
ScottyKthe low fat settings, if you enact them, can they later be "removed" or otherwise restore the system to the default?01:22
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ScottyKthe low fat settings, if you enact them, can they later be "removed" or otherwise restore the system to the default?02:33
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Agent_bobi kde alive and well in ubuntu ?      i haven't been around for several years now03:34
sizzkde is better than ever03:37
sizzkubuntu largely leaves things to you to setup how you like03:37
sizzkmail and amarok are still not so great03:38
sizzbut most of the other kde apps are excellent03:39
h4ckm3hey I like amarok..03:40
sizzother than that, since around 4.6 kde has been quite stable, and the performance has improved a lot recently too03:40
h4ckm3Kubuntu is awesome03:40
sizzi prefer clementine for music03:41
sizzamarok isn't too bad03:41
Agent_bobi haven't seen anyone asking for help in here.    is this normal now?      time was that the questions rolled constantly in #kubuntu    i used to "try" to help in here.   but being a non-conformest and cli user  there was only so much i could actually help with04:20
Agent_bobheh.  if anyone wanted to setup a partitionless hd i could walk them through that without a problem    '/04:22
Agent_bobsizz   i generally use sox for audio files04:23
sizzi bet you watch video in the terminal with mplayer too ;_)04:25
Agent_bobdon't get me wrong, mplayer works ok.   it's just too popular04:26
Agent_bobborring     </yawns>04:50
DaskreechAgent_bob: Too popular?05:05
Agent_bobdaskreech    heh.  yeah05:19
Agent_boblong time no speek daskreech05:19
Agent_boberrr   type ;/05:19
Agent_bobhow are you ?05:20
* Agent_bob long time no C++05:21
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:28
Agent_bobubottu ubottu ubottu05:29
DaskreechAgent_bob: I'm fine :)05:29
Agent_bobfine as frog hair split four ways05:29
Daskreech1.8 times that fine05:30
Daskreechhow are you?05:31
Agent_bobi haven't been around.   this channel kinda died    sorta    and #ubuntu is about the same.    what happened?    did the fanfair ware off.05:32
Agent_bobi'm ok.   i got married again, been busy05:32
DaskreechAgent_bob: It's a support channel05:32
Daskreechthings started working05:32
Agent_boboh   hehhe05:32
DaskreechI want cake!05:32
Agent_bobi see05:32
Agent_bobok  but it's three years old now.05:32
Agent_bobplenty of plus plus       trust me.05:33
DaskreechYeah apparently It's a thing for married type people to freeze the cake and have a slice on the first, fifth tenth and fifteenth anniversary05:33
* Agent_bob shutters05:34
Agent_bobfifteen year old cake     ;/    ;S     </gag>05:34
Agent_bobno thanks05:35
DaskreechMost people don't get to the ten05:36
DaskreechDepending on how good the cake is that can be the tenth day >_>05:36
Agent_bobheh  yeah i know.   sad isn't it.    for ever sure isn't long any more05:37
Agent_bobfirst round was 7 years for me.     then went 15 single    finally desided i'd try it one more time.....05:38
Daskreechhoorah Commitment05:38
Agent_bobyeah "for ever" or until one of us says "uncle"    hehe05:39
Daskreechas a side note before this conversation ends I have a friend who went on two dates before being engaged05:39
DaskreechAgent_bob: So what morbid pleasure brings you back to the Khannel of the Dead?05:41
Agent_bobdaskreech  heh    just being morbid at work.    "which explains the long responce times"05:52
Daskreech:-) Am I disturbing?05:55
Agent_bobnot at all....          i changed professions also,   mechanical technition </anticipating>05:55
Agent_bobbeets working for the wrong side...    and when there is no right side...    well you know.l05:56
=== etienne is now known as Ipslore
DaskreechTechnician ?06:08
Agent_bobdaskreech   yes06:21
DaskreechWhat kind of Mechanics?06:23
Agent_bob30ton  to  104 ton   equipment06:24
Agent_bobdeisel electric + hyrdolic06:25
Daskreechneat :)06:25
Agent_bobfar cry from information gathering,  but pays about as good,  if you consider that the only thing likely to try to kill you is something falling off of a lift  ;/06:28
abehi all. I am wondering if the function Dolphin->right click a file->Send via Bluetooth is working or not06:29
