzI5Il0.09:07
ravnhi guys, I want to add a deamon tat should start when I login, how to do that the right way?09:08
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foo357I've got a computer without a internet connection where I've just installed 10.04 lts09:09
foo357I would like to use the dvd to install packages09:09
foo357how do I do that?09:09
zvacetfoo357: ! offline09:10
JelloPopAnyone use UGet before? what is the purpose of the app?09:10
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD09:10
gvandeweyerIs there a release date set yet for the nex LTS version ?09:11
zvacetfoo357:  or try http://keryxproject.org/09:11
foo357zvacet: I got the installation dvd, how do I setup so it is used as a repo?09:12
=== bdi is now known as diverdude
Sidewindergvandeweyer, I believe it's 4/26.09:14
Sidewindergvandeweyer, Please have a look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule09:16
JelloPopMust say I like AriOs... Great Alternative to Ubuntu...bit old with 11.04 but optimized version of Ubuntu ..big at 1.4 gigz... Like the version of Unity they run...09:17
JelloPopAriOs in virtual box had fun... :)09:18
jpdsJelloPop: → #ubuntu-offtopic09:19
zvacetfoo357:  put dve in drive and in terminal type sudo apt-cdrom add and after that sudo apt-ge update09:19
zvacet*sudo apt-get update09:19
foo357zvacet: if it was that easy :) I've used a memory stick09:19
zvacetfoo357: I look like someone else will have to help you because I don't know how09:21
CrazydanTerminal running nmap on android through chroot09:21
CrazydanI r not liar :/09:22
CrazydanSo once more I would like to get firefox running at least on my phone09:23
foo357zvacet: no problem, thanks for your help09:23
zvacetfoo357:  you can try http://keryxproject.org/ that way you will be able to updfate your offline comp09:23
CrazydanI would also like at least a couple other packages09:23
CrazydanI'm getting tired of having to deal with android apps09:24
foo357zvacet: yeah I know, I've used it before.09:24
myheroi want help....any1 ?09:24
CrazydanI know I can install linux packages now09:24
JelloPopCrazydan: no said ur a liar we just dont see how ur getting a desktop enviroment or a windows manager on there!09:24
zvacetfoo357: so what's the problem  :o09:24
myheroi want 2 install softwares offline on ubuntu oneiric.......how 2 do it ?09:25
foo357zvacet: well the installation dvd has a lot of packages that I'd like to install09:25
zvacetmyhero: http://keryxproject.org/09:25
Kartagismyhero: get their .deb files, and run sudp dpkg -i against them09:25
CrazydanWhat is an irc client i can run in terminal?09:26
zvacetfoo357: I understand that but I can not help and I think you can get same result with keryx09:26
gvandeweyerSidewinder thanks!09:26
gvandeweyerBest start scheduling some server upgrades09:26
Sidewinder!offline | myhero09:27
ubottumyhero: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD09:27
myhero@kartagis...thnx but i meant like i downloaded vlc media player and winrar linux soft frm their original sites but they r not .deb files.....so what now ?09:28
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html09:28
myherom running ubuntu oneiric frm usb09:28
myhero1min brb09:28
zvacetmyhero: why do you want to download from product site?09:29
Kartagismyhero: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware09:29
JelloPopCrazydan: Found ur app Linux Installer at this point they have no Graphical USer Interface in is on there to do list...09:30
CrazydanJust installed irssi :o09:31
JelloPopCrazydan: http://android.galoula.com/en/LinuxInstall/#Reqs  there it is look at the installtion notes...09:31
JelloPopCrazydan: We will be running Ubuntu “chrooted” under Android OS, which just means that we will be running a “virtual” Ubuntu OS that runs on top of the Android OS.  Your Android OS will work fully (e.g. your phone will keep working normally) while the Ubuntu runs on top of it.09:33
CrazydanYes i read that09:33
JelloPopif all u user are blowen away by this pls...  http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-android/09:34
fideli am still interested in the power-usage of such a setup09:35
fidelas droid-devices usually tend to s*** already - and i cant imagine ubuntu is that much better on the same hardware09:35
JelloPopHow to Install LXDE!(optional)09:36
JelloPopNext, we will install LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment).  Although we can use Ubuntu’s default GNOME (and trust me I love that), LXDE takes up less memory so our GUI access will be faster.09:36
JelloPopIf you like GNOME, you can skip this step though.09:36
ikoniafidel: no need for the language09:36
fidelikonia: sorry09:36
zvacetKartagis:  you can add PPA like this one https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/master-daily09:36
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Kartagiszvacet: I was replying to myhero09:36
zvacetKartagis: sorry my bad09:37
Kartagisnp zvacet09:37
JelloPopCrazydan learn to read all the instructions :) before u get here and complain09:38
zvacetmyhero: you can add PPA like this one https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/master-daily09:38
vandanHi all09:41
vandani tried loggin into ubuntu-helpteam09:41
vandanand kernel09:41
vandanbut no help was provided09:41
vandancan someone help me here please.09:41
vandanthank you09:42
JelloPopvandan: whats the question09:42
vandanthank you jellpop09:42
myherothnx but still i don't know what 2 do with the linux softs downloaded frm the original sites09:42
vandanI installed ubuntu 11.1009:42
vandanfrom a CD09:42
vandanand my ubuntu is freezes09:42
vandanmany times on firefox09:43
scottjis there a cli for the "Enable Networking" feature on right clicking nm-applet09:43
vandanand sometimes using librewriter09:43
JelloPopvandan: install htop09:43
myherothe problem is m running oneiric frm usb n whenever i boot everything is lost n i hve 2 install all again.....09:43
Myrttivandan: you can use the comma key on your keyboard instead of the enter key - it makes your question a lot more readable09:43
myheroso if i update frm net then it consumes bandwidth09:43
Crazydannow what os does it say i am running?09:44
JelloPopvandan: Can follow, no need for comma's and correct grammer... I got skillz09:44
myherotherefore i downloaded the softs linus packages frm original sites n want a way 2 install them whenever i boot09:44
Crazydani'm still on my phone :p09:45
vandanthanks mrtti . I did an update of ubuntu, after update, it started to freeze / crash more often. so i installed again from CD09:45
myheroall softs r in tar.gz n tar.xz format09:45
JelloPopCrazydan learn to read all the instructions :) before u get here and complain09:45
Crazydanrunning irssi atm :p09:46
Crazydannot complaining09:46
vandanand it freezes sometimes but not often. what could be the possible cause ?09:46
JelloPopCrazydan: U install lxde, a09:46
Crazydanthis is why i'm here09:47
JelloPopCrazydan: Gui for fone lxde09:47
Crazydani'm a noob09:47
Crazydangui? xD09:47
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:48
fidelvandan: just mentioning that it "freezes" from time to time makes it hard to "guess" what the reason might be09:48
fidelconsider checking your logs or ssh in in the case it freezes if that is still possible09:48
JelloPopCrazydan: Directions say u may need to use busybox to install and run updates..09:49
zvacetmyhero: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:49
Crazydansurprised this even runs on my dinosaur fone09:49
vandanyes,i understand. I could move the cursor but nothing works. i have to reboot .09:49
myhero@zvacet k...09:49
Crazydandid the busybox thing09:49
JelloPopCrazydan: fetch errors go away?09:49
vandanfidel, where can i see the logs ? i saw some logs in var/log folder09:50
vandanwhich one shall i check ?09:50
Crazydannow i just need to get all my base packages09:50
vandansorry, i am not an expert on ubuntu/linux.09:50
Crazydani just don't know what09:50
Crazydanya no more errors09:50
JelloPopCrazydan: what are u trying to do?09:50
fidelsyslog/dmesg might be 2 options - but im not a problem debugging expert either09:51
CrazydanI want a little tiny computer09:51
fidelCrazydan: plug-computers might be an interesting keyword then (often arm-based right now)09:51
vandanlet me install htop as suggested by JelloPop09:51
JelloPopCrazydan: there are no base packages. There is what u use for ur goals..09:51
Crazydan that can do everything a big computer can09:51
Crazydanfidel this has an arm processor09:52
vandanfidel, i am running ubuntu on amd quad core, 4 gb ram and using nvidia driver..09:52
fidelyep most "smartphones" i know actually do09:52
vandando u think it could be driver issue / could be memory issue ?09:53
vandanwhat about memtest  ??09:53
JelloPopCrazydan: Well if a tablet can and phones are now headed to phone tablets with 4 inch to 5 inch screens no surprise here!09:53
fidelvandan: please talk to the channel - not a single person ;)09:53
fidelvandan: if you consider it might be your memory-  run memtest09:53
JelloPopCrazydan: Asus has a fonepad coming out soon will rock that phone app away...09:53
vandanthank you. trying09:53
CrazydanI'm homeless am just trying to have fun09:54
CrazydanI like to f*** with shit make things do with your not sposed to09:55
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JelloPopCrazydan: k, hope ur enjoying urself :)09:55
Unknown0BCHi I Ubuntu ocelot comes out with Thunderbird as default email client. Is evolution bad ?09:56
Unknown0BCI see* Ubuntu ocelot comes...09:56
JelloPopUnknown0BC: No just app that Ubuntu supports.09:57
zvacetUnknown0BC: ocelot is latest release so it is not coming it is already here  :)09:58
JelloPopUnknown0BC: That is what apt-get is for install and unistall09:58
vandanhtop is installed , what next shall i do ?09:59
JelloPophtop look at apps running see if it is unreasonable cpu usage09:59
zvacetvandan: runt it to see witch processes consume cpu and ram10:00
Crazydanwhat was it I needed for the gui?10:00
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Crazydanonce moar...10:01
JelloPopCrazydan: lxde10:01
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Unknown0BCThis silly keyboard on my new laptop it has a key next to the "z" where I am use to finding the shift key. Now this key is marked / and | but when you press it you get a <.10:02
JelloPophttp://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-android/  u need to read the full instructions before u try this there are steps to setting up the GUI10:02
JelloPopvandan: I personnelly wonder if it is an app or the internet connection?10:03
lol_no_u,n  ,10:04
vandaninternet connection  ? how can internet connection hang my OS ? i have mac lion , unfortunately that is slower than snow leopard....10:04
vandanwith htop, i can see that cpu is almost idle10:05
SteevcaI have just upgraded ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04,and i can't get network to work.I have a DSL Modem.I also have two network cards,but i only use one because the second isn't working,can the other one cause problems?10:05
Unknown0BCbooting windows, please forgive me.10:06
vandancommand compiz takes 5% MEM10:08
vandanshall i update ubuntu 11.10 ?10:09
vandanlast time i did , i had more frequent crashes,  any suggestion. screen freeze, can move mouse but cannot click anything. just had to reboot. thank you again.10:10
MarcellinaI need help with exactly this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194226610:11
MarcellinaShould I better ask at #ubuntu+1?10:11
jasonmsphey all..   I'm not quite sure how to ask my question so bare with me.  If I run a terminal command and whatever the output is, is there a variable I can use to run a command.  For example:  find x    then at the next prompt i want to use x, say for example echo x, but I don't want to use the standard output that just was output without piping it on the same line???10:12
Marcellinalike cat x | grep y10:13
SteevcaI have just upgraded ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04,and i can't get network to work.I have a DSL Modem.I also have two network cards,but i only use one because the second isn't working,can the other one cause problems?10:14
MarcellinaVisit #ubuntu+110:14
vandansteevca,perhaps driver for network card ?10:14
Steevcavandan, i have downloaded them,but i am not sure about installing them.I have to use the MAKE ALL command,and when i do it reports an error.10:17
paulus68what is a good way to block msn yahoo chat and also the gmail and facebook messengers in squid?10:17
myheroi downloaded oneric n used universal usb installer 2 create usb.....now i use oneiric live usb....but everytime i shutdown or reboot everything updated or installed is lost......and i hve 2 again apt-get install n update everything which results in wastage of bandwidth.....so i downloaded soft packages frm their original sites like vlc frm videolan.org and winrar frm rarlab.com....inorder 2 save the bandwidth n 2 avoid updating n down10:17
=== JonathanDog is now known as JonathanD
myherout these r not .deb files instead these r compressed .tar.gz n .tar.xz format.....now how 2 install these frm terminal.....also live usb doesn't contains synaptics.....10:17
drecutewhen adding ubuntu to windows active directory, what authentication system is preferred?10:19
myheroany1 help.....10:19
unopkerberos ?10:19
JelloPoptar -xvzf package name .tar.gz cd package name make make install10:20
drecuteunop: kerberos needs to run in its own realm or same realm as the global service where samba is?10:21
myhero@jellopap plz elaborate....10:21
drecuteunop: also how does windows make use of kerberos as well?10:22
JelloPopmyhero: tar -xjf filename .tar.xz10:22
JelloPopmyhero: *.tar.bz2)tar xvjf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tar.bz2) ;; *.tar.gz)tar xvzf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tar.gz) ;; *.tar.xz)tar Jxvf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tar.xz) ;; *.bz2)bunzip2 $1 && cd $(basename "$1" /bz2) ;; *.rar)unrar x $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .rar) ;; *.gz)gunzip $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .gz) ;; *.tar)tar xvf $1 && cd $(basename "$1" .tar) ;;10:23
mi3hey guys I am getting this error http://pastebin.com/GLNYAmX6 any suggestions?10:24
myheropreviously u said tar -xvzf package name .tar.gz  cd package name make make install10:24
Unknown0BCHi, is it possible to just change the way a key functions in Ubuntu ? I have this great new silly laptop with a key marked | and \ right next the the z where I like to press the shift key...10:25
dsfsdAnyone know where the mysql/bin dir installed to ?10:25
prototypehi all10:25
Unknown0BCThey sift key is next to this silly key.10:25
ikoniadsfsd: it's /usr/bin10:25
JelloPopmyhero: tar.gz is gzip file u added tar.xz with is anther type of zip which requires a different format to unzip..10:26
Unknown0BCNow I must stretch my pinky every time I need to caps something.10:26
dsfsdikonia, I'm looking for the mysql-secure-install scrupt10:26
Unknown0BCWho is going to pay my doctors bills ?10:26
Unknown0BC( lol )10:26
Kartagismyhero: it's not very nice to pm without asking for permission first10:26
ikoniadsfsd: there isn't one, what are you referencing10:26
mi3hey guys I am getting this error http://pastebin.com/GLNYAmX6 any suggestions?10:27
=== gallo_ is now known as gallo
dsfsdikonia, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-secure-installation.html10:27
mi3I am using ubuntu 11.0410:27
ikoniami3: remove the /var/cache/apt/archives/libreoffice-common_1%3a3.3.4-0ubuntu1_all.deb file10:27
myhero@kartagis kkk i didn't knew it would would b such a crime.......n thnx 4 help10:27
JelloPopKartagis: didnt even now I was receiving a private msg...10:27
mi3ikonia how do I do that?10:28
ikoniadsfsd: I don't believe that's included in the base package10:28
JelloPopmyhero: will take to in a private mssg.. lol10:28
jonathonIs there a way to get UNETBOOTIN to install an iso to a Hard Drive Partition?10:30
JelloPopmyhero: waiting on u msg u already10:30
jonathonOr is there a seperate program that can do that?10:31
paulus68ikonia: do you have a good way to block msn and other chat programs through squid?10:31
ikoniapaulus68: depends if they are set to use web proxies or not10:31
mi3ikonia any suggestion on how to delete that file?10:31
ikoniami3: go to that directory in the file manager, and click "delete"10:32
pawan_tejwaniI can't enable wireless on my laptop ... please help10:32
paulus68ikonia: is there way to catch them both either using web proxy or not10:32
prototypehi ! i am new to ubuntu can anyone help me how to install vlc player in command mode10:32
pawan_tejwaniits disabled by default and in all settings also its not allowing me to enable.10:33
jonathonpawan_tejwani, What model laptop is it?10:33
pawan_tejwanijonathon: n5010 dell inspiron10:33
mi3ikonia, I dont see that "move to trash" option highlighted, any suggestions?10:33
jonathonprototype, sudo apt-get install vlc10:33
Edericohello all, I have a "problem" with Firefox 11 under Ubuntu 12.04 (I installed the beta yesterday). Basically, when I close firefox all my tabs reload when I reload firefox again, however under my previous setup (running Ubuntu 10.10) only the tab which was selected loaded on Firefox's startup. Basically, I want that back and can't find the setting in Firefox (if there is any).10:33
ikoniapaulus68: squid is only set up for your web proxy, so if (for example) msn is not set to use a proxy then it won't use squid and you'd have to block the port say with iptables10:33
paulus68ikonia: ok thanks10:34
ikoniami3: come on, "how do I delete a file" - https://help.ubuntu.com have a read and get to know the basics of how to move around and use the file system10:34
prototypejonathon :thanks dude10:34
=== delluser is now known as sysrpl
mi3oh ok10:34
mi3and then? ikonia?10:34
ikoniami3: then what ?10:34
ngomeshello , i have ubuntu server installed (11.04) and want to do a do-release-upgrade for (11.11 ?) but it fails fetching packages , any help ?10:35
ngomesit gathers some packages but at certain point it fails with Forbidden error10:35
mi3should I update? ikonia?10:35
ikoniami3: no10:35
jonathonpawan_tejwani, You should have an option in the BIOS to have Wireless enable itself by default, check in there for wireless settings, if you can't find it, comeback10:35
ikoniami3: just delete the file and install the package10:35
mi3how can I install that file if I have deleted it? ikonia?10:36
Sidewinder!12.04 | Ederico10:36
ubottuEderico: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:36
ikoniami3: you open the package manager, search for the package you want to install (as you did before) and click "install"10:36
reisiwhere is it configured that ssh is restarted when network configuration changes?10:36
Unknown0BCGuys if any of you know a way to change the "\ |" key next to the z key into a shift key, please let me know and save my pinky.10:37
mi3ikonia: I dont know much about the package manager, I occasionally use update-manager10:37
pawan_tejwanijonathon: and my laptop is in airplane mode by default and I can't come out of this !!!10:38
jonathonpawan_tejwani, That should also be in the BIOS, If I recall correctly10:38
oxidizerhi all10:38
Sidewindersysrpl, Good mornin'.10:38
sysrplcan someone help me get my applcation switcher working? i'm on 11.10 and am using gnome classic10:38
sysrplSidewinder, hi:)10:39
ikoniami3: how did you install install this package ?10:39
sysrplright now when i alt-tab nothing s happening10:39
ngomeshello , i have ubuntu server installed (11.04) and want to do a do-release-upgrade for (11.11 ?) but it fails fetching packages , any help ?10:39
mi3I just did sudo apt-get upgrade and it installed files worth 203 MB ikonia10:39
sysrpli messed with compiz setting manager and can't get it working again10:39
ikoniami3: ok, remove that file and re-do the upgrade10:39
sysrplor when i do, it lags hugely10:40
ikoniami3: and I very strongly suggest you read https://help.ubuntu.com and learn the basics of using ubuntu10:40
sysrplany help would be appreciated10:40
mi3so should I sudo rm bla bla bla?10:40
jonathonngomes, try opening terminal and typing update-manager -d10:40
nlicihi hello10:40
nlicisome body can help me please10:40
ngomesjonathaN, ok , will try , one moment10:40
jonathonnlici, Problem?10:40
nlicii start using ubuntu10:41
nliciand very new with it10:41
nlicii learned as much10:41
nlicii can not connect my samsung10:42
nlicii have the cd10:42
nlicii read all the documents10:42
nlicibut i can not10:42
Sidewinder!enter | nlici10:42
FloodBot1nlici: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:42
ubottunlici: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:42
nliciplease help me about it10:42
jonathonnlici, Do you know the printers model number?10:42
hydrox24nlici: Likely, you're CD will not have instructions for linux, can you tell us the model?10:43
hydrox24nlici: also, please spam a little less.10:43
nliciscx 3200 samsun10:43
nlicii have as well the drivers from cd and from the samsung site downloaded10:44
hydrox24nlici: they are likely for windows, not ubuntu.10:44
jonathonhydrox24 Hey buddy :)10:44
hydrox24I GTG but here's the site:10:45
sysrplcan someone help me get my application switcher working? i'm on 11.10 and am using gnome classic. when i alt tab right now nothng happens. 've messed with compiz settings manager and i can't get it the application switcher working at all10:45
hydrox24jonathon: sorry, my IRC memory is short... but I GTG anyway so cya!10:45
jonathonLaters Hydrox10:45
ngomesjonathon, sorry , forgot to tell , im via SSH , not using Xorg , looks like it wants to open display10:45
hydrox24sysrpl: gnome classic tends to be kinda broken in ubuntu 11.10 try installing gnome shell (gnome 3) or xfce cleanly for a better experience10:46
ngomesjonathon, any other help ?10:46
jonathonngomes, Oh I see, That might be a lil beyond me, You might have to wait for another10:46
Myrttinlici: you've plugged the device in and tried to configure the printer? which version of Ubuntu do you have?10:46
caddoogot a nginx server running on ubuntu. It regularly get's automated attacks from script kiddies. What tools are there to prevent this10:46
ngomesjonathon, ok thanks10:46
caddooand auto-ban these people10:46
nlicii have 11.1010:46
mi3ikonia, I  removed that file manually and then am again doing a sudo apt-get -f install and its downloading a fresh one10:47
Myrttinlici: does it show when you have it on and connected to your computer and you click the top right little cog and choose "Printers..."?10:47
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mi3ikonia, I used sudo rm path/to/the/file, correct?10:47
nliciyes the printers starts from scx 4000 but scx 3200 is not listed10:47
ikoniami3: you need to read the basics before continuing10:48
jonathoncaddoo, Try using this firewall addon for nginx http://code.google.com/p/naxsi/10:48
mi3yeah, I will do that ikonia10:48
ninjaboxhello friends10:48
jonathoncaddoo, Here's info about inastalling modules, and a list of others, you might find something else useful10:48
mi3ikonia: and I hope its written by you hahahaha10:48
kilik90shay alguien aqui ?10:49
kilik90salguien que hable español ?10:49
ikonia!es | kilik90s10:49
ubottukilik90s: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:49
nlicii download the jar file , but could not run it , i re download the rar program mybe there is a problem but in any stuation it did not help10:49
jonathonnlici, Do you know how to run jar files?10:50
nliciyes i read all10:50
nlicibut does not work ,10:50
foo357has anyone here used keryx?10:50
nlicii tried through the terminal10:50
nliciand i tried open by java 610:50
nlicineither of the\m10:50
nliciubottu por favore escrive en espaniol yo te digo en ingles ok10:51
ubottunlici: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:51
jonathonfoo357, Better to just ask your question in detail, likely get a better response10:52
Myrtti!es > nlici10:52
ubottunlici, please see my private message10:52
foo357I'm trying to run the keryx executable, but nothing happens10:52
nliciso what can be the problem that i can not able to run the .jar file10:52
kilik90sel chat de ubuntu -es esta bien muerto10:52
ninjaboxer ist nur ein robot, glaubst du nicht dass er klug ist.10:52
jonathonfoo357, Have you tried running it from the terminal to get error messages?10:53
foo357running the executable worked in 10.04 32 bit, but now that I've reinstalled to 64 bit something's not right10:53
foo357jonathon: absolutely nothing10:53
caddoothanks jonathon10:53
foo357I get no messages whatsoever10:53
jonathonfoo357, which version are you trying to run?10:54
jonathoncaddoo, No problem :)10:54
foo357jonathon: version of keryx?10:54
jonathonfoo357, yea10:54
foo357jonathon: 0.92.410:55
ngomeshello , i have ubuntu server installed (11.04) and want to do a do-release-upgrade for (11.11 ?) but it fails fetching packages , any help ?10:55
jonathonfoo.357, Try the 1.0 version?10:55
nlicijany help ?10:56
jonathonnlici, Have you checked to make sure you have the latest Java JRE?10:56
btral1i have 2 directory:10:56
nliciyes jonathon i did10:56
nliciit is 710:57
btral1how find common files in 2 dir? only name of files?10:57
jonathonnlici, You're the one trying to get the printer working, right?10:57
nliciyes i am10:57
mi3ikonia: yeah I did it, installing all the updates now.....wait a min...kernel update...hmm need to restart....10:57
nlicii checked twice10:57
nliciit is java 7 policy tools this is the latest one10:58
larsduesinganybody could help me with a weird grep?11:03
babilenlarsduesing: Why don't you just ask your question and find out? Please note that there are also other relevant channels such as #grep or ##workingset11:05
larsduesingbabilen: oh, sure11:09
dogget_can't mount iphone 4 in ubuntu 11.10, and it sucks (the phone that is)11:09
jonathonIphones have always sucked :P. What happens when you connect it?11:10
dogget_Nothing Jonathon11:10
larsduesingI want to find out whether a line in config is "daemonize true"11:10
larsduesingcorrect regex would be "^daemonize[[:space:]][[:space:]]*true"11:10
dogget_I have installed whatever I could find by reading forums and what not...still nothing11:10
larsduesingbut it won't match "daemonize<tab>true"11:10
jonathondogget_, does the iphone do anything?11:10
dogget_jonathon_ no nothing mate11:11
dogget_I mean it charges and that'11:11
dogget_that's it sorry11:11
=== Caspercom|zZz is now known as Caspercom
dogget_I am moving to a Nokia N9 running meego, but before I need to grab the pictures from the phone.11:12
jonathonNo Card slot in the iphone?11:12
dogget_Dude an iphone is just a brick you know11:12
dogget_with fancy icons11:13
jonathonHold up11:13
dogget_I really want to grab those pictures so I can ditch the piece of xxxxxx11:13
ActionParsnipdogget_: transfer via bluetooth?11:14
ActionParsnipdogget_: upload to the web storage (dropbox etc)11:14
dogget_haven't tried11:14
Ben64borrow a windows computer, run windows in a vm11:14
dogget_I would prefer not to upload anything online whenever possible11:14
jonathondogget_, Use this library, it's supposed to be able to access Apple products, including the iphone 4 https://launchpad.net/~pmcenery/+archive/ppa11:15
jonathonI'm assuming you know what to do with PPA's11:15
Ben64i convinced a couple friends to move to android from iphone11:15
dogget_ok trying your link Jon :-)11:15
ActionParsnipdogget_: if you have openssh-server installed, you should be able to connect to sftp over wifi11:16
ActionParsnipBen64: android rocks :)11:16
Ben64it really does11:16
Ben64except now my friends have better phones than me :( 1.5ghz dual core, 4g lte11:17
ActionParsnipiphone is slowly stagnating.11:17
Ben64android market share keeps going up, iphone keeps going down, blackberry is almost non existant11:17
dogget_it maybe rocks but google devs code with their feet.11:17
veryit's difficult for me to use the shell. after executing a command loads of text appears but i cannot find the beginning of it.11:17
jonathonvery, Scroll up?11:18
jonathonvery, If it's not at the top, You need to increase the amount of lines terminal keeps in its memory11:19
veryjonathon, yes, i have to scroll up of course. but it's difficult to find the exact point where the text starts.11:19
dogget_Hmmm I have added the ppa, pmcenery is not showing11:20
sacarlsonvery: if you want just the start you can try more yourcommand;  or less yourcommand ;11:20
dogget_in synaptic as well as ubuntu soft centre11:20
veryjonathon, i've changed the color of my prompt to green now. but it's still not that easy to find.11:20
ActionParsnipdogget_: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install pmcenery11:21
jonathonvery, press enter a few times before entering your command, then you have some blank space at the top11:21
dogget_tried that, maybe I have missed something, let's check :-)11:21
ActionParsnipdogget_: what is the PPA address?11:21
verysacarlson, ah.. right, that's a good idea. i'm going to try this when i anticipate loads of text.11:21
dogget_Action_: https://launchpad.net/~pmcenery/+archive/ppa11:22
dogget_hmmm: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pmcenery/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found11:23
ActionParsnipdogget_: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc11:23
veryjonathon, also a good idea. others don't seem to have trouble with this. i thought there was a better solution maybe.11:23
ActionParsnipdogget_: go to: http://ppa.launchpad.net/pmcenery/ppa/ubuntu/dists/   notice anything?11:23
benjamin_i'd like to connect to my mac wirelessly. can someone point me in the right direction. i have googled it but i cant find where to start11:23
ActionParsnipbenjamin_: how do you mean 'connect'? If you ping it makes a connection..11:24
jasonmspis there an equivilent variable for stnd output?  previous stndoutput from last terminal command which can then be used on the next line?  Something like command $111:24
dogget_Action_: nope sorry dude11:24
=== ubuntu_ is now known as myhero3
ActionParsnipdogget_: well, you are running oneiric, right?11:25
myhero3now its gud11:25
ActionParsnipdogget_: do you see an oneiric folder in the link I gave?11:25
=== myhero3 is now known as myhero1
dogget_Ah yes it's not on that list!11:26
dogget_Sorry it's getting late in nz :-)11:26
myhero1@jello wer r u11:26
ActionParsnipdogget_: bingo11:26
jonathonActionParsnip, Whoops, that was my bad, I should've checked it over...11:26
JelloPopmyhero1: I already msged u press alt + arrow key until u get to private message11:26
jasonmspis there a way rather than piping to standard output to use it on the next command line with a standard variable?11:27
dogget_-1 for you Jon ;-)11:27
veryto me the text in a shell is just a big gray mess of characters. i cannot tell the characters i wrote and the ones the program wrote apart from each other.11:27
ActionParsnipjonathon: np man11:27
ActionParsnipvery: change your prompt to have a colour, makes it stand out11:27
veryActionParsnip, i changed the color of the prompt to green. but that didn't change the color of the text i write.11:28
verysometimes i have long command lines. it's difficult to see where it ends and the output starts.11:29
ActionParsnipvery: sure but its a marker for where you typed11:29
dogget_Anybody having an iphone 4 and knows how to mount it properly in 11.10 is more than welcome to help :-)11:29
GuileI'm looking for some help to install last empathy version on oneiric :-/ but I have difficulties with packages, etc. :(11:29
veryActionParsnip, better than nothing, right. okay, i think that as good as it gets.11:29
sysrplcan someone help me get my application switcher working? i'm on 11.10 and am using gnome classic. when i alt tab right now nothng happens. 've messed with compiz settings manager and i can't get it the application switcher working at all11:30
verythanks everyone.11:30
sysrplhelp please11:30
ActionParsnipsysrpl: enable the ring switcher in ccsm11:30
__nu11___is there anyway to tell which repo installed a certain package ?11:33
sacarlson__nu11___: I see in synaptic it has a botton to look at certain repos,  I"m not sure it shows both installed and not installed11:34
ActionParsnip__nu11___: apt-cache policy packagename11:34
GeraltHi, on askubuntu I've read that the new installers/partitioners can handle partition alignment for SSDs just fine, but how about the partitioner of the alternate install cd? is it true for that too?11:34
veryi've deactivated automatic scrolling in the terminal preferences now. so it doesn't scroll to the end of the output when i run a command. but it only works if i scroll up before running the command.11:34
veryisn't there a gui for this shell?11:36
faryshtaI think most of my experience in this channel can be explained here http://bash.org/?15203711:36
faryshtatake it as constructive criticism.11:36
ActionParsnipvery: for what shell?11:36
verya gui for bash11:37
ActionParsnipvery: gnome-terminal is the gui.11:38
faryshtavery, desktop environment is a 'GUI for bash'. What exactly are you looking for?11:38
veryi think i haven't thought about this long enough.11:39
sacarlsonfaryshta: sad thing about your link is I think your right11:40
veryi'll use a specific program with a gui then.11:40
faryshtavery what are you looking to do?11:40
ActionParsnipvery: what is the goal?11:43
Geraltvery: there are also different kinds of terminal programs. There are those where you need to write out what you want like bash and those which come with an interactive user-interface like top11:44
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jonathonThere's a Terminal with a user interface?11:44
veryfaryshta, currently i'm having a file with several lines separated by \n. each line consists of several words separated by a space. i want to split the file into several files, one file per line. and in each file one line per word.11:44
verygoing crazy in the process.11:45
