
hazmatjimbaker, fwereade_ if you guys have a moment, this one needs a review.. https://codereview.appspot.com/5976074/00:56
jimbakerhazmat, i will take a look after dinner00:57
hazmatjimbaker, awesome, thanks.. how's the rel-id stuff working out?01:01
jimbakerhazmat, i just proposed a new version of relation-hook-context01:05
hazmatjimbaker, cool, looking at it now01:06
jimbakerunfortunately it seemed to pick up every single change in trunk01:06
hazmatjimbaker, yeah.. that diff is foobar'd01:06
jimbakeri can never get lbox to work01:06
hazmatjimbaker, what's the cli invocation your using?01:06
jimbakeri just did lbox propose -cr01:06
hazmatjimbaker, and what's the bzr info on that branch?01:07
jimbakerprobably most relevant is parent branch: /home/jbaker/canonical/juju/mine/relation-id01:07
jimbakerwhich has subsequently been merged into trunk01:08
hazmatjimbaker, can you resubmit the merge proposal by hand and remove the pre-req01:08
jimbakerhazmat, req= ?01:08
hazmatjimbaker, bcsaller and i wasted an hr on this problem yesterday.. it ended up being the easiest thing to do unfoobar lbox was to delete the merge proposal01:08
jimbakerhazmat, how do i delete the merge proposal? from lp and rietveld?01:09
hazmatjust from lp01:10
hazmatjimbaker, i'd try removing the pre-requisite branch via editing first01:10
hazmatthe mp on lp01:10
jimbakerhazmat, ok01:10
jimbakerhazmat, shouldn't lbox do this? it seems to have a hard time with prereqs01:11
hazmatjimbaker, yeah.. it should.. it seems to fall down for pre-requistes that have been merged, along with a pre-existing merge proposal for the branch in question01:12
hazmatat least thats the conditions for your branch and ben's from yesterday01:12
hazmatperhaps niemeyer knows some more01:12
jimbakerplus a chain of rereqs01:12
hazmatits not really a chain.. it just cares about the pre-requisite01:12
niemeyerWhat's up?01:12
hazmatniemeyer, fun with lbox01:13
niemeyerAh, yeah.. it does that still..01:13
niemeyerjimbaker: You have to merge trunk on the pre-req too01:13
hazmatniemeyer, it seems like lbox respects the merge proposal in preference to rediscovering the prerequisite or taking the pre-requisite on the cli explicitly01:13
niemeyerand re-push01:13
jimbakerhazmat, it also was having a prereq issue for relation-ids-command with prereq of relation-hook-context with prereq of relation-id-option, prior to mergin01:14
niemeyerjimbaker: lbox must pick trunk after the pre-req is merge, but it doesn't do that yet, so you have to merge trunk on the pre-req and repush it, so that the diff against it is right01:14
niemeyerjimbaker: I'll fix it when I have a moment01:14
hazmatjimbaker, rel-id-option was foobar'd on target as well though01:14
jimbakersorry, the final prereq was relation-id in the chain i mentioned above, not relation-id-option01:14
jimbakerniemeyer, hazmat, that worked to merge trunk onto relation-id01:18
jimbakerand repush01:18
hazmatjimbaker, cool, thanks01:26
hazmatjimbaker, is it meaningful to distinguish self._context on change flushing via omission of the rel-id? seems like we'd always want the rel-id here, as there is no contextual ref in the log to the rel in question01:26
jimbakerhazmat, that's a valid point... i was minimizing the test change here since we did have child relations before01:30
jimbakerit might make more sense to change it to "Flushed values for hook 'blah' on 'db:0':"01:30
jimbakerthen it will be clearer what is the parent and what are the children, if any01:30
hazmatjimbaker, yeah.. that sounds good.. else this looks good01:31
jimbakerhazmat, cool, i can readily make that change after dinner - and merge it into trunk if it's approved ;)01:32
hazmatjimbaker, sounds good01:32
jimbakerhazmat, approved, sweet, ttyl01:33
hazmatjimbaker, but pls put in a bug per the previous review01:33
jimbakerhazmat, sounds good01:33
hazmatniemeyer, re showing store url when deploying.. how's this look http://paste.ubuntu.com/913980/02:13
niemeyerhazmat: +102:13
niemeyerhazmat: Thanks02:14
hazmatniemeyer, np02:15
hazmatniemeyer, the immortal session stuff is done, if your curious what it looks like https://codereview.appspot.com/5976074/02:16
hazmatmostly just this one.. https://codereview.appspot.com/5976074/patch/1/602:17
niemeyerhazmat: Gosh..02:45
niemeyerhazmat: I hope you continue working for Canonical for as long as we have to maintain that logic..02:46