phaniHi can someone help with an encrypted hard drive.. I am using lucid 10.04 version .. I have connected external encrypted lucid hard drive on another lucid laptop but I am unable to mount it .. when I try to mount it I get error as :  mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt  mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'06:29
Agent_bobat any rate,  i'm about to finish up here.   so maybe i'll C++ you again some time soon.06:29
Agent_bob@ Daskreech    ^06:29
phaniif I try to mount it via GUI it says :  Not a mountable file system06:30
DaskreechAgent_bob: Alright See you agian06:34
DaskreechI hope06:34
Ipslorephani > maybe you could check ecryptfs-utils package is installed on your system06:34
Daskreechabe: should be if you have bluedevil06:35
Daskreechphani: did you mount it as acrypted partition?06:35
Daskreechwith the password?06:35
phaniipslore: yes its installed dpkg -l | grep ecryptfs-utils06:35
phaniii  ecryptfs-utils                                    83-0ubuntu3.                           ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (utilities06:35
Daskreech!Info bluedevil06:36
phaniDaskreech: not sure ow to mount as acryppted partition ? any hints06:36
abeDaskreech: thx. mind if I ask for a favor to test it for me pls :)  The reason I asked is that I remember seeing that option in KDE on my other kubuntu latop but without bluetooth. and my current machine with bluetooth isn't runnign kubuntu, and that function isn't working06:37
phaniwhen I connect the encrypted hard drive it asks for a password and I give it and its says its a not a mountable file system... if I do mount manually it saus unknown file system type crypto_LUKS error06:38
Daskreechabe: I don't have bluetooth on this computer06:39
abeah... that's ok :-)06:39
Daskreechphani: ^^^06:40
phaniDaskreech/Ipslore :  when I go to /dev/mapper  I can see my encrypted hard drive like tis :  udisks-luks-uuid-f4d08c59-6405-478c-b847-897519307d58-uid9405606:40
phanilooking into the link06:40
Ipslorephani > well when I use a crypted volume, I always mount smthing from /dev/mapper06:41
IpsloreDoes anyone know if the 4.8.2 packages will be available for kubuntu 11.10 ?06:43
abecan any kind kubuntu-er with bluetooth pls test for me if in Dolphin, right click a file->send via Bluetooth is working or not?06:44
phaniipslore/Daskreech :   when I scan for volumegroup it shows as: sudo vgscan --mknodes06:44
phani  Reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...06:44
phani  Found duplicate PV 6PKs2wU8dj19oHO05ID0AcBI7lxMu5Sr: using /dev/mapper/crypt1 not /dev/mapper/udisks-luks-uuid-f4d08c59-6405-478c-b847-897519307d58-uid9405606:44
phani  Found volume group "sysvg" using metadata type lvm206:44
phani  Found volume group "sysvg" using metadata type lvm206:44
FloodBotK1phani: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:44
=== bryan is now known as Guest1513
phaniDaskreech: when I try to follow the doc you have given it gives an error like tis: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'06:47
phanialso this if I mount via GUI : unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'06:48
Daskreechphani: you can ignore the lvm section if you don't have LVM07:09
DaskreechIpslore: They will be available07:09
phanibut I am unable to mount it in anyway.... either in GUI or via CLI07:09
IpsloreDaskreech: thx07:10
Daskreechphani: what happened once it asked for your password?07:10
phaniHere is what and how I am doing... Connecting the hard drive and it shows under computer -> Click on it -> Asks for password ->Enter ->Error is : Not a mountable file system07:12
Daskreechphani: you said you mounted it manually how were you doing that?07:13
phanivia CLI :  cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc5 crypt1 -> keyslot unlocked07:15
phanicheck /dev/mapper and I see crypt1 there07:15
Daskreechphani: Right then ?07:15
phanimount /dev/mapper/crypt1   /mnt/backup   error :  unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'  or crytpo_LUKS error07:17
Daskreechphani: do you have that partition on LVM ?07:18
phanihow to find that ?07:18
phaniusing Gparted can I ?07:18
Daskreechtry pvscan07:19
phaniif I use gparted and select drive    /dev/sdc5   says file system :  crypt-luks07:19
phanitrying pcvscan07:19
Daskreechsudo pvscan07:21
Daskreechnothing ?07:26
