
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
* phillipsjk delegates reading the TOS to his cat.15:48
MokuraiAre we here yet?16:10
Effenberg0x0Hi, wasn't the CC meeting today/1600UTC?16:31
dholbach17 UTC16:33
Effenberg0x0AH, sorry... I'm  another one affected by the Google Agenda DTS bug :\16:35
dholbachyeah, you're not alone16:38
czajkowskipleia2: ping17:02
czajkowskishall we start?17:03
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Apr  5 17:03:23 2012 UTC.  The chair is czajkowski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:03
czajkowskialoha and welcome to the CC meeting17:03
czajkowski#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda17:03
czajkowskitodays agenda17:03
czajkowskidpic: ping17:04
czajkowski#topic Bug 117:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bug 1
czajkowski#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bug117:04
czajkowskidpic: care to talk to us regarding your agenda item?17:05
dpicSo, bug #1 is a bit vague because it is specific to microsoft. that means apple could solve it for us17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117:05
dpici don't think that was the intention17:05
dpicso i drafted this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bug117:05
mogdpic, or that ubuntu could solve the problem via equally non-free software17:05
dpicit cites the ubuntu philosophy and commitment to making floss available17:06
beunothat's interesting17:07
dpici don't think ubuntu would be completely proprietary ever, but it does make sense to shift the conversation to proprietary software and away from windows17:07
dpicbecause if Apple suddenly took over the world, we would have less free software but bug #1 would technically be solved17:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117:08
dpicok, i'll refer to it as "the bug" or "#1" from now on to avoid the bot haha17:08
mogdpic, given how ubuntu already integrates non free software into the core distro i don't think its outlandish to say it would become more proprietary17:09
sabdflhello hello17:09
dpicsabdfl: hello there17:09
dholbachit's a shame LP is timing out right now, because I'd love to read the bug description and everything again17:09
dpicsabdfl: do you have logs or shall i pastebin?17:09
sabdflthanks dpic, yes please17:09
pleia2I pastebined them17:09
dpicdholbach: i can pastebin it if you like17:09
dpicpleia2: great, thanks17:10
dholbachdpic, ah no, now it opened17:10
dpicthis is the buf now dholbach http://paste.ubuntu.com/916281/17:11
dpicah, okay [=17:11
sabdfli think it would be a mistake to turn bug 1 from tease to dogma17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117:11
sabdfland i think it would be moving the goal posts to edit it now17:11
dpicsabdfl: interesting point.17:12
mogsabdfl, so ubuntu doesnt stand for expanding free software but was just teasing?17:12
sabdflif we get too focused on it, we end up in impossible conversations17:12
dpicmog: i think that wasn't the point17:12
sabdfllike what the meaning of proprietary is17:12
dpicsabdfl: true17:12
sabdfland mog's point17:12
pleia2I've always seen bug #1 to be a bit tongue in cheek17:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117:12
sabdflexactly, it was a tease, and frankly one i regret for being a smallminded way to start17:12
sabdflwe don't win by being smallminded17:13
sabdflnor do we win by being pedantic17:13
sabdfland arguing about the wording of a smallminded tease sounds like the third or fourth century of a successful religion, not what we need to be now ;)17:13
dpici think the goalposts deserve shifting, but is there a way this bug could be used for that without running into those concerns?17:13
sabdfllet sleeping dogs lie, is my view17:14
beunoif we close that bug, I think we can celebrate. If someone else is now dominating, well, we can always file a new bug  ;)17:14
sabdflif the cc feels it needs changing, fine, but i'd be happy to say 'let's focus on more meaningful discussions'17:14
dpicbeuno: there will only be one (bug) #1!17:14
sabdflindeed. bug 1000000 is coming up though ;)17:14
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1000000 could not be found17:14
sabdflthank you, ubottu17:15
dholbachsabdfl, then we'd better be quick :)17:15
sabdflcan we thank those who raised it, and move on?17:15
beunoyeah, I'm happy to leave it and look forward to closing it17:15
czajkowskisounds like a great idea17:15
dholbachyes, same here17:15
czajkowskimoving on17:15
beunoam happy we're even considering it needs broadening, makes it look smaller!17:15
czajkowski#topic Asia/Oceania Regional Membership Board Catch up17:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Asia/Oceania Regional Membership Board Catch up
czajkowskianyone here from the A/O Board?17:16
pleia2I haven't gotten replies from any A/O folks about attending today, but it's the middle of the night for them17:16
pleia2(3AM in Sydney, and it goes from there)17:16
beunogood, so lifeless should be awake  :p17:16
pleia2hah :)17:17
czajkowskibeuno: *grin* true!17:17
dholbachdamn, I should've considered that when I set up the schedule :/17:17
czajkowskido we have any other items to discuss ?17:17
czajkowskidholbach: unless you can move timezones it's not your fault :)17:17
dholbachI have a quick one - when will we move over the Teams page? :)17:19
czajkowski#topic move over teams page17:20
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: move over teams page
sabdflsooner rather than later17:20
sabdflit's already better than what went before, isn't it?17:20
czajkowskinods it is17:20
czajkowskiand we've merged two columns into one to create more room17:20
pleia2I think we go live with it now, it'll always need tending and updates, it's fine for now17:20
czajkowskiif people want to add their team information to it when it's up they can17:20
czajkowskipleia2: exactly17:20
dholbachwho wants to do the honours?17:21
