
rick_hjrwren: pushed an update to bookie to fix that stupid chrome/FF bug issue00:25
brouschoh this is lovely11:46
brouschsomeone else's photos just showed up in my dropbox11:46
brouschlooks like someone trying filters on their webcam11:48
brouschno exif data11:49
brouschthese pictures have the same date/time format as my phone, but they are dated 1 day before i bought it11:54
rick_hhah, someone took pics on your phone you didn't realize :P11:54
brouschbefore i bought it11:54
brouschmy son was playing with the phone at the time of the upload, but obviously not at the time the photos were taken11:55
rick_hwell dropbox now has the auto photo upload from your phone11:55
brouschi can't find them anywhere on my phone11:56
brouschi use the autoupload. that's where the pictures came in11:59
brouschbut i didn't take these pictures11:59
brouschi'm going to lansing tonight to learn more about git12:07
rick_hvery cool, good thing to know12:11
snap-lGood morning12:56
rick_hso I'm a bad employee, I just found out LP has sprint org stuff, never ever noticed/realized it.12:57
rick_hsad when I work on something and just don't even know swaths of features12:57
brouschbig projects are like that12:57
brouschbug companies12:57
brouschb ig12:57
jrwrenrick_h: thanks for the bookie fix. imma go look on github to see the diff13:08
rick_hjrwren: just made sure I don't end the api call in / so that the nginx 301 redirect doesn't kick in.13:09
rick_hit's a browser bug, but fortunately I can avoid the 30113:09
snap-lrick_h: I know the feeling well13:42
snap-lHad lots of "we do that?" learning13:42
ColonelPanic001I don't think I've been on launchpad much in ages.14:01
* ColonelPanic001 goes to have a look14:01
ColonelPanic001I forgot, I actually have a project on ther, from 200914:04
jrwrenrick_h: how long have you worked there now?14:07
rick_hjrwren: nov14:07
jrwrencan't know it all in 5 months :)14:07
rick_hyea, definitely14:07
ColonelPanic001when he hits 6, though..14:07
snap-lRequested 12.04 CDs15:07
snap-lMight even have them at Penguicon15:08
snap-lwhich would be awesome15:08
snap-lAlso, Kubuntu CDs aren't in this pack15:08
rick_hreally? /me goes to dbl check actual release day15:08
snap-lThey're accepting pre-orders, which leads me to believe they're being mastered RSN15:09
brouschblue-headed stepchild15:09
snap-lbrousch: That reminds me....15:10
brouschnow the disowned blue-head step-child15:10
* snap-l has a devious plan to ship all of the rest of the 11.10 CDs to brousch15:10
* snap-l loves Priority Mail Fat Rate.15:10
brouschi think i handed out 2 so far15:10
brouschi should have hidden the box in your house when i was there15:11
snap-lYeah, CDs don't really go over very well15:11
snap-lbrousch: I still have the two boxes from the release party in my living room15:11
snap-lI should put them in the kitchen15:11
snap-lor something like that15:11
snap-lGet rid of the things.15:11
brouschit feels wasteful15:11
brouschlike i should recycle them or something15:12
brouschmaybe i can turn them into an artprize entry15:12
snap-lIf anyone has some ideas, I'm all for it15:12
snap-lI'll pay shipping.15:12
jrwreni keep meaning to upgrade.15:12
snap-lbrousch: Noooooooooo15:13
rick_hdownloaded latest iso today plan is to reinstall tomorrow15:13
rick_heveryone else is off work tomorrow so might as well restart then15:13
snap-lYeah, I have tomorrow off as well15:15
jrwrenwhy so many people off tomorrow?15:19
jjessegood friday15:19
jrwrenauto holiday for the god lovers?15:19
jrwrenwow, you are an optimist. how do you know it will be good?15:20
jjessemy calendar says it will be good friday15:20
jjesseso no iea15:20
jrwrenmust NOT be a demotivational calendar15:20
jrwrenso optimistic15:20
* snap-l rolls his eyes.15:21
* rick_h just keeps quiet...16:01
snap-lrick_h: macs rule. ;)16:03
rick_hI'm going to call total bullshit on the whole story16:03