ActionParsnipvery: I'd ask in #bash too then11:45
veryoh.. right, this problem isn't ubuntu specific.11:45
needsupporthi all11:46
ActionParsnipvery: its good to ask in both11:46
jonathonneedsupport, Gotta love a name like that :P11:46
needsupportmy countrys offical web site team directing their web support look like their farm11:46
needsupportthey are using support site not look like free ubuntu support11:47
needsupportlook like gestopa camp11:47
sacarlsonvery: I would do it in ruby myself11:47
needsupportlook like natzi camp11:47
jonathonneedsupport, Which country?11:47
veryi tried many different sed commands. almost got it. but still doesn't work. matter of 5 minutes writing a java program to do the job. i'm not familiar with ruby.11:47
needsupportthis is my second message for here11:47
needsupporti talked this problem with ikonia11:48
verywell i think i write a java program. brb.11:48
ikonianeedsupport: what do you want ?11:48
needsupportthey are talking lies to me11:48
jonathonneedsupport, this site? http://www.ubuntu-tr.net/11:48
ikonianeedsupport: please join me in the channel #ubuntu-ops11:48
Geraltvery: it's easy to do that in bash, but if you're familiar with Java just use that language to do the job11:48
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ActionParsnipvery: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/bash-read-every-line-in-the-files-and-use-the-line-as-parameters-as-another-program-246291/   shows how to read through a file :)11:50
VivekanandaHi everyone. In big trouble.11:52
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VivekanandaHave a tracker/virus which redirects to something called "register.com" when I look for "xoticpc". I have a XP ubuntuu dual boot but never thought that ubuntuu would get affected by it. this happens in all browsers, mozilla, chrome.Help plz11:53
sacarlsonVivekananda: it must change your proxy in your browser11:54
fidelonly for that specific search-phrase?11:55
fideldoes it happen on both os'es?11:55
fidelVivekananda: try to give us some more details11:55
ActionParsnipVivekananda: mozilla isn't a browser, its a software house, they make a browser called firefox11:55
ActionParsnipVivekananda: if you read /etc/hosts is there anything in there?11:56
yrot32819ActionParsnip: Mozilla isn't a software house, it's a software company11:56
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ActionParsnipVivekananda: if you make a new user is it affected11:56
ActionParsnipyrot32819: oldschool term11:56
ActionParsnipVivekananda: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a11:56
sacarlsonVivekananda: or maybe it's in your adsl router?  or your using wifi?11:56
VivekanandaI mean I type www.xoticpc.com and it is sending me to some weird site also called xoticpc. I dont know about others but I tried the site on my phone but the site is fine. I am not sure how I get the same redirect from the ubuntu as well as the the XP (when I switch to it).11:57
VivekanandaI am doing all of the requests in turn . thanks for the quick replies11:57
VivekanandaAxtionParsnip: sorry about the mozilla thing11:57
ActionParsnipVivekananda: its cool :)11:57
VivekanandaActionParsnip: /etc does not have /etc/hosts . Anyplace else I should look ? I have ubuntu lucid.11:59
ActionParsnipVivekananda: /etc/hosts is a file, does it have any reference to the site?11:59
ActionParsnipVivekananda: have you tried rebooting your router?11:59
ActionParsnipVivekananda: as its affecting both OSes I doubt its specifically ubuntu11:59
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ActionParsnipVivekananda: do you use a proxy?12:00
mi3when we update from the terminal, why are kernel updates not downloaded and installed?12:00
ActionParsnipVivekananda: if you run:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null      then try the web is it ok?12:00
ikoniami3: it depends on your setup, they are12:00
ActionParsnipmi3: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:01
ironhalikWhat are the differences in KMS between livecd and fresh install on Nvidia setup?12:01
ironhalikfor me, on livecd, plymouth works ok, but after installation, using nouveau drivers, I get ugly plymouth12:01
mi3doesn't sudo apt-get dist-upgrade upgrade your installation from 11.04 tp 11.10?12:02
ActionParsnipironhalik: the installed OS is identical to the liveCD desktop12:02
mi3sorry *to12:02
ActionParsnipmi3: no, it just upgrades other stuff, upgrading to the next release is a different command12:02
Vivekananda ActionParsnip:the output of /etc/hosts is http://pastebin.com/tA0YXkeU12:02
ironhalikActionParsnip: yeah, I would think so - yet I get broken plymouth on fresh install, and a working one on livecd12:02
mi3ActionParsnip, can you suggest what that other command is?12:02
ActionParsnip!upgrade | mi312:03
ubottumi3: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:03
ActionParsnipVivekananda: hosts looks fine12:03
mi3ok, so the job of dist-upgrade is only to do kernel updates, and nothing else?12:03
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ActionParsnipmi3: it will upgrade the OS as much as it can including kernel if deps are met12:04
VivekanandaActionParsnip: lsb_release -a has this http://pastebin.com/kc4xCL3112:04
ActionParsnipVivekananda: did the command I gave help any, the one manipulating resolv.conf12:05
mi3wow..nice documentation12:06
VivekanandaActionParsnip: I am trying all the instructions in turn and answering your questions.I am slow so please bear with me12:06
ActionParsnipVivekananda: its cool12:06
christiaanhey guys12:06
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christiaani have a little problem12:06
christiaanmy normal graphical display won't work12:06
christiaannow i am in a tty12:07
facebook2142is there anyway to reset the ubuntu grub2 boot configurations? i ask because i tried to disable the splash screen, but that didn't work. now when i press the [esc] key, the verbose messages only show up right before the login manager is displayed.12:07
VivekanandaActionParsnip: I used the same wifi router to connect to the internet with my phone but the site is ok there so is it a router issue?12:07
christiaanbut how can i restore this?12:07
christiaanmy graphical shit won't work here12:07
christiaanso now i am in a tty12:07
VivekanandaSO I have not tried rebooting the router12:07
sacarlsonfacebook2142: there is a working gui to change grub2 in ppa12:07
christiaanbut how can i restore these shit12:07
christiaani want my graphical user interface back ...12:07
ActionParsnipchristiaan: what caused the issue?12:08
christiaanwell, i started my computer12:08
sacarlsonfacebook2142: I found it here: https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer12:08
christiaanand i was like fuuuu, nothing is happening12:08
christiaanso i tried the recover modus12:08
facebook2142thx, sacarlson12:08
christiaanand the same thing was there12:08
christiaanso i did alt ctrl f*12:09
ActionParsnipchristiaan: did you upgrade to the next release by any chance?12:09
christiaanwell there is one other thing12:09
christiaani once installed mate12:09
ActionParsnipchristiaan: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc12:09
pangolinchristiaan, please keep the language clean12:09
christiaanand now my computer is linux mint 12 fluxbox12:09
christiaanbut it was first ubuntu oneric12:09
christiaani changed it many times back12:09
christiaanbut it always was linuxmint 12 fluxbox again12:10
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:10
christiaanyes, but this is ubuntu -.-12:10
christiaanbut my os is always changing to mint12:10
ActionParsnipchristiaan: no, it's mint12:10
christiaani installed ubuntu xD12:10
ActionParsnipchristiaan: not supported here, it has its own support12:10
christiaanyes i know12:10
christiaanbut i installed once mate on ubuntu12:10
christiaanand then it went to mint12:11
ActionParsnipchristiaan: mate isn't supported hereeither12:11
christiaani don't know why12:11
christiaani deleted mate12:11
VivekanandaActionParsnip: I do not use a proxy. I tried running the command you gave about resolv.conf and it Corrected ! the problem. Thanks a ton.12:11
Myrttichristiaan: "never mix distributions"12:11
ActionParsnipVivekananda: DNS poisoning dude12:11
christiaanbut my os is always changing to mint xD12:11
VivekanandaOkay now just tell me12:11
ActionParsnipVivekananda: the DNS you have has a redirect, if it is your router then it has been affected. I suggest you make the DNS change permanent by modifying the settings in network manager12:12
christiaanlsb_release -sc12:12
ActionParsnipVivekananda: as the file is generated at boot12:12
KubaI'd like my kindle to autmount always to specified location; how should I do it? /etc/fstab and UUID?12:12
christiaanhow weird12:13
Vivekanandaplease . What did I just do and how did it correct the problem and how do I do the same for the XP system. Please just give me something to read coz i dont want to take up your time.Favor on me so will try my best to return it!12:13
Dr_willischristiaan,  stop adding the mint repos then.12:13
christiaanwhen i do lsb_release -sc it says oneric12:13
christiaanOMG i think i know what i need to do12:13
christiaancan someone tho one thing for me?12:13
ActionParsnipVivekananda: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using12:13
christiaancan someone type in google mate for ubuntu12:13
Dr_willisKuba,  i thought mine always mounts to /media/kindle12:13
christiaanand then get the second thing12:13
christiaanand then copypast the last step !12:14
christiaani think that is how i can fix it12:14
christiaancan someone tho that (A)12:14
KubaDr_willis: what should I do e.g. to change that directory then?12:14
ActionParsnipVivekananda: boot windows and see what your DNS servers, or reboot Ubuntu and run: cat /etc/resolv.conf    to see what you are using. Those are causing the issue12:14
pangolinchristiaan, why can't you do it?12:14
VivekanandaActionParsnip: Did I resolve the windows problem also with this change? Or do I have to do something for that separately too? Did I resolve it for my other computers in the lan?12:14
christiaanbecause i can't go in the graphical interface12:14
christiaanthat isnt working atm xD12:15
Dr_willisKuba,  not on ubuntu at the moment. but normally filesystems that have a "label" get mounted to /media/TheLableName12:15
ActionParsnipVivekananda: it will probably be the DNS12:15
KubaDr_willis: okay12:15
Dr_willisKuba,  when i plug mine in it alwyas pops up the file manager anyway. :) so ive rarely noticed its mountpoint.12:16
pangolinchristiaan, join  #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org they can give you the steps12:16
Dr_willisMi kindel Fire may be differnt then the Kindle reader also.12:16
KubaDr_willis: I'm writing some scripts to autosync ebooks, so I'd like to make sure kindle is mounted at a given directory12:16
ActionParsnipVivekananda: reboot ubuntu and the dns wil be how they were before, then make a note and see what's what12:16
christiaanoh i know it, i went on my moms pc12:16
christiaani think i get it now12:16
KubaDr_willis: I'd rather not depend on "i though", you know12:17
pangolinchristiaan, I'm glad you figured it out but mint/mate is not supported here. Please stop talking about it and join the proper support channel12:17
Dr_willisKuba,  pop it in look where its mounting to.12:17
KubaDr_willis: mine's at /media/Kindle12:17
Dr_willisKuba,  i use that Calibre program to sync my ebooks.12:17
Dr_willisKuba,  so in theory it should always auto mount to there. thats the 'Label' of the filesystem on the book.12:18
AndyUbuntuhello everyone12:18
christiaani think i am now fixing it (A)12:18
Dr_willisKuba,  there can be cases where if it dosent unmount properly you can get added _'s to the end of the mountpoint.12:18
AndyUbuntujust a quick question, flash always asks if i want to use my webcam and microphone and i am unable to click allow12:19
christiaanguys is there a browser thing that i can run inside a tty?12:19
Dr_willis!info links12:19
ubottulinks (source: links2): Web browser running in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3~pre1-1build1 (oneiric), package size 520 kB, installed size 1284 kB12:19
AndyUbuntuthis is very frustrating as I am not able to use the application12:19
faryshtachristiaan, a terminal?12:19
pangolinchristiaan, We don't support Mint here. last time I ask you to stop.12:19
KubaDr_willis: btw, can you manage collections from Calibre?12:19
christiaani am not talking about mint -.-12:20
christiaani think you don't understand what i mean now12:20
KubaDr_willis: last time I checked it, it didn't have that feature12:20
pangolinchristiaan, you are running Mint and any support questions you ask are off topic.12:20
christiaanI am not using mint or something like that12:20
Dr_willisKuba,  i tend to just use it to read the 'reviews/summary' of the books. then i coppied over a few 100+ books. :) havent needed to run it in ages.12:20
christiaanAnd i am not running Mint12:20
christiaanas i said before12:20
pangolinchristiaan, you added unsupported repos to your install.12:20
faryshtapangolin, cool story bro.12:21
christiaani removed them now :=)12:21
AndyUbuntumay seem like a noob question12:21
AndyUbuntuthough it just does not work :s12:21
faryshtapangolin, you are not being helpful and there is no part of the comunity guidelines forbidding users to install anything they want.12:21
christiaanbut now i am just asking for a tty browser12:21
christiaanif someone knows one here12:21
faryshtapangolin, users are free to use the software as they please.12:21
schnufflechristiaan:  lynx12:21
Dr_willischristiaan,  you got an answer.. 'links' or lynx.12:22
pangolinfaryshta, there is a rule about supporting only Ubuntu and the official flavors. Mint is not one of them.12:22
ActionParsnipfaryshta: sure but we can only support the packages from the official repos here12:22
Dr_willismate is definatly not an officially supported thang :)12:22
faryshtaActionParsnip, it was a question about official repos and alike.12:23
mydogsnameisrudyand he messed up and installed it , and wants to fix it12:23
sddhrthrtthink we should help him.12:23
faryshtaThis isn't a tree house. You are not supposed to deny help to the kids who you don't like12:24
schnuffleOfficially the mate question is really offtopic. To help him revert his system one would need to: Install mate, check the repo changes, check the instaaled packages and then give advice how to revert. I think nobody gonna do that12:24
ActionParsnipfaryshta: if user is using something which is not ubuntu, its not supported here12:24
* Dr_willis thinks we should move on.12:24
sddhrthrtDr_willis: how do you do that?12:25
maxagazhow to check the health of hard drive ?12:26
* Dr_willis wonders what sddhrthrt is talking about.12:26
sddhrthrtthe * Dr_willis thinks we should move on - thing12:26
maxagazI remember there was an app for that12:26
maxagazbut I forgot the name12:26
Myrttimaxagaz: smartmontools?12:26
schnufflefaryshta: I think its more: If you change your system you should at least konw a bit about it. Otherwise the only help can be: Reinstall12:26
Dr_willismaxagaz,  thers some smart tools, and the disk tool has some info.. i forget its name also. :)12:26
maxagazMyrtti, Dr_willis, an app that used to be provided with ubuntu12:27
VivekanandaThe DNS has been changed now for this session isnt it. I just have to make it permanent. Do I have to this separately for windows xp or do I have to log into the router interface and change it there?12:27
maxagazmaybe it's still provided12:27
sacarlsonmaxagaz: I see it in disk utility to view status and run S.M.A.R.T12:27
maxagazsomething that replaced gparted12:27
schnufflemaxagaz: smartctl maybe?12:27
ActionParsnipVivekananda: you will need to do it in WIndows too.12:27
ActionParsnipVivekananda: have the DNS's in your router changed too?12:28
sddhrthrtpeople : What is the use of12:28
sddhrthrtpeople : What is the use of  -dev packages? how do you use them?12:28
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VivekanandaI will try and come back12:28
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: for when you are compiling usually12:28
sddhrthrtMay sound like a silly question, but never really understood the use. Where will the source code be? how do you compile the obtained code?12:28
schnufflesddhrthrt: It contains all header files and so on to compile the package or packages that need to link against it12:29
sddhrthrt... how do you compile the obtained code?12:29
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: they are used if you want your program needs to use the library or app, it gives the methods used to communicate with the app/library12:29
dboehmeri need some help with KVM (libvirt) and busybox installed12:29
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall12:29
schnufflesddhrthrt: you need the src code to compile the package, but its enough to install the dev package if another tool requires it12:29
dboehmerafter i installed busybox KVM fails to start VMs12:29
schnuffledboehmer:  does the kvm start script uses tools not availlable in busybox?12:30
dboehmerschnuffle, i don't know. hoped to get information about that here.12:31
AndyUbuntuthere is a bug on adobe flash player which will not allow you to clikc and allow access for microphone and camera12:31
dboehmerschnuffle, i use busybox in the initrd to open LUKS encrypted root fs. ordinary shell is bash12:31
AndyUbuntuanyone know how this can be fixed?12:31
Dr_willisAndyUbuntu,  been similer bugs for ages. seen numerous work arounds  over the last few years. such as 'hold down right mouse button, then try to click on them'12:32
sddhrthrtschnuffle: okay.. now getting the idea. i was compiling bitblee from source because ubuntu 10.04 has a really very old bitlbee in its repository. is there a way of getting a new version other than compiling?12:32
AndyUbuntuDr_willis, ok thanks12:32
AndyUbuntui will give that a go12:32
schnufflesddhrthrt:  !ppa12:32
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:32
AndyUbuntuis ther another work around?12:32
drvanondoes anybody know recordmydesktop?12:33
Dr_willisAndyUbuntu,  most likely several listed on the forums and askubuntu.com site. I dont rember them all.12:33
schnuffledboehmer:  hmm, what happens if you start kvm later on in a terminal? Does it still not start? Does the syslog tells you something about a problem?12:33
drvanoncause it coninutally exits with error 230412:33
dboehmerschnuffle, the error i got complains about an error in '"/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/connection.py", line 996'12:33
AndyUbuntuDr_willis, ok thanks12:33
drvanonit says it can't connect to xserver12:34
ActionParsnipdrvanon: tried any alternatives?12:34
dboehmerschnuffle, the whole text: http://paste.ubuntu.com/911417/12:34
drvanonwhat do you mean?12:34
faryshtaWhich is the url to deploy war files on tomcat?12:34
drvanonxvidcap? and the sort12:35
ActionParsnipdrvanon: have youtried any alternatives to recordmydesktop?12:35
ActionParsnipdrvanon: and the rest...yes12:35
sddhrthrtschnuffle: so, if i am right, i'll need dev of all the packages that are required for compilation?12:35
drvanonyes, but recordmydesktop complies to my needs the best12:35
schnuffledboehmer:  so the problem is somehow more a ssh connection problem and you try to connect from remote?12:35
drvanondo you recommend anything?12:35
schnufflesddhrthrt: yes12:36
ActionParsnipdrvanon: try as many as you can12:36
sddhrthrtschnuffle: is there a way to automatically install -dev for all the dependencies of a program?12:36
dboehmerschnuffle, argh, yes, the pasted error was a problem with the SSH config. the username was incorrect. however, there is still the problem. just a different error message m(12:37
schnufflesddhrthrt:  there's a way to get all dependencis if the source is a deb package12:37
dboehmerschnuffle, http://paste.ubuntu.com/911419/12:37
tkruisecan I 'search' for keywords in aptitude?12:37
jasonmsphey all..  I've setup a file association in filezilla using the standard syntax xyz /user/bin/bluefish to open with bluefish editor.  What do I add to the end of that line to get it to open in the current instance of the editor, rather than opening another bluefish dialogue?12:38
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ActionParsniptkruise: you can use:  apt-cache search wordtosearch12:38
schnuffledboehmer: sure that root has a bash shell?12:39
tkruisethankyou ActionParsnip12:39
dboehmerschnuffle, i changed the host to login as my user12:39
schnuffledboehmer: and it worked logging in as your user?12:39
sddhrthrtok. i'm in a small mess here. i wanted bitlbee 3.05. 10.04 has only 1.x. so i added the nightly builds repo http://code.bitlbee.org/debian/ and apt-get updated. now, i can see these extra packages - bitlbee-dev 3.05 and bitlbee-common 3.05. bitlbee is still 1.x. Why?12:40
awsshello. can anyone recomend me a linux (ubuntu) channel for beginers? (I just discovered linux)12:40
dboehmerschnuffle, no, when logging in as my user i come to the VM list but cannot start any, error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/911419/12:40
sddhrthrtok. i'm in a small mess here. i wanted bitlbee 3.05. 10.04 has only 1.x. so i added the nightly builds repo http://code.bitlbee.org/debian/ and apt-get updated. now, i can see these extra packages - bitlbee-dev 3.05 and bitlbee-common 3.05. bitlbee is still 1.x. Why? schnuffle12:41
schnuffledboehmer: so you've changed severall things, now its not working. How do you relate your problem to busybox?12:41
mugrasiclashoteptkruise:if I understand what you are looking for you can also search in aptitude for words in the package description by pressing / to get a search field, then ~d followed by the word to search for12:42
schnufflesddhrthrt: because you haven't done an aptitude upgrade12:42
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade12:42
dboehmerschnuffle, never mind that SSH problem. i had tested this in my local network before moving the host box to the "ISP". i removed and installed busybox and could verify that ONLY doing that changed the ability to start VMs12:42
sddhrthrtthanks schnuffle dboehmer i'll try.12:43
sddhrthrt0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:43
AndyUbuntuDr_willis do you know where i can find the answers to this, I have tried the right click and it is not working12:44
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: try:  apt-cache seanbright bitlbee12:44
Dr_willisAndyUbuntu,  the forums, and askubuntu.com  i mentioned earlier.12:44
faryshtaWhich is the url to deploy war files on tomcat?12:44
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: it may be listed as a seperate version, in which case you will need to uninstall the old12:44
sddhrthrtInvalid operation seanbright12:45
sddhrthrtActionParsnip: Invalid operation seanbright12:45
AndyUbuntuwhich forum would be best to look as I have gone through as ubunt12:45
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt:  apt-cache search bitlbee12:45
AndyUbuntuI will prob have to ask the question myself12:45
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: tab habit ;)12:45
Dr_willisAndyUbuntu,  i just use the search features.   i tend to use askubuntu.com 99% of the time these days12:45
AndyUbuntuon the askubuntu pages12:45
AndyUbuntuahh ok, thatnks. I will have another look12:46
Dr_willisAndyUbuntu,  search first.. i imagine theres very few questions asked in here thats Not allready been asked on askubuntu.com12:46
schnuffledboehmer: can you use su on busybox. I'm not an expert for busybox, so I'm just guessing12:46
sddhrthrtokay, ActionParsnip stupid question: can i uninstall bitlbee while i'm using bitlbee? :P12:46
jpdssddhrthrt: Yes.12:46
sddhrthrt:D thanks jpds12:46
RepoxHello. I'm currently trying to install ImageMagick on my Ubuntu server. I tested ImageMagick on my Ubuntu desktop to see if I got the results I needed. Trying to convert a SVG file to something else fails on my Ubuntu server, but works fine on my Ubuntu desktop. It seems that ImageMagick, installed through apt-get (on both enviroments) has different configurations. Can I reconfigure a package?12:47
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: log off it then uninstall it, reinstall new then reconnect12:47
sddhrthrtokay. serious problem. the reinstallation installed bitlbee 1.x again. any clues, ActionParsnip ?12:47
dboehmerschnuffle, i tried to open a shell with "busybox" but i only get a help text... *surprised*12:47
ActionParsnipRepox: usually it's just:  sudo apt-get install imagemagick12:47
sddhrthrtok. i'm in a small mess here. i wanted bitlbee 3.05. 10.04 has only 1.x. so i added the nightly builds repo http://code.bitlbee.org/debian/ and apt-get updated. now, i can see these extra packages - bitlbee-dev 3.05 and bitlbee-common 3.05. bitlbee is still 1.x. Why? ActionParsnip12:48
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: did you see the other version in the apt-cache search?12:48
sddhrthrtActionParsnip: no.12:48
Cookie2hello guys I got a REALLY big problem. I lost my password by accident. Actually I don't know how it changed today. I cannot log in anymore after booting my notebook. How do I get my data back? I encrypted my home-directory so even with a bootable USB-Stick I cannot get access to the data. HELP PLS!!!! :// The data is highly important for me!12:48
RepoxActionParsnip: Okay, this didn't fix the issue which means it can't be done...12:48
ActionParsnipRepox: then run:  convert input.svg output.png   for example12:49
ActionParsnipCookie2: boot to root recovery mode and you can reset your password there12:50
JelloPopmyhero1: hello12:50
ActionParsnipCookie2: I suggest you get a BACKUP system, then your data will never be in jeapordy. The fact you don't is pretty poor12:50
sddhrthrtActionParsnip: can you try and reproduce my problem?12:50
narutois any prob to install a new Ubuntu ?12:50
sddhrthrtActionParsnip: can you try installing bitlbee from that repo code.bitlbee.org/debian/ ?12:51
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: what, convert an svg to a png. I've done it many times12:51
RepoxActionParsnip: I did, I just get: convert: missing an image filename `test.png' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2838.12:51
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: oh, I don't use bitlebee12:51
dboehmerschnuffle, i read the error message again and removed the serial device from the VM. it is now running. i promise I checked (de)installing busybox but i have NO clue how that could cause that error!12:51
ActionParsnipRepox: are you manipulating files in your home folder?12:52
Cookie2yeah ActionParsnip I back up on my server and my extern HDD but the last 1 week I didn't because my server crashed ... usually it backs up automatically.  What do you mean by root recovery mode? How do I boot it. I have never been in such a situation yet, where I had to use it.12:52
dboehmerschnuffle, nevertheless. thank you for your effort! because i don't need serial i'll stick with removing serial devices from my VMs12:52
johnmsddhrthrt: if you run "apt-cache policy bitlbee" and paste it into pastebin or something, then paste the link in here.12:52
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RepoxActionParsnip: Yes?12:52
schnuffledboehmer:  sorry I could be more helpfull12:52
sddhrthrtjohnm: in a minute12:53
ActionParsnipRepox: try: convert filename.svg ~/output.png12:53
facebook2142if i install dropbox from a .deb package, can it be easily removed through ubuntu-software-center or synaptic if i need to do so?12:54
myhero1jello wer r u12:54
RepoxActionParsnip: Same message, except the filename has my homepath prepended.12:54
sddhrthrthttp://pastebin.com/jav2Fu6M johnm12:54
sddhrthrtjohnm: http://pastebin.com/jav2Fu6M12:55
ActionParsnipRepox: what os the output of:  lsb_release -sc12:55
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PudaburocyonHi, how do I change my hostname?12:55
RepoxActionParsnip: lucid12:55
johnmsddhrthrt: so tjhat fairly clearly shows that you only have 2 candidate versions, an updated one in lucid-updates and an older one in lucid12:55
Guest73662hi all... short question: when i install ubuntu 12.04 beta 1 now, will i get all updates automatically till 12.04 final? does it mean it's the same whether i install beta 1 now and get all the updates till final release or wait till 26th april (and only with this version all updates for 12.04 will start)?12:56
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johnmsddhrthrt: I presume you're trying to install a newer version, by adding a newer repository?12:56
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sddhrthrtjohnm: yes. but the newer version is 3.05.x. not 1.2.412:56
PudaburocyonThe config file which usually does it is something odd in ubuntu12:56
johnmsddhrthrt: not according to the policy it isn't. you can see the two eligible versions in that paste. Are you sure you added a new repository, and it's definately enabled?12:57
Cookie2ActionParsnip never mind. I booted into the recovery mode. thnx =)12:57
ActionParsnipCookie2: get a backup12:57
sddhrthrtyes, yes. how can i confirm that for you?12:57
kilik90salguien de mexico?12:57
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:57
troulouliou_devhi is there a command to see the ipv6 arp cache ?12:58
ActionParsnipRepox: are there any bugs reported?12:58
jabiraliPudaburocyon: Edit /etc/hostname, and remember to update /etc/hosts afterwords.12:58
sddhrthrtjohnm: http://pastebin.com/0m35irHf12:59
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johnmsddhrthrt: looks to me like its ignoring it. (hence the ign)13:00
sddhrthrtah. what should i do?13:00
johnmah, sorry misreading :)13:00
sddhrthrtit hit once so it ignored.13:00
johnmpaste the output of apt-cache policy13:00
johnmif you don't see the repository listed, it's not being used.13:00
ActionParsnipRepox: is there a PPA with a newer version?13:00
Pudaburocyonjabirali, cheers13:01
Cookie2ActionParsnip I got a terminal. What do I have to do next? In my home directory there's only one file: Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop. How do I get access to my files?13:01
ActionParsnipCookie2: run:  passwd nameofuser13:01
ActionParsnipCookie2: then run:  reboot    to reboot13:01
sddhrthrtjohnm: before we waste more time, letme confirm: deb http://code.bitlbee.org/debian/devel/testing/amd64/ ./  - is thiis line valid?13:02
sddhrthrtwhat is the ./ doing in the end? johnm13:02
johnmsddhrthrt: simply saying the repo location is found in that location on the url specified.13:02
Cookie2ActionParsnip I get an error: passwd: Authentication token manipulation error, password unchanged13:02
ActionParsnipCookie2: sounds like its mounted read only13:02
Cookie2which means?13:03
ActionParsnipCookie2: you may need a liveCD and mount it writable13:03
sddhrthrtah. ok. and my apt-cache policy - 500 http://code.bitlbee.org/debian/devel/testing/amd64/ ./ Packages release c=13:03
sddhrthrt:/ johnm this is really annoying.13:03
RepoxActionParsnip: I don't think there is reported any bugs (besides something with ruby). No PPA. It seems like theres a difference between the two versions I'm trying it on.13:03
sddhrthrteither i'm missing somethnig very obvious or its weird!13:03
johnmsddhrthrt: and there is nothing in /etc/apt/preferences? (that should have showed in your policy output)13:03
ActionParsnipRepox: i'd report a bug. Is the Lucid install new?13:04
RepoxActionParsnip: No, the install is about a year old.13:05
GeraltI have problems with the alternate install of Xubuntu 12.04 Beta 2. I downloaded it now twice and both times I have corrupted .deb packages although the checksums of my .iso matches13:05
ActionParsnipGeralt: #ubuntu+1 for precise13:05
GeraltI'm creating a live usb stick with usb-creator-gtk13:05
ActionParsnipGeralt: it does say when you join the channel...13:05
johnmsddhrthrt: I've just tried this here and it's working as expected. try apt-get clean then paste apt-cache policy bitlbee again13:06
sddhrthrtjohnm: this is the apt13:07
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sddhrthrtjohnm: this is the apt-cache policy before apt-cache clean : http://pastebin.com/RnPcscRC13:07
Cookie2ActionParsnip I have a bootable Ubuntu-USB-Stick. I booted it now. What am I supposed to do now?13:08
johnmsddhrthrt: apt-get update before you run the next policy command - after you've cleaned the cache13:08
sddhrthrtno changes, johnm .13:08
sddhrthrtupdating. johnm13:09
ravnhi folks, what to do when I try to add a printer and get FirewallD is not running. Network printer detection needs services mdns, ipp, ipp-client and samba-client enabled on firewall. ?13:09
foo357I am forced to do some manual installation of packages13:09
nighterPossible to turn off stack execute protection so code can be executed on stack on a easy way? Some file to edit in proc or sysctl option for it?13:09
sddhrthrtjohnm: no change!13:09
sddhrthrt1.2x only!13:10
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foo357python-wxgtk2.8 and python-wxversion depend upon eachother, how should I install these packages?13:10
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ActionParsnipCookie2: mount the partition writable and use this: omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/13:11
ActionParsnipCookie2: once you chroot, you can change the password13:11
ActionParsnipfoo357: You could force install one then immediately install the other. I suggest you report a bug too13:11
ActionParsnipfoo357: actually13:12
ActionParsnipfoo357: try:  sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 python-wxversion13:12
ShakyjHey, I had Ubuntu installed with an encrypted home folder. Then I decided to try Mint. But I can't recover my home. It's on a separate drive so is mountable. but when I try run the "Access your data thing" I get an error "Error: Encrypted private directory is not set up properly"13:16
