
tjaaltonright, so g-s-d doesn't distinguish tablets with touch support from touchsreens when it's resetting the touch device to relative mode09:51
tjaaltonoh gee, one guy wanted nvidia-173 so bad he downgraded X to 11.1011:22
tjaaltonand posted the instructions on the bug report11:22
c10udso, this might be slightly OT here but: did anyone try Precise with an AMD APU? i'm considering in upgrading my workstation but i fear fglrx drivers and stuff11:50
c10udbtw, hello ;)11:50
tjaaltonbryceh: pushed g-s-d to my ppa, so once it's built please test :)14:35
tjaaltontested that my intuos5 is still in relative mode after update..14:35
tjaaltondinner ->14:35
seb128tjaalton, still there?19:47
tjaaltonseb128: on an off20:02
seb128tjaalton, g-s-d, do you want your fix uploaded?20:04
seb128tjaalton, I'm about to do an upload20:04
tjaaltonseb128: well, does it fix things? :)20:06
seb128tjaalton, dunno, I will upload http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=d07807ca68e7d3f0b94fdce9bc2a88a71d4324ef20:06
seb128tjaalton, which is another touchpad devices issue20:07
seb128tjaalton, so I was just wondering if you want extra testing through the archive, we can always revert next week if it's not good20:07
tjaaltonseb128: ah yeah in that case why not20:08
seb128tjaalton, ok, can you push it to the vcs?20:08
seb128tjaalton, I will add my patch on top20:08
tjaaltoni did test that it didn't break touch capable tablet support20:08
tjaaltonbut the touchscreen part is still a mystery, but the logic should be right now20:09
seb128tjaalton, ok, let's get extra archive testing during the w.e20:10
tjaaltonupstream probably would like to add a new class for those, so the condition would be more like (type != SCREEN) or such20:11
seb128well until they do your patch might be better than what we have ;-)20:11
tjaaltonyeah, hope so :)20:12
seb128tjaalton, can you push your changes then? ;-)20:25
tjaaltonseb128: to the bzr branch?20:32
seb128tjaalton, yes20:33
seb128tjaalton, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu20:33
tjaaltonok let me get off the phone irc then :)20:34
tjaaltonhmm, can't login to my laptop20:41
tjaaltonlast message on lightdm.log is "user foo authorized"20:48
tjaaltonseb128: ^ ideas? I upgraded it this evening, noticed there was a new lightdm too20:51
tjaaltonjust in time for the long weekend :)20:51
seb128tjaalton, no, is there anything special on your pam or login?20:51
seb128tjaalton, is there any session process started?20:52
tjaaltonauth.log looks ok20:53
tjaaltonno user processes started20:53
tjaaltoni mean, owned by the user20:53
tjaaltongreeter.log says auth complete20:54
brycehtjaalton, I've tested your g-s-d20:54
tjaaltonbryceh: works?20:54
brycehtjaalton, here's what I did20:54
tjaalton*bites fingernails*20:54
brycehI re-set the gsettings active property back(?) to true20:54
Sarvattguessing no since its a story :)20:54
brycehthen I added your ppa, updated, upgraded20:54
tjaaltonSarvatt: yeah :)20:55
brycehnow, on the *login* screen, it does work great20:55
brycehbut after logged in, same behavior20:55
brycehwhat I'm wondering is that since I set it to true specifically, does that override your changes?20:55
brycehmaybe I need to UNset it?20:55
brycehor should it matter?20:56
tjaaltonbryceh: no it's just the setting for the plugin, use it or not20:56
tjaaltontrue is the default20:56
bryceh  Installed: 3.4.0-0ubuntu3.120:56
tjaaltonso the plugin does it's own thing, and the relative/absolute for the touch functionality is not configurable by gsettings20:56
bryceh *** 3.4.0-0ubuntu3.1 020:56
bryceh        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/tjaalton/ppa/ubuntu/ precise/main i386 Packages20:56
tjaaltonyeah, so it's not complete, bah20:56
tjaaltoneither the logic is all wrong after me looking at it for too long :) or it can't be called from there. compiles fine though and doesn't break my setup20:57
seb128tjaalton, ok, so pre-release freeze is in 3 minutes, do you want to commit your stuff or should I upload my patch without it?20:58