phaniright now its not showing anything when i try to run the command cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc5 crypt1   says crypt1 already exists07:27
phanibut I can't find it /dev/napper07:27
phaninot sure what happened suddenly..07:27
phanieven pvscan or lvdisplay shows only original harddrive but nt the external one connected07:28
phanii can see that by running sudo fdisk -l07:28
phanii think i need to reboot my machine and connect back bt how can i contact you again ?  :(07:29
Daskreechphani: log back in here?07:29
phaniok let me reboot and connect back in 2 min07:30
phoenix_firebrdkmix crashes for every song change07:34
phani2Daskreech: I'm back...07:35
Daskreechphani2: twice as good as before07:35
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: :-o07:35
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: :)07:35
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: I presume you are all up2date ?07:38
phani2Daskreech :  Here is via CLI :  cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 encrypted -> Enter passphrase for /dev/sdb5 -> Key slot 1 unlocked.07:39
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: using kde 4.8.1 on kubuntu 12.04 beta 2, but i had the problem also in kubuntu 11.10 kde 4.8.107:39
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: what soundcard?07:40
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: creative sound blaster live 24 bit07:40
Daskreechphani2: sudo fdisk -l /dev/mapper/encrypted07:40
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: oh >_>07:40
phani2Daskreech: Please see this :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/917107/07:42
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: any solution?07:42
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: I'm not sure. The Creative Labs guys are being a bit difficult so not sure what the approach should be07:44
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: is it a driver issue?07:44
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: That would be my first guess but I don't know enough to go either way07:45
DaskreechI suppose getting the traceback for the crash is the best way to go07:45
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: i have the crash report, can you take a look?07:46
phani2Daskreech :   pv display shows  as :   http://paste.ubuntu.com/917111/07:47
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: pastebin it07:47
Daskreechphani2: sudo vgscan07:48
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: http://paste.kde.org/452594/07:48
phani2Daskreech:  here it is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/917113/07:49
Daskreechphani2: sudo lvscan07:50
phani2Daskreech:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/917116/07:51
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: looks good. Can you put that in a bug report?07:51
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: sure07:52
Daskreechphani2: do you have a /dev/sysvg/root file ?07:52
phani2in /dev/mapper  :  yes but if I mount that to /mnt  it shows the local hard drive info and not the external hard drive...07:52
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: Ok looks to be some listen event in Qwatcher crashing from Pulseaudio07:53
georgelappieshi all, just updated to latest updates in precise and now I cannot log in07:53
Daskreechgeorgelappies: join #ubuntu+107:53
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: line number please07:54
Daskreechphani2: you don't have a /dev/sysvg directory ?07:54
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: hmm? no use the entire thing when you are posting the bug07:54
phani2I do have and in that I can root and swap which in turn is a symlink points to /dev/mapper07:54
Daskreechphani2: which if you mount to /mnt/backup is not the encrypted drive ?07:55
Daskreechit seems that should be the external drive from the sequence you posted07:56
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: There are some missing debugging symbols, i will install it and do a new backtrace  and i will get back to you07:56
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: Thanks it was a little sparse :)07:57
phani2Daskreech :  Nope . It shows the laptop's hard drive data and not the encrypted hard drive info which I want07:57
