
jonomhall119, around?04:35
dholbachgood morning07:01
dholbachhaha, very funny: http://pic.nym.se/nRen.gif08:16
nigelbdholbach: I was /just/ laughing about that :)08:18
dholbachlol, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3TAOYXT84009:39
jcastrodholbach: don't flame me but12:37
jcastroI got a bunch of deadmau512:37
dholbachwhich track do you like best?12:38
jcastrochoose your weapon I think12:38
jcastrothey all still kind of sound the same to me as I've only listened to each track once.12:38
jcastrobut I should  get better at it soon12:38
jcastrooh sorry got the title wronfg12:39
jcastro"Raise your weapon"12:39
jcastroit's weird, he has vocals on some tracks12:39
dholbachbah, it's blocked in Germany - hang on12:39
jcastro"Some chords" is good too12:41
dholbachand you like the dubstep-y parts towards the end of the track too? :)12:41
jcastromy friend told me next I would like skillrex or whoever12:41
jcastroI am scared.12:41
dholbachthis is one of my favourite dubstep mixes - maybe you like it: http://www.mixcloud.com/dlex/its-dubstep-who-cares/12:42
jcastrohah, this is an hour long!12:44
jcastrodholbach: do you have a ton of this stuff?12:45
jcastrowe should listen to this at the sprint12:46
dholbachit's a mix tape :)12:46
dholbachyes, there's a few mixes I can dig out for you12:46
jcastrono I mean the style of music12:46
dholbachah yes, usually you can go through the tracklist of mixes quite well :)12:46
jcastroit's good like, working music, just leave it on and go12:46
dholbachor be in a club immediately in front of the speakers12:47
jcastro"The term brostep has been used by some as a pejorative descriptor for a style of popular Americanised dubstep."12:48
jcastrodholbach: this is pretty good12:48
jcastrodholbach: ok for sure the one track I like from the mouse is "Some Chords".12:49
jcastroJust crank that.12:49
jcastrothat should be our UDS music12:49
dholbachok, I put it on - let me check it out12:50
dholbachjames_w, ^ jcastro just placed an order for some Dubstep at UDS12:50
jcastrodholbach: hey tell me when you want to start it, we'll listen to it together.12:50
dholbachoh, I started without you already - let me go back to the beginning :-P12:50
dholbachjcastro, ready?12:50
* dholbach hugs jcastro12:51
dholbachjcastro, two weeks ago I finally played in a club again and it was just fantastic - at the middle of the set a guy came up and said "hey, I'm an MC - where can I plug my mic?"12:52
jcastrodid you let him? :)12:52
dholbachjcastro, it's something I always wanted to do and it just happened without me doing anything12:52
dholbachit was AWESOME12:52
dholbachthe good thing is: I recorded it ;-)12:52
dholbachit makes such a difference12:53
jcastrowhatever that high pitched thing is here, it's awesome12:53
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jcastrosnap-l: dang, Jim Marshall died14:44
jcastro(marshall amps)14:44
sagaciah bugger14:44
sagacithough I'm a fender guy14:44
czajkowskino dpm :/14:47
sagacihe's on holidays14:48
sagacitil tuesday14:48
snap-ljcastro: Yeah, we're losing the greats14:55
jcastroballoons: hey testing guy14:56
czajkowskiwhoo 4 day weekend and I can finally have fizzy drinks back :D14:56
cprofittNice to have a 4 day weekend!!14:58
cprofittI have a three day weekend, but Sunday will be busy.14:59
balloonsyes jcastro ?14:59
jcastrothis is awesome14:59
jcastrowe need it!14:59
balloonsyea.. I saw that the other day15:00
balloonspretty slick15:00
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
balloonsjcastro, btw.. how was the testing recieved?15:02
balloonsfor maas?15:02
jcastroI had one email from a guy who needed dnsmasq docs updated15:02
jcastrosent to diogo15:02
jcastrono real tests yet (as I expected)15:03
jcastroall the guys I know have it on their radar but testing something like this isn't something people can just start doing on a dime15:03
jcastromhall119: did they give you a  list of rooms yet?15:11
mhall119jcastro: not yet, let me see if I can ping marianna15:13
mhall119hmm, not online15:14
jcastromhall119: ok msm has one, she will send it to us after her phone call15:14
mhall119jcastro: are we going to have specific rooms for private meetings?15:15
jcastrono clue15:15
mhall119ok, I'll wait for the email then15:15
jcastroI thought you would know that, heh15:15
* mhall119 knows nothing15:15
sagaciwhen is the schedule for UDS usually finalised?15:19
jcastroabout the sunday before. :)15:20
jcastroactually, last time it was about a week ahead of time15:20
sagaciah, that late15:21