ikoniaShakyj: the guys in mint support can help you with that13:16
WhinisCan any one tell me why my dash lens are blank and impossible to search13:16
Xabstercan libreoffice writer do pdf files somehow?13:17
Guest70227how can i killing a screen session13:17
ikoniaGuest70227: screen -s $session -x kill13:17
Shakyjikonia: I presume it's a ubuntu thing as it's the ubuntu script to decrypt that is giving me the error?13:17
schnuffleXabster: I think so, if not setup a PDF printer13:17
ikoniaShakyj: your using a different distro so it maybe your host key is different13:18
lJ6ilHello... I'm trying to activate "GD" php extension under Xampp but i can't13:18
lJ6ilDoes someone know how to do that ?13:18
Shakyjikonia: Not sure. I will try them though . Cheers :)13:18
ikonialJ6il: xampp is  self contained platform, it's nothing to do with the ubuntu components13:18
Whiniswhy is my dash empty and all searchs return no results ?13:19
lJ6ilikonia, :( ok. But i can't find help anywhere, so I try here... I'm completely desperate :-/13:19
ikonialJ6il: try the xammp support resources13:19
krod2389lJ6il: You just change edit your php.ini and uncomment the extension, then restart the Xampp apache server13:20
krod2389lJ6il: It's commented out by default I think13:20
lJ6ilkrod2389, done.13:20
lJ6ilWarning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/opt/lampp/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/php_gd2.dll' - /opt/lampp/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/php_gd2.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 013:20
ikonialJ6il: look at the file path, it's self contained13:21
wmorrilJ6il: if you go to the apache Friends support site it has their IRC channel. http://www.apachefriends.org/en/contact.html13:21
ikonialJ6il: /opt/lampp - they are not ubuntu packages/software13:21
sddhrthrtjohnm: so, how do i add a newly installed program as a daemon service to init?13:21
lJ6ilwmorri, i tried #apachefriends, but they are almost dead.13:21
ikonialJ6il: why are you not just using a lamp stack ?13:21
johnmsddhrthrt: I'd recommend google. To kickstart the process, check out "update-rc.d"13:22
krod2389lJ6il: Did you configure your own GD extension? It's usually a .so file, not Windows dll...13:22
myhero1any1 help....13:22
schnuffle!anyone | myhero13:22
ubottumyhero: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:22
lJ6ilkrod2389, i added in this folder all libgd.so files i found. And i tried to replace it in php.ini but nope13:22
myhero1how to install apps offline frm .tar.gz files copied on desktop13:22
ikoniamyhero1: what are you trying to install ?13:22
ikonialJ6il: are you running this on ubuntu ?13:22
myhero1winrar linux version13:23
schnufflemyhero1: Depends what is in that archive?13:23
ikoniamyhero1: that's inthe repo13:23
lJ6ilikonia, yep.13:23
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myhero1but i wanna install offline13:23
ikonialJ6il: why are you not using the lamp stack provided by ubuntu ?13:23
krod2389lJ6il: You shouldn't need to move any files with xampp or reconfigure it. You just download the software, and it comes with all the extensions bundled. You simply have to uncomment out the ones you require. I've used it on Ubuntu myself13:23
ikonia!rar | myhero113:23
ubottumyhero1: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free13:23
ikoniamyhero1: you don't want to compile rar for no reason13:23
lJ6ilkrod2389, : "Warning: PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) 'libgd.so' in Unknown on line 0"13:23
shaunatowellquick question: is there a way to take over a terminal... i.e. i ssh in from work, then ssh in from somewhere else... is there a way to take over the terminal session I started at work so I can see it at home13:24
myhero1@ikonia can we pri chat13:24
lJ6ilikonia, what do you mean the "lamp stack" (sorry, i'm french)13:24
ikonia!lamp | lJ6il13:24
ubottulJ6il: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:24
schnuffleshaunatowell: you can use screen to achieve this13:24
ikoniamyhero1: there is no need to private chat13:24
myhero1ikonia.....private chat13:24
ikoniamyhero1: there is no need to private chat13:24
dv310p3rWTF! Why is GNOME 3 so bad? I mean I'm really trying here. But why can't I put my monitors where I want to? It was such a universal feature in all desktop environments, why not in Gnome 3?13:25
ikonia!wtf > dv310p3r13:25
ubottudv310p3r, please see my private message13:25
lJ6ilok i'll try this... Thanks ikonia13:25
myhero1see the problem is m running ubuntu oneiric live usb edition13:25
ikoniamyhero1: ok, that doesn't change anything13:25
myhero1n everytime i boot i hve 2 update n install everything fresh coz its live13:25
myhero1its wastage of bandwidth13:25
krod2389dv310p3r: In a nutshell, the Gnome developers think every user is an idiot. You're not even allowed to easily turn off your computer.13:25
ikoniamyhero1: and if you install from a tar file - you'll need top re-instrall it, because it's live13:25
irenicus09there is need to pv chat :P13:25
speakmanAnyone knows if Ubuntu has Ext4 Online Defragmentation activated by default?13:26
Benkinoobyanyone else noticed upowerd getting quite busy when battery is at low level13:26
myhero1meaning ?13:26
ikoniaspeakman: shouldn't need to defrag it13:26
ikoniamyhero1: exactly what I've just said13:26
irenicus09what is online defrag o.013:26
Benkinoobyanyone else noticed upowerd getting quite busy when battery is at low level - i use ubuntu 10.04 and fluxbox as GUI13:26
speakmanikonia: why?13:26
dv310p3rkrod2389, I noticed that also. So what am I to do?13:26
ikoniaspeakman: defragmentation is not a common task on ext file systems13:26
satyanashI have banshee running but it isnt showing up in pgrep or ps -e | grep ? How is this possible ?13:26
speakmanirenicus09: continous defragmentation while mounted and running13:26
ikoniaspeakman: why do you think your file system is fragmented ?13:27
speakmanikonia: I know, but why isn't it needed?13:27
myhero1i didnt understood what u said13:27
sddhrthrtexcellent. johnm Server: bitlbee-3.0.5. localhost Linux/i68613:27
irenicus09speakman: may be cos its a journaling file system? :P13:27
myhero1can u elaborate13:27
sddhrthrtjohnm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Bitlbee/Latest13:27
ikoniaspeakman: because the ext file systems don't fragment easy13:27
speakmanikonia: Ext4 is a simple, although secure, file system. It will be fragmented as any other file systems. Unless there's online defragmentation.13:27
speakmanikonia: Why isn't it?13:27
ikoniamyhero1: if you install rar from source (tar.gz) it will still be deleted like if you install it from the repos13:27
sddhrthrtjohnm: my bad, i should've gon through what looked like an outdated page on ubuntu doc:D13:27
ikoniaspeakman: because of it's design, have a little research on it13:28
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myhero1but how  install it frm tar13:28
myhero1how 213:28
speakmanikonia: That's not an argument13:28
ikoniaspeakman: I'm not trying to argue13:28
ikoniamyhero1: you do'nt wnat to do that13:28
ikoniamyhero1: use the repo version13:28
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myhero1everytime i hve 2 do it - its wastage of bandwidth13:29
ikoniaspeakman: I'm just informing you that you shouldn't need to defragment unless you have reason to believe it's fragmented (which is why I asked why you thought it was fragmented)13:29
krod2389speakman: Educate yourself before making sweeping untrue statements13:29
ikoniamyhero1: yes, and downloading a tar.gz every time is a waste of bandwidth13:29
myhero1no i hve downloaded tar.gz n saved it13:29
ikoniamyhero1: download the winrar deb and it's dependecnies and save it13:30
myhero1now i only copy that tar file 2 desktop n want 2 install frm it13:30
ikoniamyhero1: or even better "install" ubuntu13:30
ikoniamyhero1: rather than running it from a livecd13:30
speakmanikonia: I'm talking theories. Eventually it will become fragmented as any other filesystems.13:31
ikoniaspeakman: not really. it's only rare situations it will13:31
myhero1m a windows guy.....win7 got crashed so i got the hdd out for recovery13:32
schnufflespeakman: to my knowledge the defrag tools for ext aren't ready for production13:32
speakmankrod2389: That's what I'm trying to do. But I can't find any information regarding the fragmentation issues. And "because it doesn't" really doesn't help.13:32
myhero1now i wanna try n learn ubuntu so rnning it frm usb13:32
ikoniaspeakman: it's quite well documented13:32
ikoniamyhero1: ok, then you should download the packages from the repos13:32
speakmanschnuffle: Why are there defrag tools when there's no need for it? @ikonia13:32
myhero1when i'll b lil bit used 2 this then i'll install it13:32
krod2389speakman: Stating "it will be as fragmented as other file systems" isn't true. Which file systems? NTFS for example? The architecture is very different13:32
myhero1how 2 do it ?13:32
ikoniaspeakman: there is a "need" for the tools, but it's rare cases13:32
sddhrthrtspeakman: ext4 is not supposed to fragment. i dont understand why you think its fragmented.13:32
myhero1n what about linux packages offered by the parent co.'s13:33
speakmankrod2389: NTFS has online defragmentation. So does ZFS, which makes it so famous.13:33
ikoniamyhero1: use the ubuntu repos13:33
myhero1then they all will b useless13:33
krod2389speakman: NTFS is a pile of shit. Look at the drivers.13:33
ikoniamyhero1: they are not useless13:33
speakmansddhrthrt: why is it NOT fragmented? Unless someone tells me WHY it can't be fragmented, it will.13:34
sddhrthrtspeakman: ext4, unlike ntfs or zfs, does NOT fragment!13:34
myhero1how 2 use those original files13:34
ikoniaspeakman: it's well documented, have a look13:34
myhero1i got tar.gz on my desktop13:34
A_I_I'm looking for some doc about plymouth themes and plugins13:34
shaunatowellschnuffle: i know if someone is on the other terminal they can type "screen bash" and I can type "screen -x" and see and interact with it.. but how can I use screen to see another terminal WITHOUT user interaction on the other end13:34
ikoniamyhero1: you don't use those - they won't build without dependencies13:34
schnufflespeakman: the info that a ext systen can't fragment is wrong. It is good at avoiding it13:34
ikoniamyhero1: downloading the dependencies will be bigger than just downloading the rar package each time13:34
ikoniamyhero1: use the unrar package in the ubuntu repos13:34
krod2389speakman: Just look at the EXT4 code, it's obvious13:34
ikoniait's not obvious in the code13:35
ikoniabut the ext documentation is quite good13:35
speakmanschnuffle: thanks13:35
myhero1i unrared the files13:35
myhero1now what13:35
foo357I had to manually install packages python-wxgtk2.8 and python-wxversion, the problem is tha they depend upon eachother. So I did, "dpkg -i --force-deps python-wxversion" and then "dpkg -i python-wxgtk2.8"13:35
mi3hey guys, after we select the "encrypt my home folder" option, we get that passphrase, right? how can we utilize that passphrase? any suggestions?13:35
speakmansddhrthrt: again, that's not an arguments. It's a statement. Point me to a source for your statement.13:35
ikoniami3 utilize that passphrase ?13:35
foo357can I be sure that these two packages are now properly configured13:35
SwiftOfficeCan someone recommend guidelines for creating a bootable Ubuntu USB drive?13:36
ikoniaspeakman: read the ext documentation, there is also some solid information in kernel release notes13:36
mi3yes, ikonia13:36
ikoniami3: what do you mean ?13:36
familygood morning, does anybody want to help me with grub booting? I have no ideal what to change, I installed xubuntu over regular ubuntu and now when I boot the PC the internet will not work, but when I select the older version it works fine.13:36
sddhrthrtanyway, speakman ext4 systems are known to last for very, very long time without fragmenting. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136873713:36
GeraltSwiftOffice: use the program usb-creator-gtk shipped with Ubuntu :)13:36
mi3I mean that the passphrase must be for something, ikonia13:36
sddhrthrtspeakman: i think you should've used google first, before getting into so many arguments.13:36
schnuffleshaunatowell: So your scenario is: You have somebody working in a terminal without using screen and you search for a opportunity to connect to it?13:36
ikoniamyhero1: what ?13:36
myhero1what 2 do then...suggest /13:37
ikoniamyhero1: I suggest you install the unrar package from the ubuntu repos13:37
esing2how do i change my password in ubuntu13:37
SwiftOfficeThanks Geralt - no surprise it would be that simple.13:37
myhero1how 2 get then13:37
mydogsnameisrudymyhero1:  needs a peersistent usb13:37
mi3unrar....thanks for reminding...13:37
esing2if I write sudo *something*  i have to enter a password, but I want to change that one , how ?13:37
ikoniamyhero1: open the package manager, search for unrar and install it13:37
Geraltthe easiest way to defragment is to backup your data, then format the partition and copy your data back13:37
ikoniaesing2: change your own user password13:37
myhero1u mean synaptics ?13:38
ikoniamyhero1: sure13:38
esing2ikonia so the password iam asked for after writing "sudo" is my user password ?13:38
sddhrthrtGeralt: right. that's what the thread says, too. :)13:38
ikoniaesing2: correct13:38
ikoniami3: what ??13:38
mi3I mean that the passphrase must be for something, ikonia13:38
myhero1this live usb doesn't has snapticcs13:38
myhero1i hve 2 do it frm terminal13:38
ikoniami3: is a pass phrase you set13:38
ikoniami3: it has software center13:38
mi3what is that passphrase for?13:38
ikoniami3: use that13:38
ikoniami3: decrypting the home dir13:38
sddhrthrtmyhero1: its synaptic13:38
ikoniami3: remember when I said read https://help.ubuntu.com to learn the basics13:38
ikoniami3: have you done that ?13:39
myhero1how 2 do it frm terminal13:39
mi3so when do we need to decrypt that home folder, ikonia?13:39
ikoniamyhero1: use software center13:39
esing2ikonia good to know , thanks. do i change it with : sudo passwd my-user-account     ?13:39
ikoniami3: when you want to read what's on the encypted drive13:39
mi3I used that link, ikonia, thanks13:39
mi3ok..so how to apply it?13:39
myhero1yea synaptic...13:39
AddeBCHi, i installed a package using dpkg -i mypackage.deb    and now i wish to remove that package, how do i go about? Thanks13:39
ikoniaesing2: that can work sure13:39
ikoniaesing2: or the user admin gui13:39
schnuffleesing2:  as user its enough to do passwd13:39
ikoniami3: what ?13:39
ikoniami3: you are not making any sense13:39
mi3ikonia, let me improve the sentence.... :)13:40
myhero1how 2 do it frm software center13:41
magicJI have a system that auto connects by ethernet to the modem/router when it boots or I manually ask it to.  If the modem/router re-boots it does not re-connect and I need to do it manually, why?13:41
mi3ikonia, how can the passphrase be used to decrypt the home folder? is it to be used from a live cd? Is it used to decrypt and recover the data?13:41
bastidrazorAddeBC: you should be able to sudo apt-get remove packagename   ..what was the name of .deb?13:41
schnuffleAddeBC:  you do sudo apt-get remove <package>13:41
ikoniami3: the pass phrased is used when ever you want to decrypt the data on the disk for use13:41
ikoniami3: that can be from when you boot up the machine, to any point after that13:41
sysrplcan someone help me get my application switcher working? i'm on 11.10 and am using gnome classic. when i alt tab right now nothng happens. 've messed with compiz settings manager and i can't get it the application switcher working at all13:41
mi3ikonia, so how do I input that passphrase? simply type it in the terminal or what? whats the correct method?13:42
ikoniami3: you will be prompted for it13:42
ikoniami3: do you currently have an encrypted disk, yes/no13:42
ikoniami3: right, do you wnat to encypt a disk13:43
sddhrthrtsysrpl: add the shortcut in System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts13:43
ikoniami3: so did you read the encyption guide on the https://help.ubuntu.com guide that I've given you 3 times and you've said you read13:44
Guest70227nick tonvin13:44
sddhrthrtslash, Guest70227, Slash!13:45
mi3I dont think its there, I guess it just contains the basics, I dont think encrytion is the basics, I think its a little more advanced, dont you thin?13:45
ikoniami3: it's there13:45
mi3err ok13:45
tafelpoothi all13:45
ikoniami3: what is the point of people writing these detailed guides with information if you don't read them13:45
sddhrthrthey guys. i compiled bitlbee from source, installed xinetd and configured xinetd to start bitlbee. now, in bitlbee, i'm unable to connect to any server. why?13:46
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ikoniasddhrthrt: bitlbee is in the repos13:46
ikoniasddhrthrt: is there a reason you didn't use it from the repos ?13:46
schnufflesddhrthrt: any logs?13:46
mi3ikonia, this guide is for ubuntu 9.10, will the instructions contained in it work for ubuntu 11.04? I am using that one currently13:47
sddhrthrtikonia: its 1.2.x in repos - i'm on ubuntu 10.04 LTS13:47
sddhrthrtschnuffle: err.. one sec.13:47
ikoniami3: yes, the base principals are the same13:47
tafelpoot3 hosts: A, B and C, A can ping B, B can ping C, A can't ping C... when I run tcpdump, I see the icmp requests of C arriving on A but no answers are sent. ping C from A doesn't generate any traffic...13:47
sddhrthrtschnuffle: any idea where to check?13:47
ikoniasddhrthrt: do you need a different version ?13:47
sddhrthrtikonia: drastically newer, 3.05. all commands are revamped. i'm helpless.13:48
tafelpootanyone an idea?13:48
schnufflesddhrthrt:  syslog13:48
schnuffletafelpoot: check your firewall rules13:48
tafelpootno firewall rules present13:48
ikoniasddhrthrt: telnet to the port - make sure xinet is launched13:48
krod2389sddhrthrt: Does bitlbee give you any output on the terminal13:48
tafelpootschnuffle: no fw present13:49
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schnuffletafelpoot: do you think so or have you checked sudo iptables -L13:49
schnuffletafelpoot: iptables is present on default install13:49
shaunatowellschnuffle: sorry i was away for a sec.. no the scenario is I strt and ssh session at work and dont want to interrupt what it's doing so I leave it connected.  When I go home I want to be able to bring the terminal that I left open at work up on my machine at home, but since no one will be at my work machine i need to be able to take it over witout user intervention13:49
sddhrthrtkrod2389: since it runs on boot, ther's no terminal attached to it.13:50
tafelpootschnuffle: I am sure ;-) (and rechecked it specially for you ;-))13:50
schnuffleshaunatowell: thats exactlly what screen does. When you leave your büro you detach your session with ctrl+A+D And at home you connect with ssh and reattach to your session. If only one is present screen -r will do13:51
sddhrthrtikonia: ok.how do you do that? i'm a noob at telnet.13:51
schnuffletafelpoot: fine13:51
schnuffletafelpoot: can A use other services from C like ssh?13:51
speakmansddhrthrt: I did use Google but couldn't find any information. That's why I ended up in here. But everyone just got statements.13:52
tafelpootnope... I found the problem because puppet couldn't connect to the puppet server13:52
tafelpoot(C is puppet server)13:52
schnuffletafelpoot: they are all in the same network? Connect with a switch?13:53
amarcolinoare there any issues with ubuntu 12.4? I have installed it without a problem but when it comes to booting all I get is a black screen.13:53
ActionParsnipamarcolino: #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support pleae13:53
schnuffleamarcolino: mostly due to graphic module problems13:53
ActionParsnipmostly due to it not being stable or ready13:53
amarcolinoActionParsnip, thanks13:53
sddhrthrtspeakman: check out the link i just sent.13:54
sddhrthrtkrod2389: http://pastebin.com/ydKu4XxViko ikonia13:54
mi3ikonia, it tell wonderful stories about how to encrypt the home folder, but it shows nothing about decrypting that!13:54
_jk_(join #ubuntu-es-cafe13:55
mi3sorry *tells13:55
ikoniami3: it does if you read me13:55
_jk_(join #ubuntu-es-cafe13:55
sddhrthrtmi3: there is no neeed to decrypt your home folder, unless you actually want to recover data at a later time and you dont have access to your user account13:55
mi3hello pungi_man13:55
tafelpootschnuffle: they are in the same subnet, the switchconfig is for A and B the same13:55
pungi_manthanks for the name mi313:56
tafelpootschnuffle: in the same vlan13:56
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sddhrthrtkrod2389: ikonia i think i found it myseld - bad service attribute: socket-type!13:56
tafelpootschnuffle: and there is traffic from C arriving at A, so they can see eachother13:56
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mi3sddhrthrt, actually, lets say I want to recover the data from that folder, what will be your suggestion?13:57
pungi_mancan anyone give me a good site for java tutorials, please13:57
schnuffletafelpoot: have you tried to connect all of them with a switch without using VLAN. Depending on your switch the VLAN setup can create such a behaviour13:57
krod2389pungi_man: Java has wonderful official documentation: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/reallybigindex.html13:58
tafelpootschnuffle: I have around 1000 servers running in this setup... so I think it will be a problem on that specific host...13:58
schnuffletafelpoot: That sound valid :). Has C a Vlan setup that could cause the problem?13:59
tafelpootschnuffle: don't think so... I am starting to think arp problems...13:59
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tafelpootarp cace doesnt have an entry for A on C and vice versa14:00
ActionParsnippungi_man: #java may be able to help too14:00
schnuffletafelpoot:  How do you use VLAN? Does you setup VLAN in your switch so that you have serverall virtual switches and no VLAN setup at your boxes?14:00
sddhrthrtmi3: did you even read this? to last? :P https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto14:00
sddhrthrtmi3: unless i'm missing something very obvious, its very neatly given14:01
pungi_manActionParsnip : can i know the server of  the #java channel14:01
ActionParsnippungi_man: right here on freenode14:01
pungi_mankrod2389 : thanks for the help14:01
mi3ikonia only gave me this link, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome sddhrthrt14:01
tafelpootschnuffle: I have an ip in vlan 2 on all hosts14:01
Bigpiggy01Mininganybody got a quick and dirty fix for booting up 12.04 with ATI 6950 raedons onboard? Tried both propriatary and opensource drivers and the damn thing keeps going balck screen on bootup and I can't access the blasted console14:02
tafelpootA -> B is over vlan2, B -> C is over vlan2 and A -> C should be over vlan214:02
schnuffletafelpoot: One idea, has your switch a maintenance mode where you can mirror one port to antoher? n that way you could check if the icmp package at least shows up14:03
wylde!nomodeset | Bigpiggy01Mining14:03
ubottuBigpiggy01Mining: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:03
W0rmDrinkwhy is mptopdf no longer available ?14:04
schnuffletafelpoot: and how is the network config on C? Can you paste it?14:04
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Bigpiggy01MiningThanks ubottu14:04
schnuffletafelpoot: I'm off for some minutes14:04
tafelpootschnuffle: but it arrives on A (when sent from C) but on A I don't see it leave (I dumped traffic with source and dest C)14:04
mi3Bigpiggy01Mining, ubottu is a bot on ubuntu channel, no matter how much compliments you are gonna give it, it stays that way14:05
tafelpootwhen ping from B to A, I see the ping requests arrive and the responses leave14:05
* Bigpiggy01Mining slaps Bigpiggy01Mining around a bit with a large trout14:05
* Bigpiggy01Mining feels old14:05
mi3Bigpiggy01Mining, but hey, it does give you cookies!14:06
mi3!cookies | Bigpiggy01Mining14:06
ubottuBigpiggy01Mining: Cookies are delicious delicacies.14:06
* Bigpiggy01Mining likes cookies14:06
mi3e e  e e e14:06
schnuffletafelpoot: hmm14:06
tafelpootschnuffle: indeed ;-)14:07
Bigpiggy01Miningubottu guide to assigning GPUs to VM14:08
ubottuBigpiggy01Mining: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:08
sddhrthrthey guys. i compiled bitlbee from source, installed xinetd and configured xinetd to start bitlbee. now, in bitlbee, i'm unable to connect to any server. why?14:08
bobweaverHello there I am having massive troubles with lightdm . I get locked out of my computer just about 80% of the time. Meaning that I try to sign it but it just sits there saying "signing in"  I have to drop to shell restart lightdm and that still does not work (90% of the time).   So I have to re-boot  over and over again until it works. This can take up to 3 hours sometimes. I am not Sure where to even start looking for error on this one. Any di14:10
bobweaverrection would be great cheers14:10
krod2389bobweaver: Is anything in the logfiles?14:10
bobweaverkofman,  where in var/log ?14:11
sysrplcan someone help me get my application switcher working? i'm on 11.10 and am using gnome classic. when i alt tab right now nothng happens. 've messed with compiz settings manager and i can't get it the application switcher working at all14:11
troulouliou_devbobweaver, what is your desktop manager and ubuntu version ?14:11
krod2389bobweaver: Yes14:11
troulouliou_devbobweaver, did you try with gnome classic or gnole 3 ?14:12
bobweaverehh that is not the issue14:12
bobweaverno band-aids14:12
krod2389bobweaver: Look in /var/log/secure14:12
asteveif i don't specify an output file where will a cron log its STDOUT?14:12
llutzasteve: it sends per mail14:13
bobweaverthis is a Ubuntu certified computer14:13
bobweaverkrod2389,  Thanks I am doing just that14:13
astevellutz: who does it mail? the cron is run under userB; userB has no mail right now but the job ran last night14:13
llutzasteve: then it sent into nirvana. don't you have local mail-delivery?14:14
astevellutz: no14:14
astevewell, i have the "mail" which should have a /usr/sbin/sendmail or equivalent14:14
Archwylehello people, i need to enable opengl acceleration in a acer eepc with nvidia ion, i'm using 12.04, can someone point me to a guide?14:16
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity14:17
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:17
tafelpootschnuffle: I am off... I hope I find a solution... feel free to pm me!14:17
AmougWhy isn't inetd/xinetd installed/used by default ?14:18
schnuffletafelpoot: good luck14:18
ZarroBoogsasteve: You might be able to discern some sort of exit status from the cron job via /var/log/syslog14:18
mkultra_sound net + other physical things have many layers of problems to them14:19
asteveZarroBoogs: I checked there first, no luck14:19
schnuffleAmoug: because by default there're no services that use it14:19
krod2389Archwyle: Have you tried using "Restricted Drivers" manager in Ubuntu to install the proprietary NVidia drivers?14:19
ZarroBoogsArchwyle: 12.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 until its release.14:19
asteveI normally redirect all of my cron jobs to their own respective log files but my boss set one up and asked me if I can find the output :)14:19
mkultra_i have wifi on my 10.10 usb boot drive, and lose it on my 12.04 / 11.1014:19
krod2389ZarroBoogs: No-one responds in #ubuntu+1 so pointless asking there14:19
Amougschnuffle, and you have services running (web, dns etc...) is it advised to use it ?14:19
mkultra_i joined up to +1, but yeah 12 is front page14:20
Archwylekrod2389: they do not show in that panel14:20
ArchwyleZarroBoogs: ty14:20
schnuffleAmoug: No if you want the services to perform well, Yes if its just occaisonal use like for FTP14:20
krod2389krod2389: You'll need to download the drivers from the NVidia site then. Not as easy as with Windows though14:20
bobweaverArchwyle, could you open you terminal and enter ::   lspci -nn | grep VGA   and paste here14:21
mkultra_gksu jockey-gtk?14:21
schnuffleAmoug: most daemons come with a init.d or upstart config14:21
Amougschnuffle, so I better stick to using init.d scripts + tcp wrappers for security ?14:22
sacarlsonmkultra_: did you make sure to install linux-firmware ?14:22
Archwylekrod2389: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:a001] (rev 02)14:23
Archwyle05:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation Device [10de:0a76] (rev a2)14:23
bobweaverArchwyle,  lets do this on +114:23
schnuffleAmoug: Yes, if you need tcpwrapper then just use it. I don't as mostly my services have to be accessible from everywhere14:23
qwerty123hey guys, I'm currently dual booting my computer with Windows 7 (mainly) and ubuntu (about 20gb). Is there any way i can delete the Ubuntu partition, and add that extra 20gb to one of my Windows 7 partitions, without losing anything on Windows 7?14:24
_zoom_hi, I need to setup a vpn using pppoe14:24
Amougschnuffle, thanks for the answer... I was asking about Xinetd from a security perspective14:24
_zoom_guides, ar14:24
mcb_Out of the blue, my desktop stoped to consult DNS servers. I am unable to resolve names. Using Ubuntu 10.10. I did a tcpdump and when i try to ping <name> i dont even see a request to the DNS server, and the ping command reports an erro the could not find the host...... Anyone have any clues? I use DHCP, all interface configurations are OK, It started today qhen i started the machine.14:24
troulouliou_devqwerty123, delete ubuntu partition with gparted , rebuild mbr with win 7 disc and increase with gparted again14:25
krod2389qwerty123: Yes14:25
qwerty123is gparted a downloadable exe file, or an iso?14:26
FrozenMindqwerty123: You can use Partition Magic on a Windows computer, or Gparted which comes on some distros of Ubuntu, or if you do not have it on the current LIVE CD you can make one through Ubuntu or by using another Live Distro like Deft (if I remember Correctly...).14:26
sacarlsonmcb_: try manualy change the dns server in network-manager gui to point to google dns server address
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:27
ActionParsnipqwerty123: its on the install CD14:27
krod2389sacarlson: I wouldn't use the Google DNS server, you become part of their botnet14:27
mcb_sacarlson:  Did that, as I said, my machine dont even make a DNS request.... I can t imagine why it sopped.14:27
ActionParsnipkrod2389: got a link to back that up?14:27
qwerty123and once installed, is it a user firendly layout? or does it require some knowledge?14:28
sacarlsonkrod2389: you can use it to test,  you can later change it to bind9 or opendns as you wish14:28
ActionParsnipqwerty123: its fairly self explanatory14:28
krod2389ActionParsnip: Just use wireshark and monitor your traffic.14:28
qwerty123cool, thank you guys14:28
ActionParsnipkrod2389: might just do that :)14:28
sacarlsonkrod2389: I use google because it's the only one I can keep in my small brain14:29
FrozenMindqwerty123: or you can use the disk resize feature if you have an NTFS PArtition for your windows 7 computer by going to Start > Right Click "Computer" > Manage > Disk Managment > and then right click your disk partition and resize it.using "Extend Volume"14:29
ActionParsnipkrod2389: mind you, I use chromium so it may have that in it too14:29
krod2389ActionParsnip: I'd recommend against using Chromium. Better to use an open source browser like Firefox14:29
ZarroBoogskrod2389: Please don't spread FUD here, Chromium is open source.14:30
FrozenMindkrod2389: Chromium isnt open source? I thought it was Google Chrome that wasnt open source?14:30
tkruiseAren't both of them?14:30
qwerty123FrozenMind, that is how i partitioned it in the first place, can i go into a PM with you by any chance?14:31
krod2389ZarroBoogs: Not really, it's a watered down version of a proprietary product for which you receive *some* of the source code14:31
FrozenMindqwerty123: sure pm away :)14:32
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa14:32
ActionParsnipkrod2389: firefox chews my RAM like mad14:32
=== mcb_ is now known as mcb_away
ActionParsnipkrod2389: chromium is opensource too, chrom isn't. There is a difference14:32
mkultra_chrome is chromium isnt it?14:33
christinahey friends i need simple help with rar and zip please help14:33
ActionParsnipmkultra_: chromium is the open source version. The bugs reported in chromium go to help chrome. Google then add some proprietary blobs and call it chrome14:34
FrozenMindChrome =/= Chromium... Google bought rights to use Chromium as the main base for their browser and then added features, please correct if wrong o.O14:34
krod2389ActionParsnip: Don't forget about the tracking code ;)14:34
ActionParsnipchristina: install unp rar and unrar   and you are golden14:34
imachinegolden like virginia?14:34
ActionParsnipkrod2389: that too, but its not in chromium :)14:34
christinaI need help with its password just a simple query i have hope you wont mind answering it14:34
imachinegold is cool14:34
imachineif I was a girl, I'd be a golddigger14:34
krod2389christina: A password when trying to install software? Or trying to open a rar file?14:35
ZarroBoogsimachine: This channel is for Ubuntu support, not whatever you're talking about. Lets try to stay on-topic.14:35
imachineZarroBoogs, hey, rightey-o14:35
=== pfrost is now known as indigo
christinathis is the password without quotes "ZXCVBNMASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOP1234567890!@#$%^&*()zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop" how long it will take to find it for winrar through any means ?14:35
* imachine zips up14:35
imachinemy mouth, that is14:36
jeregonhello can any one tell me the command to copy somthing from your server to your computer14:36
yoshimi-pinkthis may be off subject but i dont know where to start, where can i ask about adding a magnet link to the pirate bay14:36
imachinejeregon, like, lftp can ftp it down14:36
