
DarkAngelIt didn't work when I had the live disk I thought it was just me so I loaded it anyway00:00
Crazydanroot@Crazydan:/# sudo dpkg --configure -a00:00
Crazydansudo: unable to resolve host Crazydan00:00
meerkatswhat package do I need to get ubuntuone?00:00
Crazydandpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000' near line 19 package `gnome-keyring': EOF during value of field `Description' (missing final newline)there was supposed to be more00:00
meerkatsto automatically sync my ubuntuone folder with the online storage ubuntuone?00:00
digitalslaveDarkAngel, just run through some of the steps on that link. make sure its get the right output like digital or analog and the sort00:00
Crazydanany help?00:01
DarkAngelok I will try that thanks for your help. If that doesn't work I guess I will be looking for a new sound card00:01
pfifoCrazydan, what did you do to cause this problem?00:02
zykotick9meerkats: there is an #ubuntuone channel... if no one replies here00:02
Crazydanfroze during firefox install so i hard rebooted00:03
Dj_FlyByuhhhg, looks like my tv tuner card is not supported, that sucks00:03
meerkatszykotick9, cant you at least confirm if its ubuntuone clinet?00:03
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zykotick9meerkats: don't know, and not on ubuntu.00:04
Crazydani'm somewhat new to linux and very new to the comand line00:04
tyler_dCrazydan: mv /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000 /tmp/0000.bak00:04
tyler_dCrazydan: then back up and hit it again00:04
Crazydanexplain as if to a 5 year old please00:05
zykotick9tyler_d: a) i thinks that's potentially dangerous b) it's gonna fail because of permissions00:05
lucas_join #ubuntu-br00:05
twirm@Crazydan open up the Terminal application00:06
tyler_dCrazydan: when you hard booted you broke something... and zykotick9 is correct, its dangerous and I forgot the sudo :p where exactly is this error though?00:06
Dj_FlyByhow do I find out if there will ever be support for my tv tuner card?00:06
pepeeI have an amd llano+dGPU laptop. it works fine while using the 6520g, but won't resume if using the dedicated gpu (hd6750m) . how can I fix it?00:06
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twirm@Crazydan then copy and paste this into terminal: mv /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000 /tmp/0000.bak00:06
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OrangeAngelhttp://pastie.org/3717654 I get this when i try to run any java command via commandline. When I rightclick an application and use run with openjdk 6 it works.00:07
Crazydanok brb00:07
tyler_dbesides zykotick9 he's already crazy right :P00:07
pepeeOrangeAngel, run :  locate libjli.so00:08
tyler_dOrangeAngel: type in a terminal `which java`00:08
OrangeAngel/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/jli/libjli.so /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/i386/jli/libjli.so00:09
OrangeAngelthose are my two results00:09
leshastehow can I switch to gnome classic? I installed the package00:09
OrangeAngelwhich java shows /usr/bin/java00:09
leshastebut how do I get it to be chosen?00:09
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mbeierl1ok, back and trying to work on my avahi issues with my isp again.  Does anyone know of a public dns server that does NOT serve up SOA records for .local?00:09
tyler_dleshaste: from the splash before you log in you need to select to log into it00:09
digitalslaveleshaste, log out and choose it before you log in next to your name00:09
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pepeeOrangeAngel, you have two java packages installed. try running the other package's java command00:10
twirm@leshaste log out and log back in after selecting it next to your username at the login screen00:10
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leshasteDigitalFlux, that screen asks for passwords.. doe sit offer the chance of choosing desktop somewhere?00:10
pepeeOrangeAngel, run whereis java00:10
leshastedigitalslave, ^^00:10
leshasteI didn't see the option to choose a desktop there00:10
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leshastelet me try again00:11
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pepeeOrangeAngel, /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java   /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/java00:11
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philip__I dual boot ubuntu 11.04 and avl 5.0.3 installed on separate hard disks. grub shows avl only on boot. I want to add the other hard disk too.00:13
XGaryGBefore I give up, is there anyone who has used a TV-tuner using ATSC, or made something work in the US ?00:14
tyler_dphilip__: you need to add it to the grub line.. and I'm no expert. do you know the boot-line?00:14
MayhemictioNwho is gdm00:14
tyler_dphilip__: assuming AVL runs/boots on grub00:14
tyler_dMayhemictioN: gdm=gnome desktop manager00:14
Fyodorovnaphilip__, run sudo update-grub in the OS using grub00:14
zykotick9XGaryG: you have a hauppauge what?00:14
OrangeAngelSorry, had to reboot00:14
ZaitzevHey guys, anyone know how I can transfer ebooks to my iPad in Ubuntu?00:15
pepeeOrangeAngel, /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java   /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/java00:15
tyler_dlesshaste: did it work out?00:15
lesshasteI would like to choose a different kernel at boot but grub doesn't seem to come up00:15
lesshastehow can I get it to come up so I can choose00:15
lesshastetyler_d, yes!00:15
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:15
tyler_dlesshaste: very good00:16
zykotick9XGaryG: it appears to work - see http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV-HVR-950Q00:16
sparky-lesshaste: left shift00:16
pepeeXGaryG, you need a program to see tv, that is?00:16
philip__I thought too about updating grub. But on which disk? The one doesn't shown ?00:16
pfifolesshaste, you need to edit /etc/default/grub and run `sudo grub-update`00:16
OrangeAngelAlright it works when I use /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java00:16
zykotick9XGaryG: perhaps kernel 3+ is an issue?  don't know!00:16
tyler_dphilip__: it only reads off of one disk right.. that "primary" tells it where to go next00:16
OrangeAngelthen type the rest of the command @pepee00:16
mbeierlwhat is going on with avahi, then?  Every single public DNS server that I've tried has an SOA for .local.  How does anyone actually use avahi then?00:17
tyler_dphilip__: so the line needs to be added to whatever your bios says is the first in the boot sequence00:17
Crazydanmv: cannot stat `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000': No such file or directory00:17
ShinobiWhat port  local port does mount.cifs use? I looked at 445 and 139 with netcat and it doesn't show anything...00:17
XGaryGI have tried xbmc, totem, vlc, tvtime, and xawtv. No Dice.00:17
digitalslaveOrangeAngel, remove java 700:17
OrangeAngelI've tried.00:17
tyler_dCrazydan: never got the answer, where did you see that error?00:17
zykotick9XGaryG: have you installed the firmware?00:17
pepeeOrangeAngel, probably your other install is corrupted, or just incompatible00:17
philip__ok i got it. thanks tyler_d.00:17
tyler_dphilip__: np00:17
XGaryGYes. Direct from their site.00:17
lesshastepfifo, I just installed grub-pc (on oneiric) was that a mistake?>00:17
pepeeXGaryG, try mplayer00:18
pfifolesshaste, no00:18
CrazydanI was trying to do aptitude update00:18
digitalslavephilip__, fdisk -l will show you which disk is bootable00:18
zykotick9XGaryG: sorry, i don't have any further suggestions.  good luck.00:18
XGaryGmplayer does not handle TV, does it?00:18
tyler_dCrazydan: through a gui or the terminal?00:18
zykotick9XGaryG: it does00:18
pepeeXGaryG, yes it does00:18
sparky-lesshaste: so ... you don't wanna hold the left-shift key during boot before grub loads? :-)00:18
zykotick9XGaryG: mplayer can do anything ;)00:18
CrazydanNo gui :/00:18
XGaryGWould I run it from a terminal?00:18
tyler_dCrazydan: pastebin the output again plz00:18
OrangeAngelSo how would I go about removing the other java?00:19
lesshastesparky-, that's fine but I would like to see it by default00:19
zykotick9XGaryG: mplayer is suppose to be run from terminal ;)00:19
lesshastesparky-, I assume GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=000:19
lesshasteis causing the problem00:19
XGaryGIt is not the GUI. It is that nothing is compatible with ARSC.00:19
zykotick9XGaryG: there are some gui frontends that might make your life easier!  smplayer i hear is good (i only use mplayer-nogui but that's just me)00:19
XGaryGwith ATSC00:20
OrangeAngelthere isn't anything in the java-7-oracle folder.00:20
sparky-lesshaste: /etc/default/grub00:20
lesshastepfifo, sudo grub-update00:20
lesshastesudo: grub-update: command not found00:20
zykotick9update-grub !00:20
pepeeXGaryG, try, in the terminal,  mplayer tv://00:20
pfifolesshaste, its update-grub00:20
philip__digitalslave, both of my hard disks are - were, bootable.00:20
XGaryGzykotick9: THat brings up my webcam.00:22
digitalslavephilip__, in that case you would go with bios selection00:22
zykotick9XGaryG: that's another video device - working as designed.  change inputs somehow.00:22
XGaryGThe webcam is /dev/video0 and the TV is at /dev/video100:22
OrangeAngel"The program 'java' can be found in the following packages:" Now I have this error after removing java-7-oracle... I have openjdk 6 installed though.00:22
pepeeXGaryG, ls /dev/video*00:22
pepeeXGaryG, mplayer -tv device=/dev/video1  tv://00:23
pepeeOrangeAngel, try using 'aptitude purge package'00:23
XGaryGpepee: That got me a black screen. Mouse clicks do nothing.00:24
OrangeAngelI've tried to purge the package before. using sudo apt-get remove --purge package00:25
zykotick9XGaryG: in terminal try "apt-cache search mythbuntu" and look for some control panel package, it might be helpful (not sure what dependencies it has, hopefully not many.  if it's all of myth (and i don't think it is) forget it.00:25
boxbeatsyhi, i'm trying ot setup a ssh tunnel from my home computer to a remote server using the following command "ssh -N -p 22 master -L 6000/localhost/25", but when i try to telnet to a MX server using port 6000, i stil get a connection timed out.  does anyone know what i might be misssing?00:25
pepeeXGaryG, http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en/mplayer.1.html00:25
philip__digitalslave, nope. It is as tyler_d said. grub can override bios settings.00:25
speciesUnknownhi, i installed phpmyadmin using apt but i have no idea where it put the web stuff00:26
pepeeOrangeAngel, try reinstalling it, then removing it again. looks like something is corrupted00:26
boxbeatsy(right now i have everything configured so ssh master logs me intot he remote machine)00:26
tyler_dboxbeatsy: well the command should read ssh -N -p 22 master -L 6000:localhost:25 for starters00:26
speciesUnknowni need to make a virtual host using whatever location that is as its web root00:26
digitalslavephilip__, yes it can but grub is install where you boot from initially.00:27
OrangeAngelWhat if I dont know the package name anymore :/?00:27
speciesUnknownseveral blogs / tutorials seem to suggest its magically set up with apache which is obviously false00:27
pepeespeciesUnknown, locate -i phpmyadmin | less00:27
boxbeatsytyler_d: ah ok, yea im still getting a time out though :\00:27
pfifospeciesUnknown, run `dpkg --contents /var/cache/apt/archives/<package>` or similiar00:27
OrangeAngelIts times like these I do apt-get moo...00:27
tyler_dboxbeatsy: can you just do the ssh withought the forward for testing?00:27
boxbeatsytyler_d: yea, ssh master logs me into the remote machine just fine00:28
CrazydanIt asks me to do the same command with lots of stuff00:28
boxbeatsyi'm behind a router though.  do i ned to set up port forwarding through the router?00:28
speciesUnknownpepee: its not an executable, its a web application - you have to run it through apache00:28
pepeeOrangeAngel, haha00:28
digitalslavephilip__, you asked where it was. ive seen people install grub in multiple locations and then wonder why it doesnt work00:28
tyler_dboxbeatsy: absolutely00:28
pepeespeciesUnknown, I know00:28
CrazydanBut the command is broken00:28
tyler_dboxbeatsy:  oh no you shouldn't need to00:28
pfifospeciesUnknown, run `dpkg --contents /var/cache/apt/archives/<package>` or similiar00:28
pepeespeciesUnknown, locate will find files/directory that contains "phpmyadmin" in the path00:29
tyler_dboxbeatsy: ssh to the server, then hit enter 3 times... or some random thats more than 1... then ~C00:29
mbeierlIs there any way to do dns queries on ports other than 53?  My isp is actually redirecting all DNS calls to their own DNS server, preventing me from using any other server.  (For example, I can do a "host google.ca " and actually get a response from my ISP)00:29
tyler_dboxbeatsy: and try -L <<somport>>:localhost:<<localport>>00:29
speciesUnknownpepee: well, it finds nothing00:29
pepeespeciesUnknown, if it doesn't find it, try sudo updatedb.mlocate , and then run locate00:29
MayhemictioNgoing all the way up the dns?00:29
digitalslavembeierl, you just need to override those00:30
boxbeatsytyler_d: ok i did the first part, wait.  do i need to set up the ssh tunnel on my remote server?00:30
tyler_dboxbeatsy: just a reverse tunnel is all00:30
digitalslavembeierl, edit /etc/resolv.conf with the nameservers you want00:30
meerkatsI want to make a backup of mu home folder into an external HDD, if I copy paste, will that copy my hidden files too?00:30
pepeespeciesUnknown, /usr/share/phpmyadmin/  /etc/phpmyadmin/   /var/lib/phpmyadmin00:31
boxbeatsytyler_d: i'll have to setup port forwarding on my router for a reverse tunnel right?00:31
tyler_dboxbeatsy: just to see if possibly it just doesn't like the actual <hostname> in use... resolution maybe...00:31
speciesUnknownpepee: yeah i found it now, thanks00:31
tyler_dboxbeatsy: no00:31
OrangeAngelpepee When I did this, I got this error. http://pastie.org/371778300:31
boxbeatsytyler_d: i'm a bit confused on how this works exactly00:31
philip__digitalslave, sorry i can't follow right now. spend 12 hours to make a driver compile on squeeze, and 1 + 1 equals a7e75ur848%^6ehd to me now... :)00:31
pepeespeciesUnknown, you are welcome :)00:31
boxbeatsytyler_d: very sorry, but what command should i execute on my rmote server again?00:31
drecutedigitalslave: why likewise?00:32
mbeierldigitalslave: sorry - to be clear.  It does not matter what dns entry I put into /etc/resolv.conf.  My ISP detects the outgoing call on port #53/UDP and redirects it to their own servers.  I can put complete garbage into there and it still works.00:32
pepeeOrangeAngel, hmm very strange :/00:32
tyler_dboxbeatsy: enter enter, ~C , -L <<yourport>>:localhost:<<remoteport>>00:32
OrangeAngelHappened last time I installed it also.00:32
tyler_dboxbeatsy: then from your local machine try to connect to <<yourport>>00:32
pfifombeierl, can you pastebin the output of `dig google.com`00:33
XGaryGIs there a way to have mplayer scan for channels?00:33
pepeeOrangeAngel, looks like something is corrupted in your system. check your disk and memory modules00:33
boxbeatsytyler_d: i'm pretty sure i'm doing something stupid.  i'm getting "-L: command not found" on my remote server00:33
tenXtyler_d: dont forget to mention how sweet that is00:33
boxbeatsytyler_d: i'm logging into my server via ssh with "ssh master".  then, i'm doing what you just said00:33
philip__digitalslave, and you're right. the best recipe would be to boot from live cd, and purge - reinstall everything.00:33
pepeeOrangeAngel, that, or the package itself is corrupted00:33
OrangeAngelI'm pretty sure it's the package00:34
OrangeAngelbecause I can install other stuff fine.00:34
OrangeAngelit's just that00:34
CrazydanMy package is tiny00:34
digitalslavedrecute, if you dont want to mess with all the pieces of getting AD authentication to work likewise will do it for you in 5 minutes00:34
CrazydanLike 3kb00:34
pepeeOrangeAngel, fsck to check filesystem, memtest (from grub) to check memory00:34
mbeierlpfifo: yep.  just a moment00:34
pepeeOrangeAngel, run aptitude update and then try reinstalling00:35
pepeeOrangeAngel, check if there are differences00:35
speciesUnknownpepee: thanks dude, i got it working now (can access phpmyadmin)00:35
tyler_dboxbeatsy: k, so we are using the escape sequence... (man ssh) which by default is ~ and to open a tunnel is C so its, enter enter, ~C, then to open a tunnel to the server you are on, you need to do -L for the tunnel part... and then the port you want to connect with on your local machine then : an dthe remote ip or in this case, localhost, and the remote port to forward to00:35
speciesUnknownpepee: one more thing though, is it better to make a copy, or use a symlink? i.e. should I be preserving the stuff in var?00:35
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pepeespeciesUnknown, IIRC  should work from
CrazydanNo moar help here?00:35
OrangeAngelI'll have to restart to do fsck wont I?00:36
boxbeatsytyler_d: ooo i thought ~C meant ctrl+c, ok hold up00:36
mbeierlpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/912282/  But, to make sure my issue is understood: I have a new satellite link ISP and they are using some form of masq internally to redirect all DNS traffic to their own servers00:36
speciesUnknownpepee: it doesnt, because it somehow detects that i modified my sites-enabled/default and didnt bother with anything beyond DB setup during the installer00:36
tyler_dboxbeatsy: so all together would be enter enter, ~C, -L <<mymachineport>>:localhost:<<serverport>>00:37
pfifombeierl, sorry, its `dig @ google.com` can you do that instead00:37
mbeierlpfifo: yep00:37
boxbeatsytyler_d: ok, i get "Forwarding port" now00:37
pepeespeciesUnknown, symlink for?00:37
tyler_dvery good00:37
mbeierlpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/912285/00:37
pepeespeciesUnknown, I make a copies when changing thinkgs00:37
boxbeatsytyler_d: but then on my local machine i'm trying "telnet alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 6000" and it's still timing out00:37
speciesUnknownpepee: i.e. i set my default host to /var/www in a virtual host file, and created /var/www/phpmyadmin in there00:38
tyler_dboxbeatsy: what is the server listening to?00:38
speciesUnknownpepee: the result is that localhost/phpmyadmin now works00:38
pepeeCrazydan, try restarting, it could work somehow...00:38
boxbeatsytyler_d: i did -L 6000:localhost:2500:38
speciesUnknownpepee: im wondering if im "supposed" to use a symlink to the stuff in /var/usr instead of a copy though00:38
mbeierlpfifo: what would you be looking for in the paste that would indicate it's really going to the REAL and not being intercepted?00:38
tyler_dboxbeatsy: so you are trying to forward port 25 of the server to your local port 6000?00:38
pepeespeciesUnknown, should work without making a copy00:39
pepeespeciesUnknown, in any case you can just purge the package and reinstall00:39
pfifombeierl, line 25, it appears to be hitting, i think you may be mistaken00:39
speciesUnknownno, it doesnt, my best guess being that the installer silently disapproves of my modified apache configs00:39
tyler_dboxbeatsy: use the same hostname as the ssh you had00:39
boxbeatsytyler_d: right, i'm trying to query MX servers from my local machine, but outgoing connections via port 25 are blocked by my dsl provider00:39
tyler_dboxbeatsy: brb00:39
CrazydanYa i tried restarting00:39
pepeespeciesUnknown, phpmyadmin is not in /var/www in my system00:40
digitalslavembeierl, who is your isp?00:40
CrazydanOther than that,not much00:40
CrazydanIts why i'm here00:40
mbeierlpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/912287/  <- result of dig @ google.com which should not give an answer00:40
speciesUnknownpepee: maybe my virtual hosts somehow override whatever mechanism the install script uses to set up localhost/phpmyadmin00:40
CrazydanIdk how to fix a box without a gui00:40
mbeierldigitalslave: Xplornet (formerly Barrett/Hughes).  Canada.00:40
CrazydanLet alone linux00:41
pepeeCrazydan, I'll help you00:41
pepeewait a moment, please00:41
pepeespeciesUnknown, probably. don't know about virtual hosts, but if you want me to check something, I will do it00:41
speciesUnknownpepee: i edited sites-enabled/default so that the default web root was a rails app, and then I changed it back to /var/www00:42
boxbeatsytyler_d: ah, i think i'm misunderstanding what a ssh tunnel does.  what i'm trying to do is get "telnet alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25" to work, but since outgoing connections on port25 are blocked locally, i'm trying to setup the ssh tunnel, but then the command "telnet alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 6000" doesnt seem to go through the tunnel00:42
pepeeCrazydan, sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/updates/000000:42
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ZaitzevFollowed a guide on how to install iTunes 10 in Ubuntu, and it failed miserably. Can't say that I'm surprised, nothing at all works on this crap box00:42
Ricardoooowhy the virtualbox don't start more when i update the ubuntu?00:43
boxbeatsytyler_d: if i do "telnet localhost 6000" i do see "channel 5: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused" on my remote machien though00:43
pepeespeciesUnknown, sites-enabled/default ? I only see that in nginx00:43
pepeeRicardoooo, what version? do you get an error message?00:44
pfifombeierl, can you pastebin 'dig @ pfifo.dtdns.net'00:44
Ricardooooubuntu 11.1000:45
philip__directly from the forums: "The only thing, if you are installing another linux distro after ubuntu, watch out for advanced options during the install and tell it not to install a bootloader, so that it doesn't overwrite your ubuntu grub2 on the MBR." And while i thought of that i did chose to install bootloader again.00:45
pepeeCrazydan, sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0000  and add a new line at the end of the file00:45
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pepeeRicardoooo, vbox version00:45
CrazydanHow do i add a new line?00:46
pepeeRicardoooo, run VirtualBox from the console00:46
pepeeCrazydan, go to the last line in the file and press enter00:46
CrazydanThat is all?00:46
pepeeCrazydan, well, the error message says there is a missing newline00:47
pepeeCrazydan, ctrl+x to quit00:47
Ricardoooopepee, just a minute00:48
Ricardoooopeepes 4.1.200:48
pepeeCrazydan, ctrl+x to quit00:48
Ricardoooopepee, 4.1.200:48
pepeeCrazydan, that, or run: sudo echo >> /var/lib/dpkg/updates/000000:48
lngndvsAfter an emerge -uDva world my gentoo box posts messages that udev failed to load, and in xorg there is no keyboard or mouse.  I have recompiled xf86-input-mouse -keyboard -evdev and xorg-server .00:48
pepeeRicardoooo, does the vbox administrator works?00:49
Zaitzevanyone in here had any luck installing itunes 10 on Ubuntu 11.10?00:49
tyler_dboxbeatsy: sorry, where we at?00:49
pepeelngndvs, emerge? #gentoo ?00:49
pepeeZaitzev, what guide did you follow?00:49
lngndvsI apologize.  I am using an Ubuntu box for now.   Never mind.00:49
Ricardoooopeeps[lappy], yes00:49
Zaitzevpepee: One on youtube, explaining a few steps. itunes got installed, but it doesn't run correctly, or something. it's completely bugged.00:50
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boxbeatsytyler_d: cool, so, i've logged into my remote server and done ~C -L 2025:localhost:25, then i try to go to my local machine and run "telnet alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 2025" but it times out.00:51
digitalslaveZaitzev, yeah it runs like crap on linux00:51
wchan_i know how to execute a remote command via ssh ... i.e. ssh user@machine "my command"00:51
wchan_however, if the master kills the script running this00:51
tyler_dboxbeatsy: but that\s not the same as the one you ssh'd to?00:51
wchan_the ssh command on the child server doesnt necessary quit00:51
CrazydanNo go00:51
wchan_how can i enforce this?00:51
pepeeZaitzev, on wine?00:51
pepeeCrazydan, same error?00:51
Ricardoooopepee, the error is: he device helper structure version has changed.00:51
RicardooooIf you have upgraded VirtualBox recently, please make sure you have terminated all VMs and upgraded any extension packs. If this error persists, try re-installing VirtualBox. (VERR_PDM_DEVHLPR3_VERSION_MISMATCH).00:51
pepeeRicardoooo, do you speak spanish?00:51
tyler_dboxbeatsy: eliminate problems by sticking with ip addresses00:52
Zaitzevdigitalslave: I get that it's not optimal or anything, but when I see videos of people getting it to work just fine..00:52
CrazydanImma just reinstall :/00:52
Zaitzevpepee: yes00:52
Ricardoooopepee, portugues00:52
boxbeatsytyler_d: right...i think i have a fundamental misunderstanding of what ssh tunneling is doing. basically, the problem i'm trying to solve is that i cant do "telnet alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25" because outgoing local connectiosn are blocked on that port, so i decided i should set up an ssh tunnel through a remote server that i know can execute that command just fine.  is that logical?00:52
rtnbhi guys, i can't shutdown or restart ubuntu00:52
digitalslaveZaitzev, did you use winetricks?00:52
rtnbit always hangs on the ubuntu screen with the 4 little dots00:52
CrazydanTook 2 hours to install this morning00:52
pepeeRicardoooo, ask in #vbox . also, there is a channel for ubuntu pt/br00:52
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:53
tyler_dboxbeatsy: why can you not have an outbound port 25 connection?00:53
boxbeatsytyler_d: my isp has it blocked00:53
Zaitzevdigitalslave: No, I have no idea what that does differently, like I said, I followed the steps in the video00:53
mbeierlpfifo: sorry - on phone with isp.  missed that request.  doing it now00:53
tyler_dboxbeatsy: outbound port 25 is blocked?00:53
boxbeatsytyler_d: yea, like if i do "telnet alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25" locally, i get a "no route to host"00:54
mbeierlpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/912300/00:54
wassy121_boxbeatsy: then yes, you are looking for an SSH tunnel00:54
tyler_dboxbeatsy: ok, so from your "server" try that command00:54
wassy121_You need an external machine that can connect to port 2500:54
Ricardoooopepee, i try help in ubuntu-br but no one cant help me00:54
boxbeatsytyler_d: ya, from my server it works correctly00:55
pepeeRicardoooo, ask in #vbox then00:55
philip__rtnb, have you messed up your partitions? is it a clean install?00:55
pepeeRicardoooo, give them the error message00:55
Ricardoooopepee, he device helper structure version has changed.00:55
RicardooooIf you have upgraded VirtualBox recently, please make sure you have terminated all VMs and upgraded any extension packs. If this error persists, try re-installing VirtualBox. (VERR_PDM_DEVHLPR3_VERSION_MISMATCH).00:55
rtnbit was a clean install but idk if my partitions are optimal00:55
Ricardoooothis is a error menssage00:55
rtnbi have windows on 1 disk, and ubuntu / storage partitioned on another00:55
Ricardoooopepee, this is a error menssage00:55
boxbeatsytyler_d: i was under the impression that once i setup the tunnel we've been discussing, i could do telnet alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 6000 on my local machine and that would work, but it's not00:55
pmp6nlHello all, my theme keeps randomly changing.  Any ideas as to figure out why? Thanks00:56
alusion_Whatsup with Chromium and flash?00:56
wassy121_boxbeatsy: Nope.  Close though.  The tunnel routes the traffic automatically to alt1.gmail...00:56
wassy121_boxbeatsy: so, it would be "telnet localhost 6000"00:56
pfifombeierl, ok how about 'dig google.com +trace'00:56
pepeeRicardoooo, again, ask in that channel. they know better than I00:56
wassy121_boxbeatsy: which is then tunneled out through the external server, over to alt1.gmail00:56
tyler_dboxbeatsy: you are tyring a double forward in a sence00:56
Ricardoooopepee, thanks00:57
tyler_dboxbeatsy: you are in a sence trying to use your server as a proxy for mail00:57
pepeeRicardoooo, you are welcome00:57
boxbeatsytyler_d: wassy121_ exactly, except i'm not mailing, just verifying emails00:57
pepeeCrazydan left :/00:57
boxbeatsytyler_d: wassy121_ so when i do telnet localhost 6000 i get "connection closed by foreign hsot"00:58
tyler_dboxbeatsy: so your server needs to have something to handle proxy like nginx00:58
tyler_dboxbeatsy: because there is no application listening to that port on your server00:58
wassy121_tyler_d: I don't think that's true00:58
philip__rtnb, hard reboot, and chose recovery mode on bootup. then try to normally shutdown again.00:58
wassy121_tyler_d: Maybe we are proposing two different solutions00:58
rtnbphilip__ how to get recovery mode?00:59
tyler_dwassy121_: the tunnel he has created would connect 2025 to port 25 on the server... port 25 on his server is not listening or accepting connetions00:59
philip__when the grub menu shows up, you should see it in the options.01:00
tyler_dwassy121_: yah?01:00
wassy121_tyler_d: Ah, yes.  You are right01:00
wassy121_boxbeatsy: so, on the server, can you run "netstat -pant | grep LIST", and look for port 25?01:00
tyler_dwassy121_: boxbeatsy you need to use your server as a "proxy" to connect there01:01
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boxbeatsywassy121_: ya, i dont see anything relevant to port 2501:01
tyler_dboxbeatsy: you need to look into squid01:02
wassy121_boxbeatsy: okay, so on your server (it's ubuntu?), install postfix and start it up01:02
wassy121_boxbeatsy: tyler_d you can just run postfix, and have it send mail that way.  Or, is this only for a connection to gmail?01:02
tyler_dwassy121_: he isn't trying to send mail, only to scan for mail01:03
wassy121_boxbeatsy: oh, you are doing email verifications, so you need access to anywhere.01:03
tyler_dwassy121_: there we go01:03
wassy121_tricksy problem . . .01:03
tyler_dwassy121_: you're catching up ;)01:03
boxbeatsytyler_d: i'm not entirely grasping how a proxy will help.  once i setup the proxy will i be able to run "telnet alt1.gmail-smtp.google.com 2025" locally and it will work? or what do i need to do to be able to simply enable that functionality?01:03
tyler_dboxbeatsy: you would enable proxy on your machine and point it to the server(squid) and the app would then connect "through" your server to wherever you wanted01:04
wassy121_boxbeatsy: so, the dilemma is that you need to connect to external services (hotmail, gmail) on port 25 to verify if they respond properly to a "RCPT TO: " command . . .01:04
tyler_dboxbeatsy: is your isp really that sticky that you can't just call them and yell a bit01:04
boxbeatsytyler_d: yea, i tried but they insisted i hadto pay an extra $100/month01:04
wassy121_boxbeatsy: an SSH tunnel is mean to forward one port to one port on a remote machine (that can connect anywher)01:04
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wassy121_boxbeatsy: why does this need to be run from your desktop (rather than an AWS or Cloud machine?)01:05
wassy121_boxbeatsy: but, the dilemma is that SSH tunnels connect to exactly one "place", you need the ability to connect to "any machine on port 25"01:05
boxbeatsywassy121_: ah yea, i see now.01:06
wassy121_boxbeatsy: hence his suggestion to set up a proxy on the server, which I still don't feel like is an elegant solution01:06
wassy121_boxbeatsy: but it should work01:06
tyler_dboxbeatsy: wassy121_ look into a double-port forward01:07
wassy121_boxbeatsy: Is port 587 blocked?01:07
boxbeatsytyler_d: wassy121_ bahhhh ok.  i think i'm just going to run this on the remote server directly.  i'll just have to allow my partner access to the machiine also.  i do appreciate the help though!01:07
tyler_dboxbeatsy: or alternately modify your packet-filter to allow for incomming connections on port 2501:07
tyler_dboxbeatsy: yah, its quite a pickle you're in.... but a fun one indeed :p01:07
wassy121_"My, that's a dilly of a pickle"01:08
boxbeatsyhaha indeed.01:08
boxbeatsyyou know what i'm going to just set this email verification check as a service on my remote server and then hit it locally01:08
boxbeatsythis way i can use it from any computer anywhere01:09
tyler_dboxbeatsy: I personally think thats the most elegant way to do it01:09
boxbeatsyok! that is what i'll do then.  thanks guys! tyler_d wassy121_01:09
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tyler_dboxbeatsy: your quite welcome. and I take back the proxy suggestion... that would fail... you need squid01:10
Shinobihow do i create a working ssh tunnel01:11
boxbeatsyhaha Shinobi this might help: http://www.engadget.com/2006/03/21/how-to-ssh-tunnels-for-secure-network-access/01:11
boxbeatsyor scroll up and read my thread01:11
dagerivthe finger command outputs something it calls "idle time", when is a user idle from a terminal?01:11
wassy121_dageriv: when they finish executing their most recent command01:12
dagerivaha thanks01:12
mbeierlpfifo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/912317/   And... the ISP has confirmed they use a dns intercept at the modem level to minimize latency.   Thanks for your help, but until they turn that off (new software load to the modem ~24hours) I am at their mercy.01:12
Shinobiboxbeatsy: I'll just cut to the chase... has anyone successfully tunneled mount.cifs over ssh?01:12
LinuxApprenticei'm using 11.04, are there shortcuts for window movement and snapping, resizing ?01:12
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wassy121_LinuxApprentice: I think that comes in Gnome 3.2, Ubuntu 12.01:13
LinuxApprenticewassy121_, i see01:13
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wassy121_LinuxApprentice: oh, keyboard shortcuts, yes.  Just no "snapping" to half-full-screen01:13
wassy121_LinuxApprentice: which is what I was talking about for Ubuntu 1201:14
mbeierlShinobi: I've done a poor-man's-vpn by tunnelling ppp over ssh and then mounting cifs over that, but, no I have not personally done direct cifs over ssh01:14
LinuxApprenticewassy121_, like snapping window borders like on openbox01:14
adrien2Does ubuntu 11.10 have any recent security flaws? I have reason to believe 5 or so random people from star chat are trying to hack my computer01:14
adrien2I logged off from there, that place is scary01:14
mbeierladrien2: what services do you run on your 11.10 box?01:14
LinuxApprenticeadrien2, scary?01:15
mbeierladrien2: ssh, apache, vpn, vnc, ...?01:15
adrien2they scared the shit out of me01:15
adrien2how do i check?01:15
ubuntu_DasEi, hello?01:15
ShinobiI was trying to avoid a vpn setup, but the PITA factor for this ssh tunnel is high.... very high....01:15
mbeierladrien2: netstat -napt   Pastebin the output.01:15
h00k!language | adrien201:15
ubottuadrien2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:15
fyrfaktryparanoia will destroya01:15
adrien2Can i trrust you?01:16
DasEiubuntu_: yupp01:16
h00kadrien2: also, you may want to consider #ubuntu-server for assistance01:16
ubuntu_DasEi, yay! your still here....01:16
adrien2okay, i probably should, not sure i trust someone reffering to pastebin01:16
adrien2thanks guys01:16
mbeierladrien2: by asking questions and replies here in the open, we have 1,516 people looking over what I am asking you to do.  Someone will warn you if I ask for something out of line01:16
DasEi3.16 morning and not wise, hehe, ubuntu_01:16
mbeierladrien2: ssh runs on port 22.  Apache on 80 and 443.  vnc on 590001:17
DasEiubuntu_:you are in live again ? open a terminal..01:17
ubuntu_DasEi, were are you located? I am central time zone so 8:20 pm.01:17
h00kadrien2: I'd advice against vnc, and if you have ssh, also install fail2ban01:17
ubuntu_DasEi, ok.01:18
h00k!info fail2ban | adrien201:18
ubottuadrien2: fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (oneiric), package size 79 kB, installed size 672 kB01:18
mbeierladrien2: you will be looking for those in the output of netstat.  You can also shut services down for now if you are worried.  There is also a file called /var/log/auth.log which will log any break-in attempts01:18
DasEiubuntu_:sudo apt-get update -y  && sudo apt-get install pastebinit -y  (GöttingenGermany)01:18
mbeierladrien2: I second what h00k just posted.  That is good advice.01:18
adrien2they wernt much help either01:18
adrien2told me to unplug my computer01:18
mbeierladrien2: a powered off computer is the only hack-safe computer, it is true :(01:19
adrien2you fuck, after that I might as well go back to windows, id feel safer01:19
adrien2yeah well that doesnt help me01:19
ubuntu_DasEi, and i came from hungary. :) and workin on terminal...01:19
h00k!language | adrien2 this is your second warning.01:19
ubottuadrien2 this is your second warning.: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:19
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adrien2well you're all being far from polite01:19
adrien2good bye01:19
mbeierladrien2: we gave you some good advice.  please don't abuse the volunteers.01:19
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DasEih00k: tsts01:19
mbeierlI guess that showed us.  WOw.01:20
wassy121_"this free support for my free software sucks"01:20
philip__lol what was that...01:20
ubuntu_DasEi, terminal finished.01:20
DasEiubuntu_:sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit01:20
DasEiubuntu_:give url from terminal here01:21
tyler_dwow, I missed some action it would appear01:21
mbeierltyler_d: just someone who was scared due to possible break in attempts...01:21
ubuntu_DasEi, ubuntu@ubuntu01:21
DasEiubuntu_:sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit  << should return a urrl in your terminal01:21
born2trollguys can you help me everytime i hit a key on my keyboard i these error beep comes and its not writing...01:22
ubuntu_DasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/912331/01:22
DasEiubuntu_:got it, why is there a type a partition , do you dualboot ?01:23
digitalslaveborn2troll, stuck keys?01:23
born2trollno i checked my keys are fine01:24
tyler_dmbeierl: hey even I learned something there :) good sage advice01:24
ubuntu_DasEi,  i don't know. i don't duel boot either.01:24
tyler_dAnd on that note ladies and gent's I'm off to bed.01:24
digitalslaveborn2troll, you shouldnt nap on your keypad :D nice name though01:24
DasEiubuntu_:pastebinit /var/log/syslog01:24
DasEipastebinit,  sry01:24
ubuntu_DasEi, what???01:25
DasEiubuntu_:  pastebinit /var/log/syslog01:25
HoNgOuRuafter upgradingto 12.04 the session exits unexpectly after 10 minutes or so.... where can I see what is happening ?01:25
ubuntu_DasEi, in terminal right?01:25
DasEiyes as above01:25
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ pastebinit /var/log/syslog01:25
ubuntu_DasEi, ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ pastebinit /var/log/syslog01:26
born2trolldigitalslave, no offence man but i just come from #debian... this guys are a disgrace of these support platform and i really would prefer just to focus on the problem01:26
DasEiHoNgOuRu: /var/log/syslog01:26
born2trollnothing against you... just exhausted...01:26
ubuntu_DasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/912336/01:26
born2trolldigitalslave, dont mind my nick im going to behave01:26
HoNgOuRuDasEi, and where in it ?01:26
ubuntu_DasEi,  that also came with it.01:26
digitalslaveborn2troll, if you really wanted help i think you might have chosen a non-troll name but thats personal opinion01:27
DasEiHoNgOuRu: scroll down to the last ~20 lines01:27
born2trolldigitalslave, really? is my name that important that you refuse to help me?01:28
HoNgOuRuDasEi, "sending failed host not found lot of times per second...."01:28
DasEiubuntu_:  well, there seems some problem with your apt, too, but first let's check your grub01:28
born2trolldigitalslave, can we PLEASE just focus on the problem for 1 time?+01:28
digitalslaveborn2troll,  what steps have you taken?01:28
ubuntu_DasEi, ok...01:28
DasEiHoNgOuRu: try to go to init 1 and first do a full update, reboot01:29
DasEiubuntu_:  sudo mount /dev/sda1  /mnt01:29
born2trolldigitalslave, well its when i turn up the pc as soon as i login... i tried to close all programs running but its not going away... i have to re-plug the keyboard to "repair" it until the next restart of the pc01:29
HoNgOuRuDasEi, I did the update as normal user with sudo and then rebooted lot of times01:29
ubuntu_DasEi,  didn't do anything01:30
os_g g01:30
born2trolldigitalslave, i dont realy have an idea what it could be...01:30
DasEiHoNgOuRu: I'm busy right now, ask again or wait few minutes and I come back on it01:30
maki15 :D01:30
maki15 :)01:30
HoNgOuRuDasEi, ok thank01:30
hydesteri'm trying to do the following example from https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/man.html for the parallel command, which doesn't appear to do anything on ubuntu (lucid or oneiric): parallel "zcat {} | bzip2 >{.}.bz2 && rm {}" ::: *.gz01:31
born2trolldigitalslave, oh yea it occured the first time after i unplugged my headset and plugged it again... also usb01:31
DasEiubuntu_: it did, nvm :  sudo mount --bind /dev/  /mnt/dev01:31
hydesteranybody familiar with this?01:31
DasEiubuntu_: it did, nvm :  sudo mount --bind /proc/  /mnt/proc01:31
ubuntu_DasEi, mount: mount point /mnt/proc does not exist01:31
DasEiubuntu_:   sudo mount --bind /sys/  /mnt/sys01:32
DasEiubuntu_:   sudo mkdir /mnt/proc01:32
ubuntu_DasEi, ok.01:32
DasEiubuntu_:   sudo mount --bind /proc/  /mnt/proc01:32
DasEiubuntu_:   sudo mount --bind /usr/  /mnt/usr01:32
ubuntu_DasEi, ok.01:32
DasEiubuntu_:   sudo chroot /mnt01:32
ubuntu_DasEi, chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error01:33
DasEiubuntu_:   grub-install --recheck /dev/sda ,errr01:33
DasEiubuntu_:   are you using same architecture live/hd e.g. 32 on 32 bit ?01:33
sparky-_ooh, mismatched 32- and 64-bit binaries?01:33
ubuntu_DasEi, it did something.01:33
ubuntu_DasEi,  what??01:34
born2trolldigitalslave, you got any idea what it could be? :S i think its something with some usb handling... when i unplugged my headset the keyboard maybe got an other device number or sth like that...01:34
DasEiubuntu_: is the hd a 32 or 64 bit type ?01:34
ubuntu_DasEi, 32bit ubuntu is all i know...01:34
sparky-_Ubuntu_: either your HD is 32 bit and live CD is 64, or vice versa01:34
ubuntu_DasEi, 32bit.01:35
DasEiubuntu_ mind sparky, same idea on my side01:35
philip__Time for me to go also. Wish you all get what you came for here. :)01:35
ubuntu_DasEi, what??!!!01:35
mkultra_man my ubuntu crashed, so i hard reset it, and its running GREAT again lol01:36
DasEiUbuntu_: either your HD is 32 bit and live CD is 64, or vice versa01:36
mkultra_i bet i could of fixed it if i had ssh and another pc01:36
ubuntu_DasEi, 32bit cd 32bit hd.01:36
ubuntu_DasEi, same disk used to install it first time01:36
sparky-_Ubuntu_: prove it, name -a01:37
ubuntu_sparky-, wha???01:37
DasEiubuntu_: strange then, uname -a ends with 686 ?01:37
sparky-_uname -a01:37
ubuntu_DasEi, -a: command not found01:37
DasEiubuntu_: strange then,            uname -a             ends with 686 ?01:38
sparky-_typing on android and it auto corrected me01:38
ubuntu_Linux ubuntu 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux01:38
ubuntu_time not set01:38
DasEithat's 32, true01:38
DasEiubuntu_: sudo chroot /mnt01:39
sparky-_Ubuntu_: file /path/to/hd-indtall/bin/bash01:39
ubuntu_DasEi, chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error01:39
sparky-_file /mint/bin bash01:39
ubuntu_sparky-, /path/to/hd-indtall/bin/bash: ERROR: cannot open `/path/to/hd-indtall/bin/bash' (No such file or directory)01:39
sparky-_oh darn Droid01:39
ubuntu_sparky-, bash: /mint/bin: No such file or directory01:40
sparky-_face palm01:40
DasEisparky- : root(hd) is on /dev/sda101:40
born2trollsomeone else got an idea? everytime i start my keyboard is not writeing and making that gnome error sound... it prob is some problem with the usb device mounting...01:40
sparky-_file /mnt/bin/bash01:40
ubuntu_sparky-, /path/to/hd-indtall/bin/bash: ERROR: cannot open `/path/to/hd-indtall/bin/bash' (No such file or directory)01:41
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ /mint/bin bash01:41
ubuntu_bash: /mint/bin: No such file or directory01:41