bodhi_zazen'lo team15:21
nigelbhey bodhi_zazen15:25
balloonshey bodhi_zazen15:37
bodhi_zazengood to see you balloons , you have s .deb you want me to test yet ?15:39
balloonsI'm good now bodhi_zazen15:39
balloonsyou can get it from the ppa if you wish.. cuz it all works :-)15:39
bodhi_zazenwell if it works, good work15:43
bodhi_zazenlet me know if I can help in the future15:43
balloonsheh.. I had some help.. and yes thank you, I will15:43
jonomhall119, do you know anything about quickly package?15:52
jonoI am having issues with https://answers.launchpad.net/quickly/+question/19270015:52
mhall119jono: looking at it now15:56
dholbachmhall119, jono: https://bugs.launchpad.net/quickly/+bug/914140 maybe?16:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 914140 in quickly "Package PyGTK app with Quickly fails" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:01
technoviking'allo all16:01
technovikingczajkowski: you planning some of the UDS social events again?16:02
czajkowskitechnoviking: I'm planning a social event with one of my co workers,we're doing a photo walk16:02
jonodholbach, checking16:03
jonoone sec mhall119, wont be long, responding to a few pings16:03
dholbachjono, it seems like mterry was asking for an example in March, so if you ping him with your example this might be the same issue16:03
technovikingczajkowski: thinking about renting a car to drive up and see a taping of This Week in Tech on Sunday afternoon before UDS16:03
technovikingthought if a couple of car loads went up it would be fun16:04
czajkowskitechnoviking: oh nice idea16:05
czajkowskineed to poke gmb re photo walk so we can plan the walk fit in some nosh along the way16:06
mhall119jono: it's actually python-mkdebian that is failing16:06
jonodholbach, interesting, I am talking to didrocks in #quickly about it too16:07
jcastromhall119: ok msm should have sent you the room list by now16:14
dholbachmhall119, you remember the /services/ bits you added to the LTP?16:20
mhall119dholbach: yes16:21
dholbachI nicked the code for Harvest16:21
dholbachand noticed a bug16:21
dholbachlet me see if the problem affects the LTP still or if it is still in there16:21
dholbachhum, it changed a lot16:22
dholbachthere was something in the  results[offset:length]  calculation which didn't work out16:22
dholbachI'll need to fix it in Harvest to make a bitesize lens work16:22
dholbachbut the code changed completely in LTP it seems16:23
dholbachanyway - I just thought I'd give you a headsup as I knew the code was used elsewhere16:24
dholbachI'll go and fix it in Harvest :)16:24
mhall119dholbach: can you describe the bug more?16:24
nigelbmhall119: Did you read http://ryanfunduk.com/culture-of-exclusion/ already?16:24
mhall119nigelb: yes16:24
dholbachmhall119, http://paste.ubuntu.com/916230/ is the code in question16:25
dholbachit was there to ensure you never try to get >=500 objects16:25
mhall119While he has a valid point about perception from people who don't drink, I think he misses the fact that "beer" is just a symbol of a more important informal social relationship that is necessary for a close community16:25
dholbachbut if you want to get objects 501-1000, you won't get them as the way 'length' is used, "length > CHUNK_SIZE" will always be true16:26
dholbachbut maybe the code in question is my own creation and I'm entirely to blame myself :)16:26
dholbach... and LTP is not affected :)=16:27
mhall119dholbach: yeah, I don't see that in ltp, and probably not in summit either, did you add that just for harvest?16:27
dholbacheither we had those code bits in the LTP before or I wrote it and got it wrong16:27
mhall119dholbach: I don't think it was evern in LTP or Summit16:29
dholbachok, likely my mistake then :)16:29
jonosorry mhall119, wont be too long16:30
mhall119jono: no problem, I'm watching the conversation in #quickly :)16:34
pleia2mhall119: there is a difference between social drinking and some of his examples (and what I've seen at tech conferences), somewhere along the way this "drinking == cool" thing got started and in our traditional geek way, we take it too far16:34
mhall119pleia2: yeah, which is why I concede that his point is valid16:34
mhall119but his solution (no organized drinks, just organized work) I disagree with16:35
pleia2it also ignores the fact that it'll happen anyway16:35
nigelbI think the midway is to have a paid bar.16:35
mhall119no, he makes the point that the people who want to will find a place to go drink16:35
