
blami_hi. I'm porting sysv init script that starts/stops dropbox for all users defined in /etc/default/dropbox. Is having two upstart scripts - one for per-user dropbox instance supervision (keyword: instance $USER) and second for bootstrapping all per-user instances a good idea?08:18
=== blami_ is now known as blami
SpamapSblami: sure. You can also use 'user' jobs and just let users who have dropbox put a file in ~/.initNt16:21
SpamapSahh.. thank you HUD, for that lovely keyboard insanity16:22
SpamapSblami: ~/.init is what I meant ;)16:22
ha1dfohi all. i'm developing services to ubuntu, and i'd like to execute a task that takes time on shutdown. I tried putting it to post-exec but it seems that init is not waiting for my job to finish but kills it. what is the proper way to do it?20:47
blamiSpamapS: that's very nice solution, even smf does not support such thing!21:19
blamiSpamapS: these 'user' jobs, when they get started? during boot or when user is logged in?21:21
SpamapSblami: they get started on the events that their start on defines23:09
blamiSpamapS: so no login is needed, love it! Well maybe upstart does not use cgroups and early sockets but at least is straightforward and does the things that user expects :) 23:11
SpamapSblami: its not quite that easy. THe user has to run 'initctl' at least once for Upstart to find the config files.23:15
SpamapSblami: otherwise at boot time upstart would have to iterate over all known users.. which would not be efficient.23:16

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