brycehtjaalton, I can mess around with the patch locally if you'd like.  get some more data on what's going on, etc...20:59
tjaaltonseb128: withouth, bryce tested and it's flawed in some way20:59
seb128tjaalton, bryceh: we aware of http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=d07807ca68e7d3f0b94fdce9bc2a88a71d4324ef as well20:59
seb128not sure if that could impact on what you are testing21:00
seb128that's the patch I want to update, but now I'm late, it's freeze time, I shouldn't have waited for tjaalton :p21:00
tjaaltonwhat prerelease freeze?21:01
tjaaltonseb128: sorry :)21:01
seb128tjaalton, the one starting at 21utc today21:01
seb128i.e now21:01
seb128which also suprised me, they were discussing it today on #ubuntu-release, from now one archive should be frozen again and uploads will be approved21:02
tjaaltoni thought it was next week21:02
seb128skaet argued that previous cycle we didn't unfreeze after beta221:02
tjaaltonok then21:02
seb128release freeze is next week21:02
seb128bug fixes should still be ok meanwhile21:02
seb128they just need to be approved21:03
seb128not sure there will be lot of approvers during the long w.e though21:03
tjaaltonguess I should get uploads rolling and not fight with silly sponsors who question my skills to package a source package for debian :)21:03
tjaaltonand then merge those21:03
seb128tjaalton, btw while you are there21:04
seb128tjaalton,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/934445/comments/1921:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 934445 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "hits g_assert (device->priv->styli) when my Wacom Bamboo 2FG 4x5 is plugged in" [High,Triaged]21:04
seb128tjaalton, what do you think about that?21:04
seb128tjaalton, it's a workaround until g-s-d learns to not get unhappy on unknown devices but seems it could still be worth to ship with libwacom until then?21:05
tjaaltonseb128: can't check the details, but there are some fixes in the driver git which might help there21:05
tjaaltonmeh, i'll switch to the desktop so I'll have a browser21:08
tjaaltonseb128: checking the code21:17
tjaaltonseb128: yeah, the device-id is the same, so adding the new stylus id should be ok21:20
tjaaltonadding it to the same data file that is21:20
seb128tjaalton, can you do it in the next upload?21:21
tjaaltonseb128: sure thing21:21
seb128tjaalton, thanks21:21
tjaaltonhmm, I could upload it to debian now, and sync21:24
bdmurraybryceh: you said something about a disconnect between where you touch on your screen and the cursor location?  I've noticed the same thing21:27
tjaaltonI think it's the same with my intuos too21:27
tjaaltonSarvatt: so it would cover your n-trig woes as well21:27
brycehbdmurray, yep21:29
brycehbdmurray, doesn't seem to affect the stylus, just touch21:29
bdmurraybryceh: yeah same thing with the stylus21:29
brycehbdmurray, you see the same misbehavior with the stylus?  odd, I don't21:30
brycehtjaalton, would it be worthwhile for me to tinker with the patch locally? 21:30
bdmurraybryceh: I meant yeah the stylus works for me too21:31
brycehbdmurray, aha21:31
tjaaltonbryceh: if you have the time then yes. you've seen what it tried to do, so it shouldn't be that hard to fix :)21:31
brycehalright, adding to the todo stack for today21:32
Sarvatttjaalton: WACOM_TYPE_TOUCH is only for actual touchpad capable wacoms21:32
Sarvattaka bamboo touch21:32
tjaaltonbryceh: the gsd plugin has the logic to check if the device is a screen tablet, so set_absolute should be true for those21:32
tjaaltonSarvatt: well that has been proven wrong now? :)21:33
Sarvattguess i should read scrollback, i've been looking at g-s-d21:33
tjaaltonthe gsd code touches every device with the touch property21:33
Sarvattyeah which serial wacoms dont have21:33
Sarvattin libwacom21:33
Sarvattunless i missed something21:34
tjaaltonthis is where it broke21:34
tjaaltonnot libwacom21:34
Sarvatttjaalton: oh they dont have Touch=false in the serial tablet definitions either21:34
