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lenovotest 測試訊號 测试讯号AM00:45
Daskreechlenovo: fail00:48
lenovoroller 阿農牌 克你一頓號 再見 roller 阿农牌 克你一顿号 再见00:49
Daskreechlenovo: Now i have no idea what you are checking00:49
avdiSo I have this issue since my last update (I'm on 11.10)01:22
avditen or fifteen moinutes after logging in the mouse goes wonky. I can move the pointer around just fine but clicking does nothing01:22
avdiSometimes it comes back, sometimes it doesn't.01:22
avdiThe only way to fix it is by restarting kwin01:23
avdiBut either this fixes it for a few seconds, or it only works for a isingle window afterwards01:23
Daskreechyou have desktop effects on or off?01:23
avdiI'd been using them happily for months01:24
avdino problems01:24
avdiIf I can manage to log out and log in again I get a reprieve. Sometimes as much as an hour or two01:24
avdiBefore it happens again01:24
avdiIt's very unpredictable too. Sometimes right-clicking on a window will reenable my ability to left-click on the window as well01:25
avdiI'm back on Unity to verify that it's KDE only01:25
avdiSo far no problems01:26
avdiI had been messing around with VMWare at around the same time I updated my system, so for a while I thought it was an issue with VMWare's mouse-grabbing01:27
avdiBut I've since compeltely uninstalled VMware01:27
Daskreechavdi: what driver?01:30
DaskreechBye I suppose01:35
lenovotest Qa303:03
lenovotest 203:04
lenovotest log03:04
DaskreechStrange robot03:05
lenovo8331 19641 1 3313 69242 2 1133 33196 3 303:07
lenovoshedo on03:11
L3topDaskreech: In case you were wondering, you cannot register init.d scripts that begin with a number as rc attempts to determine runlevel, sending a start to, in the case of S990start_avwizard, as S99 and S90.05:08
L3topSo scripts start twice.05:09
ronnocDaskreech: I thought so...just checking :)05:41
DaskreechL3top: what's the fix for that?05:44
Daskreechronnoc: Sure05:45
Daskreechhello BIGIDIOT05:46
L3topWell... I am changing the name of the scripts once I have time to make all of the relevant code changes throughout, My current hack is to mv /etc/rc5.d/S990start_avwizard /etc/rc5.d/S99a0start_avwizard as it is just a sym link. We need it to follow all 98's and precede all 99s. Another option is to create a true event based upstart... but I rather like buntu's way of determination. It is clever.05:49
DaskreechL3top: what relevant code changes throughout ?05:50
L3topI wouldn't really call it a bug, but a requirement.05:50
L3topOh... we have like 4 million lines of code in our project, built on kubuntu.05:50
Daskreechand they have hard coded links to the file names?05:50
L3topThat particular script launches all of the audio/video wizard stuff... this detects hardware, and generates xorg and asound files based on user settings. It is a convenient file to link to when regenning on the fly.05:52
L3topwe have our own X environment, with a link to start desktop05:52
L3topif they want05:52
L3topthe reason it lives in init.d is in case of hardware changes... it automatically detects and installs/configures without the user doing anything.05:53
L3topbut several things will make changes in the database, those flags cause certain behavioral changes, so it is linked to here and there. It is a ginormous project... I just have to make sure there are no stray references.05:55
L3topor change them... and the installers... and this and that05:56
L3topwill take a few days to make sure I have right is all. The old detection routine masked this duplication. I added a whole lot more hardware to the autoconfigs and was confused why my wizard was running twice... which led me to all of this.05:57
mr-richHow can I view system info (mem size, processor, etc) in a gui?06:00
DaskreechSOunds like a good use of variable passing06:02
Daskreechmr-rich: alt=F2 -> kinfocenter06:03
mr-richDaskreech: ty06:04
Daskreechmr-rich: Of course06:04
lenovowoman league time is now who confirm1 off06:05
Daskreechlenovo: you are a strange little bot06:06
lenovo20 litre jet gun source106:06
lenovooff firm06:07
Daskreechand then you leave06:07
Unit193Quassel, so said CTCP.06:07
DaskreechYes but joins every few hours says three random phrases of which the last one is off then leaves06:09
