[06:58] morning superfly and others [06:59] hiya maiatoday [06:59] hi Kilos [07:17] morning [07:17] hi sakhi [07:25] good mornings [07:25] hi inetpro [07:39] bbl [10:13] good day everyone. [10:13] where can i learn about programming the log in screen? [10:14] kodez: in which Ubuntu version? [10:15] kodez: download the source code [10:15] i am using ubuntu 11.10 Beta version but will be changing to Ubuntu 12.04 in May [10:15] kodez: Ubuntu used to use GDM for the login screen, but now it uses LightDM. [10:16] So I would suggest googling for that and whatever you want to change. [10:17] kodez: what is it that you would like to change? [10:18] kodez: for an overview, maybe read this page on the Arch Linux wiki -- it's usually an excellent resource for all kinds of tweaks. Just bear in mind that it's a different Linux flavour. :) https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LightDM === Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk] [11:59] hi geeks [13:05] sies [13:16] Afternoon all [13:38] hi geeks [13:39] nice .py story you have there magespawn ;) [13:40] Hi kbmonkey. The one from last night? [13:40] yes [13:41] hi locodir-user [13:41] Ty, but I cannot take credit for the idea just for the code. [13:45] I could offer you some tips [13:47] always treat print() as a function, ie call it with braces: print('story') and not: print 'story' [13:47] that syntax is going away in the future [13:50] Ty [13:50] Any tips are good. [13:51] Superfly told me about pep8 [13:52] yes the PEP is good :) [13:53] I think the book will get into functions I think in chapter 6 [13:53] only chap 6? o_O that is a long wait :p === Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero [13:55] print('hello, my name is %s. I am a %s' % ('Rover', 'dog')) [13:55] ^ how to put values into strings [13:56] you forgot a ; [13:56] :P [13:56] ha ha ha [13:58] Got to go now see you guys later. [13:58] which language? [13:59] Python [13:59] * bakuman frowns at Kerbero's mistake [14:00] lol ok [14:01] i assumed it was C [14:01] as i just connected to the bouncer and saw the one line [14:01] Java, C etc does not have the % but a comma, and not a tuple [14:01] true [14:01] clearly my attention is elsewhere atm [14:02] she sells C shells at the sea shore [14:02] code to add a ubuntu precise countdown banner: [14:02] The next version of Ubuntu is coming soon [14:02] awesome [14:02] thanx bakuman [14:02] quick and easy and clean [14:02] * Kerbero ads it imemdiately [14:02] wanted to do that a month ago [14:02] but it was still the old one [14:04] there are three different one to choose from, if you would like another look: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown [14:04] i'm using the same one as previously [14:04] you added the uncommented html again [14:05] option 4 is ugly [14:05] i should change then [14:19] has anybody had experience with laptops that use optimus technology [14:20] hmm [14:20] the pick a different graphics card to optimise battery usage stuff [14:20] koiosify had a little the past few days [14:20] and the bumblebee project [14:20] tonberry had a bit too [14:20] but with the older pre-optimus one [14:20] I wanna buy a laptop and just wanted to get a feel for how hectic this is [14:20] basically: don't [14:20] ask koiosify [14:21] yeah that's what people say but also there are reports that bumblebee works well [14:21] what i hear was that it works good, until you reboot [14:21] then graphics are broken [14:21] oops [14:22] bleargh maybe if I do that I'll have to keep a windows partition for the games and then run ubuntu on the intel graphics card only, if it is even possible [14:50] hmm... [14:51] if only I could put that countdown banner into my wiki page as simply as that [14:51] why cant you? [14:51] yeah good question [14:51] images need to be uploaded in the wiki [14:52] no inline linking allowed [14:52] write a cronned script to to that [14:58] I see however that it can be done, see: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgAllowExternalImages [15:18] ahh... easy if you whitelist ubuntu.com with $wgAllowExternalImagesFrom [15:20] now I can simply add the image on my wiki page with [15:20] [http://www.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntu.com/countdown/banner3.png] [17:52] Evening all. [18:01] evening superfly and others [18:02] hey magespawn you fixed you game yet [18:33] hi Kilos [19:32] Evening all, hopefully this time i can stay [19:32] lo magespawn [19:32] Hi Kilos [19:32] such a busy channel [19:32] Getting that way [19:33] ook ook [19:33] hehehe hiya kbmonkey [19:34] Still pretty quite compared to #winsock [19:35] what channel is that magespawn as i got there even chanserv quit [19:36] Was a trivia channel where thebot would ask trivia questions and keep records of people scores [19:37] only me there now [19:38] Surprising, think maybe was not on freenode, but then again was a while back [19:38] lol [19:38] Not this one brb [19:40] hey kbmonkey, did you look at the Meeting plugin? [19:41] kilos was on irc.dal.net [19:42] huh? [19:42] kill him [19:42] Server instead of irc.freenode.net [19:43] oh you mean that winsock [19:45] thought you said kilos was there [19:45] kbmonkey, what you doing?? [19:46] seeing the folks now kilos, I'd better get off the pc now :p [19:46] ok laddy [19:46] catch you later/tom ._. [19:47] night then [19:47] that plugin has him rattled superfly [19:47] hehe [19:48] Later kbmonkey [19:48] i looked at magespawn s game? but will take years to understand all of that [19:49] night guys. sleep tight [19:49] Night kilos [19:50] I am out of here too night all === sdehaan_ is now known as sdehaan === Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]