
ikr11anyone knows how to solve a problem with the alt and ctrl keys for a bluetooth keyboard?02:13
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StaffRingedSealoh thank god I can connect to the internet before logging in to lightdm...06:52
StaffRingedSeallast nights update went south a bit for me, again, unsurprisingly06:52
MooDoomorning all07:26
diploMorning all07:39
ikoniadirecthex: green for go !07:50
hank3three3I think I might be in the wrong place, but I'll ask anyway....up tioll now, the updates I have been getting for 12.04 have been opk, and havent done much damage, a few bugs have appeared, but I have reported them, but today, I had an update, and it did something to the grub, it said it couldnt install the grub, and the grubmight not work.....so I carried on, and now, after I click on the grub, I get this error message saying 'error07:55
hank3three3 invalid blcklist. Press any key to continue, anybody know what is wrong and how I can get over it?07:55
hank3three3sorry for the typos, fingers not working too well today07:55
hank3three3sorry that should say 'blocklist.....'07:55
hank3three3I seem to remember there is a channel just for betas, but I cant remember what it is07:57
StaffRingedSeal#ubuntu+1 ?07:59
hank3three3I dont appreciate having some petty little person tell me not to bring my spelling mistakes from one channel to another, if people dont have anything important to say, stop being so petty08:15
ikoniaooh dear08:16
AlanBellmorning all08:17
ikoniamorning AlanBell08:17
AlanBellhank3three3: is there some context for that little (and well spelled) complaint?08:17
AlanBelloh you missed an apostrophe in "don't", but other than that it was pretty good :)08:18
hank3three3I am just saying08:18
JamesTaitGooooood moooorning all! :D08:19
ikoniaI can't stand people with an attitude giving incorrect information then having a tantrum when asked to clarify08:19
ikoniaI'm just saying though08:19
hank3three3you know, its your attitude that gives ubuntu a bad name08:20
hank3three3if cant say anything helpful dont say anything at all08:21
AlanBelllooks like this bit a few people today08:21
hank3three3thanks alan, I will take a look at that now08:23
AlanBellI might upgrade a non-critical desktop in a sec and see if it happens to me08:24
hank3three3seems like a few people are having the same problem, how would you add that as a bug?08:26
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:27
AlanBellhank3three3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bugs08:28
AlanBellhit the report a bug link and put in the details (perhaps with a photo if convenient)08:29
czajkowskigooooood day to you all08:34
hank3three3I started the bug its Bug #972221 how would you take a picture of the error message page before its booted08:35
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 972221 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "error invalid blocklist, press any key to continue......" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97222108:35
AlanBelland what happens after you press the any key?08:37
hank3three3it boots08:37
diplohank3three3, Mobile/Digital Camera ?08:37
AlanBelladd that to the bug, so it does boot fine, after complaining?08:38
hank3three3yeh tried that, I get backlight problems which makes the screen look white, I'll try again though08:38
hank3three3one question, and I'll have to log off to find out, but what version is the Grub after that update, anybody know?08:40
AlanBell!info grub2 precise08:40
lubotu3`grub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.99-20ubuntu1 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64 any-powerpc any-ppc64 any-sparc any-mipsel i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 sparc mipsel kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)08:40
hank3three3is there any way to update grub using the terminal, or would that break it even more08:49
hank3three3ok, i'll leave it08:53
BigRedShank3three3: it depends what you mean by 'update grub'08:57
BigRedSdo you want to update the list of options to boot from, or upgrade the program to a new version?08:58
BigRedSupdate-grub does the former :)08:58