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ /dev/sda101:41
ubuntu_bash: /dev/sda1: Permission denied01:41
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ file /mnt/bin/bash01:41
ubuntu_/mnt/bin/bash: data01:41
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
ubuntu_oops. to long.01:41
reachhow do one set up their e-mails addresses in sylpheed?01:41
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pilotbububuntu is support ppc now wth am I living in the twilight zone01:42
DasEiubuntu_: sudo mount --bind /bin/  /mnt/bin01:42
sparky-_Ubuntu: hmm, data?  odd ... that means is doesn't recognize it as executable ELF file01:42
DasEiubuntu_: file /mnt/bin/bash01:42
ubuntu_DasEi, /mnt/bin/bash: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped01:42
DasEiubuntu_: so fine then, I wonder about failing chroot01:43
ubuntu_DasEi, so now what?01:43
DasEiubuntu_: sudo mkdir /mnt/dev/pts && sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts && sudo chroot /mnt01:44
ubuntu_DasEi, pts && sudo chroot /mnt01:45
ubuntu_mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/dev/pts': No such file or directory01:45
sparky-ubuntu_: what are you trying to do? :-)  wanna start over?01:45
DasEiubuntu_: that was one command line, all in one, what gives :01:45
ubuntu_chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory01:45
DasEiubuntu_: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda01:46
ubuntu_sparky-, ubuntu died with all my info and want it back.01:46
sparky-ubuntu: died how?  stopped booting?01:46
ubuntu_cp: cannot create regular file `/boot/grub/915resolution.mod': Permission denied01:46
chris__How do I add a website shortcut to the cairo dock?  Any suggestions?01:47
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DasEisparky-yes, and we already fscke'd a bunch of errors out, apt is wrecked and now I'm checking grub01:47
sparky-if the drive is failing and if there were enough errors chances are good that you can't rely on on-disk binaries for anything :-)01:47
DasEiubuntu_: aha, let's asume it's chrooted, try :01:48
sparky-so it's probably best to tar/untar specific directories (home and whatever else is important)01:48
ubuntu_DasEi, ?01:48
DasEiubuntu_: grub-install /dev/sda01:48
ubuntu_cp: cannot create regular file `/boot/grub/915resolution.mod': Permission denied01:48
DasEisparky: newer hardware, more than one drive, figured out already01:49
* sparky- sits back and sips coke-zero01:49
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pilotbubdoes the zero stand for zero reason to drink it01:49
DasEiubuntu_: what happened last time you tried to boot, just a blank screen ?01:50
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pmp6nlHello all, my theme keeps randomly changing.  Any ideas as to figure out why? Thanks01:50
ubuntu_DasEi, i have a hp and it goes to the to the enter bios if i want goes black and happens again.01:50
aminebonsoir a tous et a tout01:50
chris__anyone familiar with adding shortuts to the cairo dock?01:51
DasEiubuntu_: well strange you got these os-loader partition, is there a cd burner or a usb stick handy ? we could try grub-rescue cd, but I guess there is only one pc , so would have to try yourself01:52
DasEicaffeine, y01:52
born2trollcome on anyone of you GOT to have an idea whats causing it. I unplugged my usb headset, plugged it again and then suddenly my usb keyboard stopped working...01:53
wrostekIm having trouble with my Ubuntu Install, I was building kernels the ubuntu way, and then using dpkg -i <kernalname> to install and apt-get purge <kernelname> to remove..  Next day Ubuntu boots into lighted but freezes shortly after, no message in logs, can't ssh in.. its useless01:53
jbuncherI can't mount a windows share using mount.cifs in oneiric (permission denied error), yet the EXACT same command in lucid works just fine.  can someone please help?01:53
wrostekwhat can I do to fix this?01:53
ubuntu_DasEi,  ya i am the only one with a burner. but i have a usb stick.01:53
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wrostekAnyone know how to debug total Ubuntu Freeze?01:54
tenXwrostek: total?01:55
DasEiubuntu_: http://forja.cenatic.es/frs/download.php/1384/super_grub2_disk_hybrid_1.99b1.iso01:55
ubuntu_ DasEi,  ya i am the only one with a burner. but i have a usb stick.01:55
aminesvp comment aler sur ubuntu fr01:55
DasEiubuntu_: wget http://forja.cenatic.es/frs/download.php/1384/super_grub2_disk_hybrid_1.99b1.iso01:56
wrostekIts not doing anything01:56
wrostekIs there a way to config ubuntu so it does not boot into lighted?01:56
ubuntu_DasEi, put it on usb?01:56
wrostekMaybe I can isolate the problem01:56
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DasEiubuntu_: yes , it's a combo, including an image for usb01:56
tenXwrostek: not sure where the problem is01:57
DasEid/l it, mount it, dd it over , ubuntu_01:57
ubuntu_DasEi, what is "ddit over?"01:58
DasEiubuntu_: iso is down ? might be fun on live01:58
ubuntu_guest43322, hi01:59
aminemerci et bone surffffffff01:59
ubuntu_DasEi, what?01:59
DasEiubuntu_: did you d/l the iso already ?01:59
ubuntu_DasEi, it is on drive, now what?01:59
ubuntu_DasEi, what is d/l??01:59
ubuntu_renode, thanks.02:00
renodelol np02:00
ubuntu_DasEi, yes. it is on the usb now.02:00
DasEiubuntu_: sudo mkdir /mnt/iso02:00
DasEiubuntu_: copy it to harddrive (the iso)02:01
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ubuntu_DasEi, like on desktop?02:01
DasEiubuntu_: sudo mount -o loop  /dev/sda1/blah%&§.iso /mnt/iso , yes where you like02:01
i1Hi. Does Anyone Know If You're Able To Download And Install Ubuntu For Android Or Is It UnderConstruction.02:01
mbeierlhow do I turn off the screen lock whenever the computer goes into standby in 11.10?02:02
Rajiv_Avira is telling me to use the Root account to install AntiVir. Is there another way to do this but not use Root?02:02
mbeierli1: in the planning stages still.  Canonical is still doing marketing research from the looks of it02:02
sparky-rajiv_: windows is a couple of windows down the hall, that way --->02:03
i1Oh, Nice Okay Thanks02:03
Fyodorovnambeierl, sytem-settings-brightness lock02:03
ubuntu_DasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/912367/02:03
DasEimbeierl: man xscreensaver,  xscreensaver-demo, it's also under system somewhere in the gui02:04
Rajiv_sparky-, what do you mean?02:04
mbeierlFyodorovna: nope.  That is only for auto-lock after a timeout.  What I need is for suspend to ram02:04
tenXRajiv_: wouldnt think so. the installation script requires some steps to be taken with sufficent privs02:04
DasEiubuntu_: you really tried to mount blah%&§ ??02:05
mbeierlDasEi: xscreensaver-demo is not installed.  I can't find a configuration gui for it anywhere.02:05
tenXRajiv_: what is the problem?02:05
ubuntu_DasEi, yous told me to!02:05
DasEiubuntu_: sudo mount -o loop  Path to file on hd /isoname.iso  /mnt/iso , yes where you like02:05
Fyodorovnambeierl, mine has a require password from suspend tick.02:06
mbeierlFyodorovna: 11.10?  Unity desktop?02:06
Rajiv_tenX: I a trying to install Avira AntiVir. The manual tells me to log in as Root. Is there another way to install?02:06
ubuntu_DasEi, please don't confuse me.02:06
Fyodorovnambeierl, on precise now should be in 11.10 I believe.02:07
DasEiubuntu_: where did you save the iso ?02:07
ubuntu_on the desktop02:07
ubuntu_and my usb02:07
tenXRajiv_: well the installation process demands privileges to f. e. copy config files to /etc and so on02:07
mbeierlFyodorovna: nope.  That's the problem :(  I can't find it in any of the normal locations and the dash search isn't complete enough yet to help02:07
DasEiubuntu_: cd /mnt02:07
DasEiwhich username you use on hd ?02:08
ubuntu_DasEi,  my usb?02:08
tenXRajiv_: besides i remember it to be running as another user (which has to be created and is a matter of privs as well)02:08
tenXRajiv_: why is that a problem?02:08
ubuntu_DasEi, my usbs name is BOBS BRAIN.02:08
ubuntu_my hd has no name. or that i know of02:09
jbunchercan someone *PLEASE* help me disable auto-raise in gnome-shell?02:09
DasEiubuntu_:you use a username on you hd os.. that is ?02:09
Cbelflower321anyone familiar with adding shortcuts to the cairo dock?02:09
ubuntu_DasEi, i don't know!02:10
Rajiv_tenX: The Root user page said to check with other people to see if there is a better way.02:10
ubuntu_ubuntu i guess02:10
DasEiubuntu_:ls | pastebinit02:10
tenXRajiv_: root user page?02:10
DasEiubuntu_:cd /home02:11
DasEiubuntu_:ls | pastebinit02:11
jesus_im guessing xfce is not the default for ubuntu studio?02:11
Rajiv_tenX: It's on the Ubuntu Community site.02:11
jbuncherI wan the focus to follow the mouse, but I do *NOT* want the windows to auto-raise02:11
Cbelflower321Does anyone use the Cairo dock?02:11
ubuntu_DasEi, hd: /isoname.iso: No such file or directory02:12
ubuntu_hd: /mnt/iso: Is a directory02:12
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd /mnt02:12
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ ls | pastebinit02:12
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ cd /home02:12
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:12
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:/home$ ls | pastebinit02:12
ShinobiIs there an http server running on 8080 in v10.04?02:12
DasEiubuntu_: cd /mnt/home && ls | pastebinit02:12
jribShinobi: not by default.02:12
ubuntu_You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.02:13
Shinobijrib: have you tried: localhost:8080 in firefox?02:13
jribShinobi: no.02:13
Shinobitry it02:13
jribShinobi: I don't have firefox nor 10.04 so not sure what the point would be02:14
mcurranIs there a tool that fixes windows "unproperly removed/mount" fuck up on a USB or partition.  I tried check with gparted, but no...02:14
Tom_hanksdoes anyone have an idea why only recovery mode will boot? i get no video when booting normal. Could it be becuase im running nvidia 8500 sli?02:14
DasEiubuntu_: if you are in /mnt/home, ls should show your users homedir02:14
Shinobijrib: fair enough... I get redirected to the canonical site. I don't know why though...02:14
ubuntu_DasEi, ...02:14
mcurranWhat does windows do, mess up the write permissions to the partition table or something?02:15
jribShinobi: weird.  Only in firefox?  Only with port 8080?02:15
tenXRajiv_: i cant see the point in your case. of course its always good to restrict access02:15
Cbelflower321Anyone know how to add shortcuts to the Cairo dock?02:15
sparky-tom_hanks: boot into normal mode but runlevel 1, read /var/log/X.0.log (it'll be your last attempt to boot into graphics mode)02:15
tenXRajiv_: but under that consideration you install closed source software at the same time02:15
mcurranls -n02:15
DasEisparky-: Xorg.0.log02:16
Shinobijrib: I only have firefox installed, no iceweasel or chrome02:16
Rajiv_tenX: What do you mean by c02:16
douglas-web-devGood evening! ;)02:16
jribShinobi: use wget02:16
tenXRajiv_: avira?02:16
douglas-web-devSorry, hi everyone! ;)02:16
ShinobiIt might have been installed with a package... but I'm not sure why it would redirect to canonical.02:17
Shinobigood idea02:17
ubuntu_DasEi,  well thanks for your help. i am tired want to sleep, maybe later, ok?02:17
Rajiv_tenX: So is there a way not to use Root but still install AntiVir?02:17
douglas-web-devPlease, is there any Babylon Translator like that runs on Linux?02:18
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* mbeierl thinks people need more patience rather than posting and quitting in under 10 minutes...02:20
tenXRajiv_: dunno. could be possible supplying privileges for the installation process. but all in all i dont see your point02:20
daletronIs there anyone I can PM that can teach me how to enable repositories?  or something of the sort anyway....02:21
DasEidaletron: we can do it here02:21
Logan_!info goldendict | douglas-web-dev02:22
ubottudouglas-web-dev: goldendict (source: goldendict): feature-rich dictionary lookup program. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2~git20110706-1 (oneiric), package size 1268 kB, installed size 3264 kB02:22
daletronok thx dasEi so02:22
daletroni'm trying to do the instructions here:02:22
BlackAngelPRhad anyone installed any pinnacle usb tuner in ubuntu 11.10 ?02:22
DasEidaletron: have a repo or ppa line already ?02:22
Logan_douglas-web-dev: It supports Babylon-format files as well.02:22
daletronim a major linux newb..... i dont even know what that is.... i'm just trying to follow the instructions on that link02:22
daletron# ensure that the "partner" repositories are enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list, or sun-java6-jdk won't be found02:22
daletron# Ubuntu 11.10 Java has been removed from partner, can be downloaded from Oracle02:22
daletronsudo apt-get update02:22
daletronsudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk mercurial ccache02:22
FloodBot1daletron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:22
mkultra_linux is easy windows noob02:23
daletroncool thx02:23
daletronbut anyway so i get to the part where i'm trying to type "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk mercurial ccache"02:23
DasEidaletron: np, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:23
mkultra_windows key runs files02:23
mkultra_they want you to hit windows key then type "gnome-terminal"02:23
DasEidaletron: in a terminal02:23
mkultra_then enter commands into it02:24
daletronok doing right now, one sec02:24
douglas-web-devThat's nice! Thank you, Logan_.02:24
Logan_douglas-web-dev: No problem. :-)02:24
mkultra_it was alt + f2, still is on my system02:24
BlackAngelPRhad anyone installed any pinnacle usb tuner in ubuntu 11.10 ?02:24
Logan_!repeat | black02:24
ubottublack: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:24
daletronit says "no command 'np,' found, did you mean..."02:24
Logan_BlackAngelPR: ^02:24
Logan_black: Sorry. :-P02:24
hydesteranybody know why "parallel" comes from moreutils, which is different from gnu parallel?02:25
daletronwait nm one sec it's doing something..lol02:25
BlackAngelPRdo you have any idea where to get atleast generic drivers for the tv tunner?02:25
mkultra_daletron,  they want you to run "sudo apt-get install *"  * = what ever package u want02:26
mkultra_sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk02:26
daletronmk, do i put that in the sources.list?02:27
daletronor in the console?  cus when i put it in the console origginaly02:27
daletronit was saying it wasn't found or something02:27
DasEidaletron: np= no problem02:27
DasEidaletron:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:27
daletronso i was thinking it had to do with the "ensure the partner repositories are enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list, or sun-java6-jdk won't be found"02:27
daletronhey DasEi, ya i got it to open the sources.list.. and that's wher ei'm at right now02:27
daletronduno what to do with the text file that opened though02:28
DasEidaletron: scrool down to the two lines dealing with partner repo's02:28
DasEidaletron: remove the '#' in front of that lines, save the file, close gedit02:28
DasEidaletron: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk02:29
zykotick9sun-java6 what repo is this coming from?02:30
daletronthe only # i see is in "# /etc/apt/sources.list" IN the sources.list.. u want me to remove that #?02:30
daletronsorry.. i'm extremely extremely new to all this02:30
daletronit's coming from this: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Fennec/Android02:30
daletroncrap Das i didn't even see taht link 2 lines below.. i guess i should read that first lol02:30
tenXdaletron: not sure about (your) situation but i think to remember you'd have to config java, icedtea is preinstalled afaik02:32
DasEidaletron: want me to  take a look at your sources ? sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list  , copy resulting url from terminal here02:32
daletronahh tenX sounds so complicated lol02:32
daletronyes DasEi, i'll copy and paste, sec02:32
zykotick9DasEi: sun-java isn't in partner anymore.02:33
DasEi!info sun-java6-jdk02:33
ubottuPackage sun-java6-jdk does not exist in oneiric02:33
tenXwell its not sun anymore02:34
tenXdont remember the package name02:34
tenXshould be easy to google02:34
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.02:34
daletronso is the wiki i'm looking at outdated or something?02:34
tenXdunno what you're looking at ;)02:35
zykotick9daletron: if you're seeing anything about a sun-java package in ubuntu then yes02:35
daletrontrying to follow those instructions02:35
daletronoh no zyko....lol02:35
tenXdaletron: that is.. android??02:35
daletrontrying to make a build environment for bug fixing..02:36
tenXdaletron: okay no idea about that02:36
daletron=[  thx though02:36
tenXdaletron: missed that part, sry02:36
tenXdaletron: isnt there a better channel for your questions?02:36
daletronah no idea... i literally just installed ubuntu an hour ago specifically to make this build environment02:37
bazhangtry #android daletron02:37
daletronya i guess i should try somewhere else -.-;;;02:37
tenXdaletron: okay the installation you're trying to configure java on is ubuntu?02:37
eadzI've been using 12.04 for a few weeks, did an update today and now many applications don't have any styling on the menus and buttons, like they are all square and ugly ( look like GTK1 or something ). any ideas?02:38
daletronya ubuntu02:38
bazhangeadz, #ubuntu+1 for that02:38
zykotick9eadz: reask in #ubuntu+102:38
tenXdaletron: well if the os is ubuntu you should stick to some ubuntu doc??02:39
daletronthe wiki im following is specific for Ubuntu02:39
daletronit's okay gonna do some more reading see if i can get somewhere02:39
daletronthx though for all the help02:39
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jpsulliawher i get yahoo messanger02:42
jpsulliaplz help me02:42
toc_tomI have run into an odd problem.  Originally thought my monitor config was screwed up, but it may be something else.  Using 10.0.4, with grub2, I can not boot to Linux 2.6.32-40-generic or recovery mode.  However, I can boot to Linux 2.6.32-39-generic, no problem... How can I fix this/troubleshoot this?02:43
sacarlsontoc_tom: did you turn on text mode in grub2 to see at what point it fails?02:44
DasEijpsullia: can use pidging an others02:44
ubottuThe Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin02:45
toc_tomsacarlson: Yea, it was tricky to do.  It was having a problem mounting the boot partition.  Even enabling text mode was not obvious, had to remove vga=732 from the grub script..02:45
toc_tomsacarlson: was getting Kernel panic02:45
DasEizykotick9: thank you, was offline for a while02:46
toc_tomsacarlson: something hosed in the mount/boot process.  that whole process is still black magic to me..02:46
ShinobiIf I set up an ssh tunnel, does it actually route the traffic from <localport> over port 22 and then forward to <remoteport>? Or does it just encrypt the traffic from <localport> to <remoteport>?02:47
sacarlsontoc_tom: so what kind of hard disk and interface is it then?02:47
toc_tomsacarlson: not sure how to anwer.. It was using the UUIDs ...02:47
toc_tomsacarlson: what do you mean by type of hard disk / interface?02:47
sacarlsontoc_tom: I guess you might want to pastebin us the sudo lshw | pastebinit ;   so we can have an idea what we are working with02:48
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zykotick9sacarlson: is that going to work with the sudo and the | pipe?02:49
sacarlsontoc_tom: I'm thinking maybe you have a scsi or some other uncommon disk that might require some extra drivers in initrd but the lshw might show that02:49
sacarlsonzykotick9: I think it should but toc_tom will have to install pastebinit as it's not installed as default02:51
toc_tomI'll give it a try..02:51
toc_tomsacarlson: I'll give it a try.. (IRC chatting from a different system..)02:51
zykotick9sacarlson: it was a question, i'm not sure.  but sudo has issues with | and/or > i'm just not 100% which one and when ;)02:51
toc_tomsacarlson: I think its a standard disk, Dell laptop..  but I'll get the info.02:52
sacarlsonzykotick9: to verify I just ran sudo ls | pastebinit ;  with no problem02:53
alishahi just updated my flash and every flash video is blue.. how can i revert back to old flash i had installed before the update?02:54
sacarlsontoc_tom:  the fact that it already works with Linux 2.6.32-39-generic  seems you already found a solution so why do you need a newer kernel if that works already?02:56
pmp6nlHello all, my theme keeps randomly changing.  Any ideas as to figure out why? Thanks02:58
toc_tomsacarlson: The more recent kernel was working fine, until something got corrupted, trying to figure out what was corrupted.02:59
toc_tomsacarlson: and keep my box up to date.. I was working on this for quite a while before discovering that falling back to previous kernel fixed the issue.02:59
sacarlsontoc_tom: oh ok that makes sense if the kernel or initd file got corrupted,  so  I wonder if you can reinstall the kernel that went bad then03:00
sacarlsontoc_tom: and posibly do some chkdsk on the disk partition that has the problem03:01
toc_tomsacarlson: yes, that's what I think.  How do I reinstall the kernel that went bad?03:02
toc_tomsacarlson: I'll google chkdsk now to figure that out.03:02
mkultra_id install synaptic and look up the linux packages, and install a few kernels03:03
sacarlsontoc_tom: from synaptic find the linux you want to replace do a reinstall03:03
toc_tomsacarlson: that's simple, thanks.. I'll try that.03:03
toc_tomsacarlson: looks like the ubuntu equivalent of chkdsk is fdisk..03:04
sacarlsontoc_tom: I guess to do a disk test you will have to boot from another partition or from a live cd03:04
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DasEitoc_tom: nope, fsck and e2fsck is03:05
sacarlsontoc_tom: DasEi is correct fsck or other03:05
toc_tomsacarlson: I can boot from liveCD.  thanks for the tips.  I have some homework to do now.  Appreciate it folks!!  :-)03:05
DasEitoc_tom: apart from that there are more forensic tools for unixe, as for recovering whole lost partitions03:06
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tenXjust tried foremost03:06
toc_tomDasEi: cool.. fortunately I"m not in that world of joy just yet :-)  But today was a good reminder to get my backup strategy cleaned up..03:06
nabukadnezar43hello guys03:08
nabukadnezar43how can i use upnp with ufw?03:08
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crunchbanghi i'm using a live cd and i want to fix grub after a windows setup03:15
mkultra_yeah just partition whats left over03:16
tenX_crunchbang: live cd03:16
mkultra_id setup a separate boot home and root partition03:16
tenX_crunchbang: google for knoppix grub install f. e.03:17
crunchbanghow to do that03:17
babbledo I care about having a separate boot partition if I only use ubuntu?03:17
mkultra_just install ubuntu as regular, and do advanced partition setup, instead of use whole disk03:18
tenX_mkultra_: it seems to be already installed03:18
tallboy_2I'm running Ubuntu 11.04.  Is there a way to access or mount my windows partition from within my  linux box to retrieve files?03:18
mkultra_i make a 300 meg boot partition for kernels, 20 gig for os on / and rest on $HOME03:18
tenX_tallboy_2: yeah you've got to mount it03:19
mkultra_yes once its setup03:19
h00kbabble: not necessarily, no. It will work while having /boot right along with / on your default root (/)03:19
mkultra_it should auto build the links for all that03:19
h00k!datarecovery | tallboy_203:19
babbleh00k: yeah, I thought so - I just wondered if there was a practical case for it if I'm not dual booting.03:19
mkultra_yeah boot to linux, and have grub load the windows loader03:19
h00k!undelete | tallboy_2 this should work03:20
ubottutallboy_2 this should work: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel03:20
Agent_bobwhat kind of process is >>> [kworker/1:0]03:25
crunchbangcannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda2.  Check your device.map.03:28
crunchbangAuto-detection of a filesystem module failed.03:28
crunchbangPlease specify the module with the option `--modules' explicitly.03:28
crunchbangsudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/sda2 /dev/sda203:28
crunchbang/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda2.  Check your device.map.03:28
crunchbangAuto-detection of a filesystem module failed.03:28
crunchbangPlease specify the module with the option `--modules' explicitly.03:28
crunchbangwhat should i do03:29
Agent_bobcrunchbang that looks like it's searching  /boot/grub/devices.map   and not seeing /dev/sda2    you might change an /dev/hda2 to /dev/sda2       not real sure though.03:31
Agent_bober um in the /boot/grub/devices.map   file of course03:31
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Agent_bobthis channel died a horrible death  sense i was last here three years ago03:33
tallboy_2hook:  ubottu:  Thanks, I have some reading to do.03:34
KingKatarihey what the command to remove a non empty dir03:34
tenX_KingKatari: rm -rf03:34
tenX_but be careful03:35
Agent_bobkingkarari rm -r      but use with care03:35
KingKatarithnks got it03:36
Agent_bobso what kind of process is >>> [kworker/1:0]  ?    i would have expected something like  >>> kworker blah blah    but the   []  has me wondering.03:37
KingKatariis there a way to have the file manager use the SUDO command so that i can copy files that are root owned?03:38
Agent_bobkingkatari   you should be able to copy to any place you own.    but you need root permission to write to places that root owns.03:40
KingKatariis there a way to get root in ubuntu desktop 11.10 Xwindows03:41
Agent_bobkingkatari    in short      kdesu konqueror      'for kde'     gksudo nautilus    'for gnome'03:41
Agent_boblast i heard they had both of those working correctly03:42
Agent_bobkingkatari   if you copy anything that way.  root will own it.     so you really shouldn't do what you are not sure about.     avoid superuser privledges as much as possable03:44
KingKatarifor running apache2 web-server what is the package called that adds php support?03:46
nrdbI need to add a printer to an old Ubuntu... would installing the the .deb from http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-Stylus_C110 here work?03:47
adrien2KingKatari, why do you need to boot into root on your ubuntu OS?03:47
KingKatariI dont03:48
KingKatarifor running apache2 web-server what is the package called that adds php support?03:48
adrien2You just want to? I was wondering too, though there really is no need, it just asks you for a password when you need to do chances03:48
adrien2and i doubt you want to run something like that in root, far as i know.03:48
KingKatarii am done with all the root stuff03:49
adrien2oh okay...03:49
KingKatarii have a new question now03:49
adrien2well i dont think this is a place to ask questions about apache.03:49
adrien2okay go ahead03:49
KingKatariohh ok thanks03:50
crunchbangthis is what in device.map03:50
nrdbI need to add a printer to an old Ubuntu... would installing the the .deb from http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-Stylus_C110 here work?  and what does 'for LSB 3.2' etc. mean?03:53
LoshkiAgent_bob: See http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/square-brackets-in-output-of-ps-aux-not-matching-output-of-ps-ejh-716134/03:59
seliteI installed ratposion, I ran one session with it and then I removed it. But, now my upper and lower taskbars have dissappeared, any ideas?04:01
seliteselite: I removed it with : sudo apt-get purge ratposion.04:02
selite_I removed ratpoison and now my lower and upper taskbars have disappeared , what should I do?04:03
mi3I wanted to change the mouse cursor, is it the same extension that ubuntu uses? i.e. .cur?04:05
selite_I removed ratpoison and now my lower and upper taskbars have disappeared , what should I do?04:10
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KingKatariok the guys in httpd said to ask you guys04:12
KingKatariwhat is the package called that gives my apache 2.2 server php support so that i can host php files04:13
sacarlsonKingKatari: just install phpmyadmin04:13
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KingKatarithat will allow me to host pho files?04:13
sacarlsonKingKatari: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin04:13
KingKatarierr php04:14
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sacarlsonKingKatari: ya that will install all needed php parts04:14
sacarlsonKingKatari: including mysql04:14
Laiamwhich version of php?04:14
Agent_bobinteresting... Loshki        so i have several kernel threads started after any running process   ;/04:14
KingKatariis there a gui for configing apache2.204:15
KingKatarior one i can install04:15
krnl386KingKatari, try webmin04:15
krnl386It's a GUI for a lot of things, including Apache04:16
LaiamAnyone know how to keep the close,minimize,max buttons in the global menu at the top left corner when the window is not maximized?04:16
sacarlsonKingKatari: I wouldn't use that webmin04:16
sacarlson!webmin | KingKatari04:16
ubottuKingKatari: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.04:16
krnl386sacarlson, I prefer editing config files myself… :)04:16
Laiamkingkatari zpanel is still working i think you can try their site they have a hosting panel package that takes care of auto installing most of what you need freely04:17
KingKatariok thanks04:17
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:18
i7cactually it's not hard anymore to set it up manually.04:19
LaiamAnyone remember the location of the file that controls the picture on the login screen i forgot...04:20
mi3/usr/share/backgrounds, Laiam04:20
FrozenFireFor some reason, dhclient keeps reconfiguring the internal fixed-address interface on my server. Any ideas why?04:20
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.04:21
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork04:21
seliteI removed ratpoison and now my upper and lower taskbars are missing, tell me what to do?04:22
Agent_bobat least the bot is familiar04:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:24
ArchNemesiswhat version did ubuntu remove dom0 support or was it ever there.. i remember it being in one of the really old versions but maybe im wrong04:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:26
seliteHow do I change the default xsession in ubuntu?04:28
Agent_bob~/.xsession   ?04:28
nrdbI need to add a printer to an old Ubuntu... would installing the the .deb from http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-Stylus_C110 here work?  and what does 'for LSB 3.2' etc. mean?04:29
Agent_bobselite  probably at the login screen    look for a menu04:29
seliteAgent_bob: Can you tell me how to open it via terminal?04:29
Agent_bobotherwise hand edit .xsession04:29
Agent_bobselite   open ?04:29
Agent_bobselite   nano ~/.xsession    ?04:30
caesar___can someone tell me the terminal code to run a file from a path04:35
Agent_bobcaesar___    filename04:36
Agent_bobcaesar___    sh <path/filename>     if it's not executable04:37
caesar___i need to flash ruu.zip in my downloads directory04:37
caesar___code is...04:37
Agent_bobcaesar___    flash ?04:37
caesar___fastboot flash zip <path to zip>04:37
Cliffordhey fellas. This is not unique to ubuntu, but I'm trying to install ktorrent 4.2 on my ubuntu lucid box.  i'm hitting an error with cmake.  libktorrent compiled finely, but i'm hitting a wall when trying to cmake ktorrent itself, as the *.cmake files are not being found or cmake doesn't know how to find them in the CMakeFiles directory.  please see cmake error on line 61 here:  http://pastebin.com/fJQ1eUy004:37
Cliffordany help would go most appreciated04:37
caesar___this is for an android phone04:38
caesar___Agent_bob: i'm just looking for the path to the download directory04:39
Agent_bobcaesar___   find . -iname *.zip04:40
Agent_bobcaesar___   find . -iname *.zip   <<<   will locate any .zip file in your home area04:40
Laiamfor future reference... login screen configuration file for background is located at /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf04:41
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greensimianAnyone know a good place to get some linux sys admin training?04:42
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chris__does anyone use gyachi?04:43
Agent_bobcaesar___ i should clean that up...  you could get odd results if you have .zip files in the dir you execute that in.    >>>   find ~ -iname \*.zip   <<<   will locate any .zip file in your home area.     mo'betta'04:44
Agent_bobboth work they just act slightly differently04:45
chris__I am trying to fix the captcha problem with gyachi.  Anyone have any suggestions as to how to do so?  I found a work around on the internet but I am not yet familiar enough with ubuntu to be able to do this04:46
caesarAgent_bob: the code didn't do anything04:47
caesari just need the path to the download directory04:48
Agent_bobcaesar___ i should clean that up...  you could get odd results if you have .zip files in the dir you execute that in.    >>>   find ~ -iname \*.zip   <<<   will locate any .zip file in your home area.04:48
Agent_bobif that doesn't "do anything"   then you have no .zip file in your home dir  -R04:48
Cliffordhey fellas. This is not unique to ubuntu, but I'm trying to install ktorrent 4.2 on my ubuntu lucid box.  i'm hitting an error with cmake.  libktorrent compiled finely, but i'm hitting a wall when trying to cmake ktorrent itself, as the *.cmake files are not being found or cmake doesn't know how to find them in the CMakeFiles directory.  please see cmake error on line 61 here:  http://pastebin.com/fJQ1eUy004:49
caesarroot@ubuntu:~# find . -iname ruu.zip root@ubuntu:~# find . -iname *zip root@ubuntu:~# find ruu.zip find: `ruu.zip': No such file or directory root@ubuntu:~# find ~ -iname \*.zip root@ubuntu:~#04:49
Agent_bobcaesar     ^  root    duh04:49
caesari'm on a livecd04:49
caesari need to be root for my phone04:49
Agent_bobcaesar   did you dl the file as root ?04:50
caesari downloaded the file through firefox04:51
caesari need to flash/install this zip on my phone04:51
caesarthe code is...04:51
caesarfastboot flash zip <path/to/ruu.zip>04:51
caesarand the zip is in the downloads directory04:52
* Agent_bob that's why i stopped hanging out here ;/04:52
HodgyIs there a specific chat for Ubuntu server?04:54
blacknc from my droid is neaf04:54
Agent_bobcaesar   ^  root    duhh....   i figure you dl's as a user then opened a root shell to execute a command.   root and the user have different home dirrectories.     fastboot flash zip `find /home/ -iname \*.zip`04:54
blackvn  from my droid is nice 804:54
caesarcan someone tell me the path to the "downloads" directory04:54
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nrdbcaesar, ~/downloads04:56
bazhangHodgy, #ubuntu-server04:56
ubuntu_radeon driver on ubuntu 11 apparently is faster yet same issue with brightness04:57
ubuntu_ I keep increaseing value but no change why is that gentleman04:57
bazhang!cn | febboy05:18
ubottufebboy: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:18
akshathi, I am using ubuntu 10.10 I am under proxy connection. I need to do some installation in which installation process needs to fetch some data from internet. But it fails. Though I am able to access those urls from my web browser. Any buddy please help05:19
kanupatarhi all, is there freelancer IRC channels where I can discuss about some opensource works?05:20
bazhang!alis | kanupatar05:20
ubottukanupatar: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:20
akshathi, I am using ubuntu 10.10 I am under proxy connection. I need to do some installation in which installation process needs to fetch some data from internet. But it fails. Though I am able to access those urls from my web browser. Any help is welcome05:21
kanupatarakshat: akshat05:21
bazhangakshat, no need to repeat so quickly05:21
kanupatarakshat: get the proxy privilege from the admin first05:22
akshatbazhang: i have it05:22
kanupatarakshat: then go to network proxy settings in ubuntu tools and set the proxy and apply for all05:22
akshatbazhang: already done that05:22
kanupatarakshat: then try configuring the http_proxy and ftp_proxy variables05:24
akshatkanupatar: I am able to access those urls from my web browser but they are not getting downloaded when installing a software from terminal05:24
Cliffordhey fellas. This is not unique to ubuntu, but I'm trying to install ktorrent 4.2 on my ubuntu lucid box.  i'm hitting an error with cmake.  libktorrent compiled finely, but i'm hitting a wall when trying to cmake ktorrent itself, as the *.cmake files are not being found or cmake doesn't know how to find them in the CMakeFiles directory.  please see cmake error on line 61 here:  http://pastebin.com/fJQ1eUy005:25
akshatkanupatar: i have added proxy setting in /etc/access/conf05:25
kanupatarakshat: hmm..i understand the situation..i had the same last week05:25
kanupatarakshat: but that was solved when i restarted the machine after configuring the newwork proxy in ubuntu tools05:26
akshatkanupatar: i have also add export line in my .bashrc file05:27
Nicholdaso i'm new to ubuntu and accidentally downloaded the client to my asus eee netbook and now i can't/don't know how to revert to 11.1 via usb.05:32
Nicholdai've tried to boot from usb with no luck.  is there a way to run the iso from within ubuntu?05:33
soreauNicholda: What client?05:34
Agent_bobnotebook client of course05:34
Nicholdai loaded the 12.04 alpha alternate05:35
Agent_bobunintional upgrade ?05:35
rogstNicholda: were you unable to choose to boot on the usb?05:36
Nicholdai wanted to try out ubuntu on my notebook and clicked the wrong link05:36
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Nicholdai can choose to boot from usb but it doesn't recognize a bootable image there05:37
anthony_devhi. is it possible to install ubuntu on ext. hdd? (USB) I know I can boot from ext hdd to run livecd distro's.05:37
opakavicso , how to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.XX05:37
dr_willisanthony_dev:  yes its possible05:37
opakavicany readme files05:37
Agent_bobanthony_dev of course05:37
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:38
Agent_bob!install | anthony_dev05:38
ubottuanthony_dev: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:38
Nicholdai'm running client 12.04 LTS05:38
Agent_bobdr_willis      SALUTE !05:39
rogstNicholda: did you write the iso to the usb with ubuntus startup disk software?05:39
Nicholdai used a virtual drive to copy the install files on the usb05:42
astropirateI get a  "Permission denied (publickey)"  when i try to ssh into my ubuntu server... what could cause this? my public key is already in authorized_keys file05:42
arvinderanyone knows about GSoC05:43
Agent_bobastropirate ummm permission issue on the file ~/.ssh/*05:43
Agent_bobls -l05:43
rogstNicholda: you nedd to make the partition on the usb bootable05:46
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rogstNicholda: copying the files is not enough05:46
Nicholdai'm not sure why i passed over the instructions for that....i'll try it out.  thanks for the help05:47
astropirateAgent_bob, the permissions for all the files are -rw-r--r--05:47
astropirateAgent_bob, is that what its suppose to be?05:48
astropirateohh and they are owned by root05:48
Agent_bobastropirate   no.   you should own them and they should not be readable by anyone else.05:49
Agent_bobastropirate   also the dir itself05:49
astropirateAgent_bob, I am root. (i'm still setting it up)05:50
astropiratebut is this really what's causing me to not be able to log in?05:50
astropirate*ssh in05:50
dr_willisastropirate:  very likely05:50
Agent_bobastropirate   not sure...    but ssh will not read config files that are toooooo permisc.05:51
Agent_boband for good reason.05:51
astropiratewhat should I chmod them to?05:51
Agent_bobthe dir   to      700   the files to    60005:51
Agent_bobactually as root      000   will work.   root needs no permission at all.05:52
jteguestis there any linux distro or gnu distro out there that uses the GNU hurd kernel instead of the linux kernel. If so where can I download a distro of this os ?05:52
Agent_bobbut the former is propper05:52
astropirateAgent_bob, woot WOoOOOTTTT!! :d :D :D05:53
astropiratethanks a lot!05:54
Agent_bobjteguest  http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=gnu%20hurd%20distro&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDIQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gnu.org%2Fsoftware%2Fhurd%2F&ei=WpB6T8D2NsiG2gXz0fSUAw&usg=AFQjCNEYnoHVgYTFUGMdK0j-z627_UV8mA&cad=rja05:54
jteguestis that just a distro or the kernel source code?05:55
Agent_bobgoogle knows05:55
jteguestI am looking for a distro I can load in a vmware or install on a harddrive05:55
flipcodermy rhythmbox has no song slider (in 12.04), any ideas?06:15
dontputYo guys, anybody had tried cracking Customer Info Manager (CIM) pro?06:17
Justasichow do i have apt download a .list file for a package, one of them corrupted and i had to remove it06:19
Agent_bobjustasic  sudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get install <package name here>06:21
Justasick thats what i thought, thanks06:21
Agent_bobjustasic   add   -d    for download only    then the package is in   /var/cache/apt/archives/06:22
Agent_bobif you prefer06:22
Agent_bobsome people don't know that  "mc"  can work within .deb packages   it's really handy for things like that.06:23
Agent_bobubottu package mc06:24
Agent_bobi guess i don't know anyghing about the bot either06:24
webnet_m!mc | Agent_Bob06:25
webnet_m!info mc06:26
ubottumc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3: (oneiric), package size 2144 kB, installed size 6620 kB06:27
webnet_mAgent_Bob there you go06:27
Gallomimia6 packages can be updated.06:27
Gallomimia6 updates are security updates.06:27
GallomimiaThe following packages have been kept back:06:27
Gallomimia  linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server06:27
Gallomimia0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.06:27
FloodBot1Gallomimia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
Gallomimiai know the answer.06:27
flipcoderanyone else having no slider in rhythmbox in 12.04?06:28
webnet_mGallominia, use pastebin.com06:28
Gallomimiai sent the 5 lines that were pertinent specifically so it wouldn't have to go in a paste :/ then i muttered for 3 lines. how much actually went into the channel?06:30
FlannelGallomimia: "I know the answer" is the last thing we got.06:30
Gallomimiaoh. then i tried to ask someone to remind me and wondered aloud what might be causing me to forget what creates this message to be displayed06:31
FlannelGallomimia: apt-get upgrade vs apt-get dist-upgrade06:31
webnet_mupgrade would display that response06:32
GallomimiaFlannel: oh so thank you much now :)06:32
Gallomimiawebnet_m: if you use tab completion even you can spell my name correctly ^^06:32
webnet_mdont have a tab key on mobile Gallomimia06:33
Gallomimia:O lame well cheerio then06:33
webnet_mlol Gallomimia06:33
cogmanI have an embedded version of ubuntu. What package should I instal to make the OS auto detect/configure the ethernet port?06:34
Agent_bobok just one script and i have to go...   http://paste.ubuntu.com/912575/     enjoy.  ;)06:34
webnet_mcogman embedded on what?06:34
Gallomimiawebnet_m: my mobile irc app has name popups for completion. no need for a tab key. wish your software worked better ^^06:35
cogmanwebnet_m: Pandaboard06:35
webnet_mGallomimia android or ios?06:35
webnet_mcogman does your account have admin privledges?06:36
cogmanwebnet_m: yes06:36
Gallomimiapairs with a client of the same name on macosx to form a bouncer06:37
webnet_mok so its not detecting networks or you cant see what its connected to? cogman06:37
cogmanwebnet_m: I've tried installing the ifplugd package, but that didn't do it.06:37
Gallomimiai wish the bouncer would run on ubuntu :/06:37
cogmanwebnet_m: I can connect to the networks, I just have to run an ifup every time someone plugs a cable in. It is a little annoying.06:38
webnet_mGallomimia android. lol.06:38
Gallomimiaso solly06:38
webnet_mcogman have you tried to install the stock network manager?06:38
Gallomimiawhat do you call 3 million chinese trying to speak english?06:38
cogmanwebnet_m: yes06:38