pleia2UDS has very few organized drinks, the free drinks we do have are quire limited16:35
pleia2but we all still go out and get drunk at night16:35
mhall119most of us don't get drunk16:36
nigelbI hung out with you guys while you were drinking16:36
PendulumOTOH, I didn't drink most of the last UDS and had no pressure to drink from anyone16:36
mhall119drinking != drunk16:36
nigelbNoone was obnoxiously drunk.16:36
nigelbWe had fun even though I didn't drink.16:36
jonothere is definitely an alcohol culture at many events16:36
jonoI didnt drink for four years going through Uni and I felt like a bit of an outcast too16:36
PendulumI think the alcohol culture is high, but it's not really any higher than I had working in publishing16:36
nigelbSo, here's one thing I want to raise.16:36
nigelbI feel bad for the underage folk who may be at the conf but can't join us at the bar.16:37
pleia2I think the last time I got drunk at UDS was when I was with the OEM guys in Budapest, but one night was ok for me, I drank a lot of water :)16:37
nigelbWhile I didn't drink, I was happy to come along and drink overpriced orange juice :P16:37
jonoI dont think most people are pressured to drink, but it often feels weird if you are not drinking when everyone else is16:37
mhall119that was crazy expensive OJ16:37
jonoI experienced this at the last UDS when I could not drink16:37
nigelbI think I should just buy orange next time.16:37
pleia2nigelb: lol16:37
nigelbpleia2: I paid more than they paid for beer!16:38
mhall119the thing is, you can s/drinking/(loud music, dancing, etc)/ and the feeling of being left out would still be there16:38
nigelband much lesser!16:38
pleia2it wouldn't look all that odd at a florida UDS to walk in with a bag of oranges :)16:38
pleia2mhall119: yeah, partying is way different from drinking, partying is what puts me off and makes me feel excluded16:38
nigelbI think UDS is more controlled of an environment than most other confs.16:38
cjohnstonnor Cali16:38
jonomhall119, I agree16:38
jononot everything in life is equal16:39
mhall119and I think that's the point that he was missing in the post16:39
PendulumI live in a family where having wine with dinner is fairly normal. I feel a lot weirder not drinking at family events than I felt at UDS16:39
jonoand sometimes that is OK16:39
nigelbI did not drink at BUdapest and still had fun. I didn't feel left out either.16:39
nigelb(well, I drank wine, but yeah)16:39
pleia2cjohnston: socal maybe, no oranges here :)16:39
jonowe also can't insulate people from life...drinking is part and parcel of much of the world, we can't protect people from that at UDS :-)16:39
jonobut what I think we need to not do as exclude people because of it16:39
pleia2I think in general UDS does do a good job16:40
nigelbI agree.16:40
czajkowskipleia2: nods I do too16:40
PendulumI agree as well16:40
czajkowskithough I do find the friday night event always that bit harder16:40
nigelbNow, we do know where we shouldn't go.16:40
czajkowskiyou're trying to talk to people and the music/live band does get very loud so I migrate outside with others and chat there16:40
pleia2yeah, I always end up going outside16:40
czajkowskiat the orlando one we all ended up in the hotel bar as it was easier to chat to16:41
bkerensaMerchandise Mania is shipping meh something but I am not expecting anything weird stuff16:41
pleia2went to the pool in budapest friday night, it was great :)16:41
mhall119for me, not being particularly extroverted, I feel more excluded from the music and dancing than from the drinking16:41
pleia2mhall119: yeah16:41
nigelb*cough* I linked the music :D16:41
nigelbI was right up front beside the speakers16:41
PendulumI like some of the music, but I tend to find the volume too much (I'm very volume sensitive)16:42
mhall119I liked the music, but I don't play, sing, cheer or dance, so I just sat around listening16:42
PendulumSo I tend to move off relatively early to somewhere that I can chat16:42
czajkowskinigelb: I like music, just not when I wanna say good bye and chat to people on the last night16:42
nigelbczajkowski: Ah. I did those before the party.16:42
* czajkowski used to work as a bouncer and would happily stand against a speaker then 16:42
nigelbBecuase I did not think I'd get a chance to talk at the party.16:43
nigelb(and it was true)16:43
mhall119anyway, I think UDS does a good job with providing non-alcoholic beverages at events too, so as not to exclude participation16:43
* mhall119 can imagine czajkowski throwing people out of a club16:43
