
allie83just installed xubuntu, wondering if gnutella is supported still?01:34
Unit193What do you mean by "supported still"?01:34
allie83is the link from sourceforge worth getting01:34
allie83to run stable01:35
Unit193That's a protocol, maybe a client too.01:35
Unit193But you should find something in the repos, unless you know what you want/are doing.01:35
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:35
Unit193genii-around: Dangit!01:36
bazhang!find gnutella01:36
ubottuFound: gtk-gnutella01:36
* Unit193 goes off01:36
bazhang!info gtk-gnutella | allie8301:36
ubottuallie83: gtk-gnutella (source: gtk-gnutella): shares files in a peer to peer network. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-2 (oneiric), package size 15988 kB, installed size 30760 kB01:36
allie83i know what it is, have used it on 9.04 and ubuntu 10.04 but wasn't supported in 11.10...hated unity so have switched to xububtu, just getting it up and running01:37
lunaticushey guys01:44
lunaticusi need you help with xubuntu-alternate and usb-key01:45
lunaticusi use the parameter "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true" on boot, and worked01:46
lunaticusbut on tasksel, no install any package01:47
lunaticusplease someone01:51
allie83facebook games are saying i need adobe flash 10 or greater, i have 11.2...how do i resolve this please?01:59
lunaticusi have success with a basic system install, but no with desktop02:12
Unit193Type   sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop02:13
Unit193If you are at a terminal.02:13
lunaticusyes i have02:14
lunaticuscan i install xubuntu-desktop package from a usb-stick02:15
lunaticusi'm in alternate usb-stick02:16
Unit193How did you make the stick?02:16
lunaticusand, i use the parameter "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true" on boot02:18
lunaticusversion is xubuntu-alternate 11.1002:18
lunaticusI walked around my problem03:53
lunaticusI created a local repository with the packages that were in the pen drive03:54
lunaticus2 repositories were a main and the other universe and added due sources.lst03:54
lunaticusthen simply ran an apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and resolved03:54
lunaticusAlthough this process should be transparent, it would be a bug?03:54
lunaticusthanks to all especially Unit193, the one who ventured to answer me ...03:55
k_szeI'm having some weird issues with gftp03:59
k_szenever mind... I don't know what the other ftp client did, but it didn't set the +x bit of the directory.04:14
VermicelliEvery time I run apt-get upgrade, update-manager also starts. I can't find a way to disable it, and I can't uninstall it without also taking xubuntu-desktop. Any ideas?07:15
baizonVermicelli: yes07:15
Vermicellibaizon, please share with me?07:15
knomeVermicelli, the xubuntu-desktop package is just a metapackage, it provides you nothing after you've installed it once07:16
knomeVermicelli, this means it's okay to remove it07:16
baizongo software sources -> updates -> "When there are <security / other> updates".07:16
Vermicelliknome, thanks.07:18
Vermicellibaizon, that is what I have set already.07:19
baizonthats why the update-manager is showing07:19
VermicelliThere is no "never" option for those, unfortuantely.07:19
baizonit will be "fixed" in 12.0407:19
VermicelliThanks. Can I throw another problem out?07:23
baizonof course07:23
VermicelliSOmething buggy happened recently, where it looks like xfce4-desktop isn't working properly. I had lost my trash can icon, other icons had changed theme/appearance, my wallpaper disappeared, and whenever I log in, my userhome folder opens. I've tried manually restarting xfce4-desktop, but to no avail. I've been able to set a wallpaper through firefox only, not through normal settings.07:25
VermicelliThe process does appear to be running.07:27
Sysirun "rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions" and reloging, don't save session on logout07:27
Sysidesktop is xfdesktop unless you're using nautilus07:27
VermicelliSorry. Named the process from memory only; goofed up.07:28
VermicelliIf someone would vouch for Sysi's solution (I'm leery of any rm -rf), I'd be off to try it.07:30
