
bkerensajcastro: :D who won the contest?01:28
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jcastroniemeyer: are you accepting bugs on the store yet? Or is it still sort of in progress?13:27
niemeyerjcastro: Certainly accepting them13:38
niemeyerjcastro: What's up?13:38
niemeyerjcastro: Hmmm13:40
jcastrothe .charm file is 0 bytes13:40
niemeyerjcastro: Yeah, just noticed that.. very weird13:41
niemeyerjcastro: Theoretically it doesn't link the charm in the final location while it's not completed successfully13:41
niemeyerjcastro: Will investigate, thanks13:41
jcastrolynxman: mira, want to do a charm review?13:49
lynxmanjcastro: throw it my way :)13:49
_mup_Bug #961819: New "sbuild" charm for build environments <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/961819 >13:49
jcastroand https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/956259 needs a final review13:49
_mup_Bug #956259: Charm needed: znc  <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed by patrick-hetu> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/956259 >13:49
imbrandonoh noes, party over, someone call the strippers and tell em not to show up, jono's here13:51
imbrandonjono: on a real note i got some more css goodness for ya for accomplishments-system , just finishing up some of the tweaks now13:52
imbrandonsome pictograms and such13:52
jcastrolynxman: you have promulgation powers right?13:52
jonoimbrandon, oh thanks so much, pal!13:53
lynxmanjcastro: I don't know if I do, if I don't I'll bug you ;)13:56
marcoceppiI'll be around today to prog if needed13:57
jcastrolynxman: ok when you finish these up ping me and marcoceppi13:58
marcoceppiThat's the fun part though, typing in promulgate and simultaneously hoping it works and wondering if there's a better word for that action13:58
jcastroit'd be nice to ring the bell 2 times today13:58
lynxmanjcastro: sounds good :)13:59
jcastronegronjl like nginx, we'll have him check the new drupal one. :)13:59
jcastromarcoceppi: appflower needs a round #2 and it should be done14:00
marcoceppijcastro: perfect, if juju bootstraps then I'll give it a quick go14:01
jcastroditto for gitolite14:01
* marcoceppi really wants to try out gitolite14:01
jcastrothis week gentlemen, we promulgate!14:01
imbrandoni would soo need that in bash completion14:01
marcoceppiThankfully it is14:01
imbrandonprom<tab><tab><TAB!!! DAMMIT>14:02
imbrandonjcastro: i dident mirror the drupal one to LP, let me know if i need to14:03
niemeyerjcastro: fix on the way14:04
marcoceppiimbrandon: it needs to be on LP to be promulgated14:04
imbrandonkk, i'll do that now then14:04
jcastrowe'll need to figure out a way to autoimport github charms onto LP if we want that to scale.14:05
imbrandonhistory dont matter does it, i can just bzr init it clean right ?14:05
jcastrobut m_3 is at a conference so we can deal with it later.14:05
imbrandonyea i can help him with that too maybe a bit, for Penton I wrote the hg<-->git two way mirror for our repos14:05
imbrandonwe used hg internaly but all contractors used git :)14:06
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imbrandongit and hg shared hashes thou, not sure if bzr does14:06
marcoceppiLP can already pull git repos14:07
imbrandonoh really ?14:07
marcoceppiit can only mirror the master branch though14:07
imbrandondo i just need to import it ?14:07
imbrandonthats fine14:07
imbrandoni forgot github has an svn interface too14:07
marcoceppiSo you can just push everything to github and every 4-6 hours it'll be imported on to LP14:08
imbrandonnice, thast perfect, and i work in named branches and merge to master as the "gold" copy anyhow14:08
imbrandonas most git ppl do14:08
imbrandonso works out perfect14:09
marcoceppiHum, deploying from the store gives me an error14:12
jcastroI just told niemeyer, he's on it14:12
marcoceppiah, cool14:12
jcastrosomething something needs to be a zip file?14:13
niemeyermarcoceppi: What's the error?14:13
niemeyermarcoceppi: Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing14:13
niemeyerjcastro, marcoceppi: Should be fixed in 5 minutes or so14:13
imbrandoni get the same thing jcastro did a bit ago14:13
marcoceppiniemeyer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/913053/14:13
niemeyermarcoceppi: That's it, thanks14:14
marcoceppiI was getting all gutsy and trying to deploy from the store :)14:14
niemeyerWill be fixed in a few14:14
niemeyermarcoceppi: Sorry for undermining the excitement :-)14:14
niemeyermarcoceppi: HOld it for a moment, though!14:14