niemeyer(at least!)02:46
hazmatniemeyer, didn't see that much different than some of the watch stuff that TheMue is doing03:03
niemeyerhazmat: I must be missing something then..03:04
niemeyerhazmat: It looks like pretty much the whole file is filled with logic for resetting and reestablishing sessions?03:04
niemeyerhazmat: and recreating ephemerals, and watches, and ...03:05
hazmatniemeyer, it is, but it resignals to watches via a synthetic event03:05
niemeyerhazmat: Heh03:05
niemeyerhazmat: How is that any similar to what Frank is doing then?03:05
niemeyerhazmat: Frank has a watch in a loop..03:06
niemeyerhazmat: and that's it.03:06
hazmatniemeyer, yeah.. not much in common, persistent watches and persistent sessions, both both are basically just processing watch events, the session code also traps on conn errors though.03:11
jimbakerlooks like http://wtf.labix.org/ is stuck04:27
jimbakerhazmat, i'm going to file that bug tomorrow, good night all04:27
jamespagemorning folks - anyone around who can help we out with an issue with the charm store?08:23
jamespagestruggling with charms that use symbolic links for hooks.... zookeeper for example08:23
fwereadejamespage, *possibly*08:36
TheMuefwereade: moin08:36
fwereadejamespage, there were a couple of recent changes I wasn't directly involved in but I think I remember the thrust of it08:36
fwereadeheya TheMue08:36
jamespagefwereade, right-oh08:36
jamespageOK so I tried a juju deploy zookeeper on my local oneiric provider08:37
jamespageworks fine with the charm on local disk in a bzr branch08:37
jamespagebut I get an install error using the one from the charm store08:37
jamespagethe symbolic links in the hooks directory appear to get broken as its deployed into the service unit08:37
jamespagethey are simple files with the name of the target file in them rather than symlinks08:38
fwereadehmmm, just checking: is this to a recent version of juju?08:40
fwereadejamespage, ^^08:40
jamespagefwereade, the zip file containing the charm in ~/.juju/charms looks OK08:40
jamespagefwereade, I run from PPA all the time08:41
jamespage 0.5+bzr504-1juju4~precise108:41
fwereadejamespage, what I'm really asking is how long ago you bootstrapped that juju08:41
jamespagefwereade, this morning08:41
jamespageand it uses juju-origin: ppa explicitly08:42
fwereadejamespage, ok then, the obvious answer is not the answer ;)08:42
jamespagejust checks  - the service unit is using 0.5+bzr504-1juju4~oneiric1 as well08:42
fwereadejamespage, thanks, I'll try to poke around and see what's up08:43
jamespagefwereade, great - thankyou!08:43
fwereade_jamespage, fyi, the *problem* is perfectly clear but it's taking a while to figure out what the "right" answer is10:01
jamespagefwereade_, would you like a bug report?  I'm assuming the problem is not me :-)10:03
fwereade_jamespage, a bug report would be great, the problem is indeed not you10:10
jamespagefwereade_, bug 97326010:15
fwereade_hazmat, btw, if you're on: https://codereview.appspot.com/598004511:39
hazmatfwereade_, lgtm12:25
hazmatfwereade_,  if you have a moment this one could also use a look..  https://codereview.appspot.com/5976074/12:27
fwereade_hazmat, thanks12:27
fwereade_hazmat, ofc12:27
fwereade_jamespage, it's in trunk now, thank you for catching that12:33
jamespagefwereade_, np - thanks for fixing up so quickly12:34
jamespageI need to pester SpamapS_to get the daily PPA daily again :-)12:34
hazmatyeah.. it looked like a patch conflict from the packaging12:46
fwereade_hazmat, semi-review on https://codereview.appspot.com/5976074/ -- let me know your thoughts13:23
hazmatfwereade_, thanks.. regarding the costs, it comes out to two primary things.. watches which check watch events have to accept a session event, and sequence node based patterns/algorithms (ie. like the std zk lock recipe) need to be rethought13:31
hazmatwe're not doing either of those in juju13:31
hazmatfwereade_, if your up for another one... https://codereview.appspot.com/5966076/13:33
fwereade_hazmat, oo, nice13:35
fwereade_hazmat, perhaps document those drawbacks a little more obviously13:36
=== SpamapS_ is now known as SpamapS
hazmatbcsaller, review delivered on sub-agent16:39
hazmatoff to get some stitches out, bbiab16:39
bcsallerhazmat: thanks16:39
jimbakerwtf.labix.org has not run since r49917:12