Sysiremoving old saved sessions is totally safe, you can use thunar as well07:31
knomeyup, removing ~/.cache is fine07:32
VermicelliMuch appreciated.07:32
VermicelliSeems to've done the trick. Thanks, again, Sysi.07:34
david_somebody know of a program that easily rename many file at one time?08:30
david_Used a good one on that came with linuxmint before08:31
Sysithunar has bulk rename tool08:35
david_ah, nice. Thank you!08:37
Simmonshello guys09:27
Simmonscan someone tell how te replace linux mint to xubuntu? i also have dualboot win709:28
ochosiSimmons: well just make an install usb-stick, format the partition where you have linux mint and then install xubuntu on that09:35
Simmonsgrub will stay?09:36
Simmonswith dual boot?09:36
sk1tz0the gui installer will reinstall grub and add the appropriate provisions for booting windows09:37
sk1tz0much the same way your mint install probaly did it originally09:38
Simmonsso I just choose Somethine else -> Format Mint partition and on this partition install xubuntu that's it? :)09:39
Simmonswhat about swap partion do I need to foramt that too ?09:40
sk1tz0the installer should do it all itself...09:41
sk1tz0formatting the swap wont hurt.09:42
Atlantic777Where could I find some sys requirements for xubuntu?10:58
knomeAtlantic777, what hardware do you have?10:59
Atlantic777knome: I'm want to install it on a friends machine, 512 MiB RAM, single core AMD, probably 1.610:59
Atlantic7771.6 GHz, VGA is ATi 9250 or something11:00
Sysiit will be slow but it should run okay11:00
Atlantic777How much RAM is ok to run smothly?11:01
Sysi512, 256 might be enough, but webbrowsers easily take 200MB11:02
Atlantic777yeah, I know...11:02
atarioHi, just browsing.12:21
baizonhi hi12:22
atarioHi Hi Hi, just installed xubuntu :)12:23
nabukadnezar43hi, does anyone know where i can download xubuntu elementary icons? normal and dark ones12:38
dv310p3rmorning, can I use compiz wobbly windows and rotate cube in xfce? I can't stand unity and gnome 3, i am looking for new desktop?13:16
Sysidv310p3r: if you use compiz you can use all it's features13:19
Sysiand you can use compiz with xfce13:19
dv310p3rSysi, nice. I think I'm making my move soon then. Any known mulitple monitor issues with Xfce by chance?13:20
Sysimay need a bit of setting up but nothing big13:21
knomedepends much on the GPU13:23
dv310p3rSo it's basically a good old desktop not forcing me to pretend I'm using a tablet that has a nice new linux kernel and that I can use the way I've been using Gnome 2 for years now? -- Sorry still a bit sour about the new Ubuntu direction.13:24
dv310p3rWow, Panels are really well done in XFCE no need for AWN or other dock app... a bit impressed so far.13:27
knomeone could take it that way.13:27
dv310p3ranyone know of a good place to get themes for xfce13:28
knomexfce-look.org is one, but i'm not sure how many of them support gtk3 even okayish13:29
dv310p3rknome, thanks anyhow... it's a start... gonna make the move tonight.13:32
knomegood luck13:32
martinphonewhy does ctrl+alt+t dont open a terminual in xubuntu?14:01
babblemartinphone: you can set an application shortcut for it, if you want. Apps > Settings > Settings Manager > Keyboard : Application Shortcuts14:02
martinphonebabble, why are this shortcuts not included by default as in ubuntu?14:02
babbleThat's not a question I can answer for you, sorry.14:03
Sysithey aren't considered to be needed, I think they're there by default in 12.0414:04
drcmartinphone: For a hint of the future:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Precise/DefaultShortcutKeys#Detailed_specification14:04
babbleis there an easy way to restart xfconfd that won't cause me to fallback to the default gtk2 appearance which can't be changed? I'm using xfconf-query to change the active-soundcard property in xfce4-mixer when I plug or unplug a USB headset (so that volume keys, and the volume control on the headset will work), but occasionally pulseaudio hangs when hotplugging the headset -- if I kill and restart pulseaudio, my xfconf-query no longer switches the active-car14:08
babbled property.14:08