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: :)07:57
Daskreechphani2: How big is the laptop hard drive?07:59
phani2I have 2 harddrives of 160GB each... encrypted 160 and laptop's 160GB08:00
DaskreechThat's not helpful :)08:00
phani2you mean the size of the hard drive ?08:01
phani2I am using IBM T400 laptop08:01
DaskreechYeah umm let me wee08:01
Daskreechphani2: pastebin sudo fdisk -l08:04
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phani2Daskreech :  here it is :   http://paste.ubuntu.com/917130/08:05
DaskreechAre they clones of each other?08:08
phani2Daskreech : nope08:08
Daskreechphani2: hmm ok08:10
phani2any other hints ?08:13
phani2Daskreech :   If I do like this :  mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt/backup/   : mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'08:14
DaskreechCrypto_LUKS means it need to be opened with luksOpen You did that laready08:19
phani2Daskreech: ok08:22
phani2Daskreech :  so any more suggestions that's left for us to troubleshoot ;)08:29
Daskreechtry removing the crpty paition and seei f /dev/sysau\nmus gyestikd08:33
abeconfirmed with another kubuntu (kde 4.8.1) user of not working Dolphin -> right click a file -> Send via Bluetooth. Anyone got it to work on their system?08:50
lordievaderabe, I don't use bluetooth myself, byt perhaps the terminal can tell you of some errors, just launch dolphin through a terminal and do it again.08:51
abelordievader: unfortunately nothing :(  Actually I'm currently on a gentoo system and is not working also. I am just wondering if it's the same for kubuntu also (but my kubuntu old laptop doesn't have bt)08:53
lordievaderabe, I'm sorry I can't be of further help, as I said I don't use bluetooth, perhaps some one else here knows something else you can try the forums: ubuntuforums.org08:56
abethanks lordievader:-)08:56
abeI'll hang around to see if any kind kubuntu-er with bluetooth can try for me (right click file in dolphin -> Send via bluetooth)08:57
Ipsloreabe: I'm trying to send an mp4 file to my android phone via bt09:06
Ipslore(kubuntu 11.10)09:06
Ipsloreit seems to work, but transfert is very slow09:06
abeah cool!09:08
abemine just got stuck at "transfering" always 0%09:08
abeIpslore: did it finish eventually?09:09
Ipslorewell not realy better here09:09
Ipslorestuck after 83.6 kio transfered09:10
IpsloreI have to cancel the transfert09:10
abewell... at least it's better than 0% :)09:11
Ipsloreyup, but still unsable ;)09:11
abeIpslore: I was trying to use "bluedevil-sendfile -u <device_address> -f <path_to_file>" also, but it segfault straight away09:12
abeI wonder if that works for you :)09:13
abebecause at least you got some progress09:13
Ipsloreabe: same as you : segfault09:14
abehmm... thought you would have gone further!09:16
abeIpslore: thanks for the info :)09:17
Ipsloreyou're welcome. GL for that issue.09:20
sebastian_hi. looks like I have a clash between the nouveau driver and nvidia official driver here on a default installation10:04
lordievadersebastian_, that could be, what kind of error or behaviour do you see?10:05
sebastian_nouveau and nvidia-common are installes and glxinfo says Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".10:05
sebastian_I've asked in freenode #nouveau and they say it may be a clash10:06
sebastian_nvidia-common and nvidia-current are installed10:07
lordievadercould very well be, do you like experimenting with video drivers? you could try to remove one and see if it fixes the clash, but you might endup with a box not willing to boot X10:07
sebastian_that's a fresh installation without any needed data10:08
lordievaderthat is not what I am saying, what I mean is remove either nouveau or the nvidia driver, reboot and see if it fixes anything. but as I said you might end up without a gui10:09
sebastian_if I end up without X, can you give me some hints to revover?10:10
lordievaderthat's the tricky part, do you have a secondary pc? from there you can lookup the command to reinstall a driver10:10
sebastian_I have, yes10:11
lordievadera good first question do you need the GLX extension?10:11
sebastian_I've a resonable 2d acceleration here10:12
lordievaderbecause if you do not really need it, why bother going through the trouble of fixing it?10:13
sebastian_but: "<mupuf> shouldn't hurt"10:13
