
mfischtumbleweed: you awake?03:13
mfischI'd like an opinion on bug #95934703:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 959347 in python-djvulibre (Ubuntu) "new python-djvulibre release 0.3.8 fixes ftbfs (but also has new features)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95934703:17
mfischpython-djvulibre ftbfs and a new release fixes it.  debian fixed it differently, but their fix doesn't help ubuntu...  I think going to the new revision is the best path forward03:18
micahgmfisch: have you tried asking jwilk for an upload to experimental?03:28
micahgmfisch: oh, sorry, I'm thinking of something else :)03:28
mfischmicahg: I just got back to looking at this today...03:28
mfischmicahg: the debian changes dont work for us03:28
micahgrebuild not looking so good with ~200 failures and only being 1/3 done (the third more likely to work :))03:47
ajmitch_micahg: but we can ignore a bunch of chroot problems in that 20003:47
micahgoh, hrmph03:47
micahgthat's slightly more comforting :)03:47
ajmitch_57 chroot failures, at least I think that was due to a misbehaving buildd03:49
ajmitch_lib/Makefile.am:1: `pkglibdir' is not a legitimate directory for `SCRIPTS'03:49
ajmitch_I've seen a few with that03:49
RAOFStupid automake making backwards-incompatible changes.04:00
EvilResistancestill leaves you with ~150 errors, ajmitch :P04:00
ajmitch_EvilResistance: yes, I know there are a few to fix04:03
micahgthere's always automake1.4...04:03
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dholbachgood morning06:42
ajmitch_dholbach: a belated good morning08:53
dholbachhey ajmitch_08:53
iulianMorning dholbach. Evening ajmitch_.08:57
dholbachheya iulian08:57
iulianHow's it going?08:58
ajmitch_hi iulian08:59
vibhavhi dholbach08:59
dholbachhey vibhav08:59
vibhavIf libpng15 is synced to Ubuntu, will libpng15-dev be synced too?09:14
gesersyncing only works on source packages09:15
dholbachvibhav, the source package is synced and then built - so yes09:15
vibhavah, thanks09:15
vibhavWould a sync of libpng15 to Ubuntu make sense?09:15
vibhavCause qtiplot is also dependendent on libpng1509:16
dholbachno it wouldn't make sense09:16
geserthat's the libpng version from experimental, right? then certainly not09:17
dholbachthere is a gazillion packages depending on libpng12 - if we take libpng from experimental, all packages depending on it will at least have to be rebuilt09:17
geserit will be a library transtion and we don't want it right now before a LTS release09:17
dholbachrun:   apt-cache rdepends libpng12 on a precise machine to get an idea of how many packages would need modification or at least a rebuild09:18
vibhavThat list is huge :O09:18
geservibhav: if you build qtiplot with current libpng, it'll get a dependency on libpng1209:19
dholbachI would rather check if the new qtiplot can also still build with the old libpng09:19
dholbachok, I'll stop repeating what geser says :)09:19
* dholbach hugs geser09:19
* dholbach rushes out to the shop around the corner for a bit :)09:19
Laneyfor what reason did you want to do that sync?09:19
vibhavLaney: I was checking the Ubuntu Fix It Friday Pad09:20
ajmitch_afaik qtiplot was mentioned there because a version of it FTBFS in debian, however that was due to another library (zlib) that is newer in debian09:21
vibhavdpkg-source: info: 'dpkg-source --commit' is not supported by the source format '1.0'10:04
vibhavHow Do I fix it?10:04
tumbleweedwhat would that mean with source format 1.0?10:04
geserdoes the package use a patch-system? if yes, use the patch system manually, if not apply the patch inline10:05
vibhavtumbleweed: I dont know, I was fixing a bug in munin10:05
tumbleweedI recommend getting to grips with quilt anyway. It's faster to do what you want by driving quilt by hand, than using dpkg --commit10:07
tumbleweed(but that's unrelated to your query here)10:07
tumbleweedah, it looks like munin uses quilt, so it's not that unrelated :P10:08
geserbtw: does what-patch works for v3 packages too? (can't check currently myself)10:09
vibhavnever mind, Im writing the patch myself10:09
geserI wonder if one can simulate Ubuntu in "Linux Tycoon" (Distro Build Simulator game; http://lunduke.com/?page_id=2646)10:28
tumbleweedgeser: yes, it does10:33
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vibhavCan anyone check my debdiff at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+bug/598385 ?10:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 598385 in munin (Ubuntu) "munin plugin exim_mailqueue has incorrect graph configuration" [Low,Triaged]10:54
