
Amozcjohnston, mobile web?09:55
cjohnstonAmoz: mobile css... making the site work on a phone09:56
Amozcjohnston, haven't done anything like that before09:58
Amozbut basically, it's just a media-property, and doing some changes to layout?09:58
cjohnstonya.. We have a semi-working branch.. it just needs more work09:59
Amozwell I could see if I can do anything with it09:59
Amozwhere is it?09:59
Amozcjohnston, looks like there's a lot of dup code in the html templates10:22
Amozmaybe we should put it in a separate mobile.css file? =)10:22
Amozcjohnston, also, had to rebuild my tree, how can I add more stuff to the site? http://amoz.dyndns.org:8080/10:35
Amozie. the menu?10:35
cjohnstonAmoz: http://ubuntuone.com/0P6jxsoVcGpuXeBcbsBsUK12:09
cjohnstonsteveedwards: ping12:14
Amozcjohnston, ping12:23
Amozcjohnston, put all mobile css in a separate stylesheet?12:24
cjohnstonno, we were putting it inline.. just do it the way that it currently is.. the stuff that's there just needs to be edited to work12:24
Amozcjohnston, any special reason for that?12:25
cjohnstonI think its on the common/templates/common/index.html schedule/templates/schedule/summit.html schedule/templates/schedule/daily.html12:25
cjohnstonIIRC there were a couple of changes based upon which page you were on12:25
Amozyeah those could stay inline12:26
Amozbut the common stuff shouldn't be duped in every template12:26
Amozthat's just... horrible12:26
steveedwardscjohnston: Hey Chris.12:50
steveedwardscjohnston: You well?12:50
cjohnstonyessir.. yourself?12:51
steveedwardscjohnston: Not too bad, thank you.12:51
cjohnstonsteveedwards:  the new theme is now live.. would you mind taking one more glance at it to see if you see any issues12:52
steveedwardscjohnston: Oh, fantastic! Great job. We'll take a look...12:52
cjohnstonthe form still needing love is the only thing I know of, but you guys are the expert12:53
steveedwardscjohnston: This page looks weird to me...12:54
steveedwardscjohnston: Flush left and very narrow. Do you see the same thing?12:55
cjohnstonsteveedwards: yes.. its due to being rendered by the same as the wide display... so to make the wide display look ok, that happened.. im not really sure what we could do to fix.12:57
steveedwardscjohnston: Hmm. Okay. We're working on a responsive design solution for the core sites right now. Once we have something concrete we'll document it and pass it over to you. Should make mobile rendering easier to cater for.12:58
steveedwardscjohnston: I'm collating the feedback from the team now. I'll send you an email shortly.13:15
cjohnstonsteveedwards: you want the footer wider than the header on one page?14:00
steveedwardscjohnston: Nah, there's a little margin either side of the footer on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/tracks.14:01
cjohnstonok.. I'll look at it.. I'm gonna reply with questions14:02
steveedwardscjohnston: I think the footer's in the inner wrapper rather then outside of it.14:02
steveedwardscjohnston: Okay, cool. Thanks.14:02
steveedwardscjohnston: Cheers, Chris.14:38
cjohnstonthanks steveedwards14:48
mhall119steveedwards: ping14:59
steveedwardsmhall119: Hey Michael.14:59
mhall119steveedwards: http://unity.ubuntu.com/ is using a pretty old version of the community-developed WP theme, any chance you team would have some time to help up update it to the new one?15:00
steveedwardsmhall119: We're flat out with the release updates at the minute. We could jump straight onto it post launch though. Does that work for you?15:01
steveedwardsmhall119: FYI, we're redoing all the feature pages for release and updating the download and cloud sections of the site.15:02
mhall119steveedwards: that would be fine for me, thanks15:02
steveedwardsmhall119: Awesome. I'll have a word with Ellen and make sure we schedule it in.15:02
mhall119steveedwards: no rush, nobody has asked for this yet, but it pains me everytime I see the wrong color orange15:02
steveedwardsmhall119: Ha! Me too.15:02
steveedwardsmhall119: It's just so bright. Fluorescent almost.15:03
steveedwardsmhall119: Do you think there's a sound argument for moving the Unity content to Ubutnu.com? Do we need a sub domain in this case?15:08
mhall119steveedwards: it's really more of a portal, like developer.u.c and cloud.u.c15:09
steveedwardsmhall119: Ah, I see. Gotcha.15:09
cjohnstonsteveedwards: so are you wanting the Ubuntu is a trademark .... part?15:35
steveedwardscjohnston: If possible. It's more about consistency between the sites rather than the actual content.15:37
dakerWTH http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57408608/cops-oakland-attack-suspect-upset-about-teasing/15:38

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