
magespawnMorning all.06:53
Kilosmorning superfly and others07:05
KerberoSymmetria, I don't know if you can do anything, but some people says the debian version on mirror.ac.za is outdated07:05
Kerberomornign kilos07:05
Kiloshi Kerbero 07:05
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
superflymorning Kilos07:10
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
magespawnAnd suddenly there are peeps.07:29
magespawnGood morning y'all.07:30
superflyhiya magespawn07:30
Kilosyo magespawn 07:33
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
Kiloslol steelies internet broken again?07:46
Kilosmorning drussell 07:46
drussellKilos: heya morning!07:47
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
rossouwapHello people of ubuntu-za! Has anyone here been fortunate enough to have to plan a recovery of a SAMBA server?08:25
psydroidhello rossouwap08:26
psydroiddon't you make backups?08:26
rossouwaphi psydroid, I do08:28
psydroidit's fairly easy if you keep a backup of your OS and your data08:28
psydroidbut I'm not a professional sysadmin08:28
psydroidand there may be widely accepted procedures for that08:29
rossouwapYes, my situation is slightly different.  The company has asked for active/passive scenario with a 1 hour downtime window08:29
rossouwapso I only really need to rsync the right files to ensure the system works. I can test, but thought I could save some time by asking some friendly people ;)08:30
psydroidok, then someone else here may know, I hope they can help you :)08:32
psydroidwould the passive one be a system that is powered one and and inactive or one that is powered off until the need arises to power it on?08:34
psydroidpowered on*08:34
rossouwapwould be on, with data replication. Using CNAME's for name resolution, so should the box fail, we would then change the DNS record and point traffic at the standby box08:35
rossouwapnot meant to be resilient, just faster than a "fix the broken hardware" and full recovery scenario08:36
rossouwapsite only has 5 users, so don't want the complexity of a full active/passive or even active/active cluster08:37
psydroidI understand08:38
psydroidbut isn't running an rsync script as a cron job on the backup server sufficient in that case?08:39
rossouwapit is :) and that is what I'm doing for the data08:51
rossouwapI'm looking to find out which config files I need to ensure I don't have to reconfigure the authentication08:52
rossouwapthe shares are no problem, just the ACL's08:52
psydroidI would guess /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow, /etc/gshadow, the contents of /etc/samba and maybe other things such as the files for mdraid and lvm, if you use those09:01
psydroidbut I would just clone the entire OS image onto other similar hardware, that goes much faster09:02
superflyrossouwap: ask in #glug.za or try #clug on Atrum09:13
superflyrossouwap: also, Google is known to be quite a handy resource on matters like these09:14
magespawnLater all.09:58
Kilosjust checking who is working13:00
Kilosgc_, coffee on13:01
* gc_ starts grinding coffee13:01
gc_Coffee's ready for Kilos!13:05
Kilosgc_,  ty13:05
gc_Enjoy Kilos Just dont make a habit of it ok?13:05
ybrjkfchi ;)13:38
psydroidhi ybrjkfc14:03
magespawnEvening all.16:39
nlsthznhi magespawn 16:40
magespawnHow's it going?16:40
nlsthznCool and there?16:41
magespawnI am good, was hot today but otherwise a.good day.16:42
magespawnnlsthzn, are you a programmer?16:43
magespawnIf you don't mind, what do you do?16:47
nlsthznAh, Process Controller / Or Operator as it is known here... 16:50
magespawnOkay still not sure.16:52
nlsthznHaha... well we run around petro-chemical plants starting and stopping equipment, lining them up and ....16:53
nlsthznnever  mind he is off then16:54
magespawnGot to love Vodacom16:55
magespawnBack again let's see how long this time.17:15
nlsthznI tried twice to write what I do... gave up cause you are gone everytime17:19