imachinejeregon, or sftp, but lftp can use sftp14:36
shaunatowelljergeron: depends what you have the server running14:36
krod2389christina: I don't understand your question14:36
imachinejeregon, depends really what services offering the file are ran on the server side14:36
ZarroBoogschristina: Thats really not within the scope of this channel.  ##security might be able to point you in the right direction though.14:36
jeregonimachine: can you explain?14:36
indigodoes anyone know how to make caps-lock behave like ctrl *without* using gnome? XkbOptions ctrl:nocaps in xorg.conf doesn't seem to work anymore.14:36
jeregonimachine: ssh14:37
imachinejeregon, the server has to provide a file in some way; either via ftp, ssh or www14:37
shaunatowelljergeron does you swerver have samba or ssh running?14:37
imachinejeregon, so use sftp, it's a subset of ssh, allowing file transfer via secure tunnel.14:37
shaunatowelljergeron if you have ssh i think you can use scp14:37
jeregonshaunatowell: ssh14:37
krod2389indigo: Do you have access to a soldering iron?14:37
imachinejeregon, lftp is a nice console ftp client which does sftp as well14:37
jeregonimachine: how14:37
imachinejeregon, man scp, man sftp, man lftp14:37
shaunatowellimachine only he he has ftp installed tho14:37
jeregonimachine: ok14:37
shaunatowellscp would be better jeregon14:38
imachinejeregon, in general, lftp [enter], open sftp://username:pass@server14:38
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Dogerster_Hello. How do I activate sim 3g usb stick through the terminal?14:38
imachinejeregon, and 'ls' etc. just common shell sense really.14:38
indigokrod2389: to burn holes in the faces of people that want to force everyone to use gnome? yes...14:38
jeregonshaunatowell: explain14:38
shaunatowelljeregon: explain what?14:38
kaizokujHi, can anyone help me with an ecryptfs related problem ?14:38
jeregonyes pls14:38
jeregonscp stands for what?14:39
imachinejeregon, I pretty much gave you the answer14:39
shaunatowelljeregon what does your computer run (the one you are copying the file to14:39
imachinesecure copy is what scp stands for14:39
krod2389Is anyone else able to play TF2 on Ubuntu at the moment? Wine stable is failing to launch it14:39
imachinejeregon, then use filezilla14:39
=== Piezochem is now known as Pyrat
shaunatowellok jergeron go to http://winscp.net14:39
imachinejeregon, it supports sftp/scp14:39
jeregonohh ok\14:39
shaunatowellor filezilla14:39
imachineor winscp14:39
kaizokujI'm having trouble with ecryptfs, can anyone help me ?14:39
shaunatowellbut make sure you select scp (since i assume based on your question, youve never set up an FTP server)14:40
imachineshaunatowell, he has ssh14:40
shaunatowellbut since ssh is working you can use SCP14:40
imachineshaunatowell, if he hasn't turned off the sftp subsystem, he's good to go14:40
krod2389kaizokuj: Just try asking your question14:40
shaunatowellimachine: i thought u needed an ftp server to connect with sftp?14:40
imachineshaunatowell, no, you do not.14:41
shaunatowellshows what i know14:41
imachineshaunatowell, sftp is pretty much a subsys of ssh14:41
shaunatowelli see14:41
shaunatowelli've always used scp14:41
shaunatowellmy fault14:41
FloodBot1shaunatowell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:41
imachineI think, but I may be wrong here, that you can use sftp almost always, but scp always14:41
kaizokujwell, I setup a new server running oneiric yesterday I think, and today I had to restart due to a problem here at home and now it wont mount the encrypted stuff, which I thought it should have done automagically.14:41
imachinebecause of the subsystem need server side14:41
imachineif you turn off sftp server side, scp might work; I *think*14:42
imachinethat's just me thinking though, not 100% sure14:42
kaizokujWhen I try to manually do it using ecryptfs-mount-private it asks for a passphrase but keeps telling me its wrong no matter what I do14:42
mneptokkaizokuj: filesystems encrypted with LVM and dm-crypt only auto-decrypt if the password type is a random seed. usually only used for swap space.14:42
jeregonok im installing14:43
Dogerster_Hello. can someone help. How do I activate sim 3g usb stick through the terminal?14:43
pungi_manmi3 : http://imagebin.org/20643414:43
kaizokujAlright, and any idea how I can get into the encryted stuff ?14:43
mneptokkaizokuj: encrypted how?14:43
mneptokkaizokuj: you mentioned ecryptfs. which is entirely different from dm-crypt/LVM14:44
kaizokujYeah, that's what encrypted it14:44
mneptokkaizokuj: so users home directories or what?14:44
jeregonimachine: so im sorry but i am new to this how is it that i copy something?14:44
jeregonimachine: the command14:45
kaizokujit was standard set when I ran through the installation of the server14:45
krod2389kaizokuj: Spandex: it's a privilege, not a right.14:45
kaizokujyeah it's the users desktop14:45
bazhangkrod2389, what?14:45
mobilekrod2389: hackers14:45
mneptokkrod2389: do you have any meaningful input for the channel?14:45
kaizokujhehe, while I get the quote I fail to see the point ^^14:46
krod2389mneptok: That speaks for itself14:46
mneptokkaizokuj: i'm not a user of ecryptfs, so i can't be much help.14:46
FrozenMindkrod2389: aliens did it, i swear... :p14:46
bazhangkrod2389, stop the nonsense14:47
jeregonimachine: hello14:47
mobileits hard to use this on iphone14:47
kaizokujdarn, anyone who can help ?14:48
mneptokkaizokuj: the password whould be the user's account password14:48
kaizokujFirst thing I tried as I only use a password per system14:49
kaizokujSays it's wrong14:49
jeregoni got it14:50
g[r]eekHey guys. How do I manually download a .deb file (in this case the package I am trying to install on an offline server is php5-gd) thanks.14:57
PseudoephedrineHi, i am trying to use 'rvm use 1.9.3 --default' but each time i do i get a print out saying RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work14:57
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: sudo apt-get -d install php5-gd14:58
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: or use packages.ubuntu.com    you will need to manually satisfy deps if you use this method too14:59
g[r]eekActionParsnip, it downloaded, but i have no clue which directory it stuck it in, any idea/15:00
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sddhrthrtg[r]eek: how did you download it? using what?15:01
g[r]eekapt-get install -d15:01
sddhrthrtah. then its in /var/apt/cache, if i'm not wrong.15:01
ActionParsnipg[r]eek: /var/apt/cache/archives15:01
sddhrthrtActionParsnip: yes :) sorry15:02
ActionParsnipsddhrthrt: :)15:02
g[r]eekok great found it15:03
g[r]eekcan I just execute it from command line now?15:03
g[r]eekhow do I install it?15:03
g[r]eekActionParsnip, sddhrthrt15:03
corstar@worrow. open synaptic, select all the things you wnat to install. and on the "File" menu, there is an option to create a bash script that will get all the packages including dependencies for you15:03
PseudoephedrineOk, so im trying to do this echo '[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function' >> ~/.bash_profile but that doesnt seem to be helping either.. even after a restart of the terminal15:03
Pseudoephedrineany ideas?15:03
___jamesd___hey, i'm getting really confused with permissions on my personal server.  I have a samba network that my house mates connect to each with different linux user accounts, the problem is that whenever one person makes a new folder the permissions are not inherited from its parent folder which ends up in noone being able to add new files15:03
blackthorhello.  is there any way to map detected iscsi devices to a fixed devicename ?   i have a NAS which i use openiscsi to connect with (it has 2 volumes). everything fine, except every month or 2 the 2 volumes (/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1)  get swapped.15:04
___jamesd___can anyone offer a bit of advice15:04
blackthor___jamesd___:  google "sticky bits"15:04
krod2389blackthor: Sounds dirty15:04
sddhrthrtsddhrthrt: you can do two things - well, the easiest is to copy it to the target machine change to that directory, do dpkg -i package-name.deb15:05
sddhrthrtg[r]eek: you can do two things - well, the easiest is to copy it to the target machine change to that directory, do dpkg -i package-name.deb15:05
g[r]eekok thanks15:05
K1rk|WorkAlright... this might be a simple question but I can't seem to put it into words that Google wants to find me results for.15:05
shaunatowellbleh irssi seems to screw up from time to time15:06
shaunatowellbah humbug15:06
K1rk|WorkIn Ubuntu with Gnome when I do a custom command for "Open With".  How do I pass the filename as a variable to the program I'm opening?  /bin/application $FILENAME15:06
___jamesd___blackthor: i have been using chmod to set the permissions, was this wrong then?15:06
PseudoephedrineHow can i use this command 'rvm use 1.9.3 --default' without it spitting out the error i have said above?15:06
___jamesd___blackthor: oh its the same thing15:06
blackthor___jamesd___:  yes it is using chmod, only it has more numbers (4 instead of 3)  e.g.  1777  or 077715:07
g[r]eeksddhrthrt, ok it's working thanks for the help15:07
Pseudoephedrinealright, thanks fuck tards!15:07
sddhrthrtno problem15:08
llutz___jamesd___: you need to apply posix acl to inherit permissions of a dir, linux/unix-permission can't do that15:08
ShepersonI am trying to mount an ext4 filesystem with write permission, but it is mount readonly15:08
___jamesd___llutz: is it not possible to allow eveyone in my group "smbusers" to be able to freely edit a folder and its child folders?15:09
llutzSheperson: you need to chown/chmod it to your needs15:09
Shepersonllutz, the mounted file  system?15:09
schnuffleSheperson:  use the option -o remount,rw15:09
llutz___jamesd___: they can edit/create folders but those won't inherit permissions15:09
llutzSheperson: yes15:10
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___jamesd___llutz: the issue i am having is that users cant edit a folder that i have made (for instance) is this expected behaoir15:10
llutz___jamesd___: only thing linux-permissions can do, is setting "sgid" to the parent dir, so all created files will inherit group-ownership15:10
Shepersonllutz, "sudo chown -R <me>:<me> ." did it15:11
llutzSheperson: thats how unix-fs work15:11
jesuschristumberIs it possible to map a symbol to a keyboard combination on Maverick?15:11
Gethrojoin #hive7615:12
llutz___jamesd___: thats done with "sudo chmod g+s /parentdir", maybe it helps15:12
HeaderI'm looking for a kind of reverse-ssh solution. I want to ssh to a computer behind a firewall. I know vnc has some listening alternatives but what about ssh?15:13
tafelpootschnuffle: hi, still there?15:13
schnuffletafelpoot: yes15:13
llutzHeader: you want to read "man ssh" about reverse-tunneling15:13
HeaderThank you llutz!15:14
llutzHeader: http://www.howtoforge.com/reverse-ssh-tunneling15:14
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blackthorso, hmmm i'll repeat my question, since nobody responded15:19
blackthoris there any way to map detected iscsi devices to a fixed devicename ?   i have a NAS which i use openiscsi to connect with (it has 2 volumes). everything fine, except every month or 2 the 2 volumes (/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1)  get swapped.   any ideas? thanks15:19
zykotick9blackthor: is there a way to use UUIDs or Labels instead of device names?15:20
llutzblackthor: can't you use UUIDs?15:20
llutztoo slow :(15:20
zykotick9blackthor: device names cannot be relied on (as you have experienced) they change15:20
zykotick9Atauz: hello.  Do you have a question?  If so, ask away.15:25
qwerty123It Worked, thanks for all those who helped me :D15:26
Atauzok, thanks!!15:26
schnufflezykotick9:  there's a factoid for it: !anyone15:26
ThomasBoxleyHello, I am running the latest beta of Ubuntu Precise. My desktop language seems to have changed to Chinese, and going in the Language Support settings and clicking English doesn't seem to do anything :|15:26
zykotick9schnuffle: thanks.  (you'd have to get up pretty early to find a factoid i'm not aware of ;)15:27
qwerty123ThomasBoxley , the easiest way is to learn Chinese15:27
krod2389ThomasBoxley: Try joining #ubuntu+115:27
krod2389ThomasBoxley: That's for support of unreleased versions15:27
schnufflezykotick9: it was the first I learned15:27
krod2389ThomasBoxley: You could also try looking in Launchpad or reporting the problem if you think it's a bug15:28
dekatchhi, when installing ubuntu 12.x beta! can i easely get the final release with upgrade command?15:28
jtrucksso I have a fresh 10.04 LTS install, and apt-cache search iperf comes up with no results, but on http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=iperf&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all finds the package.15:28
jtruckswhat am I doing wrong?15:28
zykotick9!final | dekatch15:28
ubottudekatch: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.15:28
schnufflejtrucks: have you universe and multiverse activated?15:29
Atauzwhy my laptop is heated to shut down?15:29
jtrucksjust the default. do youhave a link handy to point me on the right path?15:29
bazhang!info iperf lucid | jtrucks15:29
ubottujtrucks: iperf (source: iperf): Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-5 (lucid), package size 52 kB, installed size 192 kB15:29
dekatchzykotick9 i meant something different! i want to install the 12.04 beta2! i just want to know if i can upgrade later with this beta?15:30
schnufflejtrucks: the link you provided told you that its in universe15:30
schnufflejtrucks: so you have to activate at least universe to be able to install it15:30
jtrucksschnuffle: right. which isn't in the default sources.list...15:30
bazhangjtrucks, open up synaptic package manager and check that the main universe and other repos in the first tab are all checked15:30
schnufflejtrucks: I think in software center you can enable it15:30
zykotick9dekatch: ? same answer?15:30
jtrucksbazhang: is that a GUI tool?15:31
schnufflejtrucks: yes15:31
dekatchor in other words :D can i upgrade the 12.04 beta2 to the final release later?15:31
dekatchzykotick9 yes or no pls :D15:31
bazhangjtrucks, are you on server?15:31
bazhangdekatch, he already told you15:31
jtrucksoh, well, I'm not running X. it's a headless server install.. but it looks like I figured it out.15:31
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bazhangin /etc/apt/sources.list  uncomment the proper one , being universe jtrucks15:32
dekatchbazhang this answere is not the one i need! 12.04 IS already out15:32
schnufflejtrucks: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/sources.list15:32
dekatchso the answere makes no sense15:32
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bazhang!final | dekatch read carefully15:32
ubottudekatch read carefully: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.15:32
jtrucksbazhang: it isn't in the sources.list at all.15:32
bazhangdekatch, read that and stop repeating. #ubuntu+1 for more discussion15:33
dekatchok, does "development version" mean beta version in other words?15:33
schnufflejtrucks: have you seen my link, at the bottom you got all you need15:33
bazhangdekatch, ----> #ubuntu+115:33
jtrucksyeah, I found https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/configuration.html which shows me what to do, as well (using s/natty/lucid/) right?15:34
dekatchgod damn dont try to be that smart! its a "development version" a "beta version"?15:34
PhrogzIs there a simpler, more elegant way to find the PID of a process using a port than:   lsof -i :8080 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}'15:34
jtrucksdekatch: yes.15:34
dekatchthats another question dude15:34
dekatchok thx15:34
TSlackM /join ubuntu+115:35
dekatchwow the fukk! now i am pissed! ill gtfo here thx bazhang for your advice and patience !15:35
jhutchins_wkIs there a games repository?15:36
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sddhrthrtping bazhang !15:37
chiiiiizonly a simple question: can any netbook now be installed with Ubuntu? Can I buy any second hand netbook and install Linux instead of Android or any other OS?15:37
zykotick9jhutchins_wk: there is the 3rd party playdeb.net15:37
Phrogz(Answering my own question: yes, use -t on lsof to print only the PID.)15:38
xanguachiiiiiz: why woukd a netbook hava android installed¿15:38
jhutchins_wkzy thx15:38
jtrucksschnuffle and bazhang thanks for the help!15:39
xanguachiiiiiz: or are you refering to a tablet¿15:39
markssI havent been able to find anything that says what Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid will be doing for Thunderbird once Thunderbird 3.1 is End-Of-Life'd on 2012-04-24. Presumably upgrading to Thunderbird 11, but I would have expected that to have happened already, or at least be talked about like the Firefox 10 transition was. Anyone know if Lucid's Thunderbird will just be left at 3.1 or if there is an upgrade plan to Thunderbird 11? (Note this is for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid).15:39
markss Thanks.15:39
rogstchiiiiiz: depends on itf it has a inlocked bootloader, and you need a image of ubuntu that supports the cpu architecure15:39
FrozenMindchiiiiiz: Aye, you should be able to, I suggest Ubuntu Remix if it is still out there :) I use it for mine and liked it (and then removed it for fun >.>)15:39
xanguamarkss: you can add the thunderbird PPA if you like, on your own risk of course ;)15:39
remoteCTRLwhat does nowaday the job that hotplug and usbmgr used to do? those do not seem to be present anymore...?15:39
chiiiiizxangua: okmaybe netbook is a bad name...15:40
FrozenMindxangua: Android is fun on a netbook :D you can put the android market, or use Honeycomb or ICS on it and gt the market on it and have fun :)15:40
chiiiiizxangua: no tablet, I mean a very little computer with a keyboard and a 10" wide screen, not a touchscreen15:40
chiiiiizI am looking for one to use as a ebook reader15:40
chiiiiizFrozenMind: UbuntuRemix is now Unity... and I want something more open than a Google creation15:42
markssxangua: Yeah, I'm not particularly fond of using the PPA.15:42
schnuffleremoteCTRL: udev15:42
schnuffleremoteCTRL: and usbmount15:42
kingkatariI need help15:42
remoteCTRLschnuffle: geez these LPIC questions time and again seem hopelessly deprecated...15:43
schnufflechiiiiiz:  DSL, Puppy or Lubuntu?15:43
remoteCTRL!ask kingkatari15:43
FrozenMindchiiiiiz: actually, Android, the original form, is pure with Sudo Ability :)15:43
remoteCTRL !ask | kingkatari15:43
ubottukingkatari: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:43
chiiiiizFrozenMind: Sudo Ability????15:44
kingkatariI tried to open ports on my system and it is not letting me bind the ports to a certain Nic what is the line to open ports but only on eth015:44
FrozenMindchiiiiiz: Sudo = Admin, Full Control :) full access15:45
kingkatariI am on ubuntu desktop 11.1015:45
markssCookie2: I was scrolling up and saw a question you had about your password and encrypted home. I'm not very familiar with that setup, but just to throw out some ideas:  Since you aren't sure how your password changed, it might be that your keyboard is starting to have hardware failures for some keys. Try verifying that each key in your password does actually output to screen. Verify that the shift key works if you press shift while entering your password.  N15:45
markssote that your system password and your encrypted home password are probably stored differently. So probably can't just change your system password and expect it to recover your home, BUT it may also mean that if your system password is now unexpectedly different, your encrypted home password may still be the same. You will need to do some googling to see what people say about this problem. I'm sure you have been. Sorry I can't tell you much more than that. H15:45
markssope you can get your data back !15:45
remoteCTRLkingkatari: with what are you trying to accomplish you goal? i can recommend firestarter as a nice frontend to iptables15:46
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remoteCTRLkingkatari: well "frontend" as it actually uses its own chains but they are iptables based15:46
kingkatarii want to be able to open select ports on eth015:47
kingkatarisince i will be running servers15:47
remoteCTRLkingkatari: i understood that, did you understand what i asked you?15:47
kingkatariI want thoes ports accessible only on connections that come in via ETH015:48
kingkatariif thats not what you ment then no15:48
remoteCTRLkingkatari: you keep repeating what we already understood, HOW ARE YOU TRYING TO DO IT?15:49
rogstkingkatari: you can configure iptables to only allow the port on eth015:49
llutzkingkatari: most services have config-options as "listen, address, iface" where you can configure where it should listen at15:49
kingkatariwell when i ran netstat listen it showed that it was listening on them ports but it also showed
ActionPa1snipkingkatari: you'll need to configure ufw or iptables15:51
llutzkingkatari: what service?15:51
llutzkingkatari: man sshd_cionfig|less -p ListenAddress15:52
llutzkingkatari: man sshd_config|less -p ListenAddress15:52
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kingkatarithat is talking about local address15:54
mmonatemail address15:54
mmonatsorry...i am in under my personal email adress15:54
ActionPa1snipkingkatari: use iptables or ufw to block port 22 traffic on all interfaces except eth015:55
llutzkingkatari: thats the option you use to let sshd  listen at a specific address and not at all (default)15:55
remoteCTRLllutz: it is the Pr0 solution, dude, yet i feel you are confusing the guy... :)15:56
llutzremoteCTRL: i just prefer to take the money out of the room instead just to close the door15:56
remoteCTRLllutz: interesting thought!15:57
llutzsry for still poor english15:57
ferris-hey.... I need to convert a jar file to an apk... would appreciate any help15:58
remoteCTRLllutz: no worries dude, i understood you just fine! :)15:58
remoteCTRLllutz: ActionPa1snip: does any of you happen to be ubuntu oder lpi certified?15:58
llutzremoteCTRL: nope15:59
kingkatarii need ok whats the command to start SSH?16:00
ActionPa1snipremoteCTRL: working on it, reading the book etc16:00
llutzkingkatari: sudo service ssh start16:00
remoteCTRLkingkatari: sudo start ssh16:00
ActionPa1snipremoteCTRL: thought I may as well :)16:00
remoteCTRLerr... what llutz said16:00
curiousxkingkatari: sudo service ssh start16:00
kingkatariok strange it said it is already running but i cant connect16:01
shaunatowellquick question... why in the wolrd did the dhcp3-server package change?16:01
remoteCTRLActionPa1snip: yeah i am in the middle of it, i got the brandnew book by harald maaßen just a few days ago, in the preamble he states updated to the status as od 01. of april 2012, yet still DEPRECATIONN!!! OMG!16:01
shaunatowellnow it's isc-dhcp-server16:01
shaunatowelland the config files are no longer located in the same places as before16:01
mmonat_ok i have a launchpad account, password but since i set it up on my comcast email i dont have permission to view anything. seems i really need the canonical email. so just let me know when it is set up. thanks!16:02
kingkatariOk nevermind i got it16:02
shaunatowellkigkatari are you on the LAN?16:02
shaunatowelloh nvm16:02
ActionPa1snipremoteCTRL: just gonna read it then grab the exam tbh, most of it I already know through use16:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:03
llutzremoteCTRL: i don't have to earn money with this and i don't need any certs on paper to decorate my wall16:03
bazhanglets get back to ubuntu support please16:03
remoteCTRLActionPa1snip: agree on that, yet still some chapters, like the one about hotplug and usbmgr are totally NEW to me. due to their DEPRECATION! :d16:03
llutzbazhang: sure sry16:03
kingkatarihow many people are familar with bitcoin mining?16:03
bazhangkingkatari, try #bitcoin16:04
kingkatariI know that i was just wondering16:04
bazhangkingkatari, its offtopic here16:04
ActionPa1snipkingkatari: I know of it, for the electricity etc it's not worth it16:04
sebastianperdomohello, I need help :(16:04
ActionPa1snipwassup sebastianperdomo16:05
bazhangsebastianperdomo, with what16:05
sebastianperdomoubuntu 12.0416:05
bazhangsebastianperdomo, #ubuntu+1 for that16:05
ActionPa1snipsebastianperdomo: #ubuntu+1 please16:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:06
ActionPa1sniphimsin: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/16:06
himsinActionPa1snip, thanks16:07
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ghotiI have an install question...16:15
ghotiI'd like to install Ubuntu from USB.  I've downloaded the ISO, but I don't seem to have a way to build a .img file from it. The instructions for creating it all seem to require a GUI.  Is there a way to convert the .iso to a .img from the command line?16:15
llutzghoti: just write the iso to usb, "sudo cat foo.iso >/dev/sdX"16:16
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llutzghoti: works with actual versions since 11.1016:16
ActionPa1snipghoti: use unetbootin, be sure to MD5 test the ISO16:16
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zykotick9llutz: i hardly ever see anyone taking advantage of 11.10 hybrid iso :)16:17
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ghotillutz: cat seems dangerous; will `dd if=foo.iso of=/dev/yadda` work?16:18
llutzzykotick9: i guess most people just don't know about it16:18
zykotick9ghoti: cat is what is recommended16:18
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llutzghoti: that s the same, as "dangeros" as cat16:18
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ghotialrighty, I'll give it a shot.  thanks!16:18
s2f|ZetraXHey, Some one ho knows a good Irc channel for battlefield 3 pcw?16:19
iceroots2f|ZetraX: quakenet, offtopic here16:19
FrozenMindcat = a different form of DD... DD you can actually obliterate your hdd, cat just spews it to the screen or file lol (unless you did > /dev/sd(ect) )16:19
FrozenMindthat was to ghoti16:19
s2f|ZetraXthx iceroot, was some years ago i was using irc so i forgotten everything :P16:20
ActionPa1snips2f|ZetraX: try ##windows16:20
zykotick9FrozenMind: with redirection (ie ">" in most cases) you can also use cat to create ISO images, as well as create USB boot devices16:22
zykotick9FrozenMind: and cat is just as dangerous as dd16:22
ghotiFrozenMind: another difference is that dd forces reads and writes to be of a particular block size.  Also, cat actually uses the shell to write, rather than doing it itself, so it needs extra care when you run it using `sudo`.16:23
GeraltAre there any alternatives to xbmc? Preferable some where I can set a prefered language track for audio and subtitles16:23
jpsulliaim getting below mentioned error at startup pls help me "The NetworkManager Applet could not find some required resources (the glade file was not found)."16:23
ghotiGeralt: try googling "xbmc vs".16:23
ActionParsnipGeralt: boxee16:23
DasEiquery ubottu16:24
Geraltghoti, ActionParsnip: thanks16:24
ghotiGeralt: Freevo, MythTV...  Lots.  I love MythTV.16:24
zykotick9ghoti: +1 on mythtv16:24
ActionParsnipGeralt: if you have a smartphone, you can enable vlc remote access and use the web UI to tell it what to play and you can control it from the phone16:25
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EvilResistance!patience | jpsullia16:25
ubottujpsullia: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:25
llutzghoti: i forgot, you have to "sudo -i "then "cat foo.iso >/dev/sdX"   or use tee. my bad16:25
GeraltActionParsnip: nice idea, but I have a nice remote for my computer so that's not an issue, just that switching the audio track in xbmc is so cumbersome16:25
ActionParsnipGeralt: oh well :). You know an extra option anyhoo16:26
squaregoldfishjpsullia: Can you get on to the network as things stand?16:26
jpsulliaThe NetworkManager Applet could not find some required resources (the glade file was not found). error16:27
FrozenMindzykotick9 & ghoti thank you for the information... I do agree that cat is as dangerous as DD, i just dont have as strong of an understanding in it then :) i use DD more then CAT, thank you ^_^16:27
jpsulliaplease help me16:27
dekatchhe, ive used unetbootin to create a bootable ubuntu usb stick installations media! ive used the 699MB 12.04 beta iso! unetbootin finished the progress but when i try to install from my usb it says "BOOTMGR is missing"16:27
squaregoldfishjpsullia: Can you get on to the network as things stand?16:28
dekatchplease help me16:29
squaregoldfishjpsullia: Hold on - I'm looking for something16:29
ActionParsnipjpsullia: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+question/14669816:29
zykotick9dekatch: #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support16:29
xanguadekatch: #ubuntu+1 for pangolin16:29
Amougwhich one to use, tcp wrapper or iptables ?16:29
=== Matrixacat is now known as TESTTESTTETTSTTD
ActionParsnipAmoug: for a firewall, iptables :)16:30
=== TESTTESTTETTSTTD is now known as Matrixacat
NiBiHi can someone help ? Im using ubuntu 11.10 and cannot install software from ubuntu software center I always got this error : "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=321679901229616&set=a.133382996725975.24730.131481263582815&type=1&theater"16:30
AmougActionParsnio, For a server.16:30
squaregoldfish jpsullia: Yeah, what ActionParsnip siad. I was looking for the right package names!16:30
NiBisorry bad link16:30
NiBiTraceback (most recent call last):16:31
NiBi  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 968, in simulate16:31
NiBi    trans.unauthenticated = self._simulate_helper(trans)16:31
NiBi  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 1092, in _simulate_helper16:31
NiBi    return depends, self._cache.required_download, \16:31
FloodBot1NiBi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
NiBi  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apt/cache.py", line 235, in required_download16:31
salexI installed Lubuntu 12.04 but I can not install adobe flashplugin installer, who can help me?16:31
FrozenMindsalex -- /join #ubuntu+116:31
ActionParsnipsalex: #ubuntu+1 please16:31
bazhangsalex, #ubuntu+1 please16:31
ActionParsnipsalex: it clearly stated when you joined the channel....16:32
NiBiI cannot install software from software center I always got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/911687/ can someone help me please ?16:32
NiBiI cannot install software from software center I always got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/911687/ can someone help me please ?16:33
jostenHow do I get rid of the old software and Kernels after an update?  Grub still gives me the option to boot older the older version 3.0.0-12.  I don't need it taking up space.16:33
ActionParsnipNiBi: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc16:34
zykotick9josten: uninstall them, to get a list "dpkg -l | grep linux-image"16:34
NiBiit answer with "oneiric"16:35
ActionParsnipNiBi: perfect16:35
ActionParsnipNiBi: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ttf-mscorefonts-installer16:35
drdeeHi folks, I got 4 identical machines, all running 10.10 server edition. 1 one of them randomly crashes very frequently. It's not the memory (I checked that) and it's not the hard drives, I checked that as well. There are no traces in the log files, how can I debug this?16:35
jostenzykotick9: once I have the list, how do I uninstall?16:35
ActionParsnipjosten: what is the output of:  dpkg -l | grep 3.0.0-1216:35
zykotick9josten: same way you uninstall anything else.  what package manager do you use?16:36
NiBiActionParsnip, thank you16:36
ActionParsnipjosten: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic16:37
ActionParsnipNiBi: it said it in your pastebin dude....16:37
orkaahas anyone ever tried to backport gobject-introspection from precise -> oneiric?16:37
FrozenMinddrdee: crash as in it just turns off for no reason, stalls or hangs and then shut down, or? cause if it turns off, powersupply maybe... stalls and hangs, bad memory (check with memtest if you havent done that already) o.O16:37
orkaadebian/rules:6: /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk: No such file or directory16:37
orkaamake: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk'.  Stop.16:37
orkaadpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 216:37
orkaacan't get past this..16:37
zykotick9ActionParsnip: FYI i "think" you can now use "apt-get purge foo"16:37
drdeeFrozenMind: no, it hangs, it is still on but I have to press the reset button to get it back to life16:37
NiBiActionParsnip, sorry what is pastebin ?16:37
ActionParsnipzykotick9: oldschool :)16:37
ActionParsnipNiBi: the pastebin YOU made16:38
shaunatowell!pastebin | NiBi16:38
FrozenMinddrdee: did it start when you updated it?16:38
ubottuNiBi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:38
ActionParsnipNiBi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/911687/16:38
ActionParsnipNiBi: read the last line...16:38
FrozenMinddrdee: let me rephrase, did this problem start after you updated the computer16:38
drdeeFrozenMind: Not sure what you mean, it boots fine after a crash and I reset it16:38
drdeeFrozenMind: not that I am aware off, the other 3 machines have the same config16:39
drdeeFrozenMind: my suspison is that it is somehow USB related but that's more a hunch than facts16:39
jostenActionParsnip: paste.ubuntu.com/91169716:40
FrozenMinddrdee: lol sorry, my hands are not being nice to me... and ok... hmm... driver maybe? what makes you think usb?16:40
jostenActionParsnip: will that also remove the option to boot it in GRUB16:42
ct529 it is possible to install fring on ubuntu? I do not seem to be able to find appropriate information (that is information that actually works)16:42
drdeeFrozenMind: well a year ago the exact same problem happened to another machine, there I disabled USB on the motherboard and then the problem went away. No the first machine (with USB enabled) does not have the problem but another one has it. but it just sucks to   disable USB  :)16:43