rick_hyou feel anxiety up to a purchase, but if you got the thing home and it worked it goes away pretty quick.16:03
rick_htrust me, I've been there16:03
rick_hso I don't buy the start of the story at all, and the follow up that "I bought a thing that I regret buying..."16:04
rick_h oh freaking well, you bought a bad bit of hardware, wtf were you doing buying a laptop from samsung...16:04
rick_hthe whole story stinks from start to finish16:04
snap-lrick_h: Funny thing is the Macbook Pro that I had was also a serious nut-warmer16:13
snap-lEven through the laptop desk16:14
snap-lHaven't had the same problem with the X120e16:14
jrwreni LOVE that story.17:05
rick_hjrwren: would, it's got a person who loves windows more than OSX and Ubuntu, loves mac hardware...it's too good to be true I tell you :P17:06
snap-lgreg-g: http://thereifixedit.failblog.org/2012/04/05/white-trash-repairs-bicycle-lanes-in-bulgaria/17:08
jrwrenthe thing i found amusing is that the quiet mac book airs don't exist anymore.17:08
jrwrenhe said he has a 2010.17:08
jrwrenwell. my 2010 DID make noise when i pushed it hard.17:08
jrwrenand now I have a 2011 air and it definitely spins up and pushes air more than the 2010 model.17:09
jrwreni don't htink ivybridge will change this at all.17:09
snap-lCraig's law: The more bits you push, the more heat you'll generate17:13
jrwrensurely you know that isn't true.17:15
jrwrenbut I do like your law.17:15
snap-lCraig's corallary: I like pie17:15
jrwrenmmm... pie17:17
jrwrenBecause Facebook's entire code base is compiled down to a single binary executable, the company's deployment process is quite different from what you'd normally expect in a PHP environment. Rossi told me that the binary, which represents the entire Facebook application, is approximately 1.5GB in size.17:34
rick_hheh, well makes it easier to load that into memory vs a bunch of php scripts :)17:35
ColonelPanic001Didn't know that, interesting17:35
greg-gsnap-l: hilarious17:35
ColonelPanic001I was just going to ask17:35
jrwreni don't know enough about the linux and gnu linker loader to know wtf its going ot do with 1.5GB exec17:36
jrwreni wonder if it is statically linked.17:36
jrwreni wonder if it even uses a webserver or if that includes the web server.17:36
rick_hwell create a memdisk with one file in it :)17:36
jrwrenthat would be foolish.17:36
jrwrenthen you aren't letting the vmemsys do what it is meant to do.17:37
snap-lNice thing is instead of looking at 1,000 files to see where a change is, you can do one sha1sum to tell which server is out of sync17:37
snap-lThat's brilliant17:37
snap-lI eagerly await our newfound compiled executable memes17:38
snap-lBecause FACEBOOK17:38
rick_hcome on, you know that's how google does it too :P17:38
snap-l$5 says they don't strip out debugging. ;)17:39
jrwrenor use -O5.17:40
jrwren-O0 plz.17:40
jrwren-Wnone too17:41
jrwrenbut that might make sense given the HipHop layer17:41
greg-gI hate it when you, while trying to fall asleep, craft a brilliant 140 character thought that condenses such an important issue so that everyone can understand it easily plannning on sending it out via the microblags the next morning, but then, you fall asleep, and forget everything.17:44
jrwrenlol @ 600k17:45
rick_hgreg-g: I started keeing a notepad by my bed because I kept having bookie ideas right before sleep, drove me nuts17:49
rick_hit's a win, but it's embarrassing when it wakes up the wife while I fumble to take a note17:49
greg-grick_h: yeah, unfortunately my falling asleep time now includes a 3.5 month old in nest of my left arm. :)17:52
rick_hgreg-g: hmm, android voice dictation? I don't keep my phone in my bedroom, but maybe you do?17:53
jrwreni put a notepad at my bedside, and all thoughts worth writing immediately stopped17:56
snap-ljrwren: hah17:57
snap-lI have a notepad that I leave by the bed, but no pen.17:57
snap-land now I dust a notepad.17:58