Kerberohe is a gopher17:20
Kerberothat fixes stuffs in plants17:20
Kilosevening superfly nlsthzn and others17:33
superflyhiya Kilos17:33
nlsthznHi uncle Kilos , super17:33
Kiloswhat happened, there are so many peeps here17:33
nlsthznHi uncle Kilos , superfly 17:33
Kiloshi psydroid rossouwap 17:34
Kilosnuvolari, lewe jy nog?17:35
psydroidhi Kilos17:35
psydroidhoi nuvolari17:35
psydroidhoi nlsthzn17:35
psydroidhi superfly17:35
nlsthznhi psydroid 17:36
superflyhi psydroid17:36
psydroidhi magespawn17:36
magespawnHi psydroid17:38
Kiloslo magespawn 17:38
Kilosbi sakhi17:39
psydroidI am so far behind on the LPI stuff, it's a bit sad17:39
psydroidhi sakhi17:40
Kilosdont worry too much , we all are17:40
magespawnI don't think I got past the second lot actually17:43
Kiloswhats the second lot magespawn ?17:43
magespawnFirsts was the bios and thep17:43
Kilosoh ya ok17:43
magespawnSo the second lot17:44
Kilosthat was all the easier stuff. gets worse and worse17:44
Kilosfor me anyway, you guys will understand the later stuff17:44
magespawnMy problem is not the stuff I have to work at but the stuff I "know".17:45
magespawnCheck this out.17:45
magespawnhttp://pastebin.com/CSmsw6uQ My second python program.17:48
Kilosis it gonna eat data magespawn ?17:48
magespawnShould not hold on will tell you the file size17:49
Kilosoh i will try but that pastebin somehow puts big breaks on my machine17:49
Kilosif its only a text file thats fine17:49
magespawnCan pit in on slexy if you want, yup is 844 bytes17:50
magespawnIs that big?17:50
Kilosi have it open.17:50
Kiloslol yeah i stretch a meg over a day17:51
Kilosthats why i am in and out17:51
magespawnOh okay. You using elinks?17:51
Kilosi went there with opera17:52
Kilosused 155kB17:52
Kilosunless iftop stopped counting17:53
magespawnI think you should write an ebook on how to save data sell it online and pay for your data.17:53
Kiloshiya Langjan 17:54
magespawnI am sure we could work on something together here Kilos17:54
Langjanhi kilos17:54
magespawnI am serious17:54
Kilosim listening17:54
KilosLangjan, did you get it fixed17:54
Langjanyes I did... 17:55
Kiloshow Langjan ?17:55
Langjantake a guess17:55
Langjansorry, i'll tell you17:55
magespawnThink about it all the tips and tricks you use to save your data but still get everything done, turn it into a PDF or such and sell in the droid market, amazon etc17:56
magespawnMaybe something like 5 rand.17:56
Langjanit was uite simple in the end17:56
Kilosok Langjan lets hear it17:56
Kilosmagespawn, best way to not use data is to stay offline17:57
Langjanal I did was to delete all the nonexistent addresses in the address book, there I found the ones containing the offending texts17:57
magespawnYup true but you seem to like it here so there is the quandry.17:57
Kiloswell done Langjan 17:58
magespawnBbl taking fish 2 to bed.17:58
Langjanthanks, now al is well and i'm running reasonably happily on unity in 11.10 17:58
Kilosthats good. ek is bly vir jou17:58
LangjanI'm sure superfly will be interested in the solution as well17:59
Kiloshe will read here in between17:59
Langjanor was it kbmonkey who helped?18:00
Kilosdid you just delete one at a time till the problem went away?18:00
Kiloswas the fly18:00
LangjanI just deleted them all18:00
superflynon-existent e-mail addresses? weird18:00
Kiloslmga now how do you know which type caused the prob man18:00
superflyMaaz: tell magespawn I can break your program just by looking at it.18:01
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell magespawn on freenode18:01
Langjanyip. some of the spaces in the address book were taken up by text from mails, perhaps a glitch with the transfer of the profile18:01
Kilosthat is weird , non existent addy's18:02
Langjanwell, there was text "disguised" as addresses18:03
Kilospity you didnt first check them with a antivirus18:04
