
meerkatswhat package do I need to get ubuntuone?00:03
meerkatsubnutuone clinet?00:03
meerkatsor is it the file storage API?00:04
EDinNYHow can I figure out what email address I used for ubuntu1?01:00
JamesTaitGooooood moooorning all! :D08:19
ryeJamesTait: mooorning good!08:32
JamesTaitrye: Strong, the force with this one is.08:32
czajkowskimorning all08:46
apwi have my SSO account set to require 2-factor authentication, just opened up ubuntuone on my android phone and it asked me to login, which i did without being asked for 2-factor, how is that possible09:05
mandelapw, you will nedd to ask karni about that10:01
mandelczajkowski, morning!10:01
karniapw: 2-factor auth is not mandatory yet10:01
czajkowskimandel: hey how are you ?10:01
mandelczajkowski, fixing broken tests on windows, you can imaging :P10:03
czajkowskimandel: you break things you fix things :)10:07
mandelczajkowski, is a way to see it :)10:08
czajkowskimandel: recovering from injury?10:10
apwkarni, ok ta10:10
karniapw: np.10:10
mandelczajkowski, yep, I should be playing after easter.. but 7s which is not that much fun for me10:10
karnimandel: Do you know if your windows client supports 2-factor auth already?10:10
mandelkarni, does linux do? 'cause I don't think so..10:11
karnimandel: Not that I know of, no. Ok.10:11
mandelkarni, is the same code so.. I would suspect it does not..10:13
mandelkarni, are we moving to the 2-factor one? 'cause I think is something that we have not considered in desktop+10:13
karnimandel: I think one day we may have no choice. I'll ask on isd10:15
mandelkarni, please do, if that is the case we ought to tell ralsina10:15
* karni asks10:16
gatoxgood morning people!11:03
gatoxmandel, o/11:04
mandelgatox, morning!11:10
gatoxmandel, how are you?11:10
mandelgatox, fine, fixing windows tests which I hope to land today or next week :)11:11
gatoxnessita, hi11:22
nessitahello everyone!11:22
nessitahola gatox11:22
gatoxnessita, how are you? do you enjoy the free day? :P11:22
nessitagatox: pretty good! and yes, I did. How about you?11:23
gatoxnessita, really really nice11:23
mandelall, I'm out 5 mins11:31
mandelnessita, morning, while I'm out => https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/autoupdate/+merge/10038711:31
nessitahola mandel! great work11:32
nessitamandel: one note: I need to prioritize ubuntu releases today, but I will review as soon as I can11:32
mandelnessita, sure, no problem!11:42
mandelnessita, I have elopio also looking at it, my aim is to land it today so that is ready before I go on holidays11:42
mandelgatox, ping!11:51
gatoxmandel, pong11:51
mandelgatox, you used to have all the webclient tests failing, right?11:51
gatoxmandel,  on windows? sometimes are ok..... sometimes 30 fail11:52
mandelgatox, can you branch lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/mocked-webserver and run the tests several times, there is a new webserver implementation that should close correctly, and since your machine is special.. :)11:52
gatoxmandel, do you need me to run tests?11:52
gatoxmandel, yep11:52
mandelgatox, please :)11:52
gatoxmandel, 10 runs..... 10 success11:58
mandelgatox, toma!11:58
mandelgatox, sweet, I'll fix the lint issues and will propose for u1-dev-tools :)11:58
mandelgatox, just to be sure, this was on windows, right?11:59
gatoxmandel, jejeje yes12:00
mandelgatox, ok, just 3 checking :)12:01
gatoxmandel, i'll asume that was actually a 4 :P12:02
mandelalecu, buenas!12:17
gatoxalecu, hi!12:18
gatoxbrb.... i'll buy some fruits downstairs while the win vm (another one) is installing12:22
nessitaalecu: hi there12:33
mandelok, I need to get some fuel (food) will be back!12:35
nessitaalecu: so, in the absence of ralsina, I would need you to approve the stable-3-0 updates branches...12:37
nessitaalecu: could you please start looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/stable-3-0-update-2.99.92/+merge/100588 and https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/stable-3-0-update-2.99.92/+merge/100590 ?12:37
alecunessita, sure12:38
urbanapemorning, all12:48
nessitaalecu: two more to go:13:03
alecunessita, 3 done; starting with the last one.13:24
nessitaalecu: nice!13:24
dobeynessita: what about https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/autoupdate/+merge/100387 ?13:36
briancurtinargh, internet works like crap today. thankfully it worked before i had to call "support"13:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mandelnessita, indeed, I though we wanted to land autoupdate before 3, right?13:39
dobeynessita: is the "Updating from trunk from revno NNNN" really necessary in the commit message?13:39