ActionParsnipjosten: so youhave a later kernel than that?16:43
jostenActionParsnip: I just updated to 3.0.0-1716:44
ActionParsnipjosten: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove16:44
zykotick9ct529: get fring on iphone, android or nokia - is there even a windows version?  anyways, good luck.16:44
FrozenMinddrdee: that is interesting... how old are the mobo's? and to tell youthe truth, if it worked before, maybe try it again and if it does, maybe look into a new mobo... out of curiosity, what os are you using? 10? 11?16:45
drdeeFrozenMind: mobo's? i am running 10.10 server16:46
FrozenMinddrdee: mobo = motherboards :)16:46
drdeeFrozenMind: 18 months16:46
FrozenMinddrdee: ouch o.O ok... hmm... i wonder if the driver on your 10.10 got updated, or maybe there could be a actual problem with the mobo itself and screwing with the os? :s i am not sure where to go with this...16:47
ActionParsnipmaverick is EOL after next month ends, consider upgrading16:49
compdocubuntu does move along quickly that way16:50
FrozenMinddrdee: sorry i can't be more help... :(16:51
auronandacecompdoc: 6 months between releases, and 2 years between lts16:52
Honvai_Hello. How do I get the panel to view it has been lost during the night16:52
ActionParsnipHonvai_: do you mean the unity panel?16:52
compdocI have several Ubuntu servers that will need upgrading. Lots of work for an old IT guy like me16:52
ActionParsnipcompdoc: just do one then blast the image around :)16:53
ActionParsnipcompdoc: assuming they are fairly similar16:53
compdocwell, I think theyre all AMD cpus, at least16:53
Kohelethis there a program like ccleaner for Ubuntu?16:54
troulouliou_devis there a command on ubuntu to generate an ipv6 ula network prefix   ?16:54
ActionParsnipKoheleth: bleachbit16:54
ActionParsnipHonvai_: try:    gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel16:55
tom_tocafter some changes to monitor configuration, I seem to have hosed things up.. when I rebooted, after grub loads, I can not get any dispaly at all.  Rebooting does not fix it, so I need to 'reset' my monitor config.. (using 10.04) Any pointers/suggestions?16:55
drdeeFrozenMind: np, thanks!16:55
KohelethActionParsnip: thanks will check it out16:55
auronandaceActionParsnip: i think the factoid is !panels16:56
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:56
ActionParsnipauronandace: yeah I just bothered ubottu til she gave what I wanted16:56
ActionParsnipKoheleth: watch settings and have as many apps CLOSED as you can, avoid settings that say they will take a long time16:57
ActionParsnipKoheleth: run it as both yourself and root (2 options in the menu)16:58
server_my new ubuntu 12.04 does not openup timer mkahawa that i used to operate my cafe with16:58
ActionParsnipserver_: #ubuntu+1 please16:58
ActionParsnipserver_: why use pre-release when you clearly need a stable OS.. makes NO sense at all...16:58
KohelethActionParsnip:  just looking, running as root, I just want to shred trash when it empties16:59
tom_tocI am assuming the first step to fixing my problem is to boot via liveCD... then I copy some config files over.. I've gone through this before a long time ago, but googling has not be rewarded.17:00
jostenHow do I get rid of the "others..." account on the startup?  I removed the guest account by editing lightdm.conf and adding allow-guest=false.  Would it be the same?17:00
ElchzardAnyone aware of the key combination to boot from disk drive on powerpc machines?17:01
ElchzardCommand + Option + something...17:01
luisrhello everybody i got a question everytime i shut it down i get failed on a couple of things but its too quick for me to see how can i fix the fails17:01
=== mcb_away is now known as mcb_
KohelethActionParsnip: actually, I just ran it with the trash bin checked it I still have stuff in there?17:01
pikkachuI'm having the opposite problem described here, how about you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/85793917:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 827898 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #857939 Defaults to wrong user" [Medium,Fix released]17:02
KohelethActionParsnip:  sry, sorted now17:03
KohelethActionParsnip:  cool, nice utility17:03
sparxxI've loaded ubuntu server edition, but my monitor requires win2k, xp or mac os x drivers17:04
sparxxI prefer mac os x17:04
sparxxwondering how to load it up into ubuntu server so it boots first ..17:05
mcb_My desktop stoped to consult DNS servers. I am unable to resolve names. Using Ubuntu 10.10. I did a tcpdump and when i try to ping <name> i dont even see a request to the DNS server, and the ping command reports an erro that it could not find the host...... Anyone have any clues? I use DHCP, all interface configurations are OK, It started today when i started the machine. I can dig the DNS servers, but ping wont resolve names. I could not find anything in sysl17:05
jostenhow do i delete the others account on the login screen?17:06
diimdeephello, i'm using ZSH on OS X with iTerm and it's with colors.. i like it, so question is when I ssh to remote ubuntu host.. is it possible to get similar look ?17:06
dabbui am not having 3 finger touch on my touchpad..any help17:08
elijahWhat is the command to show the first/last X amount of lines in a file? I have a 6GB kern.log file and want to look at the last 100 lines without crashing the computer17:08
* DevDevil is away (Ïî ãàäæåòà ñúì :-))17:08
Myrtti!away > DevDevil17:09
ubottuDevDevil, please see my private message17:09
tom_tocAny suggestion on where i can find out how to repair my boot problem (monitor configuration hosed), I just finished creating a liveCD to get me on to the system. (10.04), no graphics after grub load17:09
mcb_elijah: tail -n <number of lines to show> will show you that last lines of file.17:09
Kohelethanyway to make the unity icons a bit smaller?17:09
elijahmcb_: You're awesome buddy! Thanks!17:09
Miscniquestion: is it possbul, to use ÆØÅ in joe, through SSH ???17:11
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Fyodorovnatom_toc, this a standard ubuntu live disc?17:13
remoteCTRLhow do i get kde to show only the buttons in the taskbar of the windows fromt he current desktop and not all of them?17:15
=== sebastien is now known as Guest3586
remoteCTRLnever mind, i just found out! :)17:18
chris_How do you add website shortcuts to the cairo dock?  I have input the code "opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U http://www.youtube.com" in the command box but that doesn't seem to be working17:20
KohelethUnity icon size  can be changed in Compizconfig Settings Manager, just search for Unity then go Ubuntu Unity plugin, then experimental tab.  Cool.17:22
* adrien2 is away: Not here17:23
GeraltHi, is it possible to install a package from a launchpad ppa that has no package for my Ubuntu version? I'd like to install the oneiric package on precise17:23
ZarroBoogsadrien2: Please disable that script if you are to idle in this channel.17:23
ZarroBoogs!away > adrien217:24
ubottuadrien2, please see my private message17:24
pepeehu. how can I test Magic SysRq keys?17:24
chris_Anyone have any suggestions as to how to add a website shortcut to the cairo dock?17:24
LucidGuyQuestion.  I've exported an XFS filesystem with quotas enabled.  I can get quota reports and everything on the local system, but can't seem to get any data from a remote system that has the file system mounted via nfs.  No luck with Quota command .. nor xfs_quota.  Suggestions?17:24
hubsingeri'm using a 2 screen setup withz a nvidia quadro nvs 290 on lucid. setting a youtube video to full screen means that it's fullscreen on the left screen. so far it's ok. but any click on the second screen switches the fullscreen video back. oes anyone have an idea on how to overcome that ?17:25
tom_tocFyodorovna: Yep, LiveCD for 10.04, same as the OS on the drive.17:26
mcb_My desktop stoped to consult DNS servers. I am unable to resolve names. Using Ubuntu 10.10. I did a tcpdump and when i try to ping <name> i dont even see a request to the DNS server, and the ping command reports an erro that it could not find the host...... Anyone have any clues? I use DHCP, all interface configurations are OK, It started today when i started the machine. I can dig the DNS servers, but ping wont resolve names. I could not find anything in sysl17:26
hubsingerMiscni: at least german umlauts work that way17:28
ZarroBoogsmcb_: Do you have any entries in /etc/resolv.conf ?17:28
mcb_ZarroBoogs: Sure, but no even if try to point to google DNS, the change have no effect.17:29
sysRPLunit is suck a pice of shite17:29
ZarroBoogssysRPL: Please mind your language here, this is a family friendly channel.17:29
galloso is your spelling sysRPL17:30
ZarroBoogssysRPL: Also this is a support channel, not somewhere to complain about such things.17:30
sysRPLsorry, unity is a turd17:30
auronandacesysRPL: good thing nobody is forcing you to use it17:30
sysRPLchrome keeps unpinning itslef, twice now it doesn't show in my alt-tab list, no window previews ... my ide menus are screwed up since it uses multiple  floating windows17:31
sysRPLalt-tab is horrible slow17:31
Miscnihubsinger, true true, but my problem is, that my danish Ubuntu-server, dont wanna send messages, with æøå, just need to find a workaround for it, but cant seem to find anything on google17:31
mcb_sysRPL: Use gnome, Kde, xfce, or any other that you do like.17:32
sysRPL1/2 the compiz setting no longer work17:32
Fyodorovnatom_toc, you want to really give some back info on how you got where your at.... such as this is a failed graphic driver install.  Grub and graphic together has a lot of possibilities.17:32
hubsingerMiscni: sorry but i can't follow ....17:32
tom_tocFyodorovna: Not sure, I set up dual monitors, with ATI third party drivers.   Everything worked fine, but some recent change must have messed things up.. Rebooting or logging in via recovery mode does not seem to help.  Just a black screen.  So I want to just fall back to a generic monitor configuration.17:34
Miscnihubsinger, My problem is, that when I use SSH, to my server, then I cant use ÆØÅ in joe, but if I do it manully, then there is no problem, except, that it still doesn't show in æøå17:34
sysRPLgnome-do is actually beter than dash-home since gnome do remembers which set of keystrokes match which apps ...17:35
tom_tocFyodorovna: LiveCD has no problem with my display.  Nor does windows, so I'm thinking I just need to chance some x conf file.17:35
hubsingerMiscni: also with nano or something similar ?17:35
kesiIntermittently, Unity quits to a window with a Plymouth error and I can't pinpoint what I'm doing at the time to cause it. The only common thing is that I always have FF open. Any suggestions? I've run all updates.17:36
Miscnihubsinger, yeah even with nano also, but the whole installation plus languange, are Danish17:36
server_what should i do about it if its pre reased?17:36
Fyodorovnatom_toc, you might get in with nomodeset inserted into the kernel line at the installs grub menu. This is out of my area in general for help though.17:36
Fyodorovna!nomodeset | tom_toc17:36
ubottutom_toc: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:36
sysRPLclicking on gedit which shows an active instance in the unity launcher doesn't do a dang thing17:37
tom_tocFyodorovna: sounds like a promising approach!  Thanks for the pointer!17:37
Unknown0BCHi, have any of you ever changed a key on the keyboard through keyboard layouts ?17:37
hubsingerMiscni: and the local machine is also danish ?17:37
Unknown0BCI seriously need to change a key to act like a shift key.17:37
Miscnihubsinger, yep17:38
Fyodorovnatom_toc, hope it works for access.17:38
sysRPLwhen i alt tab to my gedit window the unity launcher stays on top and i can't type until i switch to another app then back to gedit gedit17:38
sysRPLunity is sooo bad17:38
server_actionparsnip what should i do to get back my mkahawa seen now am already in ubuntu 12.01?17:38
auronandaceserver_: 12.04 is not supported here until released (see #ubuntu+1)17:39
Jayraysis putting something in /etc/init.d/ and using update-rc.d FOO defaults (where FOO is the file name) supposed to execute it at start up?17:39
Waynesis it common that ubuntu takes a long time to start while not displaying anything after installing lots of stuff?17:40
auronandace!upstart | Jayrays17:40
ubottuJayrays: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:40
Honvai_Welcome. The display panel is gone, and I do not know how to get it to appear. Can you help?17:40
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:40
pepee!sound > pepee17:40
ubottupepee, please see my private message17:40
Jayraysauronandace: ah, thanks a bunch.17:40
auronandaceJayrays: no worries :)17:41
hubsingerMiscni: strange issue17:41
Miscnihubsinger, yep but sooner or later, I will find the answer :D17:42
pepee !sound should take people to #lau17:42
ubottupepee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:42
pepeeI kow ubottu, I know17:42
hubsingerMiscni: just to isolate that - what if you do a ssh to localhost on both machines17:42
Honvai_Welcome. My monitor panel is gone, and I do not know how to get it to appear. Can you help?17:43
shaunatowellmonitor panel Honvai_ ??17:44
mcb_Does anyone knows how to disable IPv6 support for resolvconf?17:44
Miscnihubsinger, I can easly do a ssh to both machines, and æøå works in terminal, but when I use nano or joe, then it doesn't work17:45
server_wht can i do to recover my mkahawa timer in my server comp of my cafe it got lost after i upgraded from ubuntu 10.1 to 12.04?17:45
bazhangserver_, #ubuntu+1 for that17:45
Alazare619anyone have experience getting hdmi to work on lucid lynx (audio over hdmi not video, already have that working)17:45
hubsingerMiscni: i start to understand17:45
bazhangserver_, this is #ubuntu , wrong channel17:45
server_miscni help17:46
Miscnihubsinger, though when I am at the server, I can use æøå, but it shows the letters in æ17:46
hubsingerMiscni: but joe without ssh works well for these strange chareccters17:46
LinuxApprenticedoes upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 go without a hitch?17:46
bazhangserver_, take your 12.04 questions to #ubuntu+1 please17:46
Honvai_Welcome. My screen panel (gnome) is gone, and I do not know how to get it to appear. Can you help?17:46
hubsingerMiscni: ah!17:47
Miscnihubsinger, yep17:47
Miscniserver_, say what???17:47
funnyhahais there a program that will tell me how many flops i have?17:47
centoooshello. is ther any way to format a cooldisk as a ntfs? plzzz17:47
server_my mhkawa  timer is not openning after i upgraded form 10.1 to ubuntu 12.0417:48
bazhang!12.04 | server_17:48
ubottuserver_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+117:48
hubsingerMiscni: what if you do a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration"17:48
Miscnihubsinger, 1 sec , I'll give it a try17:48
auronandaceserver_: you have been told several times now, #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 issues17:48
LinuxApprenticehow do i change 'zane@ridicously-long-string-here' ?17:49
LinuxApprenticeon the console prompt17:49
Miscnihubsinger, that is not installed17:50
centooosno answer? :(17:50
server_auronandace you i run that   or wht should i do17:50
bazhangserver_, /join #ubuntu+117:51
auronandaceserver_: type the following: /join #ubuntu+117:51
TheAlphaNerddoes anyone know how to set up apt-get to install through an ssh tunnel?17:51
hubsingerMiscni: wait a moment17:51
TheAlphaNerdbeen googling for a bit with no luck17:51
ubottuthesingle: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:51
dlentzLinuxApprentice, do you actually want to change the hostname, or just the prompt?17:51
Kohelethlol server_ listen up :)17:52
LinuxApprenticedlentz, the hostname.17:52
server_i type it where?17:52
hubsingerMiscni: sry - but "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" must work ;-)17:52
SpitfireWPserver_, into this chat.17:52
auronandaceserver_: here, where you are speaking to us'17:53
dlentzLinuxApprentice, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/03/change-hostname-computer-name-ubuntu-11-04-natty/17:53
Miscnihubsinger, well that keyboard is not listed??? :S17:53
Kohelethserver_:  /join #ubuntu+117:53
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LinuxApprenticeyay, now it's a simple 'zane@boobuntu'17:54
ironhalikhow can I check if I used noveau kms during boot?17:55
=== irdx is now known as irdxafk
hubsingerMiscni: generic 105 key or someting like that - or do you have s special one17:55
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hubsingerMiscni: i don't know what you use in the north ;-)17:56
Miscnihubsinger, trying it out now17:56
auronandaceironhalik: lsmod will tell you what modules you have loaded17:56
LinuxApprenticewas i supposed to install all updates for 10.10 before i upgraded to 11.04?17:57
auronandaceLinuxApprentice: that would be wise yes17:59
LinuxApprenticeauronandace, i didn't.....and it's already installing after clicking 'upgrade' so will it be a problem?17:59
auronandaceLinuxApprentice: i'm not sure, i usually fresh install (less to go wrong that way)18:00
LinuxApprenticeit should be ok18:01
LinuxApprenticeit ran a script i guess to determine what needed to be upgraded/replaced18:02
Miscnihubsinger, sorry matey, that didn't work, but I will try another keyboard setting, but thx for the info matey, need to eat, the misses just called ;-)18:02
hubsingerMiscni: enjoy your meal ;-)18:03
=== pp7 is now known as malkauns
Miscnihubsinger, thx18:04
=== Draugen_ is now known as Draugen
tom_tocFyodorovna: Looks like my problem may not just be a monitor config problem.  Messing with the recovery mode of grub, edited the lines a bit and could see the boot process.18:04
tom_tocFyodorovna: Seeing VFS: Cannot open root device "UID=blah blah" or unknown block(0,0)18:05
=== tdubellz is now known as Staffgiraffe
tom_tocFyodorovna: then "Kernel panic  - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mout root fs on unkown block..18:06
=== Ttech is now known as DefocusDragon
tom_tocLooks like a hard drive issue :-(18:06
corewillemhello everyone18:06
corewillemi have a problem18:06
bobo37773tom_toc: Hmm. Is the UID correct? Can you get to a shell to check?18:06
corewillemi'm trying to get crossover 10 work18:07
corewillemin my ubuntu 12.0418:07
auronandace!12.04 | corewillem18:07
ubottucorewillem: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:07
tom_tocbobo37773: I can load live CD and check18:07
ikoniacorewillem: the cross-over support guys are the best people to ask18:07
corewillembut than it say that my python is wrong18:07
tom_tocbobo37773: it was all working before..18:07
ikoniacorewillem: they will support you18:07
bobo37773tom_toc: Do you know how to chroot18:07
ActionParsnipcorewillem: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc18:07
corewillemi dont have a expensiv call abbo18:07
diimdeepplease help https://gist.github.com/c54301affd00fb9a192f18:07
ikoniacorewillem: don't know what you just said, but cross-over is a comercial product18:08
corewillemis the output18:08
ActionParsnipcorewillem: ask in #ubuntu+1 please18:08
corewillemyeah i know18:08
ikoniacorewillem: the cross-over support people will help y ou18:08
corewillembut for support you must pay18:08
ActionParsnipcorewillem: so why ask here then..18:08
ikoniacorewillem: that's how comercial products work18:08
ActionParsnipcorewillem: no, its free for ubuntu support here18:08
tom_tocbobo37773: I have done it before but it's been a long time18:08
bobo37773corewillem: It's an interpretter problem. You probably need to change python to python2 or python2.7 etcetra in crossover18:08
ikoniacorewillem: http://www.codeweavers.com/support/18:09
corewillembut i need to install python18:09
corewillemnothing more nothing less18:09
corewillemis that so difficult ?18:09
DraginHow do I check to see if my Ubuntu firewall is blocking me from connecting to a server that I've been trying to get running for three days now? :(18:09
ActionParsnipcorewillem: python is installed, your release is supported in #ubuntu+1 til release day18:09
ikoniacorewillem: yes18:09
bobo37773corewillem: python should have been pulled in as a dependency. That isn't the problem18:09
ikoniabobo37773: it is the problem, it's an incompatible version of python18:09
corewillemand can't i install a compatible version18:10
bobo37773ikonia: Are you sure it's not crossover calling the wrong version?18:10
hubsingercorewillem: currently there are 40 people in #crossover18:10
Unknown0BCIs there a way to trun the "\|" key next to the "z" key to act like a "shift" key ?18:10
corewillemk i will check it out18:10
pepeeDragin, what firewall?18:10
ikoniabobo37773: pretty sure as the version it wants isn't in 12.0418:10
mneptokcorewillem: you have 2 problems in this channel. you are using a commercial product that not many use, and you are using a pre-release version of Ubuntu. 12.04 questions belong elsewhere.18:10
bobo37773ikonia: Ah I see.18:10
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.18:12
bobo37773ikonia: Is Ubuntu python3 default now?18:12
mobilenoob11Hey everyone. Is Evolution the best calendar app for ubuntu, or is there something elese I should know about?18:12
bobo37773mobilenoob11: I use Evolution. Are you having a problem with it?18:12
mobilenoob11just like to get opinions18:13
pepeeDragin, check if the firewall is enabled with 'ufw status'18:13
bobo37773tom_toc: Maybe the UID got messed up during recovery. Hard to say. Doesn't sound like an hdd issue to me though18:13
mobilenoob11Is that off topic?18:13
pepeeDragin, it could be the remote machine that's blocking you18:13
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bobo37773mobilenoob11: I like it best. That's my opinion. Wish it was a little more keyboard driven though. But pound for pound I think it is the best.18:14
tom_tocencouraging.  at a minium, I can probably backup my system (/home anyway) and reinstall ubuntu.. Not my favorite option, but a path forward.18:14
Draginsays it's inactive. I guess that blows that theory all to hell :(18:14
tom_tocI think I just need to fix he loading sequence... but maybe more.18:15
ironhalikok, so I want to fix ugly plymouth on _nouveau_ drivers - any ideas? :) nouveaufb is being loaded, tty/splash on shutdown is high res, its just broken during boot18:15
bobo37773tom_toc: I don't know a whole lot about grub2 but you may be able to change the UID with the partition like sda3 sda4 whatever.18:16
classroomhello people18:17
bobo37773classroom: Hello person18:17
pepeeDragin, what do you want to do?18:17
Draginthe remote machine should be my router.... and I have the correct ports open18:17
classroomme i have questionnnnnnnnnnnnnnn18:17
DraginI am trying to run a TeamSpeak3 server18:17
auronandaceironhalik: i think it is just a cosmetic issue18:17
classroom<question having18:18
classroomhas a question18:18
bobo37773classroom: Just ask. It's okay18:18
bazhangclassroom, ask18:18
auronandaceclassroom: we have answers, but to what questions? ask and find out18:18
classroomwho can help me18:18
pepeeDragin, use netcat to test for open ports18:18
madsy_What's the latest Ubuntu version without Unity or where I can turn Unity off?18:18
ironhalikauronandace: sure it is, that doesnt fix the problem18:18
bobo37773classroom: Just ask!18:18
bazhangclassroom, just ask18:18
classroomthere are only  silly answers not silly questions!!!18:18
Draginchecking now18:19
classroomi want to set up ubuntu. before i use windows18:19
pepeeDragin, leave one port opened, and then   nc $external-IP $port18:19
tom_tocbobo37773: Yeah, that may be a good approach.  Thanks for the tips and suggestions..  Need to run to a meeting so I'll have to come back to this mess..Cheers!18:19
bobo37773tom_toc: Okay. Take care18:19
auronandaceironhalik: i've found plymouth doesn't look good with the nvidia binary drivers too, i know it doesn't solve your problem but at least you haven't lost any funcionality18:20
bobo37773classroom: Are you looking for an install tutorial? Where are you running into a problem?18:20
tom_tocbobo37773: is it possible to 'reinstall' ubuntu - over the current one... but keep my files?18:20
ironhalikauronandace: yeah, there are some fixes for that, sadly they dont work for me18:20
classroomi have problem18:20
classroomLeute hier is mein Sys info zeugs18:20
formatproblemI am trying to format a SD card but I get the following error, what should I do? http://pastebin.com/49HyM9AN18:20
bazhangclassroom, yes you said that. ask a question, all on ONE line18:20
bobo37773tom_toc: Many things are possible. If you're asking me if I recommend it: No I don't.18:21
tom_tocbobo37773: I'm thinking., update all the OS stuff and leave everything else alone..18:21
classroomsorry for german.18:21
ikoniahi Lars18:21
classroomwell i want to have a CD put on uubntu there18:21
auronandace!de | classroom18:21
ubottuclassroom: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:21
tom_tocbobo37773: (that would be after I backup what I know I need...  It's just what I don't know i need..)18:21
classroomWell i downloaded ISO from ubuntu.com18:21
bobo37773tom_toc: Back up and just do a clean install.18:22
xanguaclassroom: did you read the instructions at ubunutu.com ¿18:22
classroomyes for sure18:22
classroomnow i wanted burn the ISO on media18:22
classroombut he tells me there is no media in the disk burner!!!18:22
xanguaclassroom:  and then the problem is¿18:22
classroomcan not understand this18:22
tom_tocbobo37773: that sounds like a good path.. Is there a reccomended backup approach, or just grab /home?18:22
classroomhe tells no CD in recorder18:23
auronandaceclassroom: do you have a blank cd in the cd drive?18:23
bobo37773tom_toc: Use rsync to back up the whole thing if that's what you want. I usually back up /etc as I make a lot of changes there too. Also, you may want to create a list of all installed applications so you can install them back all at once.18:23
classroomhave i ???18:23
formatproblemcan someone tell me how can I solve my problem? http://pastebin.com/49HyM9AN18:24
auronandaceclassroom: you want to burn the iso to a blank cd?18:24
classroomno i havent , i looked18:24
classroomyes auronandance18:24
auronandaceclassroom: then you need a blank cd18:24
tom_tocbobo37773: yep, sounds like a good plan.   would rsych work to a local usb drive?18:24
classroomoh i thought i downloaded the iso and so there is some tbhen18:24
classroomwhy did i download the iso then if i have to buy cd18:24
bekksBecause you cant burn the iso to air.18:25
bekksYou have to have a blank cd to burn it to.18:25
classroomi thought i can burn iso on hard drive18:25
bobo37773tom_toc: As long as there is enough space. It's like cp. You tell it where to put the files. Pretty sure it is one of the switches.18:25
auronandaceclassroom: if you got the 11.10 iso you can also dd it to a usb stick18:25
dohertyI want to collect system performance stats for a span of about 15 minutes, and then produce simple graphs of them, and then stop collecting stats. What's the easiest monitoring tool I can set up that'll generate PNG graphs of CPU usage, I/O, memory use, etc for me? My key requirement is quick and easy setup18:25
classroomokay then i do usb drive18:26
bobo37773classroom: You can't install without a cd for windows either. That's just not the way it works. You need to boot off of media to install18:26
classroomi will fetch usb drive18:26
classroomhow big must be usb drive18:26
bazhang!enter | classroom18:26
ubottuclassroom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:26
auronandaceclassroom: as big as the iso18:27
classroombut how  big is iso ?? 700 gb right=18:27
bekksNo. 700MB.18:27
auronandaceclassroom: i hope you mean 700mb18:27
dohertyclassroom: megabytes O.O18:27
classroomyes for sure18:27
bekksSo a 1GB stick will be ok.18:27
pikkachuwhat's the name of the menu which hides and show on the left?18:27
classroomwell then i have a question18:27
classroomare 1 gb usb drive enough??????????????????????????18:28
trismpikkachu: in unity? the launcher18:28
bekksclassroom: Read what I just wrote.18:28
imachineubottu, most def one '?' is enough18:28
imachineoops, classroom ;]18:28
auronandaceclassroom: yes, as bekks just said18:28
classroomi will try it and if i found18:28
classrooma usb druive which bigger 1 gb is18:29
classroomthen i will report it later to you18:29
classroomis that okay for you18:29
imachinegood luck18:29
classroomthank you madame18:29
tom_tocbobo37773: thanks!18:29
imachinehardly a madame18:29
classroomsee you auronancdace18:29
classroomsee you bekks18:29
classroomsee you i machine18:29
auronandace!tab | classroom18:29
ubottuclassroom: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:29
classroom!tab | classroom18:30
ubottuclassroom, please see my private message18:30
bazhangclassroom, stop that18:30
classroomhahaha this is fubby18:30
RudeboyCan someone please explain to me how to properly install a package on Ubuntu? I've tried soo many times, but can't get it right. I download the package, cd to it, then ./configure, then make, then make install. Am I doing something wrong?18:30
pikkachutrism: thanks18:30
classroomcan he more then this?18:30
pikkachuis there any way to move the unity launcher to the right?18:30
classroompikkachu: no sorry18:31
bazhangclassroom, /msg ubottu18:31
classroompikkachu: it is left!18:31
auronandaceRudeboy: yes, that is called compiling, most packages are available in the package manager18:31
tdlamhi folks18:31
pikkachuclassroom: how about Precise?18:31
auronandace!software | Rudeboy18:31
ubottuRudeboy: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:31
ActionParsnipRudeboy: that's compilating. Packages are precompiled binaries18:31
classroompikkachu: i do not like precise18:31
classroom!msg ubottu18:31
tdlamcan anyone tell me where the .config folder is located in xubuntu?18:31
bazhang!ot | classroom18:32
ubottuclassroom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:32
bekkstdlam: In your home, cd ~/.config18:32
RudeboyWhat is the difference between installing and compiling?18:32
tdlamok ty checking18:32
RudeboyOr, why would you comile a package?18:32
ActionParsnippikkachu: there is an unsupported PPA to put it on the bottom18:32
bekksRudeboy: Compiling is the process of generating binaries to install them afterwards.18:32
classroomon the bottom??????????????????????????? Actionparsnip this is real not good18:33
RudeboySo once compiled, I can then install it?18:33
auronandace!checkinstall | Rudeboy18:33
tdlam@ bekkes: TY my firend I found it all the best to you18:33
ubottuRudeboy: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:33
Unknown0BCOh cool I think I found it.18:33
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hugenumberCan I get ssh to stop prompting for passwd after authorizedkeyfile login?18:34
Draginsorry it took me so long pepee... the UDP times out, and the two tcp's succeed18:34
auronandaceRudeboy: always best to check if there is what you want in the package manager18:34
auronandaceRudeboy: compiling should be a last resort18:34
ActionParsnipRudeboy: deb packages make installing and uninstalling easy. If you compile you can make a deb of your efforts but most stuff you need is in software centre18:34
pepeeDragin, check in the router if the udp port is open. also, use the -u flag with netcat18:34
classroom,hello i have to SAY SOMETHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:35
Rudeboyjust got a call, brb18:35
Draginyou just did classroom :P18:35
bobweaverHello there I have a question about start services mainly lightdm. I would like to stop lightdm from starting on startup. So that there is just a cli sign in. How would one do this ?18:35
auronandaceclassroom: please behave18:35
ActionParsnipbobweaver: add the boot option: text18:36
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Th3My internet speed is v.slow while using backtrack 5 but extremely fast while using windows18:36
Th3any ideas why?18:36
auronandace!backtrack | Th318:36
ubottuTh3: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition18:36
pikkachuActionParsnip: a unity 3d plugin right? I just searched a bit and it seems buggy18:36
bobweaverActionParsnip,  sorry I do not follow could you explain a little more18:36
ActionParsnipTh3: backtrack isn't supported here18:36
bazhangTh3, #backtrack-linux for that18:36
bastidrazorbobweaver: you could add 'text' to the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=   then update grub. this would boot you to a cli login18:36
bobweaverthis is a server also ActionParsnip18:37
Th3where do i go? ._.18:37
bazhangTh3, /join #backtrack-linux18:37
ActionParsnipTh3: #backtrack-Linux18:37
bastidrazorbobweaver: /etc/default/grub   ..is the file you would add 'text' to.. then 'sudo update-grub'18:37
hugenumberWould some one be able to help me with a SSH config18:38
esuavewhat does putting a script in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ file do?18:38
auronandace!upstart | esuave18:38
ubottuesuave: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:38
bobweaverbastidrazor,  this is a server xen bastidrazor  need to keep grub the way it is thanks thou18:38
ActionParsnipbobweaver: the server OS boots to cli anyway. bastidrazor explained it for you18:38
Draginpepee, this is what I type, along with my output... I opened the router myself, so I know that is done. root@Linux:~# nc -v -n -z -u 9987 998718:39
bobweaveresuave, that is also for start up corect but is there not a rc something else ?18:39
bobo37773bobweaver: Try adding "3" to your grub command line (without the quotes of course). Try it while booting to make sure it is what you want.18:40
trismbobweaver: if you are interested in disabling services on boot with upstart, see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting (specifically the override file section)18:40
