
AMIGASoh cool well i changed it thank's to you00:01
wxlno prob00:02
AMIGASis there a apps centre for lubuntu like how there's one for ubuntu?00:02
ilomabrAMIGAS:  Yes the package is lubuntu-software-center00:05
ilomabrgoogle that and youll find the ppa you can add to apt-get install it00:06
ilomabrFor anyone thats up for beta software a "do-release-upgrade -d " (essentially upgrading to beta 12.04) fixed all of my atheros wireless network throughput issues....smb throughput is more than double00:10
AMIGASilomabr: oh so i can use the terminal to get it?00:13
ilomabrthis ppa isnt official but it works...00:15
ilomabrsudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-desktop/ppa00:15
ilomabrthen  "apt-get update"00:15
ilomabrthen "apt-get install lubuntu-software-center"00:16
AMIGASmy top task bar disappear00:16
ilomabror wait for 12.04, its there by default00:17
AMIGASwhat my task bar00:17
wxlAMIGAS: try the alt-f2 and do `lxpanelctl restart`00:21
AMIGASwow it work00:25
AMIGASwxl: oh do you know all this's things?00:27
AMIGASwhat is dock?00:30
wxlAMIGAS: sorry for disappearing. i'm one of the team and a hardcore user00:41
wxlAMIGAS: btw all this info is in the guides/workarounds -- have you seen the wiki?00:41
Unit193And manpages. :P00:43
AMIGASwxl: ah no00:44
wxlAMIGAS: the dock isn't necessarily relevant to the native lubuntu setup.00:44
AMIGASwal: yeah but just wanted to know what is it for00:45
wxlAMIGAS: [3~https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation#Wiki_-_Frequently_Asked_Questions00:45
wxlthat i mean00:45
wxlthe dock is a launcher.. like the little bar at the bottom of the mac screen if you're familiar with them :D00:46
AMIGASwxl: browser is slowing down the pc (chromium) and i not seen to find a simple browser to use.00:46
wxlif you just want to see text, dillo works well :D00:47
AMIGASlol and maybe a flash player too :D00:48
wxloh bah then keep chromium-- it's your best choice00:48
wxlout of ALL of them00:49
wxlanywho gotta jet00:49
* wxl pokes Unit193 00:49
wxlhelp AMIGAS out if he needs it :D00:49
* Unit193 jabs wxl 00:49
* Unit193 knows nothing.00:49
wxl(he's lying)00:49
AMIGASusing terminal to install it's saying something about main, universe and etc...01:03
Unit193What command are you using, and is it just the downloading part?01:08
AMIGAS"sudo apt-get install" i'm using that01:09
Unit193sudo apt-get install firefox   for example tells you that it's downloading it and from where, and unpacking, etc.01:09
AMIGASi wise to gather knowledge like you about the os01:11
Unit193I just mess around and poke stuff. Reading the manual/wiki/blog posts as well.01:12
AMIGASah the termial isn't work like when i tpye "sudo apt-get install firefox" it's loading the first thing about dictator located or something like that01:15
AMIGAShow to cut down on memory use01:42
Unit193Disable unneeded startup jobs, close unneeded programs, etc.01:42
AMIGASall disable and unneeded programs gone but need to do more01:43
Unit193Add more ram. :P01:45
Unit193How much do you have?01:45
AMIGASabout 380 :D01:45
Unit193Run a process manager and see what's taking it up.01:46
AMIGASsomething name "Xorg"01:47
Unit193Yeah, don't kill that.01:49
AMIGAScan i stop it?01:50
AMIGAS:D why not, what is it?01:51
Unit193Your GUI.01:52
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:52
AMIGASwhat about openbox?01:54
Unit193Again, no.01:54
Unit193You'll be better off not killing anything unless you know for sure what it is.01:55
AMIGAS:D oh but i only know some01:56
Unit193< Unit193> You'll be better off not killing anything unless you know for sure what it is.01:56
Unit193Do you know what it is? If not, you may not want to kill it.01:57
AMIGASjust tell me some that i can kill01:57
Unit193Browsers, email clients, IM clients, or other desktop applications.01:59
AMIGASon it01:59
AMIGAShow about xscreensaver02:00
Unit193Type    free -m   and tell me what you see.02:00
Unit193^^ in a terminal window.02:01
AMIGAStotal 380, used 9802:02
AMIGASfree 28202:03
Unit193That's not bad at all, you can live with that.02:05
AMIGASwhat about xscreensaver?02:05
Unit193That's your screensaver....02:05
Unit193Why do you think you need to cut down?02:05
AMIGASdont need it :D02:06
Unit193Careful about screen burn in.02:06
AMIGAS:D is that a joke because that was FUNNY02:07
Unit193Do you know what it is?02:07
Unit193It's where your monitor displays something so long that it actually shows up when you turn off the monitor, or when you change the window even.02:08