nessitamandel: no, stable 3 will get branches landed until friday13:40
nessitamandel: your branch will be cherrypicked after ubuntu releases13:40
mandelnessita, ah, ok13:40
nessitadobey: is not "necessary" but helps me in the next update to know from where I updated last time13:40
nessitadobey: do you see a reason not to have it?13:40
dobeyit's ugly :)13:41
nessitadobey: I realized I removed the stup.py from windows-installer in a cleanup branch, and we actually need it to tarball it. WOuld you please review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-windows-installer/setup-is-needed/+merge/10060513:48
nessitaoh no, no tarmac today?13:48
dobeytarmac is running13:52
dobeynessita: if that's for trunk, shouldn't the version be 3.1 there?13:53
nessitadobey: yes you're right, fixing13:53
nessitadobey: setup.py version fixed13:54
nessitadobey: re: tarmac, there are 2 branches not landing since 24 minutes now, but perhaps LP is slow?13:55
nessitaI mean tarmac may be slow*13:55
dobeytarmac is indeed slow. it's probably landing ubuntuone-client which is pretty slow13:55
dobeyif something still isn't landing after a couple hours, then we can panic :)13:56
nessitadobey: I'm leaving early today, so I can panic within minutes :-P13:56
nessita(not hours)13:56
* dobey hands nessita a paper bag to breathe with13:57
* nessita breaths with the bag13:57
nessitaok, now that I'm oxygenated, will have some mates13:57
nessitaalecu: thanks for the reviews!14:05
alecunessita, let me know if you need more today.14:06
nessitaalecu: I will need one more for windows-installer, but that's less "important" (no need to do ubuntu release with that one)14:06
gatoxthis is really weird.... i'm trying to connect using the new installer in the machine where i change the location of the home in windows.... and it always fails during authentication.....14:06
briancurtingatox: the only time i saw any issue authenticating was a few days when some customer was here in IRC reporting the same issue with their version. it seemed something server-side was having a problem, then it went away a few minutes later14:09
gatoxbriancurtin, it's weird because it's working in another vm..... i'll debug this further14:10
urbanapemorning, briancurtin. What's your day looking like?14:13
mandelelopio, ping?14:13
nessitadobey: FYI, update to stable-3-0 for client has landed14:14
nessitadobey: you build the tarball for it, right?14:14
briancurtinurbanape: starting out with some windows stuff and any remaining testing/reviews/builds for autostart. after that's out of the way i've got nothing scheduled, so i'm free to pair14:15
urbanapesounds good14:15
dobeyi think 12.04 has some network problems14:19
elopiomandel: pong14:23
mandelelopio, did you read the message in the branch?14:23
mandelelopio, you might have gotten an error because the pacakge you are trying to update is the latests and we are just faking the update, do I make sense?14:24
mandelelopio, the code that does the update is no ours (is from btirock) so is save to get to the update dialog to pass the test14:24
elopiomandel: I haven't read it, but it sounds ok.14:25
elopioI saw all the bitrock updater and stuff, so +1 from my side.14:25
mandelelopio, gracias!14:25
mandelelopio, atm I'm trying to get all the test back to green on windows so that you guys can have automated build for windows.. lets hope for the best :)14:26
* elopio prays to a random god.14:26
elopiomandel, briancurtin, I'll be on vacations thursday and friday. Do you want me to run the smoke test on that installer you sent me, or wait for another version?14:27
mandelbriancurtin, elopio AFAIK that is the one we will release (or a very similar one)14:28
briancurtinelopio: yeah i would say go ahead with the one you already have. if the autoinstaller branch is alright, that's all i'm aware of that was left in order to have a release14:29
elopiook, great. So I'll be testing. Ping me if you need to get something checked.14:30
gatoxneed to reboot...... brb14:30
mandelgatox, may I have use of you ever failing tests machine? :)14:36
gatoxmandel, jeje  ok..... what i need to do?14:36
mandelgatox, please branch lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/mocked-webserver and put it in your path14:36
mandelgatox, then branch lp:~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-webclient-tests14:37
mandelgatox, and run the sso tests on that one several times14:37
gatoxmandel, ok14:37
mandelgatox, thx!14:38
nessitadobey: I guess we need to add the license exception to the protocol packaging, right? would you teach me how to properly do that?14:40
