
dholbachgood morning07:02
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
GeochrHi all, when can we request the cd's for 12.04 for the approved loco teams ? 14:24
GeochrI see that in the following page writes "How to get your Precise Pangolin CDs" but i don't receive any email as usual.14:24
GeochrIs it time to orderig the cd's ?14:25
czajkowskiGeochr: annoucement hasn't gone out yet 14:27
GeochrI must wait the annoucement and then i fill the form ?14:29
Geochrok thanks14:29
dscasselI just got my announcement...15:14
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
cyphermoxczajkowski: hey20:51
czajkowskiello twink nick :) 20:51
cyphermoxczajkowski: I see ubuntu-qc isn't in the approved teams anymore, did we miss the meeting or something?20:51
cyphermoxhehe ;)20:51
czajkowskilemmie see real quick was just heading to sleep 20:52
czajkowski2 ticks20:52
cyphermoxit's well possible that I or MagicFab dropped the ball re: reapproval20:52
czajkowskiI suspect thats what's happened20:52
czajkowskihappened another team yesterday as well 20:52
cyphermoxcrap :/20:53
czajkowskicyphermox: yup notified back in november 20:53
cyphermoxwell, more work for me I guess ;)20:53
czajkowskifab was notiied 20:53
czajkowski*notified 20:53
cyphermoxyeah, I recall seeing that now20:53
czajkowskilet me add you also 20:53
cyphermoxI'm the contact now20:54
czajkowskihandover ;/20:54
czajkowskicyphermox: added now 20:54

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