
jasoncwarner_hey chrisccoulson , achiang was wondering if we have a Firefox ESR PPA? I wasn't sure. Last I checked we didn't.00:10
achiangsurely chrisccoulson isn't awake atm?00:12
LLStarkshi jbicha, did you ever get gnome-boxes working on precise? deb or git, it always segfaults.01:31
jbichaLLStarks: do you have hardware virtualization01:35
jbichabecause yes, it does work with the Debian packaging on amd64 with hw virtualization, there's some rough edges but that's to be expected for the first release after a few months development01:39
LLStarksjbicha, i have vt-x02:28
LLStarksno vt-d02:28
LLStarksi can also do a bt if you want02:29
LLStarksseems to fail because of sparql02:30
jbichaLLStarks: sparql? do you have tracker-0.14 installed? & have you rebooted after installing all that?02:44
jbichaLLStarks: Boxes doesn't actually work for me on my usual computers, no hw-virt :(02:45
jbichaLLStarks: oh, and you'll need qemu-kvm-spice on Ubuntu02:52
LLStarkslemme check02:53
LLStarksi do have tracker installed02:54
LLStarksi'll brb with a reboot. if you want a trace, i'll paste it02:55
LLStarksnot sure what symbols i need though02:55
LLStarksjbicha, http://pastebin.com/Qs5pHLEB03:05
jbichaLLStarks: perhaps tracker needs to be compiled with iso support03:24
jbichalike I said, the app doesn't really work for me03:24
jbichaand because it requires the libvirt from Debian experimental, it's not going to land in Precise03:25
pittiGood morning04:59
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:00
TheMusopitti: re bug 966845 any suggestions?05:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 966845 in pyatspi "lucid->precise upgrade wants to remove ubuntu-desktop" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96684505:00
pittiTheMuso: there might be more subtle ways to fix this, but for now the only alternative I know of is to drop the Conflicts:, and have them both installed side by side05:01
pittiTheMuso: err, I mean05:01
TheMusourm.... I don't think they can be installed side by side.05:01
pittiTheMuso: make the conflicts versioned05:01
pittiTheMuso: and have transitional at-spi and python-pyatspi packages which depend on their newer counterparts05:02
pittiTheMuso: when we drop the last "real" reverse depends on the old stack, they can become transitional05:02
TheMusoOk, I'll file a removal request for gok.05:04
* TheMuso meant to do that yesterday, but got sidetracked.05:04
pittiTheMuso: I'll do that immediately then05:04
pittiTheMuso: then the transitional approach seems best to me05:05
TheMusoyes ok.05:05
TheMusopitti: bug 97210105:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 972101 in gok "Please remove gok from precise." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97210105:09
didrocksgood morning05:15
pittibonjour didrocks05:28
didrocksguten morgen pitti :)05:29
pittiTheMuso: removed and blacklisted from syncing05:30
TheMusopitti: So, if I am understanding your suggestion correctly, we also need to remove at-spi package.05:40
pittiTheMuso: less urgent, but eventually yes05:40
pittiTheMuso: at-spi2 should build a transitional at-spi package, and similar for pyatspi05:40
TheMusoBut wouldn't that mean we have one binary package from 2 sources? I thought that wasn't possible...05:41
BigWhaleGood Morning.05:43
bkerensapitti: Do you know of any bug in 12.04 that would prevent a BT device from showing up in Sound Settings as a profile?05:44
bkerensapitti: I tried getting this resolve and slangasek helped some but it ended up just having to be reported as a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/97206305:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 972063 in pulseaudio "Bluetooth Headset pairs but does not show up in Sound Settings profile" [Undecided,New]05:44
pittididrocks: so, HUD madness is finally gone for me, yay :)05:45
pittiTheMuso: we still need to remove the old sources afterwards, of cours05:45
didrockspitti: *phew*, awesome! :)05:45
pittiTheMuso: but you can have two binaries from two sources, apt will just install the one with the higher version number05:45
pittiTheMuso: so we don't need to remove the old sources prior to uploading the new ones05:45
pittibkerensa: not off-hand; cyphermox might know05:46
pittibkerensa: I have about three BT devices here, and they all show up05:46
bkerensapitti: ok yeah its really weird that its not showing up even though it pairs fine05:47
TheMusopitti: ah ok.05:48
bkerensacyphermox: if you get a chance can you perhaps have a look at that bug ^ and if you have any troubleshooting tips or debugging ideas can you share them? thx05:49
jasoncwarner_morning pitti and didrocks  :)05:53
didrockshey jasoncwarner_, how are you? :)05:57
pittihey jasoncwarner_05:58
jasoncwarner_didrocks, good, thanks, just getting 12.10 stuff ramping up!05:59
didrocksjasoncwarner_: living on really edge! ;)05:59
jasoncwarner_didrocks: what time is it for you? 7am or 6am? (daylight savings is messing me up again). Pitti, same? 7am?06:02
didrocks8am now :)06:03
pittijasoncwarner_: 8 AM06:03
* jasoncwarner_ thinks the world should adopt a standard clock so I don't melt my brain twice a year ;)06:04
smspilla1didrocks: are you ok if we just distro patch seahorse to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/seahorse/+bug/931958 ?06:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 931958 in unity-distro-priority "0.9.7: impossible to click on keyring dialog since the upgrade" [Medium,Fix committed]06:06
smspilla1I've looked into it for quite some time now and I just don't see a plausible way for compiz to work around this stupid behaviour06:07
didrockssmspilla1: well, seb128 knows more upstream than I, but they are friendly to us. I think it's doable if it's reasonable06:07
smspilla1okay, I'll see what I can do06:07
didrocks"he fact that is works on metacity is a fluke because seahorse is deciding not to take a grab in the particular focus path that metacity uses."06:08
didrockssmspilla1: you mean that seahose is detecting metacity?06:08
smspilla1no its just06:08
smspilla1I'm not really sure what its doing06:08
smspilla1but it seems to release its grabs somewhat06:08
smspilla1the whole fact that its retaining a grab even when the window loses focus makes no sense IMO06:09
smspilla1could also be a server bug too ... this is hard to track down because I've tried setting breakpoints on XIDeviceGrab and XIDeviceUngrab and it didn't indicate that seahorse is explicitly taking or releasing any grabs here, even though a simple test application shows that something has a grab06:10
smspilla1maybe its an external process that is taking the grab ?06:10
smspilla1I'm not sure how well seahorse works ...06:10
smspilla1well, I'm not entirely sure how seahorse works in that regard, rather06:10
smspilla1didrocks: ah I see what its doing06:14
smspilla1it ungrabs the device, pops up a new window06:14
smspilla1and then if the focus moves away from that window it grabs the device again06:14
smspilla1but if you give focus to the dialog, it won't release that grab again06:15
smspilla1at least as far as I can tell06:15
smspilla1so I think what is happening is that06:15
smspilla1it ungrabs the device06:15
smspilla1compiz change sthe focus to something else and then to that window06:15
smspilla1and then seahorse gets confused06:16
smspilla1although considering that other wms are also doing this, I think their heurestic is probably broken, and we should just make it ungrab whenever the dialog gets the focus06:16
smspilla1didrocks: wdyt ?06:16
smspilla1(its a separate pid too, clever)06:16
didrockssmspilla1: I have no strong opinion, I would first want upstream to comment on why they are doing it this way06:17
didrockssmspilla1: maybe it's related to some security concerns06:17
didrockssmspilla1: so let's wait seb, he knows upstream very well for seahorse06:17
didrockssmspilla1: thanks for looking into it :)06:17
smspilla1well like06:17
smspilla1it would seem to me that it would make sense to release the grab06:18
smspilla1after the dialog gets focus again06:18
smspilla1since I'm now pretty sure that06:18
smspilla1if you open seahorse, pop up the keyring input, cause the modal dialog to open06:18
smspilla1and then switch focus to something else06:18
smspilla1and then BACK to seahorse06:18
smspilla1will break06:18
smspilla1(or at least, it does on g-s06:18
smspilla1lets try metacity ...06:18
smspilla1oh huh06:19
smspilla1interesting it doesn't re-grab if you move focus away with metacity06:20
didrocksinteresting :)06:20