sebastian_maybe I'm not the only one with that problem10:13
TheHammerk this is the secondary pc10:16
sebastian_I'll try to install nvidia10:16
sebastian_I'll try to uninstall nvidia10:16
lordievaderI'd say remove the nouveau10:16
lordievaderand then run, how was it called?, nvidia-config?10:17
lordievaderSomething along those lines, let me look it up.10:17
lordievaderYea that is probably it, but TheHammer and sebastian_ are the same right?10:18
sebastian_what is that dpkg command called? dpkg --purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau ?10:20
lordievaderYou can just use apt-get, sudo apt-get remove nouveau*10:20
sebastian_k let's try10:21
sebastian_fyi this just removed the metapackage xserver-xorg-video-all10:24
lordievaderHuh, it is supposed to remove more... else open muon and look for nouveau and remove all the packages with nouveau in the title10:25
sebastian_ok, if I want to uninstall nouveau*, it wants to remove everything10:26
lordievadereverytjomg related to nouveau?10:27
sebastian_including kde, alsa, kernel 3.2, X10:27
lordievader yea that is probably not good...10:27
sebastian_network-manager, ubuntu-minimal10:28
lordievaderremove the nouveau packages through muon else10:28
sebastian_let's say I can't uninstall libdrm-nouveau1a10:31
sebastian_without breaking some dependencies10:31
lordievadernah leave it, probably wont do that much bad things10:31
sebastian_that's just the Userspace interface10:31
sebastian_k I'll restart, because you folks removed the ctrl+alt+backspace command :)10:32
lordievaderit annoys me too...10:33
TheHammerI'm stll here ...10:33
TheHammerX is up10:34
lordievaderThat nice10:34
TheHammerbut glx is still missing, should I try to execute nvidia-xconfig or reconfigure xserver-xorg10:36
lordievadernvidia-xconfig does exactly that10:37
arshinatorcan anyone tell me how to make grub automatically load the kernel while booting10:38
TheHammerlordievader, ty10:38
lordievaderarshinator, he doesnt? did you edit grub?10:39
lordievaderTheHammer, no problem, GLX is now loading?10:39
TheHammerlordievader, none moment10:39
TheHammerlordievader, one moment10:39
arshinatorlordievader: no i lost grub after installing windows...restored it through the live cd...but nw i have to manually load the linux kernel whenever i start the system10:40
lordievaderlet grub reconfigure10:40
lordievaderarshinator, sudo update-grub10:41
arshinatoreverytime i start the system i get the grub prompt and from there i have to load the kernel..i want it to give me options between windows and kubuntu when i start10:41
TheHammerlordievader, glx is still missing, the display resolutio is not 640x480 or so10:41
TheHammerlordievader, glx is still missing, the display resolutio is now 640x480 or so10:41
arshinatorlordievader, i did that but no use10:41
lordievaderTheHammer, hmm that aint good, can you configure it using nvidia-settings?10:42
lordievaderarshinator, phew grub2 is quite different, anyhow what does the file /etc/default/grub say?10:44
TheHammerlordievader, nvidia-settings says nvidia driver isn't loaded, but the xorg.conf says it is. I think this is the cause of the bad resolution.10:44
arshinatorlordievader, u want me to paste the contents of the file?10:45
lordievaderthat is probable, try reinstalling the driver, i.e. download it from nvidia using wget and running the installer10:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:45
lordievaderHmm well it is different from mine, on one thing, in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT I got the same thing except without the 510:47
lordievaderarshinator, in grub you do have entries for your install?10:49
arshinatorlordievader, i guess this file is fine....but i still can't get grub to automatically load the kernel10:49
TheHammerlordievader, nvidia driver don't like a running x server. an idea how to disable it except sudo echo  "foo" >> xorg.conf10:50
lordievaderTheHammer, hit ctrl + alt+ f110:51
arshinatorlordievader, no all i get at the startup is the grub prompt..and then from there i have to set root....load insid and kernel image and then manually boot it10:51
lordievaderassuming you run kde, type sudo service kdm stop10:51
lordievaderarshinator, well there you have the reason for it not booting10:51
arshinatorlordievader, i dont get it?10:52