Sarvatttjaalton: most everything else has Touch=false if its not usable as a touchpad, serial wacom definitions in libwacom dont21:35
tjaaltonwell I changed that bit to use TRUE, and it turned my intuos to absolute mode, so I figured the condition was wrong21:35
Sarvatt./isdv4-e3.tablet:# this is for the Wacom pen + touchscreen as found in the HP Touchsmart tm2 laptop.21:36
Sarvattbdmurray's laptop is covered by a different set of definitions than generic serial wacom tablets21:36
tjaaltonlet me finish this changelog entry first :)21:36
Sarvattso might explain why he sees different behavior21:36
Sarvattoh nevermind, i'm gonna stop talking without reading the scrollback fully21:37
tjaaltonbdmurray: so do you have the touch set in relative ("touchpad") or absolute ("pen tablet") mode?21:37
Sarvatthell it'd be better to just revert that commit21:38
bdmurraySarvatt: this is on an x201 tablet21:38
tjaaltonSarvatt: no, then all bamboos would be set in absolute mode..21:38
tjaaltonor would they21:39
bdmurraytjaalton: either way I set it the behavior is the same21:39
Sarvatti think there might be more laptops with touchscreens than bamboo tablets21:39
tjaaltonif only I could login to my laptop I could test it :)21:39
tjaaltonbdmurray: which is what? :)21:40
Sarvattand they can change it in the gui if they prefer it the other way :P21:40
tjaaltonSarvatt: alas, no they can't :) it's not exposed for the touch21:40
tjaaltononly for the pad21:40
tjaaltonbecause of http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/plugins/wacom/gsd-wacom-manager.c?id=389276ef566342c3c61547326c070a0d6914622a21:42
tjaaltonbdmurray: I mean, is the touchscreen functionality in absolute mode on both the login screen _and_ in the session, or just the login screen21:45
tjaaltonthe latter is what everyone else is seeing21:46
Sarvattok touch is a weird thing here, some people are referring to it for touchscreens where you want absolute, other people are referring to it for touchpads where you want relative.. you'd only want relative on tablets with a touchpad on them which is a smallllllllll minority of them21:46
Sarvattlike the definitions for the touchsmart tm2 have it listed as a touch device21:47
Sarvattwhen its just the screen21:47
tjaaltonwell the only one complaining about it upstream is a bamboo user/dev21:47
tjaaltonie jason gerecke, the wacom dude :)21:48
bdmurraytjaalton: ah at the login screen it is 'absolute mode' if that means the cursor follows my finger21:48
tjaaltonbdmurray: yess, and that's what it should always have21:48
tjaaltona lazy person would just reopen gnome bug 670655 and let them know that touchscreens are broken, but why not try to create a patch in the meantime21:50
ubottuGnome bug 670655 in plugins "Wacom 'touch' devices are initialized to absolute mode by default" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67065521:50
Sarvattbryceh, bdmurray: if you have a moment, can you add Touch=false to the bottom of /usr/share/libwacom/serial-wacf004.tablet and try logging in again?21:54
tjaaltonthat would just disable the touch part?21:54
Sarvattthere is no touch part21:55
Sarvattits a friggin touch screen not a touchpad21:55
tjaaltonyes, touch screen with finger + pen touch21:55
Sarvattthe touch detection i see in g-s-d is only for wacom touchpads built into tablets to put them in relative mode..21:55
brycehSarvatt, alright done.  what am I looking for?21:56
Sarvattjust if its absolute after logging in21:56
brycehnope, same misbehavior as before21:57
Sarvattok cool, thanks for checking it wasn't something that easy21:57
brycehthat was added to the [Features] section fwiw21:58
Sarvattbryceh: wait, one more? Pad=false ?21:58
Sarvatti'm just thinking maybe its assuming things if its not explicitly defined21:58
tjaaltondoesn't that only change the configurator?21:58
Sarvatttjaalton: what a headache :)22:00
brycehnope, 22:00
brycehbtw in that file I see a DeviceMatch for serial:0000:000022:01