L3topanyway... it is a home automation platform, with a media center. It is really unlike anything else. A whole lot of moving parts though... a lot of plumbing to make everything interact with everything. At its core it is just a very intricate messaging bus. www.linuxmce.org check it out if you are bored. All open source.06:27
DaskreechOh I know Linux MCE06:29
DaskreechI was actually thinking about it when you started describing it06:29
DaskreechThey were trying to workout an arrangement with KDE at one point06:30
L3topYes... of course the architecture can be lain over anything really... but we are Kdependent atm. :)06:32
DaskreechL3top: Kdepenedent? :)07:17
DaskreechNice turn of phrase07:17
frogonwheelsL3top: has linuxmce improved? When I looked last a couple of years ago, it looked flashy, but was a pain to use, and wanted to do way, way too much.  (like it couldn't handle not being the gateway & stuff)07:31
progre55hi guys. I have my /home partition encrypted, and I've recently started having problems with logon. It doesnt mount the home partition automatically, and I have to mount it manually from the tty. Any suggestions, please?07:38
Tm_Thi lordievader08:54
lordievaderTm_T, hey how are you?08:58
Tm_Tbusy at work08:58
Neolex_Bonjour à tous09:38
lordievaderNeolex_, hey09:38
Neolex_première fois que je viens sur irc ^^09:39
lordievaderNeolex_, this is an English irc, if you want to speak French please join the French channel.09:40
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:40
Neolex_lordievader: oh sorry i didnt know.. I don't speak english very well.. thank you !09:40
lordievaderNeolex_, sure no problem ;)09:41
pawelerohi, I've just played with 12.04 beta 2 and I launched telepathy client09:54
paweleroit's hardly usable without any icon in the panel09:54
pawelerois there any way to have such icon?09:55
lordievaderFor support on 12.04 you need to join #ubuntu+1, this is for kubunut 11.1009:56
pawelerolordievader: ok, thanks09:56
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excognachi all. What inactivates my ufw?11:46
excognacafter every single boot I have to turn it on again...11:47
Riddellexcognac: you can also ask in #ubuntu about firewall bits, they aren't kubuntu specific11:55
excognacRiddell: thanks, I'll do so. Principially I dot understand how could this happen. Could I mess up something really wrong?11:58
peaceexcognac: you mean the kcm module ?12:00
peaceexcognac: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/UFW+KControl+Module?content=137789 ?12:00
excognacpeace: I never used kcm module, always commandline12:02
peaceexcognac: so it's not kde specific issue12:03
excognacpeace: according to Riddell, I have posted it on #ubuntu12:03
peaceexcognac: cat /etc/ufw/ufw.conf12:04
peaceexcognac:  look for this12:04
excognacpeace: is there now since I've just enabled upon this boot.12:05
peaceexcognac: into the config file ENABLED=yes or not?12:06
excognacpeace: it is indeed. that's why i don't understand the whole issue12:07
peaceksystemlog says something ?12:07
excognacpeace: only this 03/04/2012 12:56:33 [  851.334884] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlan0 OUT= MAC=33:33:00:00:00:fb:c8:bc:c8:d5:b4:5a:86:dd SRC=fe80:0000:0000:0000:cabc:c8ff:fed5:b45a DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:00fb LEN=72 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=0 PROTO=ICMPv6 TYPE=131 CODE=012:09
excognacsorry for not pastebin12:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:10
excognac!paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/912904/12:11
peaceexcognac: btw kubuntu version ?12:12
excognacpeace: 11.10, kde 4.8.1 from ppa otherwise fully updated system on a laptop12:12
peaceexcognac: try to see this http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/applications/186259-ufw-wont-start-boot-tried-everything-i-could-find.html12:14
peaceexcognac: sorry but i have never had this issue before xD12:15
excognacpeace: indeed many thanks for your time12:18
BluesKajHiyas all12:24
aries31alguien habla español?12:42
asfyxia!es | aries3112:46
ubottuaries31: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:46
FloodBotK1HFSPLUS: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:56
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Timmyis kernel 3.3 included in 12.04?14:28
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for 12.04 Timmy14:29