AMIGASyou mean what it burn on the monitor even whenit off you say02:09
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dabirmy HDMI audio just shows "S/PDIF" in alsamixer, i unmuted it and still no sound can anyone help03:14
holsteindabir: i wouldnt trust the labels03:16
holsteini would consider pulse03:16
holsteini would maybe think about trying a few different live CD's and see if you can learn something03:17
holsteinmabye find a tool, or a kernel that supports your hardware better that you can add into your current lubuntu03:17
dabirin alsamixer, i have no adjustable volume control for HDMI. all that shows is S/PDIF and I unmuted it, but still no sound coming from TV03:17
holsteindabir: right.. i would not trust that label to be correc03:18
holsteini would consider installing pulse audio and using pavucontrol03:18
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icerootapt-get install lubuntu-core is designed to offer me an lxde env with x-server and lxdm on 11.10? so that a start will automaticly show up the display-manager?05:55
icerootif so, then we are facing bugs on 11.1005:55
icerootor is lubuntu-core something different?05:56
bioterrorlubuntu-core is core05:56
bioterroryou have to pull all the programs you want05:57
icerootso the same as lubuntu-desktop without abiword and so on but with lxde, xserver and logon-manager05:57
bioterroriceroot, what kind of bugs you are then facing?05:57
bioterroriceroot, exactly, that's how it should be :D05:57
icerootbioterror: lxdm AND lightdm are trying to start05:57
icerooton 11.1005:57
bioterrorold good05:57
icerootnone of them can start and you end up on tty105:58
icerootused netinstall with only openssh-server and then apt-get install lubuntu-core05:58
icerootphillw: is there a way for the testing-team to test that case again? i am out of hardware-ressources05:59
icerootnetinstall i386, 11.10, only choose openssh-server and then "apt-get update && apt-get install lubuntu-core" reboot and then lxdm and lightdem are trying to start, both are failing and you end up on tty106:00
icerootworking fine when using lubuntu-desktop instead06:01
bioterroryou can check what packages the lubuntu-core fetches?06:02
bioterrorand then do: ubuntu-bug lubuntu-core06:03
icerootbioterror: i am not sure if something went wrong from my site but i dont have ressources to retest it and i dont like bugs where i am just guessing06:03
bioterrorif I find my stinkpad ac adapter, I might spin around mini.iso on a t4206:04
icerootbioterror: would be great, thank you06:04
bioterrorno problemos ;)06:05
bioterrorI can report it then06:05
icerooti really need hardware here which is able to run a vm...06:06
cristian_cthe problem is the disappearance of the volume applet in Lubuntu08:26
cristian_cadding it again it did not do much, just deleting the hidden folder in home lxpanel was even worse, because the panel lacked08:28
cristian_cReset the panel, I found that creating a new user, with it, the panel was not present08:28
cristian_cResetting the panel in a more correct way, however, I discovered something:08:29
cristian_clxpanel -p Lubuntu command brings up (in addition to the panel) the following string on the terminal:08:31
cristian_clxpanel: can't start plugin volume08:31
cristian_cHowever, nothing has appeared in addition to this08:32
cristian_cmay be useful to correct the problem you think?08:33
Atlantic777Where could I find some sys requirements for lubuntu?10:58
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rdkrdkhi, I'm on a netbook, an eee PC, I installer Lubuntu along Windows on another partition to have a dual boot, just finished the install, the computer reboots, but grub doesn't show up, can someone help me?12:28
rdkrdk(it's Windows 7 that atomatically starts up when booting the computer, for clarification)12:32
rdkrdkthank you I am going to check this12:35
rdkrdkgoing to try this from the live cd, thanks again12:38
skedarthanks bioterror, grub-repair fixed the issue. So I could try the new eee PC on lubuntu, no support for graphic drivers (yet ?) but the bettery is properly handled with it's [i don't remember how it's called] technology using Jupiter and Jupiter-eee-pc packages14:22
bioterrornice to hear that it helped14:24
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bioterrorabout the flash problem17:37
bioterrorI have installed and I made a visit to: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/17:38
bioterrorit first shows animation no probs but then it disappears17:38
