
Unit193Cheri703: OLF September 28-30, 2012, they are also seeking women to do advanced talks https://ohiolinux.org/node/19003:54
Cheri703hmm...I don't know about advanced...nor about speaking in front of a bunch o people, but I'll toy with the idea :) and I'll put it on my calendar03:57
Cheri703thanks :)03:57
Unit193Well, you're the only Ohio one I know that comes close.03:58
Cheri703heh, thanks?04:10
Unit193Was meant friendly like. I am interested in the IPv6 one.04:12
Cheri703I know :)04:16
BiosElementHowdy folks, what's up?05:41
Unit193Watching House.05:42
BiosElementSounds exciting. :P05:42
BiosElementI just pulled myself away from Battlestar to do some actual coding and look at what I need for my laptop. Probably going to get it Wednesday meaning I'll get it just before the loco meet so I may be installing linux there. >.> Should be amusing anyway, gotta love usb's.05:44
Unit193Heh, the ReLoCo here isn't exactly active, and very low in numbers.  It'd go without asking that you're going with Kubuntu, but with the beta?05:47
BiosElementYep, someone's gotta fire the activity up again. May as well start with me. As for Kubuntu, yes and yes. Already running it on the desktop.05:48
Cheri703BiosElement: we sort of fizzled when my work schedule changed05:58
Cheri703I'd like to get it up and running again, but I'm super busy and wiped out these days :/05:59
BiosElementYaeh, I'm sending a reminder out for the Columbus one, hopefully inspire a few folks to come. Haven't heard of that either way actually.05:59
ronnocKubuntu 12.04 seems pretty solid on my old HP laptop06:00
Unit193Cheri703: No blame meant.06:00
Cheri703nah, it's fine :)06:00
ronnocCheri703: Maybe putting on a good showing at OLF can pull new blood :)06:00
BiosElementWhen it's a one person effort stuff like that tends to fizzle, it's too much work.06:00
Cheri703could be, mansfield isn't a big hotbed of activity :/06:01
toddcUnity 12.04 on 3 at the moment very stable so far06:01
Cheri703on a state level we need to get some stuff moving again06:01
BiosElementYeah, since I've been back it seems I'm not the only who who kinda wondered off. >.>06:02
Unit193Yeah, and it would have just been me talking to myself, and that's what offtopic is for.06:03
BiosElementAny word on the OLF status?06:04
Unit193September 28-30, 201206:04
BiosElementI presume we have a booth and such? Which reminds me, I need to check in on PyOhio majorly06:04
Unit193BiosElement: http://biosinteractive.com/ 40306:11
BiosElementAye, haven't gotten a chance to setup a new site for that.06:12
Unit193And as a MC fan, thoughts on MineTest?06:13
BiosElementActually run an MC server and work for a Minecraft server hosting company. :P That's my job. ^_^ And actually haven't looked at it for awhile, but last I looked it was something of a  mess06:14
BiosElementNo offense to them, it's a cool project but not quite what I'd like to see yet. :|06:15
Cheri703BiosElement: we'll need to coordinate booth things06:31
Unit193I'd almost bet money I can't make it. :P06:32
BiosElementHah, that's rather what I figured Cheri703 And Unit193 don't stress it, last year I was at a convention so I couldn't either.06:33
BiosElementAnyone still alive? Looking for, ideally, a tiny self-help template for server admin work >.>07:30
Unit193Pulse seems good, but I'll be of no help.07:32
Unit193Close to heartbeat.07:33
=== Staffhedgehog is now known as yano

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