Laiamgallomimia: 3 million humans making fun of you....06:39
GallomimiaVancouver :P06:39
webnet_mdid it work? if i understand are you looking for a gui to do it instaed of cli or are you looking to have it auto connect?06:39
cogmanwebnet_m: No, it did not work. I am looking for the autoconnect package, not the gui.06:40
webnet_mok. cool cogman. so the package installed but didnt work or the install didnt work?06:42
cogmanwebnet_m: The install worked. The gui works. The package just does not provide the autoconnect functionality.06:42
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webnet_mhmmm. is it possible that is a result of somethng in the embedded software?06:43
Laiamwhich rc#.d folder is for startup scripts again?06:43
cogmanwebnet_m: No. embedded ubuntu is pretty much exactly the same as regular ubuntu, only with less packages installed by default.06:43
webnet_mok so you are editing an embedded install you installed?06:44
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cogmanwebnet_m: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_Linux <- This is the concept of embedded linux06:46
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webnet_mi got that. i thought you meant that you had bought some device taht came with it amd that you were having problems. i was afraid that some sort of special package for the device was causing the conflict.06:47
cogmanwebnet_m: It is pretty much vanilla ubuntu, I setup and installed it myself.06:48
webnet_mgotcha. i see now. hmm. ok lets see.06:49
willisGuys i was just wode06:49
willisI just setup a Ubuntu 11.04 server with an ftp service running currently, Is there any firewall on Ubuntu by default? Currently are all my ports opened?06:50
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.06:51
webnet_mwillis that was for you06:52
willisOkay, thanks06:52
webnet_mcogman I'm coming up empty...06:53
cogmanwebnet_m: Thanks for the help anyways.06:53
webnet_mwillis do you need help with config for it?06:54
willisno i guess, im just waiting for lower activity on my server so i can configure its firewall06:55
webnet_mcogman np.  Wish I could have been more help... I just can't think of any reason why it wouldn't AutoConnect . If the stock network manager is there it should have np.  And unless I'm wrong it should do it anyways.. .06:56
NameLess-exehello, what is the gnome panel used for?06:56
Laiamits the interface for gnome06:58
Laiamthe top bar and bottom bar06:58
webnet_mNameLess-exert its the menu bars06:58
Laiamfor menus and currently running programs06:58
webnet_mLaiam.  Ty.  Lol I can't put nicks in fast enough on mobile.  Lol06:59
Laiam:P mobile.... at least laptops can type, even if the mousetrackpads are crappy07:00
webnet_mAnd judging my my comment.  Auto correct stopped me form putting in the right Nick too07:00
Laiam:D I think autocorrect is universally hated...07:01
webnet_mLaiam.  The auto first letter cap is annoying on mobile because most nicks aren't like that07:01
webnet_m*annoying too07:02
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webnet_mLaiam... mmhmm.  SKrew auto correct.  Lol07:03
niloyI downloaded "vimExplorer.vim", where do I need to put this file?07:03
LaiamI wonder if mac has an auto-correct replacement their working on that would fix things07:04
webnet_mLaiam yeah.  I have the stupid Android clone of auto correct.07:05
niloyguys, in which folder should I put vim plugins on ubuntu?07:06
webnet_mSo chances are if apple fixes the stoopid thing I wont get it for a year or 2 :(07:06
Laiamthey just need to turn it into the spell check instead of autocorrect just underline words they think are spelled wrong when you tap it it shows the optional spelling the program thinks is correct07:07
webnet_mniloy vim-nox pachkage07:07
niloywhat is vim-nox?07:08
webnet_mLaiam yeah that would be awesome.07:08
niloyI already have vim installed07:08
Laiamvim is a text editor right?07:09
webnet_mvim-nox is the package i believe it installs to usr/share/vim-nox07:09
Laiamsudo apt-get install vim-nox07:09
pfifo"nox" = "no x" == No X1107:10
niloywhat does vim nox do?07:10
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vn_Laiam the evils of a gui07:13
Laiamvn_ XD yeah gui... its useful but shouldn't be considered the final take it all cake07:14
Miscnimorning all07:14
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Laiami would dev for android but... **shudder** java07:15
webnet_mLaiam amen on the gui thing.07:16
webnet_mand haha on the java thing. lol07:16
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
Laiamany python fans in the house tonight?07:18
thermiwhat is up with the repos? I get http error 404 when i try to upgrade packages from the official repository, but after some time, upgrading the packages works flawlessly. Do other people experience this as well?07:18
webnet_mwow. im dumb. the awkward moment when you franticly search for the phone you are holding in your hamd07:18
LaiamXD did the same with the keys on my beltloop the other day webnet_m07:19
webnet_mand use the screen backlight to look aroumd for it in the dark...07:19
webnet_mLaiam. i do that too. clip my keys to the beltloop and then look everywhere for them. i clip them there so i dont losethem. lol07:20
KingKatariwhats the command to change ownership of all files in a dir but not the dir itself07:20
webnet_mi even grab them so the dont jingle while im walking around looking for them07:20
thermiwhat the hell07:20
thermiusing apt-get upgrade works flawlessly07:21
thermionly if i use the upgrademanager, it fails07:21
Laiamah... um the gui has a different way of doing things i thin07:21
thermiso it is broken, no?07:22
thermii use 10.0407:22
webnet_mkingkatari cd into the dir then do sudo chmod 777 -R *07:22
Laiami haven't had any problems but i'm in 11.1007:22
webnet_mKingKatari my last comment was to you07:23
Laiamor ... sudo chmod 777 /path-to-directory/*  the important bit is the * which tells it to target the stuff07:23
Laiamand not the directory itself07:23
bubblehouseI have followed the net instructions to a T, I cannot get the b43fwcutter to operate07:23
bubblehousewhen I run the installer it never opens and extracts the fw07:23
webnet_mLaiam true as well. dont forget the -R too if there are directories inside the dir07:24
bubblehouse11.10 - I got this to work fine in 11.0407:24
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Laiamah yes the -recursive option... i tend to forget the options sometimes07:24
bubblehousebcm4306 rev307:24
webnet_mLaiam. welcome to the club i run the chmod and go i could swear i made thos 777 and go duh after 20 minutes of being angry at it. lol07:25
Laiamup arrow several times to see what i did with that command then facepalm when i realize i forgot the recursive switch07:26
Laiamlol boxley07:26
bubblehouseno problems with b43fwcutter 11.10 anyone?07:26
webnet_mbubblehouse. i personally know nothing about it but i know how it feels when no one responds to you. so dont worry you arent being ignored. :)07:27
bubblehouseno worries webnet_m07:27
Laiamyeah same thing i have no experience with it i'm googling away to see if i can find anything similar07:28
webnet_mLaiam same. not a whole lot of reports of solutions to this07:28
Laiamwireless for me tends to either work on plugin or not at all07:29
Laiamso you know how in unity when a window is maximized the window buttons go to the left corner and show up with the menu... Is there anyway to get them to be there even when the window is not maximized?07:31
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webnet_mLaiam try Ubuntu tweak07:32
webnet_msorry i actually think its called gnome tweak now07:33
Laiami've been trying to get away with installing as little as possible XD07:33
webnet_mlol. u can set it up and then remove it it just changes the settings in gconf07:34
webnet_muninstall will keep the settings07:34
urbancommandosudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-tweak-testing/ppa && sudo aptitude update07:35
webnet_mand of you want to make it global copy /home/user/.gconf to /etc/skel/.gconf07:36
Laiamits not in there... sadface07:36
urbancommandoyou need to add the rep07:36
Laiami know its redundant since the buttons are on the window title bar when not maximized but07:36
ikoniathere is no need to use "ubuntu-tweak"07:36
Laiamno the tool was in my source list just fine07:37
Laiamjust the option i wanted isn't there07:37
webnet_mikonia yeah you could use the gconf conduct manner to07:37
progre55hi guys. I have my /home partition encrypted, and I've recently started having problems with logon. It doesnt mount the home partition automatically, and I have to mount it manually from the tty. Any suggestions, please?07:37
webnet_mLaiam oh u mean like put them at the top AND on the title bar?07:39
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urbancommandoI use gnome-tweaks for that ..07:41
webnet_m Laiam i could see that being difficult.  while i can see that being implementable via an applet, it would run into problems, like which application should that control. easy the focused app, but what about when multiple child windows are controlled underthe same program, and what happens during the blur event when a dialog opens?07:43
floodplainhi all, i need to access my windows partition from the linux cmd line. how do i 'cd' to that partition?07:44
Laiamwell since its hidden and shows up with the menu hoverover action um whatever window currently has menu controls at the top gets the button controls aswell07:44
Laiamcd /mount/; ls07:44
Laiamthen cd directory that is the name of your windows partition07:44
Laiamif its not mounted then um...07:44
floodplainLaiam: hey thanks, i don't have a /mount only a /mnt which my external hd shows up under07:45
webnet_mLaiam. not sure then i dont use unity *unity = ick*07:45
Laiamfigure out what drive it is and use /usr/bin/udisks --mount /dev/sdx#07:45
Laiamlol unity isn't to bad... its better than windows07:45
floodplainLaiam: ty, i'll give it a go07:46
webnet_mverything ids better than windoez. lol07:46
* webnet_m hatez unity07:46
Laiamx and # is the drive letter and partition number07:46
Laiamgnome3 webnet?07:46
Laiamto be completely and terribly honest enough to make everyone hate me gnome2 is the reason why i didn't start using linux sooner07:47
webnet_mdont care for that either. their new concept of putting menu items in the top bar looks osx like to me. ill pass on that07:47
Laiamyucky osx07:47
webnet_mLaiam D:07:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:48
floodplainLaiam: what config file is all my partition info in again?07:48
urbancommandoubuntu 10.04 only supports gnome2 I believe07:50
sacarlsonfloodplain: permanent partition config I guess would be at /etc/fstab ;07:50
webnet_murbancommando yep same as 10.10 im stuck at 10.1007:50
urbancommandowaiting for 12 to be stable..07:51
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bekkswebnet_m: 12.04 doesnt change that concept ;)07:51
bekksAnd you can use another desktop environment e.g.07:51
Laiami'll update -d into 12.04 here soon...07:52
webnet_murbancommando i would switch and set gnome2 but i literally can't use anything past 10.1007:52
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* bekks uses kde on 12.04 ;)07:52
floodplainLaiam: hmm, it's already mounted i think (i can see/access it in the gui file system browser)07:52
webnet_mdue to the kernel07:52
bekkswebnet_m: Why cant you use another kernel then?07:52
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Laiamthen no need the command is there for if your stuck in commandline and need to mount it that way07:53
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Laiamsince its mounted go ahead and just cd /mnt/folderfordrive07:53
bekksOr whats the exact problem with kernels used above 10.10 then?07:53
webnet_mbecause i can't see to install it07:53
urbancommandowebnet_m same here I like the 10 version better but opensuse is pretty nice and stable.07:53
Laiami've noticed power consumption issues in anything more recent than 6 / fedora 707:54
bekkswebnet_m: Thats not a valid reason ;)07:54
webnet_manything past 2.6.35 my graphics system doesn't work07:54
floodplainLaiam: ah it was in /media/BOOT07:54
bekkswebnet_m: Which graphics driver do you use then on which graphics hardware exactly?07:54
floodplainLaiam: thanks for the help!07:54
Laiamwebnet_m they've basically went and said unity is like IE07:54
Laiamuseful only for downloading a new UI07:54
scientesflood, /media is going to go away in the future, it will be /run/SOMETHINGORANOTHER/media07:55
webnet_mliterally.  LCD works but three backing wont come on07:55
scientesfloodplain, just keep that in mind07:55
floodplainscientes: i will, though i'm not exactly sure what the implications are! :)07:56
urbancommandoanyone here uses elinks?07:56
bekksurbancommando: Why?07:56
Laiamshifting of ways of doing things... why is /media so bad?07:56
webnet_mbekks acer aspire 5734z.07:57
scientesfloodplain, not much :)07:57
urbancommandobekks just wondering.  It's pretty annoying in the beginning when I just used it.07:57
bekkswebnet_m: Thats a notebook - whats your exact graphics adapter?07:57
urbancommandowhen I first used it..07:57
Laiamwebnet_m a friend of mine has issues using the live cd on a brand new HP laptop blankscreen after boot so ...07:57
scientesfloodplain, its basically that unprivlidged/privlidged users can mount a usb stick, and other unprivlidged users wont even know they did that/wont be impacted07:58
webnet_mbekks. not sure. I'm on mobile.  my browser takes forever.07:58
webnet_mgimme a sec07:58
floodplainscientes: ah that makes perfect sense07:59
Laiamah ok i see since /mount is off the root tree its visible to all logged in users07:59
floodplainscientes: thanks for hitting me up with some street knowledge!07:59
bekksLaiam: That applies to /media too07:59
urbancommandowebnet_m what kinda phone are you using?07:59
LaiamI would ask isn't there a way to just make the permissions setup so that directories that aren't accessible to unprivileged users are automatically hidden to them?08:01
webnet_mCASIO commando08:01
urbancommandoI need to find a good android phone. Any recommendations that would allow me to install linux os?08:01
webnet_mi life my commando.  its a seriously rugged phone08:02
bekksLaiam: Inaccessible means hidden to the user. This does not apply to almost 100% of directories where the user does not have more than read permissions.08:02
bekkswebnet_m: Which graphics adapter do you use finally?08:02
LaiamI want a nokia brand android if nokia where to make them like their old ones08:03
webnet_mbekjs cant find any info on it.  all the sources from Acer and the review sites newegg all say generic 10/10008:04
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bekkswebnet_m: lspci tells you.08:04
urbancommandoahah well I should correct myself, cause android does use linux lol.. that would allow me to install ubuntu lol08:04
bekksurbancommando: No.08:05
webnet_mbekks. not on it now. lol. ill get on it tho.08:05
bekkswebnet_m: If you dont have "lspci", you arent running ubuntu.08:05
webnetok bekks lspci output:08:06
bekkswebnet_m: NOT in this channel.08:07
bekkswebnet_m: Use a pastebin.08:07
webneti know bekks08:07
webnetbekks, http://pastebin.com/RG3V0Gjy08:08
Laiamso anyone know why the installer seams to want to install all the language packs then remove all the ones except the one chosen instead of just skipping the ones not required?08:08
bekkswebnet: Could you nopaste the complete output of lspci please?08:08
urbancommandopastebin is to prevent hackers?08:09
webnetbekks, http://pastebin.com/y4wBHJdh08:09
webneturbancommando, its to prevent flooding08:09
bekkswebnet: Whats the output of lspci -k then?08:11
webnetlol. im an  idiot btw. i just realized i was googling for the network carn not the graphics card. apparently im a bit tired. haha08:11
webnetbekks, http://pastebin.com/GSPEv3Sa08:12
bekkswebnet: The i915 is know to be working above 10.10 too - are you sure you have been using it when testing > 10.10?08:12
webnetbekks, what do you mean?08:13
webnetyes see the lcd works. if i hold a light to it it displays properly, but the backlight doesnt turn on08:14
bekkswebnet: Your graphics adapter is using the i915 module which is known to be working above 10.10 - are you sure you have been using it when testing > 10.1008:14
bekks"I see it works" does not say a word about the used driver.08:14
webnethow would i not be using it?08:14
Laiamdo you have to install that driver manually?08:14
bekksBecause you could have been using vga or vesa too, e.g.08:14
bekksLaiam: At least you have to check which driver you are using. :)08:15
webneti dont know what i have tried, i went rounds on here for weeks when 11.04 came out tried to upgrade and boom  no cigar.08:15
Laiami've been fortunate enough to have my stuff mostly work with default drivers...08:16
bekkswebnet: Then it is pretty impossible to solve that problem without knowing that ;)08:16
webneti know its a kernel issue though not a ubuntu issue08:16
bekkswebnet: It doesnt look like a kernel issue so far.08:17
webneti tried fedora and suse and eveything under the sun that uses linux kerner higher that 2.6.35 and none worked08:17
bekkswebnet: You know it because of what?08:17
bekksThat doesnt prove it.08:17
webnetbut anything that used 2.6.35 or less worked08:17
bekksThat only proves that you dont know why something above 2.6.35 does not work because you cant even tell which graphics driver you have been using.08:17
Laiammaybe they just stopped including the right driver in that pack08:17
webnetbut the monitor displays a picture and everything, but the backlight doesnt engage08:18
webneteven in cli08:18
bekkswebnet: Tats not a prove of using the correct driver.08:18
bekkswebnet: Thats only a prove using _a_ driver that displays something.08:18
webnettried booting the server edition and coulsnt see anything past the bois. even grub doesnt display08:18
webneton live or installed. managed to install with a flashlight against the screen to barely see the buttons08:19
webnetbut no luck after the reboot08:19
webneton any distro08:19
KainzHallo all :), anybody know how to fix "signal out of range/no picture on my screens" when i use my laptop and my dock, issue wasent there in 10.04. After I Login the picture comes on the screens, but I am pretty tired of having to do login in blind :)08:20
* mint_ d08:20
webnetbekks and even if its a driver issue how can i install when i can see it?08:21
webneteven using an external monitor out the vga port doesnt work08:21
Vanchawould anyone care to help me with a sound problem in the ubuntu 12.04 beta?08:21
ubottutom73: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:21
bekkswebnet: Because there can be several drivers giving you a picture to see something...08:21
webnetbekks, but how do i use a different driver when i cant see anything on the screen?08:22
webnetto get to a cli or anything?08:22
bekkswebnet: First, you have to know which driver you are using.08:22
webnetwhich i dont know because i cant see anything08:23
webnethow can i determine that without being able to see anything?08:23
bekksDid you try using the server cd for installing?08:23
webnetyes i did, still cant see anything08:24
fidelwebnet: you could ssh in08:24
fidelin case that is configured08:24
webnetfidel, cant see to install ssh-server package08:24
webnetthat would solve things alot :D08:24
webnetand even if i got it installed using the server edition, i cant see to set upa user08:25
fidelwebnet: lesson1: always configure ssh if you setup a linux box (the next time) ;)08:25
webnetfidel, but i still cant see anything to set it up?08:25
webnetor configure.08:25
Vanchai had sound on my laptop for about five seconds yesterday, i updated using sudo apt-get update, and upgrade, and today it does not show anything in the sound settings.08:25
webnetthere are a million ways i could figure out my problem if i could only see...08:26
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fidelwebnet: i didnt follow your entire problem-description - "joined" later08:26
webnetbut the problem i had with those who tried to help before is i couldnt tell them the output of commands because i couldnt see the output!08:26
urbancommandocome on webnet, Helen Keller it and fix it lol.08:27
fidelis that a problem which occurs wile setting up the box already - or did the problem occured afterwards?08:27
Laiamctrl + alt + 1 doesn't show anything?08:27
Laiamctrl + alt + f1 doesn't show anything?08:27
webnetfidel, oh basically if i try to install ubuntu or any other distro that uses kernel after 2.6.35 my monitor doesnt work, built in monitor or external via vga08:27
webnetLaiam, was that for me?08:27
fidelconsidered testingother booting paramters?08:28
webnetfidel like?08:28
webnetLaiam, i cant see anything to know. i ggave up and reinstalled 10.1008:28
fidelnoacpi etc08:28
anthroposnomodeset comes to mind08:28
Laiamother thing this is a laptop right so um have you tried seeing if the bios settings will automatically send output to an external as well as the internal?08:28
webnetyes did try both of those08:28
fidelwhat kind of special hardware is that webnet?08:29
Laiamdid that once... then plugged in a usb keyboard and mouse pressed start button, closed lid and went on my way08:29
webnetLaiam yes i did that its fine. i can see the bois in either monitor, but grub and everything after that and the backlight shuts off.08:29
webnetfidel, http://pastebin.com/GSPEv3Sa08:30
webnetthatm my lspci -k output08:30
Laiamhave you tried updated from within the distro itself instead of trying to do it from a live cd?08:30
fidelwebnet: and how did you get this lscpi output if you cant login via ssh & dont see anything?08:30
webnetLaiam thats where i hit the problem upgraded to 11.04 from inside 10.1008:31
webnetfidel, that is the output of 10.10 so you can see the hardware08:31
webneti reinstalled 10.10 so i could at least use the damn thing08:31
urbancommandoThis is my gcard and I believe is 1 grade lower then yours and its working for me http://pastebin.com/anzajW1C08:32
fidelit might make sense to write a small summary of the entire problem with all details - so that users joined later one have a chance to follow the problem. just a random idea08:32
webnetbut upgraded to 11.04 from inside 10.10 and got screwed on restart. couldnt fix after weeks so i loaded the live version of 10.10 and backed up my files to an external and reinstalled 10.1008:33
webnetfidel. ok ill make a paste bin for easy access :)08:33
urbancommandooh I never installed 11.04 I only tested 12.408:33
webnettried to boot live 11.04 11.10, 12.04 no luck08:34
Kainz anybody know how to fix "signal out of range/no picture on my screens" when i use my laptop and my dock, issue wasent there in 10.04. After I Login the picture comes on the screens, but I am pretty tired of having to do login in blind08:34
urbancommandoeven in live mode?08:34
urbancommandolive cd08:34
fidelKainz: does that happens just while booting - and works afterwards?08:35
Laiamyeah 11.10 has live boot issues on some computers... but i've used it before by just swapping hard drives around08:35
Kainzfidel: yeah works after I enter my login info08:35
fidelKainz: i had that several days ago - but i screen worked again while displaying thel ogin manager08:36
fidelbut it showed the same error while booting - which was related with an outcommented line GFXMODE in the grub conf08:36
fidelbut as mentioned above - for me the display worked again while displaying lightdm08:36
subbaHello. I am trying to  use kile with an own tex-environment. On commandline everything works fine, with PATH set to the special environment (non ubuntu). But Kile, even system checks uses the binaries from own tex-environment, uses the ubuntu pdf-latex version. I already set (like mentioned in some howtos) the manpath, infopath. Any ideas?08:37
Laiamits something to do with the resolution or the refresh rate kainz is this a fresh install? or have you added packages and it started doing it after adding?08:37
Kainzfidel: hmmm i have tried everything hothing works here .....downgrade to 10.0408:37
KainzLaiam: Fresh install and its only with 11'ish release08:38
webnethttp://pastebin.com/7irTwc66 <- there is a breif summary of the issue fidel08:38
Laiamah ok08:39
KainzLaiam: Works fine on 10-0108:39
KainzLaiam: Works fine on 10.04*08:39
Laiamhow big is your screen?08:40
Laiamtried this yet? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Resetting_an_out.2BIBA-of.2BIBA-range_resolution08:41
Kainz22" HP 16:9 1680x105008:41
KainzLaiam: hmm not sure....let me have a look at it :)08:44
urbancommandowow looks like alot of people has this issue wenet08:44
LaiamKainz: try looking at this one... http://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution08:44
foo357In the terminal I can do M-b (move backwards a 'word'), but is there some way to do M-f?08:45
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foo357the terminal thinks I want to open the window tab "File" if I press f08:46
webneturbancommando, i know but no one has found a solution08:46
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foo357oh wait, I voled it, nvm08:46
llutzfoo357: M-f08:47
Laiam^ link urbancommando webnet08:48
Laiamwebnet http://stackoverflow.com/a/8731630 idk maybe08:49
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Laiamwebnet still in?08:54
Laiamand he's out08:54
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urbancommandoi believe so08:55
Laiamfound this for him maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/51301/backlight-issue08:55
urbancommandooh no08:55
urbancommandohes out08:55
Laiamkeep that link handy and ask if he tried it08:56
kpowhi how do i change desktop to kde from default gnome/unity in 11.04?08:56
Laiaminstall the kde desktop interface from cli08:56
Laiamthen when you login select kde from the dropdown next to your name08:57
urbancommandothat does look like the fix for his situation.08:57
urbancommandowill do08:57
kpowkde pkg name? i dont see a kde meta package or anything like it08:58
urbancommandoWhen the log on prompt appears you should have an option to select kde/gnome/classic ...08:59
prototypehi all08:59
diverdudeHow do i see what version is in the repo?08:59
diverdudelike if i want to see the version of virtualbox08:59
diverdudein the repo09:00
prototypei am new in ubuntu anyone can help me how to install screenlets from command prome09:00
sacarlsondiverdude: it's normaly noted in synaptic09:00
fideldiverdude: apt-cache policy09:01
diverdudesacarlson: i found out i can also just do apt-cache show packagename09:01
urbancommandodiverdude sudo /etc/apt/sources.list if you installed the repo manually from command line09:01
urbancommandoor that lol09:01
sacarlsondiverdude: yup that also works09:01
* penguinl1nk 09:02
diverdudeAccording to this page: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads i have added this line: deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian oneiric contrib       to my /etc/apt/sources.list and run apt-get update. But i still only have access to vbox . 4.1.2 when it should be 4.1.12. What am I missing?09:03
urbancommandoapt-get upgrade ?09:04
Laiamkpow did you figure it out or still need help?09:04
diverdudeurbancommando: no what should that help09:05
urbancommandodiverduder apt-get upgrade updates the packages09:06
Laiam>> apt-get update <<refreshes package lists where >> apt-get upgrade <<upgrades packages to latest09:06
urbancommandoyou updated the repostroy now you have to upgrade it09:06
joachimHey, what does * after a filename in ls -l mean?09:07
joachimim trying to run a executable, but it cant find it09:07
joachimand it has this star after it when i ls it09:07
foobArrr1) can I hide all the :i386 packages in synaptic?   2) How do I change plymouth theme? I installed a few with synaptic, but "update-alternatives --config default.plymouth" only shows 3 of them  3) how do I run a script on logout? I tried ~/.bash_logout, but that doesn't seem to work. is putting a "su -c foo myusername" in an init.d script instead a bad idea? (I want to write the contents of a ramdisk back on the hard drive)09:11
cbg0Is it possible to install Ubuntu server over the Internet? I've found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD but I'm not sure whether this is desktop or server or whether I can choose upon installation09:11
Laiamlogout scripts go in rc6.d i think09:11
urbancommandoyou can install more themes from synaptic foobArr09:11
urbancommandoand then run the update-alt.. again09:12
foobArrrurbancommando: i did. i think all of them actually. update-alternatives shows only 3 anyway.09:12
dr_willisminimal cd installs a minimal system.  even smaller then a normal server install i belive09:13
joachimcan anyone explain this? :S http://pastebin.com/KmXSHxV309:13
LaiamfoobArrr http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185261 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=669165&highlight=bootup09:13
dr_willisjoachim:  summarize the issue is a good idea09:14
diverdudehow do i install a .deb pack from terminal?09:14
dr_willisdiverdude:  dpkg -i09:14
joachimwell, i ls the file, it exists and is executable, but when i try to run it, it says it doesnt exist09:15
dr_willisdiverdude:  or gdebi foo.deb    both need sudo of course09:15
Laiamoption a says include hidden files09:15
dr_willisjoachim:  case is imporntant in its nameing. and give exact path to the file may be the issue09:16
urbancommandofoobArrr im showing about 7 of them in synaptic09:16
Laiamjoachim: ah ... trying to execute the transgui file from within the directory09:17
joachimyep, and even the autocomplete find it :S09:18
dr_willis64bit or 32bit system? see whats in transgui. could be its #!=line is wrong09:18
foobArrrjoachim: I had something similar some time ago. 32bit executeable on a 64bit system. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/85210109:19
sacarlsonjoachim: what about the full path name /home/jach....09:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852101 in eglibc (Ubuntu Precise) "32-bit applications do not start on 64" [High,Triaged]09:19
joachimim running 64bit, but that wont run either :S09:19
joachimsacarlson, ive tried it =\09:19
xananaxHello, I am installing from ubuntu minimal CD and I am having troubles connecting to wifi; On boot, my computer takes 60 seconds trying to connect, doesn't, displays the message "waiting 60 more seconds", fails again and then resumes booting; Then I have to sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart. Network Manager Applet does not run09:19
foobArrrjoachim: what does "file transgui" say?09:20
xananaxBut after restarting networking service, I can connect fine09:20
joachimTRANSGUI: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped09:20
Laiamjoachim whats in the file09:20
joachimi changed the name, yes :P09:20
joachimits binary i think09:20
joachimlots of weird chars and some xml09:21
Laiammost likely it runs the thing fine but runs into a problem when the file calls for something that doesn't exist09:21
foobArrrjoachim: so 32bit program on 64bit. the bugreport suggests "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libc6-i386"09:21
joachimfoobArrr, nope, doesnt work =\09:23
foobArrrjoachim: well, was worth a try :)09:24
joachimYeap :)09:24
dr_williscould be a currupted binary file also09:24
Laiamwhat is transgui supposed to do/09:25
joachimit remote gui for transmission-daemon09:25
joachimbut im getting closer now. i unzipped it again and get a new error09:26
dr_willisodd they distribute the binary.. not source09:27
Mushr00mwhois fotomonster09:27
joachimthey distibute the source09:27
dr_willisid say recompile it then..09:27
dr_willisthen the 322/64bit   issue may not matter09:28
joachimokay, but now im only missing a library it seems09:29
Laiamdude install it from the ubuntu software manager09:29
subbaHello. I am trying to  use kile with an own tex-environment. On commandline everything works fine, with PATH set to the special environment (non ubuntu). But Kile, even system checks uses the binaries from own tex-environment, uses the ubuntu pdf-latex version. I already set (like mentioned in some howtos) the manpath, infopath. Any ideas?09:29
foobArrravailable in the repos? joachim: do as Laiam says ^^09:30
joachimLaiam, haha, nice.09:30
joachimdidnt know it was there =\09:30
joachimbut thx ;)09:31
Laiam:D I try to alway check that if it doesn't find it via search then I check online to see if i need to add a repo for it09:31
* kokyu waves09:32
joachimokay. Ive done it this way a few times without any problems =\09:32
Laiamapt-get/aptitude make my life in linux so much easier09:33
Laiamalso if anyone is looking for kde that should be the metapackage http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/kde-standard09:33
Kohelethwhy does compiz always mess with my top main bars, they disapper09:33
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Kohelethisappear I mean09:34
Kohelethyou know what I mean09:34
Laiami'm guessing gnome?09:34
KohelethLaiam: that to me?09:36
Kohelethyes gnome09:36
Laiamset to autohide?09:36
Kohelethdont understand, how will that help09:37
Laiami meant check to see if compiz is setting it to autohide09:38
Kohelethah, ok thanks will look09:39
foobArrrmy pulseaudio master channel gets muted all the time and I have no idea why. what could that be?09:41
Laiamfoobarrr: desktop or laptop if laptop are you accidentally pressing a hardware volume control ? cause i do all the time09:42
foobArrrLaiam: desktop09:42
Laiamfoobarr: your on the latest version?09:44
foobArrrI just tried to press the mute button on the keyboard. it mutes both pulseaudio master and alsa master, but pressing it again only unmutes alsa master.09:44
foobArrrLaiam: 11.10 xubuntu 64bit09:44
Laiammy issue on a laptop is usually that if i shutdown with headphones plugged in when it boots i have to set it back to speakers manually or plugin and unplug headphones to toggle it09:46
allenlsyHi guys09:49
Laiamsound managers are one of those things that get annoying09:49
Laiamhello allenlsy09:49
allenlsyI'm new here, just testing how to use this09:50
ubottutom73: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:50
foo357I've got a computer without internet connection, on it is 10.04 LTS 64 bit installed09:51
Laiamand your problem is09:51
foo357I would like to set up a 32 bit java jre/jdk parallel to the existing 64 bit09:51
foo357how can I do that?09:52
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LaiamJAVA... *shudders*09:53
LaiamCorrect me if i'm wrong but something made me think that a 64 bit jre should bundle 32bit binaries with it... aside from that09:53
foo357I am not sure09:53
bekksLaiam: Thats correct.09:54
Laiamso foo357 what are you trying to do that would cause you to want the added redunancy of an additional 32bit jre/jdk package09:55
foo357Laiam, bekks ok thanks for your ideas on the matter. I will simply test and see what happens09:55
=== gallo is now known as gallo_
Laiamwell what i said isn't quite precise see when you compile java byte code its architecture independant both a 32 bit and a 64 bit jvm can run the same byte code unless the code author has specifically made checks to prevent it from running on a 32 bit jvm10:00
dr_willisdye easter eggs...10:02
Laiami'm off maybe i can get an hour of nap in before i have to mess with stuff10:04
dr_willisbooting a live usb from a sdhc card. should that be faster or slower then a usb2 port.10:05
bekksdr_willis: MUCH slower.10:05
aatishi install ubuntu as single user mode and i foget my password can you tell me wt should i do now ???10:06
dr_willisaatish:  use recover/rescue mode. set new password10:06
aatishdr_willis: plz tell me more i have not too much idea10:07
dr_willisaatish:  the grub menu should have some sort of rescue/recover menu entry to get to a root console10:08
dr_willisuse passwd command to set a passwd for the user10:09
aatishdr_willis, how i enter rescue mode ???10:09
dr_willisaatish:  the grub menu should have some sort of rescue/recover menu entry to get to a root console10:09
aatishdr_willis, there is no grub directly start ubuntu10:10
Kohelethwhy is trash called Rubbish bin, Trash is fine :) or they different?10:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:10
dr_willishit escape key at boot = shows menu10:10
aatishok tx dr_willis10:10
dr_willisKoheleth:  only seen that on some ubuntu varients10:11
Kohelethon the new here, prgrams still use the word Trash10:11
Kohelethneed to sync a bit10:11
aatishdr_willis, i use ese key but i cant get :(10:11
dr_willisthe 12.04 beta i have uses trash. i think10:11
Kohelethoversight I guess10:11
dr_willisaatish:  tap it quickly/a lot.. i always set m y grub to never hide10:12
Kohelethnot that important, just good for continuity10:12
dr_williscould be a language setting also Koheleth10:13
sacarlsonaatish: I think to get into grub2 at boot it's the shift key10:14
dr_willisive seen british ubuntu setups use 'rubbish'10:14
Kohelethnice to see alt f2 :)  back in action10:15
Kohelethprefer smaller window tho10:15
* dr_willis woders why grub dosent unhide on any/all keys10:15
heikki_sorry for my off-topic question, but is it possible to register with deezer.com without spotify account?10:15
Jordan_Uaatish: dr_willis sacarlson: Hold shift during boot to access the grub menu.10:15
dr_willishold, or tap..10:16
dr_willisi find the whold hidden grub a silly idea10:16
dr_willisthey should at least show a message.. 'hit some key for grub menu....'10:16
bekksEnable it in the config.10:17
Jordan_Udr_willis: Tapping allows for the possibility of the key not being depressed when it's checked. Holding doesn't.10:17
aarishsacarlson: hi !!! hru tx  too10:17
itmannenTestar en mobil hotspot från en smartphone10:17
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itmannenOch det verka funka tydligen10:18
aarishdr_willis: i got grub now plz guide me step by step plz10:19
sacarlsonJordan_U: I wonder if since you have to hold shift to get into grub2 if caps lock would pop you in also?10:19
Jordan_Usacarlson: No. The check is specifically for shift being depressed.10:20
Tradie96i need help with a ubuntu live usb install10:20
dr_willisaarish:  theres guides online. i dont have the directions or time to step by step you.10:20
aarishdr_willis; tx i had changed my root password10:20
aarishdr_willis; tx i had changed my root password , i did :)10:21
dr_williswasent too hard then was it... ;)10:21
bekksaarish: root has no password by default in ubuntu.10:21
bekksAnd it is not advised to use the root account directly.10:21
dr_willisyou can change your users password...... is what you wanted10:21
aarishbekks; but if you lost your user pass then you cant set that10:21
dr_willisaarish:  you can..10:21
bekksYou dont have to touch it.10:21
bekksAnd yes, you can.10:21
dr_willissudo passwd username10:22
Tradie96can anyone help with ubuntu live install not finding my harddrives10:22
aarishtx too all i changed my password10:22
aarishTradie96: you can mount all that10:22
dr_willisnot write it down...10:22
Tradie96no i cant10:22
dr_willisnow write it down...10:22
=== Binary1010 is now known as Matrixiumn
sacarlsonTradie96: in live boot sudo fdisk -l ;  does that show any drives like sda or sdb ?10:23
Tradie96only the live usb mounted as sda110:23
Tradie96both drives are ntfs10:24
sacarlsonTradie96: is it like an eeepc or some notebook with solid state disks?10:24
Tradie96its a custom build gaming pc10:24
sacarlsonTradie96: oh but fdisk -l ; should have show the un mounted disks also,  maybe the disks are scsi drives,  oh how about look at sudo lshw10:26
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Kohelethsome nice games coming to Linux, Amnesia for one from Frictional Games, don't forget to buy it :)10:27
Guest5040Hi, I'm trying to connect to a networked hp laserjet 4100n; I've plugged it in and can find it with netstat but the add printer gui doesn't seem to find it10:27
rundeckuser9_hello need a help on ati driver on ubuntu10:27
io!ask | rundeckuser9_10:27
ubotturundeckuser9_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:27
raduhi. I am trying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 using update-manager -d. I get "W:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/i18n/Translation-de.bz2  Unable to connect to 10.x.y.z:8080:"  This somehow looks like a proxy setting in the system, but I don't know where it comes from. I can get the file directly using 'wget' just fine. any hints?10:28
Kohelethrundeckuser9_:  they usually get picked up, what card is it10:28
Tradie96sudo lshw doesnt show them either10:28
llutzGuest5040: "gksudo hp-setup"10:28
rundeckuser9_the system after the login console don t show me nothing10:28
Kohelethok, well try the addition drivers thing10:29
iorundeckuser9_: if it doesn't show you nothing, it's showing you something10:29
raduduh... --dist-upgrade, not -d10:29
rundeckuser9_turn back on login as initial10:29
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Kohelethrundeckuser9_:  if its a new install of the latest then update, boot and see again10:30
Kohelethrebbot not always necessary but I like to do it anyway10:30
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=== gallo_ is now known as gallo
Kohelethreboot even10:30
rundeckuser9_with wrong password it show a faillure message10:30
aarishsacarlson: i made password on my wifi conction plz tel me how i remove that10:30
sacarlsonTradie96: if we might take a peak at the sudo lshw | pastebinit ;  might help ,  you will have to install pastebinit to do that,10:31
ioaarish: you setup a password on your router, you mean?10:31
Kohelethaarish: does it matter?10:31
rundeckuser9_booting on recovery mode i can use the terminal10:32
rundeckuser9_please help!10:32
aarishKoheleth: no its like keyring10:32
aarishcan u tell me how i remove tht10:32
sacarlsonaarish: I'm not sure like encrypted?  maybe try wpa-supplement10:33
aarishsacarlson: its name keyring10:33
Kohelethsudu change password I guess, desktop or server10:33
Kohelethsudo sry10:33
ioaarish: delete the network and re-add it10:34
Tradie96sacarlson: how do i install pastebinit10:35
ioTradie96: '$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit'10:35
Kohelethaarish:  plus boot with a runlevel that gives you term access?10:35
sacarlsonTradie96: apt-get install pastebinit10:35
Tradie96doesnt work10:35
io!explain | Tradie9610:36
io!details | Tradie9610:36
ubottuTradie96: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:36
Tradie96the apt-get says: E: unable to locate package pastebinit10:36
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KohelethTradie96:  prolly not got the repo setup10:37
sacarlsonTradie96: oh so no network connection?  can you ping ?10:37
bekksTradie96: Then just copy & paste (or even write down) the output of "lsb_release -a" please onto http://paste.ubuntu.com/10:37
Tradie96what will i do with that info10:38
Kohelethsacarlson: he seems fine here :)10:39
sacarlsonthe line that returns is a link that you will give us so we can see10:39
Guest5040llutz: I've had a play with hp-setup but get: Using connection type: net10:39
Guest5040error: No device selected/specified or that supports this functionality.10:39
avernosusing ubuntu omap, i get ifup wlan0 >Cannot find device "wlan0"10:39
sacarlsonKoheleth: true I'm not sure he's on the computer that he's playing with10:39
avernoswhere can i set up the device?10:39
Kohelethah, kk, yeah is it plugged in lol10:39
sacarlsonTradie96: ok and how about the same for our sudo lshw;  pastebin that if posible10:40
Tradie96sacarlson: pastebin it all?10:41
sacarlsonTradie96: sure why not10:41
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sacarlsonTradie96: I see a sata disk controler but no disks on it are seen10:44
Tradie96i know10:44
Tradie96i have 2 physical disks that windows 7 64 bit can find10:45
Tradie96and on the first disk there are 2 partitions10:45
pyarunin ubuntu how can we allow webapp running under apache to be able to open/connect to libreoffice10:45
maximili1nhello, does anyone know how to connect to wifi without disabling the wired connection? both, wicd and the terminal commands disconnect me from my wired connection as soon as I connect to the wifi network.10:46