jcastroheh, I was already cheering when I hit enter.14:14
imbrandonmarcoceppi: do i need to make a project to import from another vcs ?14:15
marcoceppiimbrandon: I have no idea14:15
marcoceppiNever actually used it14:15
jcastrojust push it by hand for now14:15
imbrandonLP ui really does suck, i've been using it for 6 years now and still dont "get it"14:15
jcastrowe can sort the automated bits later14:16
imbrandoni just thouht about that, 6 years, wow, its been a long time, wonder where that whiprush dude i used to give hell to is nowa days14:17
jcastroimbrandon: less talk, more pushing. :)14:18
imbrandonits pushing14:18
jcastrowe're running out of days!14:18
imbrandonbzr = slow14:18
marcoceppiThere's your whiprush and whip crack!14:18
imbrandonahh crap its slow cuz its pushing .git14:19
imbrandonok done14:24
imbrandonand linked to bug14:24
SpamapSAmd I weird because I like LP's UI? (except blueprints)14:25
SpamapSI find the cross-project-distro bug tracking to be supremely useful14:25
imbrandoni dont think its ugly, ui was probably the bad word, i dont get most of the workflows14:26
SpamapSand linking branches/merge proposals to bugs is really nice.14:26
SpamapSimbrandon: add a bug.. toggle a status... whats not to get?14:26
imbrandonSpamapS: yea most modern trackers do that, gitosis , github, bitbucket, and i'm sure others :)14:26
SpamapSthey're all *really* short14:26
imbrandonSpamapS: the basics sure14:27
SpamapSand please, don't bring up github's *ridiculous* issue tracker14:27
SpamapSI'm coming around to git.. but that thing is a joke.14:27
imbrandonheh, i love it personaly ;)14:27
imbrandonto each their own i guess on that one14:27
SpamapSits great for small projects I'm sure14:28
marcoceppiCharms still require two reviewers, right?14:28
SpamapSmarcoceppi: *no*14:28
SpamapSnever have14:28
SpamapSmarcoceppi: ~charmers needs 2 +1's14:28
SpamapSmarcoceppi: but if you are in ~charmers, you have the power14:28
imbrandonSpamapS: rails isnt what id call a small project nor bootstrap, or h5bp14:28
marcoceppiWhy have I always thought that charms require two reviewers14:28
* SpamapS hears "YOU GOT THE TOUCH" in his mind and starts googling for leather pants prices14:28
jcastrowe've been doing 2 reviewers for the sake of completeness, I think people just got into the habit of doublechecking each other's work14:28
jcastrowhich is fine by me also14:29
SpamapSimbrandon: I suppose by having no features.. it forces developers to just focus on each issue rather than being able to prioritize stuff away14:29
imbrandonok going to get some food and shower/shave , back in 20 min for critique if there is any by that time :)14:30
imbrandonSpamapS: yea, sometimes too much optiions is not a good thing14:30
marcoceppiCool, well looks like appflower is ready then!14:30
imbrandonSpamapS: and you can prio somewhat14:30
imbrandonanyhow brb food time14:31
SpamapSimbrandon: though many would call LP's features pretty minimalistic when compard to bugzilla14:31
imbrandonvery very true, that thing is horrific14:31
imbrandonbut really its not the number of features about LP , nor the ui specificly , i mis spke at first, but more the workflow as in sometimes , hell all the time its not clean on what needs to be done or if something does or how to do it, or click then then that to do this, FSK!!! give me ONE "FIXED!" button14:33
marcoceppiFound a but with charm proof14:35
niemeyermarcoceppi, imbrandon, jcastro: It's fixed14:35
marcoceppiparty time14:36
imbrandonniemeyer: rockin ty14:36
imbrandonSpamapS: but on the other hand i'm a huge fan of minimalitic UI's too, sometimes to a fault14:36
imbrandonok really gone for food, brb14:36
jcastrook but we need to wait for it to be deployed? I'm not familiar with the store workflow14:36
marcoceppijcastro: it worked for me, just delete the file in ~/.juju/cache/14:37
SpamapSHave we fixed the mysql charm in the charm store yet?14:38
SpamapSIt was broken as of Friday14:38
marcoceppiWould a charm having an optional config option with no config-changed hook be a blocker?14:38
marcoceppiOr a fix after prog situation?14:39
jcastroniemeyer: this is great, I've deployed a bunch of stuff from branches too14:41
marcoceppiYeah, charm store rules already14:42
jcastroniemeyer: so "source" and "publish" are 12.10 targets then?14:42
marcoceppiso much faster14:42
SpamapSmarcoceppi: all configs are optional.. I think its ok to have configs that only get applied in install as long as the config.yaml says so in the option's description.14:42