jasoncwarner_hey smspilla1 given we are so close to final freeze, we kind of need a fix for this. Maybe not ideal, but something. What would be possible to make it work even if the app is "being stupid"06:36
smspilla1jasoncwarner_: I am looking into that now06:37
smspilla1jasoncwarner_: you can't forcibly release grabs, so we need to patch the application06:37
jasoncwarner_smspilla1: ok...and I assume you are looking at how to patch the application (when you say you are "looking into it")?  :)06:37
=== smspilla1 is now known as smspillaz
jasoncwarner_smspillaz: sweet!, thanks dude !06:38
jasoncwarner_PERTH FTW!06:38
smspillaznot really06:38
smspillazperth is a pretty miserable city06:38
smspillazbetter than adelaide though06:38
jasoncwarner_whatever, everyone I know from perth is like "perth is awesome" and "adelaide is stupid" and "math is hard, let's go shopping".06:39
smspillazthere are three parts to that statement which are true06:39
jasoncwarner_wait a minute ;)06:40
BigWhaleThe last post on ubuntu-devel-discuss is funny.. The funniest part? I pressed Super-R and I can't unzoom. ;>07:05
pittiBigWhale: hm, I think there was a trick with Super+Scrollwheel or so07:09
pittibut indeed that doesn't work now07:09
pittia second super+r works, though07:10
pittinot very reliably so, though07:10
smspillazdidrocks: ok, I can see whats going on now07:18
smspillaz(which explains why it is broken under g-s too)07:18
didrocksBigWhale: pitti: I removed Super-R anyway in the incoming upload :)07:18
BigWhalepitti, I disabled the Enhanced zoom plugin in CCSM ...07:18
BigWhale(I often use 16 ton hammers to kill mosquitoes ...)07:19
pittididrocks: aka the "trap" key? :-)07:19
smspillazit checks when the window state changes and regrabs the keyboard based on that. And because we added _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED it will re-grab the keyboard when NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED is added to _NET_WM_STATE and the window is not Withdrawn, Iconified or _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN or _NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED07:19
pittididrocks: oh, new compiz coming today?07:19
didrockspitti: indeed :-) was removed as a distro patch in the past, but well, as all our patches were removed by upstream when they bundled it…07:19
smspillazso I think I just need to patch it to store when it was maximized or withdrawn / iconified / whatever07:19
didrockspitti: yeah, the one from the ppa07:19
pittididrocks: nice07:20
didrockspitti: + the keybinding changes07:20
pittithat's running nicely here07:20
didrockssmspillaz: ok ;)07:20
pittididrocks: ah, I lost track of all the FFEs; I'll just let myself surprise which keys break this time :)07:20
didrocksheh ;)07:21
smspillazdidrocks: fixed07:36
smspillazdidrocks: do you want me to just submit the patch upstream ?07:36
didrockssmspillaz: nice! yes please ;)07:36
smspillazand give your the b.g.o link ?07:36
didrocksright ;)07:37
didrockssmspillaz: I guess we'll chceck with him before pushing that to the distro :)07:37
smspillazyeah the patch is a bit ugly but I can't think of a "proper" way to do it that doesn't involve subclassing GtkWindow really07:37
didrockslet's see with upstream ;)07:38
smspillazhey seb12807:42
smspillazseb128: I've fixed the gnome-keyring issue you had07:42
smspillazseb128: its a bug in gnome-keyring, so I am making a distro patch as the relevant code no longer exists upstream07:42
seb128smspillaz, hey, you rock, thanks a lot for taking some time to look at it07:42
smspillazanything to avoid white windows07:42
smspillazI mean07:42
smspillazwhat ?07:42
seb128smspillaz, ok, just give me the diff and I will handle the packaging07:42
smspillazseb128: I can make an mp into it, its cool07:43
seb128smspillaz, your call, I'm happy to take it from there but I'm happy to review a merge request as well07:43
didrockssalut seb128 ;)07:48
pittibonjour seb12807:49
seb128hey didrocks, pitti07:49
seb128how are you?07:49
didrocksI'm fine, thanks. Yourself?07:49
seb128I'm good thanks07:50
seb128robert_ancell, hey!07:50
pittiseb128: for bug 969569, I agree with chrisccoulson that we should not migrate theme settings from gconf; themes completely changed, we don't have clearlooks etc. any more. WDYT?07:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 969569 in gsettings-desktop-schemas "lucid to precise: Ugly desktop after upgrade" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96956907:50
smspillazseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~smspillaz/gnome-keyring/gnome-keyring.fix_931958/+merge/10056307:50
pittihey robert_ancell, howdy?07:50
seb128robert_ancell, how are you? if the european start talking it's time to call it a day? ;-)07:50
robert_ancellI reckon!07:50
seb128robert_ancell, do you have a minute to talk lightdm, bugs, release and precise? ;-)07:50
seb128smspillaz, thanks, on it07:50
robert_ancellI had to head out this afternoon so staying a little later.07:51
seb128robert_ancell, what bugs do you have still on your list for precise?07:51
seb128robert_ancell, I've those on my list07:52
seb128bug #95159707:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 951597 in lightdm "1.1.7 : breaks xsession-errors, no more rotated" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95159707:52
seb128bug #95218507:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 952185 in lightdm "~/.pam_environment not parsed when HOME is encrypted" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95218507:52
seb128bug #95684807:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 956848 in lightdm "pam_mkhomedir.so fails to create homedir in precise" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95684807:52
seb128 07:52
robert_ancellseb128, bug 956848 and bug 951597 but I also need to have a look at bug 95218507:52
seb128robert_ancell, does that seems right?07:52
seb128ok, good07:52
seb128we are in sync it seems ;-)07:52
seb128robert_ancell, did you make any progress on the .xsession-errors rotation one? it's impacting on debugging of other bugs so I'm eager to see it resolved ... anything I can do to help?07:53
robert_ancellseb128, provide a patch ;)07:53
robert_ancellseb128, no, still working on it07:53
seb128robert_ancell, lol, rrrrright ;-)07:53
pittirobert_ancell: bug 878184  as well? that looks like it's got a branch ready for merging?07:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 878184 in unity-greeter "Onscreen Keyboard cannot be used to input password in unity-greeter" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87818407:54
Saviqhey guys, what do you think might be responsible for reintroducing bug 878492 ?07:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 878492 in unity-2d "Keyboard shortcut - F10 shortcut is used to show menu and this is wrong" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87849207:54
* smspillaz starts sending email to himself07:54
seb128pitti, that's commit to unity-greeter trunk for some weeks07:55
pittiah, good07:55
Saviqwe can confirm gtk apps are affected (but also in gnome-shell, so...)07:55
robert_ancellpitti, as seb said07:55
seb128Saviq, try asking on #ubuntu-unity07:55
seb128robert_ancell, pitti: speaking of unity-greeter I was waiting on an extra fix to land and I wanted to ping mterry about doing a release for it07:56
robert_ancellseb128, have you happened to hear from mterry about the much duplicated u-g crash?07:56
seb128robert_ancell, which one? speaking of segfault, bug #902698 still gets duplicates07:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 902698 in lightdm "lightdm crashed with SIGSEGV in check_stopped()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90269807:56
robert_ancellbug #94667407:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 946674 in unity-greeter "unity-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in background_loader_ready_cb()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94667407:56
robert_ancellI'll assign it to him07:57
robert_ancellI saw an indication it might have been due to the glib upgrade07:57
seb128robert_ancell, I didn't have it on my list but I will check with him today07:57
robert_ancellhave been uncovered that is07:57
robert_ancellseb128, btw, do you have any opinion on the libgnomekbd/accountsservice we are running?  I had a look at merges for them but they were non-trivial.  Don't know if we're missing out on any important bug fixes though07:59
seb128robert_ancell, they are good, I think we can sync libgnomekbd from Debian, I meant to ask pitti about that since he's the one who worked on that package the most recently07:59
