
JanCDaekdroom: I have appmenu installed, but disabled the global menu, I think...00:12
JanCmaybe I should use dual menus...00:17
mhall119JanC: if you disable exporting the menu structure, HUD doesn't have anything to work with00:36
JanCI want "global menu" for maximized applications only, but apparently none of the developers/designers wants that  ;)00:42
JanCmhall119: "exporting" it should be independent of implementation  ;)00:43
mhall119JanC: local menus are being worked on, they just weren't ready for 12.0400:44
JanCwell, let's hope00:45
mhall119JanC: exporting *is* independent of display, which is how both global meny and HUD can display it00:45
mhall119but depending on what/how you disabled it, it may not be exporting anymore00:45
bschaeferthumper, ping, fixed those issues in the autopilot test for: https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/hud-to-dash-fix/+merge/10006402:08
bschaeferthanks for reviewing it02:08
thumperI'll try to get back to it soonish02:09
bschaefernot a problem, just wanted to let you know02:09
bschaeferthomi, ping, about that ibus crash fix you have. Do you know of any way to reproduce it?02:19
thomibschaefer: nope, I was running the AP test suite. However, continually running the AP test suite (inside a 'while 1' bash loopo for e.g.) always crashes unity for me eventually02:20
thomi...also, it seems to often crash on that first test02:20
bschaeferthomi, odd...I was thinking how to test it02:20
bschaeferlet me see if I can get it to crash for me02:20
* thomi tries running just the first test02:20
thomibschaefer: I set it going while I went out for lunch. 3 AP iterations later.. bang!02:22
bschaeferwell at lease the ap found it :). Has it found it since you fixed it?02:23
bschaeferie. it shouldn't have crashed since. Which should mean if the crash is present at anyother time the ap test will eventually find it.02:24
bschaeferso this should be covered under the ap tests!02:24
bschaeferthomi, approved it, ill run my ap test a few times over night to make sure it doesn't occur again!02:26
thomibschaefer: I recommend doing this inside an infinite loop:02:27
thomiummm, where did I put that script....02:28
bschaeferI was just going to write up a bash script to call it over and over again02:28
thomiwell, smethign like this:02:28
bschaeferbut a python one would be better :)02:28
thomi./tools/autopilot run -o `tempfile --suffix=autopilot`02:28
thominah, I used bash02:28
thomibschaefer: also, probably worth running unity inside gdb, so when it does crash you can fix it easily02:29
bschaeferthomi, I get a weird thing when I use gdb and run autopilot tests...something about not being to find...ugg forgot let me look it up02:29
bschaeferand alright sounds good! "saved command"02:29
bschaeferthomi, o yeah, I forgot I wanted to talk to you about search bars02:30
bschaeferbetween the hud/dash02:30
bschaefersince they share search bars, soo let me pull up that test02:31
bschaeferso those ap test, I had to check if the hud was visible before so I know Im checking the huds' search bar02:32
bschaeferbecause self.hud.searchstring and self.dash.searchstring will give you w/e string that is in the active search bar. So self.hud.searchstring will give you a dash search string02:33
thomibschaefer: ahhhh yes.02:34
thomiI know what this is.02:34
* thomi looks at the code02:34
thomibschaefer: wait, so inside unity they use the same *instance*?  I'm aware they use the same class....02:35
thomithis isn't the problem I was expecting...02:35
bschaeferI don't think they use the same "instance" I don't think...there are 2 news...let me double check02:36
bschaeferyeah DashView.cpp:186, new search bar and HudView.cpp:380 new search bar02:37
thomiyou should get different results02:38
thomias long as you get the searchbar from the hud/dash classes02:38
thomiif you just do this: SearchBar.get_all_instances()[0]02:38
thomiyou'll get the first one in the tree, which might not be what you want02:39
bschaeferthomi, hmm, the hud and dash emulators use self.get_children_by_type(SearchBar)[0]02:40
bschaeferthomi, ill give you an example of what I mean in an ap test.02:41
bschaeferthomi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/912411/ that returns true, when it shouldn't02:43
* thomi looks02:43
bschaefersince they typing should go to the dash, and the hud search string should be empty02:43
bschaeferwhich is why I forced the visible check02:45
thomiget_children_by_type uses the Children property of the item you call it on....02:45
bschaeferthomi, what if we exposed the search string it self from the HudView and DashView02:46
bschaeferinstead of using the whole search bar02:46
thominah, we need to figure out what's going on02:46
bschaeferexpose meaning introspect02:46
thomican you extend that test to print the 'id' property of both search bars for me and paste the results here?02:47
thomithey should be different02:47
bschaeferjust .id?02:47