hank3three3oh sorry, was doing something just noticed your answers, I was just wondering, after the update, and the problem with the grub being installed, if a grub update via the terminal could fix the problem, and reading your post I think i say upgrade to new version, if that is what is needed09:03
StaffRingedSealhearing complaints elsewhere09:04
StaffRingedSealas well09:04
bigcalmStaffRingedSeal: about the snow?09:04
hank3three3the problem is, I dont know what caused the problem in the beginning, it said it couldnt install the grub, so was the install to new upgrade or something else09:04
BigRedSwell, it would nomrally have told you why it couldn't install grub09:06
BigRedSand that's the important bit09:06
hank3three3is there anyway to find out, I didnt notice anything about why it couldnt install09:07
StaffRingedSealno, about the grub2 problem09:07
hank3three3and if I could find out, then I could add it to the bug report09:07
hank3three3oh, that is a pity09:07
diplohank3three3, I'm guessing it's a regression in a fix some one has put in place09:14
diploIf it's affecting other people hopefully the developer will be on it asap09:14
StaffRingedSealhank3three3, AlanBell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/97225009:26
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 972250 in grub2 (Ubuntu) ""This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition"" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:26
hank3three3ooh, that isnt good, at least mine boots after the error message09:28
brobostigonok, what the thing popey said i should do a couple of weeks ago, when my eeepc wouldnt start when power is pressed.?09:40
DJonesbrobostigon: Plug it in? :)09:49
DJonesSorry, couldn't resist that one09:50
brobostigonhaha, very funny.09:53
brobostigoni solved it anyway, reset the bios.09:54
popeybrobostigon: unplug, remove battery, leave it a few minutes09:54
popeyor that09:54
brobostigonthank you popey.09:54
davmor2morning all10:04
davmor2prod MooDoo czajkowski10:04
brobostigonworking, :)10:04
MooDoodavmor2: hello chap10:04
MooDooczajkowski: hello xxxx10:04
brobostigonmorning MooDoo and davmor210:05
MooDoohello brobostigon10:05
czajkowskidavmor2: MooDoo ello10:06
bigcalmHi davmor210:08
davmor2morning bigcalm MooDoo czajkowski how are you all?10:09
bigcalmI want sleeps10:09
czajkowskigreat thanks10:10
davmor2bigcalm: I knows that feeling10:10
davmor2czajkowski: I'm good I could do with more sleep the same as bigcalm but that is about it10:10
Dave2I want sleep and a working kettle.10:11
brobostigonupdates to chromium in precise, :)10:12
MooDoodavmor2: i'm ok, playing around with my photography blog :)10:12
kirrusDave2: isn't a working kettle a requirement of continued working? ;)10:17
Dave2Well, a working kettle at home.10:17
Dave2Here at work there's a hot water machine thing10:17
* brobostigon thanks the person, who is doing the hard work, in updating chromium.10:17
popeybrobostigon: that would be Micah Gersten <micahg@ubuntu.com>, send him a mail and thank him. he's a lovely chap ☺10:19
brobostigonpopey: i will do, :) thank you.10:19
StaffRingedSealI wonder which is to blame, chromium or ubuntu for the fact that F11 doesn't make it go fullscreen10:23
StaffRingedSealI don't even know if I'm alone in my problem10:23
AlanBellblame canada10:23
AlanBell</south park>10:24
AlanBellStaffRingedSeal: F11 goes fullscreen here10:24
StaffRingedSealright, so it is me10:24
davmor2StaffRingedSeal: it does here on oneiric10:24
brobostigonhere also.10:24
StaffRingedSealmine didn't in oneiric nor now in precise10:24
AlanBellWasabi peas are yummy10:24
diploThey are10:25
AlanBellStaffRingedSeal: try a guest session of Ubuntu (so no profile brokenness in the mix)10:25
diploAlthough I don't my work colleague appreciates when I eat lot's of them AlanBell10:25
StaffRingedSealthat's a good point, I'll try that once I've had my tea10:25
StaffRingedSealarp arp.10:25
MartijnVdSStaffRingedSeal: Oh no, the IPv4 frog10:26
davmor2StaffRingedSeal: and in precise,  are you using a laptop?10:27
AlanBelloh, chromium has those funny window buttons10:27
davmor2StaffRingedSeal: is there a hardware key on f11 if so what happen is you press fn+F1110:27
StaffRingedSealnothing happens...10:28
StaffRingedSealand yes it's a hardware key10:28