seb128robert_ancell, accountsservice, upstream went crazy, we should stay on our version08:00
robert_ancelloh and libpeas was the same08:00
seb128we can probably just get the new version of this one08:00
robert_ancellit has quite some changes, and some important apps depend on it so I wasn't sure08:00
seb128well if we have no issue with the current version we can as well being conservative08:00
seb128robert_ancell, btw thanks for breaking shotwell yesterday :p08:00
robert_ancellseb128, also, I looked at aisleriot - it seems to build fine in precise, not sure why we never took it08:00
robert_ancellseb128, say what?08:01
robert_ancellseb128, well that's ok then - you broke webkit :)08:01
seb128robert_ancell, gexiv 0.4.1 changed soname, you overlooked it seems, you didn't rename the binary and shotwell was bailing out on a missing lib08:01
seb128like ld missing08:01
seb128robert_ancell, well at least mine didn't break users :p08:01
seb128robert_ancell, but thanks for catching that ;-)08:02
robert_ancellseb128, whoops.  We really need to automate that better...08:02
seb128robert_ancell, aisleriot -> jbicha has been looking at it08:02
seb128I will check with him08:02
seb128robert_ancell, well lintian warns you, we need to print lintian warnings in red ;-)08:02
seb128robert_ancell, pitti: ok, btw something that might make you happy, mpt suggested we should drop lpi08:03
seb128discussion for UDS08:03
robert_ancellseb128, it would save us a lot of time08:03
robert_ancellseb128, do we have any metrics on how useful it is?08:03
seb128robert_ancell, right, and it's limited to some apps and a bit geeky08:03
seb128robert_ancell, mpt seems to think it's a geek stuff, the answer tracker got superseeded by askubuntu, we hid the bug stuff in release and access to translations are not stuff normal users are interested in finding in their apps08:04
seb128robert_ancell, not sure we have any metrics, that's why I still want a discussion at UDS08:05
seb128but yeah, I doubt it's very useful for users08:05
robert_ancellseb128, I'd be happy to just notify the list, drop it and then see what happens08:05
robert_ancellwe can put the patches back quickly if there is a problem08:06
seb128robert_ancell, right, I might just mention put a "review delta with upstream and Debian" session for UDS to go through stuff like lpi and control center crazyness and see what we do08:07
robert_ancellit's not worth a whole session08:07
seb128well, one hour to cover the different topics and maybe worflow etc08:07
seb128desktop status update or something08:07
seb128or checkpoint08:07
robert_ancellseb128, I'd like to tackle UDD again - we need to get to one method of updating packages08:08
seb128right, I've the feeling it's not getting any better08:08
seb128not sure how much UDD is being worked on08:08
seb128like the gvfs import is always outdated and broken and doing those updates a pain still08:09
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, if we go full UDD it has to be foolproof08:09
robert_ancellseb128, the packaging branches work really well, but they have permission issues and issues with people uploading without updating08:09
robert_ancellthe full branches have the easily broken issue as you point out08:10
robert_ancellno branches is a huge waste of time08:10
pittiseb128: ooh08:10
pittiseb128: I'll look at libgnomekbd (remaining delta/sync)08:10
seb128pitti, thanks08:10
pittiseb128: sorry, was stuck in mutt for a bit08:11
seb128robert_ancell, my gut feeling is that debian only dirs are still the less painfull for what we do08:11
robert_ancelljasoncwarner_, ^ perhaps this is something you can negotiate with the LP people.  Packaging is a big timesink for us, and if they can get UDD in an awesome state we would save a lot of time (=$)08:11
seb128but yeah08:11
seb128jasoncwarner_, ^ that would be great ;-)08:11
pittiI have an idea08:12
pittihow about we invent a command that directly fetches the source from the archive?08:12
pittithat will _always_ give us the correct version!08:12
* pitti ducks08:12
robert_ancellpitti, the problem is not getting the correct version - the problem is how to update it in an easy manner that provides good visibility of the changes and a better way of annotating what has changed08:13
pittirobert_ancell: yes, I know08:13
pittirobert_ancell: from my POV, people keep screwing up the pre-applied patches08:14
pittiincluding me08:14
pittithis is the single biggest itch I have with those08:14
pittiI already set08:14
pittiquilt-commit-policy = applied08:14
pittiquilt-tree-policy = unapplied08:14
pittibut that doesn't help08:14
pittimy other itch is that UDD fixes the exactly wrong problem08:15
pittiwe don't need the upstream bits in bzr, we need our changes in bzr08:15
seb128then you get the branches that always get outdated for some reason08:15
pittibut our changes are precisely the ones which are not covered by real revision control, but are stuck in quilt patches08:15
seb128i.e gvfs currently08:15
pittithat too, but that only affects some packages08:16
pittia lot got broken with the .xz switch, I think08:16
seb128I'm probably not lucky, I've that every second time I try to deal with a GNOME update in UDD08:16
seb128could be08:16
pittiI had used UDD for gvfs until it broke08:16
pittisince then, classic apt-get soruce and uupdate..08:16
pittiyep, libgnomekbd is syncable, doing08:18
robert_ancellok, later guys08:18
pittirobert_ancell: good night!08:18
pittiseb128: for bug 969569, I agree with chrisccoulson that we should not migrate theme settings from gconf; themes completely changed, we don't have clearlooks etc. any more. WDYT?08:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 969569 in gsettings-desktop-schemas "lucid to precise: Ugly desktop after upgrade" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96956908:19
seb128pitti, oh sorry forgot to reply to that while catching up with robert ;-)08:19
pittiseb128: that's fine; I figured you'd rather use the time to talk to Robert08:19
pittiI can annoy you all day :)08:19
seb128pitti, I'm fine not migrating the theme, wasn't that distro patch we added? I think upstream doesn't migrate theme, not even the background image08:19
seb128but +1 from we for the reasons you listed08:20
pittiseb128: ok, so we all agree; I'll have a look at this then08:21
pittiseb128: migrating bg image is still fine IMHO08:21
seb128pitti, the main reason I wanted the migration is that users running the light theme would still get it after upgrade08:21
pittiseb128: yeah, I know, but I don't  think we can do a conditional migration that way :/08:22
seb128pitti, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/80328425/gsettings-desktop-schemas_3.1.91-0ubuntu1_3.1.92-0ubuntu1.diff.gz08:22
pittiwe could add some additional code08:22
didrocksyeah, too late for conditional migration :/08:22
seb128pitti, just drop dont_reset_themes.patch08:22
seb128pitti, not sure if we want to keep the colors and fonts though08:22
pittiI'll be conservative and only drop themes08:23
pittifonts are fine08:23
pitticolors also didn't disappear08:23
pittiseb128: I'll merge with Debian while I'm at it08:23
seb128pitti, thanks08:23
seb128pitti, btw you reintroduce the glib patch for non multiarch gio dir compat when you merged, was that wanted?08:24
pittiseb128: it seemed harmless, and not a bad idea for third-party apps, and reduced the delta08:24
pittiseb128: do you see a reason to not have it?08:24
pittidoes it cause error messages or something/08:24
seb128pitti, it breaks multiarch, image you have an amd64 install and a leftover x86 binary in the non multiarch dir08:25
seb128pitti, also it creates confusing leading people to think they can,should use that dir08:25
seb128pitti, no big deal but desrt pushed for having it dropped before the lts08:25
pittihow would you have a i386 binary in the non-multiarch path of an amd64 system?08:26
pittiseb128: ok, I'm fine with dropping it again; I did not have a strong reason for keeping it08:26
seb128pitti, because you pull in an i386 binary still installing a .so there?08:26
seb128pitti, but yeah maybe in practice that doesn't happen08:26
seb128it's just that it's a bit less "clean" and it might lead to confusion to still have that dir listed08:26
pittiseb128: ah -- if we have such packages still, then the amd64 package would not work any more if we drop it08:27
pitti("not a bad idea for third-party apps")08:27