thomiso self.dash.searchbar.id and self.hud.searchbar.id02:47
bschaeferugg one sec something is being weird02:50
bschaeferok the hud search bar is 21 and the dash is 5102:51
bschaeferso they have different ids02:51
bschaeferok, so after I wrote "focus" in the dash and then print there ids and the current search string it gives me02:53
bschaeferdifferent ids, but the same search string...so02:54
thomiI wonder if this is happening in Unity02:54
bschaeferIll see if I type something in to hud, and have the dash have some string and see if they are different02:54
bschaeferas the dash saves the string around02:55
thomiok, I'll set up that test as well...02:57
bschaeferooo so, I got a different search string when I left "focus" in the dash and then typed "focus1" in the hud02:57
bschaeferso...if you open the dash then type "Focus". Then go to the autopilot test and make it type "focus1" in the hud they get different search strings02:59
bschaefernow I cant reproduce that problem I was getting before03:01
bschaeferwell now it seems to be working...03:02
thomibschaefer: yeah it seems to work perfectly for me here.03:06
bschaeferthomi, ugg Im an idiot and the dash saved the "focus" and I didn't think anything was there since it was closed...03:08
bschaeferthomi, which is what Im thinking I did03:09
thominice. don't worry about it. It's nice to know I'm not the only person who does things like that :)03:09
bschaeferhaha, Ill remove those .visisble checks in those test now03:09
bschaeferand Ill change the search string to make sure they don't effect each other03:10
bschaefercool, fixed those ap test. Thanks03:13
htorquehi all! is the hud known to leak or use lots of memory? yesterday the hud-service was at 1.2 gib with no program opened.06:23
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gotwigmhall119: morning07:53
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gotwigmhr3, davidcalle: morning07:54
davidcallegotwig, hey07:54
mhr3hey, hey07:55
mhr3davidcalle, any updates to video lens? :)07:55
Saviqhey guys, what do you think might be responsible for reintroducing bug 878492 ?07:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 878492 in unity-2d "Keyboard shortcut - F10 shortcut is used to show menu and this is wrong" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87849207:55
gotwigdavidcalle: how can I exit a scope ? sys.exit does not work07:56
Saviqit seems gtk apps are affected, both under unity and -2d, not qt apps, though07:56
davidcallegotwig, ask mhr3 :)07:56
gotwigmhr3: how can I exit a scope ? sys.exit does not work07:56
davidcallemhr3, I've done small bugfixes. But I really can't reproduce the visible results for prior search bug.07:57
mhr3gotwig, there's no way sys.exit wouldn't work07:59
mhr3davidcalle, freezes are near :(07:59
gotwigmhr3: qt apps dont quit08:03
gotwigmhr3: with sys.exit()08:03
gotwigmhr3: it works, wohu08:04
gotwigmhr3: I tried to put the text message into the sys.exit(..)08:04
gotwigdavidcalle: so now I have to work on the icons :-)08:07
davidcallemhr3, network hiccup, have you answered something?08:08
davidcallegotwig, good luck08:09
mhr3davidcalle, just said that freezes are near08:09
davidcallemhr3, ok, then : how do you produce this bug ?08:10
mhr3put a few second sleep after spawning locate?08:11
mhr3that's basically what must be happening, no? locate taking time to do its stuff08:12
gotwigdavidcalle: works08:13
davidcallemhr3, that's actually a good test, trying now08:13
davidcallegotwig, well done!08:13
gotwigdavidcalle: version 0.2 is going to be releases ASAP ;)08:18
Saviqdidrocks, maybe you'll know what to do with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/878492/comments/4308:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 878492 in unity-2d "Keyboard shortcut - F10 shortcut is used to show menu and this is wrong" [High,Confirmed]08:32
didrocksSaviq: it seemed to be a Gtk issue, I talked about it and 3D is impacted08:33
didrocksSaviq: I think we have bigger issue to deal with for finale TBH08:33
Saviqdidrocks, ok, glad you're aware of that08:34
gotwigback :-)08:48
gotwigdavidcalle: does not work fully :/ but the daemon does not get launched when gourmet recipe manager is not installed, thats good.08:48
gotwigmorning, got a problem with a search loop. I want for every image of a row in a column an extra image. When I dont search for anything, I see all, when I search for something, the 2.th recipe gets the image of the first recipe, the 3.th that of the 2.th, etc. : http://bpaste.net/show/26403/  I think I got to save the state somehow09:00
tsdgeosdidrocks: ping09:09
didrockshey tsdgeos09:09
tsdgeosdidrocks: so i commited the stuff for the hud read configuration key from gsettings stuff09:09
didrocksyou mean gconf, right?09:09
tsdgeosdidrocks: you said you'd help me with the "override" stuff, whatever that was09:09
didrocksright ;)09:10
tsdgeosdidrocks: yes, gconf09:10
