
ccsabathiawhats up whats up12:33
ikoniahello ccsabathia12:44
ikoniaccsabathia: do you want/need something ?12:48
HFSPLUSwhats up whats up12:53
HFSPLUSi want to know why the first amendment dosent apply12:53
StaffRingedSealfirst amendment?12:54
HFSPLUSfree speech12:54
ZarroBoogs!free speech12:55
ubottuPlease don't pepper the channel with cries of buzzwords like "free speech!", especially when you don't know what they mean or if they're applicable to the current situation. See http://tonyyarusso.com/politics/what-free-speech-isnt for more information.12:55
Tm_TI cannot write today /:12:55
HFSPLUSwell its still my right to exercise free speech12:56
AlanBellyou are quite free to find somewhere else to exercise your free speech12:56
HFSPLUSso fuck fuck fuck fuck12:56
HFSPLUSfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck12:56
zykotick9I just want to make a comment about bazhang's use of !it to a !list'er a moment ago "09:56 < bazhang> !it | fefderico"  LjL has previously repremended me for doing the same thing (i personally think the "No warez here!" inclusion in !list has had a positive impact) - i believe rules should be applied equally to users and OPs.  I'm not trying to make a stink, but wanted to voice my opinio14:03
zykotick9n.  Thanks to all the admins in #ubuntu, you all do great work.14:04
bazhangzykotick9, you think we should not !it  italian users?14:05
zykotick9bazhang: no, obviously that's fine.  it's using it as a reply to !list that's the issue.14:05
bazhangwell only .it users ever do that14:06
zykotick9bazhang: careful...14:06
bazhangzykotick9, I have never seen any other domain user do the !list14:06
zykotick9bazhang: actually i've see both hola and hello followed by list in #ubuntu14:07
zykotick9bazhang: the #debian's channels !list says "get lost" in italian14:07
bazhangzykotick9, hehe nice14:08
zykotick9anyways - i'll get out of all your hair.  thanks everyone.14:08
bazhangtheir bot also kicks out flooders14:08
mneptoki'm just confused by the correlation between Italians and people who still use IRC and DCC for pirating.14:26
mneptokbecause there most certainly is one.14:26
mneptokdid some Italian write a viral blog post? is there a dedicated .it IRC server for such stuff? do Italians teach this in schools?14:27
AlanBellhttp://www.yetanothertechblog.com/2009/04/14/firefox-hangs-because-of-malware/ it isn't new and it is across lots of IRC channels14:33
ZarroBoogsI think its a mistake to tell people who are obviously looking for warez to go to another channel that won't appreciate that sort of attention.14:38
ZarroBoogsJust like we wouldn't tell them to go to #u-ot if they were doing the same thing and speaking english.14:38
Tm_Tno point directing people who are looking for warez to any ubuntu channels14:47
Tm_Tor any channels here on freenode for that matter14:47
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (cxmu)15:33
jpdsmneptok: Check with LjL.15:35
LjLbazhang: so the idea is you move the problem to #ubuntu-it?16:10
LjLthey're not looking for an italian ubuntu channel, they're looking for warez16:11
bazhangLjL,  pardon?16:11
ZarroBoogsSo... pretty mich what I said.16:11
bazhangplenty of users have done that for .it users over the years16:12
LjLbazhang: really, the #ubuntu-it operators won't appreciate sending !list people over to -it, so yes, what pici said16:12
bazhangLjL, noted. I shall never do it again.16:13
ZarroBoogsAn .it user speaking Italian looking for support should be given !it, anyone looking for warez should be told that we don't do that.16:14
sddhrthrtyes, bazhang .16:15
bazhangyep. so I shall refrain in all cases of that16:15
bazhangsddhrthrt, you wish to discuss the offtopic policy of #ubuntu16:16
sddhrthrtI was given a warning. Not the others, who continued to discuss what was apparently offtopic.16:17
bazhangsddhrthrt, indeed. and we had a discussion about your being offtopic in the not so distant past, am I correct?16:18
sddhrthrtYes, yes.16:19
bazhangsddhrthrt, multiple warnings in the past about this, correct?16:21
sddhrthrtYes. but in a community, be fair! I thought its fine to make a comment once in a while! that too, like, one line per day? on what i felt i should say? And I dunno, if there is a rule againstt polling or anything, i dont know about all that.16:22
bazhangsddhrthrt, since we did have a discussion about the multiple warnings you've had in the past, I thought you understood the offtopic rules about #ubuntu by now16:23
sddhrthrtnot really, but i guess i understood. Anyway i dont wanna discuss this. +q me if you want. i dont think i'm gonna come back. If need be, i'll come with a temporary nick.16:24
sddhrthrtAnyway, it seems to be a personal grudge.16:25
bazhangsddhrthrt, was there anything further? you are free to continue in #ubuntu with support and please keep chat to #ubuntu-offtopic , thanks16:30
bazhangsddhrthrt, you still there?16:45
bazhangis wubi also LTS? ie 10.0416:45
bazhangsddhrthrt, if there is nothing further to discuss, please don't idle here16:50
=== Staffpony is now known as Fuchs
bazhang<jonnymaddox> how can configurate my kubuntu to take over the world?17:22
jpdsbazhang: Reply with: "Did you try turning it on and off again?"17:28
bazhangjpds heh17:29
ZarroBoogsLots of GIGO here at work.17:30
mneptok"in the fields of computer science, information and communication technology and gastroenterology" FTFY17:35
ZarroBoogslots of people with dchp and pxe questions today.18:55
ZarroBoogsInteresting that network-manager's IRC channel is #nm here on freenode... also that its not a registered channel.19:47
knometai hyvii as in kelvollisia :D21:42
knomehm, oops21:42
knomemmmh, yeah, finnish restaurants fail..21:44
knomewhy are you using silly names21:44
pangolinevening dsfsd, anything we can help you with?21:47
pangolindsfsd, if there is nothing you need from the ops team, please do not idle in this channel.21:50
pangolinDon't say I didn't warn you21:52

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