martinphoneis there any command to get rid of all deleted apps in my menus? I mean I have to get rid of the symlinks14:27
babblemartinphone: the dead launcher is probably in /usr/share/applications14:28
babbleif not there, also try /usr/local/share/applications14:29
martinphonebabble, you mean, me getting rid of them one by one...14:29
babblein any case, you'll need root priveliges to remove items down inside /usr14:29
babblehave you tried restarting your panel? they may actually be gone, and the menu hasn't quite updated yet14:30
martinphonecould be14:30
babbletry this:14:30
babblekillall xfce4-panel && xfce4-panel14:30
martinphonebabble, am I logging out after executing that? DO I have to close all other opened processes?14:32
babbleech, my mistake.14:32
babbledo them one at a time.14:32
babbleif you've killed your pane, do alt-f2 again14:32
Unit193xfce4-panel -r  should work.14:32
babble-r :)14:32
babbleI always forget it's got a reload option :)14:32
martinphoneI didnt do anything yet. doing separately killall xfce4-panel AND THEN xfce4-panel14:33
babbleUnit193's is better.14:33
babblein your run dialog, just this:14:33
babblexfce4-panel -r14:33
martinphonedo I have to close all other open apps?14:33
babbleno :)14:33
martinphonebefore proceeding?14:33
babbleno, stay logged in.14:33
babbleit'll be just fine14:33
martinphoneyes, it worked14:34
babblecheck your menu14:34
babbleif the dead launchers really were deleted, that should have refreshed your menu14:35
martinphoneSome of them are gone, but others are still here14:35
martinphoneoriginally from ubuntu I migrated to xubuntu14:36
babbleI can't think of an easy way to automatically remove them all14:36
martinphoneno worries, in 3 weeks 12.04 is out14:36
babblehow many dead launchers are we talking about? five? 20?14:36
martinphonelike 70 all of them in the "other" category14:36
babbleif you have that many launchers still in there, are you sure this is for something that's been uninstalled?14:37
martinphonenow im with http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce14:37
martinphoneto try a pure xfce14:37
martinphonebabble, remember dddeeexxxtteerrr?14:37
babbleoh, good lord.14:38
babblewhat on earth are you doing?14:38
martinphonebabble, getting a pure xfce14:38
babblehave fun14:38
martinphonebut dont worry too much, in 2 days ill get a hDD14:38
martinphoneand copy all impartant data there14:38
martinphonewith firefox, is there any way I can see the screen like when you press f11, but with the "file edit view bookmarks..." line included?14:44
martinphoneor, do I have to ask this in the firefox channel instead?14:45
Sysimartinphone: try Alt F1114:46
martinphonethx Sysi14:48
martinphonethis does not depend on firefox, but xubuntu, right?14:53
mongy12.04 has a fullscreen window menu option and binding, which is nice.15:01
martinphonewhat photo album app should I use? kphotoalbum?15:56
mongygthumb is decent, but all depends what you want it to do.16:02
martinphonedidnt saw it, comes by default16:10
mongyugh, where has the visual bit gone from autoscroll in chrome.16:12
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G__81why is canonical supporting Xubuntu when its main product is Ubuntu , just curious to know this16:59
G__81is Xubuntu a community project only or do people work on Xubuntu in Canonical as such ?16:59
pleia2it's a community project17:00
pleia2anyone working on it who happens to work at Canonical is doing Xubuntu work in their free time (I can only think of one person though)17:00
pleia2it's a recognised flavor, which means they're helping our community by providing development space and infrastructure to work on our project17:01
pleia2I don't know why they do it business-wise, because they are nice? :)17:02
dv310p3rI'm almost ready to make the switch from Ubuntu to Xubuntu. One big issue I have a question about is dual monitors. I have a dual monitor setup with my laptop where I have my external monitor above my laptop monitor. So I need to be able to set up like this. Is this possible.17:14
Sysieasily, if it worked on ubuntu17:15