lordievaderif grub doesn't have any entries how is he supposed to know what to boot?10:52
arshinatorlordievader, could u pls tell me how can i fix it?10:53
lordievaderhere someone says that the command sudo update-grub did fix it, what output do you get from it?10:54
arshinatorit did not10:54
lordievaderarshinator, but what output does it give?10:54
arshinatorit does not give any error....it upadtes it http://paste.kde.org/452750/10:56
TheHammerlordievader, that's an evil trap: if you make a mistake in your xorg.conf, X doesn't start and you don't get a console either10:57
lordievaderTheHammer, the whole nvidia-xconfig thing?10:57
lordievaderI believe my nvidia card did work with it tough :P10:57
TheHammer ctrl + alt+ f1 didn't work, becase it recognized the running x10:58
TheHammerso I prepended foo to the xorg.conf10:58
TheHammerand restarted10:58
lordievaderyeah then you'll get a promt10:59
TheHammerno promt, just a black screen10:59
lordievaderTheHammer, wait so now you are stuck with a black screen?10:59
TheHammersshd is not installed11:00
lordievaderarshinator, this command didn't work? it does show it found an linux kernel11:00
lordievaderand the ctrl+alt+fXX didn't work?11:00
TheHammerlordievader, nope11:00
arshinatorlordievader, no this did not do anything...i also did a grub reinstall and the grub-update...even that didn't work11:01
lordievaderTheHammer, reboot and use the recovery mode, from there you can drop to a root shell, make sure to mount the drives first11:01
lordievaderarshinator, you are on the actual install right, not the live cd?11:03
TheHammerok esc got me to a shell11:03
lordievaderrun this : sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sdX; sudo update-grub  (replacing the X with your harddrive with ubuntu on it)11:03
TheHammerlordievader, I've removed the xorg.conf and will now install nouveau and remove nvidia11:05
lordievaderyeah if that works, go for it!11:05
TheHammeryep opengl is working11:10
lordievaderOh ok, nice :)11:10
sebastian__lordievader: to summary: there is a clash in the _default_ installation and uninstalling the nvidia driver worked11:18
lordievadersebastian__, yes that would be a good summary, another would be that video drivers are a pain in the ass11:19
TheHammerthey are - indeed11:20
=== david is now known as Guest84416
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: are you there?12:21
georgelappieshi all, anybody else unable to login to KDE after the lastest updates from a few hours ago?12:32
lordievadergeorgelappies, I am updating right now, so we'll see12:33
lordievaderO hey it is done, lets reboot and see.12:33
georgelappiesme holds thumbs for lordievader!12:34
lordievaderI can still login like normal.12:42
lordievaderAnd I am running 4.8.212:42
merlin1991so I want to move partitions around a lil, I've got 2 partitions on sda (1 and 5) and would like to move sda5 to sdb which is a completely new ssd13:42
merlin1991now I need a proper way to move the partition there and update grub on the way to look for its modules in the new place13:43
kyothere anybody here?14:01
kyothere anybody here?14:01
phoenix_firebrdkyo: hi14:01
kyohi phoenix14:02
kyono activity?14:03
phoenix_firebrdkyo: ya14:03
kyodo you speak english? spanish?14:03
phoenix_firebrdkyo:  english14:04
kyohow are you?14:04
phoenix_firebrdkyo: i am fine, thank you14:05
kyodo not speak much truth?14:06
phoenix_firebrdkyo: i speak a lot14:07
phoenix_firebrdkyo: what?14:08
kyobecause do you not write more?14:09
phoenix_firebrdkyo: we are not suppose to talk any other thing except the OS related issues14:09
phoenix_firebrdin this channel14:10
merlin1991so how do I tell grub to use another partition for its modules and everything?14:10
kyoi don't know14:12
naftilos76Did you hear what's comming? Aliens are comming but only for one reason to fix the god dam kmail2 and get the hell out....14:56
naftilos76they are on CNN! tune in....14:57
naftilos76yes yes it's fixed! it's fixed...15:00
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BluesKajhiyas all15:35
DaskreechHi BluesKaj15:37
BluesKajhi Daskreech , finally got kmail working with gmail -imap , now I just have to figure out what my ISP email server uses ..probly imap as well , since it's been contracted to a webmail server15:43
DaskreechBluesKaj: so you become a ISP's support nightnamre15:45