jrwrenrick_h: does your pastebin have a post limit?18:23
snap-lI really need to come up with some way to exclude the 100 baby einstein songs from ever being played on my squeezebox player18:23
jrwreni just tried posting about 3.5k and it gives 50018:23
jrwrensnap-l: delete the files.18:23
snap-ljrwren: Ubuntu One18:23
rick_hjrwren: probably18:23
snap-lso if I delete them, at some point they will returl18:23
rick_hjrwren: whatever the nginx default is I'd imagine18:24
snap-lGOt them for my bro-in-law18:24
rick_hjrwren: yea, I need to update the version and such there sometime. It's hack-hosted, the captchas don't work, etc18:24
jrwrenno worries, just curious18:25
snap-lrick_h: We rely on that service18:45
snap-lmostly because it means we don't have to install our own. ;)18:45
rick_hsnap-l: in that case I better get it off the sqlite db and setup multiple backends with failover :P18:45
snap-land compile the code too18:46
snap-lI want it to load in less than .2ms18:46
snap-lchop chop18:46
brouschi will set up a competing pastebin running on django18:47
brouschthat will prompt him to action18:47
snap-lNah, Ruby on Rails will do it18:47
rick_heveryone knows django isn't good for anything! not even a pastebin!18:48
brouschit is kind of a messy add-on18:48
snap-lIt's good for being a podunk newspaper site18:48
snap-land we all know newspapers are dying anyway18:48
rick_hask waldo, he was having fun with "django apps" last night at CHC18:49
snap-lsurprised they didn't use Wordpress instead.18:49
brouschdjango apps are simultaneously the best part of django and its biggest problem18:49
brouschthere's an app for whatever you want, but it always takes some hacking to get it into your site18:49
brouschonce you've hacked it, then you have to keep hacking it on updates18:50
jrwrenisn't that what git is for?18:50
brouschbut for something that is supposed to be plug and play, having to resort to forking is not how it should be18:51
jrwrenoh, they are supposed to plug and play?18:52
jrwrenI didn't know that.18:52
jrwreni like forks.18:52
jrwreni like forks best when they automerge18:52
greg-gI like forks best when they have tasty food they're bringing to my mouth18:52
rick_hoh oh oh...finally!!! the tests pass...18:53
* rick_h does a happy dance...18:54
jrwreni'mma laugh when you get a 500 :p18:54
jrwrentests pass... why don't it work?18:54
rick_hbecause it's only the second of the 4 sets of tests I broke...18:54
rick_h!@$#@$#@ doctests...die die die!!!!18:55
rick_hall the layers of security hate me since I want to access email addressses18:55
brouschwhat is the pyramid equivalent of a django add-on app?19:00
brouschthe diapers?19:01
rick_ha tween for some thing, a library for others, another wsgi app19:01
brouschare they as prone to getting forked?19:01
jrwreni'd have said pyramid doesn't have an equiv19:01
rick_hnot currently19:01
rick_hjrwren: well the idea is adding functionality to your app via someone else's code19:02
rick_hjrwren: so you can do that in generally 4 ways19:02
brouschbecause pyramid has 10% of django's user base or because they are better designed?19:02
brouschi don't think flask plugins have the same issue19:02
rick_hanother wsgi layer, a tween, importing a lib and adding to your app's config, or just something you can import/use19:03
rick_hbut yea, none of them are really the same as the django ap19:05
brouschlib sounds closest19:05
rick_hnot really because a lib will have issues with migratoins/etc while django apps have that idea built in I think19:06
rick_hat least db access/tools19:06
jrwren the db access is just django model.19:21
jrwrenor it could opt for other.19:21
jrwrenand django still has no default migration lib19:21
rick_hjrwren: yea, I guess I mean syncdb19:22
jrwrenah, right.19:22
jrwrenthat is true.19:23
jrwrenand you can even tie into django commands19:23
jrwrento extend manage.py19:23
brouschi haven't looked at south yet19:23