didrockstsdgeos: I'll propre a branch with it and the packaging09:10
didrocksshould be short, one sec09:10
tsdgeosdidrocks: great :-)09:10
didrockstsdgeos: oh, in fact09:10
didrockstsdgeos: we can avoid that09:10
didrocksif the gconf key is unset09:10
didrocksdo you revert to "alt"?09:10
tsdgeosi think i disable the shortcut09:11
gotwigmorning, got a problem with a search loop. I want for every image of a row in a column an extra image. When I dont search for anything, I see all, when I search for something, the 2.th recipe gets the image of the first recipe, the 3.th that of the 2.th, etc.  (NEWCODE) : http://bpaste.net/show/26404/  I think I got to save the state somehow09:11
didrockstsdgeos: hum… ok, in that case, let's do an override09:11
tsdgeosdidrocks: i can make it default to alt if you think that's more resilient09:12
didrockstsdgeos: no, maybe some user want to deactivate completly the hUD09:12
didrocksin that case, you won't know if there is a value or not09:12
didrocksoh sweet, we already have defaults for metacity09:13
didrocksso should be one line, one sec09:13
didrockstsdgeos: quite easy: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity-2d/default-gconf-value/+merge/10057209:16
tsdgeosdidrocks: know nothing about that file but the file makes a relative sense in my "know nothing" mind so i'll trust you ;-)09:23
didrockstsdgeos: thanks ;)09:24
htorquecan anyone help me to understand this? indicator-appmenu in precise contains a change that's just a merge proposal for lp:indicator-appmenu - how's that possible?09:36
htorque(there are no patches in the debian directory)09:37
seb128htorque, I usually bzr merge lp:.... to backport fixes09:38
seb128htorque, i.e the vcs deal with them, no patch system involved09:38
htorqueseb128: how would i see that?09:39
htorquethere's a change in there i see when doing apt-get source, but not when i get trunk09:40
htorquehowever, i believe the installed packages doesn't contain that fix (it's about a small missing g_free leak that's part of that fix)09:41
seb128htorque, what are you trying to do?09:43
htorqueseb128: meh, sorry...  i looked at the wrong changelog :(09:43
seb128htorque, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/indicator-appmenu/ubuntu/revision/22309:43
seb128that's the leak fix I backported09:43
seb128it adds a   g_free (item->priv->app_icon);09:43
seb128htorque, you can see the diff from the page09:44
htorqueseb128: i looked at ChangeLog, not debian/changelog - not enough coffee i guess. ;-)09:45
seb128htorque, ;-)09:45
tsdgeosdidrocks: ping09:50
didrockstsdgeos: hey hey09:50
tsdgeosdidrocks: the "reveal sensitivity" in the auto-hide launcher behaviour tab of the control panel is your responsability?09:51
didrockstsdgeos: right09:51
tsdgeosdidrocks: nothing, for a moment i thought it did not change unity2d setting, but it does09:52
didrockstsdgeos: it does. However, as 2d and 3d doesn't use the same key, despite my demand, I listen only on gconf (as ccsm is a graphical tool to change it)09:52
didrocksif I listen to both gsettings and gconf changes, we can end up in bad loops09:53
didrocksand people using dconf-editor to change the key should be aware they are not using an official tool :)09:53
tsdgeosstill works09:59
didrocksright ;)09:59
tsdgeosjust gets out of sync with the control panel stuff09:59
didrocksnot a biggy IMHO, most people will just use the ui or ccsm10:00
gotwigstill got problem with that :/10:15
gotwigis there a way to show only the half part of unicode charackters?10:24
gotwighow may I prefill my lens/scope ? e.g when someone switches on my lens/scope he jost gets "no scores for your search...."10:56
tsdgeosdidrocks: is the unity merger stopped? or just slow?11:23
didrockstsdgeos: no, there is an issue in the QA labs. Basically IS cut the ssh access to the whole QA lab because something is making a hundreds of requests every minute (and no, it's not the bot :p)11:27
didrockstsdgeos: so, they are looking at the source of the issue now11:27
tsdgeosnice :-)11:27
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gotwig(join #pythno12:49
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didrockstsdgeos: just to warn you, the key for Alt now can be <Alt_L> or Alt_L. Not sure if that would be a difference for you13:40
tsdgeosdidrocks: of course, that breaks everything :D13:41
tsdgeosdidrocks: can even be without <> ?13:41
didrockstsdgeos: glad that I warned you then? ;)13:41
didrockstsdgeos: well, this one is under discussion13:41
tsdgeosthat'd even break me more13:41
didrockstsdgeos: it's what g-c-c will do right now13:41
didrockstsdgeos: I'm trying to keep it so that there will still be <…>13:41
tsdgeossince i'm assuming <>*\c*13:41
tsdgeosso i'd have to rewrite the whole parser13:42
didrockstsdgeos: so assume for now <Alt_L> at least13:42
tsdgeoswill do13:42
gotwigJohnLea: hey13:51
gotwigjono: hey13:51
jonohey gotwig13:51