mhall119jono: we have a 4:30 call scheduled too, do you just want to do everything then?16:44
jonomhall119, yeah, lets do that16:44
czajkowskimhall119: I got paid to be a club and listen to music I like and worked with great mates, win win really :)16:44
jonomhall119, I am keen to stick around for didrocks while he is still online16:44
jonothanks mhall11916:44
mhall119jono: no problem16:44
jonofascinating watching didrocks do his thing :-)16:45
dholbachlet's have next UDS in Iran - no drinking, no dancing, no problem :-P16:46
pleia2dholbach: hehe16:46
cjohnstonno cjohnston16:46
jonodholbach, sounds fun16:46
czajkowskidholbach: ahh but I like hearing you dj!16:46
dholbachcjohnston, no problem :-P16:46
* dholbach hugs cjohnston16:46
cjohnstonI feel the love16:46
technovikingwhee… just got the money to build a new .5 petabyte SAN:)16:48
nigelbdholbach: tea!16:48
bkerensatechnoviking: ^ Nice16:48
nigelbInstead of beer.16:48
jcastropopey: oy, pass this along to -uk folks eh: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2012/04/brightbox-12-04-daily-images-now-available-discounts-for-testers-and-ubuntu-members/16:48
dholbachnigelb, yes, and fantastic sweets - they really have their sweets story sorted out :)16:49
czajkowskijcastro: would be great to see a +1 G+ twitter on cloud.u.c for articles so you cna then post them elsewhere16:51
jonomhall119, please reach out to http://lunduke.com/?page_id=2646 to ensure he can build in Unity support16:52
mhall119jcastro: you can nab the code from LTP or Summit to add social links16:52
jcastroczajkowski: the portal is being all redone16:52
czajkowskimhall119: really?16:52
jcastroby the web team16:52
czajkowskimhall119: really good to know16:52
mhall119czajkowski: what is?16:52
czajkowskijcastro: cool, was just a thought said similar to sabdfl the other day with his blog as well16:53
mhall119jono: do you know if zoopster is talking to them to get it into USC?16:53
czajkowskimhall119: the code for social stuff is there already elsewhere16:53
mhall119czajkowski: yeah, cjohnston added it16:53
czajkowskisee not just a pretty face, cjohnston is very useful :)16:53
mhall119but also quite pretty16:54
jonomhall119, no idea, can you check into that too16:54
mhall119jono: he is, and they're already in the process16:56
jonomhall119, cool16:56
jonolet's ensure he has everything he needs for the app to neatly fit into Unity16:56
mhall119email sent16:59
mhall119cjohnston: jcastro: rooms have been added to summit for uds-q17:12
cjohnstonmhall119: do you want the autoscheduler turned on then?17:13
jcastromhall119: ok so so far the chromium dudes need those sessions17:13
jcastroand I think that's it for custom ones we know about right?17:13
mhall119jcastro: what?17:14
jcastromhall119: I sent you a mail about those sessions the chromium guys need? From chase douglas.17:14
jcastroand then you were like "hey what are the rooms?"17:14
mhall119jcastro: right, I can add them to the schedule17:15
* mhall119 will attempt to use cjohnston's new create meeting functionaliry17:15
jcastromhall119: also I dunno if jono wants to do workshops and stuff again17:16
jcastroif we do we should add those by hand now before we turn on the autoscheduler?17:16
jonoI am want to do the Leadership Summit17:17
bkerensaLeadership Summit is fun17:19
mhall119cjohnston: dude, adding meetings through summit rocks!17:24
cjohnstonif only people would use it and only create blueprints later as needed17:25
mhall119cjohnston: give it time17:25
dholbachalright my friends - it's time to call it a day for me17:51
dholbachhave a great rest of your day17:51
mhall119dholbach: are you off tomorrow?17:51
dholbachI am17:51
mhall119then have a good weekend17:51
dholbachthanks a bunch :)17:51
balloonsbye dholbach !17:52
dholbachyou too :-)17:52
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
jonomhall119,  going to be a bit late, my call with balloons started late20:31
czajkowski226 updates :O20:34
mhall119jono: no problem, ping me when you're ready20:36
czajkowskijono: can you tweet love http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2012/04/05/ordering-your-12-04-cds-for-loco-teams-is-now-available/  please20:41
mhall119czajkowski: posted on FB20:42
czajkowskiaye did that to locoteams page20:43
jonomhall119, lets roll20:54
jonomhall119, invite sent20:56
jonoczajkowski, will do20:57
czajkowskijono: thanks20:57
* popey blinks21:21
czajkowskimilk mustn't go off over there21:23

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