
robert_ancellI need to move milestones between series using launchpadlib (http://paste.ubuntu.com/912284/) but I get a '401: Unauthorized' error - any ideas why?00:38
KombuchaKipIs there a means of "attaching" a file to a Launchpad blueprint directly, as opposed to providing a URL to some other location?00:39
wgrantrobert_ancell: What's the body of the error?00:39
wgrantKombuchaKip: No.00:39
KombuchaKipwgrant: Thanks.00:39
robert_ancellwgrant, http://paste.ubuntu.com/912289/00:40
robert_ancellI have enough permissions to create a new series, but I'm wondering if I'm setting m.series_target correctly00:40
wgrantrobert_ancell: It's not possible to set series_target.00:41
wgrantI'm not sure if it's possible to move a milestone using launchpadlib.00:41
wgrantWhy do you want to do this?00:41
robert_ancellwgrant, oh, https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html#milestones seems to indicate it is00:41
robert_ancellI want to correctly set up the gnome projects in LP to have the correct series - I can do it manually00:42
wgrantIt's not possible through the API, unfortunately.00:42
robert_ancellwgrant, is the docs incorrect?  Is it possible to enable in the API?00:43
wgrantrobert_ancell: The docs are incorrect. The interface declares the field to be writable, but it's a read-only @property.00:44
robert_ancellwgrant, when you change it in the web interface does it change that property or use another method?  Can you point me to the source code where this happens?00:49
wgrantrobert_ancell: series_target is a property that returns either distroseries or productseries depending on the type of milestone.00:50
wgrantrobert_ancell: The view detects the type and edits the relevant field directly.00:50
robert_ancelland distroseries/productseries aren't exposed in the API?00:51
wgrantBecause they're an implementation detail to handle the two different types.00:52
robert_ancellI'm trying to set up some branch imports for GNOME projects - I notice existing code imports like gcalctool are owned by the vcs-imports user.  I set up an import for libosinfo (https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/libosinfo/trunk) and it required a user to assign the branch to.  So it's assigned to me - is there an easy way to give it to some independent user like vcs-imports?04:13
wgrantrobert_ancell: Only pretty old imports are owned by ~vcs-imports.04:16
robert_ancellwgrant, is there a good user to assign them to, like registry?04:17
wgrantrobert_ancell: The intention is that people should leave them owned by themselves.04:18
wgrant(I tend to disagree, but there's no better solution right now)04:18
robert_ancellgiven the project is owned by ~registry I guess it makes sense to set the branch to that too04:18
wgrantAh, you're in ~registry, so indeed you could.04:18
jfiHello, I don't found how to unsubscribe someone from a bug, it is not possible? :(08:40
czajkowskijfi: no you can only unsubscribe yourself08:42
jficzajkowski, it would be nice to be able to also unscubscribe the review team in case they have been added by error08:43
jficzajkowski, just to avoid them to lost time on useless thing08:43
czajkowskijfi: have you added a team by accident ?08:44
jficzajkowski, not directly, I have added a mainstream patch, and then a 'robot' has considered it as a patch for the version in ubuntu08:44
jfimy fault:(08:44
jficzajkowski, the concerned br is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/psensor/+bug/97109808:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 971098 in psensor (Ubuntu) "Restarting unity shows two psensor icons in the unity bar" [Undecided,New]08:47
czajkowskijfi: it's automatic08:48
czajkowskijfi: if the reviewers team are happy with stuff they can remove themselves08:50
geserisn't it possible to unsubscribe teams one added oneself? or do I remember wrongly?08:50
czajkowskigeser: nope you cna mail them and ask them to unsubscirbe08:52
czajkowskihas happened me in the pasts :/08:52
lifelessgeser: team admins and owners can unsubscribe08:52
lifelessgeser: ops can unsubscribe a team forcefully IIRC08:53
jfiI have removed the 'patch' flag, maybe the robot will unsubscribe the review team?08:53
czajkowskijfi: it's really not that bad, if they see they are not needed they wont contunue looking at the bug08:53
lifelesshmm, if we have an asymmetry here, we should have a bug open for it08:53
geserlifeless: I just looked on an old bug from me: #910760 and I can see there a (-) next to the ~ubuntu-archive I subscribed to this bug08:56
lifelessok, so you added it, you can remove it. Good.08:56
iohi! is it possible to delete a suggested translation? I accidently saved something that shouldn't be a suggested translation10:07
czajkowskiio: it'll be reviewed and then not accepted or you can suggest another one instead10:07
ioczajkowski: yes I've already suggested the correct one, I just wanted to delete the one suggested that was an error!10:08
ioczajkowski: ok so it'll just be removed when it's reviewed - there's no method of me removing my suggestion?10:08
czajkowskiio: not that I know of no10:12
ioczajkowski: thanks10:14