jpdsmaximili1n: Use Network Manager?10:46
Kohelethanyway to change Unity icon size with compiz?10:47
Kohelethwithout I mean10:47
jpdsKoheleth: The icons on the left?10:47
sacarlsonTradie96: I'm not sure try reboot and see if they return?   maybe try another sata port for the drives10:47
Kohelethyeah, I can do it with compiz installed but it messes other things up10:47
Tradie96sacarlson: ive rebooted multiple multiple times, and nothing has changed, ive tried changing ports also. i think ill go to bios and see what mode the harddrives are in10:48
sacarlsonTradie96: I don't see anyone having any problems with that sata controler in linux or ubuntu,  I have no idea10:49
Tradie96could it be something wrong with my drive formatting?10:49
sacarlsonTradie96: that shouldn't stop it from being seen10:49
maximili1njpds: is this somehow possible from the terminal?10:50
Tradie96could it be to do with raid?10:50
jpdsmaximili1n: Don't think so, but Network Manager is the supported way of doing things.10:50
sacarlsonTradie96: yes a software raid could cause a problem10:50
maximili1nok, thank you10:50
Tradie96but you should still be able to find the drives in fdisk though?10:51
sacarlsonTradie96: but most of those are also supported as they run in bios I think10:51
sacarlsonTradie96: yes I would think they should still see something10:51
Tradie96because i read a forum today that siad it should. i really want ubuntu installed, as its better than windows10:52
KohelethTradie96:  try a new install10:52
Tradie96ill come back on the irc after ive had a fiddle with the ports and such, and tel you know whats happened10:53
sacarlsonKoheleth: he's running a live cd10:53
sasorihow to rename all .txt files into .dat files all at once?10:53
Kohelethah, maybe he should try it for me and duel boot10:53
Tradie96sacarlson: im using a live usb10:53
Kohelethfor real10:53
KohelethTradie96:  Ubuntu installs fine alongside win7, create a partition for ubuntu and install for real10:54
iosasori: '$ for old in *.txt; do cp $old `basename $old .txt`.dat; done'10:54
Kohelethor wubi it and see how it goes10:54
sacarlsonsasori: eather a bash script or I've seen a python program that renames like pyrename I think10:54
sasoriok lemme try that10:54
Tradie96Koheleth: ive tried that, it wont find my partitions, or even the drives themselves10:54
sasorii have a vm ubuntu10:55
Tradie96Koheleth: and wubi doesnt like it either10:55
KohelethTradie96:  well thats very odd to say the least10:55
Tradie96Koheleth: reformat time?10:55
KohelethTradie96:  back up important stuff and go the full hog, use the whole pc for Ubuntu, but backup10:56
Tradie96Koheleth: i still need my windows install though10:56
ioTradie96: why?10:56
Tradie96io: because i need to play skyrim ;) and i dont know if wine will take it very well10:56
Kohelethok, but back up, clean disks are cool anyway :)10:56
sasoriio , nothing happened10:57
sasorii typed what you just pasted...i ended up having   ">"  in my terminal10:57
ioTradie96: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2474910:57
Tradie96Koheleth: ive had my drive in dynamic mode a while back, would that cause any trouble? its not dynamic anymore10:57
sasoriand wasn't able to get out of it until i CTRL + C10:57
KohelethTradie96:  keep it simple10:58
Tradie96Koheleth: it is right now, ill just use a cd i have that has hard disk erasing tools on it to erase it, and format it back10:59
Tradie96Koheleth: thanks for the help10:59
KohelethTradie96:  what I would do, backup,  then reinstall win fresh, get that sorted, then install Ubuntu alongside, but backup11:00
iosasori: you could try using rename.ul: '$ rename.ul .txt .dat *.txt'11:00
philipp_omhi could someone tell me how to enter the safe mode on system start11:02
sasorinow that works , io  ..thanks  :)11:02
mongyphilipp_om: hold SHIFT key after your bios logo11:03
philipp_ommongy,  thx allot works !11:06
=== irdxafk is now known as irdx
slowpokewhats the support chan for 12.04 ?11:16
bekksslowpoke: #ubuntu+111:16
phaidroswhat modules are needed that initrd can use a rootfs from usb hd?  (in addition to ehci_hcd, uhci_hcd, hci_hcd, ums_cypress, ums_realtek, usb-storage, which seems not enough)11:21
FantomZxHi, how install Ubuntu on Lg p500?11:22
Tradie96Koheleth: do the harddrives need to be in ahci11:22
phaidrosI am putting them into /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and rebuild initrd, still grub fires up, initrd gets loaded, but can't find the usb storage (just some random "unable to enumerate USB device on port 2")11:22
Tradie96does ubuntu need drives to be in ahci????11:23
curiousxaloha all11:24
ahhughes_back, I meant... what is `hcitool dev` does not list my bluetooth dongle? Do I have any avenues to fix this?11:25
kubblaidoes the latest version of ubuntu have trim enabled by default?11:26
PromilleI hope this isnt to offtopic, but when you write a class diagram(UML), is "1..n" similar to "1..*" ?11:27
satyanashHi, I started the Xserver using xinit, But now Sound is not running, what do I have to run to start the sound?11:28
slowpokehey, is it me or is fuseblk REALLY slow in reading data from ntfs?11:29
slowpokeis there anything faster than it?11:30
sacarlsonbekks: seems ubuntu wants sata in ahci mode not ide mode so I guess the answer to tradie96 might have been yes,  I think that might be his problem11:30
llutzslowpoke: ntfs-3g is slow, use Windows if you want fast ntfs-access :(11:30
slowpokellutz: thats a crappy answer.11:31
Guest5040is it possible to get an lpd server to list the available queues?11:31
llutzslowpoke: well, then just "no"11:31
slowpokei cant imagine that i'm the only one with large disks in NTFS format lying around11:31
slowpokethere has to be something better than "fsck you, its your own fault for using such a pansy filesystem"11:32
llutzslowpoke: ntfs is a proprietary filesystem with just bit more than basic support in linux. what do you expect?11:32
slowpokemore than a decade has passed. id expect better performance than 7 years ago/11:33
sacarlsonslowpoke: and how slow is slow?  1 meg/ second ?11:33
slowpokesacarlson: yep11:34
slowpokeprogressivley slowing the more it goes on11:34
llutzslowpoke: demand a refund or do something forcing ms giving the specs free11:34
Kohelethhope Tradie96 comes back with a nice new shiny Ubuntu :)11:34
sacarlsonslowpoke: do it when your sleeping then you won't be thinking about it11:34
sentonly 1 M/s?  Seems a lot faster for me.11:34
Kohelethit will be compiz problems after that like me lol11:35
slowpokesacarlson: i've got a music collection to copy off a HDD before my guest leaves back for london, dont tell me to wait11:35
azer__may i ask you somethink?11:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:35
sacarlsonslowpoke: I won't... I'll tell him to wait11:35
babble /ignore slowpoke*@*11:36
azer__Hi, how could i "build" one online radio station for free ? :)11:37
Kohelethazer__:  not as hard as it sounds11:37
azer__i forgot to say that i am using Xubuntu 11.10 version11:37
dr_willis!info icecast11:37
ubottuPackage icecast does not exist in oneiric11:37
Kohelethazer__:  its hardly Ubuntu problem tho :)11:37
dr_willisIcecast is a shoutcast server thing for that11:38
Kohelethyeah, with winamp apparently11:38
azer__winamp hmmm :)11:38
azer__other ideas??11:38
JermBobhey where is the default server dir for apache 211:38
Kohelethgoogles your mate, mate11:38
dr_willisWinamp is one of many shoutcast clients11:38
i7cazer__: you install mpd and icecast211:38
dr_willisIt all depends on the details11:39
azer__hmmm ok thank you about help! :)))11:39
phaidrosazer__: just have a look at flossmanuals.org or alike for icecast radiostation howtos11:40
azer__phaidros thnx11:40
i7cazer__: first you have to configure mpd that it founds your music in the right path etc and that it streams the music to the icecast2 server. then you need to config icecast2. you'll find plenty of howtos with google.11:40
i7cthat it finds*11:41
JermBobi guess no one knows11:43
bekksJermBob: Just take a look at the apache config.11:44
sacarlsonJermBob: /var/www11:45
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JermBobbekks: where would that be located ?11:49
JermBobsacarlson:  thanks11:49
bekksJermBob: Under /etc/11:49
JermBobbekks: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ?11:50
i7cJermBob: right11:50
JermBobits only got server root11:51
JermBobthats all11:51
=== irdx is now known as irdxafk
JermBobit was a lamp install if that helps11:52
sorush20I want to know if it is possible to have two GPUs on two different pci slots working and rendering to one output screen. I have two different nvidia cards.11:52
i7cJermBob: it includes 'sites-enabled'11:52
i7chave a look there.11:52
JermBobalso is samba server enabled standard install ?11:53
sacarlsonJermBob: you can setup other virtual sites in the apaceh2 normaly seen in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default11:53
JermBobi7c: looked at the includes11:53
JermBobsacarlson: virtual sites ?11:53
sacarlsonJermBob: yes different names are diverted to different directories even if on the same ip11:54
JermBobwhat ever happened to one dir for the one machine11:54
i7cwhich is pretty useful. you can set up multiple independent sites.11:54
JermBobso can you explain a little how i can use it ?11:54
tafelpootschnuffle: hi there11:55
sacarlsonJermBob: if your new to apache then you might start reading some totorials found in google11:55
i7cfor another site you add a config file to /etc/apache2/sites-available/ then you enalbe it with a2ensite11:55
JermBobim not new just new to the sites- dirs11:56
azer__one not big program to create/design html sites ( for linux(Xubuntu) ) ??? send me in pm please :) thank you11:56
tkruiseazer__,   bluefish11:58
sacarlsonJermBob: tons of docs in apache http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/11:58
tafelpootso, I'm still having following problem, 3 servers, A B and C, B can ping both and both can ping B, A can't ping C and C can't ping A. When pingin A from C, I see the ICMP requests arriving but no responses leaving while when B pings A, I see the requests and responses. When sendign pings to C from A, nothing arrives on C. It is no firewall issue and C is the only server affected...11:58
tafelpootanyone an idea?11:58
JermBobthanks sacarlson11:58
PromilleI hope this isnt to offtopic, but when you write a class diagram(UML), is "1..n" similar to "1..*" ? Ergo, does both * and n mean indefinate?11:59
i7cis it possible to run google chrome and chromium at the same time? o.O11:59
excognachi all. how is that possible: I found ufw disabled upon a fresh boot, after every single boot I have to turn it on again...11.10 kubuntu, 4.8.1 kde, fully updated12:00
JermBobsacarlson: it was /var/www/12:00
sacarlsonJermBob: yes that's the default12:00
JermBobis that pointing to the /sites-avaliable ?12:00
sacarlsonJermBob: yes the default config in ubuntu point to that dir12:01
JermBobsacarlson: why do i need to know about the vhost stuff then ?12:01
sacarlsonJermBob: because I already gave you the default and thought you didn't like it,  it can be changed to anywhere you want or add many others12:02
JermBobsacarlson: thanks sorry i am a little slow12:03
JermBobsacarlson: what config file points to /var/www/ then ?12:04
JermBobthe /etc/apache2/apache2.conf12:04
sacarlsonJermBob: no I gave you /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default12:05
i7cJermBob: it's /etc/apache2/sites-available/default12:05
JermBobthanks guys12:06
JermBobnow i get you12:06
blacknesswhats the best site to get some themes for ubuntu 11.1012:06
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:07
blacknessawesome, thanks.12:08
bencc2I'm trying to install the xorg-server package http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/oneiric/xorg-server but apt-get can't find it12:09
bencc2I'm looking for the xorg-x11-server-source rpm equivalent on ubuntu12:10
bencc2foobArrr: what's the difference between xorg-dev and xserver-xorg-dev ?12:12
tekkhi guys, i wanna add a new drive to my lvm vg, the vg is currently ext2 formatted… so should i vgextend first then resize2fs ?12:12
foobArrrbencc2: I don't know12:12
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blacknessim trying to add a ppa via the terminal but im getting some sort of error, its for a theme repository. Its a pycurl error stating gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received12:13
bencc2foobArrr:  thanks12:13
blacknessCan anyone else try to add this repo and see if it spits the same error for them?12:13
deitarionHow do I set an explicit block on a package so that, if anything requires PulseAudio it'll just fail the install/upgrade rather than pulling it back in?12:13
blacknessppa:bisigi/ppa is the repo12:13
mackeyHi, can someone help me with winff video converter?12:15
bekksmackey: We dont know wether we can help or not.12:15
bekksPlease just ask.12:15
mackeyI wonder if it is possible with winff to convert a video file into a MPEG4 AVC/H.264 file?12:16
bekksmackey: Is winff a windows tool?12:17
mackeydunno found it in synaptic12:17
Promillebekks: Its a crossplatform GUI for ffmpeg. (Also for ubuntu, aswell as win)12:18
zykotick9mackey: not if you are using winff/ffmpeg from the ubuntu repo12:18
bekksPromille: Ah ok.12:18
zykotick9mackey: ffmpeg in ubuntu repo has AAC (requirement of mp4) disabled12:19
Promillemackey: What is the input file. You can't upscale it, if that is what you ask for.12:19
deitarionManaged to find my answer. --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/24871/disabling-packages-from-the-update-manager12:20
mackeyinput file is AVI12:20
mackeyor wmv12:20
mongymackey: soundconverter can take video as input and output as audio.12:20
PromilleOk. I'm pretty sure ffmpeg(winff) has compability for aac. I'm not on a ubuntu-pc right now, so I cant check. Try to do sudo "apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" and see if you can find it afterwards in winff12:21
XGaryGI just purchased the TV tuner WinTV-HVR-950Q. Has anyone gotten it to work on their system?12:22
PromilleSorry i misread your question mackey . But try to install the restricted pack anyways.12:22
mongyPromille: ffmpeg in the repo has restrictions which can be enabled by using the 'extra' versions from multiverse or medibuntu12:24
zykotick9mongy: i think you need medibuntu for AAC12:24
mackeypromille: you mean install ffmeg?12:24
mongymackey:  packages like libavcodec-extra-53 etc enable ffmpeg to use more codecs12:25
tafelpootXGaryG: I have gotten a wintv PVR working but I don't know what version it was12:25
tafelpootI know it was quite easy...12:26
tafelpoota few years ago12:26
Promillemackey: ffmpeg is allready installed when you installed winff, but i suggested that you installed some restricted packs, but unfortunately i cannot check how to do it right now. mongy seems to know how to enable more codecs, so you should focus on his answers :)12:26
XGaryGIn the US we switched to all digital. I think the ATSC signal might be a problem.12:26
mongyPromille: been a while since I used ffmpeg from repos, I usually compile the latest. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 very easy to follow guide if anyone is interested.12:28
Promillemongy: Yeah, compiling would probably be the best approach to suit it for your needs, but if i remember correctly, it was fairly easy to enable to restricted codecs within synaptic from the repos aswell :)12:29
XGaryGIt seems weird to me nobody has gotten ATSC to work. I can't be the first Linux user to want to use TV in the US.12:30
psypher246hello all, is there anyone here who knows the name of the peice of software which detects that you do not have the correct codecs when playing a media file and then attempts to install it?12:31
psypher246does anyone know how to acticate that script?12:31
foobArrrisn't ffmpeg deprecated? "This program is not developed anymore and is only provided for compatibility. Use avconv instead (see Changelog for the list of incompatible changes)."12:32
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PromillefoobArrr: source? Latest release seems to be "March, 17, 2012, FFmpeg 0.10.1"12:33
foobArrrPromille: ffmpeg says that on the command line, version from ubuntu repos. ffmpeg version 0.8.1-4:0.8.1-1really0u112:34
PromillefoobArrr: Oh, ok.. Strange12:34
foobArrrPromille: http://paste.ubuntu.com/912931/12:35
=== gokturk is now known as Guest74111
zap0how do i upgrade to the latest Wine?12:35
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PromillefoobArrr: I see, didnt know that. Thanks. Wikipedia also states something similar under "History".12:36
Promillezap0: http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu12:36
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Promillezap0: Should also be in the normal repos (i.e. Use Synaptic -> Wine) The packages from wine's own repo is beta releases.12:39
zap0followed those instructions;  its now downloading what it says is v1.312:40
zap0the front page ways v1.4 is stable.12:40
zap0and 1.51 is development version12:40
zap0how do i get at least 1.412:40
itaylor57zap0, you also might get better answers in #wine-hq12:40
foobArrrzap0: you'll have to build it yourself, I guess12:41
tafelpootwhat foobArrr said12:41
XGaryGI just installed 'Me TV'. When I click the icon, nothing seems to happen.12:41
bekksXGaryG: What do you expect to happen?12:42
XGaryGSome sort of screen pop up? To be able to watch it?12:43
Promillezap0: As stated, you ahve to build it yourself. http://www.winehq.org/announce/1.412:43
Promillezap0: I think you stick to the repo's version, for a more out-of-the-box experience, and you're not comfortable with compiling programs12:44
dexi feel very proud off myself i just fixed a very complex problem in my ubuntu 10.10 maverick machine, it does feel good when you wirk it out.;0)12:44
elijahWhat package would I file a bug against for USB hardware?12:45
elijahUbuntu 12.04 beta 2 won't keep logitech usb nano receiver attached on resume from standby12:45
zykotick9elijah: reask in #ubuntu+112:46
XGaryGI have always told my Wife I can do anything from Linux she can do from Windows. This does not seem to be the case with a TV tuner in the US.12:46
elijahzykotick9: thanks12:46
GeminiDominoNaively hopeful question: Does there happen to be a backport of the e1000e driver to Lucid? I'm wary of doing an in-place upgrade to Precise on a dozen live machines, but I need to be able to access the 2nd NIC (stupid supermicro) to set up a subnet for internal backups.12:50
ooiioooos x has a command "open" on the command line which opens a file with the default application for the file type. is there something like that in ubuntu? /bin/open is something completly different, I guess.12:58
phschwartzWhere would I open a bug report for a package in 12.04 beta2 ? Or where can I locate the package maintainer info for the package so I can report the issue to them.12:59
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ooiiooophschwartz: "apt-cache show yourprogram" tells you13:00
DannyButtermanHi there13:01
GeminiDominoooiiooo: if you're using gnome, it looks like gnome-open might be what you're looking for13:01
DannyButtermanDo you know a way to log any file deletion/creation/update, with who done it and when ?13:01
ZarroBoogsphschwartz: you should log a bug in launchpad.  By using `ubuntu-bug packagename` on that computer, it will automatically get and upload most of the necessary debugging information.13:02
phschwartzZarroBooks: awsome, ty13:02
ooiioooGeminiDomino: xfce. but setting the default applications I want for gnome won't kill me. thanks.13:02
GeminiDominoooiiooo: exo-open, perhaps?13:03
i7ci installed chrome (not chromium, chrome!) and it has an entry in my lxde menu but i can't find any corresponding .desktop file... how is that possible?13:04
ooiioooGeminiDomino: I'll have a look, thanks13:04
=== nick_ is now known as Guest20889
abhinavmehtaI've a ubuntu-machine…I want to use it as remote-storage-service-provider, through which I can access my any type of files on multiple-devices. For-example: If there is some video/audio file, than I should be able to use it via browser on my iPhone…how to do this..?13:05
Slasher`anyone know how i can tell apt to ignore a broken package please?13:05
Slasher`the package isn't broken, it's required for my printer13:05
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
abhinavmehtaanyone, who can put light on my query..?13:06
pizzahello what is UBUNTU??????????13:10
babbleabhinavmehta: you can run apache, if you want to be very basic about this, and get at files from Mobile Safari that way, but audio will need to be in formats that iOS can play (most mp3, aiff, wav and Apple Lossless) and video will need to be in specific mp4 or h264 formats13:10
Tm_T!ubuntu | pizza13:10
ubottupizza: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com13:10
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pizzaWhats linux????13:10
JermBobhey there people me again13:10
JermBobgot a problem13:10
ikoniapizza: www.ubuntu.com - read13:10
pizzaJERMBOB what Linux??13:11
JermBobpizza: pepperoni13:11
ikoniapizza: go to www.ubuntu.com and have a read13:11
pizzaI dont want to read I want you to TELLLL MEEEEE!!!!!!13:11
Xabsterhe's a troll, don't feed13:11
ikoniaJermBob: please don't be silly13:11
mo6|workubuntu is windows13:11
mo6|workbut without windows13:11
XGaryGI am trying to use VLC to watch TV, what would I neev to install to be able to change channels and such?13:11
ikoniamo6|work: please don't be silly, you've just seen me tell JermBob not to be do it13:11
JermBobsorry ikonia13:12
JermBobis there a way to use terminal to get my gui to login ?13:12
ikoniaXGaryG: vlc isn't a TV player, it's a media player13:12
JermBobi cant vnc my machine13:12
JermBobcause its not logged in when its set to auto login13:12
ikoniaJermBob: the terminal doesn't control your gui session13:12
JermBobi understand this but can i command it to login ?13:13
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XGaryGCan anyone suggest what I should use to watch TV on my laptop?13:13
ikoniaJermBob: I've told told you, it doesn't control your gui sessions,13:13
ikoniaXGaryG: you need a TV card and then some TV decoding software13:13
foobArrrooiiooo: "thunar foo.bar" will do the trick. should open foo in the default program for .bar13:14
llutzXGaryG: dvb(s,c,t) or analog-tv?13:14
BobbyUbuntuFreakHello why is Windows better then Ubuntu????????13:14
GeminiDominoXGaryG: If you have a TV capture card, then you can try mythtv13:14
JermBobhow can i get it to autologin properly then /13:14
mo6|workBobbyUbuntuFreak coz you can't play battlefield 3 on ubuntu :)13:14
mo6|workhey ikonia13:14
XGaryGikonia, I have a tuner plugged in, and used w_scan to scan channels.13:14
ikoniaXGaryG: ahhh so you ave a TV tuner13:15
mo6|worksorry i'll behave13:15
ikoniaXGaryG: there are a few TV applications13:15
ikonia!tv | XGaryG13:15
ubottuXGaryG: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out and !UbuntuTV13:15
XGaryGikonia, I'm sorry if I have not explained my problem properly. I have been studying three days to get where I am. (able to scan ATSC channels)13:16
ikoniaXGaryG: that's fine, check out those links and you'll get working fine13:17
XGaryGAnd I am running Ubuntu gnome.13:17
ikoniaXGaryG: those links will not steer your wrong13:17
XGaryGOK.  Back to studying.  Thanks.13:17
kennenQ: I like to make a Skript that returns me the current CPU Usage in % But i dont know how to fetch the CPU info data...13:17
XGaryGikonia, One more dumb question. I installed Me-TV. Do I need something else installed to be able to see it?13:19
ikoniaXGaryG: don't think so13:19
XGaryGClicking the icon does not seem to do anything.13:19
llutzXGaryG: start me-tv from commandline and look for errors13:19
the-killerhow i can disable beeps ? it makes me nervous !!! i blacklisted it and i removed it from alsamixer but i get always these beeps :s13:19
the-killerin xchat also or gedit ....13:19
laSt_duDeHi! Can someone help me with setting up grub?13:19
laSt_duDeif i let grub install along the android x86 installation i cant boot to ubuntu anymore13:19
laSt_duDeif i then use bootrepair my ubuntu is back, but android x86 is gone13:20
laSt_duDehow to get both working?13:20
laSt_duDethis is my setup http://paste.ubuntu.com/912966/13:20
laSt_duDeubuntu is on sda1 using ext4. android x86 is on sda3 using ext313:20
lambdancan someone teach me how to do a simple thing13:20
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lambdanbasically i have a user called pelle, and i want him to only be able to see the contents of /home/pelle and nothing else13:20
ikonialaSt_duDe: that's not a grub config you pasted13:20
sentthe-killer, in xchat:  menu bar > settings > preferences > either "alerts" or "sound"13:21
laSt_duDeits made by bootrepair13:21
toafanthe-killer: you could also mute :)13:21
daxhaxis there a tablet version of Ubuntu by chance13:21
daxhaxsomething that can support multitouch13:21
ikonialaSt_duDe: what bootloader are you using, the one from ubuntu or android ?13:21
zykotick9the-killer: does "xset b off" turn the beep off?  you might be able to blacklist "pcspkr" module?13:22
laSt_duDeatm the one from ubuntu13:22
laSt_duDebootrepair installed it13:22
the-killertoafan i did this also nothing work13:22
toafandaxhax: Definetly in the works.  I havn't heard of one being out, though13:22
laSt_duDeits grub 1.99 ubuntu something13:22
mo6|workIs it possible to play battlefield 3 on Ubuntu? :)13:22
ikonialaSt_duDe: I have no idea what "bootrepair" is13:22
GeminiDominoHow risky is it to use a backport kernel on an LTS?  More or less so than updating a live server from Lucid to Precise?13:22
ikoniamo6|work: possibly with wine, but rule of thumb, use the windows os for windows applications13:22
ikoniaGeminiDomino: backported from where /13:23
laSt_duDeits a prorgam which overwrites your grub so failures from installing windows are solved13:23
XGaryGWhen I try to start Me-TV, it complains: 'Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",'.13:23
ikonialaSt_duDe: where did you get it13:23
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GeminiDominoikonia: looks like oneric13:23
the-killerzykotick9: i blacklist pcspkr13:23
the-killerxset b off i add it in my bash profile ?13:23
laSt_duDefrom here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:23
ikoniaGeminiDomino: I'd be surprised if oneric is the 10.04 backports yet ?13:23
zykotick9the-killer: just try running for starters13:23
GeminiDominothen natty, I guess. :)13:23
mi3is it possible to merge all the iso into 1 single DVD? I want to merge ubuntu, ubuntu rescue and boot repair iso's into one sick DVD13:24
ikonia!info Boot-Repair13:24
ubottuPackage Boot-Repair does not exist in oneiric13:24
* toafan salutes ikonia. Helpfull fellow13:24
laSt_duDei made a bootable usb drive with it13:24
ikonialaSt_duDe: did you boot it from a CD ?13:24
ikonialaSt_duDe: yeah, I'm not touching that13:24
ikonialaSt_duDe: I doubt that's the ubuntu grub2 product it installs13:24
Churchmi3: i'd dump dvd usage at all. usb keys are cheap and way easier13:24
XGaryGWould installing Gtk-ChTheme fix it?13:25
OysterCultWas using Thunderbird this morning when it sent an email saying my version will expire for tech support in April and gave this file to download. 11.0.1.TAR.BZ2 and though this file is not on the ubuntu software center should I download it and install and if so where do I move it to extract it?13:25
GeminiDominoikonia: I just need the updated e1000 driver, but building it manually for each box seems particularly risky to me13:26
GeminiDominoikonia: So I'm trying to figure out a best course of action13:26
mi3Church, so what might be the estimated size required to merge the above ISO?13:26
fidelOysterCult: afaik there is a mozilla ppa if you want to keep latest versions of TB13:26
laSt_duDeisn't there a command for adding something to boot menu? i know it's hd0,2 and its ext313:26
ikonia!grub2 > laSt_duDe13:26
ubottulaSt_duDe, please see my private message13:26
sddhrthrtlaSt_duDe: you can just do update-grub13:27
ikoniaGeminiDomino: can I ask why you need to update the e1000 module ?13:27
OysterCultfidel how can i install the mozilla ppa into the kernal?13:27
zykotick9OysterCult: i wouldn't install Thunderbird manually if i where you - no updates then.  Also removal of manually installed software can get ugly.13:27
GeminiDominoBecause these stupid supermicro boards in these dozen servers have two seperate on-board NICs, one of which works with the Lucid driver, the other which doesn't. I need the second so I can set up a backplane subnet for backups13:28
fidelOysterCult: that has nothing to do with the kernel13:28
laSt_duDei installed it using apt-get download grub13:28
laSt_duDenot the same?13:28
ikoniaGeminiDomino: are they both intel e1000 cards ?13:28
OysterCultso how would i install any latest?13:28
ikonialaSt_duDe: you installed what ?13:28
ikonialaSt_duDe: grub is already on your system13:28
zykotick9!ppa | OysterCult13:28
ubottuOysterCult: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:28
OysterCultoh,,it would automatically come on ubs13:28
GeminiDominoikonia: Yep. They both work under 12.04 beta and lshw confirmed they're both using e100013:29
laSt_duDedidnt you mean i should update it?13:29
ikonialaSt_duDe: and apt-get install grub doesn't actually write the grub boot sector to the mbr13:29
ikonialaSt_duDe: no,13:29
ikonialaSt_duDe: read the link ubottu just sent you13:29
fidelOysterCult: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/thunderbird-stable13:29
OysterCultso when the software is ready then it will automatically update13:29
ikoniaGeminiDomino: someone else had a very very similar problem, may have even been with supermicros, we worked out how to force the two modules to load13:29
ikoniaGeminiDomino: if you do an lsmod do you see 2 intel e1000 modules loaded ?13:29
laSt_duDe link tells me to run boot reapair, which is what i already did13:30
fidelbut using a ppa is just one option - some like it - others dont13:30
laSt_duDeit repairs ubuntu, but every other system is gone13:30
GeminiDominoikonia: lemme boot the test server back up and I'll verify. BRB13:30
laSt_duDeso my question basically is: how to add them manually13:30
ikonialaSt_duDe: read the url ubottu sent you13:30
ikonialaSt_duDe: it walks you through it13:31
laSt_duDeok, thanks13:31
OysterCultthanks for the info guys. Think i will pass on any ppa!13:31
bencc2I'm trying to build xorg from source but getting an error about missing package gl http://dpaste.com/726258/. what package do I need to install?13:32
ikoniabencc2: why are you doing that ?13:32
ikoniabencc2: what's wrong with xorg provided by ubuntu ?13:32
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bencc2ikonia: building tigervnc from source requires building xorg13:33
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ikoniabencc2: are you sure, I don't think it does13:33
bencc2YES I"M SURE13:33
ratatapaHi guys13:33
ratatapaI am new on Linux and i have a problem i don't know if you guys got some time to help13:34
ikoniabencc2: documentation doesn't say it does13:34
zykotick9!ask | ratatapa13:34
ubotturatatapa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:34
fidelratatapa: give it a try13:34
=== Matrixiumn is now known as Matrixacat
ikoniabencc2: where did you see that it needs you to compile xorg ?13:34
bencc2ikonia: I'm building from source. anyway, you are just trolling so bye bye13:34
ikoniabencc2: I'm not trolling, I'm trying to save you (if I'm right) from making a real mess of your system13:35
dlentzbencc2, have you done sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg13:35
ikoniabencc2: where did you see that tigervnc needs you to compile xorg ?13:35
zykotick9ikonia: sometime "help" can be misinterpreted ;)13:35
ratatapaI'm currently on MAC OS 10.7 with VMware fusion full updated, and i installed Ubuntu Server 64bit( latest version), all installed NP but when i go into sudo vi /etc/network/interface or any vi  I cannot type stuff, when i click I  it doesn't do insert and i have lots of problem entering or erasing text in it13:35
ratatapabut on my Desktop 32 bits version on VMWARE fusion all work #113:35
=== Matrixacat is now known as Matrixiumn
bencc2ikonia: building tigervnc from source13:35
ikoniathe docs I'm reading say nothing about needing to compile xorg to run tigervnc, and I can't see a reason to copile xorg13:35
=== Matrixiumn is now known as DogCatcher
dlentzratatapa, do you know how to use vi?13:36
ikoniabencc2: yes, but building tigervnc doesn't require you to build xorg from source13:36
bencc2dlentz: trying13:36
GeminiDominoikonia: Booting off the Precise alt CD, there's only 1 e1000e module loaded but eth1 and eth2 are both detected13:36
ratatapai do sudo vi /etc/network/internface to enter it13:36
ikoniabencc2: why do you think tigervnc requires you to build xorg13:36
ratatapathen i press I to enter Insert mode13:36
fidelratatapa: vi is just one of several cli-editors13:36
ratatapa then type text no^13:36
ikoniaGeminiDomino: that's interesting, can I have a little prod around as I've seen this before but can't remember what we did13:36
_Marcusikonia: I don't even think programs can tell the difference if xorg was built from source or not13:36
dlentzratatapa,  yeah, that should work13:36
fidelratatapa: some others as i.e. nano might be easier to get started - in case youz dont know vi13:36
bencc2ikonia: http://tigervnc.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tigervnc/trunk/BUILDING.txt?revision=4879&view=markup13:36
GeminiDominoikonia: Take your time, I ain't going anywhere. :)13:36
ikoniaGeminiDomino: I maybe wrong, but I'm sure I've fixed this before for someone else with almost identical issues13:37
=== DogCatcher is now known as Matrixiumn
philinuxratatapa: try sudo nano filename13:37
ratatapaso sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces^13:37
fidelyes ratatapa13:37
philinuxYep it's quite an easy cl editor13:37
GeminiDominoikonia: If you can help I'll owe you a round. :)13:38
GeminiDominoikonia: Take your time. :)13:38
ratatapawow nano seems to work13:38
ratatapabut why wouldn't vi work^13:38
ikoniabencc2: I see nothing in there about building xorg13:38
bekksvi works too. But has different key bindings.13:38
philinuxratatapa: I've never used vi so dunno. Someone esle may know13:39
jribratatapa: I is not insert mode, i is13:39
jribratatapa: oh wait, I is too...13:39
ikoniaGeminiDomino: you maybe right, I just remember doing this recently, just not the details13:39
ratatapaand how do i save with nano^13:40
jribratatapa: the bottom has a cheat sheet (ctrl-o to write, ctrl-x to exit)13:40
bekksratatapa: Look at the bottom of you screen :)13:40
bencc2ikonia: so xserver, doesn't matter13:41
bencc2ikonia: line 14013:41
ikoniabencc2: it looks to me like you need the xorg server source for the version you are running to build xnc agaist, but you don't actually build the xorg component13:41
bencc2dlentz: still getting the same error13:42
bencc2ikonia: ok but I just need the package that will fix the missing gl error13:42
ratatapathe help menu was disabled thx13:42
bencc2ikonia:  x11proto-gl-dev fixed the missing glporto error. now I need to fix the missing gl error13:43
ikoniabencc2: good luck, it looks to me like you are trying to build xorg13:43
ikoniaGeminiDomino: stupid question, but is your bios up to date13:43
XGaryGI can't believe this! I have tried every TV program I can find, and nothing works.13:44
bencc2ikonia: as I said before. you are not any help. I sent you the build instructions and you still say irrelevant stuff :)13:44
ikoniaGeminiDomino: I've found a few threads that say certain dual port cards (or onboard dual port card in your case) only shows one card if the bios is showing address space in the wrong format13:44
GeminiDominoikonia: Not so stupid. I believe so. LEmme reboot and find out13:44
bencc2ikonia: it's easy to answer a question with: why? you don't need that13:44
surialCan you connect a SATA-300 harddrive to SATA-150 sata card?13:44
ikoniabencc2: nope, I'll leave you to get on, I don't believe you've understood the build instructions, but I could be wrong13:44
dlentzbencc2, you probably need x11proto-gl-dev (and other x11proto-dev packages)13:44
suriali.e. will the disk and the controller handshake the lowest common denominator, or does that just not work?13:44
ikoniaGeminiDomino: there was one specific thread which referenced super micro servers also13:45
voodoo_officeHi all, some previous experience with linux but not much. I'm running lubuntu 11.10 install and trying to use the freenect libraries with my code. The code is good (works on windows in anycase) but I just can't get it to compile. I keep getting "undefined reference" errors (using g++ btw). I am 90% sure i am using the correct -l flags (also tried pkg-config) but it just doesnt seem to want to find the damn .so files. if anyone is any good with g++ 13:45
surialAlso, if there's a more appropriate channel for that, by all means :)13:45
dlentzsurial, theoretically, it should, but some older SATA controllers need to have the drive jumpered to SATA150 mode13:45
XGaryGI thought it would be easy once I got w-scan to actually scan ATSC channels, but not one player will work.13:45
surialOh, drives can jumper into it? That's fine too. Thanks!13:45
ikoniaGeminiDomino: it looks like later e1000 modules (as you've shown) have a work around to deal with this, but it also looks like some vendors fixed it in their bios13:45
scisteffan Hello, I am having a problem accessing a wireless network on channel 12 in the UK. I'm using a Macbook Pro with Ubuntu 11, brcmsmac driver with Channels 1-14 listed by "iwlist chan". Where can I get debug info from (which log file..)?13:46
bencc2ikonia: again. very helpful13:46
bencc2dlentz: I installed x11proto-gl-dev and it fixed the protogl error. now I need to fix the gl error13:46
GeminiDominoikonia: Not them, apparnetly. 1.1a  is the latest on the supermicro bios list and that's what I'm packin13:46
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ikoniaGeminiDomino: http://osdir.com/ml/linux.drivers.e1000.devel/2007-03/msg00047.html13:47
XGaryGDoes anyone know where I would start because me-tv can not locate theme engine in module path pixmap?13:47
ikoniaGeminiDomino: just for reference, this explains it resonably clear, but there are better threads with more detail13:47
dlentzbencc2, libgl1-mesa-dev ?13:47
zykotick9surial: ##hardware perhaps?  (i believe SATA is all backwards compatable, but will operate at the reduced speeds)13:47
ikoniaGeminiDomino: looks like you could be onto a winner with updating to the 12.04 build13:48
surialzykotick9: Thanks!13:48
bencc2dlentz: installed, still same error13:49
angswhat is the name of package to install apache http server?13:49
zykotick9!lamp | angs13:49
Kacoangs, httpd?13:49
ubottuangs: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:49
GeminiDominoikonia: I thought so. :)  So you think that's a better idea than using the oneric backport (seems to exist: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/canonical_kernel_team/lucid/main/base/linux-image-server-lts-backport-oneiric).  Is it still taking my life in my hands to do an LTS->LTS upgrade? I'd like to avoid a 14 hour trip to Tampa to the DC. :P13:50
scisteffan^ trace for network problem is at http://paste.debian.net/161891/ - as you can see it times out13:50
GeminiDomino(3 hour drive, but being there for 14 hours, that is)13:50
ikoniaGeminiDomino: well, I'm surprised that the backport exists at this time to be honest13:50
ikoniaGeminiDomino: for me - I'd update the whole distro (but I don't know details of what you are doing/stability issues/application lock in/etc)13:50
ikoniaGeminiDomino: keeping everything uniform on a stable server always seems better to me unless an external component (in this case the back port) is the only option13:51
bencc2dlentz:  thanks. libgl1-mesa-dev fixed it :)13:51
ikoniaGeminiDomino: just a personal opinion13:51
GeminiDominoikonia: I'm inclined to agree. Just a LAMP stack, really. No application lock-in. I'm just always afraid of full upgrades hosing the whole caboodle.13:52
zykotick9GeminiDomino: you're right to be afraid...13:53
GeminiDominoikonia: And last time I checked, there were admonitions against doing CLI upgrades between versions, but that was, admittedly, some time ago.13:53
GeminiDominozykotick9: I know. :) I was a sysadmin before I moved back into development (with a semi-sysadmin hat, thus my presence here). I've walked that road too many times.13:53
ikoniaGeminiDomino: worth a drive and some backups13:54
GeminiDominoikonia: oh, the backups are done nightly.13:56
ubottufefderico: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:56
bazhang!it | fefderico13:56
ubottufefderico: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:56
shazzrInstalling ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 now, or wait for final release?13:56
GeminiDominoikonia: And between you, me, and the SSL server, it's not the drive I'm worried about. It's the fact that the boss will insist on a hands-on role in the process. <_<    The big disadvantage of working for a small company. :)13:56
ZarroBoogsshazzr: 12.04 discussion/support is in #ubuntu+1 at this time.13:57
bastidrazorshazzr: do you want to be a bug reporter? beta's are known to have issues.13:57
bazhangshazzr, wait. further discussion in #ubuntu+113:57
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GeminiDominookay then, that's settled. I'll provision the new servers with the beta, and then once they get the kinks ironed out of the LTS->LTS upgrade process, I'll work on migraiting the existing ones.14:04
Indiana 14:04
GeminiDominoThanks, ikonia. I appreciate it14:04
scisteffandoes anybody know how to use channels 12 and 13 with the brcmsmac module in ubuntu 11?14:05
user-Xany tech-community on??14:06
ActionPa1snipuser-X: how do you mean?14:07
user-XI mean a channel with tenchonolgy news or smithing like that14:08
user-Xor a programming channel14:08
_MarcusTry ##programming14:08
ActionPa1snipuser-X: try #c #java etc14:08
user-Xthank u guys!! :) :)14:08
ActionPa1snipnp :D14:09
tekkjesus, how long can e2fsck take… almost 1 hour already for 5tb14:10
hank__hey everybody, just wondering is a Samsung nc20 compatible with the latest ubuntu?14:10
ActionPa1sniptekk: depends on drive speed14:10
ActionPa1sniphank__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NC2014:11
bekkstekk: Having 5 TB, it will take several hours.14:11
ActionPa1sniphank__: seems to be an openchrome GPU, not that great14:11
tekkwish i'd ran it in a screen14:12
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angsI have a desktop that has a XP on it, and it doesnt have a monitor. I wonder if it is possible to load ubuntu to the desktop from my laptop. both desktop and laptop has an internet connection.14:15
hank__ill try it14:16
ActionPa1snipangs: you can install via ssh, you may need to remaster the ISO so that openssh-server is installed14:16
AnAntHello, can someone help me to install Oneiric on an system with EFI ?14:17
bekksAnAnt: Whats the exact problem so far?14:17
AnAntafter I installed, when I reboot the system, I don't get the grub14:17
AnAntI only get into DOS14:17
bekksDOS is 20y old :)14:17
AnAntbekks: yes, the machine had DOS pre-installed14:17
NDS|Doghow old is that machine?14:18
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sacarlsonAnAnt: maybe you installed your mbr to the wrong disk or partition14:18
AnAntbekks: some machine have something like DOS installed (it maybe FreeDOS)14:18
AnAntsacarlson: /dev/sda14:19
zykotick9re:screen Did you know?  you can create up to 40 named sessions per screen session (user .screenrc to configure, more then 40 require recomiling gnu/screen)?  Screenshot http://imagebin.org/20654414:19
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sacarlsonAnAnt: ok that sound like it should have worked then unless bios is set to boot another disk first14:19
ActionPa1snipAnAnt: do you just get a black screen?14:19
AnAntsacarlson: you delt with EFI before ?14:19
AnAntActionPa1snip: I just get a C:\> prompt14:19
sacarlsonAnAnt: I don't know what efi is14:20
ActionPa1snipAnAnt: then you will need to change the BIOS to boot the drive you installed to14:20