bioterrorI disabled my Adblock Plus and voilá ;D17:38
bioterrorbut did not solve problems on youtube17:39
rohnhi all17:41
rohni have a strange problem17:41
bioterrorI hope it's not related to flash :D17:41
rohntoday i installed lubuntu in my pc17:41
rohnbefore taking the update my sound card is perfect but after the update17:42
rohnit not working17:43
rohnmine is soundblaster17:43
bioterroropen terminal17:43
bioterrorand execute command: alsamixer17:43
bioterrorand check PCM and MASTER17:43
bioterrorMM means MUTED17:43
rohnlspci dose not  show me the card also17:44
bioterrorwith m -key you can unmute it17:44
rohnbioterror: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory17:44
bioterrorwhere did your soundcard disappear17:45
bioterrorwhich soundbast you have exactly?17:45
bioterrorwe could load a module17:45
rohnreally i donet know17:45
rohni think something dell emu17:46
rohnlspci shows me my analog tv tuner card but not the sound card17:47
rohnwait i'll be back17:48
bioterrorrohn, did you install kernel update?17:48
bioterroroh dear17:48
bioterrortoo fast17:48
rohni think my card is Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1x18:02
rohnhow i load driver for it18:02
rohnit is not li lspci18:02
wxlrohn: you've looked through the whole of the lspci output and you don't see it there?18:03
rohnno it is not in lspci18:04
rohnbefore my update it is there18:04
rohn*it was18:04
wxlis this a laptop?18:04
wxldid you move it? :D18:05
Unit193I don't remember if lshw is installed by default, but that should have it.18:05
rohnwxl: no18:05
wxlUnit193: isn't lspci polling the busses themselves, though?18:05
rohneven lshw -C sound also not showing me the card18:06
wxlrohn: i'd open up the case and try to make sure the card is seated. i know it sounds stupid, but as i suggested above, lspci should be polling the bus. if the card is connected, it should at least see it, even if it doesn't know what to do with it.18:08
wxlmaybe use `lspci -v` to get more detail?18:08
Unit193And it's not under lsusb, wrong device.18:08
wxlyou also maybe should check the dmesg output and see if you had any errors18:08
rohnwxl: problem solved.18:26
wxlrohn: do tell18:26
rohnreinsert the card and reboot18:26
wxlyey i guess i was right!18:26
rohnnow working fine18:26
Unit193That almost never happens!18:26
* wxl slaps Unit193 with a trout18:27
rohnis there any graphical alsa mixer??18:27
wxlthere is but they've got their dependencies18:28
rohni mean a gui for it18:28
wxlimho alsamixer works18:28
wxlncurses is gui enough :D18:28
Unit193TUI, much nicer.18:29
rohnin my panel there is a volume control18:30
rohnwhen i right click it i cannot use the volume control option menu18:31
rohnit is not highlighted18:32
milen8204Any one can help me whit internet video watching problem19:41
bioterrormilen8204, sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"19:43
milen8204I have instaled and re instaled several times19:43
bioterrormilen8204, sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer19:43
bioterrormilen8204, sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin19:44
milen8204If i write sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin19:44
milen8204adobe-flashplugin not found19:44
bioterrorforgot sudo apt-get update19:45
milen8204when after purge /19:45
bioterrorafter adding partner repository19:46
milen8204if I write it after purge is it wrong ?19:47
bioterrorno it's not19:47
bioterroriceroot, installing lubuntu-core now19:48
milen8204the clips runs in youtube19:49
milen8204but did not in other sites19:49
bioterroryou restarted browser?19:49
bioterroralt+ctrl+q to quit chromium19:49
bioterroror if you use firefox, then quit it19:49
milen8204the browser was not working when I installed the changes19:50
milen8204but I will reboot the PC19:50
bioterrorno reboot19:51
bioterrorwhat's wrong with you guys19:51
bioterrorwe only reboot when kernel update comes19:51
Unit193And not even then sometimes...19:51
milen8204but the clips do not start19:53
bioterrorwhat if you start your browser from terminal19:53
bioterrordoes it complain anything about something?19:53
milen8204i will see19:53
milen8204not  a problem19:53
milen8204starts well19:54
bioterroriceroot, seems like lubuntu-core has no dependencies for the lxdm19:56
bioterroriceroot, my installation is missing lxdm :D19:56
bioterrormilen8204, and when you go to your flash site?19:56
bioterrordoes it prompt anything to terminal when you go to flash site19:58
bioterrorand your browser was?19:59