jcastroalso, I already want "juju search blah"14:42
marcoceppiSpamapS: well it doesn't get applied anywhere :)14:42
marcoceppiI think it was a future feature half added14:42
marcoceppianywho, I'll mention it in the branch and promulgate14:42
SpamapSmarcoceppi: thats just a bug. I wouldn't block promulgation on that if it were the only thing wrong.14:42
* marcoceppi *nod*14:43
jcastrojust file a bug for it on the spot so we don't forget14:43
SpamapSblockers are "does nothing", "explodifies", or "pwns you"14:43
marcoceppicool, appflower is ready. about to promulgate14:43
SpamapSits the app FLOW-er14:44
SpamapSendorsed by Flo-rida14:44
niemeyerjcastro: Yeah14:44
niemeyerjcastro: I intend to provide some helpful API endpoints well before that, though14:44
niemeyerjcastro: The first thing I want to expose is the error messages14:44
niemeyerjcastro: Every imported charm already comes with status14:45
niemeyerjcastro: We should have a way to show the import result, so that any failures may be known by the author14:45
jcastroI just realized the store spec doesn't mention search14:47
jcastroshould I file a bug on that?14:47
jcastrobasically like how apt does it14:47
niemeyerjcastro: Yeah, please feel free to file it14:47
niemeyerjcastro: It'll certainly come14:48
marcoceppiSpamapS: getting an error on promulgation "ERROR:Branch has not been pushed." with nothing else14:48
SpamapSmarcoceppi: promulgate uses the remembered push location14:49
SpamapSmarcoceppi: bzr push lp:~charmers/charms/appflower/trunk && charm promulgate should work14:49
marcoceppiCool, thanks14:49
imbrandonzomg jcastro SpamapS marcoceppi , yalll cant miss this http://jujucharms.deviantart.com/14:49
imbrandonhit #3 on google14:50
SpamapSmaybe we can get the artist to make us some keychains for promulgatee's14:51
_mup_Bug #972515 was filed: Charm store needs search functionality <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/972515 >14:53
jcastroSpamapS: did you promulgate Subway?15:04
SpamapSjcastro: yes15:06
jcastrook anything else on Friday? I need to chase the people down for swag remember15:07
SpamapSjcastro: code.launchpad.net/charms .. you can see all the charms that have been pushed/promulgated recently15:12
SpamapSjcastro: "Mature" means promulgated :)15:12
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lynxmanthe old way of deploying charms doesn't work anymore?15:47
lynxman2012-04-03 11:44:15,105 ERROR Bad charm URL 'local:precise:precise/splice-glance-keystone-mysql-rabbitmq/': no series specified (URL inferred from 'local:precise:precise/splice-glance-keystone-mysql-rabbitmq/')15:47
lynxmansorry, that's the error: 2012-04-03 11:43:30,886 ERROR Bad charm URL 'local:precise/splice-glance-keystone-mysql-rabbitmq/': no series specified (URL inferred from 'local:precise/splice-glance-keystone-mysql-rabbitmq/')15:48
lynxmanI have default-series as well in my environments.yaml15:48
SpamapSlynxman: repository should still work the same15:50
lynxmanSpamapS: yeah I don't need to specify the series in the repo url anymore, it's wrong in the docs in juju.ubuntu.com as well15:51
SpamapSlynxman: you never had to specify series in the repo url15:51
lynxmanSpamapS: you had to at some point15:51
lynxmanSpamapS: and it still says so in the docs15:51
lynxmanSpamapS: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/user-tutorial.html#deploying-service-units15:52
lynxmanSpamapS: see the "oneiric/somecharmname" in the juju deploy line15:52
SpamapSlynxman: I've been using 'local:foo' for a long time.. but I agree the docs is not awesome15:58
lynxmanSpamapS: I always was using the doc method, doesn't work anymore :)15:58
marcoceppiSpamapS: these docs are all in juju/docs right?16:00
SpamapSlp:juju/docs is where juju.ubuntu.com/docs is generated16:01
jcastromarcoceppi: are you on precise? Can you try to deploy zookeeper from the store?16:34
marcoceppiYea, let me fire up my laptop16:35
marcoceppideploy zookeper?16:36
jcastro2012-04-03 12:36:39,085 ERROR Error processing 'cs:precise/zookeeper': entry not found16:36
jcastrois what I get16:36
marcoceppiOh, but you should be able to do that from an oneiric machine, so long as you set the series up correctly. I'll try anyways16:37
jcastroI'm all precise right now16:37
jcastrobut if you want to test it on oneiric if you have it handy that would be useful too16:37
marcoceppiI get the same error on my precise laptop16:38
marcoceppiMaybe only oneiric series is in the store atm?16:39
