
dakiramgrandi: argh.. I think I see what happened00:00
mgrandidid addpatch add a bunch of files?00:01
dakirabzr lp-propose automaticalle selected lp:ubuntu/compiz as the branch to merge with. That is the branch where the development takes place. lp:compiz is where the merge should happen (it only contains the debian directory)00:02
mgrandiah yeah00:03
mgrandiit did seem like there were a bunch of files that were present and got added00:03
mgrandibecause the branches diverged00:04
mgrandiso what is lp:compiz then if dev happens at ubuntu/compiz00:04
poolieupstream development ought to be in lp:compiz00:04
pooliethat ought to be a mirror, i suppose00:04
mgrandiah makes sense00:05
mgrandiso yeah, just change the merge proposal dest and you should be good00:05
dakirathis branch is listed in debian/control under the Vcs-Bzr tag00:05
mgrandiim not too familiar with how lp-propose works00:07
mgrandibut poolie can help hehe!00:07
mgrandii have to go, gl00:07
dakirapoolie: so what do I have to enter as the target branch if I want the above to be the target branch?00:13
dakiraWhen I try to propose my branch to be merged back into lp:compiz I get "This branch is not mergeable into lp:compiz."00:15
dakiraokay.. this looks better https://code.launchpad.net/~mniess/ubuntu/precise/compiz/fix-screenshot/+merge/10053900:29
vilahi all07:03
lifelessok look, its wgz renamed :P08:24
fullermdHe's not renamed, he's just on the other side of the world from you, so he looks upside-down.08:27
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mgzwe are certainly each other's evil twin08:37
fullermdThat's just the sort of thing an evil twin would WANT us to believe.08:49
lifelessspiv: https://code.launchpad.net/~spiv/ubuntu/lucid/paramiko/address-families-579530-lucid/+merge/2529709:37
lifelessspiv: perhaps that needs a 'delete' button clicked on it or something. I imagine its still in your activereviews list09:37
jelmermgz, vila: are we hanging out now?10:34
vilajelmer: waiting for poolie ?10:34
mgzjelmer: that's the general plan10:35
pooliehi all10:37
vilahi poolie10:37
poolie_am i here?10:40
jelmerpoolie_: hi10:40
jmlhow can I eliminate this warning? 2012-04-03 10:57:12,217 - udd.scripts.mass_import - WARNING - Error accessing max threads file /srv/package-import.canonical.com/new/max_threads: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/srv/package-import.canonical.com/new/max_threads'10:57
poolie_jml, hi, does the file exist?11:46
jmlpoolie_: no. when I create it empty the error goes away. useful error huh?11:47
poolie_it's a bit hardcoded12:11
poolie_whack james12:11
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ErwinMHi, I am looking for the automv plugin, but it seems gone14:59
ErwinMhttp://bzr.oxygene.sk/bzr-plugins/automv/ <-- empty15:00
jelmerErwinM: it's now in bzr core I think15:00
jelmerErwinM: "bzr mv --auto"15:00
ErwinMAha, thanks15:00
ErwinMYes, that worked just fine. :-)15:01
jamjml: echo 5 > /..../max_threads ?15:02
jamI believe it does a live check to allow you to turn up and down the number of running threads15:03
jam(udd uses it to lower throughput when LP is under high load)15:03
jamI think warning is probably useful for UDD, since it indicates a configuration error.15:03
jamNot as useful for your project, though.15:04
jamanyway, EOD here, have a good evening to all.15:04
jmljam: it runs when the file is empty15:04
jmljam: so it's  a bogus warning.15:04
jamjml: well, I'm sure there is a default num threads.15:04
jamBut not having the file would be a misconfiguration for UDD15:04
jamjml: I can see your point, it is just a "how generic is this code" issue. It isn't super-duper useful for UDD15:05
jamother than if we set a value and it doesn't take15:05
jama warning helps understand if we accidentally have the file owned as "root" for example15:05
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Merwin_Hey, I've got would like to make patch using diff of a revision range A..B but excluding the rev XXX, how can I do this ?16:51