seb128pitti, no need of an upload for that, I just wanted to check before dropping it, I will drop it again in the next upload then08:27
pittiseb128: ok; I have no objections to dropping it again08:27
seb128pitti, we have nothing in the archive still using the compat dir no08:27
seb128so it's all theoritically and third party discussion ;-)08:27
seb128pitti, thanks08:27
seb128(I would argue that Debian should drop it as well btw)08:28
pittizgrep usr/lib/gio /tmp/Contents-i386.gz08:33
pittiseb128: indeed, Debian doesn't have the old paths any more either; I'll commit that08:33
seb128pitti, thanks08:33
pittiso we are still at "no ubuntu diff after LTS" :)08:33
pittiseb128: done08:35
seb128pitti, danke08:35
seb128does anyone know if there is a "reverse that diff" utility?08:37
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:39
didrocksseb128: I looked for such one the other day, didn't really find after 5 minutes of looking around08:40
didrockschrisccoulson: hey, how are you?08:40
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:40
seb128didrocks, ok, me neither08:40
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, didrocks. i'm good thanks, how are you?08:41
Laneyinterdiff can do it08:41
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks08:41
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks :)08:41
seb128Laney, "       To reverse a patch, use /dev/null for diff2."08:41
seb128oh, nice08:41
Laneyseb128: interdiff foo.08:41
seb128Laney, thanks!08:41
=== BruceBanner is now known as seif
pittiseb128: so, I guess we can just as well keep the patch09:33
pittias it behaves well if the .so is of the wrong arch09:33
pittibut not very important either way then09:33
seb128pitti, right, I might still drop it from precise let's see, I read the discussion on #debian-gnome09:34
seb128it just feels wrong keeping compat for an old dir we don't use which can create confusion09:34
seb128I would prefer the lts to clearly have one clear dir to use and message it correctly09:35
seb128though it's a detail at the end09:35
rickspencer3I think it's taking me longer to port photobomb to using gir than it took me to write it in the first place :/09:39
pittinobody reminded me about the meeting reminder!09:45
rickspencer3pitti, remember the meeting reminder!09:45
didrockspitti: I do not see anything obviously wrong on bug #970939, seems pygi or python though?09:45
rickspencer3and don't do anything like script a cron job, or put an alert in a calendar!09:45
* rickspencer3 is desperate for a break from gi.repository tedium09:46
pittirickspencer3: nah, that'd take all the fun out of it09:46
pittididrocks: will look in a sec09:46
pittihmm, after reading last week's gtimelog I did nothing but bug fixing09:47
pittiseems for the first time in years I have nothing interesting to put on the weekly report..09:47
seb128pitti, doh, meeting reminder!09:48
didrockspitti: don't read the meeting reminer btw, you will get spoiled with the new key changes :)09:48
didrocks(once I would write it)09:49
pittididrocks: you mean the new report?09:49
didrocksyeah, the incoming report :)09:49
pittididrocks: yeah, not a very useful stack trace; that needs a reproducer09:53
didrockspitti: ok, affecting python-gobject + incomplete?09:54
pittiI can't tell from the trace09:54
pitticould be a wrong annotation in a library09:54
pittithat's the most likely reason09:54
didrocksjust putting it as incomplete for now then, sticking in oneconf if you want even if that's not the real component09:55
pittididrocks: if you want it off the bug list, just reassign it to pygobjject09:56
pittiI'll gladly ignore it there, especially if it's "incomplete"09:56
didrockspitti: no, I don't really care about incomplete, I open them sometimes to see if the reporter didn't sent anything useful and I missed the mail09:57
Sweetsha1kpitti: I uploaded a testbuild for bug 969707 btw ...10:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 969707 in libreoffice "package python-uno 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo novo script pre-installation retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96970710:18
pittiSweetsha1k: nice, to a PPA?10:22
Sweetsha1kpitti: jup, for dist-upgrade testing https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-precisetest-2012032710:25
Sweetsha1kpitti: lets just hope the build doesnt break again because the ppa buildds have to few disc space.10:26
pittiSweetsha1k: for testing it's ceratinly enough to have it build on i386 OR amd64?10:42
chrisccoulsondoes anyone else see bug 971800?10:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 971800 in firefox "Firefox crashes while trying to delete a bookmark" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97180010:58
chrisccoulsoni can't reproduce it, but i fixed a crash yesterday and want to figure out if i fixed that one before i do another upload10:58
pittichrisccoulson: just deleting any book mark?11:04
seb128chrisccoulson, no issue there but I don't have lot of bookmarks11:11
pittichrisccoulson: I can delete a bookmark just fine here11:14
chrisccoulsonseb128, pitti, thanks11:17
BigWhaleAre there any conventions I should follow for running applications from their local directories? For example you download foo-12.2.tar.gz, extract it and then what?11:17
chrisccoulsoni'll just assume that he's seeing a crash that i've already fixed then11:17
Riddellnessita: there's a new Qt in precise, are you able to test the ubuntuone bits with it?11:37
Riddelland if you want to be ahead of the curve I see Forum Nokia are putting Qt 5 packages into their PPA :)11:38
nessitaRiddell: hi there. Will let our QA team know, thanks for heads up!11:38
dpmhi pitti, can we re-enable the Precise langpacks now that the beta is out? (I can do it myself, just want to double-check it's ok)11:41
pittidpm: ah, sure11:42
pittidpm: thanks11:42
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Riddelldpm: enable in which way?11:43
dpmRiddell, we usually disable automatic language pack uploads during freezes, and re-enable them when they're over11:44
dpmpitti, cool, done then11:44
Riddelloh aye11:50
desrtmumble mumble12:17
cyphermoxseb128: I found out why evolution-dev had a dep on evolution ;)12:17
seb128desrt, hey, no, google hangout! ;-)12:18
seb128cyphermox, that's what was preventing those ftbfses? ;-)12:18
didrockshey hey desrt ;)12:18
seb128desrt, how are you? get some coffee before mumbling12:18
desrtseb128: you assigned me a bug that i already fixed last night :p12:18
didrocksdesrt: when you get a chance, I still have one request/question on the alt thingy :)12:18
cyphermoxbut I think it would be more correct if it was Depends: libevolution (= $binary:Version) rather than evo12:18
didrocksso go get your coffee first! ;)12:19
seb128cyphermox, hum, why is evo needed? are those libs which are missing in the evo binary or is something ld loading the evo lib?12:19
cyphermoxevolution-dev ships the pc files for -leutil and others, which are libraries provided by libevolution12:20
cyphermoxI think it was still at Depends: evolution because the libraries were split out to libevolution but the dep forgotten or something12:20
seb128cyphermox, hum, so yeah, it seems "Depends: libevolution (= $binary:Version)" is about right12:21
cyphermox(I mean, in Debian, of course)12:21
bcurtiswxgood morning12:27
htorquedesrt: are there some other small leaks you already fixed that i can report? :P12:40
desrtbut only ones that happen on exit12:41
desrt...which is never12:41
htorqueat least i get some karma points for the report ;-)12:41
jbichaheh, now I know why my tracker 0.14 evolution miner build's been failing :|12:47
didrocksdesrt: not sure if you saw my ping or if you want for your coffee to brew or mumbling like a mad :p12:49
desrti saw your comment12:50
desrtbut i was too lazy to get up and make coffee12:50
desrtyou can tell me now if you want :)12:50
didrocksah, dependency issue :)12:50
didrocksI see ;)12:50
didrocksso, basically, I think that's linked to your comment you did yesterday about Left and Right Alt12:51
didrocksbasically, if I assign Ctrl + (left) Alt + t to open a terminal12:51
didrocksthe keys are:12:51
didrocksand it indeed, only work with left key12:51
didrockshowever, tapping left alt, will show Alt_l12:51
didrocksand the same, if we read <Alt> and pass that to the renderer, it will gladly ignore12:52
didrocksI tried to look at the "Primay" hack that was done in g-c-c (http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-control-center/commit/?id=7f5733b454e26c882d4e707b57cd03b104f57dd2)12:52
desrtso you have a couple of wires crossed12:52