jcastroSpamapS: is that because we haven't done something in launchpad for the precise series or is it a bug in the store?16:39
jcastromarcoceppi: there's a precise version in the charm browser, not sure how that relates to what's in the actual store16:39
marcoceppiI'm not sure either16:40
shazznermarcoceppi: hey Marco, did you comment on the kusabax bug with your feedback? :)16:43
marcoceppishazzner: ah, I don't think I submitted it yet. Let me get back to you after lunch16:44
shazznermarcoceppi: gratci :)16:45
SpamapSYes only oneiric is in the store right now...17:48
SpamapSbut I don't think that should be the case17:48
niemeyerjcastro: How's the store coming?18:06
niemeyerjcastro: Is it working well now?18:07
jcastroI've deployed a bunch of things18:07
niemeyerjcastro: Super18:07
SpamapSniemeyer: yeah, the charm store is working beautifully. :)18:24
SpamapSthough we still need a switch-charm command so people can fix things without re-deploying18:25
jcastroSpamapS: it also just made it painfully obvious that we don't have many precise charms, heh18:47
marcoceppiI may have found a bug with boolean configs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/913459/18:53
marcoceppiAm I missing something or should this be filed?18:54
jcastromarcoceppi: hey check this out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2-VNC19:04
jcastroI was thinking this might be a cute charm19:04
marcoceppismells like a charm19:05
jcastroI think it would be cool to have config options to be desktops19:05
jcastroso you could test derivatives, etc.19:05
marcoceppiproblem with that, is you couldn't just sudo apt-get remove *buntu-desktop since meta packages don't remove their dependencies19:06
marcoceppiWould have to find a way to cleanly remove those each time. Maybe use aptitude instead19:06
marcoceppiWould be a cool charm though19:07
marcoceppiWhat would you call it?19:07
jcastrohah "juju deploy ubuntu"19:07
SpamapSmarcoceppi: I do believe that is a (trivial to fix, but extremely critical) bug in juju set20:25
marcoceppiSpamapS: thanks, I'll open a bug report20:25
jcastroSpamapS: you in distro mode or charm mode?20:26
jcastrodaddy wants promulgation20:26
SpamapSjcastro: I'm in "recover from 3 days away from email" mode, but I can be interrupted to do important things. :)20:27
_mup_Bug #912050: Charm Needed: OpenERP <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed by patrick-hetu> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/912050 >20:27
jcastroand maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/906176 ?20:28
_mup_Bug #906176: Gitolite charm <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed by shazzner> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/906176 >20:28
marcoceppiI can grab one of thoes20:28
marcoceppioh both20:28
jcastrodidn't I give you two today already?20:29
marcoceppiI did only one :)20:29
marcoceppiI don't recall a second one20:29
SpamapSI already poked at openerp so I will focus on that one20:29
_mup_Bug #964936: Drupal Charm: superchared Drupal charm with nginx,, apc, php-fpm, all setup to scale to the moon and be Best Practices. <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:Confirmed for imbrandon> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/964936 >20:29
jcastromarcoceppi: how about that one?20:29
marcoceppiOh, I haven't looked at that one yet20:29
marcoceppilet me grab it while I wait for imbrandon to wake up20:30
jcastroNick has a semi-abandoned drupal charm already20:30
jcastroso depending on what you think maybe this can just supercede it?20:31
* SpamapS votes for it to supersede the others that weren't done by people who make drupal sit up, roll over, and beg like imbrandon does ;)20:31
jcastromarcoceppi: I've got some other merge proposals too if you want to clean those up20:32
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, I saw those, shouldn't take too much time to get them updated20:32
marcoceppiSpamapS jcastro so if this checks out, just charms/drupal ?20:32
SpamapSmarcoceppi: yes20:35
SpamapSthat should always be the most current drupal20:35
marcoceppisounds good20:35
jcastroSpamapS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/903361/comments/320:37
_mup_Bug #903361: Charm needed: Alice IRC <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:Incomplete by jorge> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/903361 >20:37
jcastroShould the open-port be in the install hook or the start hook?20:37
jcastroI think start because you don't want to open the port until the service is started right?20:37