dv310p3rI ask because in running Xubuntu in my VM I don't see way to position the monitors like I do in Ubuntu 10.10's display settings.17:15
Sysiuse arandr17:15
dv310p3ri can apt-get that?17:15
Sysiof course17:15
dv310p3rcool, gonna test now.17:16
dv310p3rSysi, looks like that might do the trick. Thanks.17:21
Mordyhello can someone help how to get back panel 1 I accidently removed ?19:08
drcYou actually removed it on purpose or it just disappeared?19:09
MordyI removed19:09
Mordyi only have bottom dock19:10
Unit193Should be able to remove ~/.config/xfce4/panel/ hit alt+f2 and run  xfce4-panel -r19:11
MordyI need to remove ~/.config/xfce4/panel/?19:14
pleia2that would get rid of all your customized settings19:14
pleia2you can't "get back" a panel you deleted, but you can add a new one19:14
drcwhew...I was wondering what rock I had been under :)19:15
pleia2go to Settings > Settings Panager > Panel19:15
Mordyhow to delete ~/.config/xfce4/panel/ this directory?19:15
Mordyin terminal?19:15
Unit193Mordy: Do you want to reset your panel config (which will get your panel back), or just add the panel back (which will save your other changes to panels)?19:16
MordyI want original panel back I have fresh installiton of xubuntu :)19:16
Unit193You can open a terminal and type  rm -rv ~/.config/xfce4/panel/19:17
Unit193Then hit  alt+F2 and type   xfce4-panel -r19:17
Mordydone but nothing happend19:19
Mordyonly icons dissaphered from bottom dock19:19
Unit193cp -r /etc/xdg/xfce4/panel ~/.config/xfce4/   but it should have automagically pulled it in, it did for me that time...19:20
Mordyok i will try19:21
Mordyi typed this and terminals just jump in new line19:23
Unit193Try logging out and back in now, it copied the defaults back.19:23
Mordyok I'm back still the same problem19:29
Unit193Could that be a cached session in .cache?19:30
well_laid_lawnpkill xfce4-panel &&  rm -rv ~/.config/xfce4/panel/ && xfce4-panel &19:30
Mordyok will try here is the link how looks like now shrani.si/f/2S/uM/cLcBLw9/screenshot-04052012-0930.png19:31
Mordyok it killed bottom dock19:35
Mordydo i need to log out again?19:35
Mordyor I will just install xubuntu 1 more time :D19:36
well_laid_lawnpkill xfce4-panel &&  rm -rv ~/.config/xfce4/panel/ && xfce4-panel &   is one command and should have restarted the panel19:37
Mordynothing happend19:38
Mordy[3] 1675 [2]   Exit 119:38
Mordythis is what I get when I typed in this19:39
well_laid_lawnany panel showing? - it's hard to see from here19:40
Unit193Unless somehow he's using a different panel, maybe ps aux |grep panel19:40
Mordyno, now im without panels19:41
Mordyonly icons on dekstop19:41
Mordywill try logout19:41
Mordy__bottom panel is back like I show you before19:43
Mordy__im gonna just reinstall so don't bother  :D19:43
martinphoneI have cleaned my laptop of all ubuntu, kubuntu and lubuntu packages aiming for a clean xfce installation, but instead of plymouth for both log in and out I get "ubuntu studio, linux for creative humenas"20:05
martinphonewhere did that come from?20:05
muntiKubu_martinphone: did u install a fresh xubuntu?20:08
martinphonemuntiKubu_, no http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce20:09
martinphonecan you guys use parole with kernel
martinphoneit segfaults for me, am I the only one?20:15
Unit193I think one of the M* nicks was having problems with it.20:18
martinphonewill xubuntu 12.04 fit into a cd?20:22
mongymartinphone: thats the kernel bug20:48
martinphonehttp://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/oneiric/release/desktop/... 64 bits is amd64, right?20:52
Unit193Basically, yes.20:53
Unit193You can use 32 on a 64 machine though.20:53
martinphonewhat do you mean basically?20:53
Unit193It is, yep.20:54
martinphoneUnit193, my I ask which one you use?20:54
Unit193address sizes: 36 bits physical, 32 bits virtual   I can't use 64.20:55
martinphonei wish all torrents woudl be so fast as this one :)20:55
martinphonewhat will happen if my machine cannot support 64 bits? will it just not load?20:58
Unit193Yep, but you can check first.20:59
martinphoneI cannot mount usb sticks, when I try, file manager closes21:04
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