
scientesis there something better than this?02:26
scientesi am very interested02:26
scientesi have 2 sheevaplugs but i need some armhf hardware02:26
infinityDefine "better".02:28
infinityA PandaES will be faster, but also somewhat less portably self-contained. :P02:29
scienteswell yeah02:29
scientesi like the form factor02:29
scientesbut i would like 1GB ram02:29
scientesat least02:29
infinityThe Pandas have a gig of RAM.02:30
infinityNo small dev boards in the current generation will have more than a gig, as much as I wish they all did.02:30
infinity(And I'm not a TI shill or anything, we just happen to support the Panda quite well in Ubuntu)02:30
scientescause support is mainlined...02:31
infinityIf you're happy finding your kernels elsewhere (like Linaro hwpacks), the Snowball and Origen are also decent choices.02:31
infinityPanda support so isn't mainline...02:31
infinityWe have a forked kernel tree for omap4. :/02:31
infinityomap3 is mainline, and we do build beagle kernels from upstream source.02:32
scientesi have no problem compiling my own kernel, but i like it to be up to date with mainline02:32
scientesto some extent02:32
* scientes builds his own sheeva kernels without initramfs02:32
scientesunstead of using debian's kernel---they don't support installing to the 512NAND flash02:32
scientesbut i still run debian on it02:32
infinityDon't let me talk you out of an AC100, though.  I'm using one right now, and I like it well enough.02:35
infinityIt could use more community folk hacking on the kernel, though.02:35
infinityBut the 512MB of RAM is a bit of a bummer.02:36
scienteswhat is lacking on it hardware support wise?02:36
scientesUEFI FOR ARM!!!!02:36
infinityEverything more or less works (except some sound issues).02:36
scientesuEFI is a piece of shit02:37
scientesso you are using usb gadget mode to boot the pandas?02:40
infinityAs in, pushing via USB from another host? No.  My Pandas boot uBoot from SD, and chain to a USB HDD from there.02:43
scienteshe says they boot from usb02:44
scienteswith some magic02:44
infinityThey boot from several different directions, in weird ways.02:44
infinityBut uBoot on an SD card is the most familiar way for most people.02:45
scientesi use uboot and NAND flash for the sheevaplug02:45
scienteswith ubifs02:45
scientesthe ubifs device enumeration is a bit wierd02:45
GrueMasterscientes: The arm server workload test framework uses usb-boot to reimage systems, then SD to boot into a usb drive.  The tools should be in a bzr tree soon.05:59
=== Guest46138 is now known as Termana
janimoGrueMaster, mongodb/arm is in Precise, I did not test it much besides checking it actually works. In case you need it for some testing setups14:41
GrueMasterjanimo: Let the server workload team know14:42
janimoin #serer ?14:42
janimomy keboard eats the letter ''14:42
janimoor eilt?14:42
GrueMasterIn #eilt14:43
* ogra_ still wonders who came up with that super silly name14:44
ogra_eilt in german means "in a hurry" ...14:44
janimoinfinity, there's a new armadaxp kernel in NEW :D17:37
GrueMasterjanimo: Did you take over development of that kernel?17:37
janimoGrueMaster, no, but I may be doing SRU's for it though later17:38
janimocurrently just sponsroing uploads for Ike Pahnc17:38
janimoso he can get enough karma to get PPU rights17:38
ndecogra_: hi. do you still have the Blaze board?19:05
ogra_you meanm the red elephant phone or the tablet ?19:06
ogra_(i still have both)19:06
ndecthe red one.19:08
ndecdo you think you could ship it back?19:08
ogra_hmm, sure19:09
ndecdo you remember which CPU was on it? e.g. which 4430 revision?19:10
ndecit might be written on it... i am not sure.19:10
ogra_pre something19:10
ogra_it was a really early one19:10
ndecif i need it for Andy from linaro.19:10
ogra_(and i'm not near^ the device to check a sticker)19:11
ndecif you can have it shipped to him directly, it's better ...19:11
ogra_i'll have to check if that can fal under canonical shipments19:11
ndecok. worst case i guess the shippment back to me should fall under it19:11
ndecif you need an email from me, asking to ship it to linaro instead of TI, let me know19:12
ogra_right, i can talk to our shipment dept. on tuesday19:12
ndecok. great!19:12
ogra_i'll let you know if i need anything19:12
GrueMasterndec: Would you like mine as well?  If so, email me shipping instructions.19:14
ndecGrueMaster: eheh.. i didn't know you had one too!19:15
ndecdo you know which silicon revision you have?19:15
ndecor do you know what is the last kernel that ever worked on it?.19:15
ndecby giving the board to andy, i want to make sure that the linaro kernel supports the blaze properly...19:15
GrueMasterI have two daughterboards, and I think the one in the unit is an ES2.0 (I'd have to check).19:16
ndecouch.. that is old...19:16
ogra_the other one should be the same as mine19:16
GrueMasterI know the other board is the early pre-release version.19:16
ogra_pre 1.0 i think19:16
ogra_or *just* 1.019:16
ogra_but i really think it was pre19:16
ndecok. but the blaze is stil red, not black, right?.19:16
ndeci have more recent processor boards with recent silicon.19:17
ndecit's the board which is missing.19:17
GrueMaster2 minutes and I can tell you what revs I have.19:17
marvin24_DThi janimo19:17
ndecGrueMaster: if you don't need it, then yes, I would be happy to get it back19:17
marvin24_DTjanimo: I wonder if it is still possible to update our kernel19:18
marvin24_DTI have 3.0.27, wifi, zcache/zram and some sound updates19:18
marvin24_DTor is it too late for precise already?19:18
GrueMasterndec: Ok, I have the original cpu (same as ogra_), and the ES2 revision.  The Blaze is w/o camera or PICO.  But I would like to send it back to TI, otherwise it will go to our Lexington office.19:21
ndecok. have it sent to me, then.19:23
GrueMasterndec: Can you email me an address?  My ID at gmail.19:24
ndecGrueMaster: can you PM it to me?19:26
janimomarvin24, should be doable20:32
janimoit's on the stable branch and well tested?20:32
janimoshould I just include all of that? no large features that may be disruptive?20:32
=== plars is now known as plars-away
marvin24_DTjanimo: well, most is update to 3.0.27 and a few wifi / zcache fixes21:34
marvin24_DTall picked from upstream21:34
marvin24_DTI ran it for some days now21:34
marvin24_DTmaybe you can provide a test package first21:35
janimomarvin24, ok, if it is all in your stable branch I'll have a look :)21:35
marvin24_DTjanimo: I'll push it tomorrow21:35
marvin24_DTafter I made sure I got everything form -exp21:35
janimonp :)21:35

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