bobweaverupdate-rc.d -f lightdm remove    ?? would work ?18:40
trismbobweaver: no, it would not18:41
satyanashHi, How do I close windows in irssi?18:41
Myrttisatyanash: /wc18:41
ActionParsnipbobweaver: the text bootoption only changes the fact you boot to cli instead of graphical login, nothing else is changed18:41
bobweaverthanks I am reading them links18:41
Myrttisatyanash: or /window close :-P18:41
bobo37773satyanash: are you trying to close completely or just leave a channel?18:41
ActionParsnipsatyanash:    /win cl18:41
pepeeDragin, try typing something when connecting through udp18:41
pikkachuwhat's a dash?18:41
bobweaverActionParsnip,  so the system reboots once a day but I can not be there when it reboots18:41
pikkachuthe gnome dash iirc18:41
satyanashAlso, How do I list all windows/channels/servers ?18:42
alusion_Hello ubuntu, I have a problem with  Chromium everytime I go on youtube it would crash18:42
ActionParsnipsatyanash: or:   /win cl number18:42
alusion_Any fix for this?18:42
SteevcaI have just upgraded ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04,and i can't get network to work.I have a DSL Modem.I also have two network cards,but i only use one because the second isn't working,can the other one cause problems?18:42
icerootSteevca: #ubuntu+118:42
Steevcaiceroot, ok,sure.18:42
auronandacewhy are people updating to development versions?18:42
ActionParsnipSteevca: it clearly states precise isn't supported here when you join the channel18:43
ActionParsnipauronandace: no idea at all...18:43
SteevcaActionParsnip, i didn't notice,i apologize.18:43
icerootauronandace: people always need the newest software18:43
alusion_My chromium cannot play youtube videos everytime I try it would crash18:43
ActionParsnipSteevca: its cool :-)18:43
icerootauronandace: seems that newer is something like better for them18:44
pikkachuis gnome dash conflicting with unity launcher?18:44
Draginroot@Linux:~# nc -v -n -z -u 9987 9987 boo18:44
icerootDragin: please dont run a root-shell18:45
iceroot!sudo | Dragin18:45
ubottuDragin: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:45
RudeboySo sorry guys, had to take a call, back now though. I can't use the Ubuntu Software Centre at the moment as my connection is too slow where I am, so I have to rely on using the downloaded version of the program18:45
yandex3829There's nothing wrong with running as root18:45
ActionParsnipalusion_: can you pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'       thanks18:45
auronandaceiceroot: i still don't understand the mindset though, why not use a rolling release then like arch that uses the latest stable version (oh well, ending off-topic rant)18:45
Draginhow else do I connect to root so I can do the things I need to get done?18:46
pikkachuhow about gnome do18:46
MyrttiDragin: use sudo18:46
bekksDragin: By connecting as user and then using sudo18:46
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Dragintyped it out too fast18:46
MyrttiDragin: "sudo nc -v -n..."18:46
Draginthanks all... vummm... why?18:46
Draginvummm = ummm18:46
alusion_do I input that into terminal?18:46
ActionParsnipalusion_: copy it as one and run it as one command18:47
ActionParsnipalusion_: yes in ter18:47
bobweavertrism,  thanks so much for the links Helps big time18:47
Draginoutput remains the same... just makes me put in my pw first18:48
RudeboyI just tried sudo apt-get install httrack, is it really that simple?18:48
RudeboyJust waiting for it to finish18:48
auronandaceRudeboy: yes, thats what package management is for18:48
RudeboyOh wow :)18:49
=== Eledran is now known as zz_Eledran
auronandaceRudeboy: the software centre is just a frontend for apt-get18:49
RudeboySo stoked:)18:49
pikkachuwhat's the relation between gnome do and unity launcher?18:49
ActionParsnipRudeboy: its rare in ubuntu to manually download apps to install18:49
zykotick9auronandace: and apt-get is just a front end to dpkg ;)18:49
RudeboyActionParsnip: Thank goodness, cause it looks super difficult18:50
SteevcaWhat is the best solution to access the ubuntu partition from windows>18:50
ActionParsnippikkachu: both use compiz....that's about it really18:50
icerootDragin: using a root-shell is evil because you are starting everything as root18:50
Draginthanks lol18:50
tim`has anyone run into issues with python-qwt5-qt4 on 12.04 beta 2 ?18:50
icerootDragin: also there is a good chance then you use a wrong command and kill your system18:50
icerootDragin: killing the system is normally only possible as root18:50
bazhangtim`, #ubuntu+1 please18:51
Draginthat would sucketh18:51
icerootDragin: because of that please use a non-root-shell and if you need root-access use sudo18:51
ActionParsnipSteevca: you can't if you used the default ext4 and mean on the same system18:51
auronandaceRudeboy: rarely should you ever have to compile anything, most things are available in the repos18:51
RudeboyWhen I try search in the main Search, it only looks for files and folders. How do I change it back to look for applications as well?18:51
alusion_You see the link ActionParsnip?18:51
Draginthanks vfor the tips iceroot :)18:51
RudeboyIn the Dashboard18:51
Rudeboyauronandace: Thanks :)18:51
Draginand the explaination18:51
ActionParsnipalusion_: just checking18:51
alusion_I feel like its going to be a silly mistake I'm running a relatively fresh install18:52
pepeeDragin, my netcat works this way: nc -nvul -p $PORT  #listens  , nc -nvu $IP $PORT  #connects18:52
RudeboyLet me re-phrase my question so it makes more sense ha ha:) How do I change the Dashboard search options, cause it;s only finding files and folders now, when it was finding applications as well18:52
excelsiordo I need to back up my thumb-drive before using unetbootin to make it an install thumbdrive?18:52
Dr_willisexcelsior,  always a good idea to have backups18:53
sanjeev_shhow can i upgrade my ubuntu from a private mirror(e.g from a mirror at http://xyz.com)?18:53
excelsiorbut if I don't, will it wipe my data?18:53
Dr_willisexcelsior,  unetbootin has options both ways i belive. I never use it.18:53
mdwrigh2Has anyone managed to get adb working on 12.04 beta2, 64bit?18:53
bekksexcelsior: BAck it up.18:53
Dr_willisexcelsior,  data worth keeping - is worth backing up18:53
auronandace!12.04 | mdwrigh218:54
ubottumdwrigh2: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:54
Draginpepee, I tried that syntax and it basically told me it was outdated, and to use the one I used18:54
bazhangmdwrigh2, #ubuntu+1 please18:54
excelsiorfair enough, I'll tell my friend to back it up first18:54
ActionParsnipalusion_: uninstall flashplugin-installer, enable the partner repo in software centre and install adobe-flashplugin. 64bit flash for 64bit OS18:54
Draginis there a quick way (i.e. command) to find out your version?18:55
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RudeboyI just installed Httrack, but now when I look for it in installed applications it's not there. When I try install again it says already installed?18:55
zykotick9Dragin: "lsb_release -a"18:55
ActionParsnipDragin: lsb_release -sc18:55
alusion_Thanks a lot :D gunna do that now18:55
auronandace!info httrack18:55
ubottuhttrack (source: httrack): Copy websites to your computer (Offline browser). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.44.1-4 (oneiric), package size 31 kB, installed size 108 kB18:55
bekksRudeboy: httrack isnt a graphical application, so it wont show up in a menu.18:55
Snaggleis there a way to search which ubuntu package would provide a certain file?18:55
pepeeDragin, dpkg -l | grep netcat18:55
auronandaceRudeboy: sounds like it might be a commandline program18:56
Rudeboybekks: oh.. where can I find out how to use it?18:56
ActionParsnipSnaggle: for installed packages: dpkg -S filename18:56
auronandaceRudeboy: try: man httrack18:56
SnaggleActionParsnip: not yet installed.  trying to find what I would need to get18:56
Draginlsb: command not found18:57
bekksRudeboy: Open a terminal, type httrack18:57
bekksDragin: The command was "lsb_release -a"18:57
pepeeSnaggle, apt-file18:57
ActionParsnipSnaggle: then you'll need apt-file18:57
Rudeboyauronandace: What is man? Manage?18:57
auronandaceRudeboy: manpage18:58
Draginoh... missed that underscore18:58
zykotick9Rudeboy: "man man" ;)18:58
pepeeman is a command, to reaf manpages18:58
ActionParsnipzykotick9: man woman18:58
tyler_dzykotick9: there is no manual entry for women18:58
zykotick9ActionParsnip: segfault18:58
tyler_dhe he he18:58
ActionParsnipAlways makes me laugh as does sl18:59
tyler_dslow locamotive18:59
zykotick9did you know sl has themes?18:59
ubottuGenGy: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:59
zykotick9ActionParsnip: "man sl" ;)19:00
ActionParsnipzykotick9: man sl    I guess19:00
Rudeboyauronandace: Ah, I understand now:) It's showing all the command line options:) Ok great, think I can do it from here. Thanks so much for the help :)19:00
saeHi. Did the automatic update to 10.04.4 and now flash player doesn't work. Please help.19:00
bobo37773sae: Doesn't work at all?19:00
pepeesae reinstall the flash player installer package19:00
alusion_Action, there's a ton of bad reviews for the Adobe Flash Plugin 10, was there another one you might of been referring to?19:00
pepeewhatever its name is19:00
saebobo37773: doesn't work at all - tried youtube, flash games, nothing19:01
XabsterI have downloaded and installed some library with sudo apt-get install libsvn-java and now Eclipse is telling me that library is too old - how do I check what version I got from the repos?19:01
auronandaceRudeboy: no worries :)19:01
saepepee: thank you. I did that. but still the same19:01
pepeesae, or configure the browser, check if it finds the plugin file19:01
ActionParsnipzykotick9: that's 2 things to play with later (transgui dev fixed the white box bug, excited)19:01
matt_symesanybody know if there is a better way to see if there is a blank dvd in a drive than grepping dvd+rw-mediainfo ? I want to script something.19:01
bobo37773sae: Reinstall flash. Make sure your web browser is closed when you do.19:01
saepepee: firefox lists it as installed plugin19:01
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zykotick9ActionParsnip: don't get too excited, there are only 2 other versions ;)  "apt-cache search transgui" gives me nothing - what's transgui?19:02
saebobo37773: thank you. I tried that too. Even opened firefox from terminal to see any error messages, but nothing.19:02
pepeesae, should be working :/19:02
zykotick9ActionParsnip: transmission gui - gotcha19:03
ActionParsnipzykotick9: it a gui for transmission to connect to a server with the web ui enabled.19:03
saeok. I will try again.19:03
bastidrazori use ktorrents web ui.. i like it19:04
pepeeI use utorrent + wine19:04
zykotick9rtorrent in screen ftw ;)19:04
saeany way to complete purge it before reinstall? Special method for reinstallation to consider?19:04
pepeelast versions don't work well :/19:04
ActionParsnipbastidrazor: same kinda deal but this is an app you can associate torrent f19:04
pepeesae apt-get remove --purge package19:05
ActionParsnipFiles with19:05
saepepee: thank you :)19:05
subthalamuszykotick9: pyroscope19:05
ActionParsnipPepee: there is a native utorrent...19:05
pepeeActionParsnip, lots of them19:05
pepeebut I like utorrent :)19:06
zykotick9subthalamus: look interesting - thanks.19:06
ActionParsnipPepee: no, just one utorrent....utorrent19:07
GeminiDominoStrange problem with Lucid server install. I've got two on-board NICs but the OS is only giving me eth0. I tried to force eth1 with ifconfig, but no dice.  I know it's not a driver issue, since they're the same ports on the same mobo. Any ideas?19:07
bekksGeminiDomino: Can you see it with ifconfig -a ?19:07
GeminiDominobekks: Nope19:07
ActionParsnipPepee: utorrent is a client, there is a Linux version so wine isn't needed19:07
bekksGeminiDomino: Then yoyu cant use ifconfig to configure it.19:07
pepeeActionParsnip, ah, I read wrong19:07
Nephroofftop: is there any good GUI tool for todo lists? I really need one, since I seem to forget things after I get excited about something19:08
GeminiDominobekks: I know. That's the problem19:08
bekksGeminiDomino: You need to load the driver first.19:08
pepeeActionParsnip, I found a utorrent server19:08
pepeenot the same as utorrent19:08
ActionParsnipNephro: xpad, tomboy19:08
GeminiDominoWouldn't the driver already be loaded since it's the same hardware as eth0?19:08
bekksObviously it isnt the same hardware.19:08
ActionParsnipPepee: yes its web access only, runs in the background19:08
formatproblemis there any command to see neighboring PC in my network?19:09
NephroActionParsnip, isn't tomboy a note app?19:09
ActionParsnipPepee: its made by the same guys. Its utorrent19:09
KM0201isn't that wwhat you asked for Nephro ?19:09
formatproblemis there any command to see neighboring PC in my network?19:09
pepeebut I like the windows gui19:09
hugenumberformatproblem i use iftop19:09
pepeeformatproblem, nmap?19:10
KM0201formatproblem: search synaptic for a program called "pyneighborhood" or something like that19:10
Andi_M_hi folks, anyone in here know a lot about SWFs and Ubuntu compatibility?19:10
NephroKM0201, not really, I'd like a thing that I could add tasks to, prioritize them, etc, mark them completed19:10
GeminiDominobekks: they're both coming off the same on-board controller.19:10
ActionParsnipNephro: sure but you can write lists in notes. One note for each list19:10
jimbosome one speak spanish?19:10
bobo37773formatproblem: You mean see if someone else is on your network?19:10
bazhangAndi_M_, the file format?19:10
XabsterI have downloaded and installed some library with sudo apt-get install libsvn-java and now Eclipse is telling me that library is too old - how do I check what version I got from the repos?19:10
jostenHow do I import bookmarks and then my ubuntu dreams will be will be filled?19:10
pepeejimbo, yo19:10
pepee!es | jimbo19:10
bazhangjimbo, in #ubuntu-es19:10
ubottujimbo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:10
GeminiDominoAt least, they should be19:11
NephroActionParsnip, I can't believe there aren't apps developed specifically for todo lists19:11
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bazhangNephro, sticky notes? or calendar19:11
Andi_M_bazhang: I have 3 SWFs that were running standalone on Windows that I need to port to an Ubuntu install.  1 is a container which then calls the other 2, a video and a game inside it.  They all work individually, but when I run the container, the video just shows a black screen, all the rest of it works...19:11
Nephroseems I'll have to implement one myself.19:12
ActionParsnipNephro: there may be, search software centre. I'm not knowledgable of EVERY package available19:12
saepepee: do you know the exact name of the package?19:12
Andi_M_bazhang: I've tried installing codecs and whatnot thinking it might be that then realized it works if I run it on it's own.  Unfortunately I don't have the original FLAs as this was done 5 years ago.  I tried to decompile but SWFDecompiler took my money and never gave me a valid license key and they're tech is in China now, lol.19:12
aondmmcheck FB :D19:12
bazhangaondmm, ?19:13
KM0201Andi_M_: you paid for a linux app?19:13
pepeesae, no, but you can check: dpkg -l | grep flashplayer19:13
ActionParsnip!find todo19:13
ubottuFound: autodock, autodock-test, autodock-vina, awn-applet-todo, devtodo, gpe-todo, gtodo, libtododb-dev, libtododb0, libtododb0-dbg (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=todo&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all19:13
Andi_M_KM0201: lol, mac19:13
saepepee: thank you19:13
KM0201Andi_M_: ah, ok.. :)19:13
ActionParsnip!info gtodo19:13
ubottugtodo (source: gtodo): GNOME to-do list manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16.0~rc2-1.1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 94 kB, installed size 464 kB19:13
ActionParsnipNephro: ^ found with near zero effort19:14
NephroActionParsnip, thanks, I found it too :)19:14
killer_no D-BUS daemon running19:14
killer_is the errror19:14
pepeepeople should be introduced to apt, dpkg and aptitude before installing ubuntu19:15
pepeethose three do all the work for you :)19:15
GiourgiaHello. I have made a clean installation of ubuntu 11.10 and I have some really weird issue with the sound. It a scratching sounding like disaster! I've made all upgrades and I'm using 3.0.0-17 kernel19:16
ActionParsnippepee: no, let them use software centre. Its more user friendly19:16
pikkachuActionParsnip: ok but I'm afraid of using it because it seems a bottom positioned launcher, not something that changes the position of the original launcher19:16
vltHello. Where can I find symbols I create on my German keyboard with AltGr+<key> (like » « „ “ ” · › ‹ × ÷ … – — ’) on a US keyboard in Ubuntu?19:16
pikkachuActionParsnip: that is, I need to trust that the PPA will be always up to date with original launcher19:17
pikkachuActionParsnip: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/668415?comments=all19:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 668415 in Ubuntu "Movement of Unity launcher" [Undecided,Won't fix]19:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:17
GiourgiaI forgot to mention that this only happens with VLC19:17
ActionParsnippikkachu: yes, known issues19:17
pepeeActionParsnip, yeah, unless the software centre doesn't work...19:18
ActionParsnipGiourgia: tried the vlc ppa19:18
pikkachuActionParsnip: sounds like they don't want to fix it, sad because it's annoying to accidentally click on items in the launcher just because it appeared suddenly (I think I've read in Precise it will be always shown by default but no better than moving)19:18
DasEi!info ascii | vlt19:18
bekkskiller_: starting it would be the first option :)19:18
ubottuvlt: ascii (source: ascii): interactive ASCII name and synonym chart. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.11-1 (oneiric), package size 16 kB, installed size 76 kB19:18
pikkachuin Oneiric, is it possible to set the launcher to always be shown?19:18
Giourgiano I use the repository version19:19
killer_bekks : how to do it19:19
ActionParsnippikkachu: its fairly stationary, yes19:19
ActionParsnip!info vlc19:19
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.12-2~oneiric1 (oneiric), package size 1375 kB, installed size 3516 kB19:19
bekkskiller_: "sudo service dbus start"19:19
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hugenumberanyone here use fluxbox?19:20
ActionParsnipGiourgia: http://www.techdrivein.com/2012/02/vlc-20-twoflower-released-install-in.html19:20
ActionParsniphugenumber: i use openbox which fluxbox is based on19:21
Giourgiawill try ppa and report back19:21
CombatjuanI'm trying to figure out if I have 32bit or 64 bit ubuntu installed.  uname says that it is 2.6.24-33-server.19:22
esuaveCombatjuan: uname -a19:22
CharminTheMooseHey all, I've got about 2GB of RAM and a laptop HDD I don't want being constantly accessed by firefox/plugin-container/adobe's flash plugin. Is it possible for me to put both firefox and the adobe flash plugin into a ramdisk with relative ease (supporting libraries included)?19:22
ActionParsnipCombatjuan: u19:23
Combatjuanesuave: Oh wow.  It says x86_64, I just didn't see it.  Thanks.19:23
esuavenp :P19:23
Unknown0BCOk, its really easy to set up a wireless network between to pc's using ubuntu right ?19:23
Th3anybody know where i could get help?19:23
bazhangth3 for bt?19:23
Unknown0BCBut how ?19:23
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Unknown0BCright it must be an ad-hoc connection yes ?19:24
ActionParsnipUnknown0BC: you can setup adhoc wifi using network manager19:24
GiourgiaUnfortunately with VLC 2.0.2 the sound is still scratchy like hell19:25
VGoffDoes anyone know how to unpin packages that don't seem to modify the three files (as they don't exist) as mentioned in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto?19:25
Unknown0BCActionParsnip, Yeah i'm figuring.19:25
Unknown0BCwondering about the security model...19:25
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ActionParsnipGiourgia: try: rm -r ~/.config/vlc    after closing the app19:25
foobArrrCharminTheMoose: arch wiki has a nice description about firefox profile on a ramdisk: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Firefox_Ramdisk   I have no idea about flash, though19:26
Unknown0BCah probably passphrase...19:26
Giourgiathat didn't help either.19:27
Andi_M_aha, update on the flash video issue if anyone cared, it was a 404... /me is being stupid again :D19:27
ActionParsnipCharminTheMoose: install preload and set vm.swappiness to 10. May help19:28
Giourgiachanging the audio output module in VLC temporarily fixes the problem but after reboot it comes back19:29
ActionParsnipGiourgia: are there bugs reported?19:30
GiourgiaI'm trying to find sth similar but no success19:30
ActionParsnipGiourgia: did you delete the folder?19:31
CharminTheMooseOh cool, thanks for that foobArrr and ActionParsnip. I'll get reading up on both of 'em19:31
Giourgiayes I did19:31
saepepee: no luck. This is an older PC - AMD 2600+ with GeForce MX 440 AGP. CAn I go roll back the upgrade somehow?19:32
Giourgiasome update must caused this19:33
bekkssae: By using your backup.19:33
saepepee: I disabled all other plugins, and restarted. But no luck.19:33
saebekks: :) thank you - I wish I had one.19:33
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GiourgiaI suspect this might be it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/75126519:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 751265 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "pulseaudio distorts VLC audio" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:35
rebehow can I check what fonts are installed ?19:36
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XabsterDoes ubuntu have a firewall install out of the box? If so, can it be the cause of my port forwardings are not working?19:38
CellTechAny way to speed up this disk caching thing before I smash my computer? :D19:38
GiourgiaXabster: It does have iptables but its not configured by default19:39
Xabsterso any and all connections should be open both ways, Giourgia ?19:39
Xabsterunless I did something19:39
Giourgiaiptables does not block anything normally19:39
Unknown0BCOk, I knew setting up a wireless network between two pc's on ubuntu is easy.19:40
Unknown0BCBut what I don't know, is why its not working...19:41
Unknown0BCso I use network-manager19:41
saebekks: any way to re-run the upgrade?19:41
Unknown0BCI use "new wireless network" from the menu19:41
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bekkssae: It is updated already. All you could do is to install the package in question again - whats the exact problem so far?19:42
Unknown0BCI make it ad-hoc19:42
Unknown0BCI give it a security key.19:42
ironhalikCan I access a /dev/video stream, over ssh, using vlc? :)19:42
Unknown0BCand give it a manual ip address under IPv4.19:42
Unknown0BCthe local machine seems to connect to this network.19:42
Unknown0BCThe remote machines does not see the new network.19:43
Unknown0BCI dunno I never made it invisible or hidden.19:43
scienteswhy does apparmor eat so much CPU on boot?19:43
scientesit makes my boot slow19:43
trismrebe: you could try installing font-manager, it allows you to browse through your installed fonts19:43
saebekks: firefox and flash plugin. It is listed in the plugins list , but no flash is playing.19:43
txomonhi, I have a broadcom chipset. I deactivated the propietary driver, and now I want to activate it again, but it is not getting activated (lspci doesn't show it as being used=19:43
tyler_dscientes: it needs to verify packages and apps to ensure authenticity and rules19:43
Unknown0BCexcuse me, I've just never set up a network on Ubuntu, but I thought i'd be done already.19:44
tyler_dscientes: you can I believe modify what app armour actually watches and checks, but its not advisable.19:44
Unknown0BCSo if the new network appears visible on the machine I've set it up on, but not on the other pc.19:44
scientesahh so selinux might be faster cause its based on lables19:44
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scientesdoes it actually checksum binaries tyler_d ?19:45
Unknown0BCmmm ?19:45
Unknown0BCvery weird.19:45
GeminiDominoYeah, this is wierd. One NIC is detected by lspci as 8257L gigabit ethernet (using the e1000 driver, per lshw) , and the other is only coming up as "Device 1502" which would seem, from all my googling, to also use the e1000 driver.19:45
Unknown0BCEasy as hell to set up a network on Ubuntu, what am I missing ?19:45
rebehow can I check if anti-aliasing is on or off on fonts ?19:45
saebekks: happend after the automatic upgrade to 10.04.419:45
scientesdoes ubuntu have the capability of some sort of trusted boot tyler_d ?19:45
scientestyler_d, and forcing stuff to come from repos?19:46
Unknown0BCthe local machine connects to itself.19:46
Unknown0BCGreat the other pc sees no network.19:46
Unknown0BCof that name.19:46
tyler_dscientes: I'm not sure I know what you mean... by "Trusted Boot" that is in part the direction and objective of apparmor.19:46
scsinutzis it possible to untar a file over http?19:47
tyler_dscientes: as far as forcing things from repos... modify your sources for installation you mean? or are you talking manual compilation/installation?19:47
Unknown0BCshall I reboot it ?19:47
Unknown0BCI don't think that will help.19:47
Unknown0BCWell now. Guys what am I missing ?19:47
tyler_dUnknown0BC: what is the problem here?19:48
scientestyler_d, im talking about locking down the platform19:48
scientesbut still allowing installation/uninstallation tyler_d19:48
scientesi want the person to still feel they own it19:48
Unknown0BCtyler_d, I am just trying to set up a wireless network between two ubuntos.19:48
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Unknown0BCUbuntu PC's.19:48
NanegotoI do not have rights to write in the other  partitions of my hard drive... help pls ! The fs is ext419:48
scientestyler_d, what i mean is have it hooked to the booting process, like uEFI secure boot19:49
tyler_dscientes: I don't know tbh19:49
Unknown0BCthe other machine does not see the new network I created on the one.19:49
tyler_dUnknown0BC: to what end? what are  you trying to accomplish by this?19:49
Unknown0BCtyler_d ! what are networks for ?19:50
Unknown0BClol !!!19:50
tyler_dUnknown0BC: what and why are you trying to configure a wireless adhoc network between 2 machines19:51
tyler_dUnknown0BC: whats the end goal?19:51
Unknown0BCtyler_d, to tansfer data at a good rate.19:51
Unknown0BCbetter than bluetooth.19:51
tyler_dUnknown0BC: then wireless is deff not the answer19:51
Unknown0BCwithout any wires.19:51
Unknown0BCI don't have wires.19:52
tyler_dUnknown0BC: and your opposed to a wireless router why?19:52
GiourgiaI found a solution to the VLC sound mayhem. thanks for the help.19:52
Unknown0BCand don't want wires.19:52
LinuxApprenticei upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and I was using the proprietary broadcom wireless driver but now on completing the upgrade there is no option for wireless networks on the network-manager on the panel. why is this?19:52
Unknown0BCI don't have a router.19:52
Jordan_Uscientes: UEFI secure boot is of limited value, and it probably cannot be implemented in GNU/Linux for legal and practical reasons: http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/9844.html But verification of all "system" files by the firmware is possible. See what Google has done with their Chromebooks.19:52
Unknown0BCI only have the two pc's.19:52
Unknown0BCI just want to transfer data.19:52
Unknown0BCNo under these conditions if you have a better solution then shoot.19:52
Unknown0BCBut I think this may be a waste of time.19:53
LinuxApprenticedo i need to remove the proprietary driver and reinstall it? won't work across versions?19:53
Unknown0BCIt should have been childs play to set up a quick wireless network between two pc's.19:53
Unknown0BCNo so ?19:53
Unknown0BCwhat am I missing.19:53
robertowhere I can find libviert.so for amd 64 bit?19:54
elijahI am trying to use ubuntu-bug as per the instructions here (http://youtu.be/18nsScrDIa0) but I never get a web browser to describe the ticket and all the other stuff the instructor is speaking of. What am I doing wrong?19:54
elijahIt just returns 172919:54
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funnyhahadoes anyone know what programs wont work if i install the 64 bit ubuntu19:54
zykotick9elijah: are you specifying a package?  "ubuntu-bug packagename"?19:54
tyler_dUnknown0BC: you created the network on machine A, and are unable to see it from Machine B is what you are saying?19:55
Unknown0BCOh well I suppose there must be a tut somewhere on the net showing children how do do this...19:55
pepeesae, sorry, I was away from keyboard19:55
elijahzykotick9: The first time now but the second time, yes, with ubuntu-bug unity, that one didn't return anything.19:55
Unknown0BCtyler_d, yeah.19:55
tyler_dUnknown0BC: can you see the network created from anywhere, ie. smartphone?19:55
pepeesae, try until it works :)19:55
elijahzykotick9: It takes me through a few of the steps and then asks if I want to upload it and it appears to work etc but not much more19:56
zykotick9elijah: ok, just checking.  sorry i don't have any other suggestions - been a long time since i used ubuntu-bug.  best of luck man.19:56
pikkachuwhat are the two subkeys generated along with pgp keys in the graphical key manager?19:56
saepepee: thank You :) - I tried installing Chromium - no luck there either19:56
Unknown0BCtyler_d, I wonder if my phone is smart enough for that...19:56
Unknown0BClet me check.19:56
Unknown0BC( it is a smart phone, but its not always as smart as i'd like )19:57
tyler_dUnknown0BC: you have a static ip configured and no BSSID on machine A19:57
tyler_dUnknown0BC: and no Gateway19:58
Unknown0BCtyler_d, lemme double check.19:58
patrickgamerany good site references for matching an Ubuntu release to old hardware specs? Trying to repurpose a Dell Inspiron 2500...19:58
Unknown0BCtyler_d, yes.19:59
Unknown0BCtyler_d, IPv4 only.19:59
Unknown0BCstatic ip19:59
jteguestdoes anybody know if linux can load and execute a .com program ?19:59
scientestyler_d, yeah this hardware doesn't need any out-of-tree modules19:59
guntbert!enter | Unknown0BC19:59
ubottuUnknown0BC: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:59
pepeesae, try this: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/howdoi/how-do-i-install-plugins-for-firefox-in-linux/199  (under Flash)19:59
tyler_dUnknown0BC: iwconfig <<yourdevice>>  ----> pastbin please19:59
guntbertjteguest: not possible (exept maybe with WINE ?)20:00
saepepee: thanks! Will try that20:00
jteguestbut they are just raw binaries with offset org 100h20:01
zykotick9jteguest: wine or dosbox would be my suggestions.20:01
jteguestQuestion are com programs only for 16bit programs or can they be used for 32bit ?20:02
guntbertjteguest: that has nothing to do with ubuntu support20:02
jteguestin theory you can but anything into raw binary com files20:02
jteguestok sorry20:03
pepeesae, read this https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/where-to-put-libflashplayer-so-778198/20:03
jteguestmy other question was on a.out does it support both 16 and 32 bit programs20:03
Unknown0BCtyler_d, http://pastebin.com/5TKBy6ak20:03
pepeesae, try changing permissions, etc.20:03
tyler_dUnknown0BC: that looks good so far, `ipconfig wlan0` --> pastebin plz20:05
guntbertjteguest: you might better as k this kind of questions in ##linux20:05
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jteguestcann't get on to ##linux ?20:06
guntbert!register | jteguest20:07
ubottujteguest: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:07
jteguestdepends on my compiler what ? no it depends on the loader20:08
funnyhahai was thinking of installing the 64 bit i have been running large calculation and its really slow.. does anyone thing it will run 2 times faster?? and how is the programs can i still run 32bit programs?20:08
jteguestassuming you can create code with 16 , 32 , or what ever you want20:08
Unknown0BCtyler_d, I think I have the problem. I did not switch on the other pc.20:08
icerootfunnyhaha: it will not be faster20:09
tyler_dUnknown0BC: ummm.... you lost me there?20:09
Unknown0BCtyler_d, only kidding however, the other laptop has a button you must slide to switch on the wifi card. I did not do that. I thought it was still on. I have now switched it on and doing a reboot.20:09
funnyhahathen whats the point of 64 bit20:10
funnyhahai dont understand20:11
icerootfunnyhaha: more ram20:11
yandex38291funnyhaha: It allows a computer to have more memory registers20:11
tyler_dUnknown0BC: you shouldn't have to reboot20:11
yandex38291funnyhaha: 2^6420:11
Unknown0BCtyler_d, now the laptop is doing  forced disk check first just to tease me.20:11
rhizmoeugh. how is it possible to use rhythmbox without a genre pane?20:11
Unknown0BCtyler_d, yeah, but I find it would never work without a reboot for some reason, if I did not switch it on before it booted or while it booted.20:11
tyler_dUnknown0BC: while it does that on machine B paste the ifconfig of machine A for me please20:12
Unknown0BCtyler_d it checks out fine.20:12
Unknown0BCBut let me paste it anyway.20:12
funnyhahawell then i was also thinking about installing a GPU do you know anything about that?20:12
tyler_dUnknown0BC: define that please?20:12
hugenumberrhizmoe: go to edit and preferences20:12
yandex38291rhizmoe: Who the hell uses a genre panel?20:12
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:13
Unknown0BCfine, great, good, thumbs up ;)20:13
Unknown0BC tyler_d, lol here: http://pastebin.com/9HZVD3U920:13
tyler_dUnknown0BC: very good, ty.20:14
Unknown0BCtyler_d, tada ! connected20:14
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Unknown0BCthanks for helping.20:15
