
jcastrohey rick_h00:07
jcastrowhat was that set of rechargeable batteries you were into?00:08
rick_hjcastro: http://www.amazon.com/Sanyo-eneloop-Pre-Charged-Rechargeable-Batteries/dp/B004UG41XW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1333411706&sr=8-300:08
rick_hand the XX for things that you don't want to charge much00:08
jcastroand those are the current bee's knees?00:08
rick_hyea, imo00:08
jcastrook so, for the charger00:10
jcastrowhat are you using?00:10
rick_hI just use the ones that they come with. You can get the 4battery sets with a wall charger00:10
rick_hI've got a pair of them00:10
jcastroI was thinking 2 of these00:14
jcastrooutta do it00:14
rick_hyea, I've gotten one of those00:15
rick_hjust remember to add a charge buffer vs what you need00:15
rick_hI kept ordering when I needed them, but then had to get another set since you want charged ones ready to go00:15
snap-lgreg-g: Glad you're enjoying the instrumetalcasts.01:13
snap-lProgram note: If your sig other is watching netflix, it is not a good time to try uploading shit to your wensite02:45
snap-lwebsite, even02:45
snap-lHopefully they'll release the episode today. :)11:34
nullspacesnap-l: looks like you have a QoS problem12:25
snap-lnullspace: How so? Uploading canning my network?12:46
rick_hyea, I have had that12:47
rick_hyou'd think they'd be really split pipes, but hammering the upload really hammers download as well12:47
snap-lWell, I had QoS running12:48
snap-lbut it seemed like it made everything suck equally12:48
rick_hheh yea12:48
snap-lProbably because a) I don't quite understand it, and b) it's non-trivial to get right12:49
rick_hdamn network engineers do actual work?! no way!12:49
rick_hI always find 'home networking' one of the great lies out there.12:51
rick_h"it's plug n play!" whatever12:51
snap-lI think the bigger lie is the 1Mbps pipe12:51
rick_htinkered around with Go last night. So strange to code in something that requires compile steps12:59
rick_hbut finally see why vim has built in make commands and such12:59
snap-lYeah, it makes things really nice.13:17
snap-lAnd just to add insult to injury, I am running QoS.13:35
snap-lThought I turned it off13:36
brouschpower outages are fun13:37
snap-lbrousch: Highly not recommended.13:38
rick_hheh, yea not fun, but thank you batteries13:38
brousch75% of our UPSes are on year 7 of their 3 year life span13:41
snap-lbrousch: Oh that's not good at all13:41
brouschthe important ones are up to date13:41
jrwrenoh, west coast. good morning to greg16:08
greg-g:) thanks16:08
greg-gif it helps, I have been up (effectively) since about 5ish my time (8ish your time)16:08
jrwrenomg, me too!16:13
greg-gwhich, 8am your time or 5am your time :)16:15
jrwren8am my time16:18
rick_hheh, close greg-g 6am my time16:27
rick_hyou beat me by a hour16:27
rick_hI hate SF...I'm sorry but damn I hate it with a passion.16:43
greg-ghahaha, what happened?16:43
rick_h"Add Artifact" ... wtf is an artifact and why is it under the "Add new" in the "tracker"16:43
greg-goh, i thought you meant San Francisco16:44
rick_hdon't expose your internal names for crap out to the work in giant button form. I don't want to see Trove, artifact, and other generic terms that don't mean crap to what I'm trying to do16:44
rick_hoh no, I didn't spend any time in SF to hate it. Now SF cabbies...ugh...I'm just glad I'm still alive16:44
rick_hI'm sorry, but going from MI where everyone goes 10over the speed limit to a cab driver that can't get within 15mph of the speed limit, while getting almost run over by traffic, while I'm trying to make a flight on time...16:45
rick_hrough drive...16:45
greg-gyeah, don't do 10 over here, they'll ticket you16:47
greg-ga friend/ex-coworker learned that the hard way, 3 times :)16:47
greg-g(old habits die hard)16:47
rick_hyea, but at least get near the speed limit. Especially when traffic is honking at your and whizzing around you16:48
rick_hshoot, 3 times he got honked at for not staying in his lane, we were swaying like a drunkard16:48
rick_hbut yea, the pycon hotel/convention center is kind of in the middle of no where so I missed out on a decent CA experience16:49
jrwren^^ esp snap-l and greg-g17:07
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, I love that. :)17:10
snap-lAlso, that bot that was crawling my site? I did the next best thing to blocking it: I submitted an Amazon abuse report17:16
snap-lapparently I'm not the only one who has been aggressively crawled.17:16
snap-l(by that bot)17:16
jrwreni want to be agressively crawled.17:16
jrwrendo slow response filtering.17:17
jrwrensnap-l: http://tumblr.jonthornton.com/post/641219929/rate-limiting-with-nginx17:18
jrwrenalso: http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpLimitReqModule17:19
jrwreni want ot write a module that strikes back.17:20
jrwrensend teh response i char at a time with 1 sec delay between packets.17:20
snap-ljrwren: That is awesome.17:29
snap-lbrousch: Thanks! Sent an e-mail to Spike The Tomb17:34
brouschgood stuff17:36
greg-gyou know it is sad when I can rely on Google's non-standard IMAP servers more than I can Canonical's Tomboy Sync feature.17:51