mandelgatox, getting green lights?14:41
gatoxrunning..... green by now14:42
mandelgatox, they might be very slow in your system.. but it to do things right :P14:43
gatoxmandel, yep14:43
dobeynessita: yes we do, and still need to add it to a couple more projects actually. :-/14:44
mandelgatox, I was between getting them to work, or fail very fast hehehe14:44
dobeybut rush rush so i guess will have to wait for them until 3.0.0 release14:44
nessitadobey: oh, I just see that u1client exception is not there, I guess I was confused with the devtools branch14:45
gatoxmandel, i get an error in time_after_timeout_cache_expires and it get stuck there14:46
mandelgatox, which testcase is that in?14:47
* mandel wonders how many tests are broken in sso..14:47
gatoxmandel, i'm restarting the vm now because i need to test another thing14:47
gatoxmandel, sorry..... didn't look......14:47
* gatox grepping14:47
mandelgatox, I can grep :)14:47
dobeynessita: also sso14:47
nessitadobey: yes, seeing that14:47
nessitadobey: how would you like to proceed then?14:48
mandelgatox, is time_after_timeout_cache_expires in sso?14:48
gatoxmandel, is test_after_timeout_cache_expires14:48
jo-erlendhey. I just filed a bug against Rhythmbox, but I'm fairly confident it has to do with the U1MS plugin, so I thought I'd mention it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/97251014:48
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 972510 not found14:48
dobeynessita: just make the releases14:48
mandelgatox, ok, go it :)14:48
gatoxmandel, you have it in test_timestamp and test_common14:48
nessitadobey: tarball releases have been made14:48
dobeyjo-erlend: was that a crash report?14:48
dobeynessita: yes, will fix the rest later14:49
nessitadobey: onto packaging now, and was wondering what I need to change in protocol's packaging branch regarding the license14:49
jo-erlenddobey, yes. It causes Rhythmbox to crash whenever you try to play something while a preview is already playing.14:49
jo-erlenddobey, I can easily reproduce it using the exact steps I provided in the report.14:49
dobeyjo-erlend: hrmm, works fine here (though i am using rhythmbox daily build, so maybe it's been fixed)14:50
nessitaalso, I guess I need to propose a branch for tarmac so it does not run the verify command for windows-installer14:50
nessitasince that command is gone14:50
dobeynessita: is just run-tests? add it back and have it do nothing but exit cleanly :)14:51
dobeynessita: though i guess it should be running pep8/u1lint at least?14:51
nessitadobey: you like that better?14:51
nessitadobey: over the scripts/ folder? can be...14:51
dobeynessita: well for any python that is still in the tree :)14:52
nessitaok, will do after releases14:52
dobeynessita: though i wonder how it would have been successfully removed...14:52
nessitadobey: True14:52
nessitadobey: will you or will I upload new client to ubuntu?14:53
dobeyi don't think we were running a verify command for it, actually14:53
dobeyi will14:53
nessitadobey: ack and ack14:54
dobeyjo-erlend: ok, will look at it as soon as i can. crashes are hidden from pretty much everyone, until apport retracer finishes with them14:55
nessitadobey: so, when you have some time available, would you please let me know what I need to change on protocol packaging branch?14:55
dobeywell, debian/copyright will need to be updated to also include the exception comment14:56
mandelalecu, ping14:56
alecugatox, re: bug #889785, "I can't sync any folder outside of "Documents and Settings\dhaynes". Folders inside that directory I can add/sync successfully." <- that seems to be the *expected* behaviour.14:57
dobeynessita: i think that's all, actually14:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 889785 in Ubuntu One Client "Can not add folders in WinXP" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88978514:57
alecumandel, pong14:57
nessitadobey: nice, will ask you a final review when that's done14:57
gatoxalecu, but if you move the home..... you should be able to add folders of the locations of you new home14:58
alecugatox, I'm not sure we should change the behaviour to allow folders in a different drive14:58
alecugatox, we are surely not allowing that on linux.14:58
mandelalecu, if you have the time, could you take a look at : https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/tcp-testcases/+merge/9975914:58
mandelalecu, only if you have the time14:58
gatoxalecu, let's ask...... nessita ping  ^14:58
nessitagatox: pong14:58
gatoxnessita, can you read alecu's comments?14:59
mandelgatox, we don't allow it14:59