Timmypardon me?14:29
bazhang /join #ubuntu+1    for discussion of 12.0414:29
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BluesKajTimmy,  no , the latest kernel is 3.2 on 12.0414:39
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ScottyKGreetings all, been running 11.10 for a while, and it's been fine. Thinking about upgrading to 12.04, even though it's still beta 2. Good Idea, bad idea?15:55
DaskreechScottyK: Why do you want to upgrade?16:00
lethuScottyK, BAD IDEA16:04
lethuScottyK, hope that's clear and visible enough16:04
lethuScottyK, "if it's not broken, don't fix it."16:05
lethuScottyK, also, beta versions are very likely to break things...16:06
BluesKajlethu, , ScottyK , for your info, running 12.04beta2/kde4.8.2 here , all is well , so far :)16:09
lethuBluesKaj, which way have you used to upgrade?16:10
Daskreech!worksforme | BluesKaj16:13
ubottuBluesKaj: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/16:13
Daskreechhaving said that. It works for me ^_^16:14
DaskreechBut I ran KDE from version 3.997 so take that with a blue grain of salt16:14
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ScottyKfeh, dont know why I keep getting disconnected16:27
Floh79Hi, I wrote my own init.d-script based on skeleton inside /etc/init.d.16:28
DaskreechIt's 11.10 Upgrade to t 12.04 ^_^16:28
ScottyKI know the adage of "if it's not broke, don't fix it", so was just wanted to try out the Beta 2. I'll dig out a seperate box for it16:28
Floh79Unfortunatelly I didn't found any doc about depencies of other services (init.d-scripts).16:28
DaskreechScottyK: you can do it on your main machine if you can live without stuff like GUI for a few days16:28
DaskreechJust in case the worst happens16:28
ScottyKDaskreech - Love the GUI part, I'll wait then! LOL16:29
DaskreechScottyK: Not saying you won't have a GUI :) Just saying things can go wrong and you should be willing to debug things16:29
DaskreechFloh79: they declare the dependencies at the top of the file16:30
Floh79Daskreech: You mean Required-Start, am I right?16:30
DaskreechScottyK: If you have a spare machine I would say go for it. Try and hunt down problems and push to get them fixed. Makes it a worthwhile journey :)16:31
DaskreechFloh79: yes16:31
BluesKajDaskreech,  bah humbug! , just your bot post abve :)16:31
BluesKajI qualified it  with "for your info "16:32
Floh79Daskreech: So I just enter filename of init.d-script there?16:32
DaskreechBluesKaj: ^_^' Just saying that encouraging someone to jump into a testing package purely on it works for me might be setting false expectations16:32
DaskreechFloh79: no you set the requirement. So in the init script that it depends on there is a section that says Provides:16:33
BluesKajwell, he asked , i didn't encourage , just told him my siuation , Daskreech16:33
DaskreechIn your init-scripts required start you put what the other script provides16:33
DaskreechBluesKaj: Fair enough16:33
DaskreechI'm encouraging but trying to lay out the pros cons16:34
Floh79Daskreech: Oh... well. Do you know doc about that? I wan't try to rtfm instead to fire you questions. :)16:34
Floh79Daskreech: Tried with 'man init.d' but alas.16:34
DaskreechI fully expect it to work for ScottyK but that doesn't mean my expectations won't burn either16:34
Floh79Daskreech: Ah... sorry... now I understand. I'll doublecheck...16:34
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:34
DaskreechFloh79: good luck wit hthat site I've not found it remarkably useful :)16:35
BluesKajasamof I just had a couple of crashes , with chrmoium and a stsrtu shutdown setting , to be fair , ScottyK16:35
BluesKajgawd my typing sucs16:35
Daskreech!lol | Daskreech16:36
ubottuDaskreech, please see my private message16:36
Floh79Daskreech: Thanx. I'll open url you just suggested me then I'll try with provides/required-start/required-stop.16:38
DaskreechFloh79: If you need your script to depend on something else just find what that script provides and let your script require that to start16:39
DaskreechScottyK: You hadn't said why you wanted to install 12.0416:39
Floh79Daskreech: Jupp, without $ right? Example serviceA provides "foo", if serviceB needs service A then I'll write "foo" at Required-Start-line.16:42
DaskreechFloh79: Yes16:43
Floh79Daskreech: Thank you very much. :)16:44