czajkowskiI can copy over the /temp version to live version this evening17:21
pleia2thanks czajkowski :)17:21
czajkowski#action czajkowski to update the /teams page with working draft17:21
meetingologyACTION: czajkowski to update the /teams page with working draft17:21
czajkowskianything else ? anyone ?17:22
sabdflmerged code of conduct 2.017:23
czajkowski#topic merged code of conduct 2.017:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: merged code of conduct 2.0
sabdflby way of background17:24
sabdflwe were looking at how to build awareness of the leadership coc17:25
sabdfland how to make it possible for people to sign / support that17:25
sabdflas part of our general review of governance and leadership in ubuntu17:25
sabdfland thought it might be better to merge the leadership value statement into the normal coc17:25
sabdflon the grounds that all of us have opportunities for leadership17:25
sabdfland we should be clear throughout the community what we think makes for good leadership17:26
sabdflso, (amber?) set about merging them, i crunched it down a few tens of lines, and others have made suggestions17:26
sabdflalong the way, it made sense to integrate the diversity statement17:26
sabdfland the link is where we stand with a current draft Code of Conduct 2.017:26
sabdflthere is some email from the CC on it which i confess to having failed to parse and integrate17:27
dholbachhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sabdfl/ubuntu-codeofconduct/v2-draft/view/head:/MergedCodeOfConduct.txt is the actual changed document17:27
sabdflshould we take comments and feedback here?17:27
czajkowskiI think it's good we've addressed peoples issues that they couldnt sign a LCoC but with it being addressed now in the CoC this  helps17:28
dholbachwhen I googled an expression used in the CoC I was pleasantly surprised to see many other communities who adopted it :)17:29
bkerensaThere is talk of Mozilla adopting portions of the Ubuntu CoC17:30
sabdflthey might want to get a heads-up on this 2.0, and we could take suggestions from them17:30
sabdfli tried to generalise it but.... it was difficult17:30
dholbachI'm very happy with the new CoC - the only bit I think we could improve is the BDFL bit - it might need some clarification, particularly for new contributors17:31
sabdfldholbach, i've tried to demystify the BDFL reference17:31
dholbachsabdfl, they're aware - czajkowski and I are in conversations17:31
czajkowskiany further comments on the CoC V 2.0 ?17:33
czajkowskishould we blog this17:34
czajkowskipost to mailing lists?17:34
czajkowskito let people know of this change and when should we do it ?17:34
sabdfli'm going to work through the CC comments now and make tweaks17:35
sabdfldholbach said the latter portion felt a bit too heavy on the delegation mechanics17:35
czajkowskiI think that was in reference to the Leadership part no? 'Their teams' ?17:36
dholbachah yes - sabdfl, you're right - I missed that when reviewing the thread again17:36
dholbachwhile it is important to explain leaders what good leadership is and how delegation works, a casual Ubuntu contributor might feel a bit less free to jump in and pioneer in a given area17:38
dholbach... after reading a few paragraphs about delegated powers and delegated responsibilities17:38
dholbachI'm not sure if this is also a concern of yours17:38
* beuno re-reads17:41
sabdflthere are a couple of things i really wanted to convey17:41
sabdflthis is as much about being a leader as it is about being lead17:42
sabdfli think it's important we avoid some of the post-decision carping that is toxic in other communities17:42
sabdflyou know the story:17:42
sabdfl * there is a hard decision to be taken ("Upstart vs Systemd")17:42
sabdfl * someone steps up to do the analysis and the work17:43
sabdfl * they take a decision and do a ton of work tomake it real17:43
sabdfl * then others who weren't around jump in and say it's all wrong17:43
sabdfl * so it all goes on hold for three years17:43
sabdfl * people resign in frustration17:43
sabdfl * then someone just does it that way anyway17:44
sabdfllet's not go there17:44
dholbachtotally agreed17:44
sabdflso i was being forceful about the importance of getting the delegation right (top down delegation, bottom up confirmation)17:44
sabdfland the importance of letting the folk do the work they have taken on17:44
sabdflrecognising the occasional need to escalate17:45
sabdflall of that becomes a little longwinded17:45
sabdfli'll give it another spin17:45
sabdfli think that covers all the feedback17:45
sabdflwill push a few more commits up, then am happy for blogging and feedback17:46
sabdflcould we identify someone to act as a central taker of feedback?17:46
sabdflso we can consider, say, one wiki page of feedback rather than a long thread?17:46
czajkowskinods makes sense to keep the feedback in one place17:46
dholbachmaybe we can blog about it on the fridge and collect replies there?17:46
czajkowskirather than here on a ml then another chunk elsewhere17:46
dholbach...as we don't really have a general purpose mailing list17:47
czajkowskisabdfl: I could collect any feedback mailed to my @ubuntu.com address17:47
czajkowskiand put it on a wiki page for us to review17:47
czajkowskigrand job17:47
dholbachyes, I'm quite happy with it as well :)17:47
czajkowskiok are we done folks ?17:49
* dholbach is17:49
* beuno too17:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Apr  5 17:50:39 2012 UTC.17:50
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-04-05-17.03.moin.txt17:50
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-04-05-17.03.html17:50
czajkowskithanks for coming folks17:50
czajkowskigot a lot done today17:50
dholbachthanks everyone :)17:50
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=== Effenberg0x0 is now known as EffenbergAway

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