gatoxmandel, what?14:59
nessitagatox: officially, we do not support having folders outside  the user home14:59
dobeynessita: the new LICENSE* files /should/ get picked up automatically. if they don't end up in the bin packages in the /usr/share/docs/ tree, we'll have to add some magic for that14:59
nessitagatox: so, whatever windows reports as the user home, is what we support14:59
nessitadobey: ack14:59
gatoxalecu, yes...... that's what i mean.... so, if the user change the home, he should be able to do whatever he want in the new location....... sounds good? or am i missing something?15:00
nessitagatox: so, if windows reports that the home is X and the user wants to sync outside X, we don't support that (no idea if it's possible, but certainly can break)15:00
nessitagatox: it depends on what windows reports as the user home15:00
nessitagatox: does he change the home in a proper way, that windows always report the new location as his home?15:00
mandelgatox, depends on how you changed the home dir, if it was via the reg I think com does not get it from there..15:01
mandelgatox, in you do it at installation time is a diff story15:01
nessitagatox: from the bug report, seems like windows still thinks C:\Documents And Folders\foo is his home, no?15:01
alecunessita, in this bug, the user has manually set the home folder to be outside the root drive. They have moved home to D:15:01
nessitaalecu: what does it mean "manually set"?15:01
alecunessita, and I think that's something we should not support on windows if we don't support it on linux.15:01
alecunessita, manually changed the registry values or env vars to point the home to a different drive.15:02
gatoxnessita, mandel i've installed a new vm with win7..... and i didn't find the option to change the userhome....... i did it changing the registry..... but it seems to affect only the users i create after doing that..... is kind of a mess15:02
gatoxalecu, ^15:02
nessitaalecu: but apparently he did not change everything, since our code detects the home to be in C:\15:02
alecugatox, if we allow that then some user will set his home to a removable drive, and then he'll get missing files.15:03
nessitaalecu: my point is that if he changes "everything" properly, syncdaemon can not know... not sure if I can explain myself15:03
nessitaalecu, gatox: bottom line, I agree with "we don't support having the home folder being moved"15:03
alecunessita, if he manages to outsmart syncdaemon, good for him.15:03
nessitaalecu: right15:04
alecunessita, but we should not be supporting this.15:04
gatoxnessita, alecu, i'm not saying this is right....... but think in this scenario:15:04
nessitaalecu: not without careful designing this15:04
alecunessita, exactly.15:04
gatoxalecu, nessita a root user install the machine..... then for some reason he decided that the users that are going to use that machine should have they userprofile data stored in another drive because he don't want data in the installation drive.....15:05
gatoxthere is where the problem appear15:05
nessitagatox: why does the problem appear?15:05
nessitasyncdaemon will use whatever user_home from our platform module15:06
nessitagatox: so, I think the key is what *windows* reports as the user PROFILE dir15:06
gatoxnessita, because it seems that u1 is not detecting that the user home change, a case sensitive problem... or something.... i couldn't test it yet., i'm trying to make it work yet..... found the other problems in the way15:06
gatoxoh oh standup!15:07
mandelalecu, nessita, gatox editing the registry is wrong, you have to do it in the installation15:07
nessitagatox: we will support whatever home folder windows reports as the user PROFILE home15:07
mandelalecu, nessita, gatox, there is a documented way to tell the system that $home is in a diff hd/location, the reg stuff brakes not only u1 but lots of other apps15:07
gatoxnessita, ok, after standup we'll continue15:07
gatoxdobey, briancurtin  ?15:08
briancurtinah crap, typing now15:08
gatoxtoo :P15:08
nessitagatox: go!15:09
gatoxProposed branch for the loading overlay transparency, investigate Bug #940669, Working on #88978515:09
gatoxFinish with the bug about the changed userprofile location on windows.15:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 940669 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-sso-login crashed with SIGSEGV in QSocketNotifier::setEnabled()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94066915:09
gatoxmandel, go15:09
thisfredDONE: u1d15:09
mandelDONE: Finished autoupdate branch. Fixed all tests of sso by writing a correct implementation for the Websever.15:09