Merwin_I would like*16:51
mgzI would... make a new branch -r B, merge -rXXX...(XXX-1), and diff -rA..16:52
Merwin_Hum good idea, I'll try, thank you16:53
Merwin_Erf, I tried to remove a colo-branch with bzr rmbranch and know my depo is unusable...16:59
Merwin_I had no pushed commits...17:00
Merwin_bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///home/thibaut/OpenERP%206/OpenAssur/addons-opas/"17:00
Merwin_Seriously, I lost everything ?17:00
mgzhm, and I'm not sure the fix for bug 922953 has been landed on 2.517:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 922953 in Bazaar "rmbranch should refuse removing active branch" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92295317:01
Merwin_I used bzr rmbranch mycolobranch17:02
Merwin_How can I fix that mgz ? I had work I didn't pushed, is it lost ?17:02
mgzwelcome to the git way of working, I guess...17:02
mgzam checking to see if pre-fix there was a way of recovering or not17:02
Merwin_I don't understand why it removed my trunk branch wheras I told him to remove a colo branch Oo17:03
mgzsee also bug 92065317:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 920653 in Bazaar ""bzr rmbranch" doesn't handle colocated branches" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92065317:04
Merwin_Here, I don't even have a branch, brz branches prints nothing...17:06
mgzI did recover from doing various daft things with colo, but don't recall which issue was which17:06
mgzjelmer: any suggestions?17:06
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Merwin_or vila maybe ?17:08
Merwin_Please tell me I'll be able to push my last 2 hours work I just commited before doing this :D17:09
mgzthere's always the filesystem recovery tool route17:11
Merwin_At least it didn't removed the files...17:12
mgzjust the repo and branch metadata, not the tree, right?17:13
mgzcomma after repo.17:13
Merwin_Yep I guess, I've got a .bzr dir and my files are still there17:13
Merwin_So, I've got to call my boss est tell him why I can't push the things we were supposed to put in production tonight (I was making a patch for this)17:14
mgzbut no repository/ or branch/ inside, right?17:14
Merwin_branch  branches  branch-format  branch-lock  checkout  README17:14
Merwin_In .bzr17:14
mgzMerwin_: so, you have your actual changes, so this isn't a complete disaster17:16
mgzcan either branch from previous location, copy tree across and commit for now17:16
mgzor.. it was a fresh project? recreate and copy tree, add and commit17:17
Merwin_I can't commit17:17
mgzin that branch.17:17
mgzyou can make a new one.17:17
mgzwhich unblocks you for tonight.17:17
Merwin_I try17:17
Merwin_Don't seems to work: bzr branch actual_dir new_dir17:18
Merwin_Same error: bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///home/thibaut/OpenERP%206/OpenAssur/addons-opas/"17:18
mgzMerwin_: so, did you create this from scratch 2 hours ago, or branch from an origin?17:18
Merwin_Nope, it's a long time branch I used for weeks17:19
mgzbut you have no other version of the same base project anywhere?17:19
Merwin_Yes, on our dev server17:19
Merwin_Where I regulary push17:20
mgzokay, so branch from that.17:20
Merwin_But I won't have the last commit I made in my branch (the one I did't pushed yet)17:20
mgzthen copy in your changes from today, and do one big commit.17:20
mgzyou lose any little commits you did along the way, but the changes are still there.17:21
mgzand +affectsmetoo that bug I linked :)17:21
Merwin_That's enought for tonight17:21
Merwin_I did it thank you. It's a hudge repo, it's downloading I keep you informed :)17:22
Merwin_mgz, while it's downloading, could you tell me how I'm supposed to remove a colo-branch ?17:30
mgzthat would be the way, it's just buggy in 2.5.017:30
mgzit should be roughly equivalent to removing the dir .bzr/branches/NAME though17:31
mgznot your fault, basically17:37