ScottyKDaskreech - wanted to install 12.04 because I've heard a lot of good things so far from reading the forums. Seems to be more stable at this point that when 11.10 was in beta 216:45
Floh79Daskreech: Required-Stop - Does it mean a Service must be stopped before current one will be stopped? Or does it mean, a Service must be running bevore I can stop current service?16:45
DaskreechScottyK: It is16:45
ScottyKJust dug out an extra box out of the closet, so there is my test machine!16:45
BluesKajhope it has 1G Ram16:46
BluesKajat least16:46
DaskreechScottyK: Woooooo :)16:46
ScottyKArguh, the RAM is gone!16:47
BluesKajmy test machine died ...16:47
DaskreechFloh79: Service should be running i.e. if given a choice stop me before you stop these guys16:47
ScottyKnow have to dig through the parts closet16:47
Floh79Daskreech: Ok... thanx.  :) You're great help.16:48
Floh79Daskreech: Sad there is no useful docs (at least I didn't found one).16:49
ScottyKOK here's a stick, 1GB of DDR, should work16:49
Prometheswhen i click magnet links (bittorrent) in browser it takes forever to see torrent in ktorrent. KDE is doing some "important testing" (it can be seen in system tray). Anyone knows how to disable this slooow url test?16:50
Floh79<-- is going writing scriptes16:52
Floh79Goodbye everyone.16:52
BluesKajI'm not a fan of akonadi , but I like kmail , but akonadi errors contantly , the server self test has 8 errors , tried reinstalling all akonadi components in synptic , but to no avail.16:54
BluesKajany ideas ?16:55
BluesKajmost 12.04 users don't have probs with kmail/akonadi16:56
BluesKajoops, should have posted in ubuntu+116:58
Daskreechhi lordievader17:04
lordievaderDaskreech, hey, how are you?17:05
DaskreechBluesKaj: What errors?17:05
Daskreechlordievader: Still sleeping17:05
jonnymaddoxhow can configurate my kubuntu to take over the world?17:20
BluesKajthat doesn't help , pls refrain from foul language abreviations ..just ask a resonable question ,m if you have one17:21
Daskreechjonnymaddox: start from the source17:21
jonnymaddox°__° hm too bad, ok17:23
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shannon_I just installed Kubuntu 11.10 on my laptop. It didn't recognize my wireless adapter (Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter) After I installed the updates, the wireless adapter started working. I had to restart my laptop, when it restarted, the wireless adapter wouldn't work again. Any ideas?17:42
Daskreechshannon_: I'm confused was it working before?17:44
shannon_Daskreech, Yes17:44
skurceyhi, i m a linux noob, i spend 8 hours to install ubuntu because i needed the graphics driver, nice to meet you all17:45
Daskreechat no point in that story did it ever work, other than when you said it wouldn't work again17:45
Daskreechskurcey: Nice to meet you17:45
skurceyjust need an intensive console training ^^17:45
Daskreechskurcey: Console as in you don't have a GUI?17:48
shannon_Daskreech, I just read what I wrote again, and it makes sense. When I first installed the system, IT DID NOT WORK, I had to have it wired to get a connection. I installed my updates, restarted the laptop, and the wireless worked. I shut down, and when I started back up the adapter was no longer working. That's as plain as I can say it17:48
skurceyi have one Daskreech17:48
Daskreechshannon_: Bah sorry I read "after I installed the updates the wireless adapter stopped working"17:49
Daskreechskurcey: But you wnat to learn the command line?17:49
Daskreechshannon_: sounds like a module wasn't loaded17:49
skurceyyeah, console is fun !17:49
skurceyi want to learn shell script also17:49
shannon_Daskreech, how would I fix that?17:50
skurceywell, it s somewhaat related17:50
Daskreechshannon_: can you open a terminal ?17:50
Daskreech!commands > skurcey17:50
ubottuskurcey, please see my private message17:50
shannon_Daskreech: It's open17:51
skurceysorry i m configuring my irc client and looking for a sound so i m noticed17:51
lordievaderskurcey A usefull website for linux commands: http://linuxcommand.org/17:51
Daskreechshannon_: type lsmod | grep at17:51
Daskreechlet me know if it returns anything17:51
lordievaderskurcey, do you have any programming skills17:51
skurceyblitz3d and c# nothing facy17:52
shannon_Daskreech: Yes, would you like me to put it in paste.ubuntu?17:52
skurceyi know the basis17:52