bekksMost likely there is no BIOS when having EFI. :)14:20
ActionPa1snipAnAnt: ahh it's not installed, did you change the BIOS to boot CD first?14:21
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bekksActionPa1snip: There is no BIOS when having EFI.14:21
ActionPa1snipAnAnt: or a shortcut to show a boot list so you can choose CD14:21
AnAntI haven't delt with EFI before14:21
AnAntprobably grub should be installed to /dev/sda1 rather than /dev/sda14:22
angsis there any image loader server like Northon Ghost that I can use on ubuntu to load image to remote computers?14:22
bekksAnAnt: http://askubuntu.com/questions/91484/how-to-boot-ubuntu-from-efi-uefi14:23
Zaitzevhey guys. :)14:23
zykotick9angs: i know the clonezilla livecd has some network support (but that's not "in" ubuntu)14:23
bekksangs: When having an Ubuntu image, you can work with whatever tool you want.14:23
angsbekks: thanks14:23
ZarroBoogsangs: you may want to take a look at some of the network install guides here and figure out which suits your situation best: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server_and_network_installations14:23
angsthanks zykotick914:24
Zaitzevdoes anyone know how, if possible, I can search for all files in a folder, with all subfolders, and have it display the amount of each extension?14:24
angsthanks ZarroBoogs14:24
bekksZaitzev: You could use find, and some basename/uniq/sort magic14:25
Zaitzevbekks: Yeah I thought I could use find, it's the magic-part I don't know much about ^^14:25
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zykotick9Zaitzev: as a poor-man's example = find ./ -iname '*.html' | wc -l14:26
Zaitzevzykotick9: but what if I wanted it to display all extensions, as a list?14:26
Zaitzevjust use *.* instead of *.html?14:26
zykotick9Zaitzev: ya, that's beyond me sorry.  good luck man.14:26
bekksZaitzev: Then you have to do some basename/uniq/sort magic14:26
Zaitzevbekks: derp14:27
zykotick9bekks: +114:27
ZaitzevThing is, I have an ebook-folder with thousands and thousands of files, a few different types. would be nice to get some overview of what's in there.14:28
bekksZaitzev: That doesnt change what I said ;)14:28
ZaitzevI know that, but I don't know the first thing about the stuff you mentioned;)14:28
ZarroBoogsZaitzev: something like: find . -type f -exec basename {} \; | cut -d"." -f2- | sort | uniq -c14:28
zykotick9Zaitzev: how many extensions are we talking?  just cd into the directory and "ls *.EXT1 | wc -l" then repeat for the different extentions14:28
Zaitzevzykotick9: I don't know how many. 5? 15? :P14:29
Zaitzevthat's the whole point of this, to see what is in there, and have a count of it14:29
zykotick9i thought that's what "ls" was for?14:30
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mosesrenegadeI need some help14:30
mosesrenegadefor some reason I can't figure out why, ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop fresh install is acting funny, wifi won't connect and fonts are white14:30
mosesrenegadeanyone have this issue?14:30
Xabstermany people have issues with their wifi, mosesrenegade14:31
GeminiDominoZaitzev:  how about something like "find . -type f -exec file {} \; > list"  then load it up into gnumeric and sort that way.14:31
ZaitzevZarroBoogs: Yours seems to be doing what I wanted <314:31
GeminiDomino(dealing with spaced filenames and the like is left as an exercise for the reader)14:31
Xabsteri don't know how to solve yours and I haven't heard of white fonts14:31
ActionPa1snipZaitzev:  find /home/andy/Pictures/ | cut -d . -f 2 > ./file.txt; sort file.txt | uniq -c | sort -r      works kinda here14:31
mosesrenegadeXabster -> Yeah, I realize that... I mean, I'm running a centrino 6230 bt..14:31
mosesrenegadesudo reboot14:31
ActionPa1snipZaitzev: use a final grep to see what you want14:31
ZaitzevZarroBoogs: Or almost, at least.14:31
angswhat is the command to install package on ubuntu?14:31
zykotick9angs: "sudo apt-get install foo"14:32
ZaitzevActionPa1snip: Hm, I'll give that a try too14:32
ActionPa1snipZaitzev: find /home/andy/ | cut -d . -f 2 > ./file.txt; sort file.txt | uniq -c | sort -r | egrep -i 'gif|jpg|png|bmp|pdf'    for example14:32
ZaitzevActionPa1snip: That's if I know all the extensions in all subfolders, which I don't.14:34
AnAntbekks: thanks, looking there14:34
ActionPa1snipZaitzev: I guess, but it allows you to see the ones you want I gues. If you remove the grep it will output them all14:35
Zaitzevroger that14:35
JeroenDeDauwI have a working apache but keep getting "You don't have permission to access ..." when hitting a symlinked dir. FollowSymlinks is set properly as far as I can tell14:36
ActionPa1snipjust tweaking14:36
JeroenDeDauwAnyone an idea what might be wrong?14:36
bekksJeroenDeDauw: Wrong permissions on the target of the symlink.14:36
bekksOr unreachable target due to insufficient permissions.14:36
ActionPa1snipZaitzev: find /home/andy/ -type f | cut -d . -f 2 > ./file.txt; sort file.txt | uniq -c | sort -r14:37
ZaitzevI bet your name is Andy14:37
ActionPa1snipZaitzev: indeed :)14:38
JeroenDeDauwbekks: the permissions are 755 and the owner is www-data14:39
ActionPa1snipZaitzev: I'm sure the guys in #bash will know a thing or three14:39
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bzwhat sort of performance hiccups and complications might one expect with a sandy bridge processor?14:41
ratatapaHi it<s me again :(14:43
ratatapatreid to install sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server and it instadded but there is no /etc/dhcpd3/dhcpd.conf14:43
ratatapathe .conf is in /etc/dhcpd/dhcpdconf14:43
ratatapathat nromal^14:44
sacarlsonratatapa: ya I think they moved it14:44
ratatapaok is there anuy log somewhere^ cuz i configured DHCP and my clients are getting 172 instead of 19214:45
ansh792ratapa: its the same14:45
ratatapaneed to try to find where my clients are getting DHCP14:45
bekksratatapa: Then check the config file.14:45
angshas anyone used bootp before? I am trying to load ubuntu to a remote PC. I need "pxe boot file" where can I download these files?14:46
ratatapai checked my file it has the # where i want commant14:46
ratatapaand my range is
ratatapaand it<s not the range of my real network too14:46
bekksratatapa: Then configure the DHCP server to server addresses like you want.14:46
ratatapai did this from ubuntu website14:47
hola57hello guys,i have a problem in startint vmware ,when i start it i get this popup " C header files matching your running kernel were not found.  Refer to your distribution's documentation for installation instructions. "14:47
ratatapa# Sample /etc/dhcpd.conf # (add your comments here)  default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; option subnet-mask; option broadcast-address; option routers; option domain-name-servers,; option domain-name "mydomain.example";  subnet netmask { range; range; }14:47
FloodBot1ratatapa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:47
ratatapaSorry I did this in Ubunttu from the server   http://paste.ubuntu.com/913086/14:48
ratatapaanything I'm missing^14:48
ratatapaof course i rebooted the server after14:48
angshas anyone used bootp before? I am trying to load ubuntu to a remote PC. I need "pxe boot file" where can I download these files?14:48
sacarlsonratatapa: did you restart after the changes in config?14:48
ratatapai restarted my server14:48
hola57hello guys,i have a problem in startint vmware ,when i start it i get this popup " C header files matching your running kernel were not found.  Refer to your distribution's documentation for installation instructions. "14:48
ZarroBoogsangs: I *think* you'd want the pxelinux.0 file here, but I'm not 100% sure: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/14:49
bekksratatapa: You do not need to restart your server.14:49
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ratatapai didn't know what the command was to restart DHCP :( I'm new in linux14:49
bekkshola57: You have to install the package linux-headers14:49
ZarroBoogsangs: manipulate the path of that url to fix whatever arch/release you're trying to install.14:49
hola57bekks i did,but the same error x_x im new in linux too14:50
sacarlsonratatapa: if you restarted dhcpd  you might have noted the config error,  I note you have to ranges in your config,  I think you can only have 114:50
hubsingerratatapa: sure there isn't a second DHCP server in the network ?14:50
angsZarroBoogs: It is written "td=/: hd=/: bf=pxelinux.0" for the bootp conf. should I leave it as it is? I couldnt see pxelinux.0 under my rootdirectory14:50
ratatapashouldn't my network has 2 PC only14:51
ratatapaunless the VMWARE fusion has a secret DHCP14:51
bekkshola57: So which Ubuntu do you have exactly?14:51
bekksratatapa: Do you have a router?14:51
ratatapaim in a separate network14:51
Pumpkin-vmware fusion has secret DHCP if you have it configured in NAT mode14:51
ratatapain VMWARE fusion14:51
Pumpkin-you may want to change it to bridge mode14:51
sacarlsonratatapa: your adsl router probly also has a dhcpd running14:51
ratatapai choose separate network14:51
ratatapaIM not using my router lol14:52
ratatapaI'm new in linux not in network :P14:52
ratatapai have VMWARE fusion and 2 Ubuntu14:52
ratatapa 1 server 1 client14:52
ratatapaboth are on a private network14:52
ratatapanot nat not bridge14:52
ZarroBoogsangs: I'm not really sure, sorry :/14:52
ratatapaspecial network14:52
sacarlsonratatapa: in virtualbox in nat mode it seems to have it's own dhcpd runing also14:52
ratatapai am not in NAT14:52
angszarroBoogs: what PXE should I download on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Pile_of_PXE_related_links14:52
angsfor ubuntu?14:52
mornauhas anyone else run into this one and has any idea how to make radeon work again? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/97202414:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 972024 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "RADEONDRIGetVersion failed because of version mismatch (1.17.0 -> 2.10.0)" [Undecided,New]14:53
hubsingerratatapa: if you issue a sudo dhclient on the console you should see the ip of the machine offering the leases14:53
ratatapaThx hubs14:53
azer__hi, i have one problem, i am new and I use Xubuntu and I don't know how can I change the language ( I mean, on windows you press ctrl + shift and changed the language ). On Xubuntu what I must press?!14:53
ratatapabtw this is the <special network on vmware fusion<14:54
bekkshola57: So use a pastebin to show us the complete error you get please.14:55
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ratatapai did the sudo dhclient only client and it returned nothing14:55
ratatapaandy  still get a 172.x.x.x address grrrr14:55
bekksThen fix the dhcp3 server you set up.14:55
azer__hi, i have one problem, i am new and I use Xubuntu and I don't know how can I change the language ( I mean, on windows you press ctrl + shift and changed the language ). On Xubuntu what I must press?!14:56
Pumpkin-172.16.108 ?14:56
bekksratatapa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/dhcp3-server14:56
hola57Logging to /tmp/vmware-root/modconfig-4717.log14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmmon14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmnet14:56
ZarroBoogsangs: As described in the MANIFEST file here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/installer-i386/current/images/MANIFEST it looks like you'd want the contents of http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/gtk/ubuntu-installer/14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmblock14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmci14:56
ratatapaalready did Bekks14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vsock14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmmon14:56
FloodBot1hola57: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmnet14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmblock14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vmci14:56
hola57ERROR: modinfo: could not find module vsock14:56
angsZarroBoogs: thank you very much14:57
hola57sorry x_x14:57
ratatapayeah ok MAC fusion has a DHCP in the <special network14:58
ratatapa FFS14:58
sacarlsonratatapa: what do you see when you do sudo restart isc-dhcp-server ;  your config error I told you about might show itself14:58
bekksratatapa: Then nopaste the config file of your dhcp3 server to a pastebin.14:58
ratatapai already pasted it bekks14:58
azer__Please i have problem and must answer to message!! :|14:58
bekksratatapa: Where?14:58
azer__how could I change language of keyboard?14:58
ratatapabut i just closed my server and i still get a DHCP so the problem is my mac14:59
ratatapanot my config14:59
hubsingerazer__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup14:59
ansh792doesnt it ask you for what kind of keyboard you have during the installation of OS?14:59
sacarlsonbekks: ratatapa's dhcpd.conf  http://paste.ubuntu.com/913086/14:59
AnAntok, here's how I fixed the EFI problem:15:00
hola57bekks http://paste.ubuntu.com/913106/plain/15:00
AnAnt1) boot with Ubuntu install CD in Rescue mode15:00
AnAnt2) Run shell in the installed system15:00
bekkshola57: Thats just a log entry, but not the detailed error you get, which tells you to take a look into the log.15:01
AnAnt3) mount EFI partition (/dev/sda1) to /boot/efi15:01
AnAnt4) Reinstall grub-efi-<arch>15:01
AnAnt5) run grub-install15:01
AnAntthen unmount /boot/efi & exit & reboot15:01
AnAntbekks: thanks again, the link you gave me helped15:02
sacarlsonAnAnt: sound a bit easier then the efi page I was looking at that had you compiling stuf15:02
AnAntsacarlson: yup, didn't have to compile anything !15:02
hola57thats the popup msg " C header files matching your running kernel were not found.  Refer to your distribution's documentation for installation instructions."15:02
AnAntsacarlson: I can't beleive that I need to compile stuff, while grub-efi-* packages already exist !15:02
sacarlsonAnAnt: ya I thought the same when I saw a few other efi packages also in synaptic15:03
bekkshola57: Then provide the complete output of "sudo apt-get install linux-headers".15:03
bekkshola57: This time, using a pastebin ;)15:03
tjadcI seem to have a memory leak in the linux system15:04
hola57bekks ok :D15:04
tjadchow would I verify this15:04
bekkstjadc: Why do you think you have?15:04
rebeany idea why sending file from NTFS partition to android phone via bluetooth cause error every time ?15:04
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sacarlsontjadc: might take a peak with the command top  to see what is using it15:04
hola57bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/913114/plain/15:05
sacarlsonrebe: does it only have the problem from ntfs or does it also have the problem from say /home/you15:06
bekkshola57: Please pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a" and "uname -a" too15:06
rebenp from ext4 (or how is that called) so also /home/you15:06
gaara_akashdoes anyone know the answer to this question? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9991595/ubuntu-11-10-bash-python-error-invalid-python-installation#comment12772172_999159515:07
sacarlsonratatapa: and I find with a bit more research you can have more than 1 range as you have in your config, so I guess your config is fine,  my error15:09
gaara_akashis anyone here?15:09
bekksgaara_akash: Take a look at "/names" please :)15:09
hola57bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/913126/plain/15:10
bekkshola57: So you are using backtrack, right?15:10
tjadcbekks, sacarlson: I was using top to come to this deduction. As a rough estimation, I counted up the percentage of my memory being used by the applications (I sorted by mem usage), I managed to get rough 50% before I started hitting 0.1%s . 97% of my actual memory is in use15:10
gaara_akashbekks: i have no clue what that is, i'm kinda noob in irc :/15:11
tjadcI dont see where the rest of the memory was allocated15:11
hola57bekks : ya15:11
bekkstjadc: take a look at "free -m".15:11
bekkshola57: Then please get support from the backtrack team, since you are not using Ubuntu. Thank you.15:11
hola57ok,tx bekks15:11
bekkstjadc: Unused memory is wasted memory, btw.15:12
tjadcbekks: this is true, but memory that seems not to be allocated is even worse ..15:12
tjadcAccording to top 50% of my memory is allocated to apps15:13
sacarlsontjadc: if none of the apps are using a large amount I guess it's cache,   I've had to clear cache at times to start virtualbox that need alot to start15:13
tjadcI would make a rough estimation of 70% if I include the 0.1%s15:13
tjadcbuffered memory is about 5%15:13
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luke-jris it possible to get Python 3.1 on oneiric/precise?15:14
luke-jr3.2 is too buggy15:14
kpowhow do i install kde in 11.04?15:14
kpowi tried alot of packages but i dont see a way to autoconfigure it15:14
bekksapt-get install kde-full :)15:14
tjadcsacarlson, bekks: I am really trying to track down where all this memory is allocated15:14
xanguakpow: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:14
kpowi did kde-full i hope its well15:15
sacarlsontjadc: top just show real time, you can take a snapshot and look at in in a spread sheet to make a careful look from /sys/proc/?15:16
NGNTNTHi ever115:16
* diverted-root greetz all15:16
gaara_akashdoes anyone know the answer to this question? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9991595/ubuntu-11-10-bash-python-error-invalid-python-installation#comment12772172_999159515:17
NGNTNTanyone can help me with a busybox issue ?15:17
bekksNGNTNT: We dont know if you dont ask precisely.15:17
angsis there any program equivalent to northon ghost image loading server for ubuntu?15:17
bekksangs. Partimage, clonezilla, dd15:18
uberamdI use it for imaging 200+ computers every few months15:18
daxhaxI LOVE FOG15:18
NGNTNTOk, this is my issue, my server is stucking at boot... it show me the busibox prompt saying that it's unable to mount /dev to /root/dev15:18
kpowgaara_akash, your installation seems corrupted, the key to the error is IOError: invalid Python installation: unable to open /usr/include/python2.7/pyconfig.h (No such file or directory)15:18
daxhaxi use it ALL the time15:18
progre55hi guys. I have my /home partition encrypted, and I've recently started having problems with logon. It doesnt mount the home partition automatically, and I have to mount it manually from the tty. Any suggestions, please?15:18
kpowgaara_akash, using 12.04?15:18
bekksdaxhax: You're british, dont you? ;)15:18
uberamdThe only issue is some systems require special kernels, but generally it works out of box15:18
gaara_akashkpow: 11.1015:18
daxhaxangs it uses DHCP15:18
daxhaxI am not british15:18
daxhaxI am American15:19
angsthank you very much15:19
daxhaxangs: u need to set up your dhcp server to allow PXE booting tho for it15:19
rime_Why is no people on LinMint chat server?15:19
daxhaxrime_ why are u asking us?15:19
kpowgaara_akash, i suggest to remove and reinstall python2.7 package, but im not sure how to do it without removing the dependencies, maybe some1 else can clarify on that part15:19
daxhax!ot | rime_15:20
ubotturime_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:20
angsdaxhax: Is there any tutorial?15:20
ActionPa1sniprime_: how is that an ubuntu support question?15:20
daxhaxangs i'm sure there are... i can help you tho if needed15:20
angsdaxhax: I use company access point, AP does DHCP15:20
uberamdFOG doesn't work over wifi15:20
angsThe remote PC is connected to the ethernet15:21
uberamdit needs to be able to PXE boot15:21
angsmy laptop uses wifi15:21
uberamdthats basically the only requirement15:21
angswill it work if directly connect the desktop to my laptop?15:21
gaara_akashkpow: python2.7 has HUGGEEE number of dependencies :/15:21
kpowgaara_akash, sec i'll see how to ignore deps15:22
angshow can I install DHCP server on ubuntu?15:22
angsfor FOG?15:22
uberamdangs: you might as well just use Clonezilla15:22
_MarcusHi gfc15:22
kpowHow do i remove a package without removing the dependencies?15:22
uberamdangs: FOG is more for mass deployment, it requires a FOG server and has a web interface and such. If you're imaging 1,2 computers, clonezilla makes more sense15:22
gaara_akashkpow: awesome tx15:23
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angsthanks I will use Clonezilla15:23
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uberamdand they have a live CD15:23
uberamdstart there15:23
hubsingerkpow: why do you want to do that ?15:23
angsuberamd: where can I download the ubuntu image to load?15:24
kpowhubsinger, to reinstall python2.7 pkg15:24
NGNTNT can anyone help me with my stucked-at-the-boot ubuntu server ?15:26
hubsingerkpow: maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/17745/how-to-remove-a-deb-without-removing-its-dependencies can be helpful15:27
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kpowhubsinger, i decided it may be too risky to remove python from a system so im looking how to reinstall without remove now :-)15:27
NGNTNTtarget filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init15:27
gaara_akashkpow: any progress? tx a lot for helpin btw15:27
ZarroBoogskpow: apt-get install --reinstall packagename15:27
kpowgaara_akash, here u go, ZarroBoogs15:27
ptrkmjI wonder why there is no amd64 version of skype in oneiric part of canonical partners repository (?)15:28
ActionPa1snipptrkmj: theres a 64bit deb on the skype site15:28
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ptrkmjYeah, but what is the reason it's not present in repo?15:28
ActionPa1snipptrkmj: no idea, I always use the site personally15:29
gaara_akashkpow: i've tried out apt-get install --reinstall python2.7-minimal still doesnt help solve the issue15:29
llutzActionPa1snip: even the 64bit deb contains only a 32bit binary15:29
ptrkmjIt's strange cause it's present in precise and previous distros15:30
ptrkmj(before oneiric)15:30
ptrkmjgaara_akash: so what is the difference between installing i386 and amd64?15:30
ActionPa1snipllutz: gah15:31
gaara_akashptrkmj: i'm sorry, i dont understand the issue here15:31
CharminTheMooseHow do I check if a created symlink isn't dangling?15:31
gaara_akashptrkmj: are you telling me there is a i386 version installed and an amd64 and that is the conflict that is being produced?15:31
ActionPa1snipllutz: yeah, although the package says its 64bit, loads of 32bit deps. 100Mb used after install. Damn15:32
llutzActionPa1snip: they just made a 64bit-package with ia32libs as depends15:32
ds500ssI  run an node on tor & hyperboria currently 48 hypernodes are up but over 200 are needed in more countries projectmeshnet.org cjdns.info15:32
cxmujesus fucking tap dancing christ15:33
zykotick9CharminTheMoose: "dangling" do you mean pointing to nothing?  typically dead links will be red if you colour enabled in your terminal.15:33
cxmuwhy why WHYY WHYYYY15:33
xanguacxmu: stop that now please15:33
llutz!ops | cxmu15:33
ubottucxmu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!15:33
ActionPa1snipcxmu: tried another editor. There is more than gedit15:33
ZarroBoogsds500ss: Was there a question there, or are you just advertising?15:33
ZarroBoogsUserXP_: your keyboard works, congrats.15:36
hubsingersry, being a irc newbie - but what the heck is ubottu trying to say ?15:37
jpdshubsinger: It's a bot.15:37
ActionPa1sniphubsinger: what did she say taht confused you? It is a bot...15:37
ZarroBoogshubsinger: If you mean the last message, it was hilghting the operators of this channel to eart them that their attention is needed.15:37
hubsingerZarroBoogs: thx15:38
AaronMTHello. What is new in 12.04?15:38
ZarroBoogsAaronMT: check the release notes in the topic of #ubuntu+115:38
hubsingerActionPa1snip: i know he's a bot - but elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amara .... sounds VERY strange - even for a bot15:39
ZarroBoogshubsinger: Those are the nicks of our operators... which you've just hilighted as well.15:40
ActionPa1sniphubsinger: they are operator names, so they attend the channel to see what is going on and restore order15:40
ActionPa1snipAaronMT: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything precise based15:40
CharminTheMooseHow do I check if a created symlink isn't dangling?15:40
ActionPa1snipCharminTheMoose: run file against the link, it will say if it's broken or no15:41
llutz!info symlinks | CharminTheMoose15:42
ubottuCharminTheMoose: symlinks (source: symlinks): scan/change symbolic links. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-6 (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 76 kB15:42
user-XHello guys15:46
sanjeev_shhow can i install newer version of gcc on ubuntu 11.04?15:47
bazhangsanjeev_sh, why would you need to15:47
sanjeev_shbazhang: i want to test c++1115:48
triptecI just installed 12.04, and it seems grub crashes, I looked for menu.lst but it doesn't exist, should it?15:49
bekkstriptec: 12.04 is supported in #ubuntu+1 only15:49
sanjeev_shtriptec: ubuntu 12.04 comes with grub2 which does not have menu.lst15:50
Aesthenautso... how do i put music on my iphone with ubuntu? lmao. any utilities you recommend?15:50
Aesthenautother than a hammer?15:51
Dj_FlyByhmmm, wonder why my 6.25TB is only showing up as 5.7TB15:51
Aesthenautsix point two five TERABITS15:51
i7cDj_FlyBy: TB != TiB ?15:52
GeminiDominobugger... guess I jumped the gun on my beta plans... dammit15:52
ActionPa1snipAesthenaut: bluetooth15:52
Aesthenautexcuse me, software utilities/programs, mr ActionPa1snip15:52
ActionPa1snipAesthenaut: bluez, blueman etc15:53
AesthenautI do not have a bluetooth capable computer. I don't see the reason in it, really.15:53
EscherialActionPa1snip: i've always been curious about this...how did you choose your name? are you a parsnip who takes action?15:53
Aesthenautextra fifty bucks or twenty for a cheap dongle and it'll get me... fancy shmancy locking and stuff15:54
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EscherialAesthenaut: you can get a bluetooth dongle for ~$515:56
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Aesthenaut:< bluetooth is not an option, my friend. Thank you for the recommendation, though15:57
anonissimusI am getting his error when tring to setup postfix, any suggestions how to approach this? http://pastebin.com/5SZeuZtx15:57
Escherialyeah, i'm not sure how it would've helped you sync music to your phone anyway15:57
Escheriali'm pretty sure that banshee can manage ios devices, though15:58
dexcould anybody tell me how much ram ubuntu 10.10 maverick uses,? i was wondering becouse it truggles to play film in movie player!16:00
garymcI have forgot my root password for ubunto server, what can I do without a reinstall?16:00
xanguaEscherial: until apple update iOS and breaks the support; is what happen every ubuntu release16:00
dlentzdex, look at command: free -m16:00
ActionPa1snipEscherial: its an old harry hill joke16:00
jeekgarymc: Since when does an ubuntu install have a root password?16:00
Aesthenautsince a while ago, but that has been fixed, i thought D:16:01
Escherialxangua: ah :\ babble has informed me of as much...recommendation redacted16:01
ActionPa1snipgarymc: there is no root password and having one set it not advised, supported or needed16:01
jeekgarymc: hit Esc or Left shift as the system boots, choose recovery mode, jump into a root shell, remount your filesystem rw, and change the password, then reboot again.16:01
erraticwhere would I go to find out who maintains a package in ubuntu16:01
ActionPa1sniperratic: launchpad.net16:01
humdrumHi. I can't view youtube videos since I installed an update a few days ago. Help?16:01
babbleI run Windows XP in a VM for iTunes, but I understand that's not an ideal solution for some folks.16:01
erraticthanks action16:02
bazhanghumdrum, blue video?16:02
xanguaEscherial: not saying it doesn't work, just that aple breaks support, blame to it16:02
humdrumJust black.16:02
ActionPa1sniphubsinger: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'16:02
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dlentzhumdrum, have you tried purging flashplugin-installer and reinstalling?16:02
ActionPa1snipbabble: could just buy a better mp3 player :)16:02
bazhangActionPa1snip, you mean humdrum16:03
ActionPa1sniphumdrum: ^16:03
ActionPa1snipbazhang: thanks16:03
babbleActionPa1snip: I could use my Macintosh as well. I want what I want. I like my iPod Touch.16:03
humdrumI haven't tried purging. That would be: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer right?16:04
ActionPa1sniphumdrum: can you run the command I gave and use a pastebni to give the result please16:04
pepeehumdrum, aptitude purge ...16:04
dlentzActionPa1snip, i'd like a better mp3 player. are you buying?16:04
ActionPa1snipbabble: then you'll have to stomach poor support...16:04
humdrumYeah, one sec. Thanks for help.16:05
erraticany PHP nerds here that know when php-5.4 will be in the oneiric repos?16:05
babbleActionPa1snip: what, exactly, do you think you're informing me of?16:05
ActionPa1snipdlentz: my anriod phone does just dandy, my GFs archo isn't too shabby either16:05
babbleI'm not actually complaining about interoperability issues between iOS devices and Linux16:05
ActionPa1snip*archos  (long day)16:06
dlentzmy sansa clip was awesome until the shoddy input jack soldering broke16:06
dlentzerr, headphone jack16:06
Migs_hey guys, im having trouble installing ubuntu 11.10 alongside backtrack 5, firstly i installed backtrack 5 with no problems and it works fine, i then go to install ubuntu along side backtrack and it gets to about a thrid of the way through an then fails, any ideas on what i can do?16:06
sddhrthrtdlentz: +1 for sansa!16:06
bazhang!ot > sddhrthrt16:07
ubottusddhrthrt, please see my private message16:07
ActionPa1snipMigs_: did you resize the partition to make room for Ubuntu? Did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:07
NsNHi, i'm trying to automatically put my wireless into AdHoc mode on startup. I have a script that works when i execute it manually, but not from init.d or cron16:07
Migs_i resised the partition using the ubuntu installer and no i did not text the download, both distros run off a bootable usb drive16:08
Migs_seperate bootable usb drives**16:08
humdrumActionPalsnip: http://pastebin.com/1RzZAGLv16:09
Guest93514Hi. I just made gpasswd -a username group. The 'group' file says I am added to 'virtualbox' group, so did the output of mentioned 'gpasswd'. The 'groups' command doesn't mentions it. I am confused.16:13
jribGuest93514: login aogain16:14
Santhello..i am facing problem with running linux kernel 2.6 in virtual machine. i have compiled and created iso image of kernel but when i boot the machine it says boot failed16:14
Santi suspect i have not configured bootloading part16:15
Santcan anyone help..do i have to configure boot loader or something?16:15
humdrumActionPa1snip, does that help? Should I just purge?16:15
Guest93514jrib: will try.16:15
user1hi, how to install and setup github repository in ubuntu 10.04 server, pls help me...16:16
ActionPa1sniphumdrum: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer      then enable partner repo and install adobe-installer16:16
tyler_duser1: the instructions for that are right in github I believe16:16
tyler_duser1: let me find them.... 1 sec16:17
bekksSant: you cant boot a kernel as iso :)16:17
humdrumGotta go for a bit but I'll be back if you're still here?16:17
Santwhat am i supposed to do once i compile kernel...not getting a clear idea as i am new to it16:18
ikoniaSant: why are you compiling the kernel16:18
bekksSant: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile16:18
Santbasically i want to learn kernel programming..so trying to compile n use in in virtualbox is my idea16:19
Santbut unable to get virtual box to boot kernel16:19
ikoniaSant: compiling a kernel won't teach you how to program a kernel16:19
sipiorikonia: it's a very good first step. no need to quibble.16:19
tyler_duser1: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:etc etc16:19
ikoniasipior: it's nothing to do with kernel programming16:20
Scot_I would start by pulling a stage 2 image apart and understanding how the boot process works.16:20
sipiorikonia: if you plan on mucking with the kernel, you'll want to know how to build the damn thing. or do you believe that programmers should not know how to generate executables?16:20
Santit wont..but just a first step into kernel programing..so i customise and compile16:21
ikoniasipior: the few small non-programming commands to compile a kernel won't really help with any knowledge of how the kernel works/programming it16:21
Scot_fire up a minimal install Linux PXE server16:21
ikoniaSant: are you "ok" with c?16:21
GeminiDominosipior: Bah. Executables are overrated. I test my code via proof! ;)16:21
flokstry die16:21
sipiorikonia: yes, but they are necessary to check your work. try not to be too dense.16:21
flokstry hi griffin you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:22
ikoniaSant: have a look, at some simple bugs to do with the kernel, and try to work out how to fix some that will walk you into some of the internals16:22
sipiorGeminiDomino: dijkstra? is that you? :-)16:22
blablihow can I disable smbd & nmbd daemons ?16:22
Scot_that's part of samba16:22
ActionPa1snipblabli: sudo service smbd stop16:22
blabliActionPa1snip, I mean disable for ever16:22
llutzblabli: remove samba16:23
blablillutz, funny but I use smaba16:23
blablibut only on demand16:23
Sant@ikonia thanks..would you happen to know of some site which is a good place to begin16:23
Scot_no that's rh .16:23
blabliotherwise I wouldn't have came here16:23
blabliupdate-rc.d smbd disable16:23
blabliupdate-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/smbd missing LSB information16:23
blabliupdate-rc.d: see <http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts>16:23
blabli System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/smbd do not exist.16:23
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GeminiDominosipior: Executables considered harmful. ;)16:23
ikoniaSant: launchpad.net16:23
llutzblabli: very funny, why don't you tell us in detail what you want16:23
ActionPa1snipblabli: you could add the command to stop the service in /etc/rc.local . its a hack but its simple to remove16:24
blablillutz, what is more detailed than "I want to disable blabla service" ?16:24
blablialso using 'rcconf' does not work16:24
GeminiDominoSant, I'm not sure of any sites, but O'Reilly had a pretty good book on the subject out a few years back. I'm not sure if there's an updated edition or not but it might be worth checking into16:24
blabliso it seems that there is no way to cleanly disable smbd/nmbd16:24
llutzblabli: echo 'manual' | sudo tee /etc/init/smbd.override16:25
blablichkconfig does exist anymore16:25
llutzblabli: same for nmbd16:25
blablillutz, do you have more documentation about this ?16:25
blabliI am very interested16:25
llutz!upstart| blabli:16:25
SantGeminiDomino i will check out those16:25
ubottublabli:: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:25
Sant@ikonia wouldnt that still need me to know compilation?16:25
ikoniaSant: well, sort of if you plan to actually "fix" things16:26
llutzblabli: sysv-rc-conf would also do16:26
blablisorry llutz but there is no mention of word "override" in the pages you send me16:26
dekokgrii hate you all16:26
ikoniaSant: but I was more looking at a way to actually get you to understand how it's laid out into the different sub systems, how they link together16:26
FloodBot1dekokgri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
llutzblabli: take it as a start for own research16:26
flokstrybbbbbbbbbbxahcbvcvkhka vghkxvcs ghkv16:26
blabliI knew it was upstart16:27
llutzblabli: and yes, upstarts documentation is ... poor16:27
blabliseems so :-)16:27
Santikonia that is why i wanted to know how to set up a kernel compilation for booting...any pointers to that?16:28
ikoniaSant: read the documentation16:28
bekksSant: You could start with the link I gave you.16:28
blabliI get it http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#override-files16:28
excelsiorI just set up a new HP printer (after some difficulty) and I'm trying to print but I can only print a test page. Do I need to reboot?16:29
Santbekks yup ,..jus checking it out16:29
blablithank you llutz !16:29
ActionPa1snipexcelsior: can't hurt to try.16:30
excelsiorDammit, I hate rebooting16:30
blabliI've learned somtehing today, will sleep more intelligent tonight16:30
excelsiorThat's a Windows thing16:30
ikoniaexcelsior: no it's not16:31
ds500ssare there more people here which uses hyperboria alongside normal internet?16:31
llutzexcelsior: "it was"16:31
excelsiorOh, do we have some Windows apologists here? I just had 7 spontaneously reboot on me without even a "if you don't mind..."16:32
ActionPa1snipexcelsior: frees ram, loads new kernels and so on. Its good every now and then16:32
petrovv_trying to setup RAID1 on a running 10.04 Desktop system, cannot seem to find mdraid1x kernel module - is it available only Sever kernels?16:32
ActionPa1snipexcelsior: i'd check the rebooting windows systems, make sure they are ok16:33
excelsiorSince when is Windows ever OK? When it's off?16:33
ActionPa1snippetrovv_: thought about using Oneiric, it has later drivers and kernel which may help (or wait a while and install Precise)16:34
bazhangexcelsior, lets get back to ubuntu support please16:34
ActionPa1snipexcelsior: I manage SQL servers with 2 years uptime without issues...16:34
petrovv_ActionPa1snip, I'd like to stick to Gnome 2.*16:34
salariaHi anyone here? I need help!16:34
bazhang!notunity | petrovv_16:34
ubottupetrovv_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:34
ActionPa1snippetrovv_: you can make 12.04 and 11.10 look like Gnome216:34
bazhangsalaria, with what?16:34
ActionPa1snippetrovv_: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/16:35
petrovv_ok, ok :-)16:35
salariarecently i migrated to linux.. although i have gud hand on it.. i wnna ask u about kernel16:35
salariawould you plz help me?16:35
ikoniasalaria: what's up ?16:35
bazhangsalaria, this related to ubuntu?16:35
salariaubuntu 10.0416:35
excelsiorActionPa1snip: are they LAMP stack SQL servers? That would make sense...16:35
ActionPa1snipexcelsior: windows SQL for Citrix boxes16:36
llutzexcelsior: that wouldn't make sense, since a period of 2 yrs without kernelchanges (security fixes) would be stupid16:36
ratatapaHiHi i still has problem with DHCP in Ubuntu (fixed the problem from my mac  if someone can help me plz Whoise me here so i don't spam the IRC16:37
ikoniaratatapa: just state your problem16:37
ikoniaratatapa: lets see if we can help16:37
GeminiDominoPlease state the nature of your Ubuntu emergency16:37
ratatapawell its fixed lol16:37
salariabazhang: ?16:37
ratatapadunno why16:37
ikoniaratatapa: ok, so no problem16:37
ikoniasalaria: what's up ?16:38
ratatapasorry for bugging you lol16:38
bazhangsalaria, you never asked a question16:38
ratatapabut  then i can ask this16:38
salariaikonia: I want to compile kernel16:38
ikoniaratatapa: it's not a bug16:38
ratatapahow do i check my lease on ubuntu server16:38
salariai have its source code16:38
ratatapaaka who which address16:38
salariacan u help me step by step16:38
ikoniasalaria: ok, why ?16:38
ikoniaratatapa: you can see it in the lease file16:38
ikoniasalaria: why do you want to compile a kernel ?16:38
salariaI am working on a project16:38
ratatapaWhere is the lease file^16:38
ikoniaratatapa: ooh, good question on ubuntu /var/lib/dhcp3-server/?16:39
salariawhere i want kernel to boot frm a pendrive16:39
ratatapai<ll chef that16:39
salariaand its should start with a simple shell program16:39
ikoniasalaria: don't need to compile a kernel for that16:39
ikoniasalaria: just move the kernel to the pen drive and point grub at it16:39
ikoniasalaria: mv the kernel that's already built or copy it to the pen drive, then install grub to the pen drive and point it at the kernel on the pen drive16:39
salariaSuppose, if a computer does not have any OS , its just with a BIOS then will it work?16:40
ratatapaThanks Ikonia16:40
ikoniaratatapa: was I right ?16:40
ratatapaSemi :D16:40
salariaoh grub would be in pendrive itself?16:40
ikoniasalaria: depeds if your machine suppports booting from bios16:40
ikoniaratatapa: just curious, working from memory16:40
ratatapait was /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leasses16:40
ikoniasalaria: it has to be as that's what you are booting16:40
ikoniaratatapa: close enough16:40
salariaYeah Got it.. So now what im doing is copying all files under linux-3.3.1 folder to pendrive root ..16:41
ikoniasalaria: no, that is the kernel source, not the kernel16:42
ikoniasalaria: look - what are you trying to do ? why are you doing this ?16:42
antarusanyone know why /run/initramfs needs to be 1777 ?16:43
ikoniaantarus: didn't think it did16:43
salariaIKONIA: What my aim is.. to boot kernel and start a browser, from pendrive directly whenever i insert it in any pc whether it has any OS or not..16:43
salariaguess im not much clear16:43
ikoniasalaria: ok, so just install ubuntu to the pen drive16:43
ikoniasalaria: that's all you need to do16:43
AmisHello o/16:44
petrovv_is 12.04 stable enough to use on a regular Desktop right now?16:44
salariaSo, i should move kernel source or compiled kernel?16:44
ikoniapetrovv_: no, it's not stable16:44
AmisCan someone point me to a link for Wubi for 10.04? I can't find it, only the latest for 11.16:44
ikoniasalaria: neither16:44
ikoniasalaria: you need to install ubuntu to the pendrive16:44
antarusikonia: I'm doing some auditing of Precise and it seems to ship that way by default16:44
ikoniasalaria: then nothing, you've got the whole OS ont he pen drive that will boot16:44
xanguaAmis:  is already on the iso16:44
ikoniaantarus: may well do16:45
Amisxangua, what do you mean?16:45
salariaikonia: I dont want whole OS in my pendrive. I just want few drivers which i need for a web browser to run..16:45
angswhat ubuntu version is good for running webserver?16:45
ikoniasalaria: you need the whole OS for the web browser16:45
ikoniaantarus: any you want16:45
ikoniasalaria: yes16:46
Amisxangua, oh I see what you mean, never actually tried to view the contents of the installer disk under Windows16:46
salariaI wanted to have a stand alone web browser nt an OS :(16:46
ikoniasalaria: then you cant do that16:46
ActionPa1snipsalaria: could try xpud16:46
ActionPa1snipsalaria: yes16:47
ActionPa1snipsalaria: or puppy16:47
salariaohki.. leme see that16:47
ikoniait's still an OS16:47
ironhalik_angs: theres a 'Ubuntu Server' distro :) Wikipedia runs on it :)16:47
ikoniayou still need to be running an OS16:47
walidvbhi guys, i'm struggling a bit with ssh-keygen16:47
walidvbi have a machine that i want to login to without typing the password each time16:48
walidvbi tried to use ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 204816:48
walidvbthen add to .ssh/id_rsa16:48
walidvbanyone here?16:49
LinuxApprenticehi, i'm using 11.04 with broadcom proprietary drivers16:49
walidvboh ok16:49
phil_flwalidb, you can use ssh-copy-id username@host16:49
LinuxApprenticewhy are networks that show up in win xp not listed in ubuntu? wifi ?16:49
walidvbbut it says that agent admitted failure to sign using the key16:49
walidvbphil_fl: i did do that16:49
salariaIKONIA: There?16:50
phil_flwalidb, did it ask you for your passpharse ?16:50
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salariaactionPalsnip: There?16:51
GeminiDominooh for crying out...16:51
phil_flwalidb, and what do you have doing a ssh -vv username@host16:51
ikoniasalaria: yes16:51
GeminiDominoFor years I've been manually copying the key and appending it to authorized_keys... *facepalm*16:51
walidvband there is smth there the machine's authorized_key with my username@myhost16:51
walidvbGeminiDomino: haha16:51
salariaxpud is what i was looking for.. Its just a browserOS for which we can make liveUSb16:51
salariasame thing i want to work upon16:52
salariaany idea? refrences?16:52
api984hello, can anyone give me some advice how are you backing up Maildir (i got 115GB of mail)16:52
LmAtHow do I tell who installed a program?16:52
ActionPa1snipsalaria: yes, if you just need a web browser that will do it, boots in 3 seconds here16:52
