
tonyFluryi have my code on launchpad in a simple hierarchy for development purposes - how do i get launchpad to build a deb which can be downloaded by others and installed ?06:28
tonyFluryor do i have to build the deb myself - based on a daily/weekly build off my own machine ?06:29
gesertonyFlury: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes06:30
tonyFlurygeser - now i need someone to translate that lot into english - it made no sense to me how i specific which file in my code branch goes into which directory on the installation target machine06:33
tonyFlurygeser - is there an example build recipe that i can use as a basis for my recipe ?06:38
geseryou need two parts: a) a debian/ directory with those packaging files to build a deb from a source package and b) a recipe to build a source package from your bzr branch06:40
geserfor a) you could take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide for how packaging works (and what all those files in debian/ do)06:41
geserand for b): I didn't work with recipes yet myself, so I don't know if there are any good examples06:42
tonyFluryok - i am not sure i understand to be honest - I can build a deb on my local machine - but I can't work out (admitedly i have skim read it) how the recipie specifies which file to put where06:42
tonyFluryso i create my deb directory - and upload it to launchpad (as a specific branch to my project) ?06:43
geserthe recipes just builds a source package from your bzr branch (e.g. when you commit a new revision), then the source package gets build by the PPA buildds06:44
geserit's like you would upload a source package for your new revision youself to your PPA, just automated06:45
wgranttonyFlury: The recipe tells Launchpad to combine branches in a certain way to create a Debian source package.06:45
wgrantThe Debian source package needs to specify where to put the files. That's where the Packaging Guide that geser linked comes in.06:45
wgrantYou still need normal Debian packaging; recipes just automate regular builds.06:45
tonyFlurywgrant: thanks - i think i need an actual example of how it actually works in practice - i.e. a working recipe and package directory ....06:46
tonyFlurypresumanbly you build the deb directory with empty files with the same names as the actual files in your source code - and the recipe will then replace the files with the actual contents06:49
wgranttonyFlury: Recipes don't go near that part of the build.06:52
wgrantThat's all the source package, which is Launchpad-independent.06:52
tonyFluryok - then i am lost completely :-(06:53
wgranttonyFlury: It's best to start with the packaging guide, ignoring recipes until you have something working locally.06:53
wgrantRecipes are a layer on top of that.06:53
tonyFluryi know how to build packages locally - had that working already06:53
wgrantHow did you do it?06:54
tonyFluryi built a directory - with some control files - and then a tree under there with each file in it's correct place in the tree06:55
wgrantSounds like you manually built a binary package.06:55
wgrantWhich there's no reason to ever do :)06:55
wgrantLaunchpad doesn't accept binary package uploads; you need to create a source package that Launchpad can use to create binary packages.06:55
tonyFlurywell - when you work with Python there is no difference between a source and binary06:55
wgrantThere often is (eg. C extensions)06:56
tonyFluryI am not asking launchpad to upload a binary package.06:56
wgrantAnd binary packages don't always contain binaries.06:56
wgrantIt's a Debian packaging term.06:56
wgrantA source package takes the original source tree and produces a deb06:56
wgrantThe deb traditionally being called a binary package.06:56
gesertonyFlury: if you want to have a deb ready for downloading on Launchpad, then LP has to build that deb for you (for your PPA)06:57
tonyFluryyes - I know - what in does - i don't understand how it works ...06:57
tonyFluryand the guide does not give examples06:57
wgrantYou need to follow the packaging guide to produce a source package such that you can run 'debuild' locally to produce a deb06:59
tonyFluryi can do that ....06:59
wgrantRecipes are a step after that, so just ignore that they exist for now06:59
tonyFlurywell ignoring them wont help when i want to produce a daily build for my project that others can download and install07:00
tonyFlurywhich i want to be able to do in the next few weeks - ignoring the complicated stuff is not an option -07:00
wgrantDo you have a .dsc?07:00
wgrantIt's not complicated.07:01
tonyFluryno - i haven't07:01
wgrantIt just requires that you have a source package first.07:01
wgrantSo not ignoring it now is silly, as you can't do anything with recipes yet.07:01
tonyFluryand to understand the badly written guide - that assumes you know what you are doing anyway07:01
tonyFlurywgrant - even if i had a source package which i can use to locally install - the recipe guide still makes no sense07:02
wgrantIt makes sense when you know how source packages work.07:02
wgrantRecipes just combine branches to create a source package.07:03
tonyFlurywgrant - I see no point in explaining yet again that i do - that i have built them before07:03
wgrantThey don't do packaging for you.07:03
wgranttonyFlury: AFAICT you've manually *binary packages* (debs), not a source package.07:03
wgrantRegardless of content, a deb is radically different from a source package.07:04
wgrantA deb is a final installed tree of files with a little bit of metadata07:04
wgrantA source package specifies how to create that tree.07:04
wgrantA recipe specifies how to create the source package.07:04
gesertonyFlury: so you have a working debian/rules file (and other files in debian/)?07:04
tonyFlurywgrant: thanks for trying to help - but i think you and i are getting confused about what each other are saying07:04