mandelTODO: fix tests of other projects15:09
mandelBLOCKED: no15:09
mandelnessita, please15:09
nessitaDONE: started with bug #959690, national holiday15:09
nessitaTODO: ubuntu releases15:09
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes15:09
nessitaNEXT: urbanape15:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 959690 in Ubuntu One Control Panel trunk "Migrate tests for LocalFoldersPanel from windows-installer to this project" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95969015:10
urbanapeDONE: Worked on a crasher in the iOS Music app. TODO: back on the Mac port, BLOCK: None15:10
urbanapealecu: go15:10
alecuDONE: national holiday15:10
alecuTODO: more reviews, SD bugs15:10
alecuBLOCKED: no15:10
alecuNEXT: thisfred15:10
thisfredDONE: u1db index mappings TODO: debug << BLOCKED: no, but having memory management issues15:10
briancurtinDONE: autostart reviews, testing, builds, etc. trying to debug different armount of args for on_download_finished15:10
briancurtinTODO: more windows debugging, trying to get tests to work better15:10
briancurtinBLOCKED: no15:10
briancurtini dont think anyone's after me?15:10
nessitabriancurtin: dobey should go15:10
nessitadobey: go!15:10
dobeyλ DONE: bug #969262 (not really), reviews15:11
dobeyλ TODO: releases/uploads, more bug #968555, more of #96926215:11
dobeyλ BLCK: none.15:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 969262 in libubuntuone trunk "Error while getting credentials: The '/org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login/24' object does not exist" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96926215:11
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 968555 could not be found15:11
nessitaany comment anyone?15:12
nessitaok, eom15:13
gatoxnessita, ok...... let's continue15:13
gatoxnessita, so, about this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/88978515:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 889785 in Ubuntu One Client "Can not add folders in WinXP" [High,In progress]15:14
nessitagatox: I'm not sure what else we need to discuss :-)15:14
gatoxnessita, the answer will be: "we don't support changing the home in windows?"15:14
gatoxnessita, jeje i get confuse.... i need to know what to do :P15:14
mandelgatox, you changed the location wrong15:14
nessitagatox: from the bug report, windows is reporting C:\Documents and Settings\dhaynes as the user home15:14
mandelgatox, you have to do it like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/913130/15:14
nessitagatox: so *that's* the user home15:14
nessitamandel: I would not encourage the user to run that code15:15
nessitagatox: you understand what I mean?15:15
gatoxnessita, is not a bug..... windows is telling us the correct home..... that's what you mean?15:16
mandelnessita, certainly not, I would tell him, you screwed up the system15:16
mandelgatox, ^15:16
nessitagatox: that's a piece of what I'm saying15:16
gatoxnessita, ok..... and which is the part i'm missing?15:17
mandelbriancurtin, got time to try some tests of sso on a windows machine?15:17
briancurtinmandel: yes sir15:17
mandelbriancurtin, thx! please branch lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/mocked-webserver and put it in your path15:17
mandelbriancurtin, then branch lp:~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-webclient-tests15:18
mandelbriancurtin, and run the sso tests several times?15:18
briancurtinmandel: will do, trying now15:18
nessitagatox: so, besides what can we respond in the bug, I'd like that you understand the whole situation before answering, because that way is much easier for you to handle future reports about this. So, the situation is like this:15:18
nessita* UBuntu One, at the moment, does not support syncing folders outside the user home15:18
nessita* The user home is retrieved from windows, querying for the PROFILE folder15:18
nessita* Thus, whatever folder windows reports as PROFILE, that's the "home" syncdaemon cares about15:18
mandelbriancurtin, thx!15:19
nessitagatox: so I'm not sure if this user's windows is telling the "correct" home, but we believe windows in whatever it reports as the home folder15:19
gatoxnessita, yes yes..... that's what i understand15:19
nessitagatox: so, whatever changes this user made, he may not have made all the needed changes to make windows believe the home folder changed :-)15:20
mandelurbanape, ping?15:20
gatoxnessita, okkkkkkkkk....... totally agree15:21
nessitagatox: yey! :-)15:21
mandelurbanape, shall we see if I finally fixed the sso tests everywhere? do you have the time?15:21
