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jolivienhey everyone! im new to ubuntu testing and by chance i have some spare time now for getting into it. could do some iso-testing (laptop), or (almost) anything else. would you recommend to go for the beta images or some daily builds? thanks!12:05
phillwhi jolivien which ever you prefer! also if you have a laptop you could help out with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Laptop/Procedures12:12
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bladernr_is ubuntu-qa-tools still packaged?  how do I install it in precise, or do I need to just pull the branch from LP?14:23
jamespagejibel, are we automatically reporting any test results to the ISO tracker yet?14:29
jibeljamespage, not for ubuntu. stgraber is doing it for upgrade testing of ubuntu flavors14:30
jibelbladernr_, ubuntu-qa-tools is not packaged in Precise14:30
jamespagejibel, one for next release then :-)14:30
bladernr_jibel: ahhh... that woud explain why I can't find it anymore :)14:30
jibeljamespage, I think so :)14:30
jamespagebladernr_, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-iso-testing-dev/+archive/dev14:31
jamespagewe retained a very old version to support ISO testing.14:31
* jamespage goes to POSTPONE some work items14:31
bladernr_jamespage: ahhh thanks.  I did a fresh install of Precise rather than an upgrade and this is one of the things I was missing.14:32
PaoloRotoloHi all!14:34
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MrChrisDruifAloha iGadget21:09
iGadgetjust tried booting the precise beta 2 cd on my pavilion zv600021:10
iGadgetand it failed :(21:10
iGadgetalready filed a bug about it, but I didn't know which package to file it under21:10
iGadgetcan anyone help me in the right direction?21:14
astraljavabug #97282321:14
astraljavagrr... where's ubottu when you need it.21:14
astraljavaiGadget: Looks like linux-firmware, if that is indeed the cause for the halting.21:16
iGadgetit's never been a problem in the past with any previous ubuntu release21:17
iGadgetcan't imagine why that would cause the boot process to freeze?21:17
iGadgetbut then again... bugs can pop up anywhere of course :)21:18
iGadgetSo shall I change the bug to point it at linux-firmware?21:18
astraljavaiGadget: The reason _seems_ to be quite obvious, but of course I'm not sure whether the driver has dropped from the package, or what other causes could there be.21:19
iGadgetastraljava: well in all previous ubuntu releases the firmware wasn't part of the package either as far as I can remember, always had to do some manual tweaking before my wireless started working21:20
astraljavaiGadget: Ok, so then maybe something else is blocking the boot. Can you hit Ctrl+Alt+F[1|4] when it halts, and take another pic of what it says there?21:21
iGadgetnope, already tried that. It's totally frozen when this happens21:22
astraljavaI always forget which Fx button actually shows you the console screen.21:22
iGadgetbut... let me double check that21:22
iGadgetjust too bad the zv6000 cannot boot from usb21:23
iGadgetbooting from the CD takes ages21:24
iGadgethmmm... I can switch with Alt+F1 while it's booting, but there's nothing but a blinking cursor there until the (same) error appears21:26
iGadgetand then indeed as I mentioned before - a complete freeze21:26
iGadgetastraljava: I've updated the bug. Anything else I can try?21:37
astraljavaiGadget: I don't know, but maybe someone who triages the bug has more ideas, so I'm sure it'll progress from there. Thanks for reporting the issue!21:46
iGadgetthanks for your assistance :)21:46
astraljavaHopefully I did more that than damage. :)21:47
iGadgetof course you did :D21:47
iGadgetnow onto the next pack of bugs... as soon as I find the time21:47
iGadgetjust out of curiosity - do you ever use the presenter console in LO?21:48
astraljavaI don't even know what that is, but probably wasn't directed to me. Good luck with the other bugs. :)21:49
iGadgetno it wasn't... it's been assigned to Björn21:50
iGadgetbug #82446621:50
iGadgethas been an issue since 11.0421:51
iGadgetand I'm afraid it will not be fixed in 12.04 either21:51
iGadgetanyway, thanks for your help. I've got to get to bed now21:52

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