gotwigwould be gladful for every tip, to fix the bug that all icons only get shown when I search for nothing in my scope... when I type something, the icon cache, etc. gets accessed in a wrong way, and the icon from the first applied to the 2.th the 3.th to the 4.th recipe item , etc. :  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gotwig/lens-cooking/lens-cooking/view/head:/unity-scope-gourmet#L10513:54
jonodbarth, could you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/96549213:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 965492 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash home results take too long to appear" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:58
jonoI worry that this may be affecting our user experience right when people start using the dash13:58
gotwigDo you know how I can affect the first screen of my lens? when you press first time on it in the dash, and you have nothing entered.14:04
dbarthjono: hi, onit14:05
dbarthjono: do you get that immediately after logging in?14:06
jonodbarth, yep14:06
dbarthjono: that's the delayed loading i suppose, to accelerate startup time14:06
jonodbarth, right14:06
dbarthbut you have no way of knowing that something is about to happen14:06
dbarthor broken14:07
jonowhat worries me is that if a user logs in and clicks the dash right away it looks broken14:07
dbarthi agree14:07
jonodbarth, indeed14:07
dbarthjono: the spinning circle could help during that wait time, and without requiring a message and translation and so on14:07
dbarthi'll run that by johnlea14:08
jonodbarth, you mean the spinning circle next to the search?14:08
dbarthjono: btw, did you resolve your album art issue?14:08
jonodbarth, no have the same issue14:08
jonojust tested now14:08
dbarthjono: yes, something we already have in place; reusing14:08
dbarthjono: ok,done for the first issue14:12
dbarthjono: for the album art, let me see if lamalex has an idea14:12
jonodbarth, is there any way we can just get rid of the delay in icons appearing?14:12
dbarthlamalex: there?14:12
lamalexyes but in the QA meeting14:12
jonoeven if a spinner is shown, it takes four or five secs for the results to appear14:12
lamalexgive me 15 mins?14:12
jonowhich seems slugging14:12
dbarthlamalex: ah ok, np; just wondering how to help jono help us14:12
lamalexid need to read the backlog- i got no idea what you're talking about14:13
lamalexbut im trying to pay attention in the meeting :P14:13
dbarthdidrocks: ping? we are deferring the loading of lenses at startup, right?14:14
dbarthJohnLea: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/965492 if that sounds like an acceptable solution to you14:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 965492 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash home results take too long to appear" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:15
didrocksdbarth: hum? this is already done14:15
didrocksmhr3: isn't it? ^14:15
mhr3didrocks, what exactly?14:17
didrocksmhr3: we have lenses loading delayed at startup right?14:20
didrocksor told differently, that didn't regress in last release? (I didn't check the past 2 weeks ;))14:20
didrocksdbarth's questions make me wonder if we still have it or if it's unrelated14:20
mhr3didrocks, yes, the loading is delayed14:21
didrocksok ;)14:21
mhr3dbarth seems to be wanting it to be faster though14:21
didrockswe don't ;)14:23
didrockswe as "distro" :p14:23
mhr3i agree with the spinner though, it's odd that you don't see it if you're not searching14:23
mhr3actually wanted to ask JohnLea about it as well14:24
gotwigI want it to be faster, too ^^14:25
gotwigwas it realy a good decision to use python for lenses & scopes?14:25
gotwigmhr3: ^14:26
mhr3default lenses are native14:27
mhr3expect video lens14:27
gotwigmhr3: what you mean with native14:37
mhr3gotwig, not python14:37
gotwigmhr3: so what14:37
mhr3so they can be fast if you want them fast14:38
mhr3and they're development can be convenient if you want it convenient14:39
lamalexok dbarth jono what do you need?14:39
JohnLeamhr3; what is the question?14:42
mhr3JohnLea, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/965492/comments/414:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 965492 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash home results take too long to appear" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:43
mhr3JohnLea, plus i'd show the spinner anytime a lens is taking time to display/update results (currently it's shown only if you're doing a search)14:45
JohnLeamhr3; so the questions is "if the Dash results are slow loading (because the user has just logged in), is it acceptable to show the usual spinner in the search box??  If that's the question, the answer is yes, because it is for times like this that there is a spinner in the search box ;-)  However of course the best solution would be for search to be faster ;-)14:46
JohnLeamhr3; go ahead, that is why there is a spinner ;-)14:46
mhall119didrocks: ping14:53