AlanBellin the chromium personal stuff settings in the appearance section you can turn on and off using the system titlebar and borders, does that make a difference (doesn't for me)10:29
StaffRingedSealI can also reliably crash/kill/hide chromium by trying to move it to another workspace by the topic bar10:29
StaffRingedSealI've got Use instead of Hide there10:30
StaffRingedSealand when it's on hide, F11 works10:31
StaffRingedSeals/topic bar/titlebar/10:31
AlanBellooh, ok well that is interesting isn't it10:32
StaffRingedSealso if I choose "Move to Another Workspace" it dies10:32
StaffRingedSealit's weird10:33
davmor2http://imgur.com/r00rm muhahahahahahahahahahahaha10:38
MartijnVdSdavmor2: :)10:40
MooDoooh dear10:40
DJonesThat reminds me of test we had in school many decades ago, 30 questions, big letters at the top "Read all the questions/tasks before starting to complete them", the tasks included things like count out loud to 20, stand up etc and you could tell who had read everything before starting, the last task on the bottom of page 2 was to sit still and not do anything else10:43
mgdmHehe, I've seen that one too10:44
MartijnVdSDJones: did you pass the test?10:44
DJonesMartijnVdS: I didn't make a fool of myself, so I think yes I passed10:45
AlanBellthey did that with us too, the last task was to erase all previous answers10:47
AlanBellthe teacher handed out the papers, asked us to start, I got up and handed my paper in and walked out. Was a good 5 minutes before anyone else joined me.10:48
DJonesI'll have to ask some of the teacher relations I've got whether they still do that test10:49
oimonwish i could play drawception on my android tablet :(10:49
BigRedSwe got something similar at uni. Last item was to make sure your name was filled in and then leave10:49
diploDidn't have those tests when I was at school AlanBell / DJones10:56
diploWould have been nice :)10:56
gordwhen i was at school they gave us tests on like, maths and stuff. you guys had it easy!10:56
gordmaths is hard :(10:56
MartijnVdSgord: but it's also fun!10:56
bigcalmMaths is fun10:57
bigcalmThis is why I'm a coder10:57
MartijnVdSI still need to think up something to display on my 8x8 2-colour LED matrix10:58
davmor2bigcalm: 0+1=?10:59
bigcalmdavmor2: depends upon which language and base you are using :)11:01
bigcalmMartijnVdS: space invaders11:02
davmor2bigcalm: just an answer I can guaranty it'll be wrong11:02
MartijnVdSbigcalm: on 8x8?11:02
bigcalmMartijnVdS: you didn't play around with VDU chars on the BBC micro then :)11:03
gordMartijnVdS, mario, obviously http://vimeo.com/992834311:04
MartijnVdSgord: \o/11:04
bigcalmgord: that was full of AWESOME!11:06
* bigcalm tickles czajkowski 11:08
gordyeah... but it makes you think man if only i had a like 320x240 led display, could do actual mario! but then you start realising you might as well just get an arm board with a display chip11:08
MartijnVdSbut then it wouldn't be a challenge!11:09
* czajkowski glares at bigcalm 11:09
* bigcalm gives czajkowski a milky bar and slithers off for lunch11:10
AlanBellwhite chocolate is just wrong11:10
MartijnVdSAlanBell: http://www.koetjesreep.com/11:11
* davmor2 glares at czajkowski for glaring at bigcalm then realises he's meant to keep a straight face when glaring, then realises that it now looks like he is just laughing at czajkowski 11:12
paul_eric has got a new one on thursday11:13
* MartijnVdS offers davmor2 some anti-glare coating11:13
davmor2slaps MartijnVdS anti-glare coating on his head is that better now?11:15
MartijnVdSdavmor2: yeah, much less glare 8-)11:17
MartijnVdSNo more glaring mistakes11:17
kaushalAs per https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/byobu.html Byobu currently does not launch at login (toggle on)" option will cause byobu to be executed any time a terminal is opened.12:33
kaushalwhat does it mean12:34
kaushalhelp me understand12:34
popeykaushal: by default byobu doesnt start when you ssh to a machine running byobu12:35
popeythat option will "toggle" (i.e. switch) it on12:35
popeyso then when you ssh in, byobu will start12:35
* davmor2 loves Ubuntu's seemingly non existant freezes.....92 updates from last night12:38
MartijnVdSand that's just libreoffice 8-)12:39
kaushalpopey: ah ok12:40