desrtthere are two things going on -- modifiers and keyvals12:52
didrocksbut this moved to gtk/gtkaccelgroup.c in gtk12:52
desrt'control' and 'alt' are the name of modifiers12:52
desrt'alt l' is the name of a key12:52
didrocksand the gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycode only check for modifiers12:53
desrtwell, the X server sets the modifiers according to the history of keypresses12:53
desrtit knows that pressing altl activates the modifier called 'alt' for example12:53
desrt(or mod1 i guess it calls it)12:53
didrocksright, it's mod112:53
didrocksdesrt: so, the funny story is that if you start to assign Alt_L to the key, it won't detect the keypress anymore12:56
didrocksit == compiz12:56
desrtso that's why i was concerned about this patch12:56
desrtit seems like the process of grabbing alt is pretty... intense12:56
desrti mean, from what i've heard of what goes on inside compiz12:57
didrocksdon't tell me, I heard enough about it ;)12:57
desrti'm not totally sure this is something that can be easily changed12:57
pittiseb128: the variety of launchpadlib exceptions in the retracer keeps amazing me :/12:58
* pitti restarts12:58
didrocksIt's interesting though, <Alt_L> will treat it again as a modifier by compiz12:58
didrocksand seems to work12:58
seb128pitti, which one did you get today?12:58
didrocksdesrt: apart from a hack to change that on the fly in the g-c-c side, I don't see a better solution right now12:59
pittiseb128: some httplib error again, unexpected size read13:00
desrtdidrocks: so i'm confused.  you'd rather it report <alt> than <alt l>?13:01
didrocksdesrt: no, I mean, it's reported as Alt_L13:01
didrocksdesrt: <Alt_L> would work13:01
desrthow is this not a problem with other keystrokes?13:02
didrocksas it's a keypress and not a modifier, I guess that's why I doesn't get <…>13:02
desrt<Alt_L> is not a modifier mask, though...13:02
desrtunless compiz has some magic13:02
didrocksdesrt: it seems to have13:02
desrtso anyway13:02
desrtone thought i had when doing the patch was to report the modifier mask with a zero keyval instead of reporting the keyval with the modifier mask13:03
desrtlet me test what would happen in this case13:03
didrocksdesrt: ah, that could work, not sure, but it could yeah (maybe won't show "unactivated")13:03
didrocksin the cell renderer13:03
desrtdisabled, frenchie :p13:04
seb128jbicha, hey13:04
didrocksdesrt: I'll go doing some sport if you continue :p13:04
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desrti love it when you and seb do some sport :)13:04
desrtkeycode 0 gets reported with the label "0x40"13:06
didrocksfunny value ;)13:06
jbichauh, oops13:15
seb128jbicha, hey13:16
seb128jbicha, that tracker was not for precise right? ;-)13:16
jbichawell I was going to request a FFe for tracker 0.1413:16
seb128yeah, I was wondering for a while why you didn't do that earlier ;-)13:17
seb128jbicha, I reverted your 2 g-s-d commit btw13:17
seb128jbicha, we don't want to build the pkgkit plugin in g-s-d13:17
jbichaseb128: I hadn't requested tracker 0.14 earlier because I couldn't get the evolution miner to build13:18
seb128jbicha, and the mnemonic changes, that would be changing the strings and resetting translations again, and mpt said mnemonic should be used in menus, he will update the designs next time he work on those13:18
jbichaseb128: does building pkgkit break anything? without it, gpk-prefs won't start (not that gpk is supported in Ubuntu any way...)13:19
seb128jbicha, I discussed the gpk-prefs issue with upstream he did recon it was a bug on his side and he would fix it13:20
jbichaoh ok, thanks for reviewing those changes then13:20
seb128jbicha, well enabling the option would add a pkgkit plugin loaded a setting start, slowing down loading, adding uis, and duplicating update-notifier features13:20
seb128setting start->session start13:20
seb128jbicha, like that code would display bubble about update available and other stuff13:21
jbichaI haven't seen bubbles here, but it would at least add more dconf strings so that's probably bad at this point13:21
seb128jbicha, well for sure it does an "apt-get update" for you every hour in the background13:23
seb128jbicha, i.e see http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/tree/plugins/updates/gsd-updates-refresh.c13:23
seb128" * at startup, after a small delay, force a GetUpdates call13:23
seb128 * every hour (or any event) check:13:23
seb128   - if we are online, idle and on AC power, it's been more than a day13:23
seb128     since we refreshed then RefreshCache"13:23
desrttracking leaks of values created by gdbus is difficult!13:23
seb128desrt, oh, you received the hud bugs from htorque, good ;-)13:24
desrtglad to hear that my icon thing was indeed the 'big one'13:24
jbichaevery hour, wow! I wonder why they think that's a good idea13:24
chrisccoulsonyou need to use up your 3G allowance somehow!13:25
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: 3G allowance?13:32
cyphermoxhow come I was never told about this? ;)13:32
didrocksdesrt: do you think it worths spending some time on the gtk side or should I just try doing some workaround on g-c-c (with your patch)13:37
desrtdidrocks: maybe we could discuss more about what is actually happening in compiz13:37
desrti heard some horrifying story about how you grab all possible key combinations?13:38
didrocksdesrt: well, TBH, the compiz devs are totally under a big load of other stuff to fix, so I don't think they will have time to look at that TBH13:38
desrti'm not asking for a fix13:39
desrtjust an explanation about how it's done13:39
desrti assume the way in which we do it now at least approximates our idea of what the best thing to do is13:39
didrockssmspillaz: any opinion? ^13:39
jbichadidrocks: cool, new compiz :)13:48
didrocksjbicha: don't talk about the keybinding change, pitti wants to be surprised and will try to discover them :)13:49
pittihey jbicha, how are you?13:49
jbichapitti: causing trouble, you know, breaking string freeze, breaking feature freeze, etc...13:52
rickspencer3kenvandine, hey14:01
kenvandinehey rickspencer314:01
rickspencer3kenvandine, do you have any docs for GwibberGtk?14:01
kenvandinenot really, best docs are looking at the gir14:01
kenvandinei tried to generate them... but failed14:01
rickspencer3kenvandine, so, you had the microblog panel in old gwibber14:02
kenvandinei am hoping girafe help there someday14:02
rickspencer3do you have something like that in new gwibber?14:02
pitti[regression] Invisible resize border is now only 1px wide (LP: #953839)14:03
kenvandinerickspencer3, look at entry-python.py in examples/14:03
pittididrocks: ^ oh, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks!14:03
didrockspitti: heh, it was in case you didn't install mutter before ;)14:03
kenvandinerickspencer3, i think that example is a bit broken, but it should point you in the general direction14:04
rickspencer3kenvandine, where is examples/ ?14:04
pittididrocks: oh argh, ctrl+super+cursor up/down?14:04
didrockspitti: you cheated!14:04
kenvandinein the bzr branch14:04
pittithese design guys really don't use keyboards, do they *sigh*14:04
* desrt loves dbusmenu14:04
didrockspitti: long discussion14:04
didrockspitti: but there is a tradeoff and a good news!14:04
didrockspitti: with those keys, we can keep Ctrl + alt + arrows14:04
didrocksfor ws switching, even next cycle :)14:05
seb128desrt, found your leak there?14:05
pittididrocks: how did super+up prevent us from keeping ctrl+alt+arrows?14:05
pittididrocks: or was this part of a bargaining trade? :-)14:05
desrtseb128: no.  was finally able to reproduce the issue with hud/nautilus/panel-service eating 100% CPU14:05
didrockspitti: the second option ;)14:05
seb128desrt, it's not hard to reproduce, open the properties of a bookmarked folder14:05
desrthud-service is an innocent bystander here.  the problem is that nautilus is changing its menus like crazy14:06
seb128desrt, but I'm curious to know about the issue ;-)14:06
desrtkill hud-service and the problem continues14:06
desrtseb128: ya.  i'm on the case14:06
seb128desrt, great, btw the gedit powerpc user tracked the nautilus issue to start in the "use gresources" version as well14:06
seb128desrt, so it seems there is something between gresources, appmenu and powerpc14:07
seb128desrt, that's lower priority that the bug you are on though ;-)14:07
pittijbicha, seb128: is anyone on the aisleriot FTBFS? (i. e. update to new upstream version or backport fix)?14:09
pittinot sure whether we intentionally stayed at 3.214:09
