
kanliotPlease, i would like the team cloak for my team in launchpad that the bot mentioned.  i'm on the lubuntu team https://launchpad.net/~kanliot00:27
Unit193kanliot: See other channel, you'd have to go for an unaffiliated clo9ak.00:27
Unit193At this point.00:28
EvilResistancekanliot:  unless your team/group places a valid GRF-f for a channel here, you'd have to get an unaffiliated cloak.00:30
EvilResistance(here being freenode)00:30
EvilResistanceits how i have an ubuntu secondary cloak (I'm an Ubuntu member) but also a cloak for my group/company (TrekWeb)00:31
EvilResistanceunless the ubuntu cloaking policies change or smth.00:31
Unit193EvilResistance: Nope, it's still Ubuntu members getting it, or bots.00:32
EvilResistancethat's what i thought00:32
* EvilResistance would expect a change in Ubuntu cloaking policies to be reflected in the ubuntu-irc mailing list00:32
benonsoftwareWe are setting up the #ubuntugeeksquad channel, however should we have - between each word?01:35
benonsoftwareCould we please have ubot2 and if possible ubuntulog bots please02:11
Unit193Firstly, did you follow this while creating? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels Notice the "naming conventions" sections?02:12
benonsoftware(Oops, sorry I forgot to note we moved the channel to #ubuntu-geeksquad)02:13
Unit193You would have to send an email for the log client.02:13
benonsoftwareOkies, thanks Unit19302:13
Unit193https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots has some good info, but as you know, I have no control over those bots or how channel naming goes.02:14
=== Staffpony is now known as Fuchs
FuchsLjL: buona sera, posso farti una domanda?17:08
LjLFuchs: selbstverständlich17:09
FuchsLjL: not meant as an offense, but you might know that: the !list problem, why is this (almost) only seen with italians?17:10
FuchsLjL: was there some kind of missinformation in a kind of magazine or well known web forum or such?17:10
StaffRingedSealI suspect it's the same reason why Finnish IRC mafia is so strong17:10
LjLFuchs, i have no idea honestly, but it's happened for a long time, so if it was misinformation somewhere, it went on long... i think it's just that for some reason IRC warez are very popular in italy, but i wouldn't know17:11
StaffRingedSealkids show/teach each other how to use an app and explain what the app is for17:11
Fuchsoh, okay17:11
Fuchsit's just sad that everytime someone with .it joins and writes ciao, my alarm bells ring :(17:11
LjLFuchs: the italian operators didn't quite seem to realize that it was only italians doing that, when i mentioned it to them17:11
LjLFuchs: it happens to some degree in their channel too, but it seemed like they assumed it was universal17:12
ZarroBoogsAlanBell posted this in #ubuntu-ops, and it seems that the problem is spread out on other channels/ircnets as well.: http://www.yetanothertechblog.com/2009/04/14/firefox-hangs-because-of-malware/17:12
MkaysiDoes !List problem mean that Supybot users wait for it to tell them list of available commands?17:12
FuchsLjL: according to my grep and memories it unfortunately is, that's why I am asking17:12
ZarroBoogsThe meat of that is in the comments btw.17:12
ZarroBoogsMkaysi: in warez channels !list would give you a list of files available for dcc (download)17:13
ZarroBoogsI was a dumb kid once.17:13
* Mkaysi has been at IRC little over year and hasn't ever seen such channel17:13
ZarroBoogsYou won't see anything like that on freenode.17:13
MkaysiTry joining #supybot and saying !list :)17:13
ZarroBoogsI'm well aware of what it does for a supybot ;)17:14
StaffRingedSealah fresh blood17:14
FuchsLjL: well, thanks anyway, e una bella serata  :)17:15
LjLZarroBoogs: i'm not sure i understand what that link is saying honestly... basically that italians get infected by stuff because they download warez?17:16
MkaysiOk, now I have seen such bot17:16
ZarroBoogsLjL: The link sort of goes all over the place with *why* it happens. The information I got from it was that other people were having the issue with ciao -> !list17:17
LjLwell it happens in several freenode channels, so no particular reason to think it was limited to freenode either17:18
Fuchsit definitely isn't (limited to freenode)17:18
LjLmaybe it's just like someone mentioned, they search for channels (on any network, using ircsearch or whatever) that have many users, and somehow assume there's warez there17:18
StaffRingedSealor don't assume, they just go in the big channels and issue the command just to see if someone replies17:22
Fuchsmaybe I get the chance to ask one some day17:22
AlanBellI think this article and the two linked tutorials are the source of the problem http://www.mytechnology.eu/2008/05/23/guida-come-scaricare-da-mirc-e-lista-di-canali-e-servers-da-cui-scaricare/17:22
StaffRingedSealI assume that if configured to that usecase, the client would automatically reply with a DCC'd list of downloadable files17:22
Fuchsunfortunately my italian skills are between nonexistant and horrible17:22
bazhangI can read17:23
ZarroBoogsFuchs: I can only say ciao and !list17:23
FuchsAlanBell: the article at least starts like that, telling users that IRC is a good source for such material, but it even lists networks (which are not us)17:23
ZarroBoogsActually, I remember enough latin to get the gist of basic sentences.17:23
Fuchsbazhang: so do I, but that doesn't help :)17:23
FuchsZarroBoogs: yes, reading or listening to is not a big issue if I have some context, my french and spanish help there. But speaking / writing: no way17:24
bazhangFuchs, getting warez? or stopping them17:24
AlanBellFuchs: yeah, but it shows how to find all the channels on a network and freenode will be in the mirc list of networks17:24
Fuchsbazhang: talking to them :)17:24
AlanBelland #ubuntu will be one of the biggest channels17:24
ZarroBoogsThe largest channel on the largest irc network.17:25
StaffRingedSeal Per sapere che file hanno questi bot, bisogna digitare un comando universale per quasi tutti i canali che è il seguente !list17:25
Mkaysi[OT] What is "RingedSeal" in Finnish?17:26
bazhangthis whole convo is ot17:26
StaffRingedSealHarmaahylje or in my particular case Saimaannorppa17:26
MkaysiOk :)17:26
Fuchsbazhang: sorry, I saw the discussion earlier on and thought I might ask17:26
* AlanBell throws StaffRingedSeal a herring17:38
Mkays|I used to like it19:39

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