kaushalpopey: so it means its on remote server ?12:40
kaushali was under the impression it was on my desktop12:40
popeyit could be on any system, local or remote12:40
kaushalso when i click on gnome-terminal12:40
kaushali type Byobu12:41
kaushalam i doing it correctly ?12:41
davmor2kaushal: you are reading the Ubuntu Server Documentation that is why it is talking about servers12:41
popeyyeah, that will work12:41
kaushalkaushal@kaushal-laptop:~$ byobu12:41
kaushalso i run that way12:42
czajkowskidavmor2: 94 here12:42
popey171 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:42
kaushalpopey: correct me if i am doing wrong12:42
kaushaldavmor2: please suggest12:42
popey13:41:48 < popey> yeah, that will work12:42
davmor2czajkowski: fictional freezes12:42
popeykaushal: you're not doing anything wrong12:42
kaushalpopey: ok12:42
czajkowskidavmor2: it would be nice if they left it for a week or so with no updates so they could fix issues and people could just report bugs.12:43
czajkowskithere doesn't seem to be a time when there aren't any updates happening12:43
davmor2czajkowski: don't be daft fix them on the fly you know thats the way to do it12:43
BigRedSczajkowski: isn't that what's asked for by several people every release?12:44
popeynothing stopping you reporting bugs12:44
BigRedS"Don't do anything new this release, just fix the bugs"12:44
popeythats mostly what we are doing BigRedS12:44
BigRedSand then it's pointed out that bugs are normally fixed with new things12:44
davmor2popey: apart from apport saying I can't report this bug you need to update x ,y, z12:44
popeyyeah, which is great12:45
BigRedSyeah, I've mostly given up on reporting bugs through that now12:45
popeysaves us having a zillion useless bugs12:45
BigRedSI'm never up to date enough to do it anyway12:45
davmor2popey: I agree but it is annoying still12:45
popeyso update ☺12:46
AlanBellI wish the voices in my head were loud enough to drown out the sound of children on holiday12:46
BigRedSyeah, I keep meaning to set up unattended upgrades12:46
BigRedSthe GUI process requires more clicks than I have patience12:47
davmor2AlanBell: just start an arguement with then that you know will go on all day :)12:47
BigRedSso it prompts me, I click 'ok' a few times and then get distracted by something else12:47
popeyi use apt-get, almost never use update-manager12:47
BigRedSyeah, I'm not in the habit of thinking about upgrading every time I boot the thing12:48
BigRedSso I only upgrade if there's a bug that's probably fixed or if I manage to go through the whole of the gui thing12:48
=== paul_ is now known as paulf
DJonesHeh, expect more lost drivers getting stuck down country roads http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1759970114:04
DJones"Leap year bug"14:04
bigcalmNot like it doesn't happen every 4 years14:08
bigcalmOh, wait...14:08
* penguin42 is confused about why a map system is affected by the date14:17
MartijnVdSit's not the map system14:18
MartijnVdSit's the GPS14:18
directhexGPS relies on quantum physics.14:19
directhexand also accurate time measurements as part of that14:19
penguin42MartijnVdS: But why should GPS be confused by the date? I know they rely on exact timing relative to the satellites but *surely* that's not related to calendar time (!)14:19
ali1234it isn't14:19
AlanBellnothing to do with the GPS circuits I expect14:20
davmor2bigcalm: Motorola got back to me 2Q of 2012 for Xoom ICS update14:20
dogmatic69How can I configure wifi via terminal?14:20
ali1234right. it's just the usual poor UI programming14:20
ali1234the GPS will be a black box anyway14:21
ali1234just emits NMEA or something, no programming required14:21
MartijnVdSusually, yes14:21
BigRedSdogmatic69: iwlist, iwconfig. If you google almost exactly your question you'll probably get a few tutorials14:21
MartijnVdSBigRedS: NOOOOO14:21
MartijnVdSiwlist/iwconfig are Old & Busted14:21
BigRedSwhat's new and shiny?14:22
MartijnVdS"iw" is the new cool tool14:22
MartijnVdSbut you won't be able to connect to WPA networks with it14:22
BigRedSI was just wondering if it was like ipconfig to ip14:22
MartijnVdSalso, /etc/network/interfaces has options to do that for you14:22
BigRedSer, ifconfig to ip14:22
MartijnVdSBigRedS: the old wifi APIs aren't good enough (no N support, for instance)14:22