Daskreechshannon_: is ath9k listed there?17:53
shannon_Daskreech: yes17:53
lordievaderskurcey, then bash scripting will be quite easy, you just need to learn the syntax, there are some differences between bash and C, but they are still quite alike.17:53
shannon_Daskreech: Actually it's ath517:54
Daskreechshannon_: hmm17:54
Daskreechtry modprobe -r ath5 && modprobe ath9k17:54
skurceycan i find a beep sound somewhere in ubuntu?17:55
lordievaderskurcey, it seems /usr/share/sounds has system sounds17:56
shannon_Daskreech: FATAL: Module ath5 not found.17:56
Daskreechshannon_: >_>17:56
Daskreechlsmod | grep ath5 returns a line right ?17:56
shannon_Daskreech: yes17:57
Daskreechshannon_: ok try modprobe ath9k17:58
skurceythanks lordievader, really appreciate it17:58
* skurcey bows17:58
shannon_Daskreech: error:  inserting ath9k_common17:59
lordievaderskurcey, no problem, here to help ;)17:59
Daskreechshannon_: ok  then18:00
Daskreechshannon_: can you pastebin the output from lspci18:00
shannon_Daskreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/913390/18:02
skurceyooops wrong button18:04
skurceytrying to figure how to put channels in favorite with Quassel :/18:05
Daskreechshannon_: strange that shoudl work.18:06
DaskreechIn fact it did18:06
shannon_ Daskreech, It is driving me nuts!18:07
shannon_Daskreech: I'm wondering if it's a hardware issue?18:07
Daskreechshannon_: No i would guess firmware if I was pushed but the not having a ath9k_common is strange18:09
shannon_Daskreech: at the risk of sounding stupid, is there a way to update the firmware?18:10
Daskreechshannon_: There is but I'd rather look at other solutions since it did work at some point so ... it should work again18:14
DaskreechJust need to get it consistent18:14
shannon_Daskreech: OK18:15
Daskreechshannon_: Though of course the first thing to do is to get it working. again. Do you remember what was in the updates?18:19
shannon_Daskreech: There were a lot of updates. It was right after I did a fresh install18:20
Daskreechshannon_: ok do you know if one of them was a new kernel?18:23
shannon_Daskreech: It was after I installed the updates that it started working. I shut down the laptop, and when I restarted it, the wireless no longer worked18:23
Daskreechthat might explain some thingk18:23
shannon_Daskreech: Is it possible for me to check in the package manager?18:23
Daskreechshannon_: ok try reboot and when the bios screen goes away get the grub menu and see if there is more than one option for a kernel and boot into an older version18:23
shannon_Daskreech: OK, I'm on the laptop in question, so I will be back18:24
Daskreechshannon_: Yes or you could paste bin /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:26
BluesKajDaskreech, did shannon run if or iwconfig to see if the driver was loading18:27
* skurcey is impressed by ubuntu18:28
* BluesKaj is more impressed by kubuntu18:28
* skurcey just need a 100 mega connection to feel his life accomplished18:28
Daskreechmega what?18:29
skurceyand someone explain why the f... i paid 70€ for win 7 pro18:29
skurceymega bit18:30
skurceyi dont have VDSL in meh little village and i'm sad18:30
skurceybut i can take via cable18:30
lordievaderNo cable either?18:30
BluesKajskurcey,  because W7 is supposedly the answer to a regular pc users needs and dreams :)18:30
skurceyi m planning to change18:31
* skurcey blames IBM18:31
skurceybut i didnt test WINE yet18:31
skurceyso wait and see18:31
lordievaderHere we got 120Mbit, not that my personal router can handle it tough...18:31
* skurcey drools18:32
BluesKajshannon_,  have you run ifconfig in the konsole18:32
lordievaderskurcey, what are you planning to run in Wine?18:32
shannon_Daskreech: Do I feel stupid.. I hit the switch off the front of the laptop. This is an old laptop and I'm not used to having a switch18:32
skurceybut i still have my windows partition18:33
lordievaderskurcey, check the wine appdb shows if things are running in wine, and how.18:33
lordievaderGot a dual boot here too, and a laptop with just windows...18:33
shannon_Daskreech: thank you for taking your time to help me.18:33
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lordievaderlukito, hey18:40
lukitohow areyou???18:40
lukitoi'm from otaly18:40
skurceythere s no country, we re all from the internet18:41