snap-lThat Tomboy sync felt like a huge kludge17:55
greg-gexcept, it isn't really, they have Snowy (a sync server built on django) and tomboy-online.org which is the reference implementation17:56
rick_hyea, but that doesn't tie into the data store back end of U1 and such18:00
snap-lMojo Nixon - Don Henley Must Die18:01
greg-gwhich I don't really care about, I just want syncing to work18:01
rick_hgreg-g: yea, understand18:02
greg-gsnap-l: gpodder syncs your podcasts across computers/devices?18:07
greg-gbut doesn't host the files on their servers, right?18:07
* greg-g is looking for a hosted or self-hosted podcast solution18:07
snap-lgreg-g: I've never used gpodder recently18:08
snap-lso I have NFC how it works.18:08
greg-gah, I thought you did18:08
greg-gwhat do you use now?18:08
greg-gI want to like Miro, really really badly, just seems so bloated to me18:09
snap-lYeah, it's gotten worse18:09
snap-lI keep thinking about dumping it18:09
snap-lBut the only podcatching client that I really liked was the one that I wrote.18:10
snap-land it's between releases.18:10
snap-las in I have to rewrite it18:11
greg-g"between releases" :)18:11
greg-g"I'm.... between jobs"18:11
greg-g"I'm.... between wives" (hey now, that doesn't sound too bad)18:12
greg-gno comment18:13
greg-gsnap-l: btw, nice intro to the Metal Injection episode18:16
snap-lgreg-g: Thank you. I had some help. ;)18:16
greg-gwell you get a plus one from me18:17
snap-lAnd, in the "wtf were they smoking" department, apparently there's a .xlsm file extension18:25
greg-gspreadsheets for your mobile device?18:25
snap-l.xlsx is for non-macro Excel files, .xlsm is for macro Excel files.18:25
greg-gwell that makes sense, an easy way to ignore things which are definitely not going to work in LO (macros)18:26
waldo323_is that why people have been complaining their macros weren't working?18:26
snap-lWhich doesn't help when your script is looking for .zip, .csv, .xls, and .xlsx files.18:26
snap-lwaldo323_: Possibly18:26
greg-gjust do .xls* and trust your input :)18:26
snap-lgreg-g: I'd like what you're smoking too18:27
snap-lSome good shit out there.18:27
greg-g"yeah man, I *trust* my users to send me sensible data. its like, the only truly cool thing to do, ya know?"18:27
snap-lgreg-g: Were it up to me, they'd send me the password to the database they're likely grabbing this data out of anyway.18:28
greg-g"oh yeah, we all share passwords too, man. We're all brothers and sisters here"18:29
snap-lhttp://www.mlive.com/lions/index.ssf/2012/04/mikel_leshoure_tried_to_eat_ma.html <- Please please PLEASE make people have to sign for potpourri.18:34
snap-lThat would make me a happy man18:34
snap-lBecause I can't stand the normal use of potpourri, and it might make people think about banning substances because of illegitimate uses.18:42
snap-lie: pseudophedrine18:42
* greg-g loves pseudophedrine18:42
* greg-g hates having to give his id to get it18:42
greg-g(and his use being logged)18:42
greg-git is one thing to show id to get a beer, it is another if everyone who bought beer was on a list with how much they bought and that was shared with the gov't18:43
snap-lgreg-g: ++18:43
brouschpseudoephedrine gives me angine. it's like a double-shot of espresso18:48
snap-lbrousch: That's OK. You can have lotradine18:52
snap-lwhich for is is the same as a placebo18:52
brouschi only take it for sinus infections18:52
brouschi have none of these silly allergy things18:53
snap-lbrousch: Live in Detroit for a while. You will.18:53
snap-lI think it's because we're downwind of all of the bullshit downtown18:53
brouschseems like there'd be fewer allergens in an asphalt wasteland18:53
snap-lbrousch: Maybe that explains GR then ;)18:55
brouschwe have grass and trees18:55
snap-lbrousch: So do we18:56
brouschdetroit trees and grass always seem like they're covered in a grayish film18:56
Blazeixbut in our case, "trees and grass" are both slang18:56
snap-lbrousch: Nah, they're covered in buildings18:57
brouschtelephone poles do not count as trees18:57
greg-gahhh, ruin porn19:03
widoxor I dunno, how about the _nice_ parts of the city, http://is.gd/OIOFrR19:19
snap-lwidox: PHOTOSHOP!19:20
jrwrensnap-l: Mojo Nixon don't work here.19:20
snap-lthose pots are actually homeless people19:20
snap-ljrwren: IF you don't know Mojo Nixon, then your place could use some fixin'19:20
jrwrensnap-l: ;)19:22
jrwrensnap-l: I linked that youtube video to a friend, without telling him what it was.19:24
jrwrenthis is his response:19:24
jrwrenYOU DON'T JUST PULL MOJO NIXON OUT OF NOWHERE JAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:24
jrwreni did a spit take19:24
_stink_snap-l: thanks for that earworm :)20:32
snap-l_stink_: You're welcome. :)20:35
snap-lWhich one? :)20:35
_stink_Punk Rock Girl.20:36
snap-lYeah, that's an awesome song. :)20:43
krondorlove me some Dead Milkmen20:49
snap-lWell, it's live21:09
jcastroupvotes please!22:11
jcastrocan I get some upvotes?22:32
jcastrorick_h: ^ jrwren ^22:32
rick_hjcastro: up22:38
jcastroMORE BOATS PLS.22:46

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