penguin42if you've got it configured in networkmanager you can probably bring it up with nm-cli14:22
MartijnVdSBigRedS: "iw" fixes that14:22
BigRedSI've got half a set of scripts for replacing network-manager knocking around somewhere, but they rely on old and busted technology :(14:23
balorczajkowski, Does the U1 music store work in .ie and can I just put the app on my mother;s Android phone and "have it work"?14:27
czajkowskibalor: it does work but it's a different shop14:27
czajkowskiand which appp ?14:27
balorczajkowski, the U1 music app on the Google Play App Store14:28
czajkowskiok let me see14:28
czajkowskiseeing as I'm sitting in the garden in castleconnell14:28
* balor is in Dublin right now14:28
gordbalor, you can't purchase music from the android app14:29
bigcalmdavmor2: that's a 3 month window starting this month. Better than nothing :)14:29
gordit'll let you listen to any music you have in u1 though14:29
davmor2bigcalm: and direct from Motorola Europe14:29
czajkowskibalor: what gord said  it's for streaming14:29
czajkowskigord: aye14:29
ali1234gord: is that because you don't want to pay 30% to google?14:29
czajkowskibalor: aye14:29
ali1234or simply because it'snot implenented yet?14:30
balorFun.  It looks like there's no legal music purchase service on Android/Linux in .ie14:30
czajkowskibalor: ask in #ubuntuone14:30
gordi've no idea tbh, the u1 store is a website technically, so i guess it would be possible to implement - never actually asked14:30
davmor2balor: Amazon mp3 maybe?14:30
penguin42balor: So you walk over the border?14:30
MartijnVdS7digital has more "country" sites than U1MS uses14:30
MartijnVdSso I get the EU store, even though the 7Digital "Netherlands" site has more music to slel me14:31
MartijnVdSsell me*14:31
=== imexil1 is now known as imexil
* davmor2 has a set up tp plugs and now can use ps3 for love film streaming woohoo!14:59
MartijnVdSTP plugs?15:00
davmor2well hopefully I need to test it in the evening to be sure15:00
MartijnVdSare you cornholio?15:00
MartijnVdSyou need tp?15:00
davmor2MartijnVdS: http://www.broadbandbuyer.co.uk/Shop/ShopDetail.asp?ProductID=10551 this kinda thing15:01
MartijnVdShomeplug :)15:01
MartijnVdSpowerline ethernet15:01
* MartijnVdS just put gbit all around the house15:01
MartijnVdS(PS3 speaks gbit!)15:01
diploMines on a gigabit network at home as well15:03
davmor2MartijnVdS: daft thing I found out with the ps3, is if the wifi signal drops by 5% it automagically stalls whatever activity it is doing till it's back up unless there is a game in the system D'oh15:04
MartijnVdSdavmor2: if I try to stream HD video over wifi, it just stutters a lot15:05
MartijnVdSgbit: no problems15:05
gord100mbit should work fine for hd video ;)15:05
davmor2MartijnVdS: Exactly what I was having you get at most 30second playback15:06
MartijnVdSgord: I like to be prepared.15:06
MartijnVdSgord: Especially with 500/500 fibre on its way15:06
davmor2MartijnVdS: you know the ps3 won't do holographic right :D15:06
MartijnVdSdavmor2: I have more devices than just a PS3 ;)15:06
AlanBellmy broadband speed has been uncapped apparently15:07
bigcalmIt's been raining for the past 4 hours. The ground is going to be a little damp. Can hear somebody mowing!15:07
gordwish be would do fibre already15:07
bigcalmAlanBell: your speed has been uncapped?15:07
bigcalmHow does that work?15:07
MartijnVdSgord: move to the Netherlands.. small towns get fibre first :)15:07
gordMartijnVdS, with have fibre in my town, my preferred isp however does not offer a fibre package yet15:08
MartijnVdSgord: FttC or FttH?15:08
gordthe rest of them have dumb caps, i can't be bothered thinking about how much i've downloaded15:08
gordto cabinet15:08
AlanBellbigcalm: it is FTTC and I am now on 80:20 I think15:08
MartijnVdSWe get FttH15:08
bigcalmAlanBell: there's still a limit though, no?15:10
AlanBellhttp://www.speedtest.net/result/1873019607.png my upstream bandwidth has gone up quite a bit, but I think I will try connecting the laptop direct to the router15:10
AlanBellbigcalm: yes, still a limit, but not an artificial one15:10
bigcalmAlanBell: aha, got you. Much better :)15:10
bigcalmGah, school holidays are draining away my bandwidth15:11