bioterroryou have chromium still installed?19:59
milen8204no I have removed chromium19:59
bioterrorcould you install chromium-browser20:00
bioterrorand test with it too20:00
bioterrornot that I have anything against firefox, but I would like to know20:00
milen8204i have tried yesterday and didnt work20:00
bioterrorI dont care about yesterday20:00
bioterrorwe have now different plugin installed20:01
bioterrorand we are living the present20:01
milen8204same thing mising plug-in shockwave flash goes down20:05
bioterroryour system is 11.10?20:05
milen8204lubuntu 11.1020:05
bioterrorreally trivial20:06
bioterrorhow does the flash go down?20:06
bioterrorit says that "oh snap" in chromium?20:06
milen8204it is in Bulgarian language20:07
milen8204and I translate20:07
milen8204the word may not be the same in English20:07
Flazerchromium doesn't come with flash already installed20:17
Flazer i had to execute a script in terminal to install it20:17
Flazeryou could avoid this by using firefox, chrome, or even opera20:17
Flazeri assumed this was expected behavior, not including flash20:18
bioterrorFlazer, that's why we installed adobe-flashplugin from partner repository20:21
Flazeri didn't really understand his question. :-/.  Flash is not working, or continually crashes?20:22
icerootbioterror: so you got a working lxde with lightdm on 11.10?20:23
bioterroriceroot, not lightdm20:24
bioterroriceroot, I didnt get neither of them20:24
icerootbioterror: so you end up on tty1 like me20:25
bioterroriceroot, I used: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-core --no-install-recommends20:25
bioterroriceroot, exactly20:25
Unit193Silly bioterror...20:25
icerootbioterror: i used it without recommends20:25
icerootand i am sure i got lightdm and lxdm20:26
bioterroras I have nothing else to do20:26
icerootbut seems we are facing a bug with lubuntu-core20:26
bioterrorI could reinstall20:26
bioterrorthis my system is missing all the goodies20:26
bioterrorlike notifyd and nm-applet and so on20:26
icerooti will open a bug against lubuntu-core20:27
bioterrorcan you hold a sec20:27
bioterrorand I'll do a reinstall20:27
bioterrortakes few moments :D20:27
doogiekdhey friends,20:27
doogiekdhave a look at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1952795     any suggestions?20:27
icerootat the moment i have lxde running with 43mb ram usage :)20:28
icerootthats what a system should be :)20:28
icerootbioterror: i have restartet my system and the boot-log says lxdem start failed, lightdm start failed, so its really trying to bring both up20:30
bioterrorhow that's possible20:31
bioterroras you should have only one :D20:31
icerootask lubuntu-core not me :)20:32
bioterrorso you did just plain: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-core?20:32
icerooti did apt-get install lubuntu-core, no x was coming up (bug 1), then i installed lubuntu-desktop, dpkg was asking to use lxdm or lightdm, i choosed lightdm and then its trying to start lxdm and lightdm20:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:33
icerootyes that bug too....20:33
bioterrormark is a funny guy20:33
icerootbioterror: and if i am correct you are facing the first bug too20:34
bioterroryes, with lubuntu-core a display manager is missing20:34
bioterrorI assume20:34
bioterrorwait a sec20:35
icerootbioterror: correct, thats the first bug, the second is that its trying to start lxdm and lightdm20:35
icerootand imo after i installed lubuntu-desktop20:35
bioterrorI'll make a proper installation and see20:35
icerootthank you20:35
phillwiceroot: I've seen this mentioned in various places... is there a bug filed yet?20:37
icerootphillw: to be honest i have not searched very long on lp20:38
icerootphillw: i am just waiting for the go from bioterror to open two bugs20:38
phillwiceroot: I've not seen any mention of a bug number, so maybe go raise one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#Bugs20:39
phillwiceroot: cool, thanks.20:39
bioterroriceroot, takes a while now as my mini installation is now installing packages20:40
icerootphillw: i just dont have ressources to test so bioterror is rechecking my report20:40
phillwJulien loves bugs..... well, maybe not :)20:40
bioterrorofcourse he loves20:40
bioterrorotherwise he would not spend his free time with those20:40
icerooti have a lot of bugs in the pipe but dont have much time20:40
phillwiceroot: nor do we before 12.04 !20:40
icerooti will try :)20:41
icerootto open them in the next days20:41
