
dholbachgood morning06:42
dholbachbkerensa, happy birthday! :)08:21
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
JoseAntonioRSorry, some links on the main page for the UWN in Spanish directed to the old edition. Just changed.17:28
* SilverLion waves20:44
SilverLionakgraner, ping?20:44
akgranerSilverLion, pong20:44
SilverLionakgraner: may I ask about the results regarding our friend Josee?20:44
akgranerYep - Being taken care of :-)  no need to worry - everyone should hear something soon20:45
akgraneras in this week20:45
SilverLionwonderwoman akgraner saved the world again - the new headline of FCM20:46
SilverLionbtw... I know my next project ... just found it :D :D :D :D :D20:46
akgranerI spoke to him yesterday, so I found out where the confusion was, so it's being addressed :-)20:46
akgranernah - no saving the world here :-)20:46
akgranerI am just the messenger :-)20:47
SilverLionakgraner: as am I20:47
akgranerSilverLion, oh?  What is it?20:47
akgranerI only have like 5 minutes then I have to jump on  a call - Tuesday is my meeting days20:47
MrChrisDruifAloha messengers ^_^20:47
SilverLionwell i dont know if you remembered our FAcebook Conversation ;) and if i add that the Full Circle has a "Ubuntu Women" Section you might wanna take a guess ;)20:48
MrChrisDruifOh gosh, not another interview about akgraner ? O_O ;-) (I never read the previous one, where can I find it? SilverLion ^)20:49
akgranerMrChrisDruif, :-P20:49
SilverLionMrChrisDruif: there hasnt been one i did ^^20:49
akgraneryou'll are funny20:50
MrChrisDruifSilverLion; don't you know that Amber doesn't like to be interviewed? ^_^20:51
SilverLionMrChrisDruif: she wants me interviewed too ;)20:52
akgranerI love to hear everyone's stories :-)20:52
SilverLionso there will be a interview in an interview ;)20:52
akgranerand I have on air - now so know one is safe..muahahahaha20:52
MrChrisDruifThe what? O_O20:52
akgranerHangouts on Air20:52
MrChrisDruifI meant SilverLion's statement20:54
MrChrisDruifakgraner; I don't know if you are a music lover, but I find this song pretty good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR94NDIfGmA20:55
SilverLionMrChrisDruif: akgraner will not know THAT she will be interviewed ;)20:55
akgraner:-) you all are funny gotta jump on a call - brb20:56
MrChrisDruifOh, so y'all know: I've got an job interview tomorrow for Ruby on Rails developer21:05
SilverLionMrChrisDruif: fingers crossed21:06
MrChrisDruifYup, indeed21:06
JoseeAntonioRHappy birthday, bkerensa! I hope you have/you've had a great day!21:28
MrChrisDruifIt's bkerensa's birthday? Happy birthday buddy!21:29
JoseeAntonioRYep, it is! (Just read the log :P)21:29
SilverLionJoseeAntonioR: ping21:34
JoseeAntonioRSilverLion: Pong!21:34
SilverLionJoseeAntonioR: i got the message, you were looking for me today?21:35
JoseeAntonioRForgot what I was going to ask for, I woke up early for that21:36
JoseeAntonioRIf I remember I'll get back to you21:36
SilverLionJoseeAntonioR: i'll be online all morning from 10AM my time (GTM +2)21:39
JoseeAntonioRGreat, thanks.21:41
* MrChrisDruif only has personal log21:46

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