Merwin_mgz, merge -r 552.1.1...X => What should I put at X?17:39
Merwin_I want to undo the commit 552.1.117:39
Merwin_Looking at qlog, it seems that its 'ancestor' is 552.17:40
mgzit's easy in that case, .1 follows from the without-dot form always17:40
Merwin_Hum, my patch contains binary files that I want to have17:42
Merwin_It doesn't seems to handle binary files (OpenOffice .sxw, models for generating PDF)17:42
Merwin_I'll have to add them manually ?17:43
mgzyou mean the textual patch only says "binary file added" but you want to be able to apply it and have the files added?17:44
Merwin_Yes, exactly :)17:44
Merwin_I don't have a lot I can push them via SFTP, it's not a problem, I'm just curious if there is a way to handle this17:45
mgzyou can just use a different diff format I think.17:46
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mgrandihey jelmer if you are there, i remember you saying yesterday that you took out the fast export from x stuff from bzr-fastimport, does that include the bzr fast import (from svn dumpfile)?19:11
jelmermgrandi: bzr fast improt never supported importing from a svn dump file19:12
jelmermgrandi: bzr-svn supports importing from a dumpfile19:12
mgrandihmm, does that get called by bzr fast-import?19:12
jelmermgrandi: no, they're unrelated19:12
mgrandijust trying to understand the structure a bit19:12
mgrandihow did i import that svn dumpfile then19:13
jelmermgrandi: bzr-fastimport only deals with the fastimport/fastexport format used by git-fastexport19:13
jelmermgrandi: with bzr-svn I think? "bzr svn-import <dumpfile> <target>" ?19:13
mgrandithat seems like it, ok. I was going to say since import from dumpfile seemed important19:14
jelmermgrandi: it doesn't read the dumpfile directly19:15
jelmermgrandi: it creates a svn repo first from the dumpfile, and then uses that19:15
mgrandii meant the general concept of importing from a dumpfile since svn doesn't seem to have fast-export19:16
mgrandiat least i think19:16
jelmermgrandi: subvertpy has a 'subvertpy-fast-export' command that can generate a fast-export stream19:17
mgrandiah ok.19:18
mgrandialso, before you dissapear again, i was wondering if there was anything to kinda 'verify' the integrity of a branch, or is it just bzr check19:19
jelmermgrandi: just 'bzr check'19:20
jelmermgrandi: generally, it's better to just talk to the svn repo directly rather than using a dumpfile19:21
mgrandiyeah that makes sense. let svn worry about the dump file.19:21
mgrandibut i was wondering cause im going to see if this bzr plugin for a IDE works, but it hasn't been updated in like a year so i have no idea if it still works19:21
jelmermgrandi: the svn dumpfile is a distraction, it just adds two extra steps to the process19:32
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poolie_hi all22:34
jelmer'morning poolie_22:37
LeoNerdCan I somehow "bzr ignore" files in a directory that don't have an extension (i.e. a "." in their name). These will be compiled binaries, but I don't want to ignore e.g. the .c source for them22:37
mgrandishould be able to with regular expressions22:38
mgrandiwhich i believe bzr uses for bzrignore22:39
mgrandibzr ignore "RE:^#"22:40
mgrandiso to do a reg exp you put RE:22:40
mgrandiyou can also look at 'bzr help ignore' for some more examples, you can also tell it to nOT ignore .c files22:40
mgrandiso, tell it to ignore everything in that directory, but not c files maybe?22:40
LeoNerdOooh that might work too22:41
bob2or just ignore them all and add -f the source22:41
LeoNerdNah, 'cause I'd still like to be reminded about new files in case I forget :)22:41
wgzLeoNerd: `bzr help ignore`22:42
mgrandiso add "somedirectory/*", and then "!somedirectory/*.c"22:43
wgz...and I was scrolled up a little22:43
mgranditime to go, laterz22:44
wgzcan also do exactly "that don't have a dot in the name" with /[^.]*/22:46
LeoNerdThat got it :)22:46

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