
shazzneralright, updated the kusabax charm01:01
shazznershould include all of marco's suggestions in it now01:02
marcoceppishazzner: nice!01:23
shazznermarcoceppi: I changed the php parse_upstream file to python, feel free change it I'm no python expert :p01:42
marcoceppishazzner: neither am I, I'll take a look later tonight or in the morning01:45
shazznerawesome thanks bro01:47
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== shazzner is now known as shazzner-away
_mup_juju/managed-zk-client r511 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com14:42
_mup_use managed client for state tests14:42
imbrandonhappy friday everyone15:49
_mup_juju/trunk r516 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com15:59
_mup_[trivial] test suite should run without requiring any ec2 env vars, also fix a status test failure [r=clint-fewbar]15:59
_mup_juju/managed-zk-client r512 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com16:35
_mup_more managed client test usage16:35
_mup_juju/namespace-from-env r476 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com16:55
_mup_merge trunk16:55
shazzner-awayupdated Gitolite charm18:00
=== shazzner-away is now known as shazzner
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
cr3roadmr and I just invented jujutsu; martial art in the cloud18:40
cr3our moves are also called charms, like the wordpress charm is a crouching hand stand18:40
cr3there are also combination of moves, like the hadoop charm is a combination of map position and reduce position18:40
cr3step aside kungfu, move away karate, jujutsu kicks ass!18:41
_mup_juju/log-juju-origin r513 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com18:53
_mup_log juju-origin when bootstrapping18:53
_mup_juju/trunk r517 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com19:16
_mup_[trivial] log juju-origin when bootstrapping19:16
SpamapScr3: https://launchpad.net/juju-jitsu :)20:03
cr3SpamapS: I hate the internet, everything was invented already :(20:08
dotty451I'm having some trouble with juju and ssh keys20:12
dotty451$ juju status20:12
dotty4512012-04-06 16:10:42,985 INFO Connecting to environment.20:12
dotty4512012-04-06 16:10:43,195 ERROR Invalid SSH key20:12
dotty451Cannot connect to machine MTMyNzM3MTAyOS40NzczODQ0MjAuNzMxMDk (perhaps still initializing): Invalid SSH key20:12
dotty4512012-04-06 16:10:43,202 ERROR Cannot connect to machine MTMyNzM3MTAyOS40NzczODQ0MjAuNzMxMDk (perhaps still initializing): Invalid SSH key20:12
dotty451I've created an ssh key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa20:12
dotty451and copied it to the remote host's .ssh/autorized_keys for the ubuntu user20:12
SpamapSdotty451: did you reboot the machine after you did the 'bootstrap' ?20:15
dotty451the server?20:15
SpamapSdotty451: juju copies the key after it installs the OS20:15
SpamapSdotty451: juju wants to own the machine from install onward20:15
SpamapSdotty451: so it tells cobbler to set it up for re-install on the next reboot20:16
dotty451so i need to re-pxe boot the clients?20:16
SpamapSdotty451: then on the reboot, juju installs the version of Ubuntu you asked for, and itself, and installs your keys20:16
SpamapSdotty451: if you manually pxe'booted them before juju bootstrap, then yes20:16
_mup_juju/must-specify-relation-name r515 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com20:29
_mup_relation-ids without an arg defaults to ; raises error if unset20:29
_mup_juju/ns-from-env r478 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com20:48
_mup_move infer defaults extraction to helper func20:48
dotty451SpamapS: I re-installed my clients and it now errors out with a different error21:07
dotty4512012-04-06 17:06:46,511 INFO Connecting to environment.21:07
dotty4512012-04-06 17:06:46,787 ERROR SSH forwarding error: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@21:07
dotty451it seems doing that did not re-install it21:13
dotty451instal the keys properly, that is21:14
dotty451$ juju ssh 021:14
dotty4512012-04-06 17:13:06,322 INFO Connecting to environment.21:14
dotty4512012-04-06 17:13:06,503 ERROR Invalid SSH key21:14
dotty451Cannot connect to machine MTMyNzM3MTAyOS40NzczODQ0MjAuNzMxMDk (perhaps still initializing): Invalid SSH key21:14
dotty4512012-04-06 17:13:06,511 ERROR Cannot connect to machine MTMyNzM3MTAyOS40NzczODQ0MjAuNzMxMDk (perhaps still initializing): Invalid SSH key21:14
dotty451however, sshing manually with the key in .ssh/id_rsa works fine21:15
bkerensamarcoceppi: how is progress on contest review? :)23:39
marcoceppibkerensa: You guys didn't make it easy for us!23:48
marcoceppiLots of great submission23:48
bkerensamarcoceppi: :P so perhaps next week?23:49
marcoceppiOh, bug jcastro for a timeline23:49
bkerensamarcoceppi: I thought you were the boss not jcastro :)23:50
* bkerensa jokes23:50

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