pittibut if we do, we can just backport that commit14:09
seb128pitti, not me, jbicha is the maintainer usually14:10
pittiour VCS has a 3.3.1 merge stacked up14:10
pittijbicha: ^ do you want to do the 3.3.2 update and upload, or want me to handle?14:10
pittiseb128: Colin also wrote some interesting bit about libical (as that's still on your list)14:11
seb128pitti, yes it is, but weird, the previous build issue we had was a test failing on armel only, so Colin's comment seem to address another (racy) issue14:14
pittiseb128: failed on ppc, too14:16
jbichapitti: we intentionally are staying at 3.2 as we don't want guile-2.0 and guile-1.8 on the CD, there is a new 3.2 release though which we should probably take14:18
pittijbicha: ah, right14:18
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seb128pitti, do you plan to update glib?15:21
pittiseb128: won't manage today any more, but can do tomorrow if needed15:23
nessitajbicha: hi there! I just saw your comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/956077. I'm a little confused, I thought the doc team was not adding Ubuntu One screenshots to the doc, from another conversation I read regarding a UIFe we asked15:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 956077 in ubuntuone-control-panel/trunk "[UIFe] Colour changes for the QT control panel" [High,Fix released]15:23
nessitajbicha: did I got that wrong?15:23
seb128pitti, I saw you replied about the single include stuff so I was wondering15:23
seb128pitti, not needed no, I wanted to say just stack stuff in the vcs if you have some, I'm waiting on an upstream powerpc gresource fix that I want to include in the next upload15:23
nessitajbicha: I'm happy to provide all the screenshots you need, but I thought you weren't needing them :-/15:24
jbichanessita: we don't have any screenshots to update & it's past documentation freeze, maybe next cycle we'll document it more15:25
nessitajbicha: right, so perhaps I misunderstood your comment in the bug report?15:25
nessitajbicha: I thought you were pinging about those15:25
jbichanessita: right, I wasn't pinging, it was more "by the way, this doesn't end up needing clearance from docs after all"15:43
nessitajbicha: awesome, thanks for the clarification :-)15:46
kenvandinepopey, your salut bug you filed, seems to be fixed in 0.7.2 but i don't have access to a mac to verify it works with ichat16:25
kenvandineit does work with 11.04 and 11.10 clients though16:25
popeykenvandine: i upgraded the kids 11.10 machines to 12.04 ⍨16:25
popeyso now I have no way of testing it with the machines I have16:26
kenvandineso no ichat anymore?16:26
popeyoh I have ichat16:26
kenvandinei've tested it with 11.04 and 11.1016:26
kenvandineand it works16:26
kenvandinebut not with ichat16:26
kenvandineit isn't built yet, but will be soon16:26
popeysorry, I'm confused16:26
kenvandineunderstand now?16:27
popeyso between what and what do you want me to test? ☺16:27
popeyichat and..?16:27
kenvandinetest ichat with 12.0416:27
popeyoh cool, I can test that easy16:27
kenvandineafter you get telepathy-salut 0.7.216:27
kenvandinewhich is building now16:27
popeywill do16:27
kenvandinetoday's like the great telepathy release day :)16:28
kenvandineall the stable releases are coming for the cycle16:28
pittigood night everyone!16:36
kenvandinegood night pitti16:37
* didrocks waves good evening17:10
mterryNo meeting I assume?17:34
* mterry goes back to logging in and out17:36
kenvandinemterry, hehe17:39
kenvandinefun working on a greeter i guess :)17:39
mterrykenvandine, :)  stupid crasher, can't always reproduce, so I have to cycle several times17:40
desrtshame didrocks is gone...18:07
* desrt may have found a much better way of dealing with grabbing alt for the hud...18:08
seb128desrt, oh?18:10
desrtseb128: go into the mouse control panel18:10
seb128desrt, open a bug, duflu might be interested as well18:10
ogra_you use a stapler ?18:10
desrtenable the "show position of pointer when the control key is pressed" option18:11
seb128desrt, that option sucks, it breaks stuff18:11
desrtseb128: oh.  it does?18:11
seb128desrt, I was pondering for a while dropping it18:11
seb128desrt, bug #944118:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 9441 in gnome-control-center "the locate pointer option breaks other keybindings" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/944118:11
seb128desrt, 4 digit bug ;-)18:11
kklimondahmm, what can I do to make unity-greeter show a user prompt? setting greeter-hide-users=true in lightdm.conf is not enough - now I only see a guest account18:11
desrtseb128: breaks mouse stuff...18:12
seb128kklimonda, it should be enough, maybe hide the guest user as well18:12
kklimondaah, greeter-show-manual-login18:12
bcurtiswxdobey, any  fixes that you would like a test with?18:12
kklimondaI wonder if that one will work18:12
desrtseb128: it looks like the code in g-c-c makes no attempt to account for the mouse.  could probably be fixed.18:12
seb128desrt, not only mouse18:13
seb128bug #78338218:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 783382 in gnome-control-center "nautilus malfunctions when using "ctrl-c" to copy a file name with show location of mouse pointer turned on (dup-of: 9441)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78338218:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 9441 in gnome-control-center "the locate pointer option breaks other keybindings" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/944118:13
seb128"Select a file in nautilus, press F2, then the file name is automatically selected, press "ctrl-c" to copy the selected file name (not the whole path of file)18:13
seb128Case 1: open gedit or leafpad what so ever, press "ctrl-v" to paste, the result is the whole path of the selected file, but I just expect the selected file name."18:13
seb128desrt, ^ that's keyboard18:13
desrtthat's more interesting18:14
desrtsounds like a nautilus bug though, to be honest18:14
kklimondaseb128: I was following your comment from some lightdm bug, but there seem to be a new config key  greeter-show-manual-login that you have to use :)18:14
seb128desrt, or #354790 "default keyboard-shortcut Ctl-Alt-L does not lock screen"18:15
seb128desrt, or another bug is that it breaks mute button18:15
seb128desrt, look at the dup, there are a variety of issues18:15
seb128desrt, #30524618:15
desrtyou know -- i hate X18:15
seb128hehe, who doesn't? ;-)18:15
desrtfwiw, i think a lot of the brokenness is caused by the fact that gnome-settings-daemon has a bug18:16
seb128kklimonda, hey, maybe you need a new bug, lamont was having similar issues18:16
desrtthe code for grabbing mute is unaware of the code for grabbing the control key18:16
dobeybcurtiswx: not today. hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to figure it out18:16
desrtand they have a bad interaction, i bet18:16
desrtand they're in the same process with a filter on the same window...18:16
seb128desrt, could be yes, but all those grab stuff are non trivial, there is always an interaction with something18:16
desrtseb128: i will develop the one true solution :)18:16
seb128desrt, get ride of X?18:17
bcurtiswxdobey, OK GL :)18:17
desrtwell, yes :)18:17
seb128mterry, hey18:17
seb128mterry, got a minute?18:17
seb1283 small questions for you18:17
desrtthe true true solution is that we have an input manager in the same way that we currently have an output (read: compositing) manager18:17
seb128desrt, like only one piece of code dealing with all grabs and dispatching?18:18
mterryseb128, sure18:18
desrttrouble with X is that all the clients are on equal footing and nobody is ever fully in control18:18
seb128mterry, hey, how are you?18:19
mterryseb128, that counts as #1.  :)18:19
mterryseb128, I'm fine18:19
seb128mterry, lol, not fair :p18:19
seb128mterry, ok, easy ones or hard ones first? ;-)18:19
seb128not 2!18:20
mterryseb128, hah, easy ones I guess18:20
desrtseb128: did mterry tell you about what he discovered the other day?18:20
seb128mterry, ok, the side one was, do you have any clue about kklimonda's question, not the first user I see who disable the user list and get "guest" and no "other" field18:20
seb128desrt, the earth is round?18:21
kklimondaseb128: it works when I also disable the guest account (another bug - the lightdm.conf.example setting for doing that is wrong :))18:21
* mterry is a slow learner apparently18:21
kklimondaseb128: but I'd expect that hiding user list should make the prompt appear18:21
seb128kklimonda, that option got added recently18:21