* skurcey feels like a little Shakespear18:41
lordievaderNice going skurcey, but Im still in Holland :P18:41
Daskreechhi lukito18:42
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:42
DaskreechIf it helps18:42
skurceylordievader: you really want that i quote myself?18:42
skurcey"The fins are the wings of the poor"18:43
lordievaderskurcey, We got an offtopic channel :P18:43
skurceywich is?18:43
skurceyyeah sorry 281 users18:43
lordievaderskurcey, what's wrong?18:46
skurceyi keep pressing the wrong button trying to put a channel in favorite><18:48
Starwatcherhi all has anyone had problems playing flash video with firefox in the last week or so?18:49
lordievaderStarwatcher, yes after the update, what I did to fix it was downgrade to the previous version18:50
lordievaderperhaps there is a better fix though.18:50
Tm_Thaven't seen any issues here18:50
Starwatcheras previous of firefox or the flash player?18:50
lordievaderearlier version of flash18:51
lordievaderI use chromium btw, so it probably is a problem in flash...18:51
Starwatcherok thought that might be the answer. Chrome works with the flash 11.2 r202 but firefox chokes.18:52
new2netexcellent work on Kubuntu, as advertised, it just works. Keep it up19:11
Tm_Tnew2net: thanks, I forwarded your message to our devels (:19:17
skurceyhi, Compiz processus in taking much CPU load on ubuntu 11.10 is therre a way to onfigure it so it take less CPU?19:54
kirreenHi :)20:05
lordievaderkirreen, hello20:05
lordievaderhow are you?20:05
kirreenGreat, thanks :)20:05
kirreenI installed ubuntu on my lappy yesterday20:05
kirreenAnd I haven't had all that much experience with linux.20:06
kirreenAny nice thingymajjigs I should know about :)?20:06
lordievaderperhaps it is a good idea to join the ubuntu channel, this is the kubuntu channel, small but important difference.20:06
kirreenIt was default on Konversation, thought it said ubuntu :P20:06
lordievader"/join #ubuntu" without the ""20:07
kirreenWhat are the biggest difference of Kubuntu and ubuntu?20:07
lordievaderperhaps you are using kubuntu...20:07
skurceythat s a mess there20:07
kirreenAs an OS20:07
FloodBotK1kirreen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
kirreenI'm using ubuntu20:07
skurceytons of users connecting and disconnecting :(20:07
kirreenI installed Konversation, seemed like a nice freeware client.20:08
lordievaderkirreen, kubuntu uses the kde desktop and ubuntu uses the unity desktop20:08
kirreenOk, thanks :)20:08
kirreenWell, of to the ubuntu channel, thanks for redirecting me.20:08
BluesKajalso differnt applications20:08
lordievaderno problem :)20:08
BluesKajskurcey, you can turn the joins and quit notifications off20:11
mokushdoes anybody know if there's a ppa for bespin somewhere?20:22
lordievadermokush, do you mean this one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-style-bespin20:23
mokushlordievader: how come I don't find it in muon? Is it supposed to be available in 11.10?20:24
lordievadermokush, I think not, the launchpad latest version is for natty which is 11.04 or 10.10, you could try installing that one though.20:25
lordievadergotta go, cya all20:31
K350konsole switches such as --nomenubar doesn't work. Why is that?21:23
Daskreechctrl+M ?21:24
James1479Daskreech: ctrl+shift+m for knosole21:25
=== david is now known as Guest34939
DaskreechJames1479: :) sorry21:31
developer01Hello, all..  I'm not sure where I should ask this question, but I was depending on ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports for a version of qt4 for lucid..21:31
developer01it appears that the kubuntu-backports ppa is now a duplicate of kubuntu-beta..21:32
developer01is that intentional, or was it a mistake and it's due to be reverted?21:32
developer01specifically libqt4-dev version 4.7 or higher21:33
James1479developer01: things normally move from beta to backports when they get released21:35
developer01James1479: but the lucid backports are gone, now...21:35
developer01James1479: is that normal?21:35
James1479developer01: gone?21:36
developer01James1479: kubuntu-backports now only contains oneric.  it no longer has lucid packages.21:37
developer01James1479: though it did have the lucid packages ~1 week ago21:37
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna

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