DaskreechWhat do you mean you aren't using Outlook?15:47
BluesKajDaskreech, well, it was mainly a challenge for me to get kmail/akonadi working ...I suspect i won't need to use kmail much15:47
DaskreechBluesKaj: you don't get a lot of mail?15:50
BluesKajoh I do Daskreech , but it's all on webmail ...no more pop servers15:52
Waaniahh I started using Kmail for the same reasons and now i dont use webmail much...15:54
DaskreechBluesKaj: ^^^ this15:54
DaskreechGmail does have some things like archiving that are more useful through the web interface but kmail does pretty well15:55
BluesKajfrankly the kmail email interface isn't my style , if prefer a simpler look15:57
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DaskreechBluesKaj: like just a listing of the headers and body?16:00
BluesKajDaskreech, yes16:01
Waanitrue tht kmail isnt user attractive the first times... i have to admit that the fist time i used it i endedup removing it. But once passed the first step its quite userfriendly16:02
Waanibut gmail too :p the main difference is not to open your browser to check mails16:03
Waanii think16:03
BluesKajmy browser is always open16:06
BluesKajneeded to do a totally clean install to rid my system of corrupted config files , mostly with akonadi and nepomuk...all seems quite stable atm on 12.04/kde 4.8.216:08
ybiti didn't realize this was possible16:08
ybitguess that's another custom kde distro to work on16:09
DaskreechMy main thing is that Gmail uses up like 200 MB of memory and opens slower than kmail16:10
BluesKajyeah google loads a lot of stuff these days .16:11
Waanioh and is there some function to crypt messages on google ? KMail with kleopatra does is pretty instantaneously <-- sorry if i got the wrong word16:15
Waaniencrypt or crypt? or my english got so bad that am making up words?16:16
BluesKajWaani, it's ok we get the message/meaning :)16:17
Waanioks :)16:18
BluesKajI use encyption for my passwords textfile ..not a fan of kwalletmanager16:21
DaskreechWaani: Either works16:21
DaskreechWaani: But encrypt is more straightforward16:21
WaaniDarkreech : oks thanks :)16:27
WaaniBluesKaj : you put all your passwords in encrypted textfiles ? You get everything to work well with it? I always thought Kwalman was the only thing working well with kde apps.... interresting16:27
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saviohey when i click on sleep my system gets screen lock18:36
saviomy sleep option is not working18:36
saviomy kernel is 3.2.618:36
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Guest5653have my font18:39
ArchangelSe7ensavio, sudo pm-suspend18:39
ArchangelSe7entry that in your terminal18:39
Guest5653alguien en espa?ol18:39
savioit's says command not found ArchangelSe7en18:40
ArchangelSe7ensavio, type "pm-" and hit <tab> twice18:41
saviono use18:41
ArchangelSe7enno .. but what does it say18:42
Guest5653alguien a tenido problema instalando font en fluxbox18:42
savioArchangelSe7en: command not found18:42
ArchangelSe7enerr ..18:42
ArchangelSe7endont hit enter18:42
ArchangelSe7enjust hit tab twice18:43
saviowhen i issue tab noting happens18:43
ArchangelSe7enhm ..18:43
ArchangelSe7enwhich distro ?18:43
savioubuntu 10.0418:43
saviowith kernel 3.2.618:43
savioany help?18:48
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:57
DaskreechGuest5653: Por favor vea el anterior18:58
Daskreech!info pm-suspend18:58
ubottuPackage pm-suspend does not exist in oneiric18:58
Daskreech!find pm-suspend18:58
ubottuFile pm-suspend found in gnome-icon-theme-gartoon-redux, kubuntu-docs, linux-doc, pm-utils, xfce4-power-manager-data, xubuntu-docs18:58
Daskreech!info pm-utils18:58
ubottupm-utils (source: pm-utils): utilities and scripts for power management. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.1-8ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 56 kB, installed size 508 kB18:59
Daskreechsavio: do you have pm-utils installed?18:59
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AlfE_remmina is quite unstable under kubuntu 12.04 beta 219:31
badgoathi every body19:45
badgoatthere are a new web site if you need a nice dual boot ! http://www.linux2deal.byethost4.com19:45
szal!12.04 | AlfE_19:49
ubottuAlfE_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:49