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vibhavThis is very wierd11:21
vibhavIm getting "dpkg-source: info: 'dpkg-source --commit' is not supported by the source format '1.0'" in every package I am fixing11:21
geservibhav: you picked packages which still use the v1 source package format11:25
vibhavgeser: How DO I create packages then?11:26
vibhavMurphy's Law :P11:35
geservibhav: you are doing it correctly, it just that there isn't one source package format but several from which DDs can pick11:35
vibhavgeser: So Will I need to write patches myself?11:39
geseryes (if you pick v1 source packages)11:39
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LaneyFailed to fetch http://localhost:3142/debian/pool/main/r/rmatrix/r-cran-matrix_1.0-6-1_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch13:27
LaneyI am sure that apt-cacher-ng has gotten worse at this over this cycle.13:27
* Laney arghs13:27
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PaoloRotoloHi all!14:34
c10udhello there, is there still time for universe updates?15:00
c10udwe fixed a bunch of stuff in the new version of emesene and a debian package is already available15:02
c10udour ubuntu contact (dfiloni) didn't appear (yet?) hence why i am asking15:02
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tumbleweedc10ud: yes15:23
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.15:23
c10udtumbleweed, thanks15:24
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micahgjbicha: I suggest using backportpackage in the future to upload to a PPA16:42
astraljavaAnyone else seeing this in precise? $ svn up17:05
astraljavaWARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-suqaxB/pkcs11: No such file or directory17:05
astraljavaI get it both in svn and bzr.17:05
astraljavaAlso, I'm using keychain for managing keys, what would I need to tweak so that the system stopped looking for gnome-keyring?17:06
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ScottKbdrung: Is there a reason you didn't sync vlc 2.0.1-4?17:43
tumbleweedmicahg, jbicha: another trick is to replace your dput with a wrapper that checks that the version doesn't mention ppa (I check for a couple of other things, I don't use PPAs much)17:52
micahgtumbleweed: he did that already (and blogged about it)17:54
jbichatumbleweed: could you blog that?17:54
jbichaI changed my default dput to not upload to ubuntu, but that doesn't fix the dput ubuntu habit :(17:54
micahgjbicha: which is why I suggested backportpackage17:55
jbichamicahg: in this case, I made a change from Debian to work around the evolution bug that's since been fixed17:55
micahgjbicha: you can still use backportpackage on the dsc17:55
jbichaoh? that's a non-obvious feature, I'll give that a try next time17:56
jbichathat might help with the disconnect between what I intend and the muscle memory for dput17:58
bdrungScottK: i forgot to do it, but did it now.18:07
ScottKbdrung: Thanks.18:37
ScottKScore one for http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/bugs/rcbugs/18:38
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tumbleweedmicahg, jbicha: ah, I'm behind on the blogosphere22:00
micahgtumbleweed: http://jeremy.bicha.net/2012/01/10/accidental-dput-upload/22:02
tumbleweedah, right I also did that [DEFAULT] hack22:03
tumbleweedthat's recommended in several places22:03
broderi hadn't actually heard of doing that until jbicha posted that22:04
broderbut i still type "dput ubuntu" as something of a finger macro22:04
tumbleweedbut more recently, after an accidental upload of pypy to unstable (sbuild generated a .changes file with Distribution: unstable, even though the changelog said experimental, because I accidentally used a sid chroot)22:04
tumbleweedI added a dput wrapper that checks for that22:04
tumbleweedI've been meaning to extend it...22:05
* micahg wishes backportpackage would have an option to do -S -sd22:05
tumbleweedthere's a bug report on getting -sd / -sa right22:06
micahgprobably filed by me :)22:07
broderno, i think i filed it22:08
broderi knew i got it wrong when i wrote the script but couldn't figure out how to fix it reasonably22:08
micahgnope, neither one of us :) Bug #69189722:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 691897 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[backportpackage] detect if orig.tar.gz upload needed" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69189722:09
ajmitchfiled awhile ago, too22:11
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