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kirklandflacoste: I'm getting build failures in a private ppa (ppa:ztrustee/testing), but there's no build logs or information of any kind15:30
kirkland"Build started at an unknown time on an unknown build machine"15:31
ujjainCan I also request specific language translations?15:57
flacostekirkland: hmm, are you logged in?16:01
flacosteczajkowski: any ideas on kirkland problem, have you encountered similar issues?16:02
kirklandflacoste: I incremented the package versions, resubmitted, and these second ones built okay, FYI16:02
kirklandflacoste: so it isn't urgent16:02
czajkowskiflacoste: not seen ahy issue or complaint about that today16:02
kirklandflacoste: but the the private ppa builders definitely sharted a little bit16:03
flacostekirkland: probably worth reporting a bug16:04
kirklandflacoste: okay, thanks16:04
czajkowskikirkland: just let me know the bug afterwards and I'll follow up on it16:04
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ujjaincan I push my translations into a translation group16:06
ujjainor should I not do that?16:06
ujjainI wonder how I can get volunteers that I do not know to help translate.16:06
czajkowskiujjain: have you looked https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations16:07
ujjainYes, but I am looking for translaters for my own site.16:07
czajkowskiujjain: so not Ubuntu ?16:07
czajkowskiujjain: you could ask on the IRC channel16:07
czajkowskiujjain: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact16:08
czajkowskiujjain: which website?16:08
ujjainczajkowski, www.visilang.com16:08
czajkowskiujjain: not ubuntu related but they may know of others.16:08
kirklandflacoste: czajkowski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/97258116:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 972581 in Launchpad itself "private ppa build failed, no logs" [Undecided,New]16:09
czajkowskikirkland: thanks16:11
mfischis it possible to give someone else, (a group specifically) permission to publish to my PPA?16:46
czajkowskimfisch: do you want to make it into a group ppa?16:47
mfischczajkowski: actually, I think we'll just make a group ppa16:48
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stokachuare the date_created fields in a message supposed to be returning a unicode string?17:48
dobeyi presume you're asking about python-launchpadlib?17:50
stokachudobey: ah yea, sorry17:50
dobeyi think all the strings are supposed to be unicode there, yes17:50
stokachuim just curious if there was a reason for that because a date_created field in a particular bug returns a datetime object17:51
dobeyi don't know. might be a better question for #launchpad-dev17:51
idnaris https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/348649 really meant to be marked invalid?18:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 348649 in Launchpad itself "https://*.launchpad.net/+me should work instead of /people/+me" [Low,Invalid]18:37
dobeysinzui: ^^18:57
sinzuistokachu, dobey. That is a good question that I do not know the answer too. A few years ago, they were datetime.datetime. one day they switched to strings so I wrote code in my scripts to convert them. Then last week some things switched make to datetime.datetime, so I wrote an inverted patch for scripts that expected unicode19:01
stokachusinzui: i was able to sort it out19:01
stokachuif you call on bug.messages[1]19:01
stokachuyou can get the object values that way19:02
stokachuotherwise it is treated as a regular dictionary19:02
dobeysinzui: oh sorry. my ping was for idnar's question about bug #348649 being marked invalid19:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 348649 in Launchpad itself "https://*.launchpad.net/+me should work instead of /people/+me" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34864919:03
sinzuidobey, it is indeed invalid (or some might say fix released)19:03
sinzuidobey, use tilda:19:03
idnaroh right! I think I knew that, but I forgot about it19:04
sinzuidobey, poolie changed his mind and decide ~ was natural19:04
dobeysinzui: maybe a comment on the bug that ~ should be used instead of +me would be helpful then :)19:04
sinzuiI will do that19:05
mosasaurI just want to put my code somewhere19:12
mosasaurit's in a little zip file19:12
mosasaurI don't need all those things on launchpad19:12
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jonoanyone here have knowledge of Rosetta?21:44
czajkowskijono: nope but if you ask I'll try and find out for you21:52
jonoczajkowski, thanks21:52
jonoso this is what I want to do czajkowski21:52
czajkowskiwouldnt dpm know ?21:54
jonoyep, I talked to him21:54
jonobut he isnt online now21:55
czajkowskineither is the person I'd ask jtv21:55
czajkowskiflacoste: are you about ?21:56
jonohi folks, I am trying to generate a .pot file from a .desktop file22:39
jonothe problem is that when I run intltool-update it says the desktop file has no translatable content22:40
jonoanyone have any experience with this?22:40
pikkachuI can't delete superseded packages... are they considered deleted as well?23:14

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