tonyFlurygeser - i can have one for my project in the next hour - as I have said repeatedy build a locally installable deb for my python project is not complicated07:05
wgrantIt doesn't matter if it's complicated.07:05
wgrantAll that matters is if you have a source package, consisting of a debian/ directly with rules, control, etc. in it.07:06
wgrantThat can produce that deb.07:06
gesertonyFlury: once you have that, you can start worrying about recipes (as recipes need that debian/rules file in the end)07:06
tonyFlurythe point is that i can do it .... yes - assume that i have - and if i don't right now i can in a few hours07:06
wgrantYou need to do that first.07:06
wgrantBefore you can understand what recipes do.07:06
wgrantRecipes aren't going to make much sense if you're thinking about them in terms of manually building a deb.07:07
wgrantBecause that's not what they do.07:07
tonyFluryum - believe it or not - I am able to understand stuff by reading .... and i wasn't thinking of them building the deb07:07
wgrantYou just said you *couldn't* understand the guide.07:07
tonyFlurybut hey ho - i will hack it about until it works - or I find an English version07:08
tonyFlurywgrant - the guide is appalling - it does not actually explain anything - it works on the basis that you already know - ah well07:08
tonyFlurynever mind -07:09
wgrantThat's not a very useful complaint.07:09
tonyFlurywgrant: it is a valid complaint - there needs to be a guide which actually explains stuff - not an expert reminder.07:10
wgrantWhich guide are you talking about?07:10
wgrantThe packaging guide starts right from basics.07:10
tonyFluryI am talking about the recipe guide on launchpad07:10
wgrantDon't look at that yet.07:10
wgrantIt won't make sense until you know what a source package is.07:11
wgrantWhich you do not.07:11
tonyFlurywgrant: Please stop telling me not to do things07:11
tonyFlurybye all -07:11
czajkowskiwgrant: morning :)07:12
iois there any way to edit an answer on lp?10:30
io(that you've written)10:30
czajkowskiio: no10:33
ioczajkowski: is that intentional?10:50
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czajkowskiio: yes11:23
ioczajkowski: what's the reason for that?11:32
czajkowskiio: not sure I'm sure it's the same logic that stops people going in and editing answers from others and changing information on bugs as well.11:34
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askhlHi.  Where can I find an overview of the keyboard shortcuts for Launchpad translations?  I can't seem to find it in the guide or google14:43
askhlOkay, I found them by googling 'Adi Roiban [the guy who implemented them] keyboard shortcuts', but they don't seem to be working, generally speaking.  So never mind14:50
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stokachuhi, who can i talk to about getting a branch made private16:32
czajkowskistokachu: me16:33
stokachuczajkowski: may i pm you?16:33
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czajkowskistokachu: that branch is now private17:11
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stokachuczajkowski: great thank you again17:45
czajkowskistokachu: np17:46
alo21hi all18:01
alo21Can I link a project to a team?18:02
matsubaraalo21, you can set a team as the maintainer of the project18:03
alo21matsubara: could you tell me how?18:03
matsubaraalo21, go to the project home page, look for the maintainer field and click the yellow edit button18:05
matsubarait should be under Project Information18:05
alo21matsubara: done..18:06
alo21matsubara: if i work in bug managment in a specific project18:07
alo21will my karma linked with the team which is the maintainer?18:07
matsubaraalo21, IIRC, karma is per person only, not for teams, so setting the team as the maintainer won't have any effect on your karma18:09
alo21matsubara: what does it mean: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-magazine/+karma18:09
alo21matsubara: this page shows me total karma of that team18:10
matsubaraalo21, it shows 0 to me. is that what you see?18:12
matsubarait's likely to be bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/547113 or https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/42233518:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 547113 in Launchpad itself "Plot for seeing a teams members karma/activity" [Low,Triaged]18:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 422335 in Launchpad itself "the team overview page does not show actions by the teams members which received karma" [Low,Triaged]18:13
alo21matsubara: yes... I see 018:13
matsubaraalo21, so, that's it. basically the +karma page for teams doesn't show anything useful at the moment which is related to the bugs above18:14
alo21matsubara: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-accomplishments-system/+topcontributors18:15
alo21here you can see a specific karma in that project18:15
alo21matsubara: Can i use it in a programme with API?18:16
matsubaraalo21, I think the only karma information exported through launchpad's API is for a person. you probably can get the total karma of your team members and do some fancy stuff with it but the calculation would need to be done by your application. Look at https://launchpad.net/+apidoc for information about the API18:19
alo21matsubara: I have seen it yet, thanks18:20
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stokachuwhen doing branch merges from a proposal how are we supposed to keep original commit messages to show up in the merge?19:53
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dobeystokachu: the original commits will be merged in, when you do bzr merge. the new revision you commit will include them, and you can view them with bzr log -r $NEWREV -n 0 if you want20:15
stokachudobey: ah ok thanks20:47
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kirklandhowdy!  anyone around who can help me with a new commercial launchpad subscription?23:38

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