
dpmgood morning all06:25
mdkedpm: morning. The screenshots are now all updated I understand. Also, I replied to your comment on Jeremy's merge proposal, grateful for your comments07:30
dpmthanks mdke! Will have a look in a few mins07:31
mdkedpm: many thanks07:35
dpmkelemengabor1, I'm about to make an announcement on the list about the translations stats site. I've created a project for it in LP, but the site's footer is still pointing to ubuntu-translations as the place to report bugs. Until I fix that, and if you see any translations stats related bugs, please feel free to reassign the project to ubuntu-translations-stats10:48
RawChiddpm, I can look into that bug 97143210:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 971432 in ubuntu-translations-stats "Incorrect links in translations stats website" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97143210:53
dpmRawChid, oh, that'd be excellent, thanks!10:53
RawChidI've experience with Apache, not with Django ;)10:53
TLEdpm: The docs page is down because someone dropped as svg file in the figures folder, the image library can't read it and so it crashes (we can't show it on the html page anyway)11:30
TLEthe fix will be to check for file types and only add png and jpg to the page11:31
dpmTLE, ah, so a quick fix before that is implemented would be to delete the svg file, right?11:31
dpmwhich svg file was it?11:32
TLEit should be trivial, but is complicated a bit by having a thread of development that is not working, so I would have to fork it and so on11:32
TLEdpm: yes11:32
dpmTLE, ok, cool, the workaround fixed it:
TLEgreat, obviously, checking for file types really should be done11:39
kelemengabor1dpm: Quiz time! Where is this quote coming from and what does it mean to us:11:39
kelemengabor1precise at 10:00 on Tue: disabled11:39
dpmok, let me talk to pitti...11:40
TLEgotta go11:40
dpmsee you TLE!11:40
kelemengabor1thanks :)11:41
andrejzhi are these supposed to be new screenshots ?11:43
dpmkelemengabor1, ok, precise langpacks back on track!11:44
andrejzwell in that case 1 is wrong11:48
andrejzscreenshot no. 3 shows 11.10 behaviour11:48
andrejzbut it doesn't behave like that in 12.0411:48
andrejzalso this one11:49
andrejzkelemengabor1, dpm, TLE can someone confirm my suspision?12:00
andrejzor disprove it12:00
TLEandrejz: the screenshots are fixed, I don't know why the old ones are shown on the page12:01
peppe84andrejz, is strange. the first image has been committed today.12:01
TLEmight be a caching issue12:01
TLEnow I get the right one12:02
TLEfor unity-dash12:02
TLEfor both of them12:02
TLEappearently it toke apache a little while to figure out that the files had changed12:02
andrejzindeed seems to be caching12:02
andrejzsorry for a false alarm12:02
TLEI made a bugreport so I'll remember that we should have a look at it12:04
andrejzhow can i access the ubuntu one share to submit images?12:08
TLEI don't remember if maybe dpm has to share it with you12:08
andrejzok i will ask him12:09
TLEI think, otherwise try do search for it in your emails: David docs images Ubuntu One share etc.12:09
dpmandrejz, yes, let me add you to the share12:10
andrejzthat would be great12:11
dpmthat'll be when the Ubuntu One widget stops crashing, of course...12:14
dpmjust a sec12:14
dpmandrejz, ok you should have received a notification e-mail and start seeing the folder synchronizing inside your Ubuntu One folder12:19
andrejzok thanks12:21
dpmartnay, when you've got a minute, would you mind filing a follow-up bug to bug 968290? It seems only the "(default)" string got marked translatable, but not the theme names12:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 968290 in Ubuntu Translations "System settings -> Appearance -> Theme entries don't appear translated" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96829012:24
dpmI believe otherwise the desktop team won't look at it, as the current bug has been marked as fix released12:25
dpmok, taking a break, bbl12:26
roadmrdpm: morning! hey, so we finally sent a merge request with a fix for bug 951054 (checkbox), do you have a minute to see if things look good?13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 951054 in Ubuntu Translations "Most of the Checkbox UI is not translatable" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95105413:49
roadmrdpm: thanks for your comments on the checkbox merge :) the pot file gets updated at build time, so that part is covered14:48
dpmroadmr, excellent14:49
dpmroadmr, I'm not sure when the new package with those changes will be released, but if it's going to take some days, if you could generate a pot file before the package is uploaded it and send it my way, we could update the strings in Launchpad and translators could start their work without being blocked on waiting for the package upload14:51
roadmrdpm: well the pot file is up-to-date in the package, I can certainly send it to you, how would you prefer I do that? email attachment?14:53
dpmroadmr, sure, e-mail or if you update it in a branch I can fetch it from there, whatever works best for you. What I don't understand is the part about it being up-to-date in the package. How can it be up to date in the package if there is not yet a package which includes the changes in that merge proposal? Or are you talking of a PPA?14:55
roadmrdpm: hehe sorry, I meant the branch that we're proposing for merging14:56
roadmrdpm: actually you could fetch it from there, if it does get accepted/merged that's what will be in the .pot file14:57
dpmroadmr, ah :-), if it's up-to-date there, yes, I can fetch it from there, that's perfect, so don't worry about sending an e-mail. Even if the branch needs changes, I guess (and would expect it past string freeze ;) the messages themselves won't change14:58
dpmso it's all good14:58
roadmryep, we won't change them14:59

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