
niemeyerTheMue: How did the review look? Good stuff?13:51
TheMueniemeyer: yip, the changes are back in (after i had another special task: check the translation of the press release to maas) ;)13:52
niemeyerTheMue: What's coming next?14:01
niemeyerTheMue: Acting as a translator too?  Nice. :)14:01
TheMueniemeyer: if it's ok for you now i'll submit it and then realize the next watches14:02
TheMueniemeyer: as long as you don't have something more urgent for me14:02
TheMueniemeyer: do we have a kind of roadmap in which order the missing parts shall be ported?14:04
niemeyerTheMue: Not at this time.. we have to do all of them, and nobody else is blocked on missing pieces of the state, so you're free to pick the next slice14:05
niemeyerTheMue: That said, given we've just entered watches and have them fresh in our minds, sounds like a good choice indeed14:05
niemeyerTheMue: I'll have a last look right away14:06
TheMueniemeyer: Fine, so I would continue with those.14:06
niemeyerTheMue: Just for the record:14:17
niemeyerDone. Difficult situation would be if in case of an internal watcher error14:17
niemeyerDying() returns an error too. Haven't been able to discaver that in the control14:17
niemeyerTheMue: It's fine to give precedence to one of the errors in that case14:17
niemeyerTheMue: You've picked the right end of it as well, IMO.. the underlying error is likely of higher precedence if both exist14:17
TheMueniemeyer: That has been my thought too. And I think a panic would be too much while some kind of crippled error mix of both won't help too.14:26
niemeyerTheMue: You got a plain LGTM14:28
TheMueniemeyer: great, thx14:28
niemeyerTheMue: Turned out very well.. love the new watch infra14:28
TheMueniemeyer: me too, one kind of tasks which go can handle very well14:30
robbiewof course fwereade leaves the room at our 1:1 time15:03
niemeyerLunch time.. biab15:12
flacosteSpamapS: when are you planning on next uploading to the archive?15:34
flacosteSpamapS: the current archive version doesn't have the constraints support15:34
flacosteSpamapS: not a big deal, but just would like to know your plans15:34
SpamapSflacoste: when subordinates lands15:44
flacosteSpamapS: what's the ETA for that?15:44
SpamapSbcsaller: how goes it btw?15:44
SpamapSflacoste: I've seen brief flurries of review/fix/review cycles so it must be close.15:45
=== hazmat is now known as kapilt
fwereadegn all (actually, happy weekends all, really, holiday tomorrow)16:39
TheMuefwereade: yip, have a nice long weekend too16:44
niemeyerfwereade: Have a good one!16:48
=== kapilt is now known as hazmat
hazmatjimbaker, after your done merging the rel-id work, would you mind having a look at this txzk branch http://codereview.appspot.com/5976074/18:51
jimbakerhazmat, will do19:35
hazmatjimbaker, thanks19:43
niemeyerjimbaker, hazmat: "Use the new hook command, relation-ids [RELATION_NAME], which takes an21:05
niemeyeroptional relation name (otherwise implies all)"21:05
niemeyerjimbaker, hazmat Otherwise implies all?21:05
hazmatniemeyer, yes21:05
hazmatniemeyer, all relation ids are returned if no name is specified21:05
niemeyerhazmat: The agreement is that it should imply the current relation name21:05
hazmatniemeyer, if one exists21:06
hazmatit does21:06
hazmatbut in the case of a non rel hook context, it won't21:06
niemeyerhazmat: Yes, if you doesn't exist it should break and say "give me a relation name"..21:06
niemeyerhazmat: Otherwise the command has a completely different behavior depending on context21:06
jimbakerniemeyer, hazmat, the actual behavior is to return all the relation ids if no relation name is specified, regardless of context21:07
niemeyerjimbaker: That's not what we agreed21:07
jimbakerwhether relational or not21:07
hazmatjimbaker, doesn't it default to an env var?21:07
jimbakerniemeyer, i can certainly change it21:07
jimbakerhazmat, it was originally doing that, but that caused the inconsistency21:08
jimbakerinstead we can have it raise an error as niemeyer suggests21:08
hazmatsounds good21:09
jimbakerhazmat, cool21:09
niemeyerjimbaker: """21:10
niemeyer  4 This proposal adds a new relation hook command to enumerate the21:10
niemeyer  5 relations a service participates in::21:10
niemeyer  621:10
niemeyer  7    relation-ids [RELATION_NAME]21:10
niemeyer  821:10
niemeyer  9 Hooks that are not relational hooks must specify the relation name as21:10
niemeyer 10 an argument; otherwise an error is raised stating "Relation name must21:10
niemeyer 11 be specified". For relational hooks, the corresponding relation name21:10
niemeyer 12 is the default.21:10
jimbakerniemeyer, thanks for pointing that out21:11
niemeyerjimbaker: I'm not reviewing the code going into the Python implementation.. if you don't pay attention to the specification, the point of we agreeing on it is moot21:11
jimbakerniemeyer, thanks, this was very helpful21:13

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