didrocksmhall119: hey14:54
jonolamalex, I reported a bug about no album art appearing14:56
jonolamalex, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-music/+bug/96548314:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 965483 in unity-lens-music (Ubuntu) "Album covers not displayed" [Medium,Incomplete]14:56
gotwigWant to test the new version of my cooking lens? https://code.launchpad.net/~gotwig/+archive/lens-cooking please help me in fixing bugs :-) e.g the gourmet scope has problem with showing the right icon of recipes.14:57
gotwigoh sry, it first starts to build xD14:58
mhall119didrocks: hi, I was talking to balloons yesterday about getting some documentation together about how community people can contribute to testing Unity, and he said you might be able to help with more unity-specific testing tools and docs than he had14:58
gotwigmhall119: I would like to develop lenses & scopes in c, or an other native language :!14:59
mhall119gotwig: go for it14:59
gotwigmhall119: lol :D ?14:59
mhall119since it all happens over DBus, you can choose just about anything14:59
gotwigmhall119: oh yeah :D15:00
didrocksmhall119: indeed, with unity-checkbox15:00
didrocksmhall119: I think popey is about to do a screencast for this week-end call for testing15:00
gotwigunity-checkbox just sucks....15:01
gotwigI never got feedback for my bugs or reports, and there is / was somehow no 12.04 support15:01
mhall119didrocks: oh that would be excellent15:01
didrocksgotwig: thanks for considering the work done by other people here15:01
mhall119didrocks: what about stuff like autopilot, does it make sense to ask community people to run those?15:01
didrocksgotwig: btw, I gave some feedback from all testing period on my blog, and so on planet ubuntu15:02
didrocksgotwig: with hundreds of testers, it's not possible to answer to everyone by email one by one… sorry15:02
didrocksmhall119: no, the test is screwing the session and it's quite shacky15:02
didrocksmhall119: like a lot of timeouts (40 tests failing on 200 on an average)15:02
didrocksneeds a english box only15:03
gotwigdidrocks: I forgive you :-)15:03
gotwigdidrocks: lol15:03
gotwigdidrocks: I wasnt able to submit my submission.xml15:03
didrocksgotwig: that's different, a checkbox issues… seems that hundreds of people can though, did you sign on launchpad?15:04
gotwigdidrocks: no question ;)15:04
didrockswell, if you don't sign in on launchpad, there is no way your results can be pushed :)15:05
gotwigdidrocks: that meant yes15:05
gotwigdidrocks: :-) but ok.. I just wanted to help15:06
didrocksah, weird though, you can still ask on #qa, I have no real clue about checkbox signing on process15:06
gotwigWant to test the new version of my cooking lens? https://code.launchpad.net/~gotwig/+archive/lens-cooking please help me in fixing bugs :-) e.g the gourmet scope has problem with showing the right icon of recipes.  now realy in PPA :-)15:06
zgrega lens with cooking recipes? lol :)15:07
gotwigzgreg: you can search for recipes, yip15:08
gotwigzgreg: online & offline15:08
zgregI'd rather like to see unity perform better ony my netbook without any hacks15:09
zgregdisabling vsync in compiz configuration definitely improves performance a lot for me, yet I don't see any tearing even without it15:09
ryeerm, precise, alt+f2 start typing totem - the totem icon actually there until you enter "m", why?15:10
zgregrye: I don't understand that last sentence15:12
Daekdroomzgreg, the totem app icon disappears from the results once you finish typing totem15:12
DaekdroomWhich is not necessarily a bug. You can type 'totem' then press Enter15:12
DaekdroomBut doesn't seem consistent.15:13
ryezgreg: ^ what Daekdroom said, but you can't run totem this way for some reason15:13
zgreghmm I've never seen anything like that, but I think it is a bug15:13
gotwigcan someone help me in testing?15:13
zgregthis is very irritating15:13
gotwigzgreg: I am a hobby developer, btw..15:13
DaekdroomInterestingly enough, it doesn't happen with gedit.15:13
zgregor confusing, maybe15:13
Daekdroomor pidgin15:13
Daekdroomor anything else I'm trying15:13
DaekdroomPoor Totem.15:14
ryeDaekdroom: firefox is ok... also i see that totem has some totem-abc, totem-blah-blah-blah apps too, so maybe the matching system thinks it needs to start matching other ones15:14
DaekdroomIt's definitely worth a bug report.15:15
ryefor the first time i tried running totem using Alt+f2 throughout all the testing of Precise... :)15:15
popeyrye: i can confirm that15:16
ryeDaekdroom: aha, see for e.g. unity - it also has some commands starting with it, and once you press "y", the original one disappears (not that you will want to start it)15:17
popeyrye: note that if you press Super then type "totem" it does appear15:17
popeyor rather, doesn't disappear15:17
ryepopey: yep, that's why i said "for the first time" - launching from dash/apps has always been working for me15:17