ikoniasalaria: told you, install ubuntu to the pen drive16:52
ActionPa1snipLmAt: /var/log/dpkg.log may say16:52
salariaActionPalsnip: can i have its source code? i thin yes.16:52
walidvbphil_fl: wow.. ssh -vv has a lot of output16:52
phil_flwalidb, you should see where it fails16:52
ActionPa1snipsalaria: sure, its on the site16:53
sanduz2anyone have a rough estimate of when ubuntu 12.04 will be released? or when was the final beta released?16:53
_Marcussanduz2: April16:53
ikoniasalaria: look at the release schedule, look at the topic in #ubuntu+!16:53
ikoniasalaria: look at the release schedule, look at the topic in #ubuntu+116:53
humdrumActionPa1snip, I've returned! I enabled the partner repository, as you directed but adobe-installer cannot be found.16:53
GeminiDominosanduz2: ~The 28th, I was told.16:53
walidvbdebug1: Trying private key: /home/scenic/.ssh/id_rsa16:53
walidvbdebug1: Trying private key: /home/scenic/.ssh/id_dsa16:53
walidvbdebug1: Next authentication method: password16:53
LmAtActionPa1snip; dpkg.log doesn't have anything in it :(16:53
salariayeah got it.. leme c .. thanks brother! :))16:53
walidvbphil_fl: that's where it stops..16:53
sanduz2GeminiDomino: thank you16:53
ikoniasanduz2: sorry that was for you16:54
salariaikonia: yeah .. im looking for.. tx :))16:54
ikoniasalaria: sorry, that wasn't meant for you16:54
walidvbsry: https://gist.github.com/1fb7393018388cdfe81016:54
phil_flwalidb, don't paste your username on irc though16:54
salariawel tx though :P16:54
walidvbnot chatting from the same machine, but ure right16:54
phil_flwalidb, hum ok so in your current machine you do have a .ssh ? ~/.ssh16:55
walidvbi do16:55
sanduz2ikonia: thanks16:55
phil_flwalidb, chmod 700 ~/.ssh16:55
ikoniathe key file needs to be 60016:56
ActionPa1snipLmAt: there is a log in /var/log for dpkg16:56
ikonianot 70016:56
LmAtActionPa1snip; I see it.  it's empty.16:56
llutzsure 70016:56
phil_flwalidb, trust ikonia16:56
LmAtActionPa1snip; Oh wait, it's dpkg.log.116:56
salariaHow can I have permanent IRC username?16:57
llutz!register | salaria16:57
ubottusalaria: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:57
walidvb.ssh is 700, .ssh/id_rsa is 60016:57
ikoniawalidvb: what is in your authorized_keys file on the remote host ?16:57
phil_flwalidb, that's correct16:57
ikoniawalidvb: as in what info did you put in /home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys16:57
phil_flwalidb,  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 204816:57
salariant working16:57
ikoniasalaria: what's not working ?16:57
ActionPa1snipsalaria: READ the text ubottu gave16:57
salariaok k16:57
bazhangsalaria, /join #freenode16:58
walidvbphil_fl: well, a key, and my username and host16:58
=== salaria is now known as Salaria
ikoniawalidvb: what content did you put in the authorized_key file16:58
phil_flwalidb, and then ssh-copy-id16:58
walidvbi did it with ssh-copy-id16:58
phil_flwalidb, ok now talk to ikonia :-)16:58
walidvbyou guys don't agree... :(16:59
ikoniawalidvb: on your local machine do you have a public and a private key ?16:59
walidvbi don't know, i'm sorry i'm really not familiar with this17:00
ikoniawalidvb: you created a key yes/no ?17:00
Salaria« /nick Salaria »17:00
walidvbhad to use it for other things, via tutos though..17:00
Salariaits not working >'<17:00
ikoniawalidvb: just follow my questions17:00
walidvbikonia: pm?17:00
ikoniawalidvb: no thanks17:00
ikoniawalidvb: you created a key yes/no ?17:00
JelloPophello, I need help understanding convertions of flv to mp3..17:00
walidvbikonia: i did ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 204817:01
ActionPa1snipJelloPop: are the flvs downloaded from youtube?17:01
humdrumSalaria, it seems to have worked already...17:01
ikoniawalidvb: did it create 1 or 2 files output17:01
phil_flwalidb, also on the host you have to have in /etc/sshd_config Pubkeyauth yes and RSAAuth yes17:01
walidvbwhere can i check?17:01
Salariayessssssssss i can see capital S in my nick.. :D17:01
ikoniawalidvb: where ever you created the key17:01
SalariaSo its permanent means no one else can use it. right?17:01
ikoniaSalaria: ask in #freenode17:01
JelloPopActionPa1snip: already did the conversation using youtube-dl and ffmpeg. I have other questions though.17:01
elijah11.10 - What does "dim screen to save power" mean under "brightness and lock"?17:02
GeminiDominoelijah: Unless you're using a laptop, not much17:02
elijahGeminiDomino: I am but it isn't doing much17:02
ActionPa1snipJelloPop: if you want the MP3 of a video, use: www.youtube-mp3.org/17:02
walidvbikonia: it created 2, i think17:02
ikoniawalidvb: what are the names of those files17:02
walidvbid:rsa and id_rsa.pub17:02
Salariahere Few Guys are coming in RED few in BLUE, are they moderator in RED?17:02
walidvbbut there are more files in there right now, i believe from other commands17:03
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ikoniawalidvb: move both of those files into /home/$username/.ssh on your LOCAL machine17:03
elijahSalaria: It all depends on your IRC client17:03
bazhangSalaria, no, thats your irc client17:03
Salariaelijah: means?17:03
walidvbikonia: they are already there.17:03
Salariak k17:03
elijahSalaria: In mine, pidgin, they are all different colors so you can follow the conversation easier17:03
GeminiDominoelijah: Are you plugged in?  It should dim when you're on battery17:03
ikoniawalidvb: right, copy id_rsa.pub to your remote machine into /home/$username/.ssh on that remote machine17:03
Salariathis is my first day in IRC so i may ask silly quests, dont mind plz17:03
ikoniawalidvb: by copy I mean copy the file, not cut and paste17:04
walidvb(ps: i will need the same from there to here)17:04
walidvbi'll scp it, is that ok?17:04
ikoniawalidvb: you don't need to do the reverse17:04
ikoniawalidvb: scp is perfect17:04
JelloPopActionPa1snip: the flv file = audio 44100mhz setero  s16, 111kb/s  the .mp3 = audio 44100mhz stereo s16, 128k17:04
Salarianow ikonia is in blue :D17:04
phil_flwalidb, scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub username@host:/home/****/.ssh17:04
ikoniaSalaria: ok - getting a bit annoyed of your random comments17:04
bazhangSalaria, lets stay to ubuntu support please17:04
SalariaSorry -_-17:04
ZarroBoogsSalaria: #ubuntu-offtopic for random chit-chat. #ubuntu for support only.17:04
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phil_flwalidb, you got an ok ?17:05
elijahGeminiDomino: Is that officially the expected behavior? That isn't what happens for me, and I may file a bug17:05
ikoniawalidvb: now on the REMOTE machine cat id_rsa.pub > authorized_keys17:05
Salariak k17:05
ikoniawalidvb: exactly like that17:05
humdrumI'm unable to view flash videos - I receive a black box. I've purged flashplugin-installer and enabled the partner repo...17:05
phil_flwalidb, what he said but on the right folder17:05
JelloPopActionPa1snip: I used 44100mhz ab 160k so why does it only give me a standard output quality of 128 kb/s? instead of 160k???17:05
ActionPa1sniphumdrum: did you install the adobe-installer package?17:05
GeminiDominoelijah: Can't speak for official, no. It's what it does on mine17:05
walidvbi got that17:05
walidvbthx :)17:05
ikoniawalidvb: all done ?17:05
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ActionPa1snipJelloPop: not sure there dude, sorry17:05
walidvbnot yet17:05
humdrumUnable to locate package.17:06
ikoniawalidvb: no rush, take your time17:06
ActionPa1sniphumdrum: what is the output of:  apt-cache search adobe17:06
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humdrumShould I pastebin it?17:06
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walidvbikonia: but still not working17:08
JelloPopActionPa1snip: Im thinking that since the duration of the video is time so the 160k is not a true 160 kb/ per second... Im going to try 192 kb/ per second I know the file gets larger and the quality dont change because you already compressed and lost audio ...17:08
ikoniawalidvb: ok, now from your local machine "ssh remoteuser@rmeotehost"17:08
ikoniawalidvb: can you define "not working" what happens when you try it17:08
ffr76I help!!!gnome17:09
walidvbdebug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received17:09
walidvbdebug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password17:09
walidvbdebug1: Next authentication method: publickey17:09
walidvbdebug1: Trying private key: /home/username/.ssh/identity17:09
walidvbdebug1: Offering public key: /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa17:09
walidvbdebug1: Server accepts key: pkalg ssh-rsa blen 27717:09
walidvbdebug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed17:09
ikoniawalidvb: stop17:09
walidvbdebug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>17:09
ActionPa1snipwalidvb: use a pastebin please17:09
FloodBot1walidvb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:09
walidvbikonia: sry wrong button on my xchat client17:09
bazhangffr76, whats the issue17:09
ikoniawalidvb: no problem17:09
ikoniawalidvb: don't paste, just "ssh remoteusername@remotehost" what happens, describe what you see17:09
ActionPa1sniphumdrum: did the package name: adobe-flashplugin    not leap out at you?17:10
ActionPa1sniphumdrum: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin17:10
walidvbikonia: well, it asks for a password17:10
ikoniawalidvb: no -v or anything like that17:10
ikoniawalidvb: ok, is it asking you for the key password ?17:10
phil_flwalidb, sounds like a problem on the sshd_config side17:10
ikoniawalidvb: or your username's password ?17:10
ikoniawalidvb: there we go17:11
walidvbok so i should generate a key with no password17:11
humdrumSorry. I was enjoying the spoon feeding, haha. :P17:11
walidvbfor it to be used without typing a password17:11
ikoniawalidvb: if you can keep the private key safe, sure17:11
walidvbi can17:11
ikoniawalidvb: be aware of the huge security risk you are creating17:11
ikoniawalidvb: anyone gets that key, they can login as you without any issue17:11
ikoniawalidvb: go for it then17:12
walidvbthing is, i am running a script that asks for password(and that i didn't write), and it seems that that step is messing the whole thing up.17:12
ikoniawalidvb: you could also look at keeping the password and using gnome-keyring manage to manage it17:12
ffr76bazhang,I do not know17:13
walidvbikonia: i'll try and redo the whole process, this time with no pw ^^17:13
angsI have an old desktop that has 2.40 GHz abd 1 GB RAM. I would like to use it as a webserver. Should I use ubuntu server or desktop ubuntu?17:13
walidvbthank you very much for your time17:13
ActionPa1snipwalidvb: could use zenity to get the pass (if you want a gui box)17:13
walidvb! :)17:13
ActionPa1snipangs: if you need a desktop UI then install the desktop OS17:14
GeorgeJHello folks, I'm trying to install the beta2 of 12.04 and I'm having the same issues I had with 11.10. I've downloaded the ISO and created a bootable USB pendrive. However, syslinux just hangs. Is there any way to avoid this?17:14
JelloPopActionPa1snip: Sucks .mp3 at 192 kbit/s is less then Digital Audio Broadcasting at 256kbit/s.... I imagine the file size would be larger. I know 320 kbit/s is possible highest mp3 quality..17:15
ActionPa1snipGeorgeJ: ask ni #ubuntu+1 for precise support17:15
walidvbikonia: DONE! :) i hope i'll remember this for later17:15
angsI have XP on the desktop, I dont want to have only ubuntu. I dont have a CD. How can I install ubuntu?17:15
walidvbthx again17:15
GeorgeJActionPa1snip: I'm having the same issue with 11.10.17:15
elijahGeminiDomino: Thanks, I will play with it some more. Seems pretty buggy in Pangolin17:15
ActionPa1snipangs: use a USB stick, it can resize your NTFS, be sure to run a full backup before17:15
bazhangangs usb flash stick and unetbootin17:15
humdrumStill no joy. :S17:16
ActionPa1snipGeorgeJ: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?17:16
angsis there any instruction for it?17:16
GeorgeJActionPa1snip: Yes, the hashes match.17:16
walidvbikonia: and i can do the exact same steps on the other side?17:16
Bodsda!unetbootin | angs17:16
ubottuangs: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:16
ratatapaI would like to thank you all my bind and DHCP are working17:17
GeorgeJSyslinux just hangs after it prints the very first line.17:17
ActionPa1snipGeorgeJ: tried a different USB stick or CD brand?17:17
Laiamyay! bind17:17
angsthanks a lot17:17
satyanashDoes Ubuntu have netInstallSupport ?17:17
ratatapaBut is there a way to manually stop DHCP17:17
GeorgeJActionPa1snip: 2 usb pendrives. Same issue.17:17
ActionPa1snipsatyanash: you can use the mini ISO and install from the web17:17
dexafter reading that i have a total different view about the new gui in ubuntu.?17:17
ActionPa1snipGeorgeJ: tested your RAM health using memtest on the USB?17:17
lesshasteI am using uvccapture and the colour changes every timeI get a new frame.  Any ideas why?17:17
satyanashActionPa1snip, How mini is it ?17:17
Laiami feel like i could really have loved plasma if unity hadn't gotten to me first17:17
ActionPa1snipsatyanash: 12Mb17:17
bazhangratatapa, sudo ifdown interface (eth0 eg)17:17
satyanashActionPa1snip, Cool.17:17
ratatapaya but i want my ETH0 to stay up17:17
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:18
GeorgeJActionPa1snip: It doesn't get that far.17:18
ratatapai just wanna stop the DHCP service for now17:18
dexi wonder if windows will follow ?17:18
GeorgeJIt hangs after printing: "SYSLINUX 4.06 EDD 4.06-pre1 Copyright (C) 1994-2011 H. Peter Anvin et al"17:18
angsdo I need LiveUsbPendrivePersistent or InstallationFromUSBStick ?17:18
Seveasratatapa, /etc/init.d/dhcpd stop17:18
ZarroBoogsdex: This channel is for support only, but if you want to discuss your link, #ubuntu-offtopic is available.17:18
hubsingerratatapa: service xxxx stop17:18
angsso the stick will load ubuntu to the desktop?17:19
ratatapadoesn't work seveas17:19
Seveasratatapa, hmm, it may be called different in ubuntu /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server I think17:19
Seveas(I'm using centos for my dhcp server)17:20
humdrumGeorge, have you tried using a live disc - if that's still possible in 12.04+? I've had issues installing via usb where a disc worked fine.17:20
hubsingerratatapa: try it with bash completion - start typing and expand  with tabs17:20
ratatapaLike i said Seveas in /etc/init.d/d  + tab i get no results17:20
GeorgeJhubsinger: I believe I've managed to evade the error by installing 11.10 from the disc in the past. However, I have none available atm.17:21
Seveasratatapa, which dhcp server are you using?17:21
Bodsdaratatapa: hit tab twice17:21
GeorgeJI've currently prepared the usb stick using the universal installer, gonna give unetbootin a go.17:21
alecjwhi there, does anyone know how i can get my perfect system to boot windows by default? i was a bit of a dab hand with old grub, but this new version's beyond me17:21
kneekialecjw: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/how-to-change-grub-boot-order-456724/17:22
steviemanis there a way to temporarly have eth0 get an IP via DHCP? I have my machine setup for static IP at home but I need to get an IP from DHCP where I am located right now. Oh and  I need to be able to do this fomr command line17:23
alecjwkneeki: thats for dapper17:23
alecjwie 6 years ago17:23
alecjwie grub 217:23
alecjw*grub 117:23
emsakydoes anybody here use YATE?17:24
kneekiOh, hm.17:24
alecjwi could do it no problem in dapper17:24
alecjwkneeki: package not found17:25
kneekiAlso, looks like there is an app called 'startupmanager'17:25
alecjwwait, let me check if i've got universe enabled17:25
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:26
angsI am loading ubuntu 10.04 to my usb stick by universal usb installer. then can I install ubuntu my desktop by using the USB stick, like boot CD?17:26
sacarlsonstevieman: sudo dhclient eth017:26
esperantoapt-get source uses /etc/apt/sources.list ,  what does apt-get install uses?17:26
hubsingerangs: yes17:26
alecjwargh, ubuntu changes too fast17:26
alecjwthe instructions on that page dont apply any more17:26
ZarroBoogsesperanto: same thing.17:27
ZarroBoogsesperanto: specifically, source uses the deb-src lines, while install uses the deb lines17:27
ActionPa1snipesperanto: the sources create lists of packages and the sources17:27
steviemansacarlson, apparently I need to use the service?17:27
hubsingerangs:  you might have to tweak the boot order settings17:27
esperantoZarroBoogs: thanx, you really helped me.17:28
sacarlsonstevieman: why so you can shut down network-manager?17:28
angshubsinger: thanks, I already set the boot order. Now I will try to install ubuntu17:28
alecjwanyone else know how i might change the boot order in grub2?17:28
ActionPa1snipEscherial: seems to be in /var/lib/apt/lists/17:29
hubsingerangs: there shouldn't be any difference between cd/dvd/usb except that usb is faster17:29
steviemansacarlson, when I did a sudo dhclient eth0 I got: Ranther than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, e.g. service smbd reload17:29
ActionPa1sniphubsinger: and no moving parts so more reliable17:29
LinuxApprenticecan someone help me? i think i have the wrong firmware/drivers loaded for my b43 because a wifi network that i know is present (can connect to it on win xp) is not showing up but other ones are???/17:29
ActionPa1snipLinuxApprentice: can you give the output of: sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a; dmesg | grep -i firm17:30
sacarlsonstevieman:  try man dhclient ;   dhclient is not a service like the server side17:30
LinuxApprenticeActionPa1snip, http://pastie.org/372206817:32
angshubsinger: thank you, it is my first time to install linux from usb. I just wanted to make sure. thanks a lot17:32
hubsingerstevieman: that's because one should use the upstart jobs - atm "/etc/init.d/xxx start" and "service xxx start" do the same17:32
humdrumActionPa1snip, I'm grateful for all your help however I'm still unable to view flash videos.17:32
sacarlsonstevieman: when I run it I get There is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.pid with pid 403917:32
bazhanghumdrum, did you disable hw acelleartion in fullscreen flash?17:33
guruguruhi anybody here?17:33
bazhanghumdrum, acceleration17:33
humdrumNo. Not that I know of.17:33
HasuppaIs it possible to connect a NAS directly to the PC's ethernet port (Oneiric, Gnome) and browse the contents of the disk? I am connected at the same time to the internet via a WLAN USB dongle and do not want to sever the WLAN connection.17:34
guruguruyes, why not?17:34
sacarlsonhubsinger: there is no upstart for dhclient;  is there?17:35
alecjwanyone know how i might set my perfect system to boot windows by default?17:36
LordXe-gnuis anybody else seeing problems with the latest thunderbird (running 11.10)? it just keeps hanging on me right after it updated.  No particular way to trigger it that I see, but it happens every hour or two17:36
alecjwi could do it easily in grub legacy, but grub2 is beyond me17:36
kneekialecjw: I just used the startupmanager app to do it. Granted, I'm not all that Linux savvy, but it worked on my Ubuntu 11.10.17:37
alecjwkneeki: it isnt in the repositories17:37
kneekialecjw: sudo apt-get install startupmanager || sudo startupmanger17:37
hylianI have fallen in love all over again with Ubuntu. Not with Unity, which is slowly getting not so atrocious, but with Gnome 3 in classic mode. I feel like I have come back home after being away for a couple of years, and it feels good to be home.17:37
kneekiHrm, it's in mine.17:37
Nephrobazhang, could that hardware acceleration cause problems when trying to watch flash videos in fullscreen? If I load up a video, make it fullscreen, it'll work fine, but if I leave fullscreen and try to switch back to it, it'll just view a frozen screenshot of the browser and stream the sound17:37
sacarlsonalecjw: there is a nice grub2 gui in ppa  grub-customizer17:37
bahamashello. is there an application installed by default that can take pictures with the webcam?17:37
bazhangNephro, not sure, I was referring to the dark/blue screen after the latest flash update17:38
sacarlsonbahamas: not by default as far as I know but many you can install17:38
steviemanhubsinger, When I try /etc/init.d/dhclient restart/start/reload I get: Command not found. When I try sudo service dhclient start I get: unrecognized service17:38
alecjwkneeki: it isnt in the repos17:38
BliepoWhen loading content rich pages with Firefox, it gets incredibly slow. It will temporarely even get a gray overlay from something as simple as scrolling. I do not have these problems using Windows. Ubuntu 11.10, all updates installed.17:39
zykotick9stevieman: dhclient isn't a service17:39
hubsingerzykotick9: thx - you where faster ;-)17:39
steviemanzykotick9, I know that17:39
kneekialecjw: Hmm... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager17:40
steviemanzykotick9, I was saying that when I use dhclient it's telling me it is a sevice17:40
hylianBliepo, I have had the same problem. I have been using chomium-browser since. (Google Chrome for Linux).17:40
kneekiLooks like you have to check the 'community-maintained' box.17:40
kneekiThen do an 'sudo apt-get update'17:40
sacarlsonstevieman: what version of ubuntu are you running?  sudo dhclient eth0 ; works find in 10.04 and 11.1017:40
hylianBliepo, i made a typo, chromium-browser.17:40
hubsingerstevieman: yes , sry i missed that17:40
humdrumBazhang, I don't get a blue screen but a black box... I've purged flashplugin-installer, enabled partner repo and installed adobeflash-installer. Still no joy.17:41
Bliepohylian, thanks for the suggestion, but I would like to try and fix it first, before considering switching browsers17:41
zykotick9hylian: chromium != google chrome (for gnu/linux)17:41
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:41
steviemansacarlson, 11.1017:41
steviemanhubsinger, no problem17:41
LinuxApprenticeActionPa1snip, any ideas?17:42
sacarlsonstevieman: I'm running 10.04 at the moment maybe I should verify?17:42
steviemansacarlson, oh looks like it worked even though it tossed that message17:42
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details17:42
sacarlsonstevieman: maybe you didn't read the message17:42
angshow to install firewall on ubuntu?17:42
hylianzykotick9, yeah. but if you try sudo apt-get install chromium, you get a fun space shooter instead of the Google Chrome browser. so you have to add the chromium-browser to it. (But the shooter is fun too...) :o17:43
GeorgeJThere seem to be quite a lot of people that are experiencing syslinux hangs.17:43
ClundHi all, my firefox addon manager and adress bar doesn't work. I reinstalled it totally (apt-get remove, deleting ~/.mozilla, install it again). whether entering site via adress type and enter nor with the green arrow. addon manager (via extras) shows an loading circle, nothing else. screenshots: http://www.eugenecomputergeeks.com/s1.jpg http://www.eugenecomputergeeks.com/s2.jpg17:43
steviemansacarlson, no I read it, I had to type it out here since it's on a different machine17:43
zykotick9hylian: that will change soon, chromium-browser was renamed to chromium in newer debian, so that should trickle down to ubuntu17:43
bazhang!ufw | angs17:44
ubottuangs: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.17:44
steviemansacarlson, anyways, thank you I got my IP that I need17:44
alecjwsacarlson: i can't find the grub2 ppa, what username is it under?17:44
hubsingerangs: you could use ufw for example17:44
bazhangangs gufw if you need a gui17:44
alecjwsorry, i'm an ubuntu n00t17:44
hylianBliepo, that would be great. But this problem has been around a while with no real solution. I hope you solve it.17:44
sacarlsonalecjw: grub2-customizer ?17:44
sacarlsonalecjw: maybe grub-customizer17:44
alecjwi thought you said i need to add a ppa first?17:44
hylianzykotick9, hmm, makes me wonder what the repo package name for the space shooter will be.17:45
Bliepohylian, my best guess is video hardware acceleration going wrong, but that is just a guess17:45
sacarlsonalecjw: https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer17:45
zykotick9hylian: chromium-bsu or something similar as i recall17:45
alecjwsacarlson: actually bear with me a moment, i think i might have better results after an apt-get update17:45
xslguys, how do i remove unity bar from second monitor?17:46
hylianBliepo, i don't think so. i also run a very simple version of linux called Slitaz, and I don't see this problem there after installing Firefox. ff runs smooth as silk on Slitaz...??17:46
angs<bazhang> thanks17:46
alecjwsacarlson: thanks, it's installing now17:46
Clundxsl: mabe strg + right-click -> remove bar17:47
sacarlsonalecjw: ya hope it gets into main stream soon17:47
i7cis there a nice tool to encrypt usb drives or folders?17:47
xslClund: in Unity ?17:47
Clundwas only an idea17:48
xslClund: strg= what key is that?17:48
sacarlsoni7c: I think you can use nautilus right click and pick encrypt17:48
guruguruhi, which is the best ubuntu laptop? anybody can help me?17:48
Clundsry (i am german)17:48
GeminiDominoI can never remember how to remove xorg completely... anyone have that info in active swap by any chance?17:48
BliepoNow that I think about it: it might also be my videocard. It's been giving problems for some time now, using both windows and ubuntu17:48
hyliani7c, i know there is, but the name escapes me. if you want i'll see if i can dig it up.17:48
xslClund:  no, it does not show any options on Unity Bar17:48
guruguruhi, which is the best ubuntu laptop? anybody can help me?17:49
Clundok, then i have no idea17:49
i7chylian: take your time ;)17:49
alecjwsacarlson: i have grub customizer open now but i cant work out how to set the default boot?17:49
alecjwi miss legacy grub, it was so much easier17:49
xslguruguru: try lenovo... i have one and i like it17:49
hylianguruguru, that question is a little vague. best on what? ubuntu laptop in comparison to what?17:49
alecjwi'd just open /boot/grub/menu.lst, add "default saved" and add "savedefault" to the windows option17:49
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DeifyedHey. I'm trying to install ubuntu 11.10 desktop on a computer from USB, but it wont boot. I get a message saying "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!"17:49
humdrumSo it seems nobody has a definitive solution to the flash update problem. Perhaps I should ask at the Ubuntu forums? Also, thanks to those who have tried to help.17:49
sacarlsoni7c: I'm not sure I had to install anything for the nautilus, it might be a plugin I forgot,  but you should look to see if it's already there17:49
guruguruto use ubuntu17:49
japrohi is there a way to suppress disk caching for dvds? i have an external player that is really loud and i'd rather have it run at "reasonable" speeds while watching a dvd instead of going full blast trying to fill the cache17:49
jsteven5Hi all, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a new machine (Gigabyte motherboard, Radeon graphics card).  The LIveCD keeps hanging.  The AlternateCD gets partly completed, then hangs.  It won't respond to CTRL-ALT-F1 etc.  How can I find out what is causing the problem?17:50
i7csacarlson: gotta install nautilus first then :D thanks for the hint17:50
zykotick9alecjw: the line GRUB_DEFAULT=0 is the default to boot, in the file /etc/default/grub (don't forget "sudo update-grub" after any changes)17:50
kneekijsteven5: Have you tried checking your RAM?17:50
i7csacarlson: i'm not on gnome.17:50
sacarlsoni7c: oh your not running standard desktop?  nautilus is included17:50
hyliani7c, will you need to gain access to the data from another os? (i.e. windows 7, MacOs, etc?)17:51
alecjwzykotick9: yup, but once i've changed that to "saved", how do i specify the default?17:51
i7csacarlson: no, lxde. hylian: nope, just from linux itself is fine i guess.17:51
zykotick9alecjw: that i don't know, sorry.  good luck.17:51
jsteven5I started on the Memory check on the liveCD, but stopped at about 50% complete to try some other options.  I can give it another go, but it will take a few hours.17:51
humdrumguruguru, you might find this site useful: http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/17:51
DeifyedHey. I'm trying to install ubuntu 11.10 desktop on a computer from USB, but it wont boot. I get a message saying "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" Any ideas?17:52
moesalecjw, are you trying to change the default boot in grub 217:52
alecjwmoes: yup, i want to boot windows by default17:52
i7cDeifyed: the installation does  not boot?17:52
alecjwoh, i miss the good old days of dapper17:52
alecjwwhen everything was easy17:52
ClundHi all, my firefox addon manager and adress bar doesn't work. I reinstalled it totally (apt-get remove, deleting ~/.mozilla, install it again). whether entering site via adress type and enter nor with the green arrow. addon manager (via extras) shows an loading circle, nothing else. screenshots: http://www.eugenecomputergeeks.com/s1.jpg http://www.eugenecomputergeeks.com/s2.jpg17:52
hyliani7c, well then I would suggest truecrypt. first of all, it's open source. and it's easy. here's a how to guide: http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/11/12/encrypting-a-filesystem-with-truecrypt-on-ubuntu/17:53
DeifyedHey. I'm trying to install ubuntu 11.10 desktop on a computer from USB, but it wont boot. I get a message saying "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" Any ideas?17:53
moesalecjw, sudo /etc/default/grub then set the number of your windows position starting with zero17:53
markssI havent been able to find anything that says what Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid will be doing for Thunderbird once Thunderbird 3.1 is End-Of-Life'd on 2012-04-24. Presumably upgrading to Thunderbird 11, but I would have expected that to have happened already, or at least be talked about like the Firefox 10 transition was. Anyone know if Lucid's Thunderbird will just be left at 3.1 or if there is an upgrade plan to Thunderbird 11? (Note this is for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid).17:53
markss Thanks.17:53
kbrosnanClund: something is still messed up in your install, looks like a lot of the ui is missing17:54
hyliani7c, that guide is still pretty useful, but it's a little old, so if yo9u need help setting it up, perhaps I can help17:54
alecjwmoes: so i have to change it every time i have a kernel update?17:54
alecjwthat would be very inconvenient17:54
i7chylian: thanks a lot! :) i'll tell ya when i need help.17:54
Clundcould be.17:54
Clundmaybe installing without xserver ?17:54
i7cDeifyed: it does not boot from usb? how did you prepare your usb drive?17:55
Clundin runlevel 2 ?17:55
alecjwi want something equivelant to what i used to do with grub legacy: i'd add "savedefault" to the windows menu item, and set "default saved"17:55
jsteven5kneeki: I can try the ram test again.  I thought that it might be the radeon card, because I could get further by setting some kernel options (radeon.modeset=0), but I don't think that would cause problems in the alternate CD.17:55
Deifyedi7c: Followed the guide on ubuntu.com. I'm able to boot it on my laptop, but not my desktop.17:55
Clundkbrosnam: should i install it in rulevel 2?17:57
alecjwanyone? im still looking to make my perfect installation boot windows by default17:57
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hylianDeifyed, what did you use to set up the usb key? unetbootin?17:57
DeifyedI used the "Universal USB Installer"17:58
harveyboscohi, i am using ubunty 10.04.  also using firefox 11.0, along with thunderbird 11.0.1.  problem i have is; whenever i click on a url link in thunderbird,firefox shows up minimized along bottom tray, i would lk the firefox windo to pop up on the screen...any ideas how to fix this17:58
i7cDeifyed: any errors when setting up? did you select the right version of ubuntu in the usb installer?17:59
angswhen pc is powered up, ubuntu asks password for the log in, how can I disable this option?18:00
angsI want to see the desktop when it is booted18:00
Deifyedi7c: No errors and right version yes.18:00
hylianDeifyed, i suggest, if you have ubuntu installed, that you wipe the usb key, set up the partition as fat 32, and then install and use unetbootin. i have very few problems with it. you will need an iso or cd of ubuntu though.18:01
chaseX@angs: You can set it in System->Administration->Login Screen18:01
sacarlsonalecjw: I'm not sure how you can get much easier than grub-customizer http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/grub-customizer-20-can-change-default.html18:02
bobweaverDoes anyone know where to get this how much it costs . Is it real ? does it work on deb systems or only rpm ? ect   http://www.hepsia.com/ .Talk about bad advertising, All I can find is demo lol18:02
Deifyedhylian: Okey, I'll try that. Thanks.18:02
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dexter76hello guys, i am tying to install a VM on a fresh ubuntu oneiric, and whatever ISO i would use as --location i have "Could not find an installable distribution" error18:03
hylianDeifyed, no problem. I have been using unetbootin for all my installs since 9.04. i don't burn cd's anymore. I use it a ton, because I run a Ubuntu based computer business.18:03
dexter76any ideas what to check?18:03
Deifyedhylian: Sounds promising. Ill give it a try :)18:04
angschaseX: thanks18:04
angsI will connect ubuntu remotely. Do you recommend me to use TeamViewer or another better program?18:04
hyliandexter76, what vm software are you using?18:04
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dexter76hylian: i am trying with virt-install18:04
dexter76and over xen18:04
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bobweaverdexter76,  are you using virt-manager ?18:05
hyliandexter76, never monked with that. sorry, i don't know. I have used virtualbox extensively, but not virt install. are you referring to ubuntu windows install?18:05
i7cangs: maybe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VNC18:05
dexter76bobweaver, no there is no X18:05
angsi7c: thanks18:06
chaseXangs: Teamviewer is one of many options, VNC is another or just directly X connection18:06
savage2005does ubuntu have a service to send documents to a fax machine?18:06
dexter76hylian: nope, ubuntu- and I tried already ubuntu, debian, centos, fedora ....18:06
io!info efax-gtk | savage200518:07
ubottusavage2005: efax-gtk (source: efax-gtk): front end in GTK+ for the efax program. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.8-1 (oneiric), package size 648 kB, installed size 1964 kB18:07
hyliandexter76, sorry, wish I was fluent with it.18:07
iosavage2005: yes, see above18:07
bobweaverdexter76,  what is command you are putting in to get virtual os running ?18:07
kameHi. I want to make a partition whit    sudo mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/sdb1     but I get the error        mkdosfs: /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted file system.18:07
kamewhat can I do?18:08
angshow can I add team viewer to the start up, so that if the PC is restarted teamviewer would be started at the beginning?18:08
* hylian is using 12.04 beta, and it is running like a swiss watch!18:08
dexter76bobweaver: virt-install  -n fedora -f /dev/ubuntusrv/fedora -r 256 -l /root/src/Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso18:08
dexter76bobweaver : already tried all combination, but have always the same error "Could not find an installable distribution at"...18:09
zykotick9dexter76: you might want to try libvirt/virt-manager support is #virt on irc.oftc.net if you don't get an answer here18:09
bobweaverdexter76, not sure if I can help but is   /root/src/Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso  on a loop ?18:09
dexter76bobweaver already tried to mount, same error18:09
dexter76zykotick9: thanks!18:10
sacarlsonsavage2005: yes I've setup fax from ubuntu before but you need a phone line and a modem that is supported with fax modes18:11
bobweaversorry dexter76  maybe try #ubuntu-server or #xen ?18:11
bobweaverI always use virt-manager or kvm for that matter sorry18:11
angelbrozhello there, i want to run in background a program and save the PID in a file named myprogram.pid, i have this, this run the program in background ./myprogram > /dev/null & , but how i get the PID to save it in myprogram.pid?18:13
hylianangelbroz, sorry, never even heard of a PID before... what does the acronym mean?18:14
i7chylian: o.O he's talking about the process id, i'd guess18:14
angelbrozprocess id18:15
sacarlsonangelbroz: it would be a bash thing it would take me a bit to find it, but you might also ask in #bash or google in bash for examples18:15
hyliani7c, ahh. I guess I'm not hip on all these acronyms. I must be an old hippy. :)18:15
i7cangelbroz: the process id of the current bash is $$18:15
i7chylian: :D18:15
hyliannitenik__, hello18:16
angelbrozi7c: ohh $! is the last PID executed, so i run it and then call $!, maybe that works18:17
nitenik__hylian how can 1 use 2 monitors on ubuntu 11.1018:17
nitenik__i hawe nvidia 8600gts18:17
hyliannitenik__, do you have both monitors plugged in?18:17
hyliannitenik__, i meant to the computer, not to electricity.18:17
sddhrthrthey! why do i have to do sudo modprobe vboxdrv everytime i boot?18:18
angshow can I see what is the password of root?18:18
nitenik__hylian i hope it was a joke18:18
sddhrthrtto run Virtualbox, that is.18:18
hyliannitenik__, yep. :)18:18
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nitenik__hylian but it behaves like a disconnected18:19
kameI cant use "emerge" ? Why not?18:19
kameit this a feature of gentoo?18:19
nitenik__sorry for my language - i did't have praktice alot18:20
hyliannitenik__, i guess what I am saying is, after pluggin both monitors in, you did not get use of the second monitor at all? there are 2 modes, one copies the desktop of the first monitor to the second. the other mode makes one continous desktop out of the two monitors. it isn't doing this?18:20
hyliannitenik__, clicking on your username on the top right of 11.10 or 12.04 will give you the option for displays, what do you see there?18:21
ShappyHello o/18:21
hylianShappy, hello18:21
nitenik__ok ill try18:21
ShappyI have a network place set up (SSH) and now it fails to connect. That's not a problem but why does the whole top bar freezes while it's trying to connect? That's as dumb as when Windows is discovering network. I though Ubuntu could do better.18:22
hylianShappy, i use ssh to connect to a long distance computer all the time. I don't have that problem...??18:23
Shappyhylian, this is a network place (Places > Connect to server...), not inside the terminal18:23
i7cShappy: use the terminal. much more fun :)18:24
ShappyI use the terminal for other fun stuff over SSH18:24
ShappyThis is for SFTP18:24
i7cShappy: mount the remote computer with sshfs... then you can use it in GUI18:24
hyliani7c, Shappy, sorry. i am so used to the terminal emulator, that I didn't think about the question. I never use my ssh'ed connection that way...18:24
i7chylian: me neither. i'm faster in terminal ^^18:25
ShappyThere are people who do better in a GUI when they are juggling withfiles18:25
angshow can I add a program in the start-up?18:25
ShappyEspecially if these people are used to Windows18:25
sacarlsonShappy: I use nautilus with sftp all the time without any problems,  maybe a dns lookup problem?18:26
Shappysacarlson, the problem is not that it can't connect. The problem is that the top bar of the X freezes while it's trying to connect.18:26
i7cangs: i think you can make a .desktop file. if i remember right it supports autostart stuff18:26
ShappyI have to wait till it times out18:26
hylianangs, if you install alacarte, it is pretty easy to add menu entries with.18:26
ShappyAnd that's dumb18:27
ShappyIt makes me assume that the whole bar is a single-threaded app18:27
sacarlsonShappy: I'm not sure I run 10.04 so maybe it's a unity thing?18:27
angshylian: thanks18:27
Shappysacarlson, I have 10.04 too18:27
ShappyFreshly installed18:27
laSt_duDehi! I added a menuentry into grub2's  40_custom, but it won't show up when i boot. Anyone know what could be the problem? thanks18:27
kneekiWhenever I attempt to use the Windows Key + and start typing to search via Gnome3, gnome crashes (and sub sequentially restarts). This just started today and persists after a restart. Here is my ~/.xsession-errors file: http://pastebin.com/y2ziSzdG18:28
hylianShappy, maybe i can get the same problem to happen here. what exactly are you using to ssh? maybe i can find something...18:28
sacarlsonShappy: well the system I connect to is on my local lan so maybe I just have never seen the problem before18:28
hylianShappy, and i connect to sdf.org's free shell access via ssh. so i am not a whole lot of help either...18:29
Shappyhylian, I'm connecting to an SSH location via Places > Connect to server... > SSH, it opens an SFTP connection. While it's connecting it freezes. You usually don't notice it because it connects instantly but if can't it'll just hang and wait for timeout18:29
hylianShappy, ill try that and see what happens18:29
bencc2I'm trying to configure and build xserver and getting a warning: unrecognized options: --with-fontdir, --with-dri-driver-path. http://dpaste.com/726381/18:29
ShappyWhile it's connecting the whole top bar (Applications, Places, System) is useless18:29
ShappyNot responding18:29
bencc2is there something I can do to fix it?18:29
moeslaSt_duDe, Did you run sudo update-grub after the changes18:30
hylianShappy, it worked perfectly for me, i continously was clicking applecations on/off. I am running 12.04 beta though, so prehaps they have solved this issue?18:31
laSt_duDeno do i HAVE to do this?18:31
Shappyhylian, have you tried connecting to a non-existing location like ssh://am.not.here.com ?18:31
hylianShappy, no, but let me try that now...18:31
LordDragonhey all18:31
LordDragoni just installed 11.1018:32
ShappyAlso try an existing location that doesn't respond thou I can't say any right now18:32
LordDragonand it randomy keeps greying the screen and i cant do anything18:32
sacarlsonShappy: I even try connect to an ip the doesn't exist and it times out in about 3 secounds so maybe my time out is set different?18:32
moeslaSt_duDe, It will show you what your menu18:32
Shappysacarlson, probably because it instantly tracks down that the destination doesn't exist18:32
laSt_duDei will try, thanks alot moes18:32
ShappyI know, try google.com18:33
ShappyIt doesn't respond18:33
ShappySo it'll have to time out18:33
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hylianShappy, I still had no problems with the bar on top. This could be because I am using Gnome 3 in classic mode, or because I am using Ubuntu 12.04 beta... or who knows what other reason... sorry.18:33
GeorgeJIs there any tool that help me install ubuntu over a network? Preferable a 1-click-boot tool.18:33
Shappyhylian, just for the heck of it try connecting to google.com with Connect to server... via SSH18:33
laSt_duDehmm still wont load my custom menuentry18:34
hylianShappy, you  bet, here i go into oblivion, LOL18:34
sacarlsonGeorgeJ: I've been doing some research on pxe auto install but have failed in a few attempts with kickstart18:34
sacarlsonGeorgeJ: my next bet would be to try preceed or another I found in ppa18:35
hylianShappy, again, applications and places stay fully useable. I never connect to google, ofcoarse... some google admin somewhere is going "what in tarnation..."18:35
ShappyThen I don't know, I can no longer reproduce it either since to what I'm trying to connect is responding again18:36
sacarlsonGeorgeJ: this was what I had planed to try next to automate install over pxe http://fai-project.org/download/18:37
hylianShappy, my system is just too different from yours, not just in hardware. I really tweak my version of Ubuntu. who knows what is causing the problem.18:37
GeorgeJsacarlson:  A cross-platform solution would be nice.18:37
sacarlsonGeorgeJ: oh then that's perfect for you fai18:37
hylianShappy, sorry i wasn't very helpful. :(18:38
savage2005how do i do a manual install?18:38
GeorgeJsacarlson: Syslinux is giving me headaches with an usb drive and I've got no CD available :(18:38
Shappyhylian, it's fine18:38