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aguitelhow upgrade kubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 ?20:53
avihay!12.04| aguitel20:56
ubottuaguitel: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:56
avihayit's released in the end of the month, I think20:56
avihaywill be*20:57
BarkingFishevening all. I have a prog installed here which is trying to output sound via /dev/dsp - that's wrong as far as I can tell, but what is the kde / kubuntu equivalent of the device where sound goes?20:58
BarkingFish/dev/dsp as far as I can remember was for OSS20:58
avihayBarkingFish: AFAIK, kubuntu uses pulse-audio which manapolizes the sound card. you might want to try looking at !alsa-oss21:04
BarkingFishi don't use pulseaudio, avihay - it breaks my system.21:05
BarkingFishi'll look for alsa-oss instead21:05
avihayor padsp21:05
BarkingFish!info alsaoss precise21:05
ubottuPackage alsaoss does not exist in precise21:05
avihayfor pulse21:05
avihaywith the dash21:05
BarkingFish!info alsa-oss precise21:06
ubottualsa-oss (source: alsa-oss): ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.25-1 (precise), package size 31 kB, installed size 121 kB (Only available for linux-any)21:06
BarkingFishthat should do it21:06
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BarkingFishHi Caitlin889955 :)22:09
BarkingFishAnything we can do to help you?22:10
Caitlin889955Not at this moment. thank you!22:10
Caitlin889955trying to read doc first :)22:10
Caitlin889955But my prob is wine cant run curse client for wow22:11
Caitlin889955.net 3.5 and ie6 for 64bit in presice 12.0422:11
BarkingFishCaitlin889955, right - I can stop you there - you're in the wrong channel :)22:11
Caitlin889955kind of a pain if you ask me. I do however really enjoy the new wine 1.5.1 Correct i am!22:12
BarkingFishAnything which you may need help with for Precise 12.04 (until its official release) is in #ubuntu+122:12
Caitlin889955:)Ty Barkingfish22:12
BarkingFishif you poke your head in there, someone will gladly assist you - remember Precise is still in beta, so things may not work the way you expect! I'm finding that out myself, having upgraded to 12.04 this morning :D22:13
Caitlin889955Have you tried presice yet? It is fantadtic! It's a shame they are scraping it after lts22:13
Caitlin889955Oh cool!22:13
BarkingFishWhat do you mean they're "scrapping" it?22:13
Caitlin889955After 12.04 concial is no longer goign to support kde (j riddle) says he will still try to help after its release and ending support term22:14
Caitlin889955People are saying kubuntu is Dead yeah right...22:15
Caitlin889955But yeah after the LTS its done and gone.22:15
Caitlin889955Thank you for the info BarkingFish22:16
BarkingFishyou're welcome22:16
JMichaelXyou are thinking that after 12.04, kubuntu is dead and gone?22:19
BarkingFishThis is what I understood, JMichaelX - That's why I just checked with Jon in the devel channel...22:19
BarkingFishI wish people would get their facts straight before feeding them into a public channel :/22:20
JMichaelXBarkingFish: and that is how he responded?22:20
BarkingFishThe only thing Canonical are stopping is Commercial support22:20
JMichaelXBarkingFish: yea, that is what my understanding had been22:21
BarkingFishThey're not selling anymore tech support contracts after 12.0422:21
JMichaelXyea... i don't think that non-commercial users are going to notice any huge difference22:21
BarkingFishJMichaelX, well having only come to 12.04 about 23 hours ago, i'm kinda catching up on stuff22:21
JMichaelXBarkingFish: i have not installed 12.04 on anything yet22:22
BarkingFishAh, I added one of precise's pools onto apper, and ran an apt-get dist-upgrade about midnight 30 this morning :)22:22
BarkingFishnice, couple of things went wrong but they're now fixed, so all's good at the moment22:23
JMichaelXthe last several rounds, i have waited until 2 or 3 days before final release to upgrade a few machines, then waited until a few weeks later to upgrade the others22:24
BarkingFishwell we're only ±3 weeks away from 0-hour, so I thought I'd give it a shot, wait until some of the bugs in earlier beta had been ironed out, and try it22:25
BarkingFishGlad I did so far, it's pretty dang good22:25
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Daskreechhi christ_23:09
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