rick_hsouth is pretty much the one true migration for django19:23
brouschno, there is another19:24
brouschnash vegas19:24
rick_hwell, inside canonical all the django apps are south users19:26
brouschit is the leader19:28
snap-lAnyone else think the JOBS bill is going to usher in another internet bubble?19:33
rick_hhaven't looked...19:34
rick_hfigure I've got a job, and if I lose it I'll get another... :)19:34
snap-lIt's not for employment19:35
rick_hah, then I'm doubly stupid about it19:35
snap-lIt's for investing without being on the stock market.19:35
* jrwren notes to try out south19:42
dzhodmarti asks a fair point19:42
dzhoer, a fair question19:42
snap-lYeah, I don't necessarily think the SEC is better at selecting companies for major investment19:43
dzhonot that.  the 419 point19:44
jrwrenI don't think that is the SECs job.19:44
snap-lbut I regard investors as fools19:44
snap-land fools and their money can soon be parted.19:44
snap-lNote: I think kickstarter is great19:45
jrwrenI'd take offense, but I already know that you ragard me a fool, so its not new to be offended by.19:45
jrwrenits jsut another reason :p19:45
snap-land maybe this will get some awesome companies funded19:46
snap-ljrwren: perhaps I need to rephrase19:46
snap-linternet investing19:46
jrwrenwhat does that mean?19:46
jrwrenlike investing only in "net" companies?19:46
dzhosnap-l: you regard anyone who isn't self-employed but has a 401K to be a fool?  Or you think they should sock their tax-exempt stuff away in cash?  or  . . . .?19:46
jrwrenthat is sooo... mid 90s19:46
snap-lcompanies like Groupon who have no visible means of profit, outside of a glorified ponzi scheme.19:46
dzhonot that I disagree, it's just a pretty broad brush19:46
jrwren401ks are a scam.19:47
snap-ljrwren: people who look to make a quick buck off of some smart kids19:47
jrwreni regard 401k-only investors as fools :(19:47
snap-ljrwren: I'm a fool, then19:47
jrwrenno investments outside of your 401k?19:47
snap-lI also have an IRA, which is comprised of my 401K rollovers19:47
jrwrendo you contribute a lot to 401k or just the minimum to get employer match?19:48
snap-lI contribute my max19:48
jrwrenzomg, stop!19:48
jrwrenyou are killing yourself.19:48
jrwrenwell, you are hurting yourself.19:48
dzhoyou will help yourself by paying more tax!19:48
snap-ljrwren: What would you recommend instead?19:48
dzhohere it goes19:48
jrwrentake some of that and invest in a non-tax deferred acct.19:49
jrwrenhere is why:19:49
jrwrenwhen you withdrawl from your 401k and ira it gets taxed AS WAGES and not as investment income19:50
jrwrenthat means it is in the 35%+ rate19:50
jrwrenand not teh low 18% like romney paid on his investment earnings.19:50
jrwrenyou'd have to run the numbers to see what your rates will be19:50
jrwrenbut its likely if you end up with large withdrawls that you'll be in a much higher tax bracket than you need to be.19:51
dzhoassuming you withdraw it when you are in the 35% bracket19:51
jrwrenlike i said, run thenumbers.19:51
mydogsnameisrudyyou pay 20% when you draw your 40119:51
dzhorun the future numbers.19:51
snap-lWhat if it's a roth IRA?19:51
jrwrenbut I sure plan on retiring with enough $$$ that I can have large withdrawls19:51
dzhonice trick, how do I do that?19:51
dzhodear intarwebs, what will my tax rate be in 20 years?19:51
jrwrenits called planning19:51
dzhodamn, dude, we don't even know what the tax code is going to say next year.19:52
jrwrenso... just throwing some infor out there for you to consider.19:52
jrwrenthis was big news to me.19:52
jrwrenit did change some decisions I made19:52
jrwrenso I'm sharing19:52
mydogsnameisrudyif you draw early its 10% more19:52
jrwrenso ignore my advice.19:52
greg-gjrwren: :)19:52
dzhosnap-l: yeah, roth from what I understand has already been taxed, so . . .19:52
jrwrenlike I said " take some of that and invest in a non-tax deferred acct."   <--- i retract thsi advice.19:52