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icerootfunnyhaha: installing a gpu?20:16
funnyhahayeah they have more flops for the money20:16
funnyhahaggraphics card20:17
icerootfunnyhaha: your "question" does not make sense20:17
Unknown0BCOk now I suppose I have sharing issues.20:17
ha1dfohi all. I'm running dhclient on ubuntu 10.10 on a network interface what is renamed programatically later on. How can I stop dhclient gracefully (not killing)?20:17
guntbert!crosspost | ha1dfo20:19
ubottuha1dfo: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.20:19
DasEiha1dfo: sudo service dhcp3-client stop20:19
ha1dfoDasEi, thanks. and sorry20:19
tyler_dUnknown0BC: good to hear, best of luck20:20
Unknown0BCtyler_d, thanks.20:20
funnyhahausing a GPU should be something like 80 times faster than my CPU for calculation i wanted to know if anyone has done this20:20
icerootfunnyhaha: and your program is supporting gpus?20:21
icerootfunnyhaha: and no it does not mean ist 80 times faster20:21
bibi23how can I install java in ubuntu? I've installed the java-common package with aptitude but I'm getting error /usr/bin/java not found20:21
icerootbibi23: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre20:22
iceroot!info openjdk-6-jre20:22
ubottuopenjdk-6-jre (source: openjdk-6): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is optional. Version 6b23~pre11-0ubuntu1.11.10.2 (oneiric), package size 226 kB, installed size 772 kB20:22
funnyhahanot sure if it will work20:22
rcmaehlAre there any programs like Synapse for Windows?20:22
DasEifunnyhaha:I haven't myself, but there was a channel on thaat particular topic, give a minute or two20:22
icerootrcmaehl: what is synapse doing?20:22
bibi23iceroot: thank you I'm trying it :)20:22
elijahzykotick9: It is working, but the system was not focusing the browser because it was on a different workspace. I filed a bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/97186520:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 971865 in Ubuntu "Cannot file bug report with ubuntu-bug on 12.04 beta 2 " [Undecided,New]20:22
funnyhahao thats great20:22
rcmaehliceroot, synapse is like gnome-do20:23
multiHYPnight all20:26
barbori4_i cam traying to back my switch to a linux machine and it's not letting me20:26
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barbori4_i set up sftp-hpa but my switch doesn't connect to it20:30
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:31
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rcmaehlDoesn't KDE have a version for Windows?20:31
auronandacercmaehl: yes, not sure why you are asking here20:32
rcmaehlWhere else should I ask? ##windows? I doubt any of them would have a clue what KDE is20:32
alusion_Youtube videos crash everytime on chromium is there a fix for this ><20:32
ZarroBoogsrcmaehl: How about #kde ?20:32
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foobArrrhow do I run a script on logout? I tried ~/.bash_logout, but that doesn't seem to work20:34
donalhi all20:34
donalI have a question about the output of update-alternatives20:35
donalwhat do the values "auto mode" and "manual mode" in the status column mean20:35
loprethow can i format disk drive and remove all partitions in disk ?20:35
donalI see the same version listed twice, once with auto mode and once with manual mode20:35
auronandacelopret: use gparted20:35
auronandacelopret: obviously you'll need to do it from a livecd or a different disk20:36
lopreti dont have a chance20:37
lopretlive cd or diffrent disk20:37
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lopreti want to destroy my disk20:37
lopretnot what i am on20:37
bekksThen you need another medium to do so.20:37
lopretdiffrent machine20:37
reeddoes anybody know exactly how Ubuntu does the audio streaming from UDS?20:38
bekksreed: Whats "UDS"?20:38
reedbekks, if you don't know you can't answer my question :)20:39
reedbekks, it's Ubuntu Developer Summit20:39
lopretgparted is gui parted i need for terminal20:39
lopretnot xwindow20:39
auronandacelopret: parted or fdisk20:39
reedlopret, use parted20:39
bekkslopret: parted does not destroy anything.20:39
bekksIt is just able to remove the partition table - it doesnt destroy the data on the disk.20:40
reeda hammer does20:40
lopretthen i must choose which one does20:40
wereHamsterhow do I find out which package owns a file?20:40
loprethammer good choice but it is on remote machine and it is far away from me20:40
reedf*ing unity20:40
yeatslopret: I would recommend Darik's Boot and Nuke (DBAN)20:41
auronandacereed: no need for that20:41
reedauronandace, yeah, fire would do too :)20:41
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auronandacereed: i meant the pseudo swearing20:42
`Jake`Hi, youtube is broken for me for two or three days now. Red and blue are swapped. I tried to reinstall Adobe flash player and I tried it with Firefox and Chrome, but I can't get rid of the problem. It works fine on my windows installation. Does anyone know how to fix this?20:42
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`Jake`Oh, and it works fine with html5 videos.20:42
reedauronandace, forking is not swearing :)20:42
reedauronandace, nonetheless, I apologize20:43
lopretthere is a sda, sda1, sda220:43
lopretif i destroy sda20:43
Guest65393anyone try to use festival with irssi?  trying to get the "/ignore JOINS PARTS QUITS" to work on the text to speech.20:43
lopretsda1 and sda2 also destroyed20:43
lopretright ?20:43
auronandacelopret: sda is the whole disk20:43
lopretso if i destroy it everythink gonna away20:43
bekkslopret: Removing a partition table does not destroy the data.20:44
mortenmjhi. i have a problem that apparantly needs to be solved by running grub-mkconfig and update-grub. however, since grub is broken, i can't boot into ubuntu the normal way. how do i boot ubuntu so i can successfully run those commands? i can boot to a live image, of course, but does that help any?20:44
auronandacelopret: you are going to have to define destroy20:44
lopreti've 2TB disk20:44
bekksYou have to physically overwrite the _complete_ disk.20:44
lopretand i want to remove everythink what in it20:44
bekksThen overwrite the full 2TB.20:44
lopretit tooks a lot of time20:44
lopreti tried20:45
JoeyJoeJoI'm trying to install the mini version of ubuntu but every time it hangs at the point where it tries to download everything it needs to do the installation. How can I fix that?20:45
bekksOtherwise, nothing gets destroyed.20:45
auronandacelopret: then like bekks said you will need to overwrite everything20:45
deiconi ve got a question: i have windows 7 and ubuntu,if i delete the partition of ubuntu then my system will boot into windows?20:45
lopretdude 2Tb disk its almost 3 days20:45
bekksdeicon: Nost likely no.20:45
bekkslopret: Yes. And?20:45
deiconbekks:what can i do for that20:45
Crowley2donal: I asked myself the very same question: Difference between auto/manual mode in update-alternatives. Any answers???20:45
bekkslopret: You want to destroy _everything_ - thats the prize.20:46
yeatslopret: you can do 'dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda' - and yes that will take a very long time20:46
guntbertwereHamster: apt-file search <yourfile>20:46
guntbert!info apt-file | wereHamster20:46
bekksyeats: dd without bs= is pretty useless :)20:46
ubottuwereHamster: apt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 24 kB, installed size 188 kB20:46
lopret   / dev/zero /dev/sda ?20:46
bekkslopret: It still will take ages.20:46
lopret /dev/zero > /dev/sda20:46
lopretit is pain in the ass20:46
DasEifunnyhaha:sorry, I can't find the channel back, maybe #freenode can help20:47
bekkslopret: Dont expect wonders just because you want them.20:47
auronandacelopret: there is no quick way to overwrite the whole disk20:47
lopretbut it should be !20:47
bekksKeep dreaming :)20:47
wereHamsterguntbert: nope, not going to install apt-file. It deponds on build-essentials?!?20:48
lopretis this theroy work20:48
bekkslopret: What is "theroy"?20:48
lopretif i encrypt whole disk20:49
auronandacelopret: if you just want to be able to repartition then just overwrite the mbr, but if you absolutely need to get rid of everything on the disk then you need to do what others said (and that takes time)20:49
lopretand and destroy encryption table20:49
facebook2142I want to store installations and packages that i have made: does dpkg -l (which shows what packages are installed) include the PPA's that were manually installed? if not, how can i save that installed PPA information?20:49
lopretthe data will encrypted right20:49
auronandacebekks: i think he means theory20:49
deiconcan someone help me with my problem?20:49
bekkslopret: Encrypting 2TB will take ages too.20:50
lopretso i'm stuck then20:50
DoctorDwhat do you think about  Pidgin One-Time Pad Plug-in ?20:50
Fyodorovnadeicon, what windows release? Do you have a recovery or install disc of it?20:50
guntbertwereHamster: I don't know about that, you can try with dpkg-query -S <yourfile>20:50
deiconFyodorovna:windows 7 32 bit20:51
bekkslopret: Just take your time.20:51
deiconFyodorovna:and i have an install disc of windows 720:51
Fyodorovnadeicon, you have a recovery disc the tiny one made in backup?20:51
deiconFyodorovna:i have the installation disk20:51
Fyodorovnadeicon, cool did you install ubuntu from a booted ubuntu disc or from windows?20:52
deiconFyodorovna:from a usb20:52
deiconFyodorovna:not from windows20:52
deiconFyodorovna:from booted20:52
Fyodorovnadeicon, you can reload the windows bootloader to the mbr, what OS are you in now>20:53
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deiconFyodorovna:yeah now i ve got the options from where to boot i mean when pc starts20:53
deiconFyodorovna:ubuntu or windows20:53
deiconFyodorovna:but if i delete it then i believe that the grub will be deleted so..20:54
Fyodorovnadeicon, you get grub as of now right?20:54
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deiconFyodorovna:yes i didnt do anything20:55
deiconFyodorovna:its fresh install of ubuntu20:55
Geralt_On 11.10 df claims a disk usage of 7.9G for my root partition, but on 12.04 df claims a usage of 12G. How can that be possible? I always thought that df reports the allocated space on disk for the files in a partition (unlike du which sums the file sizes)20:55
lesshastewhen I try to open a pdf it quite often comes up as blank20:56
Fyodorovnadeicon, go to the ##windows Chanel and tell them you have the W7 disc and want to reload the mbr, for best channel use.20:56
GRMrGeckoAny master of the find command in here that wants to help me? I want to find every file with the extension xlsx and run the following on it http://p.webra.in/020:56
lesshastesimilarly the ubuntu software center is coming up as blank white now20:56
deiconFyodorovna:i cant do anything from there?20:56
auronandaceGeralt_: 2 different partitions20:56
deiconFyodorovna:ok then20:56
Fyodorovnadeicon, are you registered?20:57
deiconFyodorovna:registered where?20:57
Fyodorovnadeicon, freenode20:57
Geralt_auronandace: it's the same partition, not two different partitions. I've 12.04 installed and booted 11.10 from a live stick and mounted my 12.04 partition there20:57
deiconFyodorovna:i dont remember :P20:57
deiconFyodorovna:now iam not20:58
auronandaceGeralt_: any flags you are using with df? have the default flags changed between versions?20:58
deiconFyodorovna:but how can windows help me if i told them for ubuntu?20:58
Geralt_auronandace: I just run it with df -h20:58
Geralt_but thanks I'll check that out20:58
deiconFyodorovna:my first action is to delete the ubuntu partition20:59
foobArrris there a gui for update-rc.d?20:59
Fyodorovnadeicon, here is a reloadwiki that should help, the command needed at the terminal is bootrec.exe. /fixmbr is generally all that is needed.20:59
Fyodorovnadeicon, http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/20864-mbr-restore-windows-7-master-boot-record.html20:59
RandomDudehey guy how do i install grub2 when installing ubuntu server via ssh from a remote mirror?20:59
jaequeryhi, i'm trying to setup Xen virtualization on Centos 5.6. The host OS is on ext3 with an LVM reserved for the guest machines, So I create a guest as ubuntu's 11.10 which comes by default EXT4.  my question is, are my guests really on EXT4? or is it really just ext3 as the host os.21:00
Freudlund_777Hi guys, I made dumb in xorg.conf on 11.10 to make lcd tv to work with nvidia card, rebooted, now crash on startup, any suggs? Will Lshift after BIOS post goto grub something, so I can recovery somehow? All google tells me is how to get GUI away when logged in, not go "no GUI" from powerup...21:00
deiconFyodorovna:i must create a recorevy disc for windows 7,installation disc doesnt work?21:00
Fyodorovnadeicon, installation disc works.21:01
DasEiFreudlund_777: yes, boot safemode as decribed, delete/rename xorg.conf21:01
Fyodorovnadeicon, just follow the wiki to the terminal and run my command then reboot straight to windows... grub will be gone then you can delete ubuntu.21:02
DasEiFreudlund_777: also can try Ate-Ctrl-F1 if regularmode, case x won't start21:02
splicHello, is there a way of getting the output size of tar before writing it to /dev/null or disk without writing it to disk first?21:03
deiconFyodorovna:so i ll go with boorec.exe /fixmbr and then follow the instructions of the link?21:03
auronandace!text | Freudlund_77721:03
ubottuFreudlund_777: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:03
pfifoFreudlund_777, I know part of the answer, yes holding shift (or control) will trigger the grub gui when booting21:03
Freudlund_777DasEi thx , don't know what don't start but x is my guess...x is still the thing in Unity right? So I can follow how-tos for 10.04 when setting resolutions and such?21:04
pfifojaequery, you should ask in xen support channels21:04
Fyodorovnadeicon, no just my command the link is for getting to the actual windows terminal.21:04
jaequerythanks pfifo21:05
DasEiFreudlund_777: yes, basics for xorg.conf are similar, and x is the graphical surface21:05
pfifoRandomDude, if the install process doesnt trigger it, you can always do it manually21:05
deiconFyodorovna:ah i was confused cauz you say terminal not windows terminal21:05
RandomDudepfifo the install proccess gave me grub legacy last time i did it21:05
bekksdeicon: Ubuntu has no windows terminal.21:05
RandomDudepfifo then installing grub2 with apt-get corrupted the system21:05
pfifoRandomDude, ahh I see, what version are you installing?21:06
pfifoof server i mean21:06
deiconFyodorovna:yeah i knew that21:06
DasEi!x | Freudlund_77721:06
ubottuFreudlund_777: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:06
RandomDudepfifo 11.1021:06
deiconFyodorovna:you say only terminal and we supposed to be in windows21:06
mirko1splic: well, TAR is not a compressed format, hence the size of the .tar file is the size of the filesystem consumption. since you compress TAR archives with some other compressor, you need to ask that. for a gzip compressed archives, try "gunzip -l archive.tar" and similar for other compressors.21:07
Fyodorovnadeicon, your asking for hand holding the link shows a windows terminal on the booted recovery or install. This is actually not a Ubuntu channel issue......reloading the windows bootloader.21:08
deiconFyodorovna:ok thanks i ll try21:08
pfifoRandomDude, well I would recommend troubleshooting the move from grub legacy to grub2. make sure you completly purge grub legacy before installing grub2 and if it doesnt work correctly, try to figure out why21:08
Jordan_URandomDude: Ubuntu uses grub2 by default. Unless you were using a very old version of Ubuntu, or a non-official derivative, the installer most certainly would not have installed grub legacy by default.21:09
RandomDudepfifo when i did apt-get for grub2 it removed grub legacy21:09
RandomDudeJordan_U i am using the version of ubuntu server stored on ca.archieve.ubuntu.com21:09
n-iCei have this error in vlc  It seems there is no Xvideo support for your video card available.21:09
RandomDudeJordan_U and it gave me grub legacy21:10
n-iCei have integrated intel hd 200021:10
n-iCeany idea?21:10
Jordan_URandomDude: What made you think that it installed grub legacy by default?21:10
pfifoRandomDude, i would specifically remove one, then install the other afterwards.21:10
auronandaceRandomDude: the version? which version?21:10
RandomDudeJordan_U it told me when i was in the grub menu21:10
splicmirko1: Assuming I use some compression option with tar, skipping piping to compression program I meant. I guess I'm looking for some way to get the size data piped through21:10
RandomDudeubuntu server 11.1021:10
Jordan_URandomDude: What "told you" what? What is the exact text you saw that made you think it was grub legacy?21:11
DasEiRandomDude: http://tinyurl.com/boseqbo21:11
auronandaceRandomDude: only 9.04 and under used grub legacy21:11
Geralt_auronandace: I cross checked and the total number of blocks and number of used blocks differs on both systems for ext4 partitions (I used df -B 512 on both machines). On 12.04  the number of available and used blocks is higher than on 11.1021:12
RandomDudeauronandace well that is wierd then cause it told me it was grub legacy21:12
webnetanyone know anything about remastersys? im having an issue. i have run in dist mode and it exports an iso and an md5 sum no problems everything is all good, but then when i boot a vm from that iso i recieve this error: "Could not find ramdisk image /casper/initrd.gz" anyone ahve any thoughts about this?21:12
Jordan_URandomDude: What "told you" what? What is the exact text you saw that made you think it was grub legacy?21:13
auronandaceRandomDude: if it was grub legacy then you were using 9.04 or under21:13
AnthonyHello everyone.21:14
RandomDudei burnt a live cd of 11.10 and did the advanced install so i could do it over ssh and pulledc from ca.archive.ubuntu.com21:14
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CellTechIs there anyway to speed up disk caching? This constant lag and failure is making me seconds away from smashing my harddrive21:14
auronandaceGeralt_: odd, it's a little over my head21:14
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bekksCellTech: Please elaborate whats happening exactly.21:14
CellTechSlow, lagging, freezing up21:14
mirko1splic: no, when you use -z, -j or similar, then tar does pipe through a compressor. just use 'file' to know what compressor (if any) is used and then use their 'list' (or similar) option. I don't know any other way.21:15
Geralt_auronandace: yeah, I'm confused too, these type of settings should be baked into the on-disk filesystem after all21:15
bekksCellTech: That are symptoms. Whats happening?21:15
CellTechSymptoms: slow, lagging, freezing up21:16
bekksYou said that already.21:16
CellTechWell that's what happening. There's no other way to explain it21:16
bekksThats far to vage to help you.21:16
bekksvague even.21:16
CellTechok. It's slow at loading things, It's lagging when it wants to load things, it's freezing up when it's trying to load things21:17
jjchencan someone help me with eduroam please? i'm using archlinux, but i think the problem is related more to networkmanager or the kernel21:18
jjcheni am using network manager and the i'm trying to use ucsc's newly rolled out secure wireless system that gives me access to visitor wireless access at other academic institutions21:18
webnetno one has any ideas? alot of the google results indicated that the issue was due to using the wrong version of remastersys, but i am using the one from "deb http://www.remastersys.com/repository maverick/" as the deistro im remixing is 10.1021:18
jjchennetwork manager + network-manager-applet (the gnome frontend i'm using with fluxbox) was used to configure eduroam's wireless settings21:18
jjchenhere is the relevant part of /var/log/everything.log : http://pastebin.com/uq8igbPu21:18
jjchenucsc doesn't officially support anything other than windows, mac, and android for eduroam. the webpage for android configuration http://its.ucsc.edu/wireless-secure/eduroam/manual-config.html21:18
jjchenhas some useful bits that i used to modify the instructions available here: http://www.ntnu.no/itinfo/read_article.php?aid=50821:19
mirko1CellTech: what things, freezing up when trying to load what things? what program are you using at that time, what files are you accessing? is NTFS involved?21:19
auronandacejjchen: #archlinux is where you want to go (make sure you have a registered nick)21:19
CellTechThe whole computer is acting up. Everything is slow. I know the problem. Disk caching is slow. Swap is too slow.. must speed them up21:19
_MarcusCellTech: Did you try restarting it?21:20
jjchenauronandace: well i'm trying multiple places because people are more active here and maybe someone here knows more about eduroam21:20
_MarcusCellTech: Oh21:20
_MarcusCellTech: How much physical memory do you have installed?21:20
auronandacejjchen: crossposting is frowned upon here21:20
pfifoCellTech, can you disable swap?21:20
CellTechI'm in DDR and that stuffs not common to find cheap21:21
jjchenauronandace: why?21:21
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.21:21
auronandacejjchen: it wastes time and resources21:21
jjcheni didn't ask in multiple ubuntu channels21:21
bekkspfifo: To get the out of memory killer killing things more often? ;)21:21
jjcheni only ask when one channel doesn't have anyone at the moment who knows21:21
jjchenno one in #archlinux or ##linux was able to help21:21
Toph2my computer works great at startup (ubuntu 11.10),, After a day of so it slowly begins to bog down till after several days it almost hangs,, and I'm using xfce,, it is worse with Unity21:21
mirko1CellTech: I seriously doubt that disk-caching is the issue here. you have most probably a memory (RAM) consumtion problem21:21
_Marcusjjchen: Is it an Ubuntu-specific question?21:22
CellTechWell then there's gotta be a huge leak somewhere21:22
auronandacejjchen: that doesn't make this channel archlinux support21:22
bekksCellTech: No. Just tooless memory to run a full blown desktop on it.21:22
jjchenauronandace: like i said, it's an eduroam (wireless) on linux question; and most all of the tutorials on how to get it to work are for ubuntu online anyway21:22
CellTechThen I'm gonna drop from 11.10 back down to 10.0421:23
pfifoCellTech, on my old computer, 512 DDR, to play a few of the games i enjoyed, I would plug in a 1GB flash drive and use it for swap, then later on I started using 2 flash drives and had the system stripe them evenly.21:23
DasEiCellTech: you can use lightdm or such as wm , try lubuntu or xubuntu, and do from a mini-installer only the things you need21:23
paweleroToph2: maybe you suffer from memory leak, what graphic drivers are you using?21:23
DasEiCellTech: ddr ? what dou mean, the location or ddr-ram ?21:23
auronandacejjchen: and the help offered here is ubuntu specific, it may not work on archlinux (there are many differences)21:23
CellTechddr style ram. not sdram21:23
GeminiDominoOkay, so turns out that 12.04 beta 2 fixes my network issue. Looks like my hardware outpaced my LTS...  So the question I have now is this: at what point (ballpark is fine) in the month does the final usually come out? If it's not too long from now, I'll just wait for that rather than risking the beta on servers that need to go live21:24
jjchenauronandace: maybe, but it's a chance i'm willing to take21:24
jjchenauronandace: right now i'm out of ideas21:24
DasEiCellTech: ddr I guess, well a 1 gig on ebay or such is really the best thing to do21:24
_Marcusjjchen: I don't even think that Arch support is offered here21:24
pfifoGeminiDomino, aprilt 28th21:24
CellTechYeah I don't online shop. Thanks anyways. I'm gonna just drop back to 10.04.. so far that was the best one ever21:25
Geralt_auronandace: I checked it a bit more with a self-writte df tool I needed recently and df -B 1 and the amount of available space on disk increases from 11.10 to 12.04, but the amount of free space is the same, hence the apparent disk usage increases from 11.10 to 12.04. But don't ask me why that is21:25
auronandace_Marcus: it isn't21:25
jjchenauronandace: i pasted a log of what my computer said happened when i tried to connect to the eduroam wireless access point. that's really the problem, not that i am on archlinux21:25
laSt_duDeHi all!21:25
GeminiDominopfifo: Thanks21:25
Toph2pawelero,,, is there a way I can tell from a terminal?21:25
DasEipong. laSt_duDe21:26
laSt_duDeI am running ubuntu 11.10 on a 120gb hdd. I want 16gb of that hdd to be a new partition. Can anyone explan me how to do that? thanks21:26
DasEilaSt_duDe: boot a live cd, use gparted, then fix fstab's uuid's21:26
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:26
pfifolaSt_duDe, run through a gparted tutorial21:27
DasEilaSt_duDe: live cd handy ?21:27
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laSt_duDeyes i have usb drive ubuntu21:27
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paweleroToph2: try installing mesa-utils and then run: glxinfo |grep vendor21:27
DasEilaSt_duDe: well boot it and come back then so we / I can assist21:28
laSt_duDeok, thank you21:28
paweleroToph2: I have to be going, but maybe someone else will help you21:28
pawelerobye everyone21:28
Toph2pawelero,,, sorry,, i found it,,, ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver21:29
ShinobiHow do I mount a cifs partition over ssh?  I've set up tunnels for 139:server:139 and 445:server:445 but it doesn't work21:31
beandoggvfs would be simpler21:31
shony Hello!21:32
beandognot to mention it'd do both ssh and civs21:32
DasEiHi there, shony21:32
=== esuave_ is now known as esuave
shonyHow can I apt-get update but ony one package? I wish to update Only cfdisk21:32
lesshastehow do I completely remove the nvidia commercial drivers from the system?21:32
mirko1shony: apt-get install cfdisk21:33
DasEishony: well you could by dpkg, but not advised because of dependencies21:33
=== Caspercom is now known as Caspercom|zZz
AcidRain2012this is weird. i have a php file running as a cron job. if i load it in a browser. it returns the proper count of lines on a file. if cron does it. it returns "1"21:37
AcidRain2012anyone know why?21:37
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mirko1AcidRain2012: cron jobs run in a limitted environment. probably you have to set some additional env vars21:38
AcidRain2012mirko1: can i show you the code?21:39
markssAcidRain2012: You could print out a bunch of debugging info, such as current working directory, contents of the environment, file it thinks it is counting the lines of, and whatever else21:39
AcidRain2012markss: you are talking about doing this in php?21:40
AcidRain2012or cron?21:40
AcidRain2012it works fine normally with php.21:40
AcidRain2012if cron does it. it fails21:40
mirko1AcidRain2012: pastebin ;-) but it probably won't help that much as we woulnd't see the exact environmen in both situations. markss' suggestion to add more printf debugging is correcnt21:40
markssAcidRain2012: i mean in the PHP file itself you can output a bunch of debugging info. Then compare the output when running it from a web browser vs when running it from cron.21:41
Gerrrhi all21:42
Gerrri have a questio about ircd-irc2 pasword21:42
AcidRain2012http://pastebin.com/xbQt9Pxb here it is.21:42
AcidRain2012but look. i have done many php files before. and they work fine21:42
AcidRain2012$Count = count(file($PlayFile)); this line returns "1" from cron. it returns something like 5123 from browser21:43
ubuntu_I need help. Linux is starting to pi$$ me off. I try mint first, and then it dies with all my data. The I try ubuntu, works a little long, then dies with all my data that was stored on that op. what is my friggin problem????!!!21:43
xanguaubuntu_: sounds like your HD has a problem21:44
Xabsterubuntu_, faulty hdd?21:44
DasEiubuntu_ calm down a bit (language); and be more precise, what does it mean dies with all the data ? hd had arrows  and flew away ?21:45
ubuntu_xangua,  I tried three new ssd s and it did the same. mint twice ubuntu once.21:45
AcidRain2012and i just changed my password21:46
ubuntu_DasEi, it froze from time to time and then died and never booted again. it was the same for both but less freezing in ubuntu21:46
DasEiubuntu_: ever looked up the logs or fsck'ed it from a live medium ? ever checked the staorage ?21:47
digitalslaveanyone else having color issues with flash lately?21:47
mirko1AcidRain2012: does it work now? I don't know PHP well, but regarding cron jobs, $PlayFile = "../playlist.txt"; (ie. relative path) is asking for trouble21:47
ubuntu_DasEi, no how is that done?21:47
n-iCeI want to have xmodmap load my map when I log in21:48
n-iCehow can I21:48
DasEiubuntu_: I've three different distros plus a bunch of vm's, on all on *nix, since 3 years, no problem;; well there are many tools to check hd's, I have my systems autochecked all ~30 boots21:48
DasEi!info e2fsck21:48
ubottuPackage e2fsck does not exist in oneiric21:48
DasEi!info fsck21:48
beandogit's probably e2fsprogs21:49
ubuntu_DasEi,  But can i check it on live cd?21:49
DasEibeandog: righty21:49
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:49
reedunity is seriously broken, man... I can't believe that many times the window you see in front of you is not the active one21:49
DasEiubuntu_: yes21:49
ubuntu_DasEi,  how?21:49
mirko1n-iCe: "xmodmap filename" as an autostart?21:49
DasEiubuntu_: are you on live now ?21:50
reedI closed firefox for the n-th time without meaning it21:50
ubuntu_DasEi, yes21:50
DasEiubuntu_: open a terminal ..21:50
ubuntu_DasEi, ok...21:50
webnetanyone know anything about remastersys?21:50
ubuntu_DasEi, have one opened...21:50
DasEiubuntu_: mount                     <<make sure none of the hd's partition is mounted21:50
digitalslaven-iCe, add yo your .bashrc21:51
DasEiubuntu_: sudo fdisk -l   ,  look up partitions (aka /dev/sda1.. )21:51
DasEiwebnet: as of what ?21:51
ubuntu_DasEi, then what?21:52
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Etronikubuntu_, at times it can be frustrating.... I've there myself just yesterday, in the end... itt didn't work in one instance and I just have to revert to prior OS... such is life21:52
ubuntu_DasEi, i got /dev/sda1   *        2048    23019519    11508736   83  Linux21:52
ubuntu_/dev/sda2        23021566    31277055     4127745    5  Extended21:52
ubuntu_/dev/sda5   ?  2465255658  4128854361   831799352    a  OS/2 Boot Manager21:52
DasEiubuntu_: sudo fsck /dev/sda121:53
webnetDasEi, well i have an issue ive been asking on the can for days, and hours today with no answers so i figured id ask if anyone knew anything first21:53
DasEiubuntu_: sudo fsck /dev/sda1 -y  rather, saves keypresses21:53
DasEiwebnet: ask right away or else - if no answers available, try forum, too; I played around with it a little21:54
OptimizedCoderemote desktop into my ubuntu machine through VPN from a windows machine. I saw that by default my ubuntu (11.04) starts vino-server. So I just grabbed tight-vnc java viewer on my windows machine and I'm VNCing onto the ubuntu machine. Connecting to the remote desktop from within the same network is fine, but over a VPN, it is pathetically slow.21:54
webnetDasEi, here ill send a pastebin link21:54
OptimizedCoderTo the point that it is not usable at all. Any solutions to this issue?21:54
DasEiubuntu_: fsck without y option already running ? can ctrl-c it21:54
ubuntu_DasEi, i think i just fixed a ton of stuff. it asked me if i want to fix this and that21:55
webnetDasEi, http://pastebin.com/5qJFWDi021:55
DasEiubuntu_: through now21:55
OptimizedCoderthis is what I see running by default on my ubuntu install : /home/prakash/02292012_build/ap/msm/deckard-65x/developer21:55
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ubuntu_DasEi, what?21:55
DasEiubuntu_: did fsck finish ?21:56
OptimizedCodersorry : this is what I see running : /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-disable21:56
DasEiwebnet : in a minute21:56
webnetok DasEi21:56
OptimizedCoderAny way at all - to speed up my vnc connections over VPN?21:56
ubuntu_DasEi, i think.... you told me to hit ctrl c and that kinda stopped me feom being able to hit yes....21:57
DasEiubuntu_: sudo fsck /dev/sda1 -y  rather, saves keypresses21:57
DasEi..and say when done21:57
OptimizedCoderI remote desktop into my ubuntu machine through VPN from a windows machine. I saw that by default my ubuntu (11.04) starts vino-server. So I just grabbed tight-vnc java viewer on my windows machine and I'm VNCing onto the ubuntu machine. Connecting to the remote desktop from within the same network is fine, but over a VPN, it is pathetically slow.21:57
lesshastehow can I make the window drag be frame only?21:57
ubuntu_DasEi, now it is going in the terminal like a rocket.....21:58
mirko1OptimizedCoder: I have no clue at all about VPN's, but maybe you could use NoMachine's NX to get better compression?21:58
OptimizedCodermirko1, Or would I be able to just ssh to my machine and use the cmdline - I guess some way to disable graphics?21:58
=== DefocusDragon is now known as Ttech
digitalslaveOptimizedCoder, you can also use x11 tunneling to bring through single windowed apps as long as they arent intensive22:00
digitalslaveOptimizedCoder, over ssh that is22:00
mirko1OptimizedCoder: I suggest you ask a dedicated VPN/VNC group :-)22:00
OptimizedCoderdigitalslave, Ah, but I'm a noob when it comes to linux - and frankly don't have that much time to play around with settings22:00
BobMarley_i need a program that searches for a word from some text files from a directory cantaining multiple files and folders22:00
HexchHido somebody know some dns management software like this so I can compare? http://www.4psa.com/products-4psadnsmanager.html22:00
BobMarley_i need the program to searc also in the subfolders22:01
ubuntu_DasEi, i don't think that will end....22:01
brandonboltonHello, I am trying to share an internet connection from Xubuntu to a Xbox and when I select wired connection it keeps connecting and disconnecting over and over.22:01