directhexi remember DACS limiting my dialup to 28k...15:11
AlanBelloh I was stuck behind a DACS15:11
MartijnVdS2012-06-22 is the latest estimate for my fibre install date15:12
bigcalmOctober seems my cable connection upgrade15:12
* bigcalm yays a bit15:12
MartijnVdSbigcalm: the fibre people are VERY slow15:13
gordfibre to the home takes much longer to do15:13
MartijnVdSI can see the fibre sticking out of the pavement 7 floors below15:13
gordand is much more expensive15:13
MartijnVdSIt has my address on it15:13
MartijnVdSgord: they're going to install it in every house in .nl before 2016ish15:14
MartijnVdSexcept some farms in the middle of nowhere15:14
bigcalmWorking from home = day time showers \o/15:14
* bigcalm gets clean15:14
MartijnVdSbigcalm: also, naked computing15:14
penguin42bigcalm: And to think in that ---v  window there is a discussion about the problem of receiving deliveries when half dressed15:15
penguin42MartijnVdS: Well, if you can see the fibre, go and splice it and plug in :-)15:15
penguin42MartijnVdS: Are they using GPONS or the like ?15:15
MartijnVdSpenguin42: GPONS? What's that?15:16
penguin42MartijnVdS: It's an architecture of large fibre systems that's cheaper than proper full switched systems15:16
penguin42MartijnVdS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive_optical_network15:16
MartijnVdSpenguin42: we get 2 fibres to every house, that go straight to a cabinet/POP a few km away15:17
MartijnVdS(so home <-> POP is point to point)15:18
penguin42MartijnVdS: Yeh I'm not sure, but I think it's about simplifying what's in the cabinet15:22
MartijnVdSthey built entire buildings to house the pops15:22
MartijnVdSnot just cabinets15:22
penguin42hmm, wonder why15:23
MartijnVdSapparently, gpon implies a shared connection15:24
MartijnVdSand those have a bad name (cable = shared = contention during peak hours.. we have LOTS of cable internet users)15:24
MartijnVdSalso, a fibre from every home to the POP sounds future-proof to me15:26
AzelphurI just stumbled upon this...why is there no source code :( http://design.canonical.com/2010/09/getting-physical/15:27
AlanBellbecause it barely exists15:28
Azelphurbarely exists > not existing, the video looks cool15:29
AlanBellhttps://code.launchpad.net/~nuthinking I don't see anything that looks like it would be that code15:30
ali1234who has used ubuntu to burn an iso image recently?15:31
Azelphurhe clearly likes blah15:31
ali1234the dialogue is confusing15:31
AlanBellright click the .iso, select write to disk15:32
ali1234yeah then you see this15:32
ali1234iso: 14.4GB, disc: 9.8GB free15:32
ali1234it's a blank disc that i just unwrapped15:32
ali1234it should have 25GB free15:32
ali1234i assume that it means there will be 9.8GB free *after* writing the image15:32
ali1234but that is just confusing and stupid15:32
ali1234it makes me think the image won't fit15:32
AlanBellI have only used CDs15:33
ali1234i assume CDs do the same thing?15:33
ali1234just with smaller numbers15:33
AlanBellshouldn't make much difference, but generally I am burning a CD sized image onto a CD15:33
ali1234so, do CDs do the same thing?15:33
AlanBellso I don't see the 50% thing15:33
ali1234what do you see?15:34
ali1234"iso 700mb, disc, 50mb free"15:34
ali1234is that dialogue part of brasero?15:35
AlanBellok, yeah I see the same thing15:35
ali1234ok bug report incoming15:37
ali1234bug 54201915:38
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 542019 in brasero (Ubuntu) "Confusing disk space when burning CD image" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54201915:38
davmor2bigcalm: april-july for us :)15:41
paulfi been having some issues with brasero burnign drv/rw and space issues15:49
paulfhope it gets fixed and better15:49
bittinpromised to read questions for 5-800 geeks16:05
MooDoobittin: you in the right channel?16:10
bittinMooDoo, maybe16:10
MooDoobittin: lol ok :D16:11
shaunoOT question; renewing a passport, is the 'supporting documentation' just the previous passport?  I'm going round in circles with this :/16:12
AlanBellshauno: yes16:12
AlanBellI got my new passport back last week16:13
shaunosilly site just keeps telling me how important 'supporting documentation' is but forgets to mention what they want  heh16:13
