
bobweaverAnyone got a sec to help me with a scripting question ?03:53
bobweaverI have a question about changing the name of a folder but by "Time" Like the last thing that was extracted I am writing a installer script for a panel here is the script http://paste.ubuntu.com/915504/  see line 97  that is where I am looking "for a better way"  like wget the files then unzip  then change the name of the root folder that was just extracted.03:53
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: So, basically, what you want to do is get files from the web into a folder?03:55
bobweaveror just change the name of that folder so the script can then run into it03:55
bobweaverit is the main framework of the panel03:56
bobweaverthe panel is Zpanel X03:56
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: Ok, so where is the folder located?03:56
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: Then, you should be able to just rename it.03:56
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: One-click the folder, and press F2.03:57
bobweaverbut here is the trouble03:57
bobweaverone it on a server no gui03:57
bobweaverso that is why there is this script03:57
bobweaver2 the download03:57
bobweaverchanges it name each time03:57
bobweaverby using a time stamp03:57
ubot2Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:57
JoseeAntonioRNo problem.03:58
JoseeAntonioRI think you should download the files, and then rename the folder03:58
bobweaverSo The download is one thing that is holding me back on this script. as it changes its name03:59
bobweaverThis script will be used (I hope by alot people )03:59
bobweaverI can not figure out how to wget it yet03:59
bobweaverMaybe I make a Repo ?04:00
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: Just by making a public link you'll be able to distribute it04:00
bobweaverThen Download from my repo so the name never changes. Talk to the devs for Zpanel and get them together with me on my LP account04:01
bobweaverHere is a link to Zpanel X beta04:01
JoseeAntonioRSo, what do you exactly want to do? Get the command to rename a folder?04:02
bobweaverSo as you can see when you download it uses sourceforge and that waits 5 seconds then downloads so wget is failing. ^^ well I want the script to download the sourcecode then extract it then rename the root folder that was just downloaded and then change the name and so that the script can keep on running. After this part it drops to root04:04
bobweaverwas just extracted  | not downloaded04:05
JoseeAntonioRHmm, I don't know about that. I'm sorry.04:05
bobweaverMaybe I can get aound all this buy uploading the source code to my launchpad account that will take care of the wget thing all togeather04:06
bobweaverand also will make it alot easier by just adding repo and installing. (If I can get that far : )04:06
bobweaverJoseeAntonioR, Thanks for the brain storm as it did help me figure it out !04:07
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: Well, no problem them.04:07
=== sattu94 is now known as satyanash
jemohfor those of you who have ubuntu 12.04 is it fully stable ?15:00
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=== philinux is now known as eye-gor
=== sattu94 is now known as satyanash
matt__ok i just installed ubuntu. everytime i boot up my computer it takes me to this purple screen with a few options to pick. i can either pick: boot linux 3.0.0-17 generic. boot linux 3.0.0-17 recovery. boot previouse versions or memory test. if i boot 3.0.0-17 generic it just goes black screen forever and i have to turn it off. i have to go to preiviouse versions where it says boot 3.0.0-12 generic. and then again it will tak20:10
matt__is there anyone here????????20:12
shawn186Can someone tell me what this Super key is called?22:29
shawn186on a windows keyboard22:30
Unit193Windows key.22:31
shawn186guess i better put a sticker over it now :)22:32
shawn186got kinda wore off the edge with windows 7's bug with dell's sound driver22:32

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