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jcastromarcoceppi: alice irc is ready. :)20:40
marcoceppiI'm going to just go in to charm mode for the rest of the evening since I'm done at work20:41
marcoceppithen switch to omg tonight20:41
jcastromarcoceppi: lynxman snagged znc and sbuild, but he's slow, we could do those today too20:42
_mup_Bug #966484: New Charm: Kusaba X <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/966484 >20:43
jcastrois also another shazzner production20:43
marcoceppiyeah, I've got a review in the draft for that20:46
_mup_Bug #972829 was filed: maas-server setting requires port even when using http default <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/972829 >20:47
jcastroSpamapS: ok so even if we didn't make the precise store "open" yet, shouldn't "juju deploy precise/zookeeper" work?21:13
niemeyerjcastro: Are there any blog/G+/whatever posts about the store yet?21:14
jcastroniemeyer: I have a draft, but my problem is I can't seem to deploy any precise charms21:15
niemeyerjcastro: Was just thinking about mentioning it online, but it'd be good to point it to something that is not an https API endpoint :-)21:15
niemeyerjcastro: What happens?21:15
jcastroError processing 'cs:precise/zookeeper': entry not found21:15
jcastrobut I don't know if this is a store bug or a charms bug21:15
niemeyerjcastro: Hmm.. maybe it doesn't actually exist in the store?21:16
jcastroniemeyer: I have an epic blog post ready that I have been working on, I just need to make sure my examples work21:16
robbiewthe problem is that we don't have many precise charms yet21:17
robbiewSpamapS has some plan for this21:17
jcastroright, but the ones that are in there I can't seem to deploy21:17
jcastroyeah, that's not my main concern right now21:18
jcastrowe'll just copy the oneiric ones over, run the charm tester, and see what breaks21:18
niemeyerjcastro: Uh.. there are apparently *no* official precise charms21:18
niemeyerjcastro: Yeah, that's why I was against having that web site as it is in the first place, but that's history21:19
robbiewjcastro: what niemeyer said21:19
jcastrooh ok, I can file a bug on that21:20
robbiewhas no lp:charms/appflower for example21:20
robbiewlike https://code.launchpad.net/charms/oneiric does21:20
jcastrohmm ok21:21
jcastroso ... either wait for the grand master copy over to precise, then mention the store21:21
robbiewjcastro: that's what SpamapS was going to sort out...I believe21:21
jcastroor I can rejig the announcement to talk about oneiric charms21:21
robbiewI like the latter option, although it takes more effort :/21:21
jcastroand then say something like "the store won't switch over until precise releases, but you get the idea."21:21
jcastrorobbiew: the post is more about policy than actual commands21:22
robbiewcool...then I say sooner is better21:22
jcastroI even say "this command doesn't exist yet, but you get the idea."21:22
jcastrook, on it.21:22
jcastrogive me 15.21:22
niemeyerjcastro: Yeah, +1 on going with Oneiric for the post21:22
niemeyerjcastro: Otherwise you'll be waiting on an unbound timeframe21:22
jcastrothat's should be motto of this cycle21:23
jcastrojuju deploy unbound-timeframes21:23
marcoceppiThat ec2-vnc thing didn't quite work for me :/21:31
hazmatjcastro, while that charm exists for precise, it hasn't been promulgated such that its the branch tip21:42
hazmatjcastro, the charm browser was written when that notion was in its infancy, so it takes the expedient approach of if the branch name matches, show it for that series.21:43
hazmatbecause its clearly at the official branch namespace for that package, even if it hasn't been promulgated as the official branch tip yet.21:45
marcoceppijcastro: all your readmes are up to date21:45
jcastromarcoceppi: thanks!21:45
jcastrohazmat: thanks for clearing that up21:45
marcoceppijcastro: you said Alice IRC was ready for review+prom?21:46
jcastroother than the location of the expose21:46
jcastrowhich we wanted clarification on, but I don't think it's a deal breaker21:46
marcoceppinaw, that can be a patch later21:46
jcastromarcoceppi: next time shazzner and SpamapS are around I'd like to talk about putting him in ~charmers21:47
jcastrohe's got enough under his belt soon21:47
jcastrosame with patrick-hetu I think21:47
shazznermarcoceppi: thanks for your feedback, I'll get to work on it! :)21:53
marcoceppishazzner: thanks for the charm! This is going to be perfect for the office :)21:54