sacarlsonGeorgeJ: oh if it's only a single system you don't need auto install then18:38
GeorgeJsacarlson: I don't need auto install, yes.18:39
MarcellinaHow do I install the older version of nvidia-current?18:39
MarcellinaIt's 295x but I need 290x18:40
hylianShappy, if it happens again, maybe you could log out of unity and try another desktop environment. then if the problem goes away, you have a direction to go with this. Only a thought...18:40
sacarlsonGeorgeJ: there are tons of docs on pxe boot these are my personal notes on my successes http://pastebin.com/WtjDbDzv  I can tell you that 10.04 doesn't work without adding things to initrd18:41
Shappyhylian, again, I'm on 10.04 without Unity18:42
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hylianShappy, oops, missed that post. :018:43
omrihello can someone help im on 11.10 and want to disable synflood protection completely it disconnects my internet while downloading with bittorent18:44
bekksomri: take a look at /etc/sysctl.conf18:45
hylianomri, never heard of it. if you don't mind I could see what I can dig up...18:45
hylianbekks, thanks, dude!18:45
GeorgeJsacarlson: Thank you for the info, however the only system I've got available currently is a Winblows.18:46
sacarlsonGeorgeJ: sorry I'm not a windows guy,  maybe run virtualbox in windows and run the pxe server in that18:46
GeorgeJsacarlson: Hehe, it's allright, thank you anyway.18:47
MarcellinaIs there no way to downgrade the nvidia driver?18:47
GeorgeJI'm wondering if I should report this bug on the ubuntu bug list, it might be a syslinux bug.18:47
omribekks thanks for reply i did try disable cookies then it just drops request i tried increasing the amount of half open connections to 1024 and then it doesnt download at all18:48
taekanyone ever use the lorex security camera hardware?18:49
kapcom01_i have ubuntu 11.04 on a virtual appliance and while it can ping local mashines and it can resolve ip addresses for internet domains (nslookup works) it cannot find the route to internet mashines (ping: unknown host google.com)18:49
taek I am trying to find a client or software that will allow me to view them from ubuntu18:50
taekAnyone can recommend software for remote viewing of lorex security cameras?.18:51
sacarlsontaek: the system I see looks like a complete system that any system with a browser can use it18:52
taekI wish, it requires safari with a plugin, which can only be used on mac18:53
sacarlsonteak: ubuntu with firefox can emulate a safari browser18:55
kbrosnansacarlson: only user agent18:55
kbrosnantaek: ^18:55
taekIt wont run the plugin.18:55
kbrosnannothing about how safari browses18:56
sacarlsonteak: no your right it won't18:56
taekI've thought to try the user agent switcher to get anything j ust ask to l oad the plugin.18:56
tiger77Hello in here. Is there anyone of you who can help me with Amsn?18:57
sacarlsontaeK: funny they point out that it's works with PC (Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP) compatible using Internet Explorer browser18:57
taekI've tried that with my laptop running 7, all i got was a blank page, also in windows they recommend using the lorex client18:58
taekI could try to run it in wine, but something tells me it wont work18:58
buckfastI need a simple script that copyes a folder to another drive on system startup, could someone help?18:58
benny924debian sid18:59
bazhangbenny924, you need debian support?18:59
benny924no thanks19:00
taekI will try lorex client in wine, see if it works at all19:00
tiger77I have a problem with my webcam. i am using a laptop with in ingraded. But after i started using my webcam i can't send any messages. I look in the configuration and find out that i am behind a firewalled router. What can i do?19:01
benny924i have today upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 on 11.10 with xfce desktop enviroment :)19:01
taektiger77: you can  setup port-forwarding in your router19:01
tiger77teak: And how do i do that?19:02
JamesJRHHello, how do I lock my WiFi's regulatory country code? I keep setting it, but Network Manager is being a stupid pain in the arse and switching it back again.19:03
KM0201tiger77: that really depends on your router, you'd have to check your router's documentation19:03
taekTiger77  first you need to find the right ports, then look in the user manual of your router on how to set it19:03
tiger77Where do i find my router then. I am using a Usb dongle19:04
KM0201regulatory country code?   guess not being a world traveler, i've never heard of such a thing19:04
KM0201tiger77: your router is what is broadcasting your wireless signal (it's probably attatched to your modem)19:04
tiger77I have no manuel over my usb-dongle. It's just plug'n'play19:05
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JamesJRHKM0201: Governs channels and TX power.19:05
taekLorex Client crashes in wine!19:05
GeorgeJHas anyone managed to fix this issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1779418 ?19:05
bekkstaek: Then contact the Lorex support :)19:05
taekGeorgeJ: if you  have windows, I suggest using LiLi to create the bootable USB19:06
taekjust google Lili  it will be the first hit19:06
GeorgeJtaek: Does Lili fix this issue?19:07
tiger77taek: Where can i setup my port and how?19:07
KM0201the fact this is happening with usb creator and unetbootin, the odds of lili working are slim.... i'm guessing he is getting a busybox issue19:07
KM0201tiger77: if you don't have access to a router, you can't19:07
taekLiLi  has always created a proper bootable  usb flash drive.19:07
KM0201GeorgeJ: did the screen say something about "busybox"19:07
KM0201taek: well, for me, usb creator and unetbootin have always worked as well... if he is having an issue w/ both of those, i'm guessing there's some other underlying issue, that lili is not going to resolve19:08
GeorgeJKM0201: No, the machine just hangs after displaying the syslinux copyright.19:08
tiger77How can i then turn off my webcam on my laptop? And will i then be aple to send messages on msn?19:08
GeorgeJKM0201: I get no prompt, nothing. Just a flashing cursor.19:08
RafaleMgreat, so I found a IRC network that is active :)19:08
taekCould very well be a corrupted download of the ISO19:08
KM0201GeorgeJ: sometimes booting USB, can be very finicky (depending on the usb drive believe it or not)... i've had some USB drives that boot perfectly, and others that don't do it a tall.19:09
RafaleMwhat are you guys talking about?19:09
KM0201GeorgeJ: what model USB drive?19:09
GeorgeJKM0201: The pendrive I use has worked on other machines, and I've tried more pendrives on this one, same issue.19:09
beandogKM0201: yahp, I can back that one up.19:09
GeorgeJAn Adata s10219:09
taekGeorgeJ did you happen to check the checksum after the iso downloaded?19:09
GeorgeJtaek: I did.19:10
KM0201GeorgeJ: ok, then it comes down to a hardware issue on the machine you're trying to boot, vs an external issue.19:10
GeorgeJI suspect it's a hardware issue.19:10
taekGeorgeJ:  have you attempted to default the bios and trying then on the netbook?19:10
GeorgeJI'm also having the same problems with 12.0419:10
KM0201that seems to be the most obvious GeorgeJ ...19:10
GeorgeJIt's a laptop, an Acer Aspire 5750G19:11
taekHave you tried with an older release?.19:11
KM0201GeorgeJ: does it have an optical drive?19:11
GeorgeJThe same pendrive works on nother machines, so that pretty much slims it down.19:11
taek10.04 KTS for example19:11
KM0201LTS will not solve this problem19:11
GeorgeJtaek: I remember I have, and it worked afaik, however older releases don't support my graphics card.19:11
GeorgeJBooting the drive worked atleast.19:12
taekNo but you could upgrade from that.19:12
KM0201GeorgeJ: can you burn a CD?19:12
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GeorgeJKM0201: Sadly, no. That's how I installed last time.19:12
GeorgeJI've got no CD available currently.19:12
ShepersonI have a parition /dev/sda10 which is about 232GB (ext4) and is empty, but df says that 220GB is available?19:12
KM0201so it's not that you *can't*.. you just don't have one available.. big difference19:13
Shepersonwhat is wrong with it?19:13
KM0201GeorgeJ: what *I* would try... is 1. try installing from a CD, see if that resolves the problem.19:13
GeorgeJKM0201: Indeed, I've expressed myself wrong.19:13
JamesJRHI've tried 'sudo iw reg set XX' and loading cfg80211 with the option 'ieee80211_regdom=XX'. The latter briefly does the right thing, but then something, presumably NM, reverts it.19:14
GeorgeJKM0201: As I've got no CD available, I'm thinking of  doing a netboot.19:14
KM0201GeorgeJ: if that doesn't work, try putting the ISO on the USB, and download/burn Plop Boot manager.... boot the CD, and use Plop to boot the USB.  I strongly suspect this is a hardware issue on that laptop, just not sure what it is.19:14
KM0201GeorgeJ: you can try a netboot, i've never had luck w/ them though19:14
GeorgeJCrazy ideea, can I not install grub on the said usd pendrive?19:14
taekYou could us e grub4dos19:14
KM0201GeorgeJ: you can install grub anywhere you want, if you use the advanced setup.19:15
taekGrub4Dos allows booting  ISO files through grub19:15
GeorgeJThere's several people having the same issue I do and sadly there's no solution so far.19:15
KM0201GeorgeJ: but i don't see how you think this is going to solve your problem19:15
iarfenI have problems with flash (I can't see it with firefox), what I can do??19:15
GeorgeJKM0201: Installed from a CD works, as I've done it before.19:15
KM0201GeorgeJ: i seriously doubt there's "no solution so far"19:15
KM0201GeorgeJ: so.. there's a solution19:16
KM0201iarfen: 10.04?19:16
GeorgeJKM0201: Not to the original problem which is installing ubuntu from an usb pen drive.19:16
beandogAlso, sometimes it will seem like it hangs, when really it's just processing data.  That's happened to me on my netbook19:16
iarfenKM0201: I have ubuntu 10.1019:16
KM0201GeorgeJ: well, like i said, i gave you what are your likely two options19:16
KM0201iarfen: upgrade to a supported release19:17
GeorgeJKM0201: Yup, thank you.19:17
JamesJRHThis whole regulatory domain thing is a load of rubbish. If I use a laptop from one country in an other country, there should be a simple way to set the reg.19:17
markgiffordhey guys. 12.04 beta2, Unity issue. When I press Super + Left/Right/Up/Down (to max/min the app window) the Unity "Keyboard Shortcuts" overlay appears immediately after. Anyone know how to amend this?19:18
ZarroBoogsmarkgifford : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.19:18
markgiffordoops, will do19:18
KM0201!precise | markgifford19:18
ubottumarkgifford: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:18
KM0201then uninstall unity, and your problems will be solved19:18
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RafaleMhey people, i'm using gnome 2.32 right now (unity in classic mode)19:19
RafaleMcan I install KDE side by side to gnome, just to test it?19:19
bazhangRafaleM, kubuntu-desktop package, choose at login window19:20
KM0201RafaleM: yes, but it can get messy (all the apps it integrates, etc..) if you try to remove it.. best bet, download/burn a kubuntu ISO and test run it19:20
RafaleMok, thanks for the tip19:21
RafaleMbut if I like it, can i make it replace gnome without uninstalling ubuntu?19:21
KM0201RafaleM: i wish there wwas a way to keep the two GUI'ss totally separate (own menus, etc..) but i've not found a way to do that.19:21
KM0201RafaleM: i would think so... not sure exactly what you'd need to remove, but you should be able to.19:22
bazhang!purekde | RafaleM19:22
ubottuRafaleM: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »19:22
RafaleMKM0201: yeah, it would be nice19:22
GeorgeJtaek: LiLi doesn't work either sadly.19:22
iarfenKM0201: Can I upgrade to that without reinstalling all??19:22
KM0201good link bazhang19:22
GeorgeJI'm going to give grub a spin, hopefully I'll be able to install it on the thumbdrive.19:22
KM0201iarfen: yes19:23
GeorgeJI've allready got a version of ubuntu intalled, can I used that to boot into the iso?19:23
KM0201!upgrade | iarfen19:23
ubottuiarfen: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:23
taek GeorgeJ  why not  just dist-upgrade?19:23
KM0201iarfen: 10.10 is supported for about 3 more weeks, but I wouldn't get your hopes up on any major upgrades coming down the pipe in these last few weeks19:23
RafaleMi'm a relatively new user of ubuntu, I installed it about 3 weeks, gnome is good, but maybe i would like more the kde (sorry the english)19:23
KM0201thsu why i suggested to upgrade19:23
GeorgeJtaek: Hehe, that's what got me into problems in the first place.19:23
GeorgeJtaek: Unity crashed while doing the upgrade.19:24
GeorgeJNow everything's flickery.19:24
taekWell no offense,  but unity sucks.19:24
GeorgeJAnd I'd like to do a clean reinstall.19:24
KM0201RafaleM: maybe, it's good to test them... i hate KDE.. but it's better than Unity19:24
iarfenKM0201: But I was thinking Ubuntu 11.10 was the last...., isn't it??? :S19:24
RafaleMKM201: yeah, I didn't like Unity too19:24
GeorgeJtaek: Alt+Tab sometimes crashes unity for some reason.19:24
KM0201the last?.. what?19:24
KM0201iarfen: if you upgrade 10.10, you'll have to upgrade to 11.04, then to 11.1019:25
taekafk as I am at work19:25
JamesJRHHow do I properly set my country code?? It's not working properly.19:25
iarfenKM0201: Wait!! I have 11.10, not 10.10, I mistake xDD19:25
KM0201RafaleM: i still don't understand, last vversion of what?19:25
KM0201iarfen: big difference19:25
iarfenKM0201: Sorry!!! What I do with flash??19:26
JamesJRHMy WiFi regulatory domain is incorrect for my country.19:26
KM0201i hadn't heard issues w/ 11.1019:26
RafaleMKM0201: iarfen that asked it19:26
taekI stick with 10.04 :D19:26
RafaleMi'm with 11.04 =)19:27
KM0201taek: 10.04 is having flash issues as well, so i fail to see how that resolves the problem19:27
unkn-erroris there a setting for make the mouse scroll more lines?19:27
ashello, seeking an xml editor, which has good xsd and xpath support. Can somebody recommend a tool?19:27
XabsterWhat's an easy way to transfer files between my 2 home Ubuntu 11.10 computers on a wired network? Do I need to setup a FTP server?19:27
unkn-errorwhen I am brownsing (for example on a forum/blog with a long page) I have to do a lot of scroll down with the wheel, and It is scrolling so little lines19:27
taekI don't look at flash so that problem is mute for me19:27
abhisinghalny1 here can tl me ow to open root directory in ubunt 12.0419:27
GeorgeJunkn-error: You might be having the same problem I was having, after rebooting into Ubuntu from Windows, the scroll wheel scrolled like 3 times per click.19:27
KM0201Xabster: samba is easy, or setting up an FTP would be easy.. either one19:27
beandogssh would be simplest19:28
Xabstersamba, whats that?19:28
beandogXabster: Just use rsync to copy them.19:28
beandogThat'll work over SSH19:28
taekabhisinghal:  use terminal :D19:28
GeorgeJunkn-error: I unplug and plug back my mouse transciever, it fixed it.19:28
beandogSamba is way overkill19:28
KM0201!samba | Xabster19:28
ubottuXabster: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:28
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync19:29
abhisinghaltaek i wanna know y need to password everytime19:29
asonce again, seeking an xml editor, which has good xsd and xpath support. Can somebody recommend a tool?19:29
KM0201i always forget rsync19:29
taekPermissions system19:29
JamesJRHHello? Well if noöne here is going to answer, could you please tell me where the NM channel is? Or some other channel.19:29
unkn-errorGeorgeJ: I am booting from diffrent linux distro;s now windows here, but I see they are all affected by this problem, or maybe is my insensivity19:29
iarfenKM0201: What I do to solve the flash problem??19:29
patcitowhen I execut "do-release-upgrade", it says "No new release found" even though I'm on 10.04, any idea how to fix that?19:29
taekpatcito that 's because there's no updates for your version at this time19:30
bastidrazorpatcito: you may need -d on the end.. do-release-upgrade -d19:30
unkn-errorpatcito: I was having that issue loong time ago, I have just get the new iso image and reinstalled19:30
beandogJamesJRH: network manager?19:31
beandogJamesJRH: what's wrong?19:31
ZarroBoogspatcito: if you're intersted in upgrading to 10.10, you'll need to change /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to prompt=normal from prompt=lts.  If you're trying to upgrade to 12.04 beta, use -d19:31
ZarroBoogspatcito: do not use the -d switch unless you're upgrading to the development release.19:31
bastidrazoroh. i should have explained waht -d meant.19:31
taek<3 my *buntu!19:31
KM0201iarfen: you can try downgrading your version of flash.19:31
JamesJRHbeandog: Trouble with WiFi reg.19:32
beandogJamesJRH: ugh, I suck at anything wifi relatd19:32
iarfenKM0201: Ok how I can do it?19:32
patcitogot it by changing prompt=normal, thanks19:32
ZarroBoogspatcito: np19:32
beandogJamesJRH: try hitting up the forums19:32
KM0201iarfen: open synaptic19:32
beandogJamesJRH: be sure to mention your exact wifi card19:33
tiger77Hello again. How can i turn off my webcam. I am on a laptop from Acer?19:33
iarfenKM0201: and now??19:33
KM0201iarfen: in synaptic, do a search for flash19:33
KM0201and you should have a package called "flashplugin-installer"19:33
JamesJRHbeandog: Trouble is WiFi reg is stupid, and does not accept that WiFi cards may be shipped to another country.19:33
KM0201that is installed19:33
iarfenKM0201: I install flashplugin-installer??19:34
KM0201iarfen: it should be installed19:34
KM0201is it not?19:34
JamesJRHbeandog: Do you know where NetworkManger's channel is? I can't find it on freenode's alis.19:34
ZarroBoogsJamesJRH: Likely on gimpnet, where gnome's official channels are.19:34
JamesJRHZarroBoogs: Thanks.19:35
lesshasteI am using uvccapture and the colour changes every timeI get a new frame.  Any ideas why?19:35
beandogJamesJRH: dunno if they even have one19:35
JamesJRHZarroBoogs, beandog: Actually it's #nm on freenode.19:36
i7cis there anything bad (security risk, etc.) with permanently having an ssh connection open? i sometimes open a ssh master connection with 3 hours timeout...19:36
funnyhahahow do i see what graphics card i have19:37
beandogi7c: not really.19:37
beandogi7c: you could use screen to detach your sessions though if you wanted, so you didn't have to stay logged in.19:37
beandogfunnyhaha: lspci19:37
i7cbeandog: okay then. :)19:37
ZarroBoogsJamesJRH: interesting...19:37
Olfwaywho's the genius that made it, when you apt-get smartmontools, you're stuck with Postfix? Why cant you just get it sepretly?19:38
i7cbeandog: yeh i know about screen/tmux, but it's like that, i open and close sessions quite frequently so a master connection was the right thing to do.19:38
beandogOlfway: install ssmtp instead of postfix19:38
Elchzardso i'm attempting to install lubuntu on a PowerBook G4. It's so slow that I can't boot the Install Lubuntu 12.04 on the desktop after I get vmlinux to boot19:38
ElchzardAny tips?19:38
ZarroBoogsOlfway: its a recommended dependency, you don't need to install those.19:39
angsI run a webserver on ubuntu 10.04. What can I do to increase the security of the server without effecting webservicing?19:39
allie83any one else having trouble with latest adobe flashplayer updates?19:39
iarfenKM0201: yes it's installed, but it doesn't work, what I do?? :D19:39
funnyhahaPCI bridge: Intel Corporation Cougar Point PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev b5)...... is that a pcie x16 ?19:40
KM0201iarfen: try this... uninstall flash plugin installer19:40
JamesJRHZarroBoogs: It doesn't have chanserve though, maybe that's why alis doesn't get it.19:40
Olfwaythats just the thing: I didn't want Postfix or anything like it. All i wanted was smartctl, but someone, i guess, didn't think that was enough, so they forcefeed you all that other crap19:40
taekangs: don't run anything as root19:40
allie83allie83: any one else having trouble with latest adobe flashplayer updates?19:40
ZarroBoogsJamesJRH: Its not a registered channel either, which is weird.19:40
iarfenKM0201: ok, and then??19:40
angshow can I see/close all runned programs as root?19:40
KM0201iarfen: now, go to adobe.com and click downloads, then get flash player19:41
Olfwayallie83: mine crashed alot more than whats normal, if thats what you mean19:41
taekI use htop in sshd, or webmin19:41
taekfor web browser19:41
Olfwayhtop, definately19:41
beandogangs: uh, that'd kill your box19:41
allie83olfway: it crashed and now doesn't work at all19:41
KM0201iarfen: once at the download page, where it says "select version to download" choose "tar.gz for Linux"19:42
beandogangs: ps -au root19:42
beandogor htop -u root19:42
Olfwayallie83: and the standard refreshing page/close-open browser doesnt help?19:42
taeknothing wrong with htop hahah19:42
angsthank you19:42
iarfenKM0201: I have it, now??19:42
KM0201iarfen: you downloaded the .tar.gz, right?19:43
iarfenKM0201: yes!!19:43
KM0201iarfen: go to your downloads folder19:43
iarfenKM0201: I'm there19:43
KM0201iarfen: right click the "install flashplayer .tar.gz" file, and choose "extract here"19:43
beandogwhy do we have 3 flood bots19:43
allie83olfway: no, i did install the add on for firefox  flash-aid and that didn't seem to help19:43
KM0201beandog: the first two were so busy they called in reenforcements19:44
ZarroBoogsbeandog: because they work in tandem.19:44
iarfenKM0201: Ok, now??19:44
KM0201iarfen: one of the files it extracted, is called libflashplayer.so    right click that file, and choose copy19:44
iarfenKM0201: ok :D19:44
KM0201iarfen: now, go back to your home folder (/home/username)19:45
Olfwayallie83: try this: http://superuser.com/questions/256625/flash-player-crash-in-browsers-in-ubuntu19:45
taekI'd purge flash and reinstall it fresh19:45
abhisinghal@taek i want to uninstall ubuntu and i wanna install backtrrack19:45
KM0201taek: unfortunately that doesn't work19:45
abhisinghalcan ny1 help me out19:45
allie83thanks olfway...i'll check it now :)19:45
ZaitzevI just logged out and logged back in, and when I got back in, the graphics card and the soundcard was not detected, as in "removed"19:45
KM0201iarfen: are you in your home directory?19:46
taeki ha ve no problem with flash so i'm good19:46
ZaitzevYet another nail in the coffin for this fantastic distro.19:46
iarfenKM0201: yes19:46
ZarroBoogsabhisinghal: We don't support backtrack here, and there really isn't an uninstall process, you just format over Ubuntu's partitions. #backtrack-linux is their support channel.19:46
KM0201taek: neither do i, but this isn't an uncommon issuje19:46
KM0201iarfen: click "View", then "Show Hidden Files and Folders"19:46
abhisinghali wanna unistall ubuntu 'can ny1 hep me out19:46
SharkfinOk anyone alive in here first off19:46
ZarroBoogsabhisinghal: I just answered you.19:46
iarfenKM0201: ok I do it19:46
SharkfinI'm a total n00b to linux and need a bit of advice19:47
taekwe all alive19:47
KM0201iarfen: now, look through those folders, and you should see a folder called ".mozilla"19:47
angsI am in the root mode, how can I turn my autherization to a normal user? (sudo -?)19:47
iarfenKM0201: Yes, now what I do??19:47
taekSharkfin: what's up19:47
Olfwayallie83: it basically comes down to what taek said: Purge flash and get a fresh install. Stick with the stabel version before the one you have, though.19:47
KM0201iarfen: open .mozilla19:47
KM0201iarfen: and inside that folder, create a folder called "plugins"19:47
SharkfinI need to start learning Linux for my IT degree. I managed to scrape together a rather old system. Specs are as follows: Intel Celeron 2.4 GHz single core, 512 MB RAM, will this be enough to run Ubuntu?19:48
ubunubi have a quick question im trying to install bind9.8.1 from source but when i do make install i can't find bind9 executable19:48
ubunubis named executable the same and bind9 ?19:48
KM0201Sharkfin: it's low on ram for Ubuntu, you could run Lubuntu on it.. or.. RAM is cheap right now, max out the RAM19:48
iarfenKM0201: Ok and now??19:48
kpowSharkfin, mayb... CLI sure and it should be enough for your studies, not sure about windows systems19:48
foobArrrsometimes when I log out, lightdm crashes/stops. how do I fix that?19:48
KM0201iarfen: did you create the plugins folder?19:49
allie83olfway: better to just uninstall flash-aid too then you're saying? and this will work for 11.10?19:49
SharkfinI have no idea what the max is for this system19:49
iarfenKM0201: yes!!19:49
SharkfinI cobbled it together19:49
ubunubi have a quick question im trying to install bind9.8.1 from source but when i do make install i can't find bind9 executable . is named executable the same and bind9 ?19:49
helpmehello all19:49
KM0201iarfen: now, paste the libflashplayer.so, inside there19:49
angsSharkfin: I just installed ubuntu 10.04 on a pc that has 2.4 GHz and 1 Gb RAM19:49
Olfwayallie83: let me check my plugins, see what I'm using for Flash19:49
iarfenKM0201: OK i do it, now??19:49
angsit works fine19:49
KM0201iarfen: close all instances of firefox19:49
KM0201iarfen: then restart firefox, and see if you have flash19:49
helpmeany expert on proftpd ?19:50
ZarroBoogsSharkfin: You might want to take a look at the following URL for more detail on your options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements19:50
iarfenKM0201: I have it!!! Ty!! :D19:50
SharkfinThank you Boogs19:50
KM0201iarfen: no prob19:50
abhisinghalzarrorBoogs how to know where ubuntu is installed or on which partition it is19:50
omriarianyone can help on disabling synflood protection on 11.10?19:50
helpmehow I can set SFTP on proftpd with virtual users auth?19:50
ubunubi have a quick question im trying to install bind9.8.1 from source but when i do make install i can't find bind9 executable . is named executable the same and bind9 ?19:51
Olfwayallie83: I'm using "Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202"19:51
taek sudo  make19:51
taek sudo make install19:51
Zaitzevhow the heck do I fix this removed soundcard and graphics card problem? why on earth did it even happen, just completely random, like every other problem I'm getting with this distro19:51
abhisinghalzarrorboogs can u tel mee how to know on which partition ubuntu is installed19:51
SharkfinHmmm I'll have to make a trip up to RePC to see if they have the RAM for this19:51
ZarroBoogsabhisinghal: If you're within your Ubuntu install, typing 'mount' will tell you what partition your install is on.19:51
Olfwayallie83: get rid of what you had and try that, see if it's any better (up to you, though if you want to try tyhat or not)19:51
ioubunub, you should probably use the repositories if you're not experienced with building from source. if you insist, read the INSTALL file19:52
ZarroBoogsabhisinghal: so, here it says '/dev/xvda on /'19:52
angswhat is the opposite of "sudo -s" ? how can I unroot myself?19:52
beandogangs: exit19:52
bastidrazorangs: exit19:52
ubunubio: i need to compile some options so i need to do it from source. thanks ill take a look at the file19:52
ubunubjust toght it would be simpple make && make install19:53
beandogangs: or Ctl-D19:53
KM0201why are you using sudo -s anyway?19:53
allie83olfway: thanks for your help.  genereal question now: do you find 11.10 to be a bit slow while preforming it's own functions ie: system tool, app, etc.?19:53
angseverywhere I see sudo -s19:53
ioubuntu_, you ./configured, right?19:53
Olfwayangs: either exit, or Ctrl+D19:53
angsthank you19:53
KM0201allie83: 11.10 is just craptacular due to unity... no unity=no problems19:53
ubunubio: of course with options i need19:53
helpmehow I can set SFTP on proftpd with virtual users auth?19:54
allie83KM0201: is there any way to get a non-unity desktop??19:54
io!gnome | allie8319:54
ubottuallie83: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.19:54
KM0201iarfen: only thing w/ doing flash that way, is you won't receive automatic updates to flash... so just keep that in mind19:54
ubunubio: everything appears to go smooth until i want to check for bind9 executable,19:54
KM0201allie83: kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu   several options19:54
Olfwayallie83: sometimes. It all depends on what I'm doing, but I'm using Xubuntu (for the sake of saving as much resource as possible for important things, instead of how it looks, you know?)19:54
ubunubno error during install19:54
KM0201xubuntu is just as bloated, if not more so, than KDE/Unity19:55
patcitohi again19:55
ioKM0201, those are distributions, not desktop environments like unity - you mean gnome, xfce etc.19:55
ironfoot495Hello I've been have a problem with entering data in to the database Here is the error I'm getting=>http://paste.ubuntu.com/913558/19:55
KM0201io:  i'm aware of that...19:55
bastidrazor!nounity | allie8319:55
ubottuallie83: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:55
allie83right...i just want to be able to use it...not stare at the coolness of it :P19:55
patcitois there a way to get the list of installed packages that occupy most space on the hard drive?19:55
OlfwayKM0201: are you tralking about the actualy environment being bloated, or just the OS itself?19:55
ioubunub, please read the INSTALL file and pastebin the errors that you're receiving19:55
KM0201Olfway: xubuntu19:56
ioKM0201, xubuntu is not an alternative to unity, neither is edubuntu nor kubuntu (these are alternatives to ubuntu itself)19:56
KM0201Olfway: but, i've tried xfce on fedora and debian as well, and it's fairly craptacular also19:56
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KM0201io: whatever..19:56
ubunubio ok19:56
SharkfinIf I run into issues, I will definately come back here19:56
OlfwayKM0201: KDE's bloated. Xfce, when done properly, works great. and then there's Windowmaker19:57
* Olfway loves Windowmaker19:57
KM0201Olfway: i'd hardly agree w/ that, but.. ok19:57
skurceyHi, i have a problem with Compiz process (ubuntu 11.10) i m fairly new to linux, but it s taking much CPU load19:57
allie83sharkfin: yes...these folks are great and have always helped me out! kudos admins :)19:57
KM0201if you really want absolute speed and simplicity, lxde is where its at.19:57
helpmehow I can set SFTP on proftpd with virtual users auth?19:58
allie83thanks for the info & ideas19:58
Olfwaynever tried it.... but you cant really get simpler than Windowmaker, FvWM2, Twm, and Flux/Blackbox19:58
KM0201Olfway: it's really all a matter of preference, thank God for choice19:59
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OlfwayKM0201: i know, right?19:59
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funnyhahaPCI bridge: PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Cougar Point PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev b5..... can someone tell me what that is?20:05
taeklooks  like a bridge  network connection20:06
funnyhahai was hoping it was a 16x pci so i could put in a graphics card20:07
funnyhahai looked in my pc and i saw something that looked like an 16x pci but im not sure20:08
beandogfunnyhaha: that is20:08
beandogfunnyhaha: or check your motherboard specs to make sure.20:08
beandogbut if its a recent mobo, it'd be odd not to have one20:08
Olfwayif it's PCIe, you're good20:08
taek~16x pci  is PCIe20:08
kirreenHi :)20:09
kirreenI'm a bit new to linux and I installed ubuntu on my lappy yesterday, are there many options for customization in gnome?20:10
funnyhahaits an all in one comp gateway one zx6961-ub21p and i looked it up and it does not say it has a pci i think its because a card will not fit with the back on but i dont care about that20:10
Zaitzevkirreen: gnome-look.org20:10
KM0201kirreen: what version of ubuntu are you using?.. you may well be using unity20:11
kirreenYup, unity, 11.1020:11
KM0201yeah, *most* the stuff on gnome-look.org should work... since unity is a shell for gnome.20:11
Zaitzevit's a good start to go there.20:12
Zaitzevcan't really do much wrong either.20:12
kirreenKM0201: Thanks. Quick question: Can I change where I close windows :P?20:12
Zaitzevbut then again, you can.20:12
KM0201kirreen: you mean from left to right side?20:12
kirreenKM0201: Yeah.20:12
KM0201kirreen: i believe you can.. hang on20:12
Zaitzevkirreen: That's theme-specific actually.20:12
kirreenZaitzev: Oh, where do I customize my  theme then?20:13
Zaitzevgo to gnome-look.org and look around20:13
kirreenZaitzev: Appearance in System settings?20:13
KM0201kirreen: try following these instructions, it should work..   http://motersho.com/blog/index.php/2010/03/08/fix-minimizemaximizeclose-button-order-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/20:13
KM0201Zaitzev: it might be theme specific, but most of the time, you can move the buttons20:13
ZaitzevWhy mess with that when the themes do it for you? ;P20:13
kirreenZaitzev: So I can't just make small changes to a theme?20:14
KM0201Zaitzev: because they don't always, thats why.. most of them plant the buttons on the left side now by default.20:14
kirreenZaitzev: To make it (a bit more) perfect.20:14
Zaitzevkirreen: I suppose you can, I haven't delved into that part of the whole themeing and customization20:14
ZaitzevAll I did was find an iconset, a font and a GTK-theme that worked for me20:15
KM0201kirreen: you can edit themes (if they aren't copyrighted, most aren't)... however, it can be a lot of work20:15
ZaitzevYou can even if they are copyrighted, you just can't distribute them anywhere..20:15
kirreenKM0201: Well, even if they're copyrighted, don't I have the right to change them for non-promotional use?20:16
kirreenKM0201:  Zaitzev: Yeah :)20:16
taekkirreen: no20:16
KM0201kirreen: thats a big negative20:16
KM0201if they are copyrighted, they are copyrighted.. (most are not, but i've saw a few that were)20:16
Zaitzevit depends on the license.20:17
taek if you are going to do that don't tell anyone20:17
kirreenKM0201: Yeah, but can't I change them for private use?20:17
KM0201kirreen: no, copyrighted, is copyrighted20:17
beandogcopyrighted != no rights to copy20:17
beandogcopyrights = what rights you have to copy20:17
taekno right to copy or alter20:18
boson12Hello Community, I am having trouble with my Ubuntu Software Center.20:18
Zaitzevcopyright != can't edit for personal use.20:18
kirreenanyhow, I'm having problems with starting gconf-editor20:18
beandogZaitzev: exactly20:18
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beandogcopyright is about distribution, not modification20:18
taekit in cludes  modification rights20:18
foobArrrhow do I unmute pulseaudio master mixer from terminal?20:18
taekwhich  is none20:18
Zaitzevlike I said above, it depends on the LICENSE.20:19
beandogtaek: no20:19
Olfwaycopyright = Can't alter and redistribute20:19
boson12My Ubuntu Software Center keeps on searching without ever finding anything. How can I solve this issue?20:19
beandogEven then it depends on the license20:19
beandogThere are dozens of OSS licenses, for example20:19
beandogall kinds of restrictions20:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:19
Zaitzevwas waiting for that.20:19
kirreenAs I said, I can't start gconf-editor20:20
taek did you use sudo?20:21
kirreenNo, I used alt+f220:21
kirreenWhat :P?20:21
Zaitzevsorry, couldn't help myself.20:21
andrunixin this command 'apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)', what does the uname part do?20:21
taektry running it from CLi20:21
taek u name usernam,e20:21
taekCommand Line interface20:22
kirreenterminal :D20:22
taekCli is faster to type haha20:22
wyldeandrunix: type uname -r in terminal, it'll show you ;)20:22
kirreenWhere is it located then?20:22
kirreenI guess typing 'sudo gconf-editor' won't work.20:22
andrunixwylde: i see what that returns, but what does that mean to apt-get?20:22
boson12Help. My Ubuntu Software Center does not work.20:22
kirreenNo, I can acces terminal20:23
ibmam new to ubuntu and i have learned alt+f220:23
GeorgeJboson12: How does it not work?20:23
andrunixit's going to find a module with that specific version?20:23
taekit j ust worked for me kirreen20:23
kirreentaek: sudo: gconf-editor: command not found20:24
wyldeandrunix: it means that $(uname -r) will be replaced with the output of uname -r, eg. for me 'apt-get install linux-alsa-driver-modules-3.2.0-21-generic' <----20:24
taekthen you dn't hve it installesd20:24
andrunixand so my problem is that there is not a module that matches the numbers that uname -r returns.20:24
djrwolfI'm planing on putting 12.04 on my laptop, how is it's support for AMD A-Series APU's?20:24
boson12GeorgeJ, it keeps on searching for what I specified without ever finding anything20:24
funnyhahahow do i find out what motherboard i have20:24
kirreenBut I can find it in dash taek.20:24
wylde!precise  | djrwolf20:24
ubottudjrwolf: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:24
obelusandrunix: To be specific, $(uname -r) inserts your kernel version into the command line20:25
taekCan you open it from dash?20:25
andrunixwylde: exactly. so I've got a problem. my kernel release number is greater than the highest package number for what I'm trying to install.20:25
andrunixso what's a poor boy to do?20:25
taekIt's not installed20:25
meerkatswhy can I write accents in synaptic and no OUT of it? (libreoffice, xchat...)20:25
andrunixI am trying to fix my sound issue by the way20:25
meerkatswhat packages am I missing?20:25
kirreenOk, where can I get the package?20:25
taek apt20:26
wyldeandrunix: ok, and I'm assuming you've run sudo apt-get update before you tried installing the package?20:26
taeksudo apt -get install  gconf-editor20:26
kirreentaek: "Sudo apt-get install gconf-editor"?20:26
andrunixwylde: yes sir20:26
kirreenYeah :)20:26
funnyhahado i have to take my comp apart to find out what motherboard i have or can i find out in terminal20:26
b0otWhere are the network configurations stored... I have a bunch of network profiles of static Ip addressses I want to transfer to multiple machines.... what files do I need20:26
kirreenThanks taek!20:27
wyldeandrunix: hmmm, can you pastebin the output from when you try to install please?20:28
andrunixwylde: and I went out there browsing the repository and read through the Packages file to find that 2.6.35-32-generic isn't listed20:28
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wyldeandrunix: ahh I see20:28
__red__Is there a configuration setting that I can set to automatically install the -dev version of everything I install?  The lack of header files is driving me batshit insane.20:28
andrunixwylde: http://paste.ubuntu.com/913619/20:29
kirreenKM0201: Hey, I think you missunderstood.20:30
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ibmKirreen and taek am new here and following your discussion.20:31
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b0otDoes anyone know where network manager stores your connfigurations?20:31
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kirreentaek: Anyway, do you know how to move the buttons where I minimize/close windows to the right?20:32
andrunixwylde: does that look pretty miserable or what?20:32
taek switching themes did it for me20:33
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kirreentaek: Ok, I'll look for a good theme, any recommendations?20:33
taek hld on20:33
wyldeandrunix: searching packages atm, ...20:33
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taekthere's awway to do it20:33
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andrunixwylde: thanks. I'm a patient man.20:34
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haqe17How should I edit /etc/sudoers in order to give user white permission to run /usr/bin/skype as user silent ?20:34
taekgconf-editor -> apps -> metacity -> general20:34
pansetHello, I have trouble booting from an external hdd, In the grub menu, I press c to enter command mode. if I ls -l I can see that only three partitions are there under hd1, where in fact I have 7 partitions, why is this?20:34
kirreentaek: Then?20:35
ibmKirreen: how can i move the buttons to right?20:35
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taekchange button _layout to /apps/metacity/general/button_layout20:35
kirreenThat's what I wanna kniow ibm :)20:35
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Olfwaypanset: obvious question: does your BIOS support booting from USB?20:36
ibmtaek: any idea?20:36
taekbutton_layout to menu:minimize,maximize,close20:36
pansetOlfway: yes, I have booted from usb device many times20:36
kirreentaek: And then?20:37
pansetOlfway: In fact I can see three partitions showing up when I do 'ls -l' in grub command mode20:37
taek cl ose20:37
taekmay  have to logout/login to see the c hanges20:37
pansetOlfway: but for some reason it doesn not display the other partiions on this ext hdd20:37
kirreenDidn't change anything.20:37
kirreenok, brb20:37
wyldeandrunix: are you following the commands from a wiki page?20:37
Olfwaypanset: well, whats your boot-up process when you're trying to boot from that external drive?20:38
wyldeandrunix: specifically https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules ?20:38
andrunixwylde: I was trying what was here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1726575.html20:38
taekexcuse my typing, i am using a micro  keyboard and the spacebar gets stuck haha20:39
kirreentaek: Didn't work :(20:39
pansetOlfway: I used grub customiser to add the bott entry of os in ext hdd, so I boot from internal hdd itself, and selcect the menu entry of ext hdd os20:39
wyldeandrunix: so you added the ppa and updated before attempting to install?20:39
Dayofswordsquestion, does anyone know exactly how big the ubuntu repo is? as in how much space would it take to be a local mirror?20:39
andrunixwylde: yes, I did20:39
taekweird, what desktop enviorement are you using?20:39
kirreenDefault for ubuntu, Gnome i guess.20:40
hipodilskihi any graphical application like gnome-search-tool that is able to search for multiple files and substitute in all of them strings20:40
taeknot sre that works  on unity20:40
kirreenWhat are you using?20:40
taekI know it works in gnome, gnome classic20:40
taekI am using20:40
taek  Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with gnome 2.x20:40
wyldeandrunix: gah, door. I'll be back. Maybe browse that ppa in the meantime? ...20:41
Olfwaypanset: why do that when just simply using your bios boot dev menu could accomplish the same thinh?20:41
andrunixwylde: thanks :)20:41
taekI cant  stand unity, i will never use it haha20:41
taeki'll switch to fedora before ever using unity again20:42
pansetOlfway: The grub is installed in internal hdd, so I have to boot from internal hdd only.20:42
meerkatstry xubuntu taek20:42
meerkatsor linux mint20:42
kirreenIs fedora any good? What DE does it use?20:42
taekand fedora blowas20:42
kirreenAs in good :P?*20:43
leighmanfedora uses gnome3/shell by default20:43
Olfwaypanset: so, your external drive doesnt have a boot flag?20:43
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:43
pansetOlfway: Yes it indeed has, the os is in sdb3. So the problem is, in grub command mode, the 'ls -l' command does not list this particular partition, it only lists the first one20:44
taekfedora is the redheaded step child  of the linux community20:44
pansetOlfway: Whereas their are total of 7 parittions in this ext hdd20:45
machiolateI'm connecting my Sansa Fuze to ubuntu 11.10 but not seeing anything mount. Tried MSC & MTP mode both.... any suggestions?20:47
beandogmachiolate: msc?20:47
Olfwaypanset: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html   (i feel like an ass every time i point someone to the manuals, but I have no idea thaw the hell is going on there)20:47
machiolatebeandog: mass storage control20:48
beandogmachiolate: oh.20:48
beandogthat's weird.20:48
machiolatei think its a more basic mode , like same thing you connect flash drives with20:48
machiolateweird, i've done this before.... just can't remember what i did20:48
amaroksIm running latest ubuntu and cant find gedit plugins/themes dir :(20:49
amaroks.gnome2/gedit/styles/ doesnt exsist20:49
beandogmachiolate: run fdisk -l and see if it even registers20:50
pansetyep, i sure have to scratch my head over this, i thought it would be easy case. anyway thanks20:50
Sl3p1ncan i ask a question20:50
Sl3p1nIt seems that Flash doesn't work on Opera im on Ubuntu 11.0620:50
Sl3p1nAny tips?20:50