tsdgeosdidrocks: has been the key for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/955193 been decided?15:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 955193 in Ayatana Design "Menu bar - add option for the global menu to make it always visible" [High,Triaged]15:49
didrockstsdgeos: sorry, 5 people speaking at the same time, I saw your request…15:50
didrockstsdgeos: the option will maybe not be there15:50
tsdgeosno probl :D15:50
DaekdroomAm I meant to be able to drag the Dash launcher?15:57
Daekdroom(even thought I still cannot change its position)15:57
davidcalleMacSlow, ping16:35
MacSlowdavidcalle, poing16:38
davidcalleMacSlow, I've just seen the screenshot of your fix for cardview, nice :)16:38
MacSlowdavidcalle, well... it's not merge-proposed yet and just this very moment there's some feedback from design... so don't hold you breath :)16:39
davidcalleMacSlow, fyi, gord is working on an icon fix, where non square icons don't fill the tiles as much as they should : here is the fix (on vertical renderer ) http://gordallott.com/share/Screenshot%20from%202012-04-02%2016:29:31.png16:39
MacSlowdavidcalle, I know... he told me about it yesterday regadring the square vs landscape issue... regarding the video-lens16:40
davidcalleMacSlow, just wanted you to know, to avoid a design clash. I don't know what he is going to do about the horieontal renderer16:40
davidcalleMacSlow, ok then, if you know about it :)16:40
izidorall: hi, is there somebody who understands window focus model in Unity?17:11
izidorI would like to provide an option to show a window on foreground when user click in my appindicator17:12
izidorhowever, it works only when the same application has focus17:12
izidoron the other side, showing a window from indicator-sound or indicator-messages alway put a window into foreground17:13
izidordoes anybody know how does work?17:13
izidorgotwig: hi17:17
gotwigizidor: hey, are you a dev?17:17
gotwighas anyone tested my lens :X17:17
izidorgotwig: a maintainer of GTG trying to find an answer to my questions17:17
* gotwig asks YOU!17:17
izidorgotwig: what lens?17:17
gotwigizidor: cooking lens17:17
gotwigizidor: have you heard of it?17:18
izidorgotwig: honestly, no17:19
gotwigizidor: it was in omgubuntu news17:19
izidorI haven't heard about any users' lenses17:19
izidorgotwig: when?17:19
gotwigizidor: ??17:22
kklimondawow, I'm having really hard time using unity with multiple workspaces. Can some dev spare me a moment so we could triage it a bit?17:22
gotwigizidor: want a link?17:22
gotwigizidor: http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDoQIDAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwebcache.googleusercontent.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dcache%3AsI2hXAbs0TgJ%3Awww.omgubuntu.co.uk%2F2012%2F02%2Fhungry-new-cooking-lens-brings-recipefy-to-ubuntu%2F%2B%26cd%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26ct%3Dclnk%26gl%3Dde&ei=4jF7T_HqFIPusgaa1aXuAQ&usg=AFQjCNG087CU8eMQ6YiU5codeeup8MEUBQ&sig2=Pb3No4shCHNGzqY7CrSwXw17:23
izidorgotwig: thanks17:24
gotwigizidor: if you are interessted in using it, I would be pleased if you could give me some feedback :-)17:25
izidorgotwig: is it available also for 11.10?17:26
gotwigizidor: sorry, no17:26
gotwigizidor: many people asked me that, tough :X17:26
izidorgotwig: so I have to wait until release of 12.0417:27
gotwigizidor: I think so :-) but there are other great lenses , too for 12.0417:27
izidorgotwig: is it going to be a standard package in 12.04 ?17:27
gotwigizidor: I dont think so17:27
gotwigizidor: its part of the scope packagers ppa17:27
izidorgotwig: I am going to write mine as well ;)17:27
gotwigsome people from ubuntu and canonical work on these packages, but I dont think that its going to be in the standard repo17:28
izidorgotwig: that's shame17:28
gotwigizidor: I dont know if I'm able to maintain it for that release17:28
izidorgotwig: common user is unable to install PPA17:28
gotwigizidor: thats not true... but its not nice, yes17:28
gotwigcouse than apt-get update loads longer.. etc.17:29
gotwigand somehow its system integrated ;)17:29
gotwigso it shouldnt be in a PPA. IMHO17:29
gotwigizidor: the screens look good, right :P ?17:29
izidorgotwig: yes, it does17:30
gotwigizidor: in my next version you are able to use gourmet recipe manager recipes17:30
gotwigizidor: as a source17:30
gotwigizidor: and better formating17:31
izidorgotwig: looking forward to it17:31
gotwigizidor: ;) its somehow a hobby thing. Have you said, you are going to do some lenses/scopes as well?17:32
izidorgotwig: yes17:32
izidorfor GTG17:32
gotwigizidor: GTG ?17:32
izidor(Getting Things GNOME!)17:32
izidora task manager17:32
gotwigizidor: do you have a nice screen for me :-) ?17:33
gotwigizidor: I am a fan of the calendar lens17:34
izidorgotwig: http://ploum.net/public/gtg029.png17:34
gotwigizidor: even I dont use it17:34
izidorgotwig: but which calendar does it use?17:35
