
slangasekbkerensa: nope, that's desktop team00:29
slangasekbkerensa: does this headset support both hsp and a2dp profiles?00:32
bkerensaslangasek: Unsure how I would determine that...01:26
bkerensabkero: any thoughts on holding a MozCoffee?01:26
bkerensabkero: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/SOPs/MozCoffee01:32
bkerobkerensa: so organize something01:34
bkerensabkero: I plan on it :P01:34
bkerensabkero: just wondered if you had any thoughts on a good venue?01:34
bkerobkerensa: something downtown01:34
bkerensaslangasek:  Bluetooth Profiles:  Hands Free Profile (HFP), Headset Profile (HSP), Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)01:36
bkerensait has those01:36
slangasekbkerensa: yep - so I think this is a regression in the GNOME sound preferences02:19
slangasekbkerensa: the device is probably coming up configured in pulseaudio with a 'null' profile, and I don't think there's any way to fix this from gnome-control-center anymore02:21
slangasekbkerensa: here's a script that I use locally to change my bluetooth headset prefs though, if you drop in your BT address it will probably do the job. http://paste.ubuntu.com/912394/02:22
bkerensaslangasek: where is bt address located? :)02:40
slangasekbkerensa: if you have the bluetooth indicator, click, Bluetooth Settings, click on the device02:40
bkerensaslangasek: I click on indicator > BT Settings > Click on device then > ?02:43
bkerensano options to add this to the address02:44
slangasekthen the address is listed as part of the information in the right-hand panel02:44
bkerensaslangasek: yes it has a mac address like "address space"02:46
bkerensaslangasek: the device is paired but it just doesnt show up in -> sound settings02:46
slangasekif it's paired, you should be able to see the address in the bluetooth settings02:46
bkerensaoddly when I click the volume control on the device it does toggle mute on my laptop's internal speakers02:46
bkerensaslangasek: yeah I can see the address but its greyed out02:46
slangasekand you can copy that address into the script02:46
slangasekyes, you don't get to edit the device's address02:47
slangasekyou get to edit the script :)02:47
bkerensaslangasek: then I just run the script when I want to use that device?02:48
slangasekand pass it either 'hsp' or 'a2dp' as an argument02:48
slangasekto specify the profile02:48
bkerensaslangasek: ./bt_fix.sh hsp   <-- seems to do nothing even if I pass a2dp02:53
bkerensathe address is correct in the script02:53
slangasektry running 'sh -x ./bt_fix.sh hsp' and paste the debug output?02:54
bkerensaslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/912420/02:56
slangasekbkerensa: you have to use _ instead of : in the BT_ID variable02:58
bkerensaslangasek: Ok I changed : to _ and ran again it mutes my sound but does not seem to enable the BT devices functionality03:00
slangasekand do you still not see the bluetooth device in the sound prefs?03:01
bkerensaslangasek: nope03:01
bkerensaalso I noticed when I click the BT indicator and click my device in pull down and click Sound Settings directly from there it takes me to System Settings instead of Sound03:02
slangasekbkerensa: 'pactl list short'?03:02
slangasekyes, there's a bug open about that03:02
bkerensaslangasek: pactl list short = http://paste.ubuntu.com/912428/03:03
slangasekbkerensa: ah, so pulseaudio is currently not seeing the bluetooth device at all.  Have you tried dropping the connection and re-pairing?03:03
bkerensaslangasek: notably... Uhh the reason I got this headset was because after B2 rolled out my audiojack (3.5mm) stopped functioning03:03
slangasek(this part of the bluetooth experience really sucks)03:04
bkerensaslangasek: yesI have dropped and re-paired03:04
bkerensaslangasek: yeah especially since this is LTS03:04
slangasekok, I don't know how to fix that.  The last time I had to pair a new device was before the latest upstream UI-rewrite disaster03:06
bkerensaslangasek: ok I will file a bug perhaps? what should I file this on though?03:06
bkerensaI do not begin to understand which package the defect would be occuring in03:07
bkerensanathwill: I have to run but the banner came out really nice... perfect in quality03:12
nathwillwhat's the background color?03:12
nathwillwe go with white?03:12
nathwillfine. didn't wanna talk to you anyways ;)03:31
bkerensanathwill: its white22:33
bkerensanathwill: sorry for slow response today is my bday so I have been out for lunch and stuffs22:33
nathwillhappy bday!!23:26

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