gatoxnessita, thanks for using your teaching powers in the explanation jejeje15:21
urbanapethe fix-webclient-tests?15:22
nessitagatox: LOL15:22
mandelurbanape, you need to brach  lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/mocked-webserver  and the run the test of the fix-webclient-tests :)15:22
urbanapeyup, k15:22
gatoxok...... lunch for me........15:28
dobeylunch here too. bbiab15:29
nessitawho added this code to the qt runner???15:29
nessita    if sys.platform.startswith("win") and not args[0].endswith("exe"):15:29
nessita        python_exe = procutils.which("python.exe")15:29
nessita        if python_exe:15:29
nessita            args.insert(0, python_exe[0])15:29
nessitaalecu: ping about that ^15:31
mandelnessita, pido no!15:32
nessitamandel: eh?15:33
gatoxmandel, bad news: http://paste.ubuntu.com/913158/15:33
mandelnessita, as in, I didn't add it :)15:33
mandelgatox, fuuu what kind of evil machine do you have!15:34
gatoxmandel, how much ram do you have in your windows vm?15:35
mandelgatox, 2gb15:35
mandelgatox, and you?15:35
gatoxmandel, the same15:35
mandelgatox, and the revno is 946, right?15:36
gatoxmandel, and i'm setting the path like this: set PYTHONPATH=..\ubuntuone-client;..\ubuntuone-control-panel;..\ubuntuone-windows-installer;..\mocked-webserver;.15:38
mandelgatox, hm.. can you go to ubuntuone/devtools/testcases/tx.py and add a number of prints in the stop method?15:40
gatoxmandel, yep..... but wait a while..... i'm about to have lunch :P15:41
mandelgatox, sure, mandame a la mierda antes jejej15:41
gatoxmandel, jejejejee15:41
mandelbriancurtin, urbanape, news for me?15:49
briancurtinmandel: not yet, this machine is working like crap15:49
mandelbriancurtin, ack, I'll move to find out when in the utterly slow machine from gatox we have problems..15:50
urbanapemandel: nearly there, sorry15:54
mandelurbanape, no proble.. i know they are kind of slow..15:55
nessitadobey: wanted to confirm with you ubuntu archive is open for upload15:56
briancurtinmandel: success the first time, i'll try several more times and see what happens16:01
mandelbriancurtin, please do :)16:01
briancurtinmandel: https://pastebin.canonical.com/63680/ :/16:04
mandelbriancurtin, my hate towards twisted increases every time I see a dirty reactor, he16:05
mandelbriancurtin, I'll keep trying to be even more explicit when closing a connection..16:05
alecunessita, pong about the qt runner.16:10
nessitaalecu: so I was wondering why you added that code in between the "production" code16:10
nessitaalecu: I agree is needed, but I would have adviced doing something "on the side", or windows specific only16:11
alecunessita, how would you have approached this? on a different function?16:11
alecunessita, or with a "if DEBUG" first?16:12
nessitaalecu: yes, and on a different module... also, if I'm not missing anything, on windows we don; t use that runner, no? only the twisted runner is used16:12
alecuU1_DEBUG, I mean.16:12
nessitaalecu: perhaps I would have changed the caller to pass the proper args (not sure, I did not analyzed the use cases)16:12
gatoxmandel, i'm back..... what do you need? :P16:13
urbanapemandel: running now16:13
urbanapemultiple runs16:13
mandelgatox, can you add a number of prints in the setop from the webserver in the u1-dev-tools branch16:14
mandelgatox, I'll like to know when it is loosing the conections16:15
gatoxmandel, can you point me where?16:15
urbanapemandel: seem to have found a hang in test_is_already_running.16:15
urbanapeafter two complete runs16:15
mandelurbanape, wait a little :)16:15
urbanapeah, k16:15
mandelgatox, under ubuntuone/devtools/testcases/tx.py16:15
nessitaalecu: anyways, I guess we can talk about that tomorrow, now I gotta run to the uni16:15
dobeynessita: it is, yes. though i'm not sure if we need to upload to -proposed now and have it moved over.16:15
gatoxmandel, or send me a branch where do you prefer to have the prints.... so the information will be more useful to you16:15
alecunessita, from what I can tell, the qt spawn_program is called from the webclient16:15
alecunessita, to get the proxy credentials, and such.16:15
alecunessita, but yes, let's discuss this tomorrow.16:16
nessitadobey: I asked about the archive being open in #ubuntu-release and since they confirmed, I uploaded ussoc to ubuntu. I read the -proposed email, but I understood not eery package qualified to go that way. Also, from kate's branch I understood that until 4/5 we could upload to the main repo16:17
urbanapemandel: how long should I wait?16:17