pfifoBobMarley_, try using the standard old 'grep'22:01
=== Ttech is now known as StuffGirzelle
BobMarley_pfifo,  i think that greep just searches in just one file22:01
beandogBobMarley: grep -r22:01
DasEiBobMarleyman grep helps22:02
DasEiBobMarley  *man grep helps22:02
pfifoBobMarley_, no it can search the way you described22:02
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BobMarley_pfifo,  thanks ,22:02
DasEiubuntu_ no wonder it didn't boot , should have set that regualry by tunefs22:02
BobMarley_pfifo,  to save some of my time, do you know the command?22:02
tWiZtEranyone familiar with Ruby / gem22:03
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ubuntu_DasEi,  two questions, one do i have to install ubuntu again and two, how do i get it to do it every 15 or so boots?22:03
brandonboltonHello, I am trying to share an internet connection from Xubuntu to a Xbox and when I select wired connection it keeps connecting and disconnecting over and over.22:03
pfifoBobMarley_, not exactly, try grep -nHlrF -- <term>22:04
kschluterHi, how do I remove a repository location once Ive added it?22:04
mirko1BobMarley_: you've gotten it, don't you? ;-) grep -r pattern directory22:04
tWiZtEr# gem install bundler  || bundler requires RubyGems version >= 1.3.622:04
DasEiubuntu_: hopefully no reinstall, and anyway you could save your data even if sys crashes, how to turn on autochecking I show you once back in hd-os22:05
mirko1kschluter: System - Administration -> Software Source. Uncheck the repo in the list22:06
tWiZtErfuck ubuntu sucks22:06
ubuntu_DasEi, ok thanks!22:06
DasEiubuntu_: looks like you often pulled the plug or have bad hardware, so many fault on filesystem, always use power down, unless have hardened filesystem for that22:07
zykotick9kschluter: was it a ppa?  is so see "/msg ubottu ppa-purge"22:07
kschlutermirko1, thanks22:07
kschluterI found it using mirko1 suggestion22:07
digitalslave<-- wishes flash videos would not play in inverse colors22:07
ubuntu_DasEi,  i had to manualy shut it off time to time because it froze.22:07
brandonboltonHello, I am trying to share an internet connection from Xubuntu to a Xbox and when I select wired connection it keeps connecting and disconnecting over and over.22:08
beandogbrandonbolton: try forums22:08
ubuntu_DasEi, I have tried different ram, ssd/hdd. so i don't think it is hardware22:08
wassy121_brandonbolton: if you are using the ubuntu box with 2 NICs as a gateway to the internet . . .22:08
DasEiwebnet : 10 minutes ;).. no can't say, you'll probably use version3 of remastersys, I did it fine with the ubuntugeeks' repo on lucid, I don't have the time now to reproducew it on a vm22:08
wassy121_brandonbolton: then you need a crossover CAT5 cable.22:09
DasEiwebnet: so post it on ubuntuforums, I will later try it on vm22:09
L3topDoes anyone know why rc5.d would be running scripts twice in a row?22:09
brandonboltonwassy121_, I have a internal wireless card and a normal network port. I tried connecting it like how I always have and it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.22:09
brandonboltonI am using a crossover cable.22:09
DasEiubuntu_: fsck finished now ?22:10
ubuntu_DasEi, no22:10
* DasEi gets a coffee22:10
facebook2142how can i run something every time on boot without using the gui?22:11
OffGridOps12.04 upgrade from 11.10:  System did not completely install.  Used ctrl-alt-f1 and logged in.  Is there a way to get the install back underway?  Thanx22:11
pfifofacebook2142, put it in /etc/rc.local22:11
wassy121_brandonbolton: is "sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward" set?22:11
facebook2142i can put scripts in or bash/shell/terminal commands into that rc.local file?22:12
wassy121_facebook2142: it's run as-if a /bin/sh shell22:12
L3topyou can link to scripts or put raw commands in22:12
DasEifacebook2142: either add it to /etc/rc.local or do a cronjob22:12
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto22:12
OffGridOpsIt completely downloaded and was installing and I had a power failure22:13
beandogfacebook2142: you can put in there whatever you want22:13
beandogthat would also execute on a shell22:13
Dragon64just curious22:13
DasEifacebook2142: adding it to the init is another, more complicated method22:13
ubuntu_DasEi,  it has finished.22:13
DasEiubuntu_: prbly that was the trick, just to be sure :22:14
pastillegirlhello, i'm running ubuntu 6.06 (i know, it's a long story).. should i upgrade each distro at a time or do a clean install via a CD or USB?22:14
DasEiubuntu_: fsck /dev/sda5 -y22:14
DasEiubuntu_: fsck /dev/sda3 -y22:15
pfifopastillegirl, fresh install22:15
DasEiubuntu_: will likely produce error message, nor ?22:15
pastillegirlthanks :)22:15
beandogDasEi: fsck /dev/sda{3,5} -y22:15
beandogwait, that wouldn't work... nvm22:15
RealOpso ive upgraded to the latest ubuntu and i hate it i freakin hate unity!!! so how do i get my old gnome2 back or an alternate....22:15
zykotick9!notunity | RealOp22:16
ubottuRealOp: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:16
ubuntu_DasEi, cant open new terminal and wont let me type...22:16
jteguestcorrect me if I am wrong ubuntu is derived from debian.22:16
zykotick9jteguest: it is22:16
beandogwhat do we do if you're right?22:16
DasEiubuntu_: so cross fingers and reboot hd, else come back live22:16
RealOpty ty22:16
ubuntu_DasEi,  ok.22:17
DasEijteguest: jupp22:17
facebook2142how do i check to see what the execution bits of /etc/rc.local is using a terminal?22:17
jteguestJust curious how different is it to go from debian to ubuntu or visa-versa in terms of learning new stuff need?22:17
BoreeasSo apparently sun-java6-jdk is no longer in the apt repository. Is there a simple way to install it on a remote server, or do I need to do it via FTP?22:17
L3topfacebook2142: bash -x /etc/rc.local22:18
DasEifacebook2142: it runs with root permissions22:18
zykotick9jteguest: ubuntu and debian are both very different and similar.  They have very different goals.22:18
ubuntu_DasEi,  most likely not comming back at the momment i have a soccer practice to go to but if i see you again lets you know.22:18
ubuntu_ant thanks for the help.22:18
L3topI guess I misunderstood22:18
jteguestok but interms of if somebody was an expert at ubuntu or debian would he have a learning curve22:18
DasEiubuntu_: nice shooting and calm your mind at it, nice idea, good time22:18
jteguestgoing from one to the other22:19
jteguestor do they use the same commands /programs usually22:19
zykotick9jteguest: much of the knowledge is transferable!  they have similar bases.22:19
jteguesti.e package managers the same , make , c , bash ,...etc22:20
OffGridOpsIs there a different IRC I should ask my question in as it deals with 12.04 or am I in the right area?  Thanx22:20
zykotick9jteguest: particular versions will be different for sure22:20
digitalslavejteguest, package mangers are generally the main difference between different linux version22:21
DasEiOffGridOps: #ubuntu+122:21
jteguesthow compatible can I use a debain repo on a unbuntu or a ubuntu repo on a debain ?22:21
zykotick9jteguest: VERY bad idea22:21
digitalslavejteguest, sounds good but dependencies and kernels will show you very quickly it wont work22:22
zykotick9jteguest: mixing repos is bad management22:22
elijahIs anyone familiar with ssh_config? I am wondering if you can set the ~/.ssh/config file to not have a host name and just try a certain key whenever any program calls on a certain HostName?22:22
jteguestwon't it all be just dpkg so they would in theory have the same dependencies,code ,...etc and the file structure of debain and other linux distros are the same /home /usr /etc ,...etc22:22
beandogelijah: should be possible.22:22
beandogelijah: in fact, I'm kind of curious myself how to do that ... sec22:23
DasEielijah: possible /etc/ssh/sshd_config is what you look at for22:23
XGaryGI just got a WinTV-HVR-950Q TV Tuner. It seems to want to use ATSC, which my current distribution does not seem to handle. Does anyone know if trying Ubuntu would help?22:23
beandogDasEi:  he's talking about ssh client22:23
beandogelijah: IdentityFile22:24
beandogelijah: http://www.kelvinwong.ca/2011/03/30/multiple-ssh-private-keys-identityfile/22:24
pfifojteguest, you CAN mix deb packages between debain/ubuntu, BUT it can cause problems.22:24
digitalslaveelijah, use the identity switch22:24
jteguestdo all linux distros on this chart  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Gldt.svg use a version of linux kernel or are there some distros that use other kernels like GNU HURD kernel ,...etc22:25
Jordan_U!ot | jteguest22:25
ubottujteguest: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:25
XGaryGDoes anyone watch TV on their computer thru a TV Tuner in america?22:25
RealOp !unity22:26
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity22:26
zykotick9XGaryG: does Canada count :p22:26
pepeeI have an amd llano+dGPU laptop. it works fine while using the 6520g, but won't resume if using the dedicated gpu (hd6750m)22:26
KM0201XGaryG: i have, many moons ago, but don't anymore22:26
XGaryGDo you know if you used ATSC ?22:26
naptasticI can never remember; Ubuntu is primarily based on Debian's Testing repository, right?22:26
zykotick9XGaryG: isn't that OTA HD?22:27
zykotick9naptastic: yes, it was sid at one time.22:27
DasEiXGaryG: nope, but once did in europe with a hauppage, using tvtime, check your card at places like22:27
naptasticzykotick9, thank you :-)22:27
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:27
=== webnet is now known as webnet_m
Dj_FlyBytrying to get a list of all hardware installed to the PC. I want to output it to a file for easier reading, hwinfo works in console but is not outputting any information to a file. Any other suggestions22:28
=== webnet_m is now known as webnet
elijahbeandog, DasEi, digitalslave - thanks for all the suggestions, I am looking into and testing them now22:29
beandogDj_FlyBy: lshw22:29
XGaryGIt says it is 'ATSC digital TV'.22:29
beandogelijah: good luck22:29
beandogelijah: put it under a "Host server.com" entry22:29
ubuntu_DasEi,  I came back to tell you it didn't work.22:30
mirko1Dj_FlyBy: simply use IO redirection, ie hwinfo > hwinfo.txt22:30
DasEiubuntu_ no soccer then, want to have another try ?22:30
zykotick9mirko1: i think hwinfo needs sudo doesn't it?  thus redirect would probably require use of tee.22:31
Dj_FlyBymirkol: I know that but the file keeps coming up empty22:31
ubuntu_DasEi, hahahaha. sorry. not now. maybe another time. ihope i bumb into you again soon. bye.22:31
pfifozykotick9, irrelevant22:31
XGaryGGreat -  It is not on the list. I hate returning something my Wife's windows computer 'Just Works' with. Now I get to endure her 'Mine Works' look.22:33
Aesthenautanyone have ? mees running on ubuntu? any tricks you can shoot a22:33
Aesthenautor, rather, any tricks you can shoot at me?22:33
pfifoXGaryG, write a drive for it22:34
mirko1Dj_FlyBy: works perfectly fine here. what exact command are you using?22:34
=== XuMuK|znc is now known as XuMuK
DasEiXGaryG: do a quick usb-install and least try tvtime on it22:34
XGaryGI'm not up to that sort of thing.22:34
donalhi all.....I'm trying to add an entry to the crontab that executes a function defined in .profile22:34
donalis this possible?22:34
DasEiXGaryG: easy task, usb stick with least 4 gig handy ?22:35
mbeierlI have just switched ISPs and now I am suddenly getting error messages from Avahi about using .local as a domain (Ubuntu 11.10).  That computer acts as a Masq gateway for my network.  Since this change I can no longer see shared printers/etc in my local network and all the other computers are also complaining about .local domain.  The google-fu is not with me as I can find no resolution to this22:35
zykotick9donal: i doubt cron is aware of .profile (maybe?)22:35
XGaryGI tried tvtime. It does not give me the option of using ATSC.  Just NTSC and PAL.22:35
beandogXGaryG: xbmc probably uses atsc22:35
digitalslavedonal, put the function in its own script22:35
XGaryGI'll look.22:35
beandoger, wait, do they record video?  If not, mythtv would.22:35
donalzykotick9: that's what I thought22:35
mbeierlWhy should service discovery care about my ISP?  Can't I prevent it from trying to communicate over the internet and stick to the local network?22:35
elijahbeandog: So rename the private keyfile to "host-server.com" and place it in the /.ssh/ folder?22:36
beandogmbeierl: I was thinking the exact same thing22:36
beandogelijah: no, lemme pm you22:36
donaldigitalslave: which user executes cron jobs by default ?22:36
DasEiXGaryG: quick glance, there are decoders n scanners for mythbuntu, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133298622:37
digitalslavedonal, any user that has a cron file22:37
mbeierlbeandog, but alas, I am not able to get around this.  Avahi is now broken in my network.  And I cannot find a fix or explanation as to how to get around it22:37
DasEiXGaryG: I never used it, but will probably do with mythtv then22:37
donalOK, thanks a lot22:37
beandogmbeierl: you could do what I do ... use .lan instead22:37
digitalslavedonal, the better question is do you need root permission or regular user. if regular just run it under your account22:37
mbeierlbeandog, how?22:38
beandogmbeierl: er, wait, that isn't what I do actually.22:38
beandogmbeierl: whats your network configuration?  what's your ISP modem directly plugged into22:38
donaldigitalslave: I guess I could do this . $USER.profile; myFunction22:38
jteguestwell, I am just curious of what all the different GNU distros use for kernels is it all just linux kernel or is there some with totally different kernels. Because I can just come across one other GNU/hurd and It is not in a distro by default at least I haven't found one yet22:39
pfifojteguest, linux uses linux, hurd uses hurd, bsd uses bsd... you get the idea?22:39
mbeierlbeandog, ISP modem drives a satellite link (yes, I live rurally).  Ubuntu 11.10 is connected with one iface to the modem, and other serves up the local network.  dnsmasq for local dns caching22:40
beandogmbeierl: what's hostname return on the ubuntu box22:40
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mirko1jteguest: a linux distro is by definition one that uses the linux kernel. if a system uses hurd or whatever it is not a linux distro. simply. period :-)22:42
mbeierlhostname: "jemms.homeip.net"22:43
mbeierlbeandog, should it be without the FQDN?  ie: just jemms?22:43
Crooks_mobilethat usually depends on your dns server22:44
mbeierlCrooks_mobile, if that was for me, I'm running dnsmasq locally, and this is a masq'ing gateway.  Avahi and service discovery are no longer working since a switch in ISP22:44
TheClopener|2is this the help channel for ubuntu?22:45
beandogmbeierl: that's ... weird.22:45
beandogmbeierl: I dont know why that would break it22:45
mbeierlbeandog, neither do I :(  This is extremely annoying too now, as my wife's macbook can no longer print22:46
Crooks_mobilecan you set it manually in route?  not sure if thats possible or not22:46
randomDudewhere do i put kde4 themes in my home folder? (its not ~/.themes )22:46
TheClopener|2so, i just now downloaded the newest stable release, and when i boot it up from my jump drive, it will not find a wireless connection. my windows will find it, but not the ubuntu. the saim thing happened when i tryed using tails to get on the wirless network here.. any ideas?22:46
mbeierlCrooks_mobile, was that intended for me?22:47
Crooks_mobilembeier1 yea sorry22:47
mbeierlCrooks_mobile, the bonjour service on the mac doesn't work that way.  I can't put it into a route as it uses some form of zeroconf to discover where the printers are.22:48
KM0201TheClopener|2: do you know what wireless device you have?  if not, is the machine still on ubuntu right now?22:48
mirko1randomDude:  ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme/22:48
TheClopener|2no, i am runjning windows xp22:48
Crooks_mobilembeier1 yea this is out of my area of knowledge sorry22:48
TheClopener|2the wirless device... hmm22:48
TheClopener|2like the driver that picks it up?22:48
KM0201TheClopener|2: yeah, it's hard to trouble shoot while youre under windows.. any chance you can wire to a router for a few minutes?22:48
KM0201TheClopener|2: no, like the chipset on the wireless device22:49
TheClopener|2one sec.22:49
KM0201TheClopener|2: nothing under windows is going to help you determine what you need to know22:49
beandogmbeierl: I'm trying to figure out how they are effecting .local22:50
TheClopener|2"Dell Wireless 1395 WLAN Mini Card", is that what ur talking about?22:50
beandogmbeierl: it would make sense ... oh, wait, are they using their DNS servers?  That could do it.22:50
KM0201TheClopener|2: as i said, nothing under Windows is going to help you with this... although, that's likely a broadcom, just don't know which one22:51
TheClopener|2crap... well i have no way of hooking ubuntu up to the internet22:51
mrcellfizhhello, the show desktop icon doesn't work properly22:51
KM0201TheClopener|2: can you wire yourself to the router for a few minutes?22:51
TheClopener|2what router?22:52
XGaryGI installed XBMC, but did not see where I would watch TV from.22:52
KM0201TheClopener|2: well, i assuming you had a wireless router, so that must mean you're syphoning someone elses connection22:52
mirko1mrcellfizh:  how does it misbehave, which ubuntu version?22:52
TheClopener|2yes, im useing the public librarys22:52
TheClopener|2i got no internet at home22:52
KM0201XGaryG: xbmc isn't gonna let you watch TV unless you have your TV tuner working22:52
Andy2113hey guys I'm having an issue trying to bin folder so I can make a file executable from anywhere22:52
KM0201TheClopener|2: oh ok.22:52
mrcellfizh11.04 i click on it sometime but it shows other windows instead of the desktop22:53
Andy2113this is what terminal tells me22:53
Andy2113cp: cannot create regular file `/bin/extrac-xiso': Permission denied22:53
XGaryGSo far noone has any clue about ATSC. There is nobody from the US trying this tuner?22:53
mbeierlbeandog, sorry - the ISP - yes they provided me with a new set of DNS servers.  and yes, .local seems to resolve using it22:53
TheClopener|2can i still connec to it?22:53
KM0201TheClopener|2: you probably can, but we need to figure out your wireless device22:53
beandogmbeierl: Try overriding their DNS servers with something else.  Like or]22:54
TheClopener|2well, the dell driver is the one i said erlier if thats what your talking about,22:54
TheClopener|2for picking up wifi22:54
Andy2113does anyone know why I am getting his? "cp: cannot create regular file `/bin/extract-xiso': Permission denied"22:54
KM0201TheClopener|2: you're not listening... that information is pretty well irrelevant to Ubuntu22:54
TheClopener|2crap, well how do i find it out22:55
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KM0201TheClopener|2: can we chat privately? i'll try to help you out22:55
mirko1mrcellfizh: do you use compiz or any other window manager (other than metacity)?22:55
pfifoAndy2113, you dont have permission to create that file22:55
Andy2113how do I get permission?22:56
Crooks_mobileAndy2113 use sudo or switch to root user22:56
digitalslaveAndy2113, sudo22:56
Andy2113so sudo then the command?22:56
XGaryGI do have a52dec installed.22:56
digitalslaveAndy2113, yes and then enter your password22:56
Andy2113thanks guys :)22:58
jenesaispasis anyone else having problems setting language with "language support" GUI on 12.04b2 ?22:58
mrcellfizhmirkol: i use gnome classic as it is22:58
drecutewhat is the role of kerberos when joining Ubuntu to Windows server active directory?22:59
mbeierlbeandog, i did try and no change :(23:00
Brandandamn this channel got larger since the last time ive been here (2009)23:00
chazwozadrecute: not sure specifically for ubuntu, but kerberos is for authentication and/or single sign on23:01
beandogmbeierl: I dunno, man.  networking issues escape me.23:01
digitalslavedrecute, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb742516.aspx23:01
chazwozadrecute: im assuming it lets you authenticate to ubuntu using your AD account23:01
drecutechazwoza: thanks23:01
mbeierlbeandog, thanks.  This is the most info I've gotten so far.  I did see about the .local and DNS, but it still makes no sense. also allows .local to be resolved23:01
drecutechazwoza: so in this case do I need a kerberos client or server?23:01
beandogmbeierl: how are you doing lookups for .local hostnames?23:02
beandogmbeierl: oh you know what? t he avahi cli tools will tell you which servers it's doing lookup on23:02
mirko1mrcellfizh: then i don't know. sorry, hopefully somebody elde will jump in23:02
pfifombeierl, what was your original issue?23:02
beandogmbeierl: also have you tried bonjour browser on osx ? (you'll have to download it)23:03
pepeeI have an amd llano+dGPU laptop. it works fine while using the 6520g, but won't resume if using the dedicated gpu (hd6750m) . how can I fix it?23:03
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mrcellfizhmirkol: np23:03
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drecuteDigitalslave: from that reference, does that mean windows active directory is a kerberos server?23:05
drecutethen I can go ahead and configure a kerberos client on ubuntu?23:05
digitalslavedrecute, generally23:06
TheEmpathhi, what does this mean: Depends: gcc-4.4-base (= 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) but 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1 is to be installed23:06
TheEmpathi get it when i try to apt-get install mongo23:07
drecute2 days of trying to understand basic understanding23:07
digitalslavedrecute, :D23:07
drecutedigitalslave: I guess I really don't need to setup kerberos for samba?23:08
drecuteI will setup kerberos for samba only is i'm implementing kerberos server on ubuntu?23:09
digitalslavedrecute, are you using an active directory logon to access the samba server or a linux account or even guest?23:09
TheEmpathhow can a package be slated as "to be installed"?23:09
Liquido_I got 3 same processes and I need to kill the the one which was started first, how I can identify which one of them is the most oldest ?23:09
drecutedigitalslave: active directory logon23:10
mirko1TheEmpath: it means that some package requries exactly the  4.4.3-4ubuntu5 verson of gcc but the currently available version is 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1. What exatcly are you doing?23:10
TheEmpathmirko1: I got a cloud server of ubuntu running... and i had no proble building all of the gcc toolchain myself on another instance.. but this one is giving me nothing but problems23:10
TheEmpathim trying to install mongo and its griping about gcc problems, but i have no idea how to fix it.  i've run aptitude safe-upgrade, apt-get update... nothing works23:11
digitalslavedrecute, you may want to use likewise open to setup your active directory connection23:11
digitalslavedrecute, http://www.beyondtrust.com/Products/PowerBroker-Identity-Services-Open-Edition/23:12
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mbeierlbeandog, gotta go afk.  but this is what I'm using to do the .local lookup: host -t SOA local23:12
dagerivthe finger command outputs something it calls "idle time", when is a user idle from a terminal?23:14
mirko1TheEmpath: MongoDB? Any specific reason why you don't install from the available repos? why did you " building all of the gcc toolchain myself"?23:14
TheEmpathmikro1: that was for another instance and it worked fine.  this is a new instance.  I am running apt-get install mongodb-10gen, and its telling me there is an unmet dep, and that a newer version of gcc is to be installed23:15
TheEmpathwhich is all good and well that its telling me that, in sometime in the future, it will be installed.  i would just like to rush that along and install those now :D23:15
Dragin_how do I remove an entire directory with stuff still in it?23:17
zykotick9Dragin_: "rm -r directory/"23:17
bobo37773Dragin_: From the command line?23:17
Dragin_thanks zykotick9, and yes bobo3777323:18
mirko1TheEmpath: any PPA's installed?23:18
TheEmpathdeb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/debian-sysvinit dist 10gen23:18
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mirko1TheEmpath: disable it, install the one from the "default" universe repo, then re-add the repo and try again23:21
mirko1TheEmpath:  oh, wait, you might have the wrong repo. try this one: deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart dist 10gen23:23
TheEmpathmirko1: same problem23:25
Dj_FlyByhmmm, need something a little more friendly than hwinfo (can't make sense of the file as to what hardware is what..... ie. which one is my video card and which one is my tuner card, etc). Any suggestions?23:26
tyler_dDj_FlyBy: hwinfo --video23:27
zykotick9Dj_FlyBy: "lspci | grep -i vga"23:27
Dj_FlyBythat was just an example....23:28
pfifoDj_FlyBy, try `lspci` to get a basic overview first23:28
leshastehow do you tell if you are running unity 2d or 3d?23:28
TheEmpathmirko1: now sudo apt-get upgrade is giving me the exact same error23:29
TheEmpathjesus christ, what the hell happened... im just going to burn this instance down and start over23:29
tyler_dleshaste: try running a 3d app23:29
zykotick9Dj_FlyBy: well "lspci" or "lspci -vnvn" shows a lot of h/w info.  "cat /proc/cpuinfo" for cpu stuff...23:29
leshastetyler_d, for exampkle?23:29
tyler_dTheEmpath: what is the specific error23:30
TheEmpath gcc-4.4: Depends: gcc-4.4-base (= 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) but 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1 is installed23:30
tyler_dTheEmpath: have you tried `strace <<your command>>` to see the output and if its more comprehensive?23:30
tyler_dleshaste: glxgears23:31
TheEmpathtyler_d: its faster for me to burn this instance down and spin up a new one.. apparently, i screwed up somewhere badly, so im just going to do a fresh build and go again23:31
tyler_dTheEmpath: gl with that then.23:31
TheEmpathtyler_d: I dont want this coming back to haunt me later on down the road because i didn't know how to debug it properly23:31
zykotick9leshaste: "glxinfo" might also help23:31
leshastetyler_d, hmm.. well it rnus23:32
tyler_dTheEmpath: learning and properly debugging is par for the course and should be taken with patience and dilligence23:32
leshastetyler_d, but does that tell me I am in unity 2d?23:32
tyler_dTheEmpath: what exactly are you compiling/installing and what is the error please23:32
leshastetyler_d, or is there some of other 2d desktop I should be using23:32
tyler_dleshaste: take zykotick9's advice... glxinfo23:32
TheEmpathtyler_d: indeed, and i do not have the time at this point.  i've setup mongo on like 15 ubuntu machiens no problem.. this one is giving me issues, so i'll just burn it to the ground and follow my previous steps23:33
leshastezykotick9, what am I looknig for in the output?23:33
tyler_dleshaste: you could always just use the default gnome23:33
leshastetyler_d, how?23:33
zykotick9leshaste: to know if it's unity 2d or 3d isn't really in glxinfo :|  i don't know how to tell, sorry.23:33
leshastezykotick9, ok23:33
tyler_dleshaste: I personaly haven't reverted back to the default gnome... I'm sure the path for that could be followed in here by someone though23:34
zykotick9leshaste: what do you select at the login window?23:34
leshastezykotick9, I just type in my password23:34
leshastelet me trying logging out23:34
zykotick9leshaste: there is some way to change your DE/WM, so that should also be able to say what you're currently using23:35
* zykotick9 has never actually used lightdm, but assumes ;)23:35
tyler_dTheEmpath: I don't honestly know how or what you could have borqued if you have done it other times.... I don't agree with your path to resolution... but if you feel that's best then I wish you luck sir23:36
TheEmpathtyler_d: I dunno what I busted up either... i may have tried to mix and match deps, versions, or even over write binutils.. who knows... i was trying an experimental way to setup ubuntu and it didn't work, so I'll just scrap it and stick with what works.  I do appreciate the help, none the less :D23:37
UbuntuBoyHey. xD23:37
UbuntuBoyDoes anyone has Second Life on his box, if so... Can you play it normally?23:38
tyler_dTheEmpath: for sure, I don't know a lot but glad to stick my nose in any time :)23:38
tyler_dUbuntuBoy: had it once upon a time, ran it from a terminal...23:39
UbuntuBoyAnd it worked?23:39
UbuntuBoyI mean it works for me too, but its uber slow...23:39
tyler_dUbuntuBoy: long time ago but yes23:39
UbuntuBoyAnd my PC isn't really bad. Sooo... I'm kind of confused.23:40
UbuntuBoyIt must be this new version then.23:40
DarkAngelI can not get sound on my Toshiba A3-S611 laptop with unbuntu 11.10 any ideas on a fix.23:40
tyler_dUbuntuBoy: ummm... video card? what does top say when it runs?23:40
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UbuntuBoyI can run Guild Wars without problem, so I don't really think its about hardware.23:41
UbuntuBoyIts the new version of SL, for sure.23:41
UbuntuBoyThanks anyway @tyler_d.23:41
tyler_dUbuntuBoy: well thats a start for sure, but in no way definative... check top while it runs and see23:41
tyler_dUbuntuBoy: yqw23:42
DarkAngeltyler_d do you have any idea why I do not have sound on my laptop with 11,1023:42
tyler_dDarkAngel: alsa drivers?23:42
tyler_dDarkAngel: when is the last time it made noise? what kind of video card is it plz23:43
DarkAngelI got it from a friend of mine and it had windows XP on it. I can't remember if it made noise then or not23:43
tyler_dDarkAngel: does it show the icon for sound in the panel?23:44
DarkAngelYes it does23:44
tyler_dDarkAngel: does it play the startup sound even?23:44
DarkAngelNo it does not play any sounds at all23:45
hey^_^youanyone else using irssi client, this is my first time23:45
twirm@hey^_^you smuxi is better23:45
tyler_dDarkAngel: is there anything on the keyboard to indicate sound? does pushing the sound up/down on the keyboard produce the icon indicating up/down in the top right?23:45
Quantum_Ionsometimes those sound icons disappear and reappear in ubuntu linux23:46
Quantum_Ionon the top bar23:46
DarkAngelI don't see any keyboard keys that make the sound go up and down.. the icon is there but nothing is coming out of the speakers23:47
bkerensaAny suggestions for trying to troubleshoot a bluetooth headset that pairs fine but doesnt show up in sound settings?23:48
_MarcusDarkAngel: Is there drivers needed possibly?23:48
digitalslaveDarkAngel, have you tried the alsa mixer?23:48
DarkAngeldigitalslave I like your name.. I tried the alsa mixer and set everything that was mute to on and moved the volume up23:49
tyler_dDarkAngel: you could also try alsamixer from a terminal23:50
DarkAngelStill got no sound. I did get a little lost when they were talking about loading drivers.23:50
DarkAngelI did but still nothing unless I did something wrong23:50
digitalslaveDarkAngel, do you know what sound chipset/card you have?23:50
tyler_dDarkAngel: `lspci | less` and search for the audio in there23:50
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tyler_dDarkAngel: based on the name, I would say digitalslave knows more than I on this... so follow him plz :)23:51
zykotick9twirm: hey^_^you i've never tried smuxi (i'll check it out) BUT, #debian's irssi factoid starts "rumour has it, irssi is the best <IRC> client ever."23:51
DarkAngelIntel ICH6 Family AC'9723:52
zykotick9twirm: lol, smuxi - graphical IRC client, GUI can't run that in screen - can't possibly be better ;)23:53
digitalslaveDarkAngel, did this recently stop working or never worked?23:53
TheEmpathyeah, that worked lol23:54
DarkAngelI got the laptop from a friend and he claims it worked but I am starting to think it didn't work at all He had windows xp loaded on it and I put ubuntu on it right away23:54
twirm@zykotick9 why not just use emacs then?23:55
DarkAngel@digitalslave it shows the card but I can't get any sound at all23:55
digitalslaveDarkAngel, some good info here http://askubuntu.com/questions/87515/no-sound-after-upgrade-to-11-1023:55
zykotick9twirm: emacs.. i've always been a vi guy, but recently i've seen what people can do with emacs - it's impressive.  but i don't need another OS to run on top of gnu/linux :p23:56
digitalslaveDarkAngel, that chipset should work. i had some issues with mine doing surround sound after the last update but it works now23:56
twirm@zykotick9 I guess that's fair, I spend most of my time in a text editor so having a terminal emulator in my text editor is way nicer than having it anywhere else23:57
nmittal_is it possible to draw on a buffer rather than canvas.. and then copy the buffer to the canvas?23:57
zykotick9twirm: that's what screen is for ;)23:57
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mirko1TheEmpath: just curious. *what* worked?23:58
twirm@zykotick9 customization ftw, that's way linux will always be best :)23:58
DarkAngel@digitalslave do you think it is a bad sound card?23:58
zykotick9twirm: to see most of my cli programs check out https://plus.google.com/_/notifications/emlink?emrecipient=115403891429547707849&emid=CPjAn8SPlq8CFSJyNAodGG0AAA&path=%2Fcircles%2Ffind&reexp=EXP_6&dt=1333368123:58
zykotick9twirm check out http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Minimalism23:58
Crazydansup guys23:58
Crazydanlil help23:58
digitalslaveDarkAngel, cant say for sure. you could boot with a live disk and see if it works there as well23:59
twirm@Crazydan what's going on?23:59
Crazydan: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:59
CrazydanE: Couldn't rebuild package cache23:59
CrazydanE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:59
philip__hello guys. I dual boot ubuntu and avl 3.0.5 each on a separate hard disk. the grup menu on startup currently shows only avl. How would i go to add the other hard disk too?23:59

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