brycehare there pci ids to be checked?22:01
Sarvattnope its serial22:01
tjaaltongsd_wacom_device_is_screen_tablet() does seem to ask stuff from libwacom22:01
tjaaltonso looks like both need an update22:01
Sarvatt/usr/share/libwacom/isdv4-e3.tablet is what blows my mind22:02
SarvattTouch=true for touchscreen, its only wacom for the touchscreen..22:02
Sarvattlibwacom is a ton of bug reports waiting to happen22:02
tjaaltonwhat do you mean "its only wacom for the touchscreen"?22:03
Sarvatttjaalton: oh wait a second here22:03
tjaaltonsurely isn't, there's Stylus etc there22:03
SarvattBuiltin means it doesn't parse the external files doesnt it..22:03
Sarvattah nope22:04
Sarvattso maybe you can make g-s-d not apply relative if BuiltIn=true22:04
Sarvattsince those are all touchscreens22:04
Sarvatttjaalton: BuiltIn=false + Touch=true is ok for relative, just people using the pad surface with touch as a touchpad22:05
tjaaltonyes, that's bamboo22:06
Sarvattshould be able to use the BuiltIn definition to separate out touchscreens where you'd want absolute from touchpads where you'd want relative22:06
Sarvattah yea libwacom_is_builtin like you found earlier22:09
tjaaltonand it should work..22:10
tjaaltonI mean, libwacom should be ok22:11
Sarvattits already used elsewhere to determine what graphics are shown in the ui22:11
Sarvattnifty, fedoras actually generating wacom udev rules from libwacom22:27
Sarvattthats a great idea22:27
Sarvattbryce is going to try http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~sarvatt/wacom-touch-fix.patch out22:28
tjaaltonalright :)22:32
brycehalso got some debuggery folded in with that in case it doesn't work22:32
brycehbtw, I see BuiltIn=true in the .tablet file if that matters...22:37
tjaaltonyes, as should be22:38
brycehbingo sarvatt22:38
bryceh(gnome-settings-daemon:7808): wacom-plugin-WARNING **: gsd_wacom_device_is_screen_tablet = 022:39
bryceh(gnome-settings-daemon:7808): wacom-plugin-WARNING **: libwacom_is_builtin = 122:39
Sarvattmy thoughts exactly...22:40
Sarvattthat might just check if its assigned to a screen tjaalton22:42
Sarvattsince you can bind the tablet to specific screens22:43
tjaaltonhum, ok22:44
brycehftr this is the patch I used - http://paste.ubuntu.com/916697/22:44
tjaaltonSarvatt: or maybe device->priv->is_screen_tablet isn't initialized yet?22:48
tjaaltonoh well, I don't care :) bryceh thanks for checking that out!22:53
tjaaltonbtw, downgrading to lightdm 1.1.9 didn't help my laptop22:55
tjaaltonstill can't login to the X session22:56
tjaaltonthe greeter seems stuck22:56
tjaaltondoesn't bail out22:56
brycehtjaalton, sure thing22:59
brycehso, do we have a pushable patch?22:59
tjaaltonbryceh: uploaded an update to the ppa22:59
tjaaltonlikely so, but I'm not sure if seb pushed something already22:59
tjaaltonso maybe it's best to let people test the ppa version and upload the fix to the distro after easter23:00
* bryceh nods23:00
brycehbdmurray, ^^23:00
bdmurraywhat ppa and package?23:02
tjaaltontakes some time to build23:03
* bryceh uploads xdiagnose 2.423:31
brycehI added a script xpci23:34
brycehhumber:~/src/xdiagnose/xdiagnose$ xpci23:34
brycehRV770 (1002:9442) xserver-xorg-video-ati23:34
brycehhumber:~/src/xdiagnose/xdiagnose$ xpci 10de:060423:34
brycehG92 (10de:0604) GeForce 9800 GX2 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau,nvidia-graphics-drivers23:34
brycehhumber:~/src/xdiagnose/xdiagnose$ grep 'VGA ' /tmp/lspci_vvnn.txt | xargs xpci23:35
brycehgm45 (8086:2a42) cantiga xserver-xorg-video-intel23:35
bryceh* skaet not feeling that comfortable about libwacom though....23:38
tjaaltonbah :)23:43
Sarvattbryceh: the libwacom change is so straight forward it isnt funny, i'm sure it'll pass review :)23:44
tjaaltonme mentioning the "merge" probably scared her off23:44
Sarvattthen again there is this nasty change: +DM-Upload-Allowed: yes23:44
tjaaltondoesn't affect ubuntu at all23:45
Sarvattyeah was a joke23:45
tjaaltonhah, ok23:45

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