
dholbachgood morning07:02
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
pleia2welcome passstab!18:13
pleia2so, each week we release an issue of Ubuntu Weekly News: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter18:13
pleia2we always need summary writers on Saturday and Sunday, and editors on Sunday and Monday to review the newsletter18:14
pleia2some folks also open the google doc during the week to write summaries while we're still collecting links: http://bit.ly/vDkJyf18:14
JoseeAntonioRwelcome to the team, passstab :)18:15
pleia2passstab: if you're interested in being emailed each weekend for summaries or editing, please let me know18:19
pleia2or you can just hang out here, we announce needs here too :)18:19
passstabso i'm adding anything ubuntu related to that document?18:37
pleia2you want to help with collecting articles?18:38
pleia2if so, yes, we collect ubuntu-related articles from around the internet published in the time frame specified for that week (this one is April 2-8) and add them to that document, on Friday night/Saturday morning an editor goes through and makes sure they are in the right categories and reviews the articles for usefulness, might remove some if there are too many18:40
pleia2they should be news related (not how-to documents or the like)18:41
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Join has details of all the UWN jobs :)18:44
passstabthat does look like the role for me18:58
JoseeAntonioRpassstab: we're still collecting links for the next edition, if you have anything to add go for it18:59
pleia2ok, since ~ubuntu-news isn't tied to any code or access, I've opened the team up19:38
pleia2I added join info to ~uwn (that one does have code attached, it can't be open and we do need to review who joins)19:39
pleia2and ~ubuntu-fridge is staying the way it is :) moderated and instructions for successful joining are already on the page19:39
SilverLionsomeone from the news team available?21:13
bkerensaSilverLion: Hello21:16
SilverLionbkerensa, great to have you ;)21:16
SilverLionPM incoming21:16
SilverLion<phillw> I'm hoping someone on the news team can make a decent write up for that :)21:16
SilverLionthe second part depends from the first one i pmed you ;)21:16
SilverLionevening pleia2 ;)21:44
bkerensapleia2: Lubuntu folks would like us to write up a blurb about when their QA team was founded sometime around release date if possible21:45
pleia2if the post it to the lubuntu blog it'll be picked up in UWN21:45
pleia2bkerensa: is this for dev team news?21:45
bkerensapleia2: I think just general21:45
bkerensathey wanted it on the fridge21:45
pleia2ok, once they have the post on the lubuntu blog we can cross-post to fridge21:46
pleia2we'll have to review it to make sure it's of interest to the whole community, but I don't think that'll be a problem21:46
pleia2(QA isn't just about one team, afterall :))21:47
bkerensapleia2: yeah thats what I suggested to SilverLion21:47
pleia2SilverLion: you're welcome to talk in here rather than PM, we're all friends and then we don't need to repeat discussions21:48
pleia2input from the whole team is good!21:48
SilverLionpleia2, will do next time ;)21:48
=== SilverLion_ is now known as SilverLion
akgranerpleia2, thanks - your responses are awesome23:27
SilverLionmorning akgraner23:32
akgranerSilverLion, morning23:32
akgranerpleia2, so what happened to the script when I ran it?23:35
akgranerCould you figure out what broke it?23:36
pleia2your computers is broken :)23:36
pleia2I have no idea23:36
akgranerwell I have a new one now23:36
akgranerI got a Sandy Bridge HEDT now :-)23:37
akgranerI better not break this one23:38
akgranerpleia2, want me to pull stats and updates on Sunday?23:39
pleia2akgraner: ah yes, that would be very helpful :)23:39
akgranerok put me down for that then23:39
pleia2we got lucky this week, there were no April security or updates when I pulled them last week, so no need to check them against the last issue23:39
akgranerPete is traveling soooo I'll have time :-(23:39
akgranerand my kids now have their own social schedules that don't include moms23:40
pleia2have we talked to the translations folks about our translation stats lately? they mean nothing to me and it seems odd that we're including 2 translation strings for AU and not for some other languages23:40
akgranerDamn teenagers :-)23:40
akgranerpleia2, not lately - I asked dpm in Brussels to see what we could do better there23:41
pleia2ok, I'll have a look at the script this weekend to see what it's actually doing and maybe give him another nudge23:41
akgranerI know it doesn't really mean a lot to many people - but not being one who translates anything (sadly) I am not sure how to do that better23:42
bkerensaakgraner: that chip is named after a place in Oregon23:43
bkerensaSandy Bridge/ Sandy River = Sandy, Oregon23:44
akgranerbut I've know we needed to do something different for a while - I just didn't know what would be helpful - so if you can nudge him next week - as we go head into the 12.04 release maybe by the week of the 26th we can figure out a new system23:44
akgranerbkerensa,  yep23:44
pleia2sounds good23:45
pleia2thanks :)23:45
bkerensathey name a good portion of their chips these days after things related to Oregon... I have a relative who makes the wafers at Intel's R&D23:45
bkerensaor DX1 as its known23:45
SilverLionakgraner, thx very much for your work with our friend ;)23:55
akgranerthanks - I was just the messenger - but glad to help23:56
JoseeAntonioRSilverLion, akgraner: Thanks to you two :)23:56
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, I think this would be a great story - the perspective of UDS from your point of view and what your dad thinks.  Will you talk it over with him?23:57
akgranerI'd be happy to get you questions in advance23:57
JoseeAntonioRwell, I always speak with him about it, he's pretty up to date23:58
JoseeAntonioRand by that you mean an interview?23:58
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, yep23:59

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