ali1234ring htem up16:15
ali1234they are suprisingly helpful16:15
shaunoeh, they close at midday here :/16:18
shauno"Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.00am to 12.30pm thereafter."  I want that job!16:20
shaunoI did find out that I can travel to/from uk/ireland on an expired passport tho.  that came in handy earlier this year.16:28
kaushalI have configured WIFI ADSL Router using WPA2-AES encryption method16:37
kaushalis there a way to check on the client system ?16:37
kaushalwhat encryption method has been used ?16:37
kaushaliwconfig and sudo iw dev wlan0 link does not show encryption method16:38
bigcalmkaushal: right click the network connection icon16:38
kaushalAny other way around ?16:38
bigcalmClick Connection Information16:38
bigcalmOther than that, I don't know sorry :)16:39
popeykaushal: nm-tool16:41
davmor2kaushal: click on edit connections... click on the wireless tab.... click on the name of the connection... click on edit and then look at the security tab16:41
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/913250/  eg16:41
kaushalpopey: ok16:44
kaushalpopey: also is there a way to see if my wlan0 is 802.11 a/b/gn ?16:44
kaushal802.11 a/b/g/n16:45
MartijnVdSkaushal: iw wlan0 link16:45
MartijnVdS(it shows if the current network is a/b/g or n)16:45
=== dan__ is now known as Guest86930
AlanBell!info precise grub217:08
lubotu3`'grub2' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable17:08
AlanBell!info grub2 precise17:08
lubotu3`grub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.99-20ubuntu1 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64 any-powerpc any-ppc64 any-sparc any-mipsel i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 sparc mipsel kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)17:08
AlanBellhmm, do I accept this update or wait for another17:08
* AlanBell updates17:09
penguin42I don't suppose there are any MIPS guys here at the moment are they and can give me an example encoding of an instruction?19:24
MartijnVdSpenguin42: MIPS is _weird_19:25
* MartijnVdS looked at OpenWRT binaries19:25
penguin42MartijnVdS: It's not that odd is it?19:26
penguin42it's one of the simplest encodings on the planet isn't it?19:26
MartijnVdSpenguin42: Uhm.. yes.. but I'm used to x86 asm :)19:26
MartijnVdSpenguin42: so it's strange _to me_19:26
brobostigonpub dig, that is on ch5 right now, has been to my local, so i might be seen, :(19:26
penguin42MartijnVdS: If you think MIPS is weird, try to look at an Itanium assembly19:27
popeyi used to quite enjoy a bit of 8086 asm19:27
popeyalthough preferred z80 and 650219:27
popeyin line assembler in BBC Basic was fun19:28
* penguin42 has done most19:28
penguin42popey: Heck yes, I wrote tons and tons of that as a kid19:29
MartijnVdSpenguin42: I'd rather not19:29
* penguin42 is just writing an android frontend to binutils as a disassembler and I'm just trying to get one or two instructions of each to check19:29
MartijnVdSpenguin42: you have a working mips binary + mips binutils?19:30
MartijnVdSpenguin42: (i.e. you can get a proper disassemble)19:31
penguin42MartijnVdS: No working MIPS binary to hand - I guess I could grab one19:31
MartijnVdSpenguin42: get a random package from openwrt..19:31
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] Ubuntu and VNC on EC2 - http://blogs.kde.org/node/455819:31
penguin42I do have the disassembler19:31
penguin42MartijnVdS: Ah yes I could19:31
dogmatic69see the first command in the example... sudo passwd root :O19:42
AlanBell5 year old article too20:06
* bittin is watching 花ざかりの君たちへ イケメン♂パラダイス20:17
bigcalmbittin: that's easy for you to say20:24
daftykinsthat's a whole lotta blank20:26
daftykinssigh at all the pesky olympics jazz that's already flooding the airwaves and so on20:34
hamitronwell, hope some people are enjoying it.... cost us enough20:39
* popey spidey sense goes bing21:08
popeyhello _2E0BXQ M6LJD Lee[__]21:08
Azelphurhmm, spout wants me to give them an SFTP account so they can mirror on my server, they have some really odd ways of setting things up21:09
hamitronreal men don't use mirrors, they just have engines21:12
bigcalmPress alt+f4 for ops!21:14
bigcalmJoin #1,000 for ops!21:14
bigcalmThe , bug might have been mIRC only21:14