nessitadobey: but we can upload to -proposed for all the ubuntuone-* packages though, not sure what's the benefit of that16:17
mandelurbanape, in in 30s is not done, kill it16:18
* mandel hates twisted disconnections16:18
nessitadobey: anyways, I gotta run. I have questions about the debian/copyright file in the storage protocol packaging branch, so I will ping you tomorrow when you start working to clear my doubts16:18
dobeyah ok16:19
dobeyyeah i guess we don't need to upload to proposed16:19
dobeyyet anyway16:19
nessitadobey: right (agreed on the "yet" :-))16:19
urbanapemandel: hmm. I'm using briancurtin's u1-windows-installer buildout. Rebuilt with your mocked web server dev tools, and updated the ubuntu-sso-client code, but now just triggered another hang in the test_get_port_fails_if_service_already_running. Hung for over 30s16:20
mandelurbanape, ok, thx for the info.. I'll look deeper into twisted to see what the hell are the connections doing16:21
nessitaok, I'm off16:21
nessitabye all!!!16:21
nessitasee ya tomorrow16:21
urbanapebye, nessita16:21
gatoxelopio, ping16:27
mandeldobey, what version of twisted do we support?16:28
dobeymandel: what do you mean?16:28
mandeldobey, I'm considering to use the abortConnection method in a transport bu that method was added in 11.016:30
mandeldobey, actually 11.116:30
dobeywell, ideally we would continue working with the version in lucid16:30
mandeldobey, sig.. ok, I'll find a work around16:32
elopiogatox: pong16:38
gatoxelopio, hi! can you please send me an screenshot for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/887284 it's more useful for me when i see the screenshot... so i see exactly what you mean16:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 887284 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "UI: improve handling of "'s" when appending to names ending in 's' in the Cloud Folders panel" [Medium,Triaged]16:39
gatoxelopio, and sorry to bother you :P16:40
elopiogatox: don't worry. I'm here to be bothered :p16:40
elopiobut that's a rmcbride's bug.16:40
* rmcbride looks16:41
elopiogatox: if I share a folder with you, you'll see it.16:42
gatoxelopio, yes16:42
elopioahh, no, I think that was on the gtk control panel.16:42
rmcbrideyea, it might not exist anymore. let me look16:43
elopionow it says: Shared by "...".16:43
gatoxelopio, ahhhhhhh that make sense.... because in the qt control panel i just see "Shared by [name]"16:43
rmcbridethat fixes it16:43
gatoxelopio, oh sorry.... i saw the description :P16:43
gatoxand i asume it was yours16:43
rmcbridegatox: elopio I've verified that the QT control panel no longer has an issue because of the changed string and closed the bug16:44
gatoxrmcbride, great, thanks...... elopio thank you too16:44
elopiogatox: np. thanks to you.16:45
gatoxlisettte, ping17:04
lisetttegatox: pong17:06
gatoxlisettte, hi, how are you?17:06
lisetttegatox: not bad, but just running out of here, do you need something quick?17:06
gatoxlisettte, about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/824574 can you tell me if you still see this with the modifications that the control panel has17:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 824574 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "QT UI scroll bar overlaps list area bottom border" [Low,Triaged]17:07
lisetttegatox: on windows or ubuntu?17:07
gatoxlisettte, should be the same17:07
gatoxlisettte, this is reported on windows17:08
lisetttegatox: haven't checked on windows, but don't think i saw it on ubuntu17:08
gatoxlisettte, i was asking because i don't see it, to know if i can close the bug..... do you want me to ask you tomorrow?? or i can check now on windows and close it if it's not valid anymore17:09
lisetttegatox: could you email me a reminder? i will be back home after 9 and can check it then17:10
gatoxlisettte, ok, thanks17:10
dobeygatox: i see the bug here17:10
gatoxdobey, on linux?17:10
lisetttegatox: awesome thank you!!!17:10
dobeygatox: on ubuntu with "-style windows"17:11
* gatox checking17:11
dobeyit might be a bug in qt itself though, not sure17:11
gatoxahhhh now that i see it on windows.... i understand which is the problem17:12
gatoxlisettte, thanks... no need for you to check this17:12
gatoxi can see it now17:12
dobeyyou're welcome17:16
gatoxdobey, thanks you too :P jeje17:17
dobeythisfred, briancurtin, alecu, gatox: anyone care to do a quick review on https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/libubuntuone/update-from-trunk/+merge/100658 please?17:57
thisfredaye aye17:57
briancurtindobey: i like it17:59
dobeythisfred: http://soundcloud.com/coba-ss/novalima-machete-gabriel-rocca18:00