snap-ljrwren: Considering how we're screwing the baby boomers out of their retirement because of economic reasons, I'll be surprised if I'm not scraping for berries and twigs when I'm retired.19:52
jrwreni don't want to give advise.19:52
greg-gjrwren: haha!19:53
snap-ljrwren: IANAFP19:53
dzhoare we screwing them, or have they screwed us?19:53
greg-gdzho: ding ding ding19:53
dzhosee the recent Esquire article on that question19:53
jrwrenmaybe tehy screwed tehmselves19:54
greg-geveryone is screwing everyone, <insert lewd joke here>19:54
dzhoor maybe themselves *and* the rest of us!19:54
dzhoyes, he went there19:54
jrwrenso I don't grok the JOBS bill.19:54
snap-lAll I know is I had everything I could do to not laugh in a lady's face when I was younger. She claimed that Soc Security would be around for my retirement.19:54
jrwrendoes it change the regulations for being a qualified investor.19:54
jrwrensnap-l: it will if you retire next year :p19:55
dzhojrwren: I think it puts a higher limit as to what people can invest without being a qualified investor19:55
snap-ljrwren: not bloody likely19:55
dzhoor rather, someone collecting that investment can have more non-qualified investors without having to go public.  Or . . . something.19:56
dzhoif only we had the world's information at our fingertips so we could look this up19:56
greg-gjrwren: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jjcolao/2012/03/21/jobs-act/ page two has some good issues, too19:56
brouschsoc sec will be around when we retire. we'll get like $10/wk19:57
greg-gyay, enough to buy an ice-cream cone19:57
jrwrendzho: my current understanding is that non-qualified investors are entirely inelligible currently.19:57
jrwreni do like ice cream cones!19:57
brouschgreg-g: you will only be able to spend it on healthy food19:57
jrwrenanyone go to free cone day at B&J ?19:57
dzhoIt feels a little weird, but I trust wikipedia to give me the general lowdown on something like this.19:59
jrwrengreg-g: thanks. the shareholder limit on privately held is facinating.20:00
jrwrenzomg, and 10% or up to 10k$ can be invested.20:00
jrwrenthis is HUGE for someone like me.20:00
greg-gdzho: good point re WP, is there a good article?20:01
dzhoXeno's paradox will be very important here.20:01
dzhogreg-g: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumpstart_Our_Business_Startups_Act20:01
greg-gthat's a good low down20:03
jrwrenthis is soo cool.20:03
jrwreni gotta figure out where to invest my $10k :)20:03
jrwrenlol, no20:04
greg-gjrwren: and thanks to the act, you can just trust the wall st analysts who say XYZ is great (nevermind they have a vested interest, and wouldn't normally be able to say such things before this bill) :)20:04
jrwrenCaveat emptor20:05
dzhodoes wall street even have to be involved?20:05
snap-lAt least they're trying to keep Senators from profiting off of the stock market by getting stock tips from congressional testimony.20:05
dzhoisn't the point that you don't have to go through folks who have figured out how to navigate the regulatory situation?20:05
dzhogo go Louise Slaughter, on the STOCK Act20:06
dzhotoo bad she just broke her leg20:06
snap-lCouldn't believe that it was legal for congress to do the very thing that Martha Stewart went to jail for20:07
snap-lGoes to show that those who make the rules don't necessarily follow them20:08
dzhomakes you wonder what other outrages are perfectly legal for them to do20:08
dzhoalso, still need to get more of the original bill into law20:10
jrwreni still think it is cool that this bill opens up some things that used to require being  an accredited investor20:14
dzhowell, this bill being the JOBS Act, coming back to that from our STOCK Act excursion.20:15
greg-gdudes! such a great service! http://ismycreditcardstolen.com/22:43

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