mterryseb128, I didn't see his question, but it's fixed in trunk18:21
seb128mterry, lol18:21
mterryseb128, in service of another fix18:21
mterryseb128, I'm going to patch ubuntu this week18:21
seb128mterry, is bug #946674 what you work on?18:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 946674 in unity-greeter "unity-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in background_loader_ready_cb()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94667418:22
seb128mterry, ready recent activity it seems so18:22
mterryseb128, yeah, I looked at that today.  Have a test package18:22
seb128mterry, I told robert_ancell I would ping you about it today18:22
seb128mterry, thanks, that was my main question18:22
mterryseb128, can't seem to reproduce18:22
seb128mterry, side ones now18:22
seb128- can we get an unity-greeter release?18:22
seb128I want at least the onscreen keyboard fix in18:23
seb128fixing that segfault would be nice18:23
* desrt comes to a realisation18:23
mterryseb128, sure, once bug 946674 is resolved, I guess.  I don't know of other bugs extant18:23
seb128- why do you need to logout and in? isn't the greeter restarted on user switch?18:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 946674 in unity-greeter "unity-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in background_loader_ready_cb()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94667418:24
desrti'm writing a program that does experimental things with grabs in X18:24
desrtwell, it was nice knowing you guys18:24
kklimondamterry: can you fix date/lightdm.conf and replace greeter-show-guest with greeter-allow-guest? I've had to grep source to find a correct setting :)18:24
kklimondaI guess I should report it so the fix goes to precise before release..18:24
seb128like usually I just keep my session running18:24
seb128desrt, lol18:24
* desrt fully expects his keyboard to be non-functioning in the next 30 seconds or so18:24
mterryseb128, yeah, but when it does crash, then things get awkward18:24
seb128mterry, ok18:24
seb128mterry, well I will let you work18:24
seb128mterry, oh, could you also change the "if no user list is showed, rename "other" to "username" or something"18:25
mterrykklimonda, we have a bad default?18:25
mterryseb128, I think it's called "Login" right?18:25
seb128mterry, schools don't like have an "other" entry on their login screen, it makes no sense :p18:25
kklimondamterry: no, but the setting from the example.conf does not match what lightdm checks for in the code18:25
seb128mterry, bug #96017718:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 960177 in unity-greeter "the entry should be named "username" not "others" when hide-users is used" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96017718:25
kklimondamterry: so without actually checking source code I couldn't disable the guest account in lightdm18:25
seb128mterry, you like screenshots I'm sure, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/97576514/username.png18:26
mterrykklimonda, k, makes sense18:26
seb128mterry, you got assigned that bug, thanks ;-)18:26
mterrythat's up to date?18:26
mterryI coulda sworn it was Login18:26
seb128mterry, I didn't check but was reported 10 days ago and I didn't see an unity-greeter upload since18:26
kklimondaalso, could someone take a look at bug 970932? I can't find anyone on #u-unity and it's driving me crazy :(18:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 970932 in unity "unity treats windows as belonging to multiple workspaces at the same time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97093218:33
seb128kklimonda, try #ubuntu-unity again, there are not lot of unity hacker on our channel18:34
seb128kklimonda, but that seems a corner case, why would you put stuff on 2 workspaces to start18:34
kklimondaseb128: but I don't, unity does it by itself when I use super+arrow to arrange windows :/18:35
kklimondaseb128: this may not really be an actual byg18:35
seb128kklimonda, seems like a compiz bug, try pinging smspillaz when he's around18:36
seb128mterry, one of the dup description points to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/971437 in case that useful18:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 971437 in lightdm "lightdm crash/loop after recent 12.04 beta updates" [Undecided,New]18:38
seb128mterry, which claims to be a multi monitor issue18:38
tjaaltonkklimonda: for me it's moving a such window to the first workspace from the rightmost one every time the display shuts off or so.. highly annoying18:39
seb128mterry, could people just confusing a segfault for another one though, I somewhat doubt so many users run dual monitors and the descriptions are inconsistant18:39
mterryseb128, someone just reported reproduction steps, I'll try thouse18:40
seb128mterry, seems a bit weird, the greeter doesn't handle xml backgrounds18:41
mterryseb128, agreed, but maybe just pointing it at an xml file is enough?  the other reproduction steps involved an unreadable file.  so probably something in the path for handling bad backgrounds18:42
seb128mterry, oh, I managed to trigger it (once)18:45
mterryseb128, yay18:46
mterrykklimonda, lightdm.conf fixed, thanks for notice18:46
seb128mterry, or maybe not :-(18:46
seb128mterry, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/913452/ seems different18:47
mterryseb128, yeah...18:47
mterryseb128, that's one fear I have about this bug.  The original stack is almost certainly fixed.  I'm working off people's reports of how to reproduce crashers18:48
seb128mterry, I created a /tmp/nofile, called SetBackgroundFile() in dfeet and give it "/tmp/nofile", deleted the file then and switched user18:48
seb128mterry, which is cheating but assuring accountsservice has a buggy background info18:48
* mterry tries18:49
seb128mterry, no, no luck getting it again18:52
mterryseb128, no crash for me18:52
seb128dunno, it's not happening for me18:52
mterryseb128, I did get a crash earlier today....  once.  Maybe this is some weird one time thing18:52
seb128mterry, I guess ask on the bug to somebody to replace unity-greeter by a valgrind wrapper calling the real binary18:52
seb128better to get them to have an unstripped binary though18:53
seb128maybe do a deb with a unity-greeter.real and a script calling valgrind, do it unstripped, add the deb to the bug18:53
mterryOr... if this is a one-time thing, try in a VM18:53
* mterry boots one up18:53
seb128chrisccoulson, that scribus bug, fixing the mimetype would fix the issue, nautilus would still prefer a subtype handler than installing18:58
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, right. i didn't think of that ;)18:58
seb128chrisccoulson, but I often gets annoyed at firefox claiming being an xml handler ... do anyone really use it like that?18:59
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm pondering if we should drop that18:59
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's actually pretty good at viewing xml files ;)18:59
seb128chrisccoulson, well, who views xml files?18:59
seb12895% of types are subtypes of xml not meant to be viewed as xml19:00
seb128like opened a gtkbuilder file as xml, not useful ;-)19:00
seb128I would prefer a glade file to be open in gedit as text rather than firefox as xml19:00
seb128chrisccoulson, same for firefox being a text/plain handler ... are those .desktop mimetype useful for firefox itself or just for i.e nautilus?19:01
seb128chrisccoulson, like I doubt many users want firefox as a text editor19:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, you couldn't use it as a text editor19:02
desrtseb128: i think i have a modification that fixes some issues19:04
desrtno more nautilus crashes, for example19:04
seb128desrt, context? I was let on grabs but I can't link that to nautilus ;-)19:04
desrtthe key is for the thing doing the keyboard grab to freeze mouse events and acquire a mouse grab when a key grab is established19:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, actually, application/vnd.scribus doesn't sub-class any other type, so if the type existed on the system and scribus wasn't installed, then nautilus wouldn't open it in anything else19:05
desrtand if you see a button click, immediately release all grabs19:05
desrtthe existing code was not doing that -- so if you continued to use the mouse while holding control you could get yourself into some situations where other things attempted to accquire grabs (like nautilus for its popup menu) and would fail19:05