* AlanBell finishes filling in answers to http://consultation.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/openstandards/21:16
AzelphurYea, really odd21:19
Azelphurfor a mirror they want mongodb that's using up like 2GB of RAM (Although they say it'll scale down?) and they want SFTP too :S21:20
Azelphurthis doesn't seem normal for a mirror, any comments?21:20
ali1234mirror of what?21:20
ali1234what is it?21:21
Azelphura minecraft fork21:21
directhexAzelphur: push mirroring?21:21
Azelphurdirecthex: yea, that's what I expected, they seem to have some real weird setup involving PHP and serving files directly from a database :S21:21
ali1234why does that even need a mirror?21:21
Azelphurali1234: big files, lots of downloads?21:22
ali1234minecraft? big?21:22
directhexpeople always expect minecraft to be small & lightweight21:22
directhexit needs gigs o' ram!21:23
ali1234the source code is only a couple of mb though21:23
directhexeven in a real programming language it'd need gigs o' ram21:23
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/GDe47t1y is the conversation I had btw21:23
ali1234we're not talking about running a server21:23
Azelphurali1234: nah we're talking about mirroring files21:24
ali1234you are providing the resources, you make the rules21:24
Azelphuryea I suppose so21:24
directhexi'd just say no tbh.21:25
AzelphurI mean I just don't wanna seem like an ass, is it normal for all these dependencies for a mirror?21:25
AzelphurMongoDB, PHP, SFTP access being the main things21:25
daftykinsAzelphur: are they asking for human sacrifice?21:25
ali1234no it's not normal at all21:25
daftykinsclose enough21:25
ali1234i still don't understand what they want to mirror21:26
directhexnot remotely normal for a file mirror. reasonably normal for a site mirror if their site is written with mongodb and php21:26
ali1234yeah, i'm assuming file mirror21:26
Azelphuryea, file mirror21:26
directhexand SFTP has nothing in common with FTP. that'd be FTPS21:27
directhexyes the naming is awesome21:27
Azelphurindeed, I know21:27
ali1234it's not worth arguing though21:30
Azelphurtrying to help them, but the deps are a bit crazy21:30
Azelphuras I say MongoDB for some reason decides to eat huge amounts of RAM if there is any free21:30
daftykinsOM NOM NOM21:31
Azelphuron my box it was eating up 2GB of RAM, it's apparently supposed to scale down depending on available free RAM, but I really don't see how that's a sensible setup21:31
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Bell] Open Standards Open Opportunities - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2012/04/03/open-standards-open-opportunities/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=open-standards-open-opportunities21:31
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Looking Towards Ubuntu 12.04 - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/03/looking-towards-ubuntu-12-04/21:31
directhexAzelphur: nosql tends to be a bit batshit insane21:35
Azelphurdirecthex: haha, I noticed21:35
directhexthe preferred term is "bonghits"21:37
* AlanBell likes the nosql concept21:37
daftykinslovely response from Fasthosts today regarding a client's email setup and his inability to email his gf22:16
daftykins"Unfortunately Spamrats have blocked our shared IP address due to the way in which reverse DNS is configured on our shared mail platform. We are currently addressing this with our engineers to see if there is any way this can be resolved. As these potential changes would have to be made globally across our network we are unable to ascertain if a resolution is possible and if so how long this would take to implement."22:16
bigcalmTime to move email providers22:17
daftykinsnot really an option22:18
daftykinsi've told the client he has to use his gmail account for now :D22:20
daftykinsi won't expect he'll be chuffed XD22:24
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Bell] Open Source Software and Security - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2012/04/03/open-source-software-and-security/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=open-source-software-and-security22:31
Seeker`popey: Happy popeday!23:19

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