Langjanwould that have helped18:04
Kilosmaybe they from these peeps that send virusses in emails18:04
LangjanNo it was genuine text from mails18:04
Kilosno it would just have told you if there was18:04
Kilosif you were on windows you wouldnt be able to take the chance on opening them18:05
Kilosthats how many peeps gettheir windows pcs crashed18:06
Kilosvia emails18:06
Langjansome great screensavers on 11.10 18:06
Langjancheers kilos, take care18:10
Kilosgo well Langjan groete tuis18:10
Langjanbaie dankie18:11
Kiloshehe shame magespawn the fly got you18:23
magespawnSuperfly you still here?18:24
magespawnGo the message kilos18:24
magespawnAnd ?18:24
magespawnMaaz ty18:25
MaazYou are welcome magespawn18:25
magespawnsuperfly what did you mean?18:26
superflymagespawn: when it asks you for the number of explorers, type in "a" :-)18:26
magespawnThat is not a number.18:26
magespawnI see what you mean though18:27
magespawnCould have it check to see if what the person enter is a integer and if not then ask again until it returns a integer18:28
superflymagespawn: yup, I think there's an "isdigit" function18:29
magespawnAll the "ordinary" people I asked to play it entered a number18:29
magespawnI am only on chapter 3 that covers branching and while loops18:30
magespawn So will get there in time.18:31
superflymagespawn: also, get into the habit of putting things into functions18:31
superflydef main():18:32
superfly<all the rest of that stuff, indented once>18:32
superflythen right at the bottom18:32
superflyif __name__ == '__main__':18:32
superfly    main()18:32
magespawnBy indent do you mean tab18:34
magespawnWhat is the point of functions18:34
magespawnOkay have just read ahead that is covered in chapter 618:36
superflymagespawn: not tab, 4 spaces18:38
magespawnIn the book says you could use either18:39
magespawnIs spaces better or more standard/common?18:39
superflyspaces is the standard18:42
magespawnOkay will use that then.18:42
magespawnDon't have a habit or a preference so makes almost no difference to me personally, but will be better if I have standard habits if I want to work with others18:44
Kerberoi started to use spaced a while ago too18:47
Kerberorenders better across all editors18:47
Symmetria show route aspath-regex .*ASN$ table inet.0  |grep *\\[BGP |awk '{print $1}' |./agg.pl  |sed 's/^/\/mode #CHANNEL +b /g' ; printf "\n";18:47
Symmetria^^^ my new satanic irc channel ban generator :p18:47
magespawnThat's a bit random18:48
Kerberoi agree18:48
Symmetriaheh it works pretty well when all else fails to get rid of someone :p18:49
magespawnKerbero so then it does not matter what the programmers choice working together becomes easy18:49
Kerberomagespawn: exactly18:50
magespawnImportant for foss18:51
magespawnSo good to know18:52
magespawnAny other general sort of tips?18:59
magespawnWill also keep you guys up to date where I am.18:59
Kerberodo you know screen?18:59
magespawnNot yet19:00
Kerberoand people also say it is worth to learn vim19:00
Kerberoi was not bored enough yet :P19:00
magespawnUsed vi the other day to edit an apache config file19:02
superflymagespawn: read PEP819:03
superflyMaaz: google Python PEP819:04
Maazsuperfly: "PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code" http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ :: "pep8 0.7.0 : Python Package Index" http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep8 :: "Python, PEP8 and Git hooks | EmmaTech" http://tech.myemma.com/python-pep8-git-hooks/ :: "ppierre/python-pep8-tmbundle · GitHub" https://github.com/ppierre/python-pep8-tmbundle :: "pep8 - Check your python source files with PEP8 : vim online" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.p19:04
magespawnTy superfly19:07
Kerberomagespawn: get your text editor to show you a vertical line at the 80 character position19:10
Kerberoand avoid going across it19:10
Kerbero*try to avoid19:11