icerootbut there are no showstoppers in my pipe (just the lubuntu-core bug) the rest is most translation or other things20:41
icerootand the grey-on-black bug....20:42
phillwiceroot: the document freeze I think, has finally landed. So no more updating of documents. It gives the translators some time https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule20:44
phillwiceroot: the grey on black whould have been resolved?20:44
icerootphillw: not on this notify-windows20:44
icerootphillw: when you disconnect from a wifi20:44
Unit193Meh, the default notifyd is crappy.20:45
bioterroriceroot, booting for the first time20:46
phillwiceroot: I'd have to check, but not sure if lubuntu are responsible for notify-windows.20:46
icerootbut that are all very unimportant bugs, i think we are on a very good way for 12.04 and the real ugly bugs are fixed (grey on black, kernel panic on eeepc, spaces with xfce4-power-manager)20:46
iceroot11.10 is using lightdm or lxdm?20:47
icerootand ubuntu gdm?20:48
phillwiceroot: from the beta 2 iso-tracker, we have no show-stoppers... pcmanfm decided to die on me today when using LSC for the 1st time, but not a critical crash. I'll see if it does it again20:48
kanliotwait lightdm20:48
bioterrorlubuntu 11.10 was lxdm20:48
bioterrorubuntu 11.10 was lightdm20:48
bioterroror is20:48
bioterrorhow ever20:48
bioterrorand lubuntu 12.04 is lightdm20:48
phillwiceroot: we are moving to lightdm for 12.0420:48
Flazerwhat's the difference?20:48
Flazeror main differences?20:48
icerootimo k/u/lubuntu are lightdm20:48
icerooton 12.0420:48
bioterrorFlazer, lightdm is more ugly :D20:49
Flazer:( lol20:49
Unit193So is X.20:49
phillwFlazer: we have switched so we share resources of devs, which are low accross all teams.20:50
Flazerit's a smart idea, makes sense at least20:51
icerootbioterror: and is x starting?20:52
phillwyeah, we *nearly* went with 11.10, but Julien did not think it advanced enough, so we held back with the statement we would go with it 12.04 (aka let the other teams be guinea pigs... just don't tell them :P )20:52
bioterrordid not install lxdm or anything20:53
icerootbioterror: ok i will open the first bug20:53
bioterrorand startlubuntu is not working either20:53
bioterrorstartlubuntu really should work20:53
icerootbioterror: can you do "apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" and choose lightdm on the configuration20:53
icerootbioterror: in my case lxdm and lightdm are trying to start then20:53
icerootand of course no x, just tty120:53
icerootbioterror: i had the same system as you now20:54
bioterrorif I install LXDM, it will install lxde-core and lxde-common20:54
Unit193Last I knew, I had to start X in one TTY, switch to next, and startlubuntu there.20:54
bioterrorthose are missing from the lubuntu-core20:54
bioterroroh dear20:54
icerootbioterror: ok i will open the bug about missing lxde-core and lxde-common20:54
bioterrorand lxdm and all the other parts :D20:55
bioterrorshould I do the same with 12.04?20:55
phillwbioterror: 12.04 is the more imprtant one, IMHO20:55
icerootbioterror: if you have time it would be great, i just tested 11.1020:55
icerootbioterror: but before20:55
icerootbioterror: can you do "apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" it should install lxdm and lightdm and both are trying to start and x is not coming up20:56
bioterrorit really fetches stuff20:56
bioterror̃worth of 500MB20:57
icerootin that time i will create the lubuntu-core bug20:57
bioterrorhard to read when downloading 6000kb/s ;)20:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 974635 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[11.10] lubuntu-core is missing lxde-core and lxde-common. lxdm will not start/installed" [Undecided,New]20:59
bioterror12.04 minimal cd is 10MB bigger than 11.1021:04
iceroot10mb more awesome stuff :)21:05
bioterrordd'ing 12.0421:05
bioterroriceroot, nicely lxdm started21:10
icerootbioterror: 11.10 with lubuntu-desktop or 12.04 with lubuntu-core?21:10
bioterrorwith 11.10 first lubuntu-core and then lubuntu-desktop21:11
icerootbioterror: is your system trying to start lightdm too? is lightdm installed?21:11
bioterrornope, lightdm is not installed21:12
icerootbioterror: ok then i did something wrong there, thank you for that info21:12
bioterrorhard to say21:15
bioterrorhow it did fetch lightdm ;)21:15
icerooti dont know21:15
icerooti will do some aptitude-why on that case21:16
bioterrorhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso doesnt like to boot properly21:16