niemeyerjimbaker: wtf       9867  1.2  7.1 7606936 35736 pts/2   Sl+  09:21   3:14 python /home/wtf/ftests/build/juju/bin/juju status17:35
niemeyerjimbaker: The logic for waiting for bootstraps seems a bit borked17:36
jimbakerniemeyer, ok - maybe we can diagnose. in any event, just wanted to point out that it has been stuck17:36
niemeyerjimbaker: Yeah, it's getting repeatedly stuck due to this bug17:37
jimbakerniemeyer, how often does it get stuck?17:38
niemeyerjimbaker: I last unblocked it on 49417:38
jimbakerniemeyer, any logs you might have would be helpful17:39
niemeyerjimbaker: http://wtf.labix.org/500/ec2-wordpress.out17:40
jimbakerniemeyer, interesting that it is getting "Too many open files" (so presumably some sort of cleanup is not occurring) after it fails to access s317:43
niemeyerjimbaker: Possibly17:43
jimbakerso the problem may be not in the loop to connect, but in the connection phase itself17:43
hazmatniemeyer, isn't this the problem.. ERROR Cannot connect to environment: DNS lookup failed: address 's3.amazonaws.com' not found: [Errno -2] Name or service not known.17:53
niemeyerhazmat: I don't know, but that seems to have been raised a single time..17:53
niemeyerhazmat: and it actually exited.. in one of those attempts, though, it never went back17:54
niemeyerhazmat: The ps above shows the leak, too17:54
SpamapShazmat: perhaps we should push this back to galapagos? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/89764519:06
hazmatSpamapS, yeah.. that seems reasonable19:27
niemeyerThe interface of running juju-admin was broken again.. that's why juju status was hanging20:02
niemeyerusage: juju-admin initialize [-h] --instance-id INSTANCE_ID --admin-identity20:03
niemeyer                             ADMIN_IDENTITY --constraints-data20:03
niemeyer                             CONSTRAINTS_DATA --provider-type PROVIDER_TYPE20:03
niemeyerjuju-admin initialize: error: argument --constraints-data is required20:03
niemeyerI'll just skip everything until the last revision20:03
SpamapS--constraints-data is required? WTF?20:09
SpamapSthats a mid-merge problem?20:09
fwereadeSpamapS, --constraints-data is required to bootstrap the current code, which should be fine because current code send a cloud-init which includes --constraints-data for initialize20:10
niemeyerSpamapS: Yeah..20:10
fwereadeSpamapS, is something else going on?20:10
niemeyerfwereade: Yeah, except it means the client and the server must be precisely in the same rev for this to work20:10
fwereadeniemeyer, for bootstrap to work, yes20:11
niemeyerfwereade: FOr juju to work, yes :)20:11
fwereadeniemeyer, having the same rev at bootstrap time should not be an issue, surely?20:11
niemeyerfwereade: Client before deadline with new server doesn't work.. client after the deadline with old server doesn't work20:11
fwereadehow can a client be bootstrapping an old server?20:12
niemeyerfwereade: I can imagine several such ways20:12
fwereadeniemeyer, hm, I can see how a non-updated client could get newer code from the PPA that it didn't cover20:13
niemeyerfwereade: I don't know if it's a problem in practice.. if you considered that with SpamapS, must be all good20:13
fwereadeniemeyer, ...are you talking about people messing around with juju-origin for the old-server-bootstrapped-by-new-client problem?20:13
niemeyerfwereade:  I'm not really bringing any specific scenario up.. just stating the fact that compatibility has been broken at revision 500.20:14
fwereadeniemeyer, I see :(20:15
fwereadeSpamapS, can I assist in any way?20:15
SpamapSWe get skew all the time20:17
SpamapSIts why I've proposed that we develop a feature where the client pushes *all* of juju onto the bootstrap node or into file storage and that we no longer try to disribute from "distro" or "ppa" after bootstrap.20:17
fwereadeSpamapS, +10 on that20:17
SpamapSfwereade: for the immediate time being, all is well, no worries.20:17
fwereadeSpamapS, cool20:18
fwereadeSpamapS, I am concerned that I misjudged the --constraints-data thing: my thinking was "either juju-origin matches the client, in which case we're golden; or it doesn't, in which case we're dealing with someone who should know what they're doing"20:19
fwereadeSpamapS, to be fair juju-origin has bitten all of us enough times that assuming people know what they're doing is a touch optimistic20:20
niemeyerRevision 512 is green on wtf..21:20
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