inetproKerbero: s/screen/byobu/19:12
inetprothe latest version of byobu is very nice with only a single line for the status line19:12
* inetpro has started using kubuntu 12.04 Beta1 at the office19:13
inetproquite nice although there are still a lot of updates on a daily basis19:13
inetproKilos: goeie more oom19:14
inetprogood evening everyone else19:15
Kilosmôre inetpro gaan dit goed19:15
Kerberoit is nice yes19:15
inetproKilos: goed en daar?19:15
Kerberobut i like updates19:15
Kilosgoed dankie19:15
Kilosnet kwaad daai xubuntu19:15
Kilosmiskien is dit die ou 6g wat slegte kolle op het19:16
magespawnKerbero busy with Ilde and windows width is set to 8019:19
Kerberowindows, eeww, what a bad text editor. how about gettin an OS like emacs?19:20
kbmonkeyhello geeks19:21
Kiloslo kbmonkey 19:22
kbmonkeymagespawn, you grokking that Python19:22
magespawnMy one laptop is still on Win 7 so am using Idle at the moment but I switch around a lot at the moment so if you have one I can try I will give it a go19:22
Kilosmagespawn, you got more than one?19:23
magespawnHet kbmonkey. Grokking?19:23
magespawnYup 19:23
Kilosthen its one of my laptops19:23
Kilosthe spell checker is too busy to keep us all inline19:24
kbmonkeygrok is to become a guru, to learn and understand it19:24
magespawnTy that's the idea19:24
Kiloskbmonkey, whats news with the greeting bot story19:26
magespawnAhh Kilos but what if I was refering to a specific machine? As in "One Laptop"? Lol.19:27
Kilosha ha ha 19:27
Kilosi think it still applies19:27
Kilossuperfly, ?19:27
superflyKilos: ?19:28
Kiloswe are so lucky to have the fly19:28
kbmonkeyim confused19:28
Kilosoh ^^ the one lappy bit19:28
Kiloswhy kbmonkey 19:28
magespawnKerbero have heard of emacs thought it was and editor19:29
kbmonkeyoh nevermind. the ibid docs don't mention more about receiving low-level irc events, so will dig through the meeting plugin and scope it out19:30
kbmonkeyemacs is a large operating system19:30
Kilosis it only for windows or linux as well19:31
superflykbmonkey: actually, that's a good idea... didn't think about that19:31
* kbmonkey puts the thinking capon19:32
* kbmonkey inserts banana into the cap19:33
kbmonkeymy spacebar seems to miss a beat every so often :p19:33
magespawnWikipedia says emacs is a family of editors19:34
magespawnBit confused?19:34
kbmonkeylol. yes its a do-all editor19:35
Kilosthats what maaz finds19:35
kbmonkeyits a running geek joke, because emacs can do nearly everything, we call it a OS19:36
magespawnAhh right19:37
Kilosnight everyone. have a good night and slaap vas19:37
kbmonkeygn ._.19:37
magespawnNights Kilos19:37
magespawnEmacs easy to learn?19:38
kbmonkeydon't know it magespawn 19:39
magespawnLooks pretty extensive19:39
kbmonkeymy workflow is pretty good with what I'm used to19:40
kbmonkeyit does :D19:40
kbmonkeyI decided to stick to simple editors that are common across distros (gedit,vim,geany)19:41
kbmonkeyespecially on most live cd's19:41
magespawnTried gedit, like that a lot.19:42
kbmonkeygedit is great after you tweak the plugins right. code snippets rock!19:43
kbmonkeyand config it to run python code19:43
magespawnMake things a lot quicker19:43
kbmonkeyhmm, I should integrate git into it19:44
kbmonkeyand theres a bunch of nice gedit colour themes at https://github.com/mig/gedit-themes19:44
kbmonkeyinterestingly it has a python console built in, you can access gedit commands via python code19:45
magespawnThat could be useful19:52
magespawnThis.is my latest "master piece" http://pastebin.com/CSmsw6uQ19:53
magespawnI am off to bed night all.19:55
kbmonkeyneat magespawn. gn!19:55
inetprogedit doesn't come close to kate (KDE Advanced Text Editor)19:57
kbmonkeyKDE apps have a lot of cool functions19:58
Kerberogeany is not bad either20:26
kbmonkeyits in my list of most used editors20:31
kodezgood morning22:53

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