Sl3p1nSomebody help me?20:51
machiolatedidn't do anything..... i think i might need to install some programs, bbl20:52
bbartekI found a bug from the Ubnutu website, is there a xchat channel i can join to discuss this problem with the Ubuntu.com developers?20:52
taek xchat is seperate from ubuntu20:53
foobArrrare ~ and $HOME interchangeable? always?20:53
Sl3p1ntaek, can u help me20:53
Sl3p1nI can't run Adobe Flash on Opera Browser20:54
taekuse firefox20:54
Sl3p1nBut I want opera20:54
Sl3p1nit is working in firefo20:54
Sl3p1nwhy not in opera20:54
taekfirefoxx sucks20:54
taekerr opera20:54
FloodBot1taek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:54
bbartektaek of course I mean IRC :-)20:55
Sl3p1nOkay please don't tell anything sucks : /20:55
taekanyhow, you need to goto t he adobe website with the browser to get the plugin20:55
Sl3p1nI tried and with the APT package20:56
Sl3p1nand it said no such web page20:56
taek you have to go to the website with the browser, apt  wont h ave it20:56
pinkponyluvhi, installed ubuntu 12.04 beta2. i have dual screen and dock is showing on the left side of both screens. why i scroll from monitor to another my mouse gets "stuck" on the dock for a while20:57
pinkponyluvhow can i remove the dock in the middle and just have it on the left side of the left monitor20:57
krnekheleshpinkponyluv: what dock are you referring to? The unity launcher?20:57
pinkponyluvyeah, that one20:58
Jordan_Utaek: Please stop giving unhelpful comments and misinformation.20:58
pinkponyluvis there a setting panel for it. didn't have this problem with 11.1020:58
pinkponyluvah, gotta check compizconfig20:58
krnekheleshpinkponyluv, the launcher now appears on both the monitor for you20:59
flummysorry to ask this, but is the ubuntu.com frontpage deliberately pointing to TechnicalOverview/Beta1 instead of /Beta2 since ~ 10+ hours?20:59
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Jordan_U!pm | Sl3p1n20:59
ubottuSl3p1n: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:59
pinkponyluvkrnekhelesh, yeah. and that's super annoying20:59
krnekheleshhowever in the gnome control center -> displays you can change it to only show on one monitor20:59
Sl3p1nJordan_U, I do sorry for not asking you first20:59
pinkponyluvkrnekhelesh, no such setting there21:00
Sl3p1ncan i get an advice how to get working flash on Opera?21:00
pinkponyluvno wait!21:00
pinkponyluvkrnekhelesh, you're correct :-)21:00
ph0sssii have a little netbook i want to use as router (running xubuntu). i have internet on eth0 and wlan0 is an adhoc network for others to connect. how do i share my connection so everyone can connect via wlan?21:00
blablaHello. Has someone an idea how I could instruct "kile" to use only the $PATH-Variable for searching binaries when compiling with e.g. pdflatex? Actually (Ubuntu, Natt) it scans for /usr/lib/kde4/pdflatex and /usr/bin/pdflatex first before processing the $PATH-variable. This behaviour is different to kiles own systemcheck-function, where programs are preferred as expected by PATH-Variable.21:01
krnekheleshpinkponyluv: hope this solves your problem :)21:01
Sl3p1nCan't someone help me?21:02
Jordan_USl3p1n: You might try #opera21:02
Sl3p1nJordan_U, Thank u!21:02
Jordan_USl3p1n: You're welcome.21:02
ryzzanhi guys...21:02
ryzzanhere's the deal:21:02
ph0sssii mean how do i configure the routes?21:02
lesshasteanyone know what this is in dmesg?21:03
lesshasteinit: modemmanager respawning too fast, stopped21:03
helpmehow I can set SFTP on proftpd with virtual users auth?21:04
ryzzani have this printer connected to a parallel port in my note... and i have a good driver for it and everything else... but ubuntu simply doesn't recognize the printer connected to the parallel port from time to time... i mean... it works, but sometimes it just doesn't... any tip?21:04
zykotick9helpme: to my knowledge, proftpd is only an ftp server, not an sftp server.  openssh is an sftp server.21:05
beandogzykotick9: that's right.  some ftp daemons can do FTP over SSL though21:05
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beandogwhich is still more complex than SSH21:05
zykotick9beandog: that's not called sftp is it?  question, i'm not sure.21:05
beandogFTP in general is a mess21:06
zykotick9ftp must die!21:06
beandogSFTP is ssh, yah21:06
helpmestfp is a secure ftp server21:06
bekksbeandog: It's not.21:06
LordXe-gnusftp uses ssh21:08
ryzzani have this printer connected to a parallel port in my note... and i have a good driver for it and everything else... but ubuntu simply doesn't recognize the printer connected to the parallel port from time to time (a it's not rare... it's after every 3, 4 printings)21:09
__red__Is there a configuration setting that I can set to automatically install the -dev version of everything I install?21:09
__red__ryzzan: check dmesg -=- see if you see anything in there indicating a problemw ith your hardware21:09
bekks__red__: No, there isnt.21:10
beandogbekks: huh?21:10
__red__bekks: So, how do I put in a feature request? :-)21:10
ryzzan__red__, it works perfectly under windows... :(21:10
bekksbeandog: you cannot connect to SFTP using scp e.g. ;)21:11
leighHi all, ?Has anyone tried to install the PSPSDK on ubuntu?21:11
taekDon 't know why I am being called a liar, but i just installed flash for opera..21:11
taek using the browser.21:11
beandoghuh.  I just realized I didn't even have flash installed.  HTML5 ftw.21:12
saliakI'm trying to add libwww with apt-get but for some reason I can't.  I know i've done it with earlier releases, but for some reason I can't find libwww with apt-cache search.  anyone have it installed?21:12
taekThanks Jordan_U for calling me a liar21:12
beandogsaliak: libwww-perl21:13
MidasxCan I see a screenshot?21:13
taekScreenshot of what?21:13
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saliakbeandog: hrm. i already have that installed.  i'm compiling a c++ program with xmlrpc and it can't find the libwww libraries21:14
beandogsaliak: oh that21:14
beandogsaliak: er, wait, t hat should cover it21:14
Jordan_Utaek: I didn't say that you were a liar, but flashplugin-installer is definitely a package in the default repositories and thus apt-get will "have it".21:14
Midasxtaek: Your screen21:14
beandogsaliak: might just need libperl-dev21:14
beandogI don't see a dev package just for libwww21:15
saliakbeandog: ok, trying that21:15
taekMidasx: screen shot of what specifically21:15
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taekJordan_U: False, you have to enable repos21:15
taekat least this did that  when i went to the  url21:15
saliakbeandog: boo, nope, didn't do it21:15
beandogsaliak: what are you installing?21:15
saliakbeandog: a program i wrote (which makes this that much funnier).  i have another ubuntu system that runs it just fine, however, for some reason I can't compile it on this system21:16
beandogsaliak: can you pastebin error for me?21:16
Jordan_Utaek: "adobe-flashplugin" and "flashplugin-installer" are different packages which both will install Adobe Flash. "flashplugin-installer" is in multiverse, which is enabled by default.21:17
taekwell then there you go.21:17
taekthe website invokes the command21:17
saliakbeandog: for sure, check it http://pastebin.com/8KyvtCes21:17
natalie__`so did ubuntu ever get it together or not?21:17
beandogsaliak: oh thats something else21:17
Jordan_Unatalie__`: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?21:17
saliakbeandog: i cut off the last part where it complains about all the functions it can't find (because they're in the missing libraries)21:17
saliakbeandog: really? i can't find the libraries that it's referencing on my system21:18
skurceyi cant put read and write permission to a folder, for a reason21:18
beandogsaliak: libxml2-dev21:18
Midasxtaek: Your desktop21:18
natalie__`Jordan_U, is that a support question?21:18
aziU0060hello. i've clicked the update to the latest ubuntu in the upgrade manager and now the update is stalling trying to download something from sourceforge. is there any way to fix it?21:18
aziU0060it's near the end, and it's trying to download some ttf fonts21:19
Jordan_Unatalie__`: What you asked is not a support question, no.21:19
natalie__`Jordan_U, yes it was21:19
taekMidasx: all you're gona see is irssi maximized21:19
beandogsaliak: er, that's not right ... but try that anyway :D21:19
saliakbeandog: hrm, no, still missing21:19
u19809HI all, i have this pesky problem with udevd.  it shows a lot of messages on the screen which makes the boot last ages.  i tried setting udev_log to err but still messsages ...21:20
wyldesaliak: have you tried 'apt-get build-dep <packagename>'?21:20
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wrektjetis there a way to see how much bandwidth devices on a network are consuming?21:20
wrektjetin a GUI?21:21
saliakwylde : no, didn't know about that.  the problem is that i didn't install xmlrpc from apt, so it probably wont' work, eh?21:21
blablawrektjet, iftop21:21
Jordan_Unatalie__`: The question of Ubuntu having "gotten it together" is far too subjective for this channel. You might try #ubuntu-offtopic or if you're having a specific problem with Ubuntu, please ask about that and we can try to help you.21:21
beandogsaliak: libwww-curl-perl ?  I'm starting to guess at this point. -_-21:21
natalie__`Jordan_U, please leave me alone21:21
wyldesaliak: it likely would since it looks at the deps of the package...so I "think" it should work anyway.21:22
saliakbeandog: heh, no dice... do you have those missing libraries on your system?21:22
Jordan_U!guidelines | natalie__`21:22
ubottunatalie__`: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:22
saliakwylde : ok, will try21:22
beandogsaliak: no, thats why I'm guessing.21:22
wrektjetblabla thnx perfect done and done21:22
beandogsaliak: oh wait, do you have them on the other one?21:22
andrunixis there a log file from aptitude? where is it?21:22
saliakbeandog: i do, unfortunately, that box is in another state :(21:22
beandogsaliak: derp21:22
saliakbeandog : w/out network access, etc.21:22
beandogplease hold.21:23
d3vtest connection21:23
helpmeany one here has already install his own netflex "open source apps"21:23
Monotokocan anyone tell me when the desktop version of 10.04 reaches EOL? I seem to have different dates from different sources ._.21:23
beandogsaliak: pretty sure it's part of xmlrpc21:24
saliakbeandog : yeah, i guess I can just try adding that package and see if it comes with21:24
beandogsaliak: libxmlrpc-c3-dev and libxmlrpc-c3-021:24
beandogsaliak: core ones as well, may be required21:25
saliakbeandog: shoot, already had them installed21:25
d3vhi, im thinking about install ubuntu, after 2 years i worked - Sabayon gnome 2, and Gnome 3 total sux, and what enviroment should i install? i want to have minimalize button, not as in ubuntu 3 ;/ xfce?21:26
Monotokod3v, take a look at lubuntu or xubuntu21:26
beandogsaliak: do you want a list of general packages I install for development?  That may / may not help.21:26
saliakbeandog: sure, i guess it can't hurt.  i use this vm for development, so I think i've probably got most of the usual ones21:27
d3vxubuntu is xfce? and lubuntu is what? i hear it first time21:27
beandogsaliak: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/575767/21:27
Logan_d3v: LXDE21:27
beandogsaliak: aptitude -y install `cat foo`21:27
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ubottuluas6311: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:28
Logan_d3v: And, yes, Xubuntu is XFCE.21:28
beandogsaliak: I actually have all those installed, and those libwww aren't on my box ... so it may not help but ... meh21:28
d3vok ty21:29
saliakbeandog: hrm.  it's weird that i have libxmlrpc-c3 installed and it still doesn't work.  i wonder if the one i installed manually may have broken something?21:29
d3vxubuntu has quite oldschool looking21:29
d3vbut i will try lxde21:29
FidelixI've got this error when trying to compile a software: libmysqlpp.so: undefined reference to `__cxa_pure_virtual@libmysqlclient_16'21:29
beandogsaliak: nah21:29
pfred1how can I get htop for 11.10 ?21:29
beandogsaliak: did you try libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev as well21:29
wyldesaliak: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/913720/ , it's a list of the output from apt-file search libwww21:30
ubuntu_My ubuntu stopped working because of hd erroer. how do i fix?21:30
pfred1ubuntu_ fsck ?21:31
wylde!fsck | ubuntu_21:31
ubottuubuntu_: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:31
Monotokoubuntu_, buy a new hard drive? XD21:31
saliakbeandog: yeah, already have it.  need to run now, appreciate the help, I think i'm going to try starting over21:31
pfred1Monotoko I've had fsck fix stuff21:31
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beandogsaliak: did you do libwww-curl-perl as well?21:31
ubuntu_pfred1, last person who helped, we got through with that but there is some grub and some other errors21:31
beandogsaliak: alright, good luck mon21:31
saliakbeandog: yeah21:31
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d3vbut its totaly sux that we cant use gnome 2 ;/21:32
ubuntu_Monotoko, this is the third one i have used and it happened to all of them.21:32
ubuntu_Monotoko,  and they were all new21:32
beandogsaliak: next time ask something I can help with. :)21:33
Monotokoubuntu_, this is a continuous HDD failure? Sounds like your power pack or motherboard might be out of whack21:33
pfred1oh I have another one how come i can't mount my nfs share on 11.10? the server is a Debian Squeeze box21:33
ubuntu_Monotoko, ubuntu has frozen for me many times and had to manualy reboot. somYBE...21:33
yoshimi-pinkwhat was the graphical depagager for ubuntu before the software center?21:33
yoshimi-pinkim trying to install a .deb21:33
ubuntu_Monotoko, *maybe...21:34
pfred1yoshimi-pink dpkg -i some.deb21:34
yoshimi-pinkty but i prefer the graphical installer21:34
Monotokoubuntu_, boot from a LiveCD and get the SMART analysis records21:34
pfred1yoshimi-pink what is the diff if it gets installed?21:34
Logan_!info gdebi | yoshimi-pink21:34
Monotokoubuntu_, here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools21:34
ubottuyoshimi-pink: gdebi (source: gdebi): simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (oneiric), package size 24 kB, installed size 228 kB21:34
ubuntu_Monotoko, how do i do that? i am on live21:35
yoshimi-pinkah ty logan21:35
Logan_yoshimi-pink: No problem. :-)21:35
pfred1ubuntu_ I'm on a live too21:35
Monotokoubuntu_, smartmontools, I've linked you above21:35
phibxryoshimi-pink, are you talking about aptitude?21:36
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yoshimi-pinkoh god no21:37
yoshimi-pinka graphical interface21:37
yoshimi-pinki was talking about gdebi21:37
yoshimi-pinki just forgot the name21:37
Monotokoubuntu_... this might be best for you, so you can see it in a graphical manner: sudo apt-get install gsmartcontrol21:37
Monotokoubuntu_, (just hit "No Configuration" if it asks about PostFix)21:38
kirreenIs ubuntu good on dekstops?21:39
ubuntu_Monotoko, ok...21:39
yoshimi-pinkubuntu is wonderful on desktops21:39
kirreenHow does unity work with multiple screens?21:39
Monotokoubuntu_, you should be able to open it from the Applications menu then, or searching for it in Unity21:39
kasiihi all21:39
ubuntu_Monotoko, ok...21:40
Icehawk78How do I get/set my machine name?21:40
kirreenAre there any good linux games?21:40
ubuntu_Monotoko, it says it passed...'21:40
MonotokoIcehawk78, hostname? You can run "hostname {host here without the brackets}" to change it21:40
Yadira-007I need to edit a file with gedit as sudo in orther to dim my backlight,,i forgot how i did las time,,i just upgraded to 12.4,,and this backlight is killing me21:40
beandogYadira-007: sudo gedit <file>21:40
Icehawk78Monotoko: Gotcha, thanks21:41
bekksgksu ...21:41
bekkssudo on X apps is nonsense.21:41
kirreenAre there any good linux games?21:41
MonotokoIcehawk78, change it in /etc/hostname to make sure it saves permanently21:41
skyballIs it normal to be randomly Disconnected from IRC?21:41
ph0sssihello. i want to share my internet connection from eth0 to be available on wlan0. i am online via eth0. somehow internet connection sharing doesnt work.21:41
ph0sssithe ad hoc wlan and the internet on eth0 works though.21:41
dsfsdkirreen, asault cube is ok21:41
Monotokootherwise it'll refresh to the old value when you reboot :)21:41
Yadira-007beandog, i cant remember the file i need to edit,,is something at boot i need to edit21:41
dsfsd*assault cube21:41
beandogYadira-007: Monotoko knows what to do21:41
kirreendsfsd: What is it about :)?21:41
Yadira-007and then update grub21:41
StaffRingedSealkirreen: other than Minecraft?21:41
kokyuhow do I enable an upstart service to auto-start on boot ?21:42
yoshimi-pinkis there a terminal command to install google-chrome?21:42
dsfsdkirreen, the one in the repo is old and doesn't work though. Get it from the site... It's an FRP, multiplayer online21:42
kirreenStaffRingedSeal: Yeah, other than MC :) That's a great game.21:42
=== revolts is now known as diegovieiraeti
d3vim install lxde, and i have a question because im working at netbok and i dont have battery status, how can i add it to my taskbar?21:42
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yoshimi-pinki've been using a .deb but its corrupted21:42
beandogyoshimi-pink: look for chromium-browser, I think21:42
ubuntu_Monotoko, it says it passed...'21:42
Monotokobeandog, I do?21:42
yoshimi-pinkoh no, chrome not chromium21:42
beandoghey I was right.  go me.21:42
Monotokoubuntu_, then it isn't a hardware problem... what does it say when you boot?21:42
beandogMonotoko: yah you said it earlier21:42
yoshimi-pinkunable to locate chrome-browser21:43
Monotokobeandog, I think you're mistaking me for someone else... :p21:43
MonotokoI've only been here 10 mins21:43
beandogMonotoko: you were just saying how to set hostname21:43
MonotokoYadira-007 was trying to set his backlight, I think21:44
ubuntu_Monotoko, nothing. it starts on the page if i want to enter bios goes black, and happens again21:44
yoshimi-pinkanyone know the command to install chrome?21:45
xanguayoshimi-pink: chrome is not in ubuntu repository21:45
kirreenAny more good games :)? Anything like Dwarf fortress, perhaps?21:45
Yadira-007i have fix this before,,i need to edit something in /etc  and replace some text,,about spash vendor something like that21:45
yoshimi-pinki was afraid of that21:45
xanguayoshimi-pink: chromium is21:45
yoshimi-pinkhate chromium21:46
StaffRingedSealkirreen: software centre has plenty, have a look.21:46
Yadira-007is too bad that RockMelt hasnt come out yet for ubuntu21:46
Yadira-007is a google chrome with a few social plugins out the box21:46
kirreenmy software center doesn't work :(21:47
taekUt oh21:47
kirreennever mind21:47
kirreenIt didn't work before :P21:47
Yadira-007i found it,,,:) is /etc/default/grub21:48
fawlerhello im trying to burn a iso but it is 2.3 GB so i would need a dvd but my computer doesnt seem to register that there is a dvd in my computer.21:48
ubuntu_Monotoko, nothing. it starts on the page if i want to enter bios goes black, and happens again21:48
ooiiooowhich tiling wm is the most noob-friendly? I'd like to try tiling with as little reading and configuring as possible.21:49
bekksfawler: Do you have a dvd recorder?21:49
pfred1this is whacky I don't have a ~/.bash_history file in live21:49
Monotokoubuntu_, I'm not really sure what to suggest considering it has happened 3 times... what were you doing before it happened?21:49
fawlerooiiooo: scrotwm is my favorite and is most simple21:49
wylde!nomodeset | ubuntu_21:49
ubottuubuntu_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:49
fawlerat least from what i have seen21:49
ubuntu_Monotoko, what do you mean?21:49
ooiiooofawler: thx, I'll give it a try21:50
bekksfawler: So which device exactly do you have?21:50
Yadira-007can i change this vendor las word with gateway---acpi_osi=Linux, acpi_backlight=vendor---  acpi_osi=Linux, acpi_backlight=gateway21:50
bekksWhich model exactly?21:50
fawlerbekks: my disk drive supports dvds21:50
bekksfawler: reading != writing dvds.21:50
fawleryeah that too21:50
bekksfawler: So which device exactly do you have?21:51
yoshimi-pinkis my computer gonna die? D:21:51
fawleryoshimi-pink: ?21:51
yoshimi-pinkit says the package system is broken21:51
fawlerwell your computer wont die that is for sure21:52
ubuntu_wylde, i don't have a black screen. it just freezes21:52
fawlerbekks: device? im sorry im knowledgeable on a lot of linux stuff but i really never got much into media and what not21:52
bekksfawler: lshw will tell which device you have.21:53
wyldeubuntu_: ahh ok, sounds like fail(ed)ing hardware.21:53
yoshimi-pinkis it a good thing that my computer is getting a new linux image?21:53
ubuntu_wylde, it has happened to three different computers for me and three different hds!21:54
fawleryoshimi-pink: it depends man21:54
wyldeubuntu_: ahh ok, I saw 3 different hd's but not the 3 different computers.21:54
ubuntu_wylde, ya i just mensioned it21:55
wyldeubuntu_: and you say that all of them do the exact same thing?21:56
StuckMojois there a list of ubuntu mirrors somehwere?21:56
bastidrazorStuckMojo: Software Sources has a list21:57
StuckMojoi need a apt url to point to to grab deb-src of a package from precise21:57
ubuntu_wylde, yes.21:57
bastidrazorStuckMojo: you can look at packages.ubuntu.com21:57
ubuntu_alesan, hi.21:58
StuckMojoah thanks21:58
alesanhow can I disable the mechanism that if I type a command wrong it does search and suggests which package to install?21:58
bekksalesan: uninstall "command-not-found".21:58
alesanbekks, will it break things?21:59
Jordan_Ualesan: No.21:59
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kuldeepdhakahelp: i got a mp4 with linux installed on it.....http://www.diytrade.com/china/pd/2783111/Pocket_Media_Player.html , i want to install/run another linux on it21:59
wyldeubuntu_: so, you start the computer, it runs past the bios then the screen goes black? goes black with a blinking cursor in the top left corner? or the the computer restarts? completely freezes needing a hard reset?21:59
alesanlet's see if the system is now stable22:00
alesanOK I think it's broken :(22:00
ubuntu_wylde, it has the curser blinking for 4/5 sec. and goes back to bios screen22:00
kuldeepdhakaplease help: i got a mp4 with linux installed on it.....http://www.diytrade.com/china/pd/2783111/Pocket_Media_Player.html , i want to install/run another linux on it22:00
alesan/usr/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in '/usr/share/command-not-found'22:01
Jordan_Ukuldeepdhaka: Ubuntu doesn't run on embedded media players, so you'll have to find another distro / support channel which does support installing to such devices.22:01
alesanJordan_U, what can I do?22:01
Jordan_Ualesan: Try opening a new terminal window.22:02
mccantaI'm setting up oneiric install via pxe.  I cannot seem to use my local mirror instead of one the external ones.  I've got the 'd-i mirror/protocol, countries, country, http/hostname http/directory, http/mirror set but it still tries for the us.archive... one22:02
alesanJordan_U, same22:03
wyldeubuntu_: ok, so it's getting through the bios checks, and starts loading the OS. Hmmm. You're on a live cd right now?22:03
alesanJordan_U, also the same if I start another shell22:03
ubuntu_wylde, yes.22:03
ubuntu_wylde, it starts loading but then stops and starts over.22:03
wyldeubuntu_: you should be able to mount the computers drive and look in (the root of the systems drive) /var/log/boot.log and other log files to find a clue as to what is happeneing22:04
ubuntu_wylde, bash: /var/log/boot.log: Permission denied22:04
Jordan_Ualesan: sudo apt-get remove command-not-found-data22:05
wyldeubuntu_: yep, something is having a fatal error during boot... you'll probably have to open with something like gksu gedit /var/log/boot.log22:05
alesanJordan_U, better: now when the comman is not found, nothing happens22:06
alesanideally it would say: command not found22:06
wyldeubuntu_: make sure you're opening the one from the systems HD not the live systems boot.log22:06
alesanbut nothing is always better thant the annoying suggestions, as if I were stupid22:06
Jordan_Ualesan: If you open a new shell it will.22:06
ubuntu_wylde, what???22:06
wyldeubuntu_: one other question, did you use the same installation disk/usb on all 3 computers?22:07
ubuntu_wylde, i use two diff ones.22:07
alesanJordan_U, do you know how to fix that in open shells? I have 14 at this time, each one with different things22:07
wyldeubuntu_: I was saying to mount the computer's HD in the live system and get the /var/log/boot.log from there.22:07
alesanno wait, they are only 1022:07
ubuntu_wylde, how do i mount???22:07
wyldeubuntu_: did you check the images to make sure they weren't corrupted?22:08
wylde!md5 | ubuntu_22:08
ubottuubuntu_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:08
ubuntu_wylde, no.22:08
wyldeubuntu_: I'm thinking there's a good chance your installation media are bad.22:08
ubuntu_wylde, is ther any way to fix?22:09
taekubuntu_: redownload22:09
ubuntu_taek, redownload what?22:09
taekeasiest way to do it22:09
taekyour iso22:09
ubuntu_taek, you mean reinstal??!!!22:10
wyldeubuntu_: or you have 3 very sick computers heh. ...check the md5. If the image fails you'll have to download another copy. Another important thing is to burn at a very slow speed if you're using optical media (cd-r/dvd-r)22:10
Jordan_Ualesan: unset command_not_found_handle22:10
ubuntu_wylde, how do i check that?22:10
wylde!md5 | ubuntu_22:10
alesanJordan_U, you are great22:10
Monotokois it possible to make Firefox just save images to the pictures folder... and videos to the videos folder? And everything else to downloads?22:10
alesanis there a mechanism to give you "karma" points?22:10
wyldeit's linked above22:11
wylde ubuntu_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:11
taek!md5 | ubuntu_22:11
ubottuubuntu_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:11
kbrosnanMonotoko: download sort extensions22:12
ubuntu_wylde, commands don't work.22:12
wyldeubuntu_: how do you mean? What command specifically22:14
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu-desktop:~$: command not found22:14
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ desktop:~$ cd Downloads22:14
ubuntu_desktop:~$: command not found22:14
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ -desktop:~$ cd Downloads22:14
ubuntu_-desktop:~$: command not found22:14
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
ubuntu_FloodBot1, that wasn't much!22:14
taekubuntu_: try cd ~/Downloads22:14
ubuntu_taek, then what?22:15
wyldeubuntu_: you have to be in the directory where you saved the iso file22:15
ubuntu_wylde, and how do i get there?22:15
wyldeubuntu_:  .... how did you get the installation iso in the first place? Where did you save it?22:17
ubuntu_wylde, i don't understand.22:17
foolovei need to create an array based on line matches so i know how to open the input file handler to read in and do foreach line that =~ regex match then do block of code i need to assign the regex match in the line to an array to call later22:18
Dumle29hi :)22:18
wyldeubuntu_: to make the installation disk/usb you had to get some software yes?22:18
Dumle29im haveing some trouble getting the sun jdk x64 running on my server, anyone had any luck getting those working?22:18
ubuntu_wylde, ya...22:18
wyldeubuntu_: then where is the file(s) you downloaded22:19
wyldeubuntu_: you have to run md5sum against that file22:19
ubuntu_wylde,  on the cd and maybe still on my hd.22:19
chull2058Hello everyone. I was wondering if someone might be able to help me with a boot problem?22:20
wyldeubuntu_: that's is what I mean, you need to be in the directory on your HARDDRIVE not the live cd you're running on. Then run md5sum ubuntu-something.iso22:20
ubuntu_wylde, this is to difficult for me. i will just loose all my info and instalit again.22:21
wyldeubuntu_: if you're going to do that, I suggest you download a fresh copy of the installation software.22:22
ubuntu_wylde, from the website?22:22
wyldeubuntu_: yes, and before installing check the file to be sure it's not corrupted.22:23
ubuntu_wylde, how is that done?22:23
wyldeubuntu_: it's explained on the page that you were given the link for.22:24
wylde!md5 | ubuntu_22:24
ubottuubuntu_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:24
wyldeubuntu_: bookmark that or write it down for when you have the file to check.22:25
wyldeubuntu_: it explains how to do it on Linux, windows, Mac OS X etc.22:25
ubuntu_wylde, if i download it now and put it on usb, can i check it now?22:26
Dumle29Hello, someone that can help me with some difficulties installing sun java jdk?22:26
wyldeubuntu_: yes22:26
Dumle29i get errors when trying to inflate the bin file22:26
lshtI need help regarrding22:26
lshtresolution on Dell xps 1722:26
lshti tried to configure it and failed somehow(ubuntu 10)22:27
lshtthen tried to install driver nvidia 17322:28
lshtand still having problems22:28
Dumle29i have the errors i get when iflateing in a  here: http://pastebin.com/S9xC71xa22:29
lshtwhat should i wrote to console?22:29
ubuntu_wylde, i might need help because the website is to difficult for me. but i have slow internet so the download will take some time....22:29
wyldeubuntu_: take your time and go through the page step by step. In all honesty that's the best way to learn. If you really can't figure it out come back here and ask for help. If there's someone here who can help they will.22:32
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ChaserDumle29, are you sure its proper file ?22:33
dlentzlsht, xps 17 appears to be hybrid/optimus graphics, swo you can't just install nvidia drivers and expect it to work22:34
Dumle29i did a wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u31-b04/jdk-6u31-linux-x64.bin to get it22:34
Dumle29chaser: i can try and put another file via winscp22:35
ChaserDumle29, It doesn't seem to get the bin file that way. Its trying to get the webpage not the file itself22:35
Dumle29hmm, okay22:35
Dumle29ill get the file on my desktop and put it on the server :)22:36
dlentzlsht: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation22:37
Dumle29Chaser: why is it now saying command not found?22:39
dlentzDumle29, did you make it executable?22:40
Dumle29oh right :)22:40
Dumle29thats chmod 777 right?22:41
VoIPam trying to install ubuntu in my pc22:41
VoIPbut its not woirking22:41
VoIPi think i got the wrong version22:41
=== Caesar is now known as renode
dlentztaht will work, though just chmod +x <file> works too22:41
Dumle29oh ok :)22:41
VoIPwhat version should i use for windows 7?22:41
VoIPam trying to install ubuntu in windows 722:41
VoIPbut its not working22:42
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taekVoIP: in what method are you trying to install it?22:42
dlentzVoIP, wubi? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer22:42
Dumle29ahh now it inflated :)22:42
=== help is now known as release
VoIPmmm i dont know.. i download uuntu from the website ... but the installer is not working..22:42
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VoIPit gives me the option to select the program to open the installer and i dont kwno what program use it22:43
skurceyyou need to burn on DVD or use daemon tool VoIP22:43
VoIPi dont have a dvd burner ;(22:44
dlentzVoIP, do you have a usb stick?22:44
skurceymaybe a USB stick?22:44
skurceybeat me to it :(22:44
=== Guest38596 is now known as DJ
skurceyIs thee anyway that Compiz process take less CPU?22:47
blablaHello. Has someone an idea how I could instruct "kile" to use only the $PATH-Variable for searching binaries when compiling with e.g. pdflatex? Actually (Ubuntu, Natt) it scans for /usr/lib/kde4/pdflatex and /usr/bin/pdflatex first before processing the $PATH-variable. This behaviour is different to kiles own systemcheck-function, where programs are preferred as expected by PATH-Variable.22:47
mccantaI've got a preseed question.  Anyone know how to do a pxe boot install and have the installer use my repos instead of the xx.archive.ubuntu.com archives?  I've set up the mirror/ area in the preseed file, but it seems to ignore my mirror/http/hostname when downloading packages.22:47
bekksmccanta: remaster the install image.22:48
Dumle29Now im getting some trouble trying to installt he jdk as an alternative22:49
Dumle29it says the path is not absolute, though it leads directly to the bin/java22:50
mccantathanks bekks.  is there a tool to help ?22:50
VoIPi know whats the solution to all ur problems WIN722:50
dlentzVoIP, what are you talking about?22:50
bekksdlentz: He's just trolling.22:51
blablamccanta, mirror and preseed works fine here.22:51
mccanta'd-i mirror/http/hostname blah' works for you?22:52
dlentzDumle29, so path has no "../" or "./"22:52
Dumle29im using the path /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_25/bin/java22:54
Dumle29since that is where java is at22:54
bekksDumle29: You should update do 1.6.0_31 at least.22:54
=== scarecrow_ is now known as Mormaugus
Dumle29i downloaded the newest of of suns site22:54
timothyi cant connect to my wireless network22:54
bekksDumle29: Ages ago.22:54
bekksLatest is 1.6.0_3122:54
Dumle29ill try wget22:54
blablamccanta, http://pastebin.com/vAtdQ9RH   for mirror at http://bla/mirror/ubuntu22:54
blablamccanta, it works here22:55
timothyhow do u check what java u has22:55
bekkstimothy: "java -version"22:55
itaylor57timothy, java -version22:55
timothyjava version "1.6.0_24"22:55
timothyis that an updated version22:55
timothyits in the 12.04 repos22:56
itaylor57that would be the right open jdk version22:56
bekksBesides 12.04 isnt supported in here yet.22:56
timothythats the only way to install an updated ver of java22:57
timothyunless you want to manually compile22:57
bekkstimothy: Thats nonsense.22:57
timothyAn error has occurred. See the log file22:57
bekksYou still can get the latest from Oracle yourself.22:58
kedakedahello... does anyone have any experience setting up link aggregation / bonding on ubuntu22:58
Dumle29now i cant inflate the new file i downloaded22:58
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Dumle29even when i chmod +x jdk-6u31-linux-x63.bin22:59
timothysudo self-destruct22:59
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taeksudo kill-over22:59
kedakedai have a 2 nic motherboard and a cisco sg300 router that supports 802.3ad23:00
rhlHi, I am a fedora user, but, I found a project that an ubuntu user is maintaining, for hardware. I want to chat with this person. Given there name/email is there a system in place for getting there IRC nick/ubuntu account? much like FAS for fedora?23:00
timothysudo apt-remove gnome-shell23:00
taeksudo make-me-a-sandwich23:00
pfred1taek apt-get install food23:00
timothyE:  Invalid Command23:00
taeksudo -v23:01
timothysudo apt-get install windows_7_deskop23:01
dlentztimothy, please stop23:02
kedakedaanyone? link-aggregation / bonding /teaming experience?23:02
Dumle29dlentz i cant inflate the file now23:02
Dumle29even when i make i executeable :/23:02
Dumle29a sec23:02
dlentzthat looks like the first pastebin, did you wget it again?23:03
Dumle29danm, why does it get the site?23:04
Dumle29i cant seem to find the u31 jdk though23:04
Dumle29i can find the u3023:05
dlentzis there a reason you can't just use openjdk?23:05
Dumle29yeah, its for a minecraft server, and it doesnt run as it has to with openjdk23:05
phillijwcan anyone tell me how to kill the gwibber service? It kills my cpu23:06
taekuse sun-java jdk23:06
dlentzDumle29, have you looked at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java23:08
Dumle29wired, oreacle doesnt list the u31 on there site, but googleing  jdk-6u31-linux-x64.bin gave a result23:08
Dumle29thats what im following :)23:08
Dumle29adapting for x64 though23:08
dlentzphillijw, install and run htop23:09
phillijwdlentz: what will tha tdo23:09
bekksDumle29: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html23:09
bekksDumle29: Scroll down, it is listed.23:09
Dumle29oh. i must be half blind :O23:10
taeknever had a  problem running MC with openjdk23:10
dlentzphillijw, it will show you a list of running processes and give you option to kill them23:10
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Dumle29bukkit runs fine on openjdk23:10
taekYes it does23:10
Dumle29the official server, which i use right when a release is out doesnt :/23:11
phillijwdlentz: oh, I guess I should've asked how to turn it off, not kill it. I can just pkill it23:11
phillijwdlentz: but cool app nonetheless23:11
bekksphillijw: You cant "turn off" a process.23:11
phillijwbekks: I should be able to disable it somehow. Its part of the email icon on the titlebar thinger23:12
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bekksphillijw: then kill the gwibber process in first instance.23:13
pikkachuhi all, how to change the time between needing to enter password for signing stuff with your PGP key? I remember answering a question like this but can't find the place to change it23:13
Dumle29thanks :) running sun java now :)23:14
dlentzDumle29, crisis averted!23:14
erraticjava? I love coffee!23:14
Dumle29haha  yeah :)23:14
erraticsun roasted java beans huh?23:14
Dumle29ooh, coffe :D23:15
Dumle29the liquid of life :)23:15
OerHeks!poll | Agamemnus23:16
ubottuAgamemnus: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:16
erraticAgamemnus thank you23:17
=== diegovieiraeti is now known as diegovieira
Agamemnusthat's not a poll, it's a petition :)23:17
dlentzbut it's not a support request..23:17
FernandoCuevaI want to install the radeon driver found on ubuntu 11 on my 1023:18
dlentzFernandoCueva, open-source radeon driver or proprietary catalyst/fglrx ?23:18
FernandoCuevaopen source23:19
born2trollguys i try to compile sth and the configure tells me i shall enable "d-bus"... i dont know anything about it... can you help me?23:21
dlentzFernandoCueva, xorg-edgers has a nice PPA, but i don't know if it supports maverick or lucid anymore\23:22
neo31Hello folks, how should I proceed to reinstall python-encutils please (i need it for calibre to work properly but it was removed from precise repository) thanks23:22
dlentzborn2troll, you probably need libdbus-1-dev23:23
born2trolldlentz, thats already installed...23:23
dlentzneo31, python-cssutils supposedly replaces it23:24
neo31thanks dlentz i'm going to try it and see if it works with calibre23:25
dlentzborn2troll, do you have a link to sth/source?23:25
neo31dlentz python-cssutils is already installed on my system. is it possible to reinstall python-encutils in addition to that?23:26
Butthead_where can I find the wubi installer for 10.04lts?23:26
born2trolldlentz, what do you mean? i try to compile the newest version of pulseaudio... i can send you the output if you want23:26
dlentzneo31, not as a .deb, since the two will conflict23:27
dlentzborn2troll, sure, pastebin it23:27
neo31then i should compile it :)23:27
neo31i'll see what i can do23:27
born2trolldlentz, just pasteing it right in the chat would make my nick honor :D http://paste.debian.net/161964/23:28
dlentzneo31, are you using calibre from precise  repo?23:28
dlentzborn2troll, i'm not sure, maybe apt-get build-dep pulseaudio will help23:31
born2trolldlentz, was the first i did =/23:31
born2trolldlentz, actually even before i dl the source of pulseaudio :D23:32
neo31dlentz I installed calibre from lucid repo then i upgraded to precise beta123:32
dlentzborn2troll, then build without dbus? (i didn't think it was stable anyway?)23:32
dlentzneo31, i;m running precise and installing calibre install python-cssutils23:33
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neo31dlentz it worked23:35
neo31now calibre can convert PDF files to epub23:36
born2trolldlentz, lets try it... if i just dl the deb package it has like 100 dependencys to meet23:38
=== david is now known as Guest91075
Edlerhey guys23:40
Edleri'm trying to install a package with aptitude23:40
Edlerbut i keep getting this error23:40
EdlerThe following packages have unmet dependencies:23:40
Edler  php5-fpm: PreDepends: dpkg (>= but is to be installed23:40
FloodBot1Edler: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
EdlerWhat should i do ?23:40
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
bastidrazoredler php5-fpm does not exist in lucid.23:43
Edleri'm on 10.04LTS23:44
Edleris that lucid ?23:44
bastidrazorEdler: yes.23:44
Edlerwell how can i get php-fpm working on it then23:44
bastidrazorEdler: compile from source since the .deb or ppa you're trying to use wants a higher version of dpkg.23:45
bastidrazorEdler: just my guess. i could be wrong.23:45
Edlerany tutorial where i can do that ?23:45
Edlerah i'll just download and figure it out23:46
Edlerwhy is php 5.3.2 the latest in lucid23:46
Edleris there any way to install later other than compiling from source ?23:47
monotoko_Edler, which version would you like?23:48
monotoko_there are unofficial, precompiled repos out there23:48
Edler3.3 or later23:48
Edlerwell monotoko_ the problem is23:48
monotoko_... 3.3?23:49
Edlerwhen you start putting unofficial packages23:49
Edlerthen all your packages must become unofficial23:49
monotoko_ohh 5.3.323:49
Edleri've tried that in the past23:49
Edlerand official packages don't recognize the unofficial ones :S23:49
monotoko_Edler, not really... there's special ways to ensure that doesn't happen23:49
monotoko_Edler, you just add the packages you want to the end of the deb line23:50
Edlerall i'm really trying to accomplish23:50
Edleri was using spawn-fcgi for php23:50
Edlerand it was causing problems23:50
Edlerso i want ot install php-fpm23:50
wolfmitchellIs there a sudo keepalive script anywhere?23:50
Edlerany tutorial to install php 5.4 on ubuntu 10.04 ?23:51
monotoko_Edler, ahh okay! this would install php 5.4 on nattydeb http://apt.damz.org/ubuntu natty php5423:51
Edleronce i do that23:51
Edlerwhat happens with my current apt-get php5 which is 5.3.2 ?23:51
monotoko_just add it to your sources.list, *with* the php54 on the end23:51
Edlerdoes it get overwritten ?23:51
Edlermonotoko_ remember i'm on lucid23:52
monotoko_Edler, remove php5 first: apt-get remove --purge php523:52
taek   it does, except for the config file23:52
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Edlermonotoko_ would that disrupt anything else ? such as added php modules ?23:52
philip__Hello guys, i followed this recipe to install hdjmod driver. everything went good, but synaptic doesn't shows the driver installed. Is there anyway to make dkms build a deb package? I dual boot avlinux and ubuntu, this is reffering to avlinux, so i'll be waiting if someone could offer some help and look here. Thanks. http://pastebin.com/ufYE1W9D23:53
monotoko_wolfmitchell, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudoTimeout23:53
monotoko_Edler, we can try just upgrading it23:54
monotoko_if you would rather23:54
Edlerthat's the latest version23:55
Edlerin the official repo23:55
monotoko_Edler, I mean add the new repo, then do an upgrade23:55
Edlerwhat's the syntax to add it with "php54" in the end23:55
Edlerand should it work on lucid ?23:55
bastidrazormonotoko_: that could break the entire system.23:55
Edleri certainly don't want to break it :P23:56
monotoko_bastidrazor, okay, should he remove PHP first then?23:56
philip__then back it up first. ;)23:56
=== monotoko_ is now known as Monotoko
bastidrazorMonotoko: sticking with whats in the distro version repo is recommended. going outside that can have negative effects.23:57
Monotokobastidrazor, I upgraded to 5.4 a while ago... but I did it on a clean system23:57
helpmehow I can set SFTP on proftpd with virtual users auth?23:57
MonotokoI do PHP programming as a job... so I need the latest and greatest usually23:58
MonotokoI'm also still on Lucid because of Gnome 223:58
gadienHey all, 11.10 here. just what to know what i need to do to make grub boot into windows by default23:58
Monotokogadien, download the Startup Manager from the Ubuntu Software Center23:59
Monotokoyou should then be able to start it from the dash, hit the "Default Operating System" dropdown and choose Windows23:59
gadien@Monotoko Thanks man, appreciated23:59

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