gotwigizidor: I think lightning17:35
gotwigizidor: thunderbird lightning17:35
gotwigI dont even know, which calendar is ubuntu 12.04 having??17:35
gotwigizidor: are you expierienced with python?17:38
izidorgotwig: yes, I am17:40
gotwigizidor: :-) I am not realy ^^ Have you time for now?17:40
izidorgotwig: kind of17:41
gotwigizidor: :-) I have a scope for recipefy.com . the problem is that each result page only has 12 results, what means that my scope can show now just 12 results for each search.17:42
izidorgotwig: yes...17:42
gotwigizidor: I want at least 2417:43
gotwigizidor: I think I am going to use a loop for that, somehow17:43
izidorgotwig: that's only option17:45
izidoror talk with theowners of site17:46
gotwigizidor: I already did17:46
gotwigizidor: they at least give me the permition to use their site....17:46
gotwigizidor: no one other gave me the permition17:46
gotwigizidor: can you help me with that problem?17:52
izidorgotwig: the only thing you can do is to get another page of results as well17:52
izidorthe loop you proposed17:52
gotwigizidor: I know, but to realize that loop. there are much lines :X17:52
izidorgotwig: I have no code ;)17:53
gotwigwait for it17:53
gotwigizidor: I did extremly little of research ;) http://paste.ubuntu.com/913375/17:54
gotwigizidor: I want that first the 12 results get loaded. when they are loaded and the user sees them, the next should get loaded. Becouse when you load both at one time, it looks a bit slow for the user, get it?17:55
izidorgotwig: i don't know much about unit lens API17:58
izidorgotwig: is there any button like "more"?17:58
gotwigizidor: what you mean17:59
gotwigizidor: on the webpage?17:59
gotwigthere are links17:59
gotwigyou have to realize buttons in unity scopes for your own17:59
gotwigizidor: ^18:11
gotwigizidor: ^18:41
izidorgotwig: I don't know how to create a button like that in Unity18:41
gotwigizidor: I want it loads auto18:42
gotwigizidor: you know, buttons for this suck IMHO....18:42
mhall119izidor: Unity automatically puts a "More results" expander link if there are more results than can be displayed on one line18:43
mhall119but for something like "More results than what we're giving to unity" you'd need to provide your own18:44
Klap-inizidor: gtg looks bit similar to tomboy for me. just the possibility to add tags in plain text do attract me.19:14
* mhall119 loves GTG19:14
Klap-inso at the first glance i do not see sync option in the documentation, it hasn't?19:15
mhall119Klap-in: IIRC, it'll sync with services like rememberthemilk19:15
mhall119and someone was working on Google tasks syncing19:15
mhall119I'd like to have U1 syncing myself19:16
gotwigwhy is there  no open alternative to U119:17
gotwigit could be so good (open)...19:17
jussigotwig: there is19:18
jussiowncloud :)19:19
jussi!info ownclowd19:19
ubot5Package ownclowd does not exist in oneiric19:19
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinho|dinner
gotwigjussi: but its not that well implemented into ubuntu like U119:20
gotwigeven these windows stuff is better integrated19:20
gotwig(windows server (exchange,  etc.) > windows 7 )19:20
jussiintegrated in wht way? nautilus integration? or?19:21
gotwigjussi: E.G ;)19:21
gotwigjussi: and why double the work19:21
gotwigand why use U1 if its not even open source19:21
AlanBellso go integrate it19:22
gotwigits not OPEN SOURCE19:22
jussino, owncloud is19:22
gotwigthats canonicals fault19:22
AlanBellowncloud is open source19:22
gotwig... I know19:22
gotwigbut its more a web thing19:22
AlanBellit isn't canonical's fault that owncloud isn't integrated19:22
gotwigthat its not OS19:23
jussiowncloud is pretty nicely integrated into my Kubuntu....19:23
gotwigif U1 would go open source , it would be good19:24
gotwigand landscape would be somehow 'cheaper'19:25
gotwigjussi: right?19:27
jussigotwig: perhaps, but it isnt, and there isnt much we can do about it...19:28
gotwigjussi: launchpad is already OSS, one of the reasons I use it19:28
Klap-ingotwig: as dev/user that file stuff on it or do you mean you run an instance of launchpad on your server19:31
gotwigmhall119: have you tried out the new cooking lens version?19:31
mhall119gotwig: no, is it working in Precise?19:31
gotwigmhall119: ?19:31
gotwigmhall119: 12.04, yes19:32
gotwigmhall119: you know I have an extra PPA for that ;P19:32
mhall119gotwig: I'll have to check it out, did you submit it to the ARB yet?19:32
gotwigmhall119: its not perfect, known issues19:32
mhall119Application Review Board, they can make it available to everyone through the software center19:32
gotwigmhall119: ohh, no19:33
gotwigmhall119: not ready yet19:33
gotwigmhall119: Do you think its a problem that all is packaged in one package? the lens and all scopes. but only the scope that work get rn19:34
mhall119gotwig: that's actually the way the ARB would prefer it19:36
mhall119it's not a problem at all19:36
jussigotwig: you know, I honestly dont care right now, Im off to bed.19:36
