
=== r0bby is now known as robbyoconnor
pooliespiv, hi?02:30
mgzmorning all!07:24
Merwin_hi mgz :)07:39
mgzto get a log of the whole of a history branch given a dotted revno from within it,10:08
mgzis there anything smarter than:10:08
mgz`bzr log --forward -l1 -r191.1.5..`10:08
mgzthen seeing what the revno of that is in the parent branch and doing:10:08
mgz`bzr log -n0 -c198`10:09
ribeI have checkout main project branch, but how do I create development branch on my localhost?10:17
mgzribe: not really sure what you want, but just `bzr branch exisiting_main new_devel`?10:19
vilamgz: bzr log -n0 -cmainline:191.1.5 ?11:16
mgzvila: thanks!11:21
jonathanjhi, i have a stange problem with locations.conf that has only recently (and suddenly) started happening11:29
jonathanjfor some reason bzr is not matching stanzas in locations.conf that is has been matching for years11:30
jonathanji'm using bzr 2.6b1 on OS X 10.7.311:31
jonathanjis there some way to debug the matching?11:31
jonathanjmy branch is at /Users/jonathan/Coding/Project/branches/123-branch, i have a /Users/jonathan/Coding/Project/branches stanza11:33
jonathanjif i remove path elements until a location stanza starts appearing in "bzr config" i end up with /Users/jonathan/Coding, which seems bizarre (hah!)11:34
jonathanjas far as i can tell there is nothing (nor has there ever been) anything special about the Coding directory11:34
jelmerjonathanj: this code has been changed recently, so I suspect it's a regression11:35
jelmerjonathanj: can you file a bug?11:35
jonathanjjelmer: after a whole lot more messing around it seems that somehow os.getcwd was reporting "Coding" as "coding" (while Finder, pwd, ls, etc, reported it as "Coding"), moving it to foo and back to Coding appears to have resolved all my issues12:03
jonathanjalthough on OS X "coding" and "Coding" are actually the same path, so maybe i should file a bug about that12:04
huggieSo I committed, pushed but it was wrong.  I'd like to undo that.  I found uncommit and revert and now I'm back where I should be but I can't push.  I tried an empty commit and now I've diverged.  Um, help? ;)13:40
jelmerhuggie: you can discard the remote history using "bzr push --overwrite"13:40
huggieWoo.  After a little time launchpad updated too.13:44
huggiejelmer: Thanks, that was perfect :)13:44
* mgz blames jml here instead15:58
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mgzskip on twisted and unittest should not use incompatible exception classes15:58
jmlbackwards compatibilit15:59
mgzis it actually impossible to skip a test in such a way as it'll not count as a fail on one of trial or unittest -m?16:00
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ribeWhen I do MERGE/ POOL main branch to my branch msg is 'there is nothing to do', but right after that if I do merge my branch into main there is changes to commit. How is that possible?21:54
ribeI'm truing to revert some changes btw, and can't update my branch to current version of main branch...21:55
ribeHow to revert my branch to privies version and the do update/pull the current version of the main branch?22:08
jelmerribe: 'bzr pull --overwrite <main-branch-url>' ?22:09
ribejelmer: that may help, just that I using Bzr explorer...need to check out how to do that in terminal...22:14

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