thisfreddobey: nice!18:02
thisfredI have a different mix, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FabricLive.4918:03
dobeyah, yeah18:05
dobeythere's also http://soundcloud.com/coba-ss/novalima-machete-thodoris18:06
urbanapebriancurtin: ping18:07
briancurtinurbanape: pong18:07
briancurtinurbanape: FYI i'm waiting on some pasta to finish cooking, then eat it, then i'll be free for some pairing18:07
urbanapek, I'll be hanging in Mumble soon18:08
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
dobeythisfred: care to poke at https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/update-from-trunk/+merge/100666 real quick too? :)18:21
thisfredsure thang18:21
thisfredany review that ends in 66618:21
thisfreddobey: approved with free comment18:24
gatoxalecu, you are famous!18:31
gatoxalecu, the people that twitter suggest to ninja-ide to follow: http://ubuntuone.com/4GWqrBsFRhkdcOcqajZSdt18:31
alecugatox, I'm awesome!18:31
gatoxalecu, \o/18:31
mandelalecu, you are in the katy perry category..  I wonder what gatox or ninja-ide are doing..18:37
gatoxmandel, jejeejeee18:37
gatoxmandel, ninja-ide don't follow anyone..... so it seems to recommend the coolest people to force me to follow someone18:38
dobeyKaty Perry18:45
dobeydoes ninja-ide follow Brittany Spears too?18:46
gatoxdobey, no, ninja-ide doesn't follow anyone18:47
gatoxthats why twitter show that huge suggestions18:47
gatoxand hide the timeline18:47
joshuahooverbriancurtin: do you know if we're going to get a new windows release for qa'ing this week even though ralsina is out?18:58
briancurtinjoshuahoover: elopio and rmcbride received what I think is going to be the golden ticket. we got them a build yesterday with mandel's autostart fix and i know elopio is going to move foward with testing it18:59
joshuahooverbriancurtin: cool, great news!19:00
rmcbridebriancurtin: joshuahoover and though I'm on triage this week, I'll be installing it so that I can continue testing when elopio goes on holiday late in the week19:00
joshuahooverrmcbride: perfect19:01
briancurtinurbanape: i need to make a quick run to pick up prescriptions, be back shortly19:01
mandeljoshuahoover, ideally, next week we should have auto build of this things.. I'll send an email about the issue with the broken tests (read as manuel ranting about twisted)19:03
joshuahoovermandel: but you love twisted...how could you?19:03
joshuahoovermandel: that would be awesome if you guys get auto builds done by the end of next week...a HUGE step forward19:04
mandeljoshuahoover, we should be able, tests are nearly done, and we will be able to focus on jenkins :)19:04
rmcbridemandel: the trick is to not call twisted.omnomnomnomallmydebugmessages()19:05
rmcbrideor so I'm told19:05
urbanapeMy Mac seems to have frozen. Wheeeee19:11
dobeyreheat it in the microwave19:12
urbanapeGood idea19:13
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briancurtinurbanape: ping, i'm back in business19:27
mandelrmcbride, twisted is nuts sometimes, at least I discovered where is the issue19:33
mandelok, eod for me19:34
mandelgatox, briancurtin, rmcbride, alecu_kinder, joshuahoover I'm on holidays until monday, ralsina already knows it, but just in case19:34
mandelhurray easter!19:34
gatoxmandel, ok, ENJOY!19:34
joshuahoovermandel: enjoy :)19:35
rmcbridemandel: enjoy19:35
briancurtinmandel: enjoy the easter candy19:35
thisfredmandel: happy easter http://www.cocoonservices.nl/belinda/images/fokkesukke_pasen.gif19:37
thisfredtranslation available19:38
dobeybrb, snack break19:43
mandelthisfred, lol19:57
gatoxok.... eod here!! see you tomorrow people!20:06
dobeycheers gatox20:06
gatoxdobey, o/20:06
urbanapeoff to pick up Lex20:10
dobeymeerkats: re: what you asked last night, ubuntuone is installed by default on ubuntu.20:21
meerkatsdobey, but im in xubuntu20:22
dobeymeerkats: you'll want to install ubuntuone-control-panel-qt. it should pull in everything you need for syncing files on u1. if you use rhythmbox, you'll also probably want rhythmbox-ubuntuone for the music store20:23
dobeythisfred: one final branch https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-dev-tools/update-from-trunk/+merge/100684 if you would please give it a quick review. :)20:24
* thisfred reviews20:24
thisfreddobey: +120:25
=== alecu_kinder is now known as alecu
alecuthisfred, "F & S Find easter eggs. Same place as last year I assume?"20:33
thisfredalecu: your Dutch is impeccable! ;)20:33
alecuthisfred, ;-)20:33
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dobeylater all22:03

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