mhall119tedg: holy crap dude, HUD is amazing!19:37
mhall119I mean, I knew it was cool, but I used it with Gimp for the first time, and my mind is officially blown19:37
gotwigjussi: good night :-)19:37
gotwigmhall119: but why is the old gimp in the repos :/ ?19:38
gotwigmhall119: the gtk2 one...19:38
mhall119gotwig: it's the current stable version, as far as I kno19:41
=== Trevinho|dinner is now known as Trevinho
gotwig_are here some good python coder's ? my code is ineffecent, for my scope, but I dont know how to optimize it19:42
gotwig_e.g if and elif instead of dictionary: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gotwig/lens-cooking/lens-cooking/view/head:/unity-scope-gourmet19:45
tedgmhall119, Heh, cool.  I don't know if I should be a bit scared this is your first time using it ;-)19:46
* gotwig_ screams for help ^19:49
markgiffordhi there. I'm using 12.04 beta2 and have a Unity issue. When I press Super + Up/Down (to max/min the active app window) the Unity "Keyboard Shortcuts" overlay appears immediately after. What's the best way of amending this?19:52
mhall119tedg: it turns out I rarely ever used menus for anything19:55
mhall119Gimp was really the first app where menu usage was significant19:55
mhall119gotwig_: make a "likes2stars" list at the start of your file19:58
mhall119then you can do likes2stars[likes]19:58
mhall119that should be faster19:58
gotwig_mhall119: with a loop?19:59
gotwig_mhall119: http://bpaste.net/show/26453/19:59
mhall119gotwig_: make it a list instead of a dict19:59
mhall119you can still index it by 0-1019:59
mhall119but that's faster with a list20:00
mhall119gotwig_: also, storing your images in sqlite and then writing them to /tmp/ is going to be *very* slow20:00
gotwig_mhall119: I know20:00
mhall119gotwig_: are you putting them in the sqlite, or is some other app doing that?20:01
gotwig_mhall119: I dont put anything :-) what you mean20:01
gotwig_I just parse data from sqlite20:01
gotwig_*or I try to do that*20:01
mhall119I'm not sure where that database is coming from20:02
gotwig_mhall119: ?20:03
gotwig_mhall119: from gourmet recipe manager20:03
mhall119oh, ok20:04
gotwig_I heard unity cant handle data URI's20:06
mhall119what do you mean by data uris?20:06
Andy80om26er: hi :) is the suspend feature working on your Asus 1215P after lastest upgrades? I just get a black screen and the system doesn't resume :\20:07
gotwig_mhall119: you know, to show the picture for your element in the scope, you have to deliver model.append an IMAGE URI/URL20:07
gotwig_there are data URI's out there, e.g for pictures to do that directly20:07
gotwig_mhall119: get it :-) ?20:09
gotwig_mhall119: what you mean with list?, btw20:10
om26erAndy80, have to test it, but don't have access to the netbook right now20:11
mhall119gotwig_: {0: 'foo'} creates a python dict() object20:13
mhall119['foo', 'bar'] creates a python list() object20:13
mhall119lookups based on 0-10 will be faster with a list() than with a dict()20:13
gotwig_mhall119: I dont realy know how to use that :X20:21
Andy80om26er: ok, please let me know. I've already "triaged" this 3 times :(20:21
gotwig_mhall119: I did that. so how may I acess it that?20:34
gotwig_mhall119: I did that before, when I used elif with simply the variable name, but now I have to do it an other way20:35
gotwig_mhall119: I accesed it with str(likes) but now it showes me all the dict content, and not the part thats after the conditions20:37
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krnekhelesh@ to the entire design team, I have a question regarding the launcher behavior20:56
krnekheleshwhen you drag a item to the trash icon, is the launcher supposed to hide after the action even if the mouse is on top of the launcer?20:57
om26erkrnekhelesh, just tried, feels like a bug to me21:00
krnekheleshbut when you launch an app, the launcher hides after you press the icon21:00
krnekheleshso I thought when you move an item to the trash, it is similar behavior for the launcher to hide after the action is complete21:01
gotwig_mhall119: I think there is no other way, as caching recipe icons - I read that here in IRC channel21:01
gotwig_gord: will there be other ways to use icons, as only per URL ?21:02
krnekheleshom26er, check out this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/97236121:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 972361 in unity "Launcher: Sometimes launcher hides even when mouse is over it like after dropping an item on trash" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:03
krnekheleshinitially i thought it was not a bug21:03
om26erkrnekhelesh, we could ask design people in here tomorrow. like the time when they are not cooking dinner ;-)21:04
om26erdesign team is in UK so we can ask John tomorrow about the bug21:05
krnekheleshom26er, ok :)21:05
gotwig_the whole design team is in the UK :X ?21:06

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