seb128chrisccoulson, so it's an easy fix, move the definition to shared-mime-info19:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, basically that should work19:06
desrtseb128: although now there are probably issues with touchscreens or something else not covered by pointer grabs...19:06
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks ;-)19:06
seb128desrt, could be, I learnt that trying to be smart with grab is harder as it seems ;-)19:07
seb128desrt, you always have something somewhere doing weird stuff and screwing you19:07
desrtseb128: there seems to be a complete lack of good documentation about what all of these things mean19:07
seb128chrisccoulson, btw I need to annoy you about tb one of those days ;-)19:08
chrisccoulsonexcellent :)19:08
seb128chrisccoulson, it's twice recently that he frozen on a "email sent" dialog19:08
seb128urg, "it froze"19:08
chrisccoulsonseb128, imap?19:08
chrisccoulsonand with 11.0.1?19:08
seb128chrisccoulson, smtp19:08
chrisccoulsonoh, yeah ;)19:09
seb128chrisccoulson, weird think is that it wrote "email sent", froze, I forced quited it, and after reopening the email was not in the sent box and only half writen recovered in draft19:09
seb128chrisccoulson, so maybe I sent the same email twice after rewriten the end I'm not sure :p19:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, has it happened with 11.0.1 yet?19:10
seb128chrisccoulson, does it ring any bell?19:10
seb128chrisccoulson, no, but I have it like once a week19:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, hopefully it is bug 962631 then ;)19:10
seb128if I get it with 11.0.1 I will let it frozen and ping you19:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 962631 in thunderbird "Thunderbird 11 hangs against Exchange 2007" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96263119:10
seb128chrisccoulson, I don't use exchange ;-)19:10
chrisccoulsonthey just did an out-of-band update to fix that19:10
seb128chrisccoulson, you must confuse me with some ms guy :p19:10
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, thanks19:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, the title sucks. it doesn't need exchange. it affects anyone with an imap server ;)19:11
chrisccoulsonin fact19:11
chrisccoulsonif you look at the stacktrace there, it locks up in smtp code ;)19:11
chrisccoulsonso, i should correct myself - "it affected anyone using smtp" ;)19:12
chrisccoulsoni'd put money on that being your issue :)19:12
micahgfixed :)19:12
mterryseb128, reproduced!  After enabling manual login. Not sure if related yet, but I have a coredump, so I'm going to sit here and spin a bit19:13
seb128mterry, great19:13
seb128chrisccoulson, let's see, how much beer do you bet? ;-)19:13
desrtseb128: warning: the next time you see chrisccoulson will be in the USA and beer bets will be repaid in the local currency.  are you sure you wish to proceed?19:14
seb128desrt, thanks, you just reminded me I need to get a new esta my expired in january19:14
* desrt is so happy to keep his fingerprints to himself at the airport19:15
chrisccoulsonon the subject of beer, i keep waiting for this to be in stock again: http://www.brewdog.com/product/sink-the-bismarck :-)19:15
seb128you need to hard stuff to keep up with firefox ;-)19:16
chrisccoulsonyeah :)19:17
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinho|dinner
chrisccoulsong'ah, i'm sick of people reporting firefox crashes without any useful information on them19:21
chrisccoulsondo people not read the bug reporting instructions?19:21
desrtchrisccoulson: hey19:21
desrtchrisccoulson: i was using firefox earlier and it crashed19:21
desrtknow anything about that?19:21
mterryseb128, already fixed in trunk :)19:21
desrtseb128: so this bug with copying the full name in nautilus appears to be fixed19:24
* mterry prepares releases of lightdm/unity-greeter19:25
desrtlike, even the existing code on ubuntu seems working fine...19:25
mterryseb128, is robert still working?19:25
chrisccoulsonoh, wow, only in the UK would "Weed Makes Everything Better" be trending on twitter!19:25
chrisccoulsonoh, scribus has flickering menus too!19:30
desrtare we too far along now to just cancel dbusmenu entirely? :)19:31
desrti mean... we can get a freeze exception for that, right?19:31
chrisccoulsonwe should replace it with XEMBED19:32
desrtwould probably cause fewer issues19:32
* desrt thinks about that for a moment19:32
desrtokay.  probably not.19:32
chrisccoulsonoops, what did i do ;)19:32
desrtwould probably cause fewer issues, indeed19:33
desrtif we were clever about it...19:33
=== Trevinho|dinner is now known as Trevinho
seb128mterry, oh, great20:01
seb128mterry, robert? no he said he got this michael guy doing all the work for him so he can just relax on the beach ;)20:03
mterryseb128, :)  didn't know if I should roll lightdm for him or if he had short-term plans for it20:03
seb128mterry, wait, he was still tracking the .xsession-errors rotating bug when I spoke to him this morning20:04
mterryseb128, ah cool20:04
mterryseb128, thanks20:04
seb128mterry, you can do unity-greeter though, I think you won this one by working on it ;-)20:04
seb128mterry, oh, speaking of which, you won gtk by doing that ubuntu-local patch and revert uploads, enjoy!20:04
* seb128 hudes20:04
mterryseb128, yar, I don't think he's active in u-g much20:04
mterryseb128, dammit20:04
* kenvandine hudes too 20:05
mterryseb128, if anything, those uploads show I *shouldn't* own gtk+  ;)20:05
seb128kenvandine, you want bogs? :-P20:05
mterryseb128, the ol' "do something bad enough, you won't be invited back" strategy20:05
* kenvandine hudes more20:05
seb128kenvandine, ;-)20:05
seb128kenvandine, it's not my fault, I got so fan of the hud that I typo it :p20:05
seb128mterry, hehe, nice try ;-)20:06
* mterry still raises the hud accidentally about thrice a day20:06
kenvandinehehe... mterry said thrice :)20:07
mterrykenvandine, I'm trying to bring it back  :)20:07
kenvandineif anyone can do it... you can!20:07
mterrypeople say once and twice all the time.  why not thrice?!20:08
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: ping?21:46
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: hey22:06
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: did you see my comment wrt bug 969707?22:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 969707 in libreoffice "package python-uno uses libreoffice-core in preinst" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96970722:09
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: wip?22:09
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: oh, fix comitted?22:09
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: well, a fixed version was uploaded to a ppa today. the build just finished on i386, but still runs on amd64. I will test a dist-upgrade run tommorrow and if successful, will throw it over the fence.22:11
jasoncwarner_Sweetshark: gotta love those fast builds ;) nice, thanks22:11
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner_: well, local builds are faster (and developer builds are a _lot_ faster), but to test dist-upgrades I try to be as close to the "real thing" as possible.22:14
micahgSweetshark: shouldn't those instances be breaks instead of conflicts22:14
LaneyHm, doesn't the Breaks/Conflicts give you a high enough version to run sync_extensions?22:19
jasoncwarner_bryceh RAOF TheMuso don't forget about the meeting for today. Add agenda items, if any. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-04-0322:33
brycehjasoncwarner_, ok22:33
jasoncwarner_Also, please update with your weekly updates...thanks !22:33
brycehoops, looks like themuso's editing.  /me waits22:34
TheMusobryceh: Done now.22:35
brycehanyway nothing exciting from me, just usual bug work22:35
brycehjasoncwarner_, anything more needed from RAOF or I on the LTS position hiring front?22:36
jasoncwarner_bryceh: no, thanks I passed it to veronika (assuming you are both still good with him)22:40
achianghm, did ubuntu mono change recently? seems... smaller now22:53
jasoncwarner_bryceh: robert_ancell RAOF and TheMuso FYI...no agenda items....so....keep on hacking :)22:57
RAOFachiang: You're noticing the new fontconfig, I think.23:00
achiangRAOF: hm, the changelog for 'fontconfig' isn't really that informative?23:05
achiangRAOF: or did it come from some other package?23:27
RAOFachiang: Sorry, it's freetype.23:30
achiangRAOF: thanks23:32
* achiang reads #972223 but doesn't really grok it23:32
achiangoh well23:32

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