hazmatjcastro, niemeyer its a significant problem that the workflow for the charm store, is rather non obvious for a charm contributor of 206 charms on launchpad, 146 aren't properly marked for a series.21:55
shazznergot to run to the hackerspace but I'll get the changes in tonight21:55
marcoceppijcastro: I need to clarify one thing with the website-relation-joined hook, I don't think there's a `unit-get private-address` can someone confirm that it exists?21:55
=== shazzner is now known as shazzner-away
jcastrothat whole part confuses me21:55
marcoceppiI think there's only public-address and for the private address people have been using `hostname -f`21:56
marcoceppiFrom my understanding you can only get unit data that's shown from the status, so under a typical unit you have agent-state, machine, and public-address21:57
niemeyerhazmat: A charm contributor doesn't have to be aware of that workflow at first.. SpamapS, m_3_, and jcastro have to be aware of it21:57
jcastroit's not ideal, it involves me hand checking all the time, but we can discuss that at UDS21:57
niemeyerhazmat: So far there was very little reason to follow the arguably boring procedure21:57
niemeyerhazmat: Now there's a good one21:57
jcastroit certainly won't scale, heh21:57
hazmatniemeyer its more than that, and this applies even to a ppa charms, which won't be curated21:58
hazmatmarcoceppi, 'private-address' works as well21:58
niemeyerhazmat: What's the "more than that" in this case?21:59
marcoceppihazmat: Thanks, should older charms be updated to use private-address instead of hostname -f ?21:59
hazmatniemeyer, its more than just the curated collection of the official distribution, being manually managed21:59
hazmatniemeyer, ie. it definitely applies to charm contributors21:59
hazmatmarcoceppi, yes22:00
niemeyerhazmat: Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say..22:00
niemeyerhazmat: Those "it" are missing context.. it is more.. it definitely applies.. etc22:01
hazmatniemeyer,  'its' a significant problem that the workflow for the charm store, is rather non obvious for a charm contributor of 206 charms on launchpad, 146 aren't properly marked for a series.22:01
niemeyerhazmat: Do we have a single person that contributed 206 charms!?22:02
jcastroshazzner is well on his way, heh22:02
hazmatniemeyer, we have 59 contributors.. most of whom haven't gotten the process right such that they have a charm in the charm store.22:03
niemeyerhazmat: Why!? All of them have a charm in the charm store, unless their charms are broken22:03
hazmatniemeyer, how many charms in the charm store?22:04
niemeyerhazmat: mthaddon is the one with the numbers, and he's asleep by now22:04
niemeyerhazmat: You can find out-of-date numbers in the email I sent to the list some time ago, though22:05
hazmatniemeyer, most of the charms pushed to lp at a correct address don't have series returned by getbranchtips22:05
hazmatniemeyer, i have the current numbers..22:05
niemeyerhazmat: Branches don't need a series to be in the charm store22:05
hazmatniemeyer, then why aren't the precise charms there?22:06
niemeyerhazmat: That is, they don't nee to be marked as a series22:06
niemeyerhazmat: They are there.. they are just no under cs:precise/* namespace, because they've not been blessed by SpamapS/m_322:06
niemeyerhazmat: % wget --quiet -O- https://store.juju.ubuntu.com/charm/~shazzner/precise/kusabax | wc -c22:10
hazmatniemeyer, yeah. saw that one22:10
niemeyerhazmat: Well, what are you bring up then?22:10
hazmatniemeyer, so its only the official ones that need to be marked/promulgaged against the series22:10
niemeyerhazmat: Yes, it's only the official ones that have to be made official. (!)22:11
hazmatso these charms at the official branch locations which haven't been marked as tip.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/913770/22:14
lynxmanjcastro: sbuild charm looks good, don't have powers though :)22:14
hazmater. promulgated22:14
jcastro^^ marcoceppi want to promulgate that badboy?22:14
bkerensasup jcastro22:15
jcastroheya bkerensa22:15
jcastrostore is live, your charm is in it brother!22:15
jcastro^^^ I need help spreading the word on this22:15
bkerensajcastro: I will push it on the social webz22:17
bkerensajcastro: any news on contest? :P22:17
jcastrowe've published like 3-4 today already22:18
hazmatjcastro, nice blog post22:18
jcastrohazmat: thanks!22:18
jcastroupvotes please!22:20
jcastroI have it there as well22:20
jcastromarcoceppi: alice redirect fixed and pushed.22:21