bioterrorI choose install, flashes usb drive and nothing happens21:16
bioterrorahhh, gotta grab non-PAE21:23
bioterrornow it works21:26
phillwbioterror: lubuntu reverted back to non-PAE. Is this causing issues?21:27
bioterrornope, I just needed to fetch correct mini.iso21:28
phillwUs an xubuntu made the switch21:28
Unit193Yes, but there is an option for the mini to be pae or not, not exactly related.21:29
phillwUnit193: so, our wiki page should only suggest non pae?21:30
bioterrorthat should be probably suggested21:31
phillwbioterror: okes, I know Chris tidied up stuff for 12.04 from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu21:33
phillwbioterror: can you let Chris know about what needs changing on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall21:36
bioterrorphillw, I can try to remember when I see him ;)21:37
phillwbioterror: do not rely on memory.... send an email!"21:37
bioterrorI dont have any email clients configured, I just read my mails fron phone :D21:38
kanliot:) well kids nowadays!21:39
kanliotIMHO you need email, or gmail or something21:39
phillwbioterror: do you want me to ping Chris via email so you can discuss this? It is an important area for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall21:40
bioterrorphillw, you can rely on me ;)21:42
bioterrorlet's see how 12.04 behaves21:42
phillwbioterror: AFAIK, it has behaved with the non-PAE stuff. We had testers on that before the decision was made to ship that kernel. They were using the mini iso.21:44
bioterroron 12.04 it fetches lightdm21:47
bioterrorand network-manager21:47
bioterrorseems like lubuntu-core on 11.10 is broken21:47
bioterrorgilir, are you there?21:49
bioterrorgilir, Thu23:59 <iceroot> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/+bug/97463521:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 974635 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[11.10] lubuntu-core is missing lxde-core and lxde-common. lxdm will not start/installed" [Undecided,Won't fix]21:53
bioterrorseems like lubuntu-core on 11.10 is missing stuff21:53
gilirI already explained it on the bug report21:54
bioterroroh, there has been activity ;921:55
bioterrorbut what's the point of lubuntu-core if it's not fetching enough packages to get you to the X?21:55
giliruse startx, display manager is not strictly required21:59
giliralso on 11.10, you can have lxdm or lightdm, both should work nicely22:02
bioterrorgilir, on 12.04 should core be missing xfce4-power-manager?22:15
gilirbioterror, no, it's useless on a desktop computer22:20
gilirat least, if you are using core, especially with --no-install-recommends , you need be able to adapt your system22:21
gilirit's really minimalist, IMO not usuable "as if"22:21
iceroothm and what is now the minimal lxde installation we can get?23:02
icerootwhat to install if i only want lxde without abiword chrome and so on23:03
bioterroriceroot, 12.04 or 11.10?23:05
icerootbioterror: 11.1023:06
bioterrorlaptop or desktop?23:06
bioterrorinstall mini.iso, install lubuntu-core and then install xfce4-power-manager, network-manager-gnome23:06
bioterrorand if you want to use login manager, pick lightdm23:07
bioterrorit's better if you're going to upgrade to 12.04 ;)23:07
icerootbioterror: can you tell me what lubuntu-core is then?23:07
iceroot12.04 lubuntu-core is doing what it should be?23:08
bioterrorbut with 12.04 you only need to install xfce4-power-manager23:08
icerootimo what it should be23:08
bioterrorI'm quite happy with the 12.04 what I tested it23:09
bioterrorI quickly installed and configured it23:09
iceroot12.04 is imo the best choice because xfce4-power-manager is fixed there23:09
icerootwith this ugly spaces bug on 11.1023:09
bioterrorwas it fixed from lxpanel or from the xfce4-power-manager itself?-)23:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 846878 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "empty space between time applet and nm-applet" [Undecided,Fix released]23:10
icerootbut until now no backport to 11.1023:11
icerootbioterror: thank you for your time and your feedback23:11
bioterrorno problems23:12
bioterrorI had a nice way to spend my evening23:12
bioterrorand half of the night23:12
icerooti will do some hacking tomorrow23:12
iceroota nice lxde based xbmc eeepc for my movies :)23:12
bioterrorthat's already there23:12
bioterrorthat new xbmcbuntu or what was it23:14
icerootthats not fun23:14
iceroot:) i want to do it on my own :)23:14

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