AlanBelljcastro: interesting article, I might have to become interested in this juju stuff at some point22:21
marcoceppijcastro: sweet, just about to prom sbuild22:21
bkerensajcastro: ok enjoy traffic (Reddit, Stumbled, Facebook, Twitter, G+, Hacker News etc) done22:21
jcastroAlanBell: almost as if I planned it all along22:21
jcastrobkerensa: where's the HN link, HN I've never been able to get onto22:22
bkerensajcastro: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=379509722:22
jcastrobkerensa: I don't think HN will roll to a reddit link22:24
jcastrois there a way to edit it to point to the canonical url?22:24
jcastrohah, I made a pun22:24
bkerensajcastro uhh oh22:24
bkerensajcastro: fixed here http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=379510922:25
bkerensajcastro: yeah if you can ship that stuff it would be better... my fiancee wants me to pickup tourist swag on my trip home from UDS... and unfortunately Ill be stuck in Oakland for a entire day after UDS22:26
bkerensaso shopping I must22:26
jcastrono worries, I have a juju shirt with your name all over it bud22:26
bkerensajcastro: well the cup was what I was hoping for :P but ok22:26
AlanBellhow well does juju work with lcx containers?22:27
bkerensaAlanBell: fine22:27
bkerensaAlanBell: You can use lxc for testing charms22:27
AlanBelland you do that on your own computer right?22:27
AlanBellcould someone host a heap of computers running lcx for juju?22:28
AlanBellso kind of an amazon cloud that scales down small22:28
AlanBellwith a different cost model22:28
jcastroAlanBell: yeah so what you really want, is an "ssh provider" that ssh'es into your linode and does all the magic22:28
marcoceppiI wouldn't use LXC for production, to be honest22:28
AlanBelljcastro: I am thinking of being such a provider22:28
marcoceppiAlanBell: You could deploy Open Stack if you wanted to go *that* route22:29
niemeyerjcastro: "since we haven’t deployed the charms to Precise yet"22:29
niemeyerjcastro: "deployed" may be confusing there22:30
jcastro"opened" perhaps?22:30
AlanBellmarcoceppi: possibly, but I don't think juju instances need the hard isolation from each other of virtual machines, or the preallocation of memory22:30
niemeyerjcastro: yeah, or "moved" or similar22:32
marcoceppisbuild is promulgated22:32
bkerensajcastro: Why didnt you do the talk at PuppetConf? Adam Gandelman and Marc Cluet were talking juju?22:32
marcoceppialice-irc promulgated22:36
jcastrobkerensa: I don't think I was working on juju that much yet, we spread the load.22:37
jcastrobkerensa: but no worries, I'll catch Luke and Co. at OSCON22:37
jcastromarcoceppi: \o/22:38
* marcoceppi heads home.22:39
marcoceppiCatch you guys in a bit22:39
SpamapSAlanBell: what you probably want is openstack + lxc23:09
AlanBellmaybe, I will have to look into it23:12
AlanBellI think that there might be a way to do a juju specific cloud provider that doesn't bill by the number of instance-seconds23:12
SpamapSAlanBell: juju is more about using an API to manage compute resources. What you are talking about is more having compute resources and making it available via an API.. which is what openstack does. :)23:13
AlanBellsure, but providing it in a way that works well for juju23:13
AlanBelleconomically as well as technically23:13
SpamapSAlanBell: frankly, LXC is probably *not* ready for a business to be built on top of it, and you are probably going to spend less on the slight inefficiency of kvm than you will bringing it up to snuff.23:14
SpamapSAlanBell: LXC is going there.. but its not there yet. :)23:14
AlanBellmaybe openstack is the way to do it23:15
AlanBellbut you have to define your instance sizes ahead of time, I think with LCX you don't23:16
AlanBellI kind of want to say "you have 4GB of ram, one public IPv4 address, an IPv6 subnet, it is all set up for juju, spin up as many instances as you like within that" for a fixed monthly hosting fee23:18
SpamapSAlanBell: LXC isn't an "instance", its a container23:21
AlanBellyeah, juju services then23:21
SpamapSAlanBell: sorry, but why would I care about ipv6 subnets? I want availability, computing resources, RAM, disk IO.... not ips.23:22
AlanBellwell they have to talk to each other23:22
SpamapS127.0.0.1 works fine if its all on one machine. :)23:22
AlanBelloh I guess that would work with lcx23:23
SpamapSI want to understand what you're getting at.23:23
SpamapSDo you want to use juju to setup a whole bunch of stuff on one physical machine?23:23
AlanBelljuju uses loads of machines, and amazon bills by the second23:23
AlanBellor hour or whatever23:24
SpamapSthats only because we haven't been clever yet.23:24
AlanBelljcastro set up a wordpress blog that cost $85 per day in hosting fees23:24
SpamapSAlanBell: and now its down to quite a bit lower than that.. I think maybe $2 or $3 / day23:25
SpamapSAlanBell: because we got a lot more clever. :)23:25
SpamapSAlanBell: and thats a blog with > 1 million hits per day, btw23:25
SpamapSwhich is now elastically scalable with one command.. 'juju add-unit omg-wp'23:26
AlanBellit is a fairly big wordpress install, and a lot was learned23:26
AlanBellbut still to get wordpress up you need a server for mysql and a server for apache23:26
SpamapSAlanBell: I know what you're getting at. Allowing people to over-subscribe machines (or just use bigger machines and higher density) is definitely on the radar.23:27
AlanBelland a server for the controller and a server for a loadbalancer if you want to scale it23:27
SpamapSAlanBell: except.. we moved the load balancer onto the omg-wp nodes23:28
AlanBellI don't think it is a massive technical problem, I just think the amazon model of charging by instance-hour doesn't really work so well for juju23:28
SpamapSAlanBell: it works great for juju. :)23:28
AlanBellworks great for amazon too :)23:28
SpamapSAlanBell: the ZK node can be a t1.micro23:29
AlanBellbet they love it23:29
AlanBelloh I thought all the juju instances had to be the same size?23:29
SpamapSAlanBell: the only situation where it doesn't work well is for sites with no actual traffic.23:29
SpamapSAlanBell: no, you can (painfully) change your instance type between deploys.23:30
AlanBellyeah, "no actual traffic" is where every site starts out though23:30
SpamapSAlanBell: all the instance types for one given service do currently need to be the same.23:30
AlanBellso what you need is a smooth migration path from "no actual traffic" to "argh, spin up more instances"23:31
SpamapSAlanBell: so they use t1.micros and as they get bigger, reboot them into m1.small's, then medium, and up and up.. ;)23:31
SpamapSt1.micro can be rebooted into any other instance size.23:31
SpamapSAlanBell: I do want to be able to put a few things on one instance though.. I'm with you there.23:32
AlanBellI would kind of like to start building stuff like openERP instances with juju, but no way am I going to tell a customer they need 3 servers from day 123:33
AlanBellplus another 3 for a test/dev environment23:33
SpamapSAlanBell: 3 t1.micros would be $51/month ...23:34
SpamapSthey're not servers, they're VMs :)23:34
AlanBellwe have a bunch of these http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_rootserver/ex5 which we divide up with KVM23:35
SpamapSAlanBell: right, so throw openstack in front of that and you have an API. :)23:36
AlanBellyeah, thats what I am thinking23:36
SpamapSAlanBell: and just chop them up into tiny bits like they do w/ t1.micro and you're set for juju users. :)23:37
AlanBellyeah, could go quite a bit smaller than the t1.micro23:38
SpamapSAlanBell: 600MB is pretty tiny :)23:39
SpamapSAlanBell: I suppose it would work for haproxy though. :)23:39
AlanBelloh, I thought the t1.micro was 1.7GB, is that the small one?23:40
SpamapSthats m1.small23:40
SpamapSt1.micro is borrowed CPU .. and something just under 700MB of RAM23:40
AlanBellah right, 600mb is pretty small23:40
AlanBellyeah, not going to get much on that after the operating system23:41
SpamapSYeah, 80MB for the kernel, 200+MB for in use VFS cache.. you basically just have enough for a single process low-memory type program.23:41
SpamapSand then you still have the issue that sometimes there just won't be any CPU for you23:42
AlanBellhowever the point of this thought experiment is to have lots of tiny VMs so that you can start your juju thing and do the horizontal scaling and then when you get big, move to Amazon23:42
SpamapSAlanBell: I *love* that idea. :)23:42
jonohey guys23:42
jonojcastro called me and asked if you can respond to questions on http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3795109 while he is at dinner23:43
hazmatSpamapS, constraints land3ed23:43
AlanBellanyhow, night all o/23:44
hazmatSpamapS, ie. you can verify instances easily per service23:48
hazmatarg.. vary23:49
_mup_juju/relation-hook-context r520 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com23:56
_mup_Better tests23:56
_mup_juju/relation